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1-150 A151-300  A301-337 





Context of query
o0202001.174c 1428/9 febbraio 14 Acceptance of a larger shipment of broad bricks than agreed upon and cancellation of the advance received. Text: dicta conducta a prefata Opera non schomputetur,
o0202001.037va 1426 agosto 3 Acceptance of division of work between litigating masters. Text: deliberatione et divisione prefata et eius continentia
o0202001.148vb 1431 settembre 25 Acceptance of the petition presented on account of some debtors for a large sum, which was unknown to the Opera, allowing for payment in annual installments. Text: quo declarata fuerit prefata quantitas debita dicte
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: maxime actento quod prefata legata sunt exceptuata
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: pactis dicti Communis prefata legata sunt exceptuata,
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: fuerunt in Opera prefata et in loco
o0202001.130a 1430 settembre 15 Advance on the wages of a stonecutter given to his mother. Text: in casu quo prefata domina Mea promictat
o0202001.086vi 1428 luglio 5 Agreements for the resolution of a lumber supply interrupted because of the war with partition between the suppliers and the Opera of the damages suffered because of the abandonment of cut lumber Text: fradicio et corrupto, prefata Opera de lignamine
o0202001.086vi 1428 luglio 5 Agreements for the resolution of a lumber supply interrupted because of the war with partition between the suppliers and the Opera of the damages suffered because of the abandonment of cut lumber Text: in locis in prefata eorum locatione contentas,
o0202001.088vg 1428 agosto 5 Annulment of salary allowance of the treasurer of the forced loans. Text: et considerantes quod prefata electio fuit eidem
o0202001.088vg 1428 agosto 5 Annulment of salary allowance of the treasurer of the forced loans. Text: habere teneatur a prefata Opera salarium pro
o0202001.088vg 1428 agosto 5 Annulment of salary allowance of the treasurer of the forced loans. Text: non obstante eius prefata electione in contrarium
o0202001.087vf 1428 luglio 14 Appraisal of rope lent to Brunelleschi. Text: Brunelleschi habuit a prefata Opera in comodatum
o0202001.080i 1427/8 marzo 23 Approval of guaranty for advance on supply of broad bricks. Text: libris ducentis quas prefata Opera sibi mutuat
o0202001.173va 1428 luglio 15 Approval of resolution for the construction of a tomb monument in a new chapel to be dedicated to Saint Zenobius. Text: prefati deputetur per prefata offitia prefato Sancto
o0202001.173va 1428 luglio 15 Approval of resolution for the construction of a tomb monument in a new chapel to be dedicated to Saint Zenobius. Text: potestatem quam habent prefata offitia tam insimul
o0202001.122vh 1429/30 febbraio 19 Arrest for debt. Text: quod habet cum prefata Opera et non
o0202001.150c 1431 ottobre 26 Assignment of a house to a canon and of part of his previous house to the baptizer at San Giovanni. Text: presens tenet a prefata Opera, et si
o0202001.124ve 1430 marzo 30 Attestation of the notary of the Opera in favor of the abbess of Vada who has received nothing for the relics recovered at the castle of Vada. Text: reddat testimonium quatenus prefata abatissa nichil percepit
o0202001.048vb 1426 dicembre 30 Attribution to the sacristy of all the oblations made to the church, to be spent according to the indications of the sacristy officials. Text: et considerantes quod prefata Opera accipit dictas
o0202001.200vb 1433 giugno 15 Audit of account for balance of supply of blocks and arrangements for the final consignments. Text: quam habent cum prefata Opera; qua revisa,
o0201086.014d 1425 aprile 26 Authority to administrator, master builder and scribe to hire unskilled workers and set their salary. Text: presenti extate Opera prefata indigeret et in
o0202001.041h 1426 settembre 24 Authority to Brunelleschi and the (administrator) to lease the Trassinaia quarry. Text: magistris quibus Opera prefata indigeret ad laborandum
