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1-150 A151-300  A301-450  A451-489 





Context of query
o0201070.007b 1416/7 febbraio 9 Equalization of the price for the supply of soft stones and hard. Text: conductores teneantur et debeant dare et concedere
o0201070.008b 1416/7 febbraio 19 Increase of the salary of the cantors. Text: habere intelligantur et debeant florenos duos aurei
o0201070.009b 1416/7 febbraio 26 Term of payment for dues for testaments and other rulings to solicit collections. Text: etiam teneantur et debeant de mense in
o0201070.010a 1416/7 marzo 2 Rulings for collection of rights owed by the treasurers of the salt and wine gabelles. Text: possint, teneantur et debeant vigore presentis deliberationis
o0201070.015g 1417 aprile 10 Obligation to send arrested persons to prison within 6 days. Text: operariorum teneantur et debeant ipsos sic captos
o0201070.015vd 1417 aprile 10 Salary set for workforce. Text: habeant et habere debeant infrascripta salaria quolibet
o0201070.018c 1417 aprile 29 Salary set for two workers. Text: habere intelligantur et debeant quolibet die quo
o0201070.018d 1417 aprile 29 Salary set for two masters. Text: habeant et habere debeant et sibi solvi
o0201070b.012vg 1416/7 marzo 3 Term of payment for debt for forced loans and subsequent release of the arrested person. Text: presentis mensis martii debeant solvisse pro sex
o0201070b.012vg 1416/7 marzo 3 Term of payment for debt for forced loans and subsequent release of the arrested person. Text: prestantiis; et propterea debeant ydonee satisdare, et
o0201070b.013d 1416/7 marzo 4 Deadline to debt collectors for refraining from demand of payment for forced loans below a certain sum. Text: non possint vel debeant sub pena eorum
o0201070b.015b 1416/7 marzo 17 Term of payment for debt for new gabelles and pardons of forced loans. Text: possint, teneantur et debeant dimidiam partem totius
o0201070b.015b 1416/7 marzo 17 Term of payment for debt for new gabelles and pardons of forced loans. Text: de sic observando debeant infra octo dies
o0201070b.016a 1416/7 marzo 24 Term of payment to the heirs of debtor. Text: de sic observando debeant idonee satisdare etc.
o0201070b.050vb 1416/7 gennaio 26 Guaranty for unspecified debts for the hospital of Santa Fina and the Opera of Santa Maria of San Gimignano. Text: ostendere quod non debeant solvere etc., renumptians
o0201070b.062a 1417 luglio 2 Guaranty for debt for new gabelles of the ecclesiastical establishsments of the Podesteria of Verghereto. Text: ostendere quod non debeant solvere, ita quod
o0201072.014ve 1417/8 gennaio 19 Term of payment for debt with recourse clause. Text: Onestus dicet quod debeant solvisse infra quattuor
o0201072.014vg 1417/8 gennaio 19 Order to cull information about the testaments from the records of the gabelle on contracts. Text: ad gabellam contrattuum debeant facere elevari per
o0201072.015b 1417/8 gennaio 20 Term to the administrator of the new gabelles for the consignment of the books of income from that source. Text: rerum dicte gabelle debeant libros introytus ipsorum
o0201072.016vb 1417/8 febbraio 1 Order to consign the funds of the preceding administrations to the treasurer. Text: Opere debent dare debeant omnem quantitatem pecunie
o0201072.018c 1417/8 febbraio 10 Collection of the payment for a tomb monument. Text: camerarii Opere quod debeant consignasse presenti camerario
o0201072.018vb 1417/8 febbraio 10 Letter to the Elders of Pisa about the payment deadline for their debts. Text: totum mensem februarii debeant solvisse eorum debita
o0201072.021vh 1417/8 febbraio 25 Obligation to the messengers to pay a monthly contribution to a colleague. Text: futuri intelligantur et debeant de cetero dare
o0201072.022vd 1417/8 febbraio 26 Public solicitation of payment for the new gabelles. Text: quacumque de causa debeant solvisse omnem eorum
o0201072.022ve 1417/8 febbraio 26 Term of payment for a wine gabelle. Text: Montalto super Leonam debeant solvisse pro sex
o0201072.023c 1417/8 febbraio 26 Public solicitation for the wine gabelle. Text: aliquo alio loco debeant pro ipsis gratiis
