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Context of query
o0201084.003vb 1423/4 gennaio 27 Prohibition to demand payment from the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova, because it is a charitable institution, and to demand payment of, arrest and distrain its personnel. Text: a dicto hospitale quibuscumque de causis; et
o0201080.055va 1421/2 marzo 12 Contract for broad bricks and guaranty. Text: a quocumque seu quibuscumque fornaciariis et pro
o0201077.046va 1420 giugno 28 Authorization to register a full day's work of the workforce for the day of the closing of the cupola of the third tribune. Text: ad computum describere quibuscumque laborantibus, magistris, manovalibus
o0201079.042b 1421 novembre 18 Ruling concerning the procedures for demand of payment for debts. Text: ad solvendum modis quibuscumque opportunis, et maxime
o0201077.019b 1419/20 febbraio 12 Proclamation for redemption or sale of pawns. Text: aliqua pignora pro quibuscumque debitis ad que
o0201080.017a 1421/2 marzo 13 Election of the depositary of the forced loans owed to the Opera, to be registered in a special notebook. Text: camerariatus prestantiarum a quibuscumque solventibus prestantias cum
o0201070.017vb 1417 aprile 28 Execution of the resolutions regarding the houses of the canons and other matters. Text: canonicorum et aliis quibuscumque rebus Operis mictantur
o0202001.206g 1433 ottobre 9 Letter to the rectors of the Pisan countryside for recovery of hardware and bells from the castles laid waste. Text: comitatus et aliis quibuscumque pro recuperando ferramenta
o0201077.034va 1420 aprile 16 Authorization to buy a house. Text: commictentes, non obstantibus quibuscumque ordinamentis in contrarium
o0201074.012vb 1418 agosto 31 Sentence to reduce the new gabelles imposed against the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino, in virtue of the authority attributed to the wardens to examine the protest of immunity advanced by the men of said Commune. Text: Commune Florentie melius quibuscumque aliis tractare, propterea
o0201080.057vb 1422 aprile 23 Contract for cutting and trimming of fir lumber in the forest of the Opera. Text: condictionibus et aliis quibuscumque in quibus et
o0201081.011e 1422 agosto 14 Commission to two wardens to contract out broad terracotta bricks. Text: cum quocumque et quibuscumque conducere volentibus sub
o0201074.031b 1418 dicembre 8 Order to the participants in the competition for the model of the cupola to consign their projects. Text: cupole et aliis quibuscumque qui vellent aliquid
o0202001.128e 1430 giugno 16 Letters to the count of Poppi and the Podestà of Dicomano and Corniolo instructing them to punish those responsible for damages to the forest of the Opera and prohibit the entrance of outsiders; open letter for the guard of the forest with notification to the rectors of the countryside to assist him in his appointment. Text: custodi silve notificando quibuscumque rectoribus comitatus quod
o0201082.010b 1423 aprile 9 Election of messengers. Text: dare dicte Opere quibuscumque de causis, satisdandum
o0201077.017va 1419/20 febbraio 7 Election of debt collectors. Text: de omnibus et quibuscumque exactoribus dicto eorum
o0201086.004ve 1424/5 febbraio 27 Order to debt collector of make precept to the debtors and setting of his salary. Text: debeat omnibus et quibuscumque debitoribus et debitorum
o0201084.003vb 1423/4 gennaio 27 Prohibition to demand payment from the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova, because it is a charitable institution, and to demand payment of, arrest and distrain its personnel. Text: debitorum dicte Opere quibuscumque de causis ad
o0201078.039c 1421 giugno 10 Election of a messenger with schedule of fees for precepts to the debtors. Text: deliberaverunt quod a quibuscumque debitoribus dicte Opere
o0201081.002vb 1422 luglio 2 Notification to debtors for purchase of lumber and other things to pay within term under threat of demand of payment. Text: deliberaverunt quod notificetur quibuscumque debitoribus pro rebus
o0201070.017va 1417 aprile 28 Term for the evacuation of a house assigned to a canon. Text: deliberaverunt quod precipiatur quibuscumque habitantibus in domo,
o0201077.044vd 1420 giugno 15 Authorization to celebrate the feast of Saint John, not exceeding the allocated sum. Text: deliberaverunt quod pro quibuscumque sumptibus in honorantia
o0201081.011vc 1422 agosto 14 Letter to the rectors and officials of the countryside and district with summons for the debtors. Text: deliberaverunt quod scribatur quibuscumque rectoribus et officialibus
o0201080.030c 1422 maggio 12 Demand of payment of debtors with the exception of those with valid extensions or rulings concerning testaments and new term of payment. Text: destinandis et aliis quibuscumque modis opportunis realiter
o0201077.017vb 1419/20 febbraio 7 Authorization to poor debtors and charitable institutions to discount payment for forced loans from that for property gabelle. Text: dicte Opere aliis quibuscumque de causis qui
o0201077.024vc 1419/20 febbraio 29 Authorization to the debt collectors to collect upon presentation of letter. Text: dicte Opere debitarum quibuscumque de causis.