o0202001.122g 1429/30 febbraio 10 Authority to the administrator for confirm the rental of a house. Text: ad pensionem a prefata Opera pro tempore
o0201086.016vb 1425 maggio 16 Authority to the administrator to audit the accounts between two kilnmen partners. Text: habuit ab Opera prefata in pluribus partitis
o0202001.024vd 1425/6 marzo 18 Authority to the administrator to contract out 150 bushels of quarry mortar. Text: quoquo modo, et prefata Opera teneatur et
o0202001.024vd 1425/6 marzo 18 Authority to the administrator to contract out 150 bushels of quarry mortar. Text: modios chalcis predicte prefata Opera eorum expensis
o0202001.019va 1425 dicembre 24 Authority to the administrator to have a hundred small arches and a hundred little vaults made. Text: fieri facere pro prefata Opera centum archettos
o0202001.011h 1425 ottobre 12 Authority to the administrator to rent out a shop. Text: magister tenet a prefata Opera pro illa
o0202001.011h 1425 ottobre 12 Authority to the administrator to rent out a shop. Text: provisori, faciendo de prefata locatione instrumentum publicum
o0202001.030ve 1426 aprile 30 Authority to the master builder for agreement and relative compensation for the contractor of oxen for hoisting loads up onto the cupola. Text: die quo in prefata Opera laborabit seu
o0201086.008d 1425 marzo 26 Authority to the master builder to contract out kiln loads of mortar. Text: illam chalcem qua prefata Opera indigeret, et
o0201086.008d 1425 marzo 26 Authority to the master builder to contract out kiln loads of mortar. Text: suis expensis in prefata Opera pro tempore
o0202001.192c 1432 dicembre 9 Authority to the supervisors overseeing the tomb monument of Saint Zenobius to collect debts inscribed in the official register. Text: deputatis ad faciendum prefata laboreria per eorum
o0202001.174vc 1428/9 febbraio 25 Authority to the wardens of make repairs to the houses of the canons and chaplains. Text: talem qualem habent prefata offitia in actari
o0202001.137vb 1430/1 febbraio 16 Authority to the wardens to nominate two stonecutters each. Text: laborandum in Opera prefata pro salario alias
o0202001.172a 1427 aprile 11 Authority to the wardens to sell the kiln in via Ghibellina. Text: potestatem quam habent prefata duo offitia vendendi
o0202001.216b 1434 maggio 4 Authority to two wardens for the reconstruction of the castle of Nicola in accordance with the provision of the Commune. Text: Niccole, deliberaverunt quod prefata provisio in qualibet
o0202001.155b 1431/2 febbraio 22 Authority to two wardens to negotiate the purchase of the shed and garden of the Tedaldi and to transfer the things of the Opera. Text: Ughonis et quod prefata Opera de anno
o0201086.008e 1425 marzo 26 Authority to warden to contract out a kiln load of mortar of quarry stones. Text: suis expensis in prefata Opera pro pretio
o0202001.170a 1425 luglio 6 Authorization for a secret allocation of payment to an informer. Text: fecerit in Opera prefata adminus usque in
o0202001.151vd 1431 novembre 28 Authorization for the collection of interest payments of the public debt. Text: de quibus Opera prefata est creditrix super
o0202001.045va 1426 novembre 6 Authorization to carpenter to work in the winter period with salary set. Text: possit laborare in prefata Opera ad rationem
o0202001.153g 1431/2 gennaio 29 Authorization to contract out broad bricks with agreement to accredit half of the amount to the account of another supplier. Text: pacto quod Opera prefata eidem dare teneatur
o0202001.077vf 1427/8 febbraio 9 Authorization to contract out white marble for external ribs of the cupola with advance on payment to be discounted with supply of broad bricks. Text: cum pacto quod prefata Opera teneatur et
o0202001.077vf 1427/8 febbraio 9 Authorization to contract out white marble for external ribs of the cupola with advance on payment to be discounted with supply of broad bricks. Text: et eo casu prefata Opera teneatur et
o0202001.155a 1431/2 febbraio 22 Authorization to convey mortar, with the agreement to discount from its price the credit of the Opera for the construction of the Sapienza. Text: pecunia quam Opera prefata tenetur habere a
