Document |
Date |
Summary |
Context of query |
1434 maggio 15 |
Authorization to the notary to write to the rectors of the countryside against the debtors. |
Text: ac etiam teneatur quoscumque debitores Opere ad |
1422 maggio 12 |
Letter to the office of the Ten of Pisa instructing them to have sent to the Opera the annotation of the contractors of the wine and butchering gabelle of the countryside from 1419 and of all the contractors of the city and suburbs from 1416 on. |
Text: ad Operam micti quoscumque conductores gabelle macelli |
1418/9 febbraio 4 |
Demand of payment and arrest of insolvent debtors upon notification of term of payment to some of them. |
Text: ad solvendum per quoscumque exactores dicti Operis |
1435 maggio 4 |
Confirmation of the rulings made against the treasurers whose accounts have been and will be reviewed according to what is decreed. |
Text: adversus omnes et quoscumque camerarios qui hactenus |
1421/2 gennaio 29 |
Concession of right of recourse to debtor for property gabelles and testaments. |
Text: bonis et contra quoscumque poss(essores) eorumdem pro |
1421 giugno 20 |
Order of arrest of a debt collector and notification. |
Text: capi facere per quoscumque nuntios, exactores et |
1420/1 gennaio 14 |
Election of two debt collectors. |
Text: capiendum et gravandum quoscumque Opere predicte debitores |
1420 maggio 18 |
Demand of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans with option of right of recourse. |
Text: concedatur regressus contra quoscumque ad solvendum obligatos. |
1422 agosto 4 |
Authorization to the administrator and the master builder to sell ropes and hardware. |
Text: cuicumque emere volenti quoscumque canapos et ferramenta |
1419/20 febbraio 12 |
Proclamation for redemption or sale of pawns. |
Text: de causa per quoscumque nuntios vel exactores |
1421 aprile 18 |
Reduction of the rent of the quarry of the hill of Vincigliata for disagreement over the price and agreement to quarry only sandstone blocks for the cupola. |
Text: de dicto podio quoscumque macignos et lapides |
1421 giugno 18 |
Order to the treasurer accept all the debtors declared by the administrator and likewise all the creditors assigned to him by his predecessor and to leave to his successor the remaining ones. |
Text: debeat omnes et quoscumque debitores dicte Opere |
1421 marzo 31 |
Authorization to the administrator to sell the pawns kept in the Opera. |
Text: dicte Opere per quoscumque nuntios et exactores |
1431/2 marzo 3 |
Decision, following consultations with counsellors and experts, to contract out the tomb monument of Saint Zenobius to Ghiberti. |
Text: eos delata per quoscumque diligentissimeque ac auditis |
1421 giugno 27 |
Election of a debt collector to arrest the debtors. |
Text: et capti faciendum quoscumque debitores dicte Opere |
1425 luglio 30 |
Order to rent the Trassinaia quarry, except the part reserved by the owners, and compensation of damages made there. |
Text: et cavari faciendum quoscumque macignos et lapides |
1419 aprile 6 |
Authority to two wardens to oversee the work for the Pope's residence with the exception of the stairs. |
Text: et debeant per quoscumque, tam camerarium quam |
1421 aprile 7 |
Request of the accountants to confront the books of forced loans and new gabelles kept by the treasurer with those kept by the notary. |
Text: et debeant riscontrare quoscumque libros introytus camerariorum |
1421 aprile 7 |
Request of the accountants to confront the books of forced loans and new gabelles kept by the treasurer with those kept by the notary. |
Text: et gabellarum et quoscumque errores in dictis |
1420/1 febbraio 19 |
Rent of the hill of Vincigliata for three years, except two shops. |
Text: et haberi faciendum quoscumque macignos et lapides |
1425 luglio 30 |
Order to rent the Trassinaia quarry, except the part reserved by the owners, and compensation of damages made there. |
Text: et lapides per quoscumque dicti offitii commissarios, |
1420/1 febbraio 19 |
Rent of the hill of Vincigliata for three years, except two shops. |
Text: et lapides per quoscumque eorum officii commissarios |
1418 maggio 12 |
Promise to keep pawns in custody and corresponding guaranty. |
Text: et representata per quoscumque exactores dicti Operis |
1426 aprile 17 |