o0201080.024c 1422 aprile 20 Cancellation of debt for exemption of milling gabelle to the Commune of Ciggiano and to that of Oliveto. Text: dicte Opere in quibuscumque libris et registris
o0201077.018vd 1419/20 febbraio 9 Proclamation for redemption or sale of pawns. Text: dicte Opere pro quibuscumque debitis dicte Opere
o0201079.042c 1421 novembre 18 Letter to the Captain of Cortona with summons for two citizens guaranteeing for debt for gabelle; letter to any podestà of the countryside of Arezzo for the same purpose. Text: effectu scribatur lictera quibuscumque potestatibus in comitatu
o0201077.016vb 1419/20 febbraio 7 Prohibition to demand payment and cancellation of debt for forced loans. Text: eis sed in quibuscumque libris opportunis per
o0201077.027d 1419/20 marzo 15 Hiring of debt collectors. Text: emolumentis et aliis quibuscumque hactenus consuetis et
o0201078.015a 1420/1 marzo 18 Election of messengers. Text: emolumentis et aliis quibuscumque hactenus consuetis.
o0201077.025va 1419/20 marzo 6 Dismissal of messenger and new election. Text: emolumentis et aliis quibuscumque hactenus ordinatis et
o0201077.038vb 1420 aprile 30 Revocation of election and new appointment of messengers with salary and indemnity for attending to the affairs of the cupola. Text: emulumentis et aliis quibuscumque hactenus consuetis.
o0202001.203vh 1433 luglio 31 Letter to the rectors of the countryside and term of payment. Text: eorum parte litteras quibuscumque rectoribus comitatus et
o0201080.024c 1422 aprile 20 Cancellation of debt for exemption of milling gabelle to the Commune of Ciggiano and to that of Oliveto. Text: erant exempta a quibuscumque gabellis et oneribus
o0201078.084c 1420/1 marzo 22 Guaranty for contract for mortar. Text: et cum pactis quibuscumque de quibus et
o0201078.032f 1421 maggio 24 Authorization to the administrator to make collections and payments in place of the deceased treasurer. Text: et debeat a quibuscumque solvere debentibus recipere
o0202001.223b 1434 ottobre 22 Authority to the notary of the Opera to write letters about debtors to the rectors of the countryside and district. Text: et debeat scribere quibuscumque rectoribus comitatus et
o0201078.019c 1421 aprile 5 Cancellation of debt for gabelle on property and livestock for the Commune of Legoli and Latreto because of ten-year exemption. Text: et inpune in quibuscumque libris et registris
o0202001.145vf 1431 luglio 13 Revocation of demand of payment for forced loans pertaining to a farm on account of error of identity of person. Text: et mandaverunt a quibuscumque predicta omnia inviolabiliter
o0201073.013a 1418 giugno 2 Conviction of a notary for failing to have executed the court summons that had been sent to the Podestà of Ripafratta regarding the new gabelles and the release of a person arrested on account of the debts of the Podesteria. Text: et multa super quibuscumque libris et registris
o0202001.134c 1430 dicembre 7 Dismissal of the administrator of the Trassinaia quarry for failure to fulfill his obligations and provision for his substitution. Text: et non paruerit quibuscumque mandatis caputmagistri sive
o0202001.161c 1432 maggio 28 Obligation of masters to keep their own hammers at the Opera worksite. Text: et ante omnia quibuscumque ipsorum per unum
