space Studies
space Sources Dates Indices Topics1 Topics2 Reference Texts



















1-150 A151-300  A301-337 





Context of query
o0201079.013va 1421 agosto 14 Sentence of the Wool Guild for controversy between debtors and wardens concerning debt of 3000 florins and term of payment with annual installments. Text: videlicet: de quantitate prefata quolibet anno florenos
o0201079.013va 1421 agosto 14 Sentence of the Wool Guild for controversy between debtors and wardens concerning debt of 3000 florins and term of payment with annual installments. Text: satisfactum de quantitate prefata. Hoc tamen in
o0201079.033c 1421 ottobre 16 Term of payment for pardons of forced loans. Text: satisfecerint de quantitate prefata; et in quocumque
o0201085.007vc 1424 dicembre 14 Registration of the daily wages of a stonecutter. Text: Trassinaria pro Opera prefata, Nardum Ciulli.
o0201085.046b 1424 dicembre 14 Payment for building of the walls of the castle of Lastra. Text: debet ab Opera prefata pro manifactura et
o0201085.008a 1424 dicembre 20 Registration of the daily wages of stonecutters and authority to master builder, scribe of the daily wages and administrator to determine their salaries. Text: laborant in Opera prefata pro magistris et
o0201085.008a 1424 dicembre 20 Registration of the daily wages of stonecutters and authority to master builder, scribe of the daily wages and administrator to determine their salaries. Text: incipient laborare in prefata Opera; et quod
o0201085.030a 1424 dicembre 20 Contract for cutting and transport of lumber. Text: frater carnalis a prefata Opera et pro
o0201086.044a 1424/5 febbraio 27 Payment to cooper. Text: recipere ab Opera prefata pro laborerio dato
o0201086.044b 1424/5 febbraio 27 Payment to master to build walls, doors and outer doors of the castle of Lastra with promise to not request additional money until the end of the work. Text: recipere ab Opera prefata pro eius magisterio
o0201086.070a 1424/5 marzo 1 Guaranty for supply of dressed stone for the castle of Lastra. Text: civitate Florentie in prefata Opera et dictis
o0201086.070b 1424/5 marzo 1 Guaranty for contract for glass oculi. Text: auri quactuordecim quos prefata Opera eidem fratri
o0201086.070b 1424/5 marzo 1 Guaranty for contract for glass oculi. Text: civitate Florentie in prefata Opera dictis anno
o0201086.005va 1424/5 marzo 7 Letter of reply to the administrator of Pisa concerning the manner of collection of revenue on testaments. Text: non minus summa prefata; ac etiam videat
o0201086.031a 1424/5 marzo 15 Rent of the shop called Galea to Fra Bernardo master of glass oculi with deadline for inception of work on the stained-glass windows. Text: habuit mutuo a prefata Opera et in
o0201086.032a 1424/5 marzo 16 Contract for a kiln load of mortar for the castle of Malmantile. Text: pacto quod Opera prefata teneatur eidem mutuare
o0201086.070vb 1424/5 marzo 16 Guaranty for a supply of mortar for the castle of Malmantile. Text: eum ab Opera prefata sub dicta die
o0201086.070vb 1424/5 marzo 16 Guaranty for a supply of mortar for the castle of Malmantile. Text: omni quantitate quam prefata Opera eidem Pardo
o0201086.070vb 1424/5 marzo 16 Guaranty for a supply of mortar for the castle of Malmantile. Text: dicta occaxione a prefata Opera et omnia
o0201086.070vd 1424/5 marzo 17 Election with oath of debt collector and corresponding guaranty. Text: interesse que Opera prefata consequeretur occaxione dicti
o0201086.071a 1424/5 marzo 19 Guaranty for supply of kiln loads of mortar. Text: XVIIII martii in prefata Opera presentibus testibus
o0201086.071a 1424/5 marzo 19 Guaranty for supply of kiln loads of mortar. Text: eum facte a prefata Opera de faciendo
o0201086.071a 1424/5 marzo 19 Guaranty for supply of kiln loads of mortar. Text: f.p. quas Opera prefata debet eidem Nanni
o0201086.071a 1424/5 marzo 19 Guaranty for supply of kiln loads of mortar. Text: per eum a prefata Opera in casu
o0201086.046a 1424/5 marzo 20 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: recipere ab Opera prefata pro chalce vendita
o0201086.046b 1424/5 marzo 20 Payment for the restoration of the walls of the citadel of Pisa. Text: solvere tenetur Opera prefata dictis Decem pro