o0202001.060vg 1427 maggio 28 Authorization to have a platform made in the choir for the cantors and registration of the days worked by the masters for the same. Text: prout laborarent in prefata Opera sine suo
o0202001.138vl 1430/1 marzo 14 Authorization to have mortar supplied. Text: Falli fornaciarium cum prefata Opera, ita quod
o0202001.129c 1430 settembre 6 Authorization to make a stone slab for an altar in the Trassinaia quarry. Text: lapidibus macigni quibus prefata Opera non indiget,
o0202001.046vf 1426 dicembre 5 Authorization to (master) to work less than full days in the Opera. Text: possit laborare in prefata Opera non obstante
o0202001.116c 1429 novembre 4 Authorization to pay master for work done at Malmantile, granting him the completion of the work. Text: sicut continetur in prefata locatione, ac etiam
o0202001.116c 1429 novembre 4 Authorization to pay master for work done at Malmantile, granting him the completion of the work. Text: laborerio; et examinata prefata petitione facta per
o0202001.144vd 1431 giugno 28 Authorization to pay per diem wage to the workforce of Castellina hindered by the war from fulfilling their contract. Text: quingentorum deliberatam per prefata consilia Populi et
o0202001.117vb 1429 novembre 18 Authorization to pay rope ordered from Pisa. Text: temporis erat in prefata civitate Pisarum ac
o0202001.131vc 1430 settembre 18 Authorization to pay the wages of the late administrator of the quarry to his widow. Text: et in quantum prefata domina Caterina prestet
o0202001.112d 1429 agosto 31 Authorization to pay to the administrator the amount remaining after payment of the masons of Lastra. Text: camerarii Opere Opera prefata est creditrix, et
o0202001.135c 1430/1 gennaio 3 Authorization to sell marble slabs for a tomb monument. Text: et cohadunati in prefata Opera in loco
o0202001.037d 1426 luglio 24 Authorization to the administrator and the master builder to sell marble of the Opera. Text: possint extrahere de prefata Opera nisi primo
o0202001.053vb 1426/7 marzo 6 Authorization to the administrator to contract out mortar for Malmantile and letter to the masters instructing them to continue to work. Text: fuerit utilius pro prefata Opera ad faciendum
o0202001.072e 1427 novembre 10 Authorization to the administrator to contract out mortar with concession of advance. Text: teneatur, et quod prefata Opera sibi mutuare
o0202001.023vb 1425/6 marzo 12 Authorization to the administrator to contract out supply of quarry stone mortar. Text: ad conducendum in prefata Opera omnibus sumptibus
o0202001.023vb 1425/6 marzo 12 Authorization to the administrator to contract out supply of quarry stone mortar. Text: quinquaginta modiis chalcis prefata Opera teneatur eidem
o0202001.091a 1428 agosto 31 Authorization to the administrator to rent out two shops. Text: ad pensionem a prefata Opera pro eo
o0202001.113vh 1429 ottobre 6 Authorization to the administrator to settle the account of the work at the castle of Malmantile according to the report of the arbitrators. Text: per eum a prefata Opera; et consideratis
o0202001.113vh 1429 ottobre 6 Authorization to the administrator to settle the account of the work at the castle of Malmantile according to the report of the arbitrators. Text: per dictum provisorem, prefata Opera secundum saldum
o0202001.003ve 1425 luglio 20 Authorization to the administrator to transfer a rent paid to the account of the person who received that payment for the Opera. Text: ad pensionem a prefata Opera, et ponere
o0202001.022b 1425/6 febbraio 14 Authorization to the master builder to break slabs for the external ribs of the cupola. Text: que sunt in prefata Opera, rumpere et
o0202001.039va 1426 agosto 19 Authorization to the treasurer to pay workers. Text: qui laboravit in prefata Opera ad tirandum
o0202001.081ve 1428 aprile 24 Authorization to work on Saturday. Text: Galli in Opera prefata laboretur prout laboratur
o0202001.146a 1431 luglio 13 Cancellation of debt for pardons of forced loans on account of prior payment. Text: pignus eidem ablatum prefata occaxione eidem restituatur.
