Document |

 Date |

 Summary |

 Context of query |
1425 aprile 3 |
Letter to the Podestà of Empoli for right of recourse in favor of a debtor for livestock gabelle. |
Text: aliam personam, quod illa talis persona cogatur |
1431 luglio 11 |
Copy of the order slip of the Signori with the order to clear out the street where the jetties have been demolished. |
Text: asportentur exinde ad illa loca que vobis |
1421 aprile 29 |
Restitution of deposit for property gabelle already paid. |
Text: bonis que in illa possidet, que quantitas |
1431 ottobre 10 |
Prohibition to lend things of the sacristy without permit of the wardens, consuls and sacristans appointed by the consuls, with some exceptions. |
Text: capitulum et ad illa loca quo vadit |
1432 luglio 11 |
Election of debt collectors with regulations about fees for precepts to debtors. |
Text: causa, videlicet de illa pecunia talium debitorum |
1419 aprile 12 |
Search for dwelling for a cleric. |
Text: clericus quod in illa parte habitet ser |
1418 novembre 15 |
Cancellation of the church of Figline from the register of the gabelles of the bishopric of Volterra, where it does not own properties. |
Text: comitatu Florentie et illa pro quibus solvit |
1433 luglio 31 |
Letter to the rectors of the countryside and term of payment. |
Text: comitatus et ad illa loca ubi fuerunt |
1424 dicembre 20 |
Registration of the daily wages of stonecutters and authority to master builder, scribe of the daily wages and administrator to determine their salaries. |
Text: componendi dictis scharpellatoribus illa salaria que eisdem |
1425 novembre 23 |
Letter to the Podestà of Vicopisano instructing him to demand payment of debtor for a piece of land located at Cesano, which is the object of litigation with the Opera. |
Text: consistit principaliter in illa donatione facta per |
1422 dicembre 2 |
Sale of lumber to Piero di Bernardo Della Rena. |
Text: costabit, et aliter illa habere vel percipere |
1420 giugno 15 |
Election of supervisors of the forest to repair the damages caused in it by lack of surveillance. |
Text: cum diligentia circa illa provisum fore, tum |
1417 aprile 6 |
Authorization to sell logs. |
Text: de Corbinellis habeat illa ligna quibus eget |
1418 novembre 15 |
Sale of firewood with detraction for gabelle and carriage. |
Text: de lignis Operis illa, videlicet que ipsi |
1431 ottobre 10 |
Prohibition to lend things of the sacristy without permit of the wardens, consuls and sacristans appointed by the consuls, with some exceptions. |
Text: de sacristia habere illa paramenta et alia |
1428 ottobre 12 |
Acceptance of marble with tare. |
Text: de Settignano cum illa tara eis videbitur |
1429 maggio 18 |
Destruction of part of house of (canon) and new assignment to another (canon). |
Text: de Spinis cum illa mensura que correspondeat |
1426 marzo 26 |
Order to the master builder to go to Carrara to mark the white marble to be accepted and conveyed to the Opera. |
Text: debeat ire ad illa loca in quibus |
1432 dicembre 9 |
Regulations for the accountants concerning the value of the florin to be applied to the audit of the accounts of the treasurers. |
Text: debitores Opere in illa quantitate pecunie dictarum |
1424/5 febbraio 27 |
Payment to master to build walls, doors and outer doors of the castle of Lastra with promise to not request additional money until the end of the work. |
Text: dictam quantitatem cum illa quantitate ipse generalis |
1432 dicembre 9 |
Declaration of debt for two ex treasurers. |
Text: dicte Opere in illa quantitate pecunie eis |
1418 agosto 9 |
Confirmation of the rulings for the usufruct of a garden and shed with quantification of the sum to be spent for building a wall there and with agreements for the eventual release of that property. |
Text: dictum ortum ex illa parte ubi non |
1428/9 gennaio 9 |
Acceptance of legal counsel given on house of the Cortigiani. |
Text: domina Laurentia pro illa quantitate pro qua |
1428 dicembre 29 |
Order to wall up two doors of the court of the Visdomini. |