o0201072.024a 1417/8 febbraio 28 Ruling for protect the indemnity of the notary of testaments. Text: presidebunt teneantur et debeant ipsum ser Laurentium
o0201072.025vc 1417/8 marzo 8 Injunction to present the books with credits of the Opera to the administrator. Text: denarios dicti Operis debeant eorum libros presentasse
o0201073.007a 1418 aprile 23 New contract for the balance of a supply of broad bricks and tare for material of inferior quality already delivered. Text: habeant et habere debeant libras decem octo
o0201073.007a 1418 aprile 23 New contract for the balance of a supply of broad bricks and tare for material of inferior quality already delivered. Text: habeant et habere debeant, pro quolibet miliario
o0201073.007vd 1418 aprile 29 Assignment of house to the cantors and order to the previous occupant to evacuate. Text: dies proxime futuros debeant ipsam domum disgombrasse,
o0201073.009d 1418 maggio 4 Order to the debt collectors to return to the city and consign their letter of commission, under penalty of dismissal. Text: possint, teneantur et debeant hinc ad per
o0201073.011e 1418 maggio 24 Notification of deadline to the communal treasurers to give notice of the amounts owed to the Opera that they have collected and to make the corresponding settlement. Text: quacumque de causa, debeant ac teneantur hinc
o0201073.011e 1418 maggio 24 Notification of deadline to the communal treasurers to give notice of the amounts owed to the Opera that they have collected and to make the corresponding settlement. Text: quod solvere debent, debeant et teneantur infra
o0201073.012c 1418 giugno 1 Dismissals of the salaried persons elected by the wardens whose appointment has elapsed and injunction to give back books and keys. Text: finite teneantur et debeant incontinenti restituisse provisori
o0201073.012d 1418 giugno 1 Terms given to the debt collectors to return and repeal of orders to the podestàs for demands of payment. Text: Operis teneantur et debeant hinc ad decem
o0201073.016ve 1418 aprile 26 Salary set for masters. Text: habeant et habere debeant pro quolibet die
o0201073b.002c 1418 aprile 13 Obligation to the treasurers and the notaries of the new gabelles and of the forced loans to consign the books not yet audited to the administrator. Text: dies proxime futuros debeant consignasse eorum libros
o0201073b.004a 1418 aprile 23 Restitution of pawns to whoever has paid or has been given payment deadline. Text: restitui possint et debeant pignora eis et
o0201073b.004vd 1418 aprile 30 Term of payment for a property gabelle. Text: solvant et solvere debeant infra octo dies
o0201073b.004vd 1418 aprile 30 Term of payment for a property gabelle. Text: dictis temporibus solvendis debeant infra tres dies
o0201073b.005a 1418 aprile 30 Authorization to establish the distraint tax. Text: Papius Gori solvere debeant exactoribus pro pignoribus
o0201073b.006va 1418 maggio 20 Injunction to present to the treasurer the money received from the Podesteria of Calci for the new gabelles. Text: dedisse et solvisse debeant camerario dicti Operis
o0201074.002vb 1418 luglio 6 Term of payment given to all debtors. Text: solvant et solvisse debeant alias gravabuntur etc.;
o0201074.003vd 1418 luglio 21 Alterations of the regulation for the notary of the Opera concerning the restitution of pawns and for the notary of testaments, who can elect debt collectors and write letters and attend to the drawing up of acts. Text: etiam teneantur et debeant pro eorum labore
o0201074.004e 1418 luglio 21 Release of arrested persons with declaration of the administrator. Text: dicti Operis relapsari debeant et eis fieri
o0201074.005va 1418 agosto 6 Salary set for masters. Text: habeant et habere debeant a dicto Opere
o0201074.005vc 1418 agosto 6 Reimbursement of expenditures to persons wrongfully enjoined to pay by the debt collectors. Text: debebit, teneantur et debeant reficere et restituere
o0201074.006va 1418 agosto 9 Confirmation of the rulings for the usufruct of a garden and shed with quantification of the sum to be spent for building a wall there and with agreements for the eventual release of that property. Text: denariorum, teneantur et debeant sibi libere dimictere