o0201080.019c 1421/2 marzo 17 Summons of the notaries who bought the gabelle of the civil court of Pisa for the payment of the 4 denari per lira due to the Opera in accordance with legal counsel obtained. Text: et personaliter conveniri quibuscumque remediis opportunis omni
o0202001.063a 1427 luglio 11 Concession of rights of 5 soldi and of 4 denari per lira per precept to debt collector and letter to rectors and officials of the Commune to help him in his assignment. Text: et preceptum faciendi quibuscumque debitoribus prefate Opere
o0201077.017vb 1419/20 febbraio 7 Authorization to poor debtors and charitable institutions to discount payment for forced loans from that for property gabelle. Text: et registrari in quibuscumque libris et registris
o0201075.046va 1418/9 marzo 17 Payment for paintings of arms and other paintings for Santa Maria Novella. Text: et seu pro quibuscumque aliis picturis et
o0202001.216vf 1434 maggio 15 Authorization to the notary to write to the rectors of the countryside against the debtors. Text: et singulis et quibuscumque rectoribus comitatus et
o0201077.034a 1420 aprile 16 Election of the supervisors of the cupola with salary set and election of master masons. Text: exercitio et aliis quibuscumque ipsis Iuliano et
o0201086.022vb 1425 giugno 12 Order to the notary of testaments to exact from debtors the amount deliberated by the consuls and wardens. Text: exigi facere a quibuscumque debitoribus prefate Opere
o0202001.091vd 1428 settembre 24 Order to the administrator and master builder to compile inventories of the houses of the Visdomini. Text: facere inventarium de quibuscumque rebus existentibus in
o0201080.032vb 1422 maggio 20 Authorization to demand payment of the debtors for old testaments, upon notification, with indemnity of every expense for those not held to pay. Text: factis et aliis quibuscumque totaliter conservetur indepnis,
o0201081.015vd 1422 settembre 4 Renewal of contract to the guardian of the pawns. Text: fideiussionibus et aliis quibuscumque cum quibus et
o0202001.085d 1428 maggio 26 Authorization to sell lumber salvaged from the church of San Simone. Text: Florentia possit vendere quibuscumque voluerit pro eo
o0201079.070c 1421 agosto 20 Payment to debt collector of the gabelle on contracts for survey of testaments. Text: gabelle contractuum pro quibuscumque partitis per eum
o0201077.036va 1420 aprile 24 Letter to the Commune of Cornia for cancellation of debt for new gabelles. Text: gabellis et omnibus quibuscumque Communis Florentie, licet
o0201084.003vb 1423/4 gennaio 27 Prohibition to demand payment from the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova, because it is a charitable institution, and to demand payment of, arrest and distrain its personnel. Text: gravamine, non obstante quibuscumque in contrarium disponentibus,
o0201081.021d 1422 settembre 22 Order to the debt collectors to demand payment of debtors outside the city with open letter to the rectors of the countryside and definition of their rights. Text: infrascriptum lictera patens quibuscumque rectoribus comitatus ad
o0201075.028d 1419 maggio 15 Letter to the Captain of Arezzo for summons of the bishop's treasurer and solicitation of payment to debtors. Text: interim exigat a quibuscumque solvere restantibus et
o0202001.096vc 1428 novembre 29 Letter to the Podestà of Pontedera for demand of payment of miller and revocation of confiscation of the properties of the superintendent of Pisa. Text: ipsorum operariorum in quibuscumque declarandis per eos.