Text: et dimictatur solum illa que egreditur penes |
1432 settembre 17 |
Prohibition to the masters employed on the cupola to work with chisels on the ground, and permission to five of them selected by lot to plaster and do similar things when it is not possible to work above. |
Text: et laborare teneantur illa die tantum; et |
1431 luglio 11 |
Copy of the order slip of the Signori with the order to clear out the street where the jetties have been demolished. |
Text: et lignamina et illa que ob hoc |
1423 aprile 28 |
Correction and reduction of contract with kilnman for broad bricks. |
Text: et maxime in illa parte ubi et |
1423 aprile 28 |
Correction and reduction of contract with kilnmen. |
Text: et maxime in illa parte ubi et |
1432 aprile 8 |
Order to commission the stained-glass central window of the tribune of Saint Zenobius. |
Text: et modis in illa locatione contentis. |
1416/7 marzo 2 |
Term of payment with obligation of guaranty and subsequent release of arrested debtor. |
Text: et pro tota illa quantitate in qua |
1419 dicembre 30 |
Authorization to two wardens to select counsellors and set the compensation for their counsel regarding cases in course over the amounts due for 6 denari per lira. |
Text: ex eis, et illa quantitas salarii et |
1428 luglio 15 |
Approval of resolution for the construction of a tomb monument in a new chapel to be dedicated to Saint Zenobius. |
Text: fiat eodem die illa eadem solempnitas sue |
1419/20 gennaio 19 |
Salary of the accountants to be determined in accordance with the ordinances of the Wool Guild. |
Text: id solum et illa quantitas de qua |
1420/1 febbraio 19 |
Rent of the hill of Vincigliata for three years, except two shops. |
Text: illa et pro illa quantitate, de qua |
1421 settembre 2 |
Oath of wardens and cancellation of debt for property gabelle already paid under other name. |
Text: illud idem et illa eadem bona que |
1419 novembre 7 |
Order to prepare annually a seat where the captains of Parte Guelfa can hear mass on the feast day of San Martino. |
Text: illud signum et illa arma que eis |
1431 luglio 11 |
Copy of the order slip of the Signori with the order to clear out the street where the jetties have been demolished. |
Text: impedimenta in via illa ubi de proximo |
1432 ottobre 22 |
Regulations given to the treasurer for the punctual registration of collections. |
Text: in futurum recipiet illa die qua recepit |
1420 aprile 19 |
Evaluation of advice and new measures for the 6 denari per lira due for pardons. |
Text: insertis reddita et illa sequi debeant et |
1433 luglio 13 |
Authorization to the guard of the forest to pay a lumber supplier. |
Text: Item deliberaverunt quod illa quantitas pecunie pro |
1428/9 gennaio 8 |
Order to close all the doors of the houses of the canons and chaplains on the public street, leaving only one open. |
Text: mandanda fieri debeant illa muramenta, que essent |
1426 giugno 20 |
Commission to master builder for various repairs and transferral of marble slab from the high altar to that of Saint Zenobius. |
Text: marmore, prout stabat illa elevanda. |
1423 dicembre 9 |
Order to register a deposit as income. |
Text: mitti debeat in illa forma et prout |
1432 giugno 21 |
Assignment to a (canon) of one of three houses in the cloister of the chapter. |
Text: non intelligendo de illa iam assignata domino |
1428 ottobre 12 |
Tare on pieces of white marble previously refused by the consuls and wardens, to be conveyed to the Opera. |
Text: octobris et cum illa tara deliberaverunt quod |
1420 aprile 30 |
Authorization to buy materials for the cupola. |
Text: omnia et singula illa que pro predictis |
1421 dicembre 23 |
Assignment of house to canon. |
Text: ordinamenta assentire et illa nullatenus egredere, servatis |
1423 aprile 23 |
Order to the master builder to go to the Trassinaia quarry on order of the Signori. |
Text: palatio et cum illa mensura prout expedit. |
1434 aprile 13 |
Loan of timbers for the Easter celebrations to the confraternity of Santo Spirito. |