o0201074.007va 1418 agosto 12 Order to the debt collectors to consign pawns and present themselves to furnish a new guaranty. Text: Opere teneantur et debeant omnia et singula
o0201074.007va 1418 agosto 12 Order to the debt collectors to consign pawns and present themselves to furnish a new guaranty. Text: etiam teneantur et debeant dicti exactores infra
o0201074.008a 1418 agosto 12 Application of an exemption of the comptrollers for the gabelles concerning livestock. Text: cancellari possint et debeant per me Laurentium
o0201074.010b 1418 agosto 23 Registration of debtors of the new gabelles. Text: registrati, possint et debeant registrari in illis
o0201074.010va 1418 agosto 23 Rulings about the design or closing of the residence of the canons and for the building of two walls closing off two streets. Text: muri possint et debeant incastrari cum muris
o0201074.017a 1418 settembre 2 Oath of six wardens and injunction to the cashiers of the Commune of Florence to present themselves to be interrogated about tax revenues due to the Opera collected by them. Text: possint quid facere debeant de predictis etc.
o0201074.021d 1418 settembre 30 Revocation in part of tax for herd livestock on condition that, after the verification of the tolls of the animals at the city gate gabelles, what was declared is found to be true. Text: concesse remictuntur sibi, debeant sibi excomputari ac
o0201074.021vf 1418 ottobre 4 Proclamation of deadline for presenting present models and projects for the cupola. Text: maioris cupole quod debeant illud conduxisse Operi
o0201074.024va 1418 ottobre 22 Salary set for masters, unskilled workers and boys. Text: habere possint et debeant et eis et
o0201074.025ve 1418 ottobre 24 Salary set for elected accountants. Text: habeant et habere debeant pro eorum et
o0201074.026f 1418 ottobre 27 Obligation to the workforces employed during the winter to work in the summer as well. Text: Opere, teneantur et debeant promictere laborare etiam
o0201074.026f 1418 ottobre 27 Obligation to the workforces employed during the winter to work in the summer as well. Text: et de predictis debeant satisdare penes notarium
o0201074.028vb 1418 novembre 16 Election of the vice master builder and authorization to allocate his salary allowance. Text: Operis possint et debeant sibi stantiare pro
o0201074.031b 1418 dicembre 8 Order to the participants in the competition for the model of the cupola to consign their projects. Text: etiam teneantur et debeant omne id totum
o0201074.031c 1418 dicembre 9 Salary set for masters. Text: habeant et habere debeant a dicto Opere
o0201074.031c 1418 dicembre 9 Salary set for masters. Text: fiendo et sic debeant promictere et satisdare
o0201074.064b 1418 dicembre 23 Term of payment for forced loans. Text: libro prestantiarum et debeant pro predictis ydonee
o0201075.002b 1418/9 gennaio 4 Sale of lumber to the friars of the Osservanza di San Domenico with set price. Text: possint, teneantur et debeant dicto Operi seu
o0201075.006a 1418/9 febbraio 4 Demand of payment and arrest of insolvent debtors upon notification of term of payment to some of them. Text: elapsa possint ac debeant gravari et capi
o0201075.009c 1418/9 febbraio 14 Restitution of loans made to workers through deduction from their salary. Text: Opere mutuo aqquisitis debeant quolibet mense excomputare
o0201075.010va 1418/9 marzo 9 Oath of wardens and term of payment to debtors with proclamation. Text: possint, teneantur et debeant solvere et solvisse
o0201075.010vb 1418/9 marzo 9 Proclamation for redemption or sale of pawns. Text: singuli hactenus pignorati debeant infra decem dies
o0201075.017a 1419 aprile 6 Authority to two wardens to oversee the work for the Pope's residence with the exception of the stairs. Text: recipere et habere debeant a dicto Opere,
o0201075.017a 1419 aprile 6 Authority to two wardens to oversee the work for the Pope's residence with the exception of the stairs. Text: mandari possint et debeant per quoscumque, tam