o0201070b.017vc 1417 aprile 16 Open letters to the debt collectors for demand of payment outside the city. Text: Item quod exactoribus quibuscumque dicti officii dentur
o0201080.013c 1421/2 febbraio 25 Letter to the rectors and to officials about the right of carry out their work in accordance with the ordinances. Text: Item quod scribatur quibuscumque rectoribus et officialibus,
o0202001.161d 1432 maggio 28 Authorization to sell pebbles and old stones. Text: lapidibus veteribus Opere quibuscumque eis videbitur pro
o0201077.024vc 1419/20 febbraio 29 Authorization to the debt collectors to collect upon presentation of letter. Text: licite et inpune quibuscumque rectoribus et offitialibus
o0202001.129e 1430 settembre 6 Letter to the debt collectors to demand payment of debtors. Text: littere prefatis exactoribus quibuscumque rectoribus comitatus (et)
o0201078.026ve 1421 aprile 26 Authorization to the master builder to contract out transport of stones to carters. Text: locare cuicumque et quibuscumque carradoribus voluerit semel
o0202001.212b 1433/4 marzo 24 Authorization to commission sandstone oculi for the cupola. Text: locare cuicumque seu quibuscumque magistris voluerint ad
o0201083.007vb 1423 settembre 28 Annulment of the contracts made on sculpture not yet begun with the exception of that commissioned to Giuliano goldsmith. Text: locationes factas de quibuscumque figuris de scoltura
o0201081.010vc 1422 agosto 12 Commission to the administrator to contract out broad terracotta bricks. Text: locis cuicumque seu quibuscumque conducere volentibus pro
o0201078.025b 1421 aprile 18 Sale of wax offered for the feast of Santa Maria del Fiore to the highest bidder. Text: maiori pretio aliis quibuscumque, premisso et facto
o0201079.026a 1421 settembre 17 Ruling regarding the allocation of funds to be decreed for a supply of lumber with penalty to the supplier if he should not respect the consignment. Text: mentio, non obstantibus quibuscumque postea in contrarium
o0201073.013a 1418 giugno 2 Conviction of a notary for failing to have executed the court summons that had been sent to the Podestà of Ripafratta regarding the new gabelles and the release of a person arrested on account of the debts of the Podesteria. Text: Micaeli et aliis quibuscumque inobbedientie materiam totaliter
o0201078.019d 1421 aprile 5 Authorization to pay and advance sums of money to the workers in accordance with the indications of the administrator. Text: mutuare et solvere quibuscumque laborantibus in dicta
o0201070b.024va 1417 giugno 16 Cancellation of debt for new gabelles for exemption granted by the Ten of War. Text: notarium Operis de quibuscumque libris et registris
o0201080.003e 1421/2 gennaio 9 Cancellation of debt for new gabelles. Text: notarium predictum in quibuscumque libris et registris
o0201080.057va 1421/2 marzo 11 Contract for cutting and trimming of fir lumber in the forest of Campigna. Text: obligationibus et aliis quibuscumque cum quibus et
o0201079.056b 1421 settembre 11 Contract for supply of fir lumber. Text: obligationibus et aliis quibuscumque cum quibus et
o0201079.048va 1421 dicembre 5 Authorization to the administrator to increase a contract for broad bricks. Text: obligationibus et aliis quibuscumque in ipsa prima
o0202001.155vb 1431/2 marzo 3 Authority to a warden to solicit the supply of broad bricks and mortar. Text: occaxione predictorum scribat quibuscumque ex parte offitii
o0201079.027vb 1421 settembre 26 Notification to the new treasurer of the forced loans of the Commune of Florence to exact from the debtors the amounts due to the Opera according to the ordinances. Text: officii, quod a quibuscumque solventibus durante tempore