o0201086.046c 1424/5 marzo 20 Payment for kiln loads of mortar for the castle of Malmantile. Text: centum f.p. quas prefata Opera comprestatur eidem
o0201086.046c 1424/5 marzo 20 Payment for kiln loads of mortar for the castle of Malmantile. Text: prout apparet in prefata locatione in presenti
o0201086.008c 1425 marzo 26 Registration of the daily wages of master mason with salary set. Text: quo laborabit in prefata Opera modo et
o0201086.008d 1425 marzo 26 Authority to the master builder to contract out kiln loads of mortar. Text: illam chalcem qua prefata Opera indigeret, et
o0201086.008d 1425 marzo 26 Authority to the master builder to contract out kiln loads of mortar. Text: suis expensis in prefata Opera pro tempore
o0201086.008e 1425 marzo 26 Authority to warden to contract out a kiln load of mortar of quarry stones. Text: suis expensis in prefata Opera pro pretio
o0201086.033a 1425 aprile 2 Contract for kiln loads of mortar of quarry stones. Text: conductoris in Opera prefata illas cottas chalcis
o0201086.033a 1425 aprile 2 Contract for kiln loads of mortar of quarry stones. Text: modios chalcis quibus prefata Opera indigeret et
o0201086.009va 1425 aprile 3 Salary set for two master stonecutters for the winter. Text: scharpellatori in Opera prefata in soldis quindecim
o0201086.071va 1425 aprile 4 Guaranty for linen-draper who has purchased pawns. Text: acta fuerunt in prefata Opera presentibus Filippozio
o0201086.010c 1425 aprile 12 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for copy of writings concerning a testamentary bequest. Text: cum condictione quod prefata Opera non possit
o0201086.010vb 1425 aprile 12 Prohibition to sell without the joint permission of administrator and master builder under penalty of dismissal. Text: quod de Opera prefata non possit aliquid
o0201086.011e 1425 aprile 14 Commission to Ciuffagni of make a marble figure. Text: et quod Opera prefata teneatur eidem sottigliari
o0201086.011va 1425 aprile 14 Registration of the daily wages of stonecutter. Text: in casu quo prefata Opera indigeat magistris
o0201086.012b 1425 aprile 18 Order not to sell materials without permission of the provost, except marble and lumber, with obligation to the treasurer and the notary to enter them in the income journal before sale. Text: permutari de Opera prefata aliquid, nisi primo
o0201086.012va 1425 aprile 20 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: chava Trassinarie pro prefata Opera volentes quod
o0201086.012va 1425 aprile 20 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: illis laborantibus in prefata Opera; et quod
o0201086.012va 1425 aprile 20 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: tenebuntur habere a prefata Opera pro diebus
o0201086.012va 1425 aprile 20 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: quibus laborabunt in prefata Opera ad rationem
o0201086.012va 1425 aprile 20 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: laborantium in Opera prefata: Batiste Antonii caputmagistro
o0201086.014d 1425 aprile 26 Authority to administrator, master builder and scribe to hire unskilled workers and set their salary. Text: presenti extate Opera prefata indigeret et in
o0201086.014va 1425 aprile 26 Registration of the daily wages of master stonecutter. Text: laborare in Opera prefata pro scharpellatore et
o0201086.015b 1425 aprile 28 Order to the administrator and the notary to copy the annotations of Lorenzo Ridolfi about papal bulls regarding the canons. Text: valde utiles pro prefata Opera.
o0201086.048va 1425 aprile 28 Payment to kilnman. Text: per eum a prefata Opera manu mei
o0201086.048vb 1425 aprile 28 Payment to kilnman. Text: per eum a prefata Opera de quadam
o0201086.015vb 1425 maggio 16 Order to the scribe to register the work days of the workers transferred by the master builder from the Trassinaia quarry to the Opera and vice versa. Text: et de Opera prefata ad chavam Trassinarie
o0201086.015vb 1425 maggio 16 Order to the scribe to register the work days of the workers transferred by the master builder from the Trassinaia quarry to the Opera and vice versa. Text: ad laborandum pro prefata Opera.