Text: Paschatis Spiritus Sancti illa ligna seu illud |
1425/6 marzo 12 |
Dispatch of (master) to Pisa to mark the marble suitable for the Opera, prohibiting the bargemen to load that which is not acceptable. |
Text: Pisarum et ad illa loca ubi esset |
1428 dicembre 10 |
Authorization to lend the hall of the residence of Pope Martino to the confraternity of the Magi. |
Text: possit comodare eis illa lignamina que ipsi |
1424 marzo 28 |
Commission to the administrator to contract out supply of white marble for the external ribs of the cupola. |
Text: predicta; et cum illa presta, prout alias |
1425 ottobre 12 |
Authority to the administrator to rent out a shop. |
Text: prefata Opera pro illa pensione et pretio |
1417/8 marzo 17 |
Letter to the authorities of the countryside to proclaim publicly a payment deadline for the debtors of the Opera. |
Text: pro prima vice illa aliquid eis accipiant |
1424/5 marzo 7 |
Renewal of the term of payment to the Podesteria of Castel Focognano with grace not be enjoined for the entire debt although the term is elapsed. |
Text: quantitate nisi pro illa parte eisdem statuta |
1417 giugno 16 |
Revocation of demand of payment for debt for forced loans in consideration of dotal rights. |
Text: quarterii Santi Iohannis, illa videlicet que tenet |
1436 aprile 30 |
Order to the administrator to compel two masters to return hardware lent them. |
Text: quedam dicte Opere illa ferramenta que habeant |
1432 settembre 17 |
Prohibition to the masters employed on the cupola to work with chisels on the ground, and permission to five of them selected by lot to plaster and do similar things when it is not possible to work above. |
Text: qui quinque pro illa die possint et |
1419 dicembre 7 |
Payment for various expenditures. |
Text: quia tota die illa steterunt in dicta |
1419 dicembre 7 |
Payment for various expenditures. |
Text: quia tota die illa steterunt in Opera |
1423 aprile 28 |
Authorization to correct or reduce contracts of broad bricks. |
Text: quibuscumque quantitatequadronum pro illa quantitate, modo et |
1422 dicembre 2 |
Renunciation of rental of the quarry of Niccolò Rinucci at the expiration of the contract, prohibition with penalty of transit on the street constructed by the Opera that leads to the quarry and authorization to administrator and master builder to sell stones. |
Text: relapsata et de illa faciat velle suum. |
1424/5 gennaio 12 |
Letter to the Podestà of San Gimignano for information on demand of payment of the oratory of San Galgano. |
Text: reperta fuerint aliqua illa gravet, alias dictum |
1427/8 febbraio 24 |
Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. |
Text: Sancti Geminiani et illa sub nomine gabelle |
1420/1 febbraio 19 |
Rent of the hill of Vincigliata for three years, except two shops. |
Text: seu magistros in illa et pro illa |
1435 maggio 12 |
Authorization to lend logs to the confraternity of the Santo Spirito for their feast with promise to return them whole. |
Text: societati Sancti Spiritus illa ligna quibus dicta |
1424/5 gennaio 12 |
Oath of two wardens. |
Text: sunt adscricti et illa in omnibus et |
1424 novembre 7 |
Oath of two wardens. |
Text: sunt ascricti et illa in omnibus et |
1421/2 gennaio 9 |
Oath of wardens and term of payment to the Commune of Scarperia. |
Text: sunt ascricti et illa in omnibus et |
1419 dicembre 19 |
Transfer of debt for forced loans from the property gabelle. |
Text: suum, videlicet ab illa summa super quam |
1424/5 marzo 7 |
Letter of reply to the administrator of Pisa concerning the manner of collection of revenue on testaments. |
Text: testamenta ut sunt illa que non sunt |
1422/3 marzo 16 |
Contract to hoister of loads to the cupola. |
Text: uno anno initiato illa die prout deliberabitur |
1420/1 marzo 18 |
Sale of lumber to private person. |
Text: vendita et concessa illa traina lignaminis dicte |
1424 novembre 7 |
Authority to two wardens to pay to creditors the amount owed by the ex treasurer. |
Text: 43; et quod illa quantitas pecunie, quam |