o0201081.036vd 1422 dicembre 30 Re-election of two messengers confirmed in their appointment for diligence and loyalty and setting of their salaries. Text: oneribus et aliis quibuscumque hactenus ordinatis, et
o0202001.042vh 1426 ottobre 17 Cancellation of debt and prohibition to demand payment because of exemption of the Commune of Peccioli from the new gabelles. Text: oneribus et factionibus quibuscumque ordinariis et extraordinariis,
o0201081.004va 1422 luglio 13 Order to remove broad bricks deposited in the Opera without permission and to force the buyers of wood below the minumum price to pay the difference. Text: Opera de lignaminibus quibuscumque ipsius Opere pro
o0202001.175vd 1429 novembre 15 Notification to the canons of deadline for returning to their residences. Text: operariorum prefatorum notificet quibuscumque canonicis ecclesie maioris
o0201079.006ve 1421 luglio 16 Contract for the custody of pawns with indications regarding the place to keep them, thefts, sale and rights. Text: Opere et officii quibuscumque de causis in
o0202001.204a 1433 luglio 31 Election of debt collector and letter to the rectors of the countryside prohibiting demand of payment in the places struck by wars. Text: Opere littera generalis quibuscumque rectoribus comitatus quoscumque
o0201084.007vb 1423/4 febbraio 24 End of accountant's appointment. Text: percipienda quoquo modo quibuscumque de causis usque
o0201077.028e 1419/20 marzo 21 Sale of pawns with term of payment and guaranty. Text: plus obtulit aliis quibuscumque extimatoribus et quod
o0201077.031e 1420 aprile 3 Authorization to count Holy Thursday and Saturday as working days. Text: possit sibique liceat quibuscumque magistris, manovalibus et
o0201080.005vb 1421/2 gennaio 14 Commission to master builder and administrator to contract out lumber for the roofs of the chapels. Text: predicta cuicumque et quibuscumque conducere volentibus pro
o0201085.005a 1424 dicembre 2 Authorization to the notary of the Opera to register all the debts of every debtor in a single book. Text: predicte reperti in quibuscumque libris dicte Opere
o0201077.007a 1419/20 gennaio 10 Notification to messengers and debt collectors of means and schedules for demand of payment and distraint to debtors. Text: predictis et ceteris quibuscumque quod moderatione et
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: prefate Opere in quibuscumque registris seu libris
o0201084.043a 1423/4 febbraio 23 Payment of rights to the past accountant of the Opera with obligation to give quittance. Text: presentem diem de quibuscumque petere potest dicte
o0202001.115va 1429 ottobre 15 Authorization to set salaries of the unskilled workers for the winter. Text: presentis mensis octobris quibuscumque manovalibus qui servierunt
o0201078.007va 1420/1 gennaio 31 Authorization to the administrator to contract out supply of mortar for five years. Text: prestanda et aliis quibuscumque pactis cum quibus
o0201072.014b 1417/8 gennaio 18 Restitution of a pawn for forced loans and other tributes. Text: prestantiis et pro quibuscumque aliis gravedinibus Mari
o0201078.023b 1421 aprile 15 Election of the new notary of testaments. Text: provisionibus et aliis quibuscumque cum quibus electus
o0201080.024c 1422 aprile 20 Cancellation of debt for exemption of milling gabelle to the Commune of Ciggiano and to that of Oliveto. Text: quam ab aliis quibuscumque; et intellecto qualiter
o0201074.009e 1418 agosto 19 Authority to the administrator to take measures against the debt collectors. Text: quam in aliis quibuscumque rebus etc.
