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1-150 A151-244 





Context of query
o0201070.010b 1416/7 marzo 2 Restitution of pawn and exemption from debt for pardon of forced loans. Text: Florentie, in quorum favorem et benefitium venit
o0201070b.006vd 1416/7 febbraio 9 Term of payment to the clergy of Montepulciano for property gabelle, ruling in favor of the Hermits of the Angeli, possessors of properties in said Commune, and letter to the Podestà of Montepulciano for demand payment of the debtors. Text: factam in eorum favorem, videlicet pro quarta
o0201070b.017f 1417 aprile 6 Prohibition to demand payment of debtor's tenant distrained for debt for property gabelle. Text: sententiam latam in favorem dicti Francisci et
o0201072.022g 1417/8 febbraio 25 Increase of the price agreed upon for two supply contracts for lumber. Text: longius debito in favorem et utilitatem dicti
o0201072.031vh 1418 aprile 6 Commission of the notary of the new gabelles. Text: dictorum operariorum in favorem dicti Operis pro
o0201073b.006vc 1418 maggio 20 Rulings in favor of a debt collector of the herd livestock gabelle. Text: det auxilium et favorem Iacobo Pieri Foresta
o0201073b.007f 1418 maggio 24 Demand of payment for herd livestock gabelle with right of recourse for tax paid and letter to the Podestà to enforce restitution of the debt by the owner of the animals. Text: littera Potestati in favorem solventis prout voluerit,
o0201073b.007vg 1418 maggio 28 Letter to the Podestà of Calci to revoke a demand of payment of debt for the new gabelles. Text: alias scripte in favorem Bartolomei de Sancto
o0201074.025vf 1418 ottobre 24 Esenzione from the new gabelles by resolution made by the office of the comptrollers. Text: februarii 1414, in favorem ecclesie Sancti Angeli
o0201075.011vc 1418/9 marzo 13 Term of payment with guaranty. Text: diliberatio in eius favorem factam de mense
o0201075.072vc 1418/9 marzo 10 Guaranty for debt for forced loans and property gabelle. Text: et terminus in favorem dicti Antonii, videlicet
o0201076.026a 1419 ottobre 24 Term of payment to the Commune of Pisa for debt for pardons with obligation to pay a percentage to the accountant. Text: parte et in favorem dicti Communis Pisarum
o0201077.012vh 1419/20 gennaio 29 Prohibition to demand payment of debt for forced loans. Text: fuit sententia in favorem dicti Iohannis contra
o0201078.003a 1420/1 gennaio 9 Letter with request for information on amount and price of marble brought to Pisa. Text: in eius Pieri favorem mandari facient fideiussori
o0201078.010a 1420/1 febbraio 25 Concession of right of recourse to the heirs of Paoletto da Suvereto for livestock gabelle. Text: posuerunt in locum, favorem et privilegium petendi,
o0201078.033b 1421 maggio 29 Letter in response to the Ten of Pisa, who interceded for a debtor, in the which the request is denied. Text: eis trascripta in favorem Blaxii Lippi de
o0201078.042vb 1421 giugno 17 Revocation of cancellation of debt to the ex notary of testaments. Text: facie facta in favorem dicti ser Laurentii
o0201079.013va 1421 agosto 14 Sentence of the Wool Guild for controversy between debtors and wardens concerning debt of 3000 florins and term of payment with annual installments. Text: reformationum in eorum favorem factarum per opportuna
o0201079.013va 1421 agosto 14 Sentence of the Wool Guild for controversy between debtors and wardens concerning debt of 3000 florins and term of payment with annual installments. Text: deliberationum in eorum favorem factarum secuta quandoque
o0201079.027vb 1421 settembre 26 Notification to the new treasurer of the forced loans of the Commune of Florence to exact from the debtors the amounts due to the Opera according to the ordinances. Text: Communis Florentie in favorem dicte Opere disponentibus,