o0202001.120f 1429/30 gennaio 4 Commission to a warden for the examination of the recompense of the administrator and the master builder for the measurement of the work at Lastra and Malmantile. Text: valde fuisse quod prefata deliberatio fuerit facta,
o0202001.120f 1429/30 gennaio 4 Commission to a warden for the examination of the recompense of the administrator and the master builder for the measurement of the work at Lastra and Malmantile. Text: computo Opere eleveretur prefata quantitas et poneretur
o0202001.120f 1429/30 gennaio 4 Commission to a warden for the examination of the recompense of the administrator and the master builder for the measurement of the work at Lastra and Malmantile. Text: provisoris, actento quod prefata Opera expendidit in
o0202001.120f 1429/30 gennaio 4 Commission to a warden for the examination of the recompense of the administrator and the master builder for the measurement of the work at Lastra and Malmantile. Text: bonum salarium a prefata Opera et quod
o0201086.011e 1425 aprile 14 Commission to Ciuffagni of make a marble figure. Text: et quod Opera prefata teneatur eidem sottigliari
o0202001.035vf 1426 giugno 20 Compensation for compilation of 17 notebooks of the debtors of the debtors' registry. Text: et mercede a prefata Opera de quolibet
o0202001.017c 1425 novembre 23 Concession of right of recourse. Text: dictum Romulum a prefata Opera certorum pignorum,
o0202001.008d 1425 agosto 22 Concession to maestro Giovanni da San Miniato of part of shop next to the house he rents from the Opera. Text: Iohannes tenet a prefata Opera et que
o0202001.008d 1425 agosto 22 Concession to maestro Giovanni da San Miniato of part of shop next to the house he rents from the Opera. Text: ullo umquam tempore prefata Opera indigeret dicta
o0202001.216vd 1434 maggio 14 Constitution of syndic to exact the interest payments of the public debt. Text: fuerunt in Opera prefata, presentibus testibus etc.
o0202001.172va 1427 agosto 4 Construction of houses in the cloister for new canons and permission to two of them to live outside until the completion of the work. Text: divini cultus in prefata ecclesia quemadmodum haberent
o0202001.172va 1427 agosto 4 Construction of houses in the cloister for new canons and permission to two of them to live outside until the completion of the work. Text: et quousque a prefata Opera habebunt domos
o0201086.032a 1424/5 marzo 16 Contract for a kiln load of mortar for the castle of Malmantile. Text: pacto quod Opera prefata teneatur eidem mutuare
o0201085.030a 1424 dicembre 20 Contract for cutting and transport of lumber. Text: frater carnalis a prefata Opera et pro
o0201086.033b 1425 maggio 16 Contract for hoisting loads up to the cupola with two oxen and salary set for the ox driver. Text: dictis bobus in prefata Opera, videlicet die
o0201086.033b 1425 maggio 16 Contract for hoisting loads up to the cupola with two oxen and salary set for the ox driver. Text: incepisse laborare in prefata Opera et plueret
o0201086.033b 1425 maggio 16 Contract for hoisting loads up to the cupola with two oxen and salary set for the ox driver. Text: quo laborabit in prefata Opera plures macignos
o0201086.033b 1425 maggio 16 Contract for hoisting loads up to the cupola with two oxen and salary set for the ox driver. Text: et eo casu prefata Opera teneatur precipere
o0201086.033b 1425 maggio 16 Contract for hoisting loads up to the cupola with two oxen and salary set for the ox driver. Text: quo laboraret in prefata Opera et quod
o0201086.033a 1425 aprile 2 Contract for kiln loads of mortar of quarry stones. Text: conductoris in Opera prefata illas cottas chalcis
o0201086.033a 1425 aprile 2 Contract for kiln loads of mortar of quarry stones. Text: modios chalcis quibus prefata Opera indigeret et
o0202001.061vg 1427 giugno 21 Contract for mortar with advance on payment to be deducted on consignment. Text: pacto quod Opera prefata teneatur mutuare eidem
o0202001.076c 1427/8 gennaio 14 Contract for 50.000 small broad bricks and advance on payment. Text: ad presens Opera prefata mutuet eidem Nencio
o0202001.009vh 1425 settembre 20 Correction of account for supply of oak wood for corner-pieces of the chestnut chain for the main cupola. Text: facte pro Opera prefata in incidi et
o0202001.009vh 1425 settembre 20 Correction of account for supply of oak wood for corner-pieces of the chestnut chain for the main cupola. Text: se habere a prefata Opera occaxione predicta,
o0202001.137a 1430/1 febbraio 7 Correction of the ruling on the chain of the arch. Text: idcirco deliberaverunt quod prefata catena pro maiori
o0201086.020ve 1425 giugno 1 Correction of the tax on testaments and confirmation of contract for two statues. Text: per dicta eorum prefata offitia, Donatus Niccolai
o0202001.098va 1428 dicembre 29 Deadline for supply of broad bricks to kilnman who has ill served the Opera, with prohibition of new contract and discount of the consignment from the advance received. Text: quod habet a prefata Opera et pro
o0202001.023va 1425/6 marzo 12 Deadline to supplier for removal of unacceptable white marble from the Opera. Text: album conductum in prefata Opera per Bertinum
o0202001.033e 1426 maggio 17 Debit to supplier of marble of the travel expenditures borne for workers sent to mark marble at the quarry. Text: ex eo quod prefata Opera sine commissione
o0202001.151d 1431 novembre 28 Declaration of non-prosecutability for a paternal debt. Text: eius pater cum prefata Opera immarginetur ita
o0202001.151d 1431 novembre 28 Declaration of non-prosecutability for a paternal debt. Text: Opere constet de prefata repudiatione.