Letters to the rectors and officials of the countryside about norms for demand of payment of the debtors served with notice. |
Text: et singulos et quoscumque debitores prelibate Opere, |
1419 novembre 7 |
Election of the accountant for the accounts of the treasurers of the gabelle on contracts of the Commune of Florence with salary set. |
Text: et singulos et quoscumque pro Communi Florentie |
1421/2 gennaio 12 |
Letter to the Ten of Pisa to obtain payment of the 4 denari per lira from the contractors of the gabelles for the Commune of Florence from 1406 onwards. |
Text: facere et permictere quoscumque conductores quarumcumque gabellarum |
1422 settembre 22 |
Order to the debt collectors to demand payment of debtors outside the city with open letter to the rectors of the countryside and definition of their rights. |
Text: Florentie ad gravandum quoscumque cives florentinos et |
1421 ottobre 22 |
Term of payment for property gabelle of three years to the abbey of Trebbio with guaranty. |
Text: fratribus suis vel quoscumque duos ex fratribus |
1433/4 febbraio 3 |
Term for the forced sale to the Opera of a shed and of a garden intended for the use of Opera personnel. |
Text: gravari debere per quoscumque rectores Communis Florentie |
1419 aprile 5 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans and pardons with release of arrested person. |
Text: gravari omnes et quoscumque quomodolibet ad solutionem |
1421/2 gennaio 9 |
Concession of right of recourse against debtor for loan. |
Text: Iacobi et contra quoscumque possessores bonorum eiusdem |
1422 marzo 31 |
Concession of help to (kiln contractor) to pay the carters. |
Text: in gravando carradores quoscumque ad conducendum quadrones |
1422 agosto 7 |
Order to the appointed officials not to accept broad bricks not corresponding to the measurements and shape of the form. |
Text: ipsam Operam per quoscumque fornaciarios conductores ipsius |
1419 agosto 11 |
Payment to Lorenzo di Bartoluccio for the expenditures incurred for the models of the main cupola. |
Text: Laurentii vel per quoscumque alios, preter solum |
1418 novembre 4 |
Letter to the Podestà of Dicomano to favor the restitution of loans regarding lumber to a supplier. |
Text: lignaminis Operis contra quoscumque debitores dicti Mannini |
1421 novembre 29 |
Contract for hoisting of loads with oxen or horses up to the main cupola. |
Text: muris cupole maioris quoscumque lapides cuiuscumque generis, |
1419/20 gennaio 5 |
Permission for debt collection granted to messenger without perception of further salary. |
Text: officii et operariorum quoscumque debitores dicte Opere |
1422 aprile 24 |
Authorization to the administrator to contract out the transport of log rafts from the port of Dicomano to that of San Francesco. |
Text: Opera conducenda per quoscumque conductores dicte Opere |
1422 agosto 4 |
Reduction by one quarter of the price for defective broad terracotta bricks. |
Text: Operam conductorum per quoscumque fornaciarios dicte Opere |
1422 agosto 7 |
Confirmation of the resolution on the tare for broad bricks with order to the administrator to register it in the accounts of the kilnmen under penalty of dismissal from his office, registration as debtors of those who purchased lumber at a lower price than was due and term for removing 7 cartloads of broad bricks. |
Text: Operam conductorum per quoscumque fornaciarios pro cupola |
1419/20 gennaio 5 |
Permission for debt collection granted to messenger without perception of further salary. |
Text: Opere exercere et quoscumque debitores realiter et |
1419/20 gennaio 29 |
Dismissal of debt collectors for dishonest conduct. |
Text: Opere hactenus per quoscumque operarios et officiales |
1418/9 febbraio 4 |
Demand of payment and arrest of insolvent debtors upon notification of term of payment to some of them. |
Text: Operis et alios quoscumque etc., dummodo debentibus |
1422 maggio 15 |
Five-year contract for rafting and transport of lumber cut and trimmed in the forest of the Opera, with guaranty. |
Text: per quemcumque seu quoscumque conductores lignaminis dicte |
1430 settembre 6 |
Letter to the debt collectors to demand payment of debtors. |
Text: personaliter per exactores quoscumque Opere; et scribantur |
1419/20 febbraio 9 |
Proclamation for redemption or sale of pawns. |
