Document |

 Date |

 Summary |

 Context of query |
1422 aprile 29 |
Salary set for masters for the winter. |
Text: absque aliquo alio stantiamento fiendo visa dumtaxat |
1424/5 gennaio 12 |
Rights of the notary of the Opera on the allocations of funds made to the masters of Lastra and Malmantile. |
Text: accipere de quolibet stantiamento tam facto quam |
1418 maggio 24 |
Authorization to pay the debt collectors a set fee for pawns. |
Text: alia deliberatione vel stantiamento propterea fiendo. |
1427 aprile 8 |
Tare on price due to masters for 44 corbels made at the castle of Malmantile. |
Text: Anbroxii et in stantiamento dicti Anbroxii detineatur |
1423 aprile 28 |
Correction and reduction of contract with kilnman for broad bricks. |
Text: camerario viso solum stantiamento facto ut moris |
1423 aprile 28 |
Correction and reduction of contract with kilnmen. |
Text: camerario, viso solum stantiamento facto ut moris |
1435 maggio 6 |
Authorization of payment for the purchase of broad bricks contracted out at set price to two (kilnmen). |
Text: camerarius Opere viso stantiamento fiendo per eorum |
1425 dicembre 18 |
Order to (sculptor) to pay a bargeman for the transport of a piece of marble. |
Text: causa in dicto stantiamento allegato. |
1422 aprile 21 |
Salary of masters and unskilled workers for the summer. |
Text: consuetis absque aliquo stantiamento eis vel eorum |
1420/1 marzo 18 |
Revocation of election of messengers and re-election of the same with salary set. |
Text: consuetis, firmo stante stantiamento duorum mensium cuilibet |
1418 giugno 17 |
Salary set for four masters. |
Text: consuetum, absque alio stantiamento propterea fiendo, visis |
1428/9 febbraio 23 |
Approval of a guarantor. |
Text: de Septimo pro stantiamento sibi per operarios |
1429 aprile 12 |
Authorization to the administrator to increase the amount of each allocation of funds. |
Text: debeat de quolibet stantiamento fiendo elevare de |
1419 aprile 12 |
Compensation of damages caused by the work of Castellina. |
Text: debent de suprascripto stantiamento floreni triginta unum |
1432 giugno 17 |
Order to withhold from the amounts due to the past administrator a debt of his brother. |
Text: deliberaverunt quod de stantiamento Bernardi Amerigi de |
1418 giugno 17 |
Salary set for a master. |
Text: dies, absque alio stantiamento propterea fiendo, visa |
1429 ottobre 4 |
Reimbursement of sum paid for transport of marble from Avenza to Pisa. |
Text: duorum de dicto stantiamento librarum decem et |
1421/2 marzo 11 |
Salary of the masters for the winter. |
Text: eorum absque aliquo stantiamento propterea fiendo recepta |
1422 agosto 14 |
Salary set for two workers. |
Text: eorum absque aliquo stantiamento sibi propterea fiendo. |
1419 ottobre 24 |
Salary set for workforces for the winter. |
Text: et absque alio stantiamento propterea fiendo etc. |
1422 settembre 18 |
Salary set for two masters. |
Text: et absque aliquo stantiamento alicui eorum propterea |
1421 novembre 10 |
Registration of the days worked at a quarry to provoke a landslide. |
Text: Et quod de stantiamento sibi ad presens |
1421 agosto 14 |
Revocation of ruling against a lumber supplier and reinstatement of previous resolution on his supply contract. |
Text: Et quod de stantiamento sibi fiendo statim |
1417 giugno 30 |
Payment to the ex treasurer of the new gabelles for petty expenses. |
Text: etc., viso quodam stantiamento facto per officium |
1418 ottobre 22 |
Salary set for masters, unskilled workers and boys. |
Text: etiam absque alio stantiamento propterea fiendo sed |
1418 agosto 6 |
Salary set for masters. |
Text: etiam absque alio stantiamento propterea fiendo, visa |
1422 ottobre 16 |
Salary set for workforces for the winter. |
Text: etiam absque aliquo stantiamento alicui propterea fiendo |
1422 novembre 24 |
Salary of master stonecutters for the winter. |
Text: etiam absque aliquo stantiamento propterea fienda visa |
1422 aprile 29 |
New agreement for hoisting stones and other loads up to the cupola with a pair of oxen and revocation of previous contract. |
Text: etiam absque aliquo stantiamento propterea fiendo, laborando |
1422 maggio 20 |
Salary set for the summer for the person charged with the surveillance of the masters and unskilled workers on the cupola. |
Text: etiam sine alio stantiamento propterea sibi fiendo, |
1419/20 febbraio 9 |
Salary set for workforces for the winter. |
Text: etiam (sine) alio stantiamento vel deliberatione fienda, |
1418/9 febbraio 9 |