o0201086.016a 1425 maggio 16 Hiring of blacksmith and setting of his salary. Text: ad laborandum in prefata Opera illud quod
o0201086.016a 1425 maggio 16 Hiring of blacksmith and setting of his salary. Text: die quo in prefata Opera laborabit debeat
o0201086.016a 1425 maggio 16 Hiring of blacksmith and setting of his salary. Text: et quousque in prefata Opera laborabit, quod
o0201086.016b 1425 maggio 16 Renewal of hiring of carpenter and setting of his salary for the winter and the summer. Text: ... conductus a prefata Opera in legnaiuolum
o0201086.016b 1425 maggio 16 Renewal of hiring of carpenter and setting of his salary for the winter and the summer. Text: et quousque in prefata Opera laborabit habeat
o0201086.016b 1425 maggio 16 Renewal of hiring of carpenter and setting of his salary for the winter and the summer. Text: et quousque in prefata Opera laborabit, quod
o0201086.016vb 1425 maggio 16 Authority to the administrator to audit the accounts between two kilnmen partners. Text: habuit ab Opera prefata in pluribus partitis
o0201086.033b 1425 maggio 16 Contract for hoisting loads up to the cupola with two oxen and salary set for the ox driver. Text: dictis bobus in prefata Opera, videlicet die
o0201086.033b 1425 maggio 16 Contract for hoisting loads up to the cupola with two oxen and salary set for the ox driver. Text: incepisse laborare in prefata Opera et plueret
o0201086.033b 1425 maggio 16 Contract for hoisting loads up to the cupola with two oxen and salary set for the ox driver. Text: quo laborabit in prefata Opera plures macignos
o0201086.033b 1425 maggio 16 Contract for hoisting loads up to the cupola with two oxen and salary set for the ox driver. Text: et eo casu prefata Opera teneatur precipere
o0201086.033b 1425 maggio 16 Contract for hoisting loads up to the cupola with two oxen and salary set for the ox driver. Text: quo laboraret in prefata Opera et quod
o0201086.049va 1425 maggio 16 Payment to Donatello for a marble figure for the bell tower. Text: et recipere a prefata Opera pro quadam
o0201086.017a 1425 maggio 18 Salary set for the hoister of loads to the cupola, whose previous contract is expired. Text: die quo in prefata Opera cum dictis
o0201086.072vb 1425 maggio 18 Guaranty for contract for loads hoisted with oxen up on the cupola. Text: dicte conductionis Opera prefata tenetur eidem mutuare
o0201086.019vc 1425 maggio 31 Order to the treasurer to pay a lumber supplier only after having received attestation from the guard of the forest. Text: dictus Iacobus a prefata Opera teneatur habere
o0201086.020c 1425 giugno 1 Summer salary of a stonecutter. Text: quo laborabit in prefata Opera soldos tredecim
o0201086.020d 1425 giugno 1 Order to the administrator to debit rotten lumber to the lumber suppliers. Text: non haberent cum prefata Opera aliquam rationem
o0201086.020d 1425 giugno 1 Order to the administrator to debit rotten lumber to the lumber suppliers. Text: tenerentur aliquid a prefata Opera habere, quod
o0201086.020va 1425 giugno 1 Order to administrator, master builder and notary to check a supply of lumber and make a report about it. Text: silve ab Opera prefata, ac etiam videre
o0201086.020ve 1425 giugno 1 Correction of the tax on testaments and confirmation of contract for two statues. Text: per dicta eorum prefata offitia, Donatus Niccolai
o0201086.073c 1425 giugno 6 Guaranty for supply of white marble for the external ribs of the cupola. Text: et contentus a prefata Opera habuisse et