o0201079.033vc 1421 ottobre 22 Payment to the servants of the officials of the public debt for rights on debtors for pardons of forced loans. Text: predictis fuit in favorem dicti Leonardi provisum
o0201079.045b 1421 novembre 26 Letters to the Ten supervisors of Pisa, the podestàs and the Captain instructing them seek help in conveying marble, if necessary, from suppliers and bankers in Pisa. Text: auxilium preberi et favorem, premisso et facto
o0201079.045b 1421 novembre 26 Letters to the Ten supervisors of Pisa, the podestàs and the Captain instructing them seek help in conveying marble, if necessary, from suppliers and bankers in Pisa. Text: auxilium, consilium et favorem prebeant Bastiano Antonii
o0201079.047vb 1421 dicembre 5 Term of payment to the Commune of Valenzano and Podesteria of Subbiano for debt for gabelle on persons. Text: longo termino in favorem eorumdem provideatur; et
o0201079.047vb 1421 dicembre 5 Term of payment to the Commune of Valenzano and Podesteria of Subbiano for debt for gabelle on persons. Text: fuit, volentes in favorem ipsorum providere et
o0201079.050b 1421 dicembre 16 Revocation of resolution in favor of debtors for herd livestock gabelle. Text: carta 85 in favorem Antonii Pasquini de
o0201079.050b 1421 dicembre 16 Revocation of resolution in favor of debtors for herd livestock gabelle. Text: ... continens in favorem Guasparris Tomme dicti
o0201079.050ve 1421 dicembre 19 Term of payment for unspecified debt to the parish of San Giovanni di Senni. Text: quod in eius favorem scribatur lictera patens
o0201079.052vb 1421 dicembre 23 Term of payment for balance of gabelles in part cancelled on grounds of penury to the Commune of Cortona and letter to the Priors of the city of Cortona for collection of the debt. Text: dictorum officialium in favorem dicti Communis continente
o0201080.057vc 1422 maggio 15 Five-year contract for rafting and transport of lumber cut and trimmed in the forest of the Opera, with guaranty. Text: futurum auxilium et favorem totiens quotiens fuerit
o0201080.058va 1422 maggio 5 Contract for 1.600.000 broad bricks to be manufactured in four years in the Settimo kiln and relative guaranty. Text: auxilium prestare et favorem in gravando et
o0201081.021d 1422 settembre 22 Order to the debt collectors to demand payment of debtors outside the city with open letter to the rectors of the countryside and definition of their rights. Text: consilium, auxilium et favorem totiens quotiens fuerit
o0201082.002va 1422/3 gennaio 18 Letter in favor of suppliers of marble to assist them in their assignment. Text: olim deliberata in favorem Pieri Andree, Nanne
o0201082.022b 1423 giugno 18 Concession of right of recourse to supplier of marble for failed transport and letter to the Podestà of Montelupo. Title: Lictera in favorem Fraschette
o0201084.007va 1423/4 febbraio 23 Concession of fir lumber to the wardens of Santa Croce for their dormitory. Text: Communis in eorum favorem die XXVIII mensis
o0201084.016vb 1424 giugno 16 Letter to the Podestà of the League of Mangona in favor of the Commune of Santa Reparata to Pimonte for wine and butchering taxes imposed on the Commune and owing to the League. Title: Lictera in favorem Communis Sancte Reparate
o0201084.016vc 1424 giugno 16 Right of recourse to a person enjoined to pay for the parish of Santa Maria a Fagna. Title: Regressum in favorem Simonis contra populum
o0201085.046vb 1424 dicembre 20 Payment to the master builder's assistant in measuring the walls of Lastra. Text: prestandum auxilium et favorem Batiste predicto pro
o0201086.001va 1424/5 gennaio 12 Term of payment to the Commune of Gangalandi and letter to the Podestà for demand payment of the debtors. Title: Potestati Ghangalandi in favorem Communis Ghangalandi