Payment and letter of solicitation for the purchase of fir boards. |
Text: f.p. de alio stantiamento librarum centum f.p. |
1421 settembre 11 |
Contract for hewn revetment stones. |
Text: facto sibi primo stantiamento. Et debent etiam |
1419 giugno 22 |
Salary set for workforces for the summer. |
Text: fuerit absque alio stantiamento propterea fiendo, habita |
1419 aprile 29 |
Salary set for workforce. |
Text: futuri absque alio stantiamento propterea fiendo, habitasolum |
1421 novembre 6 |
Balance of payment for carriage of stones. |
Text: in alio suo stantiamento quia sibi fuerit |
1417/8 febbraio 10 |
Salary allowance of the notary of the Opera. |
Text: in dicto suo stantiamento contento, in summa |
1422 maggio 13 |
Payment for a supply of sand. |
Text: in eorum ultimo stantiamento mentio non fuit |
1422 agosto 14 |
Commission to administrator, master builder and scribe to declare the price of the loads hoisted up to the main cupola. |
Text: inpune absque alio stantiamento propterea fiendo, visa |
1421 agosto 22 |
Salary set for the summer for workers. |
Text: inpune absque aliquo stantiamento fiendo, visa dumtaxat |
1421 ottobre 27 |
Salary set for workforces for the winter. |
Text: inpune absque aliquo stantiamento propterea alias fiendo; |
1422 agosto 4 |
Price set for ox-driven transport of materials up to the cupola. |
Text: inpune absque aliquo stantiamento propterea fiendo, visa |
1421 marzo 31 |
Salary set for hoisting of material with the help of one or two oxen at the hoist of Filippo di ser Brunellesco. |
Text: inpune, absque alio stantiamento sibi propterea fiendo. |
1423 giugno 17 |
Authorization of payment to kilnmen. |
Text: insertis in dicto stantiamento. |
1421 luglio 18 |
Payment to Filippo Brunelleschi for his ingenuity in making the new hoisting machine. |
Text: intelligendo in presenti stantiamento venire nec comprehendi |
1423 marzo 31 |
Guaranty for supply of lumber. |
Text: ligniaminis, pro uno stantiamento librarum 240 supra |
1422/3 marzo 22 |
Guaranty for payment to suppliers of marble. |
Text: marmi pro certo stantiamento eisdem facto die |
1433 luglio 3 |
Order to pay the contractors of white marble first. |
Text: marmoris albi, excepto stantiamento facto Nanni Blaxii |
1424 dicembre 2 |
Authority to master builder, scribe of the daily wages and administrator to set the winter salaries of the unskilled workers. |
Text: non obstante alio stantiamento et visa solum |
1426 dicembre 30 |
Credit to the sacristy of legacies and taxes in its favor. |
Text: non obstante aliquo stantiamento propterea fiendo per |
1420 giugno 12 |
Sale of pawns and measures for the restitution of the profits to the distrained persons. |
Text: non potest nisi stantiamento mediante, et difficile |
1419/20 gennaio 9 |
Guaranty for contractors of black marble to the respect the terms attached to an allocation of funds. |
Text: observando contenta in stantiamento florenorum LXX eis |
1422 dicembre 30 |
Salary set for sawyers. |
Text: Opere absque aliquo stantiamento propterea fiendo, visa |
1433 ottobre 26 |
Authorization to pay ironware to be added to the stained glass window of the tribune of the Saint Zenobius chapel. |
Text: Opere sine alio stantiamento secundum rationem fiendam |
1433 ottobre 9 |
Letter to the rectors of the Pisan countryside for recovery of hardware and bells from the castles laid waste. |
Text: Opere sine alio stantiamento sine suo preiudicio |
1419 aprile 29 |
Authorization to set summer salary for unskilled workers and boys. |
Text: Operis absque alio stantiamento propterea fiendo etc. |
1419 luglio 19 |
Salary set for stonecutter for the summer. |
Text: Operis absque alio stantiamento propterea fiendo habita |
1419 giugno 2 |
Salary set for the blacksmith's assistant. |
Text: Operis absque alio stantiamento propterea fiendo quolibet |
1422 agosto 28 |
Contract to kilnman of broad terracotta bricks with advance of part payment. |
Text: poni, viso dumtaxat stantiamento propterea facto per |
1422 giugno 16 |
Salary set for a (master) for the summer. |
Text: possit absque alio stantiamento, non obstantibus pro |
1425/6 febbraio 15 |
Authorization to the notary of the Opera to withhold 2 denari per lira from sums allocated or to be allocated for Lastra and Malmantile. |
Text: possit de quolibet stantiamento tam facto quam |
1425 aprile 20 |
Salary set for workforces for the summer. |
Text: presenti deliberatione et stantiamento. Quorum quidem magistrorum |
1424 dicembre 2 |
Salary set for workforces for the winter. |