o0201086.073c 1425 giugno 6 Guaranty for supply of white marble for the external ribs of the cupola. Text: acta fuerunt in prefata Opera presentibus ser
o0201086.025d 1425 giugno 26 Election of messenger with salary set. Text: pecunie que Opera prefata teneretur habere a
o0201086.052h 1425 giugno 26 Payment to master for work at the Pope's residence in Santa Maria Novella. Text: quattuor pro Opera prefata in dicto loco
o0201086.052i 1425 giugno 26 Loan to stonecutter for the dowry of his daughter. Text: decem quos Opera prefata eidem mutuat pro
o0201086.025vb 1425 giugno 28 Prohibition to pay salary to Lorenzo di Bartoluccio, notwithstanding his election. Text: habere ab Opera prefata aliquod salarium pro
o0202001.002b 1425 luglio 3 Order to the administrator to enjoin, with term for restitution, those who hold things belonging to the Opera and oath of two wardens. Text: habent aliquid de prefata Opera facere preceptum
o0202001.002b 1425 luglio 3 Order to the administrator to enjoin, with term for restitution, those who hold things belonging to the Opera and oath of two wardens. Text: quod haberent de prefata Opera infra octo
o0202001.002vb 1425 luglio 3 Prohibition to pay the salary to the administrator of the castles of Lastra and Malmantile. Text: in futurum a prefata Opera nullum salarium
o0202001.002ve 1425 luglio 3 Reimbursement to (sculptor) of the price of purchase and expenditures for transport of white marble. Text: debeat ab Opera prefata florenos auri triginta
o0202001.002ve 1425 luglio 3 Reimbursement to (sculptor) of the price of purchase and expenditures for transport of white marble. Text: quod de summa prefata fuerunt stantiati floreni
o0202001.170a 1425 luglio 6 Authorization for a secret allocation of payment to an informer. Text: fecerit in Opera prefata adminus usque in
o0202001.003vb 1425 luglio 20 Precept to carpenter to evacuate house and shop rented from the Opera. Text: tenet ab Opera prefata ad pensionem.
o0202001.003ve 1425 luglio 20 Authorization to the administrator to transfer a rent paid to the account of the person who received that payment for the Opera. Text: ad pensionem a prefata Opera, et ponere
o0202001.004b 1425 luglio 30 Order to rent the Trassinaia quarry, except the part reserved by the owners, and compensation of damages made there. Text: dicti Ughonis a prefata Opera pro certo
o0202001.006d 1425 agosto 7 Salary set for stonecutter for the summer. Text: extatis laborabit in prefata Opera ad rationem
o0202001.007vf 1425 agosto 22 Order to each of the masters to bring a hammer and consign it to the scribe, under penalty of non-registration of work days. Text: muratores existentes in prefata Opera teneantur per
o0202001.008d 1425 agosto 22 Concession to maestro Giovanni da San Miniato of part of shop next to the house he rents from the Opera. Text: Iohannes tenet a prefata Opera et que
o0202001.008d 1425 agosto 22 Concession to maestro Giovanni da San Miniato of part of shop next to the house he rents from the Opera. Text: ullo umquam tempore prefata Opera indigeret dicta
o0202001.009vc 1425 settembre 18 Letter to the Lord of Lucca requesting him to allow passage of the suppliers of white marble through the territory from the port of Motrone to the Serchio river. Text: marmorem quo Opera prefata indigeret per illam
o0202001.009vc 1425 settembre 18 Letter to the Lord of Lucca requesting him to allow passage of the suppliers of white marble through the territory from the port of Motrone to the Serchio river. Text: et quod opera prefata habeat suum effectum.