o0201075.018va 1419 aprile 12 Term of payment with release of arrested person and restitution of pawn. Text: etiam teneantur et debeant antequam relapsentur vel
o0201075.018va 1419 aprile 12 Term of payment with release of arrested person and restitution of pawn. Text: tertiam partem solvere debeant hinc ad per
o0201075.018va 1419 aprile 12 Term of payment with release of arrested person and restitution of pawn. Text: tertiis ultimis partibus debeant ydonee satisdare et
o0201075.019ve 1419 aprile 22 Term of payment with release of arrested person. Text: etiam teneantur et debeant antequam relapsetur dictus
o0201075.019ve 1419 aprile 22 Term of payment with release of arrested person. Text: de sic solvere debeant satisdare; et facta
o0201075.020vb 1419 aprile 22 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: etiam teneantur et debeant dimidiam partem hinc
o0201075.020vb 1419 aprile 22 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: non graventur; et debeant ydonee de si
o0201075.022b 1419 aprile 26 Letter of summons to Pisan citizens and letter to the Captain of Pisa in order that he solicit them. Text: veniet; et predicta debeant observari sub pena
o0201075.024a 1419 aprile 29 Salary set for workforce. Text: habeant et habere debeant et sibi solvi
o0201075.024a 1419 aprile 29 Salary set for workforce. Text: solvi possint et debeant per camerarium dicti
o0201075.025a 1419 aprile 29 Authorization to set summer salary for unskilled workers and boys. Text: etiam teneantur et debeant facere salaria pro
o0201075.026vb 1419 maggio 10 Order to the debt collectors to distrain for a value three times that of their rights. Text: Operis teneantur et debeant quando pignorant pro
o0201075.028vd 1419 maggio 20 Order to the masters of return to work within the month of May. Text: extra dictum Opus debeant ac teneantur reverti
o0201075.033e 1419 giugno 9 Authorization to the debt collectors to demand payment of the debtors. Text: gravari possint et debeant per exactores dicti
o0201075.034ve 1419 giugno 22 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: habeant et habere debeant a dicto Opere
o0201075.035va 1419 giugno 26 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: etiam teneantur et debeant quolibet mense de
o0201076.012vb 1419 settembre 4 Term for consignment of 300 florins to be deposited with the treasurer, with registration of the depositors among the creditors of the Opera. Text: etiam teneantur et debeant hinc ad per
o0201076.014vc 1419 settembre 12 Rulings for rents of houses given to canons and chaplains. Text: domorum, teneantur et debeant totum et quidquid
o0201076.015vb 1419 settembre 12 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: etiam teneantur et debeant hinc ad tres
o0201076.015ve 1419 settembre 13 Letters to the debt collectors with information for the podestàs about the obligation of the treasurers to collect 5 lire for every account entry owed to the Opera and to pay the sums collected. Text: receperint dictos denarios debeant venisse ad solvendum
o0201076.017b 1419 settembre 20 Salary set for the accountants elected to audit the accounts of the treasurer, the notary and the administrator. Text: revidere teneantur et debeant dictam rationem super
o0201076.017b 1419 settembre 20 Salary set for the accountants elected to audit the accounts of the treasurer, the notary and the administrator. Text: habeant et habere debeant pro eorum salario
o0201076.018b 1419 ottobre 7 Term of payment for debt for forced loans and pardons. Text: etiam teneantur et debeant solvere quolibet mense
o0201076.018c 1419 ottobre 7 Term of payment for forced loans and pardons. Text: etiam teneantur et debeant solvere quibuslibet quattuor
o0201076.018c 1419 ottobre 7 Term of payment for forced loans and pardons. Text: de sic observando debeant ydonee satisdare etc.
o0201076.018g 1419 ottobre 7 Salary set for masters for work at Santa Maria Novella. Text: habeant et habere debeant sibique et cuilibet
o0201076.019c 1419 ottobre 10 Term of payment for debt for forced loans and pardons. Text: de sic solvendo debeant satisdare etc.