Text: presenti deliberatione et stantiamento. Quorum quidem magistrorum |
1431 luglio 13 |
Authorization to pay the fund allocations of the day in full. |
Text: presenti die, viso stantiamento, integre et non |
1422 aprile 21 |
Salary of masters and unskilled workers for the summer. |
Text: presentibus deliberatione et stantiamento. Quorum quidem nomina |
1430 ottobre 5 |
Annulment of an allocation of funds made for a rope. |
Text: prout de dicto stantiamento in dicto libro |
1423 giugno 17 |
Authorization of payment to kilnmen. |
Text: prout in dicto stantiamento continetur, non obstantibus |
1427 dicembre 30 |
Approval of guaranty for contract for 60.000 broad bricks with advance on payment. |
Text: quadronum et viso stantiamento et mutuo eidem |
1425 dicembre 18 |
Order to (sculptor) to pay a bargeman for the transport of a piece of marble. |
Text: quantitatem de quodam stantiamento florenorum auri triginta |
1419/20 febbraio 23 |
Approval of previous resolution for the purchase of a house from the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova. |
Text: quantitatem in dicto stantiamento insertam et quod |
1421 aprile 28 |
Guaranty for loan on supply of marble. |
Text: quod de quodam stantiamento alias eis facto |
1429 dicembre 19 |
Order to the administrator to deduct one third of the sum owed by a kilnman from the payment for a supply of broad bricks. |
Text: quod de quolibet stantiamento in futurum eidem |
1431 aprile 26 |
Authorization to contract out the broad bricks of a previous contract. |
Text: quod pro quolibet stantiamento fiendo dicto Gherardo |
1422 maggio 13 |
Payment for various expenditures. |
Text: recepta fide de stantiamento facto per consilium |
1422 luglio 23 |
Salary set for two masters. |
Text: satisfacere nulla viso stantiamento, sed visa dumtaxat |
1419/20 gennaio 23 |
Order to respect the terms of an allocation of funds for supply of Carrara marble. |
Text: secundum contentum in stantiamento predicto. |
1421 aprile 16 |
Authorization to the treasurer to pay all those that work for the Opera whenever ordered to do so by administrator. |
Text: servientibus sine aliquo stantiamento propterea primo facto. |
1427 aprile 11 |
Prohibition to finance donations of food during the festivities of Easter and All Saints, except to six wardens, the notary and the treasurer. |
Text: si de predicto stantiamento fuerit rogatus. |
1421 giugno 6 |
Order to the treasurer not to discount the advance on the rent of a quarry to Niccolò of Lodovico Rinucci. |
Text: sibi mutuatis super stantiamento florenorum 24 sibi |
1420 aprile 30 |
Contract to new sculptor to complete the figure of Ciuffagni, using the same allocation of funds. |
Text: sibi primo facto stantiamento per camerarium et |
1429 ottobre 15 |
Salary of masters for the winter. |
Text: sine aliquo alio stantiamento propterea fiendo per |
1421 aprile 8 |
Salary set for workforces for the summer. |
Text: sine aliquo alio stantiamento propterea fiendo, visa |
1429 aprile 5 |
Order to the treasurer to pay to the notary of the Opera 2 soldi for each testamentary bequest collected in Pisa. |
Text: sine aliquo alio stantiamento propterea fiendo. |
1426 ottobre 25 |
Salary set for masters for the winter. |
Text: sine aliquo alio stantiamento propterea fiendo. Quorum |
1420 aprile 24 |
Salary set for the summer for masters, some of whom employed at the palace of the Signori. |
Text: solvere absque aliquo stantiamento propterea fiendo habita |
1422 giugno 16 |
Salary set for masters for the summer. |
Text: solvere etiam sine stantiamento propterea fiendo visa |
1420 aprile 12 |
Salary set for workers for the summer and the winter. |
Text: solvere, absque aliquo stantiamento propterea fiendo, visa |
1421 ottobre 3 |
Guaranty for advance for transport on supply of marble. |
Text: sub nomine et stantiamento facto Bertino Pieri |
1422 settembre 22 |
Contract for marble gutter spout for the third tribune. |
Text: tempore existentium viso stantiamento operariorum predictorum. |
1435 maggio 24 |
Term of payment to carpenter. |
Text: viginti de quodam stantiamento eidem facto librarum |
1419 settembre 13 |
Election of the messenger and guardian of the books and setting of his salary. |
Text: viso tam eorum stantiamento etc. |
1425/6 febbraio 15 |
Authorization to the notary of the Opera to withhold 2 denari per lira from sums allocated or to be allocated for Lastra and Malmantile. |
Title: Opere de quolibet stantiamento Lastre et Malmantilis |