o0202001.009vh 1425 settembre 20 Correction of account for supply of oak wood for corner-pieces of the chestnut chain for the main cupola. Text: facte pro Opera prefata in incidi et
o0202001.009vh 1425 settembre 20 Correction of account for supply of oak wood for corner-pieces of the chestnut chain for the main cupola. Text: se habere a prefata Opera occaxione predicta,
o0202001.011h 1425 ottobre 12 Authority to the administrator to rent out a shop. Text: magister tenet a prefata Opera pro illa
o0202001.011h 1425 ottobre 12 Authority to the administrator to rent out a shop. Text: provisori, faciendo de prefata locatione instrumentum publicum
o0202001.012vc 1425 ottobre 31 Prohibition to demand payment, cancellation of debt and restitution of pawns. Text: et causis suprascriptis prefata domina Caterina indebite
o0202001.014a 1425 novembre 21 Salary set for stonecutters for the winter. Text: Opere et pro prefata Opera laborantium tam
o0202001.014a 1425 novembre 21 Salary set for stonecutters for the winter. Text: ex pacto cum prefata Opera, et considerantes
o0202001.015vc 1425 novembre 23 Letter to the Podestà of Vicopisano instructing him to demand payment of debtor for a piece of land located at Cesano, which is the object of litigation with the Opera. Text: Giovanucoli pro Opera prefata allegantem ac etiam
o0202001.015vc 1425 novembre 23 Letter to the Podestà of Vicopisano instructing him to demand payment of debtor for a piece of land located at Cesano, which is the object of litigation with the Opera. Text: foveret iustitiam, an prefata Opera an dicta
o0202001.017c 1425 novembre 23 Concession of right of recourse. Text: dictum Romulum a prefata Opera certorum pignorum,
o0202001.018va 1425 dicembre 13 Letter to the Captain of Volterra with summons for defaulting kilnman. Text: conducte habite a prefata Opera de conducendo
o0202001.019va 1425 dicembre 24 Authority to the administrator to have a hundred small arches and a hundred little vaults made. Text: fieri facere pro prefata Opera centum archettos
o0202001.019vb 1425 dicembre 24 Salaries of masters. Text: quibus laboraverunt in prefata Opera usque in
o0202001.020b 1425/6 gennaio 10 Release of kilnmen from the payment of sum advanced for supply of broad bricks and new commitment of the sons of one of them. Text: conducta facta a prefata Opera tam suo
o0202001.020b 1425/6 gennaio 10 Release of kilnmen from the payment of sum advanced for supply of broad bricks and new commitment of the sons of one of them. Text: ducentis auri quos prefata Opera mutuavit dictis
o0202001.020b 1425/6 gennaio 10 Release of kilnmen from the payment of sum advanced for supply of broad bricks and new commitment of the sons of one of them. Text: que promiserunt in prefata conducta predicti Pardus
o0202001.170vb 1425/6 febbraio 4 Order to follow in the continuation of the work on the cupola the report prepared by four experts on commission of all the responsible officials, whose text is quoted in full and approved, while reserving full authority to the wardens and cupola officials. Text: commissione facta per prefata offitia operariorum et
o0202001.171a 1425/6 febbraio 4 Election and annual salary of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti. Text: laborerio seu edificatione prefata, et considerantes diligentiam
o0202001.171a 1425/6 febbraio 4 Election and annual salary of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti. Text: utilitatem maximam quam prefata Opera ex ingenio
o0202001.171a 1425/6 febbraio 4 Election and annual salary of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti. Text: diebus quibus in prefata Opera laborabitur stare
o0202001.171a 1425/6 febbraio 4 Election and annual salary of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti. Text: moram continuam in prefata Opera adhibere, sub
o0202001.021ve 1425/6 febbraio 14 Term of payment to defaulting kilnmen. Text: quod habuit a prefata Opera occaxione eius
o0202001.022b 1425/6 febbraio 14 Authorization to the master builder to break slabs for the external ribs of the cupola. Text: que sunt in prefata Opera, rumpere et
o0202001.022vc 1425/6 febbraio 15 Election of debt collectors with salary set. Text: res quas Opera prefata tenebatur et tenetur
o0202001.023va 1425/6 marzo 12 Deadline to supplier for removal of unacceptable white marble from the Opera. Text: album conductum in prefata Opera per Bertinum
o0202001.023vb 1425/6 marzo 12 Authorization to the administrator to contract out supply of quarry stone mortar. Text: ad conducendum in prefata Opera omnibus sumptibus
o0202001.023vb 1425/6 marzo 12 Authorization to the administrator to contract out supply of quarry stone mortar. Text: quinquaginta modiis chalcis prefata Opera teneatur eidem