o0201086.007f 1424/5 marzo 20 Term of payment to the Commune of Anghiari with pardon. Title: Deliberatio facta in favorem Communis Anglaris
o0201086.008vd 1425 aprile 3 Letter to the Podestà of Palaia for investigation in favor of a debtor for debt for gabelle on ovine livestock. Title: Littera in favorem Nannis Dreaccii
o0201086.009vc 1425 aprile 3 Letter to the Podestà of Empoli for right of recourse in favor of a debtor for livestock gabelle. Title: Potestati Empoli in favorem Tantis
o0201086.009vc 1425 aprile 3 Letter to the Podestà of Empoli for right of recourse in favor of a debtor for livestock gabelle. Text: Potestati Empoli in favorem Tantis de Colle
o0201086.012e 1425 aprile 18 Prohibition to demand payment and cancellation of erroneous debt of person. Title: In favorem Antonii Naddi Tedaldi
o0201086.014vc 1425 aprile 28 Letter to a debt collector enabling him to demand payment in countryside. Text: eidem auxilium et favorem et sic scribatur
o0201086.022b 1425 giugno 8 Letter to the Podestà of Arezzo for rulings in favor of the abbot of Capolona, who declares that he made a deposit for the new gabelles. Text: Potestati Aretii in favorem abbatis Capolone quod
o0202001.008va 1425 agosto 22 Prohibition to demand payment of owner of debtor's house. Title: Deliberatio facta in favorem Ciapi vinacterii
o0202001.008ve 1425 agosto 22 Prohibition to demand payment of doublet maker for debt for forced loans. Text: mense aprilis in favorem Antonii Petrini farsettarii
o0202001.012h 1425 ottobre 31 Credit to the Commune of Cerreto of sum paid twice and restitution of deposit. Title: Deliberatio facta in favorem Communis Cerreti
o0202001.012vc 1425 ottobre 31 Prohibition to demand payment, cancellation of debt and restitution of pawns. Title: Deliberatio facta in favorem domine Caterine uxoris
o0202001.013vf 1425 novembre 18 Prohibition to demand payment of debtor. Title: In favorem prefati domini Bindi
o0202001.013vm 1425 novembre 18 Letter to the treasurer of Gangalandi instructing him to pay a master. Title: Littera in favorem Pieri Dini de
o0202001.015b 1425 novembre 21 Prohibition to coerce the Commune of San Gimignano to pay. Title: Deliberatio in favorem Communis Sancti Geminiani
o0202001.015vb 1425 novembre 21 Payment to the master of dressed stone at Malmantile by deduction from amount due to the masters of Lastra. Title: de Lastra in favorem magistri concii
o0202001.015vc 1425 novembre 23 Letter to the Podestà of Vicopisano instructing him to demand payment of debtor for a piece of land located at Cesano, which is the object of litigation with the Opera. Title: Sententia lata in favorem Cioli de Pisis
o0202001.015vc 1425 novembre 23 Letter to the Podestà of Vicopisano instructing him to demand payment of debtor for a piece of land located at Cesano, which is the object of litigation with the Opera. Text: plures testes in favorem dicte domine Iohanne,
o0202001.015vc 1425 novembre 23 Letter to the Podestà of Vicopisano instructing him to demand payment of debtor for a piece of land located at Cesano, which is the object of litigation with the Opera. Text: et in eius favorem probasse, et plures
o0202001.015vc 1425 novembre 23 Letter to the Podestà of Vicopisano instructing him to demand payment of debtor for a piece of land located at Cesano, which is the object of litigation with the Opera. Text: omnia iura in favorem prefate Opere facientia;
o0202001.015vc 1425 novembre 23 Letter to the Podestà of Vicopisano instructing him to demand payment of debtor for a piece of land located at Cesano, which is the object of litigation with the Opera. Text: fore probatum in favorem dicte domine Filippe
o0202001.018b 1425 dicembre 10 Prohibition to demand payment of arrested person. Title: Deliberatio in favorem dompni Iohannis de