o0201079.013va 1421 agosto 14 Sentence of the Wool Guild for controversy between debtors and wardens concerning debt of 3000 florins and term of payment with annual installments. Text: quibus supra pro quibuscumque diminuitionibus, gratiis et
o0201079.013va 1421 agosto 14 Sentence of the Wool Guild for controversy between debtors and wardens concerning debt of 3000 florins and term of payment with annual installments. Text: quo supra pro quibuscumque prestantiis, placentibus, displacentibus,
o0201075.030a 1419 maggio 31 Election of accountant for the accounts of the cashiers of the communal treasury. Text: quocumque et seu quibuscumque solutionibus ipsis capseriis
o0201079.020c 1421 agosto 28 Cancellation of debt for testament to debtor who is not an heir and term of payment for other debts. Text: quod pro aliis quibuscumque debitis pro quibus
o0201077.017b 1419/20 febbraio 7 Term of payment for debt for gabelles on ecclesiastical properties. Text: quorumcumque bonorum in quibuscumque libris dicte Opere
o0201080.003vc 1421/2 gennaio 9 Demand of payment to the debtors of the Florentine countryside. Text: quotiens fuerit opportunum quibuscumque rectoribus et officialibus
o0201079.008ve 1421 luglio 24 Ruling to send debt collectors into countryside to demand payment of debtors and letter to the rectors of the countryside instructing them to assist said debt collectors. Text: quotiens fuerit opportunum quibuscumque rectoribus et officialibus
o0201074.004va 1418 agosto 4 Authorization to pay work, materials and transport of a model for the armature of the cupola. Text: rebus et aliis quibuscumque ad dictum modellum
o0201079.013va 1421 agosto 14 Sentence of the Wool Guild for controversy between debtors and wardens concerning debt of 3000 florins and term of payment with annual installments. Text: residuis et aliis quibuscumque oneribus et gravedinibus
o0201078.028vd 1421 aprile 29 Extension of two months to the accountants for the commission entrusted to them. Text: salario et aliis quibuscumque cum quibus ad
o0201078.043c 1421 giugno 18 Election of a third accountant to assist the two previously elected. Text: salario et aliis quibuscumque cum quibus electi
o0201080.026va 1422 aprile 29 Authorization to the administrator to contract out 400.000 broad bricks to be conveyed in four years at set price, with advance to be deducted. Text: satisdationibus et aliis quibuscumque hactenus consuetis et
o0201078.003vb 1420/1 gennaio 14 Election of two debt collectors. Text: satisdationibus et aliis quibuscumque hactenus ordinatis.
o0202001.215vc 1434 aprile 26 Letter to the rectors of the countryside in favor of the guard of the forest. Text: scribatur una littera quibuscumque rectoribus comitatus quod
o0202001.128vi 1430 giugno 22 Letter to the rectors to demand payment of debtor at the instance of another debtor and relative deduction of the amount from the debt of the person requesting. Text: scribatur una littera quibuscumque rectoribus quos nominaverit
o0201078.032va 1421 maggio 24 Rulings regarding the collection of debts of the countryside and district with summons for one or two inhabitants of the debtor places. Text: scribi et mandari quibuscumque rectoribus et officialibus
o0201077.034a 1420 aprile 16 Election of the supervisors of the cupola with salary set and election of master masons. Text: sumptibus et aliis quibuscumque de quibus et
o0201080.057vc 1422 maggio 15 Five-year contract for rafting and transport of lumber cut and trimmed in the forest of the Opera, with guaranty. Text: sumptibus et expensis quibuscumque ipsius Mattei conductoris
o0202001.103vh 1429 aprile 5 Order to set a term of payment for the debtors of the Opera to avoid damages to them and demands of payment. Text: suo socio possit quibuscumque debitoribus Opere statuere
o0202001.041vg 1426 ottobre 2 Authorization to the provost to grant debtors terms of payment to be fixed at the next meeting of the wardens. Text: tempore adfuerit possit quibuscumque debitoribus dicte Opere
o0202001.022vc 1425/6 febbraio 15 Election of debt collectors with salary set. Text: tenetur habere a quibuscumque personis cuiusvis condictionis
o0201082.014va 1423 aprile 28 Authorization to correct or reduce contracts of broad bricks. Text: unicumque fornaciario de quibuscumque quantitatequadronum pro illa
o0201078.008vb 1420/1 febbraio 7 Election of the guardian of the pawns. Text: utilitatibus et aliis quibuscumque cum quibus ad
o0201078.046a 1421 giugno 27 Election of a debt collector to arrest the debtors. Text: utilitatibus et aliis quibuscumque cum quibus electus
o0201078.045va 1421 giugno 26 Election of two debt collectors. Text: utilitatibus et aliis quibuscumque hactenus consuetis et
o0202001.220g 1434 agosto 14 Letter to the rectors of the countryside concerning the demand of payment from some debtors of the Opera. Title: Littera generalis quibuscumque rectoribus comitatus
o0202001.223b 1434 ottobre 22 Authority to the notary of the Opera to write letters about debtors to the rectors of the countryside and district. Title: Littere quibuscumque rectoribus fiende per
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