o0202001.149a 1431 settembre 27 Declaration of the names of the debtors and of the sums owed regarding a big credit of the Opera for the pardons of forced loans of the Alberti. Text: observare contenta in prefata deliberatione nominavit ac
o0202001.036d 1426 giugno 28 Deduction from a sum owed to the Opera by a debtor of another sum to his credit. Text: tenetur habere a prefata Opera.
o0202001.173c 1428 aprile 22 Demand of payment from debtors. Text: quod non obstante prefata deliberatione possint et
o0202001.045ve 1426 novembre 14 Dismissal from the office of the notary of testaments and new election. Text: f.p. et Opera prefata unum alium soldum
o0202001.029va 1426 aprile 29 Dismissal of masters in excess to reduce the expenditures for the construction of the cupola. Text: maximam expensam quam prefata Opera de proximo
o0202001.029va 1426 aprile 29 Dismissal of masters in excess to reduce the expenditures for the construction of the cupola. Text: et removerunt a prefata Opera infrascriptos magistros
o0202001.143c 1431 giugno 1 Dismissal of some masters and reconfirmation of others. Text: ad laborandum in prefata Opera cum infrascriptis
o0202001.171a 1425/6 febbraio 4 Election and annual salary of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti. Text: laborerio seu edificatione prefata, et considerantes diligentiam
o0202001.171a 1425/6 febbraio 4 Election and annual salary of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti. Text: utilitatem maximam quam prefata Opera ex ingenio
o0202001.171a 1425/6 febbraio 4 Election and annual salary of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti. Text: diebus quibus in prefata Opera laborabitur stare
o0202001.171a 1425/6 febbraio 4 Election and annual salary of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti. Text: moram continuam in prefata Opera adhibere, sub
o0202001.024vb 1425/6 marzo 18 Election of a master stonecutter. Text: quam Florentie in prefata Opera eo modo,
o0202001.153c 1431/2 gennaio 14 Election of an appointee to make a registry of outstanding debtors. Text: quod in Opera prefata fiat unum speculum
o0202001.086l 1428 luglio 2 Election of appraisers for the statue of Saint Stephen, protector of the Wool Guild. Text: ea quantitate quam prefata Ars habuit pro
o0202001.086l 1428 luglio 2 Election of appraisers for the statue of Saint Stephen, protector of the Wool Guild. Text: toto eo quod prefata Ars haberet pro
o0202001.164vd 1432 luglio 11 Election of debt collectors with regulations about fees for precepts to debtors. Text: futuros. Et quod prefata Opera teneatur et
o0202001.022vc 1425/6 febbraio 15 Election of debt collectors with salary set. Text: res quas Opera prefata tenebatur et tenetur
o0202001.099vc 1428/9 gennaio 28 Election of lawyer for the question of the purchase of the Panciatichi house in the court of the Visdomini. Text: servandis deliberaverunt quod prefata Opera dictam quantitatem
o0202001.029b 1426 aprile 29 Election of master and registration of the days worked. Text: et debeat in prefata Opera laborare prout
o0202001.059vd 1427 maggio 7 Election of master stonecutters for Trassinaia. Text: Opere videatur quod prefata Opera dictis magistris
o0201086.025d 1425 giugno 26 Election of messenger with salary set. Text: pecunie que Opera prefata teneretur habere a
o0202001.032vc 1426 maggio 15 Election of stonecutters. Text: Trassinarie seu in prefata Opera, prout deliberabitur
o0202001.046vc 1426 novembre 28 Election of the lawyer of the Opera. Text: fiunt in Opera prefata fieri matura deliberatione,