o0201076.020vg 1419 ottobre 21 Agreement for debt with the syndics and the ambassadors of the Commune of Pisa. Text: de quantum solvere debeant pro quolibet prioratu
o0201076.022d 1419 ottobre 24 Term of payment for debt for forced loans to be deducted from the new gabelles. Text: etiam teneantur et debeant infra unum annum
o0201076.024vd 1419 ottobre 30 Obligation to work in the summer for masters, unskilled workers and boys who have worked during the winter. Text: ieme teneantur et debeant sub pena librarum
o0201076.024vd 1419 ottobre 30 Obligation to work in the summer for masters, unskilled workers and boys who have worked during the winter. Text: non observarent predicta, debeant ac teneantur infra
o0201076.024vf 1419 ottobre 30 Order to the debt collectors of take oath within eight days from the notification. Text: satisdederunt, teneantur et debeant infra octo dies
o0201076.025vb 1419 ottobre 30 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: etiam teneantur et debeant infra quattuor menses
o0201076.026a 1419 ottobre 24 Term of payment to the Commune of Pisa for debt for pardons with obligation to pay a percentage to the accountant. Text: notarius teneantur et debeant ipsum creditum, videlicet
o0201076.027va 1419 novembre 7 Proclamation for the redemption or the sale of pawns. Text: etiam teneantur et debeant infra decem dies
o0201076.028va 1419 novembre 7 Order to deposit with the treasurer a sum of money received from the Commune of Florence for pardon of forced loans. Text: etiam teneantur et debeant deponere penes camerarium
o0201076.028va 1419 novembre 7 Order to deposit with the treasurer a sum of money received from the Commune of Florence for pardon of forced loans. Text: fuerint quod non debeant tantum solvere, restituatur
o0201076.029b 1419 novembre 10 Order to the debt collectors to the pay sum agreed upon, under penalty of demand of payment. Text: temporis, teneantur et debeant dare, solvere et
o0201076.032e 1419 novembre 28 Injunction to pay a debt. Text: totam presentem edomodam debeant solvisse etc.; alias
o0201076.033d 1419 dicembre 12 Term of payment for debt for forced loans and pardons. Text: etiam teneantur et debeant quolibet mense de
o0201076.033d 1419 dicembre 12 Term of payment for debt for forced loans and pardons. Text: de sic solvendo debeant ydonee satisdare; et
o0201076.034a 1419 dicembre 14 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: etiam teneantur et debeant quolibet mense de
o0201076.034a 1419 dicembre 14 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: observando et solvendo debeant satisdare etc.
o0201076.035ve 1419 dicembre 18 Salary set for masters for the winter. Text: habere intelligantur et debeant a dicto pro
o0201076.036d 1419 dicembre 19 Oath of warden and term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: etiam teneantur et debeant infra unum annum
o0201076.036e 1419 dicembre 19 Term of payment for forced loans and pardons of forced loans with restitution of ticket. Text: etiam teneantur et debeant pro dimidia hinc
o0201076.036vd 1419 dicembre 19 Demand of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans preceded by notification. Text: gravari possint et debeant ad solvendum pro
o0201077.009b 1419/20 gennaio 18 Ruling about the rights on pawns to be paid out to the debt collectors. Text: predicti possint et debeant ad eorum camerariorum
o0201077.016va 1419/20 febbraio 7 Solicitation of supply of white marble on penalty of demand of payment. Text: conductores marmoris albi debeant ivisse ad faciendum
o0201077.016va 1419/20 febbraio 7 Solicitation of supply of white marble on penalty of demand of payment. Text: antea possint et debeant realiter et personaliter
o0201077.016vb 1419/20 febbraio 7 Prohibition to demand payment and cancellation of debt for forced loans. Text: infrascriptum possint et debeant pro dicta causa
o0201077.017b 1419/20 febbraio 7 Term of payment for debt for gabelles on ecclesiastical properties. Text: non possint nec debeant nec etiam eorum
o0201077.017c 1419/20 febbraio 7 Authorization to the notifier of secret debts to collect 2 denari per lira from each debtor. Text: solvere teneantur et debeant dicto Zenobio et