o0202001.018vg 1425 dicembre 13 Release of arrested person. Title: In favorem giudei de Sancto
o0202001.019vh 1425/6 gennaio 7 Term of payment given to a debtor. Title: terminus facti in favorem Nannis de Bientina
o0202001.020b 1425/6 gennaio 10 Release of kilnmen from the payment of sum advanced for supply of broad bricks and new commitment of the sons of one of them. Title: Deliberatio in favorem Pardi de Vulterris
o0202001.022d 1425/6 febbraio 14 Term of payment to the heirs of a debtor. Title: Contra et in favorem magistri Ugholini de
o0202001.023a 1425/6 febbraio 28 Prohibition to the debt collectors to demand payment of the debtors of the Opera without precept. Title: In favorem Ghuelfi et Orlanduccii
o0202001.025vi 1425/6 marzo 21 Unfinished act concerning a debtor. Title: In favorem Leonardum de Oricellariis
o0202001.026d 1425/6 marzo 21 Authorization to private person to transport sandstone from Trassinaia to his own residence. Title: In favorem Michaelis Iohannis de
o0202001.027h 1426 aprile 17 Letters to the rectors and officials of the countryside about norms for demand of payment of the debtors served with notice. Text: consilium, auxilium et favorem, et quod prefati
o0202001.028ve 1426 aprile 29 Term and conditions for consignment of quarry stone mortar. Title: Deliberatio facta in favorem Laurentii Guidonis fornaciarii
o0202001.029a 1426 aprile 29 Term and conditions for consignment of quarry stone mortar. Title: Deliberatio in favorem Antonii Vannozii
o0202001.031vc 1426 maggio 10 Prohibition to demand payment of the parish of San Giovanni of Senni for unregistered properties. Title: Deliberatio facta in favorem populi Sancti Iohannis
o0202001.031vd 1426 maggio 10 Prohibition to demand payment and restitution of pawn to debtors. Title: Deliberatio facta in favorem heredum Pieri ser
o0202001.033b 1426 maggio 17 Letters to the captains of Pisa and Livorno about the white marble to be conveyed. Text: auxilium, consilium et favorem in conducendo per
o0202001.034va 1426 giugno 7 Declaration in favor of the treasurer of the salt gabelle for having paid the amount due to the Opera in accordance with the ordinances of the Commune. Title: In favorem Bartolomei de Ridolfis
o0202001.034vb 1426 giugno 7 Authorization to pay the salaries of the stonecutters, despite another resolution to the contrary. Title: In favorem quorumdam magistrorum de
o0202001.035b 1426 giugno 7 Restitution of pawns to debtors for property gabelle. Title: In favorem Angeli padellarii [et]
o0202001.035va 1426 giugno 13 Acquittal of masters for inobservance of the resolutions of the wardens. Title: In favorem quorumdam magistrorum Opere
o0202001.035vb 1426 giugno 13 Acquittal to the Commune of Corniolo for lumber drawn from the forest and letter about the payment for the same. Title: In favorem Communis Corniuoli
o0202001.038a 1426 luglio 30 Authority to the administrator of Lastra for work to be done at the castle and letter to the Podestà of Gangalandi. Text: detur auxilium et favorem, prout habuerunt a
o0202001.038d 1426 agosto 2 Prohibition to demand payment of dotal properties. Title: In favorem domine Pippe Iacobi
o0202001.045vh 1426 novembre 14 Restitution of pawn. Title: In favorem domini Bartholomei de
o0202001.046a 1426 novembre 23 Prohibition to demand payment of debtors for gabelles on herd livestock. Title: In favorem Actaviani et Laurentii
o0202001.046d 1426 novembre 23 Authorization to the masters to work outside the Opera without permit and return with full registration of the days worked. Title: In favorem magistrorum Opere per
o0202001.054f 1426/7 marzo 19 Concession of right of recourse to the Commune of San Gimignano. Text: auxilium, consilium et favorem.