Text: pignora hactenus per quoscumque exactores pignorata a |
1421 aprile 7 |
Request to the administrator of the office of the Ten of Pisa to inform the suppliers about gabelles of the city and of the Pisan countryside. |
Text: placeat sibi scribere quoscumque conductores quarumcumque gabellarum |
1424 dicembre 2 |
Authorization to the notary of the Opera to register all the debts of every debtor in a single book. |
Text: possit omnes et quoscumque debitores Opere predicte |
1421 novembre 26 |
Authorization to the raftsmen to convey lumber to the port of San Francesco, notwithstanding a contrary ruling. |
Text: provisione quacumque per quoscumque in contrarium facta. |
1435 aprile 22 |
Term to the treasurers of the gabelles and forced loans in office from the 1425 for presentation of their rights or consignment of money collected and not paid, under penalty of dispatch to debtors' registry. |
Text: provisor teneatur alios quoscumque camerarios Communis Florentie |
1419 aprile 6 |
Authority to two wardens to oversee the work for the Pope's residence with the exception of the stairs. |
Text: quam per alios quoscumque, ac si facta, |
1418 agosto 23 |
Rulings about the design or closing of the residence of the canons and for the building of two walls closing off two streets. |
Text: quandocumque et per quoscumque facte non possit |
1422 dicembre 9 |
Contract for supply of lumber. |
Text: quecumque lignamina per quoscumque conductores dicte Opere |
1418 agosto 31 |
Sentence to reduce the new gabelles imposed against the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino, in virtue of the authority attributed to the wardens to examine the protest of immunity advanced by the men of said Commune. |
Text: quemcumque et seu quoscumque commissos et exactores |
1421 aprile 30 |
Contract for broad bricks to kilnmen with advance of part of the payment. |
Text: quemcumque et seu quoscumque et pro quocumque |
1421 maggio 5 |
Order for demand of payment with penalty to the debtors on commission of the administrator and notary of the Wool Guild and the Opera. |
Text: quemcumque et seu quoscumque rectores et offitiales, |
1433 luglio 31 |
Election of debt collector and letter to the rectors of the countryside prohibiting demand of payment in the places struck by wars. |
Text: quibuscumque rectoribus comitatus quoscumque debitores Opere, dummodo |
1421 settembre 11 |
Contract for hewn revetment stones. |
Text: quod Salvius predictus quoscumque lapides de filo |
1420 aprile 24 |
Term of payment to the Podesterias of Ponsacco and Peccioli and to the Commune of Palaia for debt for property gabelle. |
Text: realiter et personaliter quoscumque in dicta Potestaria |
1419/20 gennaio 29 |
Dismissal of debt collectors for dishonest conduct. |
Text: removerunt omnes et quoscumque exactores ad servitia |
1421 agosto 8 |
Term of payment to the parish of Sant'Andrea a Tizzana and letter to the Podestà instructing him to demand payment. |
Text: scribatur quod gravet quoscumque ad ipsas solutiones |
1421 aprile 5 |
Contract to three stonecutters to quarry stones for the cupola in the Trassinaia quarry. |
Text: seu cogi facere quoscumque carradores ad conducendum |
1421/2 febbraio 12 |
Concession of right of recourse to parishes of the communes of Dicomano and Castello that are debtors for property gabelle. |
Text: sex; et contra quoscumque homines et personas |
1431 settembre 25 |
Acceptance of the petition presented on account of some debtors for a large sum, which was unknown to the Opera, allowing for payment in annual installments. |
Text: similiter per alios quoscumque suo mandato vel |
1426 giugno 7 |
Election of the accountant of the forced loans with salary set. |
Text: solvi debentur per quoscumque homines et personas |
1421 novembre 17 |
Letter to the administrator of the gabelles of Pisa instructing him to write in a notebook the contractors of gabelles and income of Pisa and its countryside; letter to the Ten supervisors of Pisa to check that said description be made and transmitted. |
Text: super quodam quaterno quoscumque conductores gabelle et |
1416/7 febbraio 26 |
Term of payment for dues for testaments and other rulings to solicit collections. |
Text: voluntatibus relictis per quoscumque tam Operi suprascripto |