o0201077.017vb 1419/20 febbraio 7 Authorization to poor debtors and charitable institutions to discount payment for forced loans from that for property gabelle. Text: gabellarum possint et debeant dicte Opere solvere
o0201077.018vb 1419/20 febbraio 9 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: possint, teneantur et debeant quolibet mense solvere
o0201077.018vd 1419/20 febbraio 9 Proclamation for redemption or sale of pawns. Text: vendi possint et debeant per provisorem et
o0201077.018vd 1419/20 febbraio 9 Proclamation for redemption or sale of pawns. Text: totum presentem mensem debeant eorum pignore reluisse
o0201077.019b 1419/20 febbraio 12 Proclamation for redemption or sale of pawns. Text: possint, teneantur et debeant ipsa pignora reluisse
o0201077.022b 1419/20 febbraio 26 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle with restitution of pawns. Text: possint, teneantur et debeant quobuslibet duobus mensibus
o0201077.022vb 1419/20 febbraio 26 Term of payment for debt for forced loans with restitution of pawn. Text: possint, teneantur et debeant de ipsa quantitate
o0201077.024d 1419/20 febbraio 29 Prohibition to demand payment of debt for forced loans. Text: gravari possint et debeant pro debito supradicto.
o0201077.024vc 1419/20 febbraio 29 Authorization to the debt collectors to collect upon presentation of letter. Text: fieri possint et debeant per me notarium
o0201077.030vd 1420 aprile 1 Order to the debt collectors to have the date of distraint annotated and prohibition of the sale of pawns without resolution. Text: petitionem dicte Opere debeant retulisse et scribi
o0201077.033vb 1420 aprile 12 Authorization to set the salary of the unskilled workers for the summer. Text: possint, teneantur et debeant salaria constituere pro
o0201077.035a 1420 aprile 19 Evaluation of advice and new measures for the 6 denari per lira due for pardons. Text: et illa sequi debeant et quod nemini
o0201077.036va 1420 aprile 24 Letter to the Commune of Cornia for cancellation of debt for new gabelles. Text: tertio, possint et debeant cancellari per me
o0201077.044a 1420 giugno 12 Cancellation of a debt already paid. Text: excomputo, possint et debeant per me notarium
o0201077.044vf 1420 giugno 15 Election of supervisors of the forest to repair the damages caused in it by lack of surveillance. Text: possint, teneantur et debeant in otto diebus
o0201077.074va 1420 marzo 29 Contract for cutting and trimming of lumber with concession of advance. Text: proxime tunc futurum debeant dictum Commune dicta
o0201078.005a 1420/1 gennaio 23 Prohibition to demand payment of the debtors of Florence and regulations of payment that regard them. Text: causa possint et debeant personaliter et realiter
o0201078.014b 1420/1 marzo 15 Rulings for withholding 4 denari per lira from every contract or supply agreement. Text: ipsa Opera recipere debeant occasione quacumque nec
o0201078.014b 1420/1 marzo 15 Rulings for withholding 4 denari per lira from every contract or supply agreement. Text: modo, et retineri debeant anno a quolibet
o0201078.019ve 1421 aprile 7 Request of the accountants to confront the books of forced loans and new gabelles kept by the treasurer with those kept by the notary. Text: possint, teneantur et debeant riscontrare quoscumque libros
o0201078.020c 1421 aprile 7 Annulment of lumber contract for nonobservance of agreements and letter to the Podestà of Dicomano with summons of the two contractors. Text: incisa teneantur et debeant dolare et trahere
o0201078.026b 1421 aprile 18 Reduction of the rent of the quarry of the hill of Vincigliata for disagreement over the price and agreement to quarry only sandstone blocks for the cupola. Text: haberi possint et debeant pro dicta Opera
o0201078.029va 1421 maggio 5 Order for demand of payment with penalty to the debtors on commission of the administrator and notary of the Wool Guild and the Opera. Text: posset, possint et debeant realiter et personaliter
o0201078.043vb 1421 giugno 20 Order of arrest of a debt collector and notification. Text: aliquem ex predictis debeant sibi Dominico predictum
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