o0202001.056a 1427 aprile 4 Release of arrested persons. Title: Deliberatio in favorem Pisanorum
o0202001.056va 1427 aprile 8 Loan of objects and injunction to masters and unskilled workers to assist Ciuffagni. Title: In favorem Bernardi de Ciuffagnis
o0202001.058vc 1427 maggio 7 Authorization to register the work days of the masters who disobeyed the wardens. Title: In favorem magistrorum Opere qui
o0202001.058vd 1427 maggio 7 Obligation to the Commune of San Gimignano to pay the testamentary legacies to the Opera, in accordance with the ordinances of the Commune of Florence. Text: parte et in favorem dicte Opere allegabatur
o0202001.058vd 1427 maggio 7 Obligation to the Commune of San Gimignano to pay the testamentary legacies to the Opera, in accordance with the ordinances of the Commune of Florence. Text: fuit redditum in favorem dicte Opere in
o0202001.058vd 1427 maggio 7 Obligation to the Commune of San Gimignano to pay the testamentary legacies to the Opera, in accordance with the ordinances of the Commune of Florence. Text: certa consilia in favorem dicti Communis Sancti
o0202001.059b 1427 maggio 7 Letter to the Podestà of Castelfranco of the lower Valdarno instructing him to help to Brunelleschi, who is working for the honor of the Commune of Florence. Title: In favorem Filippi ser Brunelleschi
o0202001.059b 1427 maggio 7 Letter to the Podestà of Castelfranco of the lower Valdarno instructing him to help to Brunelleschi, who is working for the honor of the Commune of Florence. Text: auxilium, consilium et favorem in hiis que
o0202001.062b 1427 giugno 21 Permission to masters to work on the eve of Saint John. Title: In favorem magistrorum Opere quod
o0202001.063a 1427 luglio 11 Concession of rights of 5 soldi and of 4 denari per lira per precept to debt collector and letter to rectors and officials of the Commune to help him in his assignment. Text: auxilium, consilium et favorem.
o0202001.063c 1427 luglio 14 Request of counsel from experts from Bologna and Imola on dispute between the Opera and the Commune of San Gimignano. Text: diversa, tam in favorem quam contra Operam
o0202001.065a 1427 agosto 18 Letter to the Podestà and to the supervisors of Pisa instructing them to assist the notary of testaments. Text: consilium, auxilium et favorem notario testamentorum per
o0202001.065va 1427 agosto 20 Acceptance of 10 broad bricks, although partially broken, every 100 supplied from kilnmen. Title: In favorem fornaciariorum pro tabellonibus
o0202001.074va 1427 dicembre 23 Authorization to pay rights for the testamentary legacies to the notary of the Opera. Title: In favorem notarii Opere pro
o0202001.078vc 1427/8 febbraio 24 Letter to the Podestà of Prato instructing him not to demand payment of the Commune of that city. Title: In favorem Communis Prati
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Title: Absolutio facta in favorem Communis Sancti Geminiani
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: ordinamenta edita in favorem dicte Opere, et
o0202001.081i 1428 aprile 13 Authorization to the debt collectors to demand payment of debtors with letter to the rectors of the countryside requesting their support. Text: eorum auxilium et favorem et quod pro
o0202001.081vd 1428 aprile 19 Letter to the podestàs and rectors of the countryside for demand of payment of debtors. Title: potestates comitatus in favorem Opere
o0202001.085vc 1428 giugno 4 New term for consignment to kilnman for supply of mortar, with threat of demand of payment. Title: In favorem Iohannis Antonii Puccii
o0202001.088i 1428 luglio 20 Authorization to the administrator to pay bargemen, debiting the marble suppliers. Title: Deliberatio facta in favorem schafraiuolorum