o0202001.023vd 1425/6 marzo 12 Term of payment to defaulting kilnmen unless they deliver the quarry stone mortar commissioned to them, under penalty of demand of payment. Text: quas habuerunt a prefata Opera teneantur et
o0202001.023vd 1425/6 marzo 12 Term of payment to defaulting kilnmen unless they deliver the quarry stone mortar commissioned to them, under penalty of demand of payment. Text: predictam possit et prefata Opera teneatur acceptare
o0202001.024vb 1425/6 marzo 18 Election of a master stonecutter. Text: quam Florentie in prefata Opera eo modo,
o0202001.024vd 1425/6 marzo 18 Authority to the administrator to contract out 150 bushels of quarry mortar. Text: quoquo modo, et prefata Opera teneatur et
o0202001.024vd 1425/6 marzo 18 Authority to the administrator to contract out 150 bushels of quarry mortar. Text: modios chalcis predicte prefata Opera eorum expensis
o0202001.025a 1425/6 marzo 18 Payment to sculptor for a marble figure, less the advance already drawn. Text: mercede et labore prefata Opera teneatur et
o0202001.025a 1425/6 marzo 18 Payment to sculptor for a marble figure, less the advance already drawn. Text: nuper facta in prefata Opera dicte Opere,
o0202001.025a 1425/6 marzo 18 Payment to sculptor for a marble figure, less the advance already drawn. Text: mutuo habuit a prefata Opera pro faciendo
o0202001.025d 1425/6 marzo 21 Grant of loan to the scribe (of the daily wages). Text: vivente et in prefata Opera existente, alias
o0202001.026va 1425/6 marzo 23 Prohibition to the masters of the Opera and Trassinaia to work outside the Opera without the permission of the provost of the wardens. Text: Trassinarie quam in prefata Opera ad laborandum
o0202001.026va 1425/6 marzo 23 Prohibition to the masters of the Opera and Trassinaia to work outside the Opera without the permission of the provost of the wardens. Text: possit amplius in prefata Opera et ad
o0202001.026vc 1426 marzo 26 Order to the master builder to go to Carrara to mark the white marble to be accepted and conveyed to the Opera. Text: talem qualem habet prefata Opera et offitium
o0202001.029a 1426 aprile 29 Term and conditions for consignment of quarry stone mortar. Text: ad dictam Operam, prefata Opera teneatur sibi
o0202001.029b 1426 aprile 29 Election of master and registration of the days worked. Text: et debeat in prefata Opera laborare prout
o0202001.029va 1426 aprile 29 Dismissal of masters in excess to reduce the expenditures for the construction of the cupola. Text: maximam expensam quam prefata Opera de proximo
o0202001.029va 1426 aprile 29 Dismissal of masters in excess to reduce the expenditures for the construction of the cupola. Text: et removerunt a prefata Opera infrascriptos magistros
o0202001.030ve 1426 aprile 30 Authority to the master builder for agreement and relative compensation for the contractor of oxen for hoisting loads up onto the cupola. Text: die quo in prefata Opera laborabit seu
o0202001.032vc 1426 maggio 15 Election of stonecutters. Text: Trassinarie seu in prefata Opera, prout deliberabitur
o0202001.033b 1426 maggio 17 Letters to the captains of Pisa and Livorno about the white marble to be conveyed. Text: marmorem album que prefata Opera habet in
o0202001.033b 1426 maggio 17 Letters to the captains of Pisa and Livorno about the white marble to be conveyed. Text: ex eo quod prefata Opera non potest
o0202001.033e 1426 maggio 17 Debit to supplier of marble of the travel expenditures borne for workers sent to mark marble at the quarry. Text: ex eo quod prefata Opera sine commissione
o0202001.035d 1426 giugno 7 Proclamation for sale of pawns not redeemed within the term set. Text: quedam pignora que prefata Opera habet in
o0202001.035vf 1426 giugno 20 Compensation for compilation of 17 notebooks of the debtors of the debtors' registry. Text: et mercede a prefata Opera de quolibet
o0202001.036d 1426 giugno 28 Deduction from a sum owed to the Opera by a debtor of another sum to his credit. Text: tenetur habere a prefata Opera.
o0202001.037d 1426 luglio 24 Authorization to the administrator and the master builder to sell marble of the Opera. Text: possint extrahere de prefata Opera nisi primo
o0202001.037g 1426 luglio 24 Partition of work because of litigation between masters at the castle of Malmantile. Text: et Pierus a prefata Opera habuerunt occaxione
o0202001.038d 1426 agosto 2 Prohibition to demand payment of dotal properties. Text: potiora iura quam prefata Opera.
o0202001.037va 1426 agosto 3 Acceptance of division of work between litigating masters. Text: deliberatione et divisione prefata et eius continentia
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