o0202001.171vc 1426/7 gennaio 28 Election of the supervisors of the great cupola. Text: et stare in prefata Opera per unam
o0201086.070vd 1424/5 marzo 17 Election with oath of debt collector and corresponding guaranty. Text: interesse que Opera prefata consequeretur occaxione dicti
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: ecclesie pro evitando prefata pericula; ac etiam
o0202001.127d 1430 maggio 11 Exemption from demand of payment for dotal properties and restitution of pawn. Text: potiora iura quam prefata Opera, de quo
o0202001.143va 1431 giugno 15 Extraordinary rulings pertaining to supplies of mortar and broad bricks in times of particular economic hardship. Text: intellecto quod Opera prefata indiget pecunia et
o0202001.143va 1431 giugno 15 Extraordinary rulings pertaining to supplies of mortar and broad bricks in times of particular economic hardship. Text: dicte cupole Opera prefata indigeret quadronibus seu
o0202001.063vd 1427 luglio 23 Gift of two work days and then of two thirds of the full expense of making a sandstone trough given to the sons of Ugo Alessandri. Text: forma considerantes quod prefata Opera donavit filiis
o0202001.063vd 1427 luglio 23 Gift of two work days and then of two thirds of the full expense of making a sandstone trough given to the sons of Ugo Alessandri. Text: lastronis deliberaverunt quod prefata Opera et eius
o0202001.025d 1425/6 marzo 21 Grant of loan to the scribe (of the daily wages). Text: vivente et in prefata Opera existente, alias
o0201086.070vb 1424/5 marzo 16 Guaranty for a supply of mortar for the castle of Malmantile. Text: eum ab Opera prefata sub dicta die
o0201086.070vb 1424/5 marzo 16 Guaranty for a supply of mortar for the castle of Malmantile. Text: omni quantitate quam prefata Opera eidem Pardo
o0201086.070vb 1424/5 marzo 16 Guaranty for a supply of mortar for the castle of Malmantile. Text: dicta occaxione a prefata Opera et omnia
o0201086.070b 1424/5 marzo 1 Guaranty for contract for glass oculi. Text: auri quactuordecim quos prefata Opera eidem fratri
o0201086.070b 1424/5 marzo 1 Guaranty for contract for glass oculi. Text: civitate Florentie in prefata Opera dictis anno
o0201086.072vb 1425 maggio 18 Guaranty for contract for loads hoisted with oxen up on the cupola. Text: dicte conductionis Opera prefata tenetur eidem mutuare
o0201086.071va 1425 aprile 4 Guaranty for linen-draper who has purchased pawns. Text: acta fuerunt in prefata Opera presentibus Filippozio
o0201086.070a 1424/5 marzo 1 Guaranty for supply of dressed stone for the castle of Lastra. Text: civitate Florentie in prefata Opera et dictis
o0201086.071a 1424/5 marzo 19 Guaranty for supply of kiln loads of mortar. Text: XVIIII martii in prefata Opera presentibus testibus
o0201086.071a 1424/5 marzo 19 Guaranty for supply of kiln loads of mortar. Text: eum facte a prefata Opera de faciendo
o0201086.071a 1424/5 marzo 19 Guaranty for supply of kiln loads of mortar. Text: f.p. quas Opera prefata debet eidem Nanni
o0201086.071a 1424/5 marzo 19 Guaranty for supply of kiln loads of mortar. Text: per eum a prefata Opera in casu
o0201086.073c 1425 giugno 6 Guaranty for supply of white marble for the external ribs of the cupola. Text: et contentus a prefata Opera habuisse et
o0201086.073c 1425 giugno 6 Guaranty for supply of white marble for the external ribs of the cupola. Text: acta fuerunt in prefata Opera presentibus ser
o0202001.158vf 1432 aprile 29 Hiring of a master with the obligation to pay off his debt with the Opera in work. Text: quod habet cum prefata Opera, et intelligatur
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