o0202001.095va 1428 dicembre 23 Sentence regarding a bequest made to the Opera of dotal properties of testator's sister, recognized as property of other legitimate heirs. Title: absolutionis facta in favorem filiorum et heredum
o0202001.095va 1428 dicembre 23 Sentence regarding a bequest made to the Opera of dotal properties of testator's sister, recognized as property of other legitimate heirs. Text: et productis in favorem dicte Opere et
o0202001.096vc 1428 novembre 29 Letter to the Podestà of Pontedera for demand of payment of miller and revocation of confiscation of the properties of the superintendent of Pisa. Title: Pontis Here in favorem hospitalarii hospitalis civitatis
o0202001.097e 1428 novembre 29 Authorization to pay workers at salary set for work on the cupola even with rain and snow, but not in the case of interruptions ordered by the wardens because of extreme temperatures. Title: In favorem magistrorum Opere et
o0202001.099vc 1428/9 gennaio 28 Election of lawyer for the question of the purchase of the Panciatichi house in the court of the Visdomini. Text: ille in cuius favorem venit solvere teneatur
o0202001.101va 1428/9 febbraio 17 Consignment to the administrator of one soldo per pawn for the custody of the same. Title: In favorem provisoris Opere
o0202001.105vf 1429 aprile 15 Restitution of sum wrongfully withheld and order for restitution of documents lent. Title: Cortigianis et in favorem eius fratris
o0202001.109vf 1429 luglio 16 Letter to the rectors of the countryside and district for help to be given to the debt collector of the Opera. Text: eorum auxilium et favorem Guelfo exactori Opere
o0202001.110vf 1429 agosto 4 Letter to the vicar of val di Nievole for summons of debtors, under penalty of demand of payment. Title: vallis Nebule in favorem communium vallis Nebule
o0202001.112va 1429 settembre 22 Release of arrested person with confiscation of house and demand of payment of guarantors. Title: In favorem Taddei Formice et
o0202001.116c 1429 novembre 4 Authorization to pay master for work done at Malmantile, granting him the completion of the work. Text: offitium tam in favorem dicti Ambroxei quam
o0202001.118vc 1429 dicembre 12 Precept for summons and term of payment to debt collectors. Title: In favorem heredum Bartoli Schiatte
o0202001.122ve 1429/30 febbraio 14 Recovery of stones and columns in an abandoned church near the castle of Vada and letters to the Podestà of Rosignano and to the vicar of Lari for collaboration. Text: auxilium, consilium et favorem prefatis magistris.
o0202001.124h 1429/30 marzo 18 Permission to masters to work outside the Opera. Title: In favorem magistrorum Opere
o0202001.124i 1429/30 marzo 18 Revocation in part of the tare set for the marble suppliers. Title: In favorem conductorum marmoris
o0202001.124vf 1430 marzo 30 Permission to masters to work on the erection of the column of Mercato Vecchio and loan of lumber and equipment that they require. Title: In favorem offitialium Turris pro
o0202001.127vc 1430 maggio 19 Prohibition to release arrested persons who not have paid the rights owing to the debt collectors and guaranty given to the notary of the Opera. Title: In favorem exactorum et contra
o0202001.128e 1430 giugno 16 Letters to the count of Poppi and the Podestà of Dicomano and Corniolo instructing them to punish those responsible for damages to the forest of the Opera and prohibit the entrance of outsiders; open letter for the guard of the forest with notification to the rectors of the countryside to assist him in his appointment. Text: auxilium, consilium et favorem in hiis que
o0202001.129e 1430 settembre 6 Letter to the debt collectors to demand payment of debtors. Text: consilium, auxilium et favorem.
o0202001.130a 1430 settembre 15 Advance on the wages of a stonecutter given to his mother. Title: In favorem domine Mee matris
o0202001.132vb 1430 ottobre 3 Release of an arrested person. Title: In favorem Antonii Dominici corazarii
o0202001.132vd 1430 ottobre 3 Revocation of demand of payment, on condition, in accordance with a legal counsel. Text: consultorem in eius favorem; et scribatur vicario
o0202001.132vd 1430 ottobre 3 Revocation of demand of payment, on condition, in accordance with a legal counsel. Text: gravemento facto in favorem prefate Opere contra
o0202001.132vh 1430 ottobre 5 Hiring of the masters who went to serve the Commune on the battlefield. Title: In favorem magistrorum qui iverunt
o0202001.133l 1430 novembre 8 Payment determined for carters of the Trassinaia quarry. Title: In favorem carradorum qui vadunt
o0202001.137vh 1430/1 febbraio 24 Authorization to trim and convey lumber. Title: In favorem Iacobi Sandri pro
o0202001.138e 1430/1 febbraio 27 Prohibition to release arrested persons that not have paid the right of the arrest. Title: In favorem exactorum
o0202001.139ve 1431 marzo 27 Revocation of demand of payment due to an error and new registration in the book of the debtors. Title: In favorem heredum ser Iacobi
o0202001.144e 1431 giugno 20 Increase of the salary of masters working at Castellina on account of dangers encountered. Title: In favorem magistrorum et manovalium
o0202001.144vd 1431 giugno 28 Authorization to pay per diem wage to the workforce of Castellina hindered by the war from fulfilling their contract. Title: In favorem magistrorum de Settignano,
o0202001.144vh 1431 giugno 28 Term of payment given to debtors. Title: In favorem filiorum et heredum
o0202001.145b 1431 luglio 4 Authorization to pay building work in the castle of Castellina. Title: In favorem Chimenti Bruni et
o0202001.145vc 1431 luglio 11 Execution of governmental provision for the supply of lumber to the friars of San Francesco dell'Osservanza. Title: In favorem fratrum Sancti Francisci
o0202001.145vc 1431 luglio 11 Execution of governmental provision for the supply of lumber to the friars of San Francesco dell'Osservanza. Text: reformatio facta in favorem fratrum Sancti Francisci
o0202001.145vd 1431 luglio 11 Prohibition to the treasurer to pay the masters amounts in excess of the liquid cash available during his term of office. Title: In favorem magistrorum Opere
o0202001.145vf 1431 luglio 13 Revocation of demand of payment for forced loans pertaining to a farm on account of error of identity of person. Title: Falchoneriis et in favorem detentorum cuiusdam poteris
o0202001.146b 1431 luglio 13 Authorization to advance cash to the masters who went to work at Castellina, in expectation of the final settlement. Title: In favorem certorum magistrorum Opere
o0202001.146vc 1431 luglio 13 Authorization to pay the daily wages of the masters who helped the friars of San Francesco with donated lumber. Title: In favorem fratrum Sancti Francisci
o0202001.146vg 1431 luglio 21 Authorization to pay the workers who completed the castle of Castellina with priority over other payments. Title: In favorem illorum qui iverunt
o0202001.147a 1431 agosto 16 Authorization to contract out the monthly supply of mortar for three years, with repayment of loan in installments. Title: In favorem Antonii magistri Gherardi
o0202001.147c 1431 agosto 16 Permission to pay the unskilled workers with priority over other payments. Title: In favorem manovalium
o0202001.147d 1431 agosto 16 Authorization to accredit mortar supplied by the guarantor of a kilnman who is the beneficiary of a loan. Title: In favorem Silvestri Restaccii et
o0202001.147e 1431 agosto 16 Credit to debtors for mortar supplied. Title: In favorem Iohannis Venture et
o0202001.147g 1431 agosto 16 Restitution of pawn wrongfully exacted. Title: In favorem domine Massaie
o0202001.147i 1431 agosto 16 Restitution of pawn. Title: In favorem filiorum Gori de
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