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Context of query
o0201070.004b 1416/7 gennaio 25 Payment for carriage and purchase of soft stones. Text: suis sumptibus ab una cava nova de
o0201070.004d 1416/7 gennaio 25 Payment for carriage and purchase of hard stones. Text: suis expensis ab una cava de Monte
o0201070.005d 1416/7 gennaio 25 Sale of a small slab of white marble. Text: Verdiane de Florentia una tabulecta de marmore
o0201070.005vd 1416/7 gennaio 26 Payment for supply of pebbles for filling. Text: Iacobo suprascripto pro una taglia salmarum trecentarum
o0201070.006b 1416/7 gennaio 29 Terms of payment of the tax for pardon of forced loans. Text: est debitor Operis una cum suis fratribus
o0201070.007a 1416/7 febbraio 9 Account transfer between treasurers of an allocation of funds for marble supply contracts. Text: denarios sex in una summa et in
o0201070.007a 1416/7 febbraio 9 Account transfer between treasurers of an allocation of funds for marble supply contracts. Text: summa et in una alia partita florenos
o0201070.010a 1416/7 marzo 2 Rulings for collection of rights owed by the treasurers of the salt and wine gabelles. Text: Fiore civitatis Florentie, una cum Filippo Lodovici
o0201070.012d 1416/7 marzo 11 Payment for transport of both hard and soft stones. Text: mensis martii ab una de cavis Montis
o0201070.013vg 1416/7 marzo 24 Payment for work in a house of the Opera. Text: de tecto in una domorum Operis in
o0201070.017b 1417 aprile 26 Rulings in favor of the family of the holder of rights upon a house sold to the Opera to widen the street of Santa Reparata. Text: quilibet ipsorum pro una quarta parte eorum
o0201070.017b 1417 aprile 26 Rulings in favor of the family of the holder of rights upon a house sold to the Opera to widen the street of Santa Reparata. Text: uterque eorum pro una quinta parte et
o0201070.019c 1417 aprile 29 Payment for carriage and purchase of soft and hard stones. Text: suis expensis ab una cavarum Montis Oliveti
o0201070.020vc 1417 maggio 12 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: conducte ducentorum trainorum una cum Mannino Iacobi
o0201070.022b 1417 maggio 21 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: lignaminis Operis super una sua conducta pro
o0201070.023e 1417 giugno 3 Payment for carriage and purchase of soft and hard stones. Text: suis expensis ab una de cavis de
o0201070.023vf 1417 giugno 3 Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. Text: triginta sex et una salma calcis habita
o0201070.024a 1417 giugno 3 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: sex et salma una, in totum et
o0201070.024c 1417 giugno 3 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: lignaminis Operis super una sua conducta pro
o0201070.024d 1417 giugno 3 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: de Vicorati super una sua conducta lignaminis
o0201070.024va 1417 giugno 14 Payment for the purchase of soft and hard stones. Text: dulcium et pro una carrata lapidum fortium
o0201070.024vc 1417 giugno 14 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: de Fornace super una sua conducta lignaminis
o0201070b.004vc 1416/7 gennaio 26 Resolution to fix amount of debt for herd livestock gabelle of the third year and relative term of payment. Text: bestiis 2350 minutis una cum bestiis 650
o0201070b.005f 1416/7 gennaio 27 Cancellation of debt for gabelle for porcine livestock registered in two account entries. Text: duabus partitis, videlicet una 18 et alia
o0201070b.005f 1416/7 gennaio 27 Cancellation of debt for gabelle for porcine livestock registered in two account entries. Text: Santo Cassiano in una summa bestiarum centum
o0201070b.005vg 1416/7 gennaio 29 Partial cancellation of livestock gabelle. Text: solvat pro quinquaginta una in duabus partitis
o0201070b.007c 1416/7 febbraio 11 Letters to the Podestà of Fucecchio and to the Podestà of Santa Croce for information on livestock kept in pasturage for 4 years. Text: scribantur due littere, una videlicet Potestati Fucecchii
o0201070b.008vi 1416/7 febbraio 19 Partial cancellation of debt for herd livestock. Text: pro tribus in una partita et pro
o0201070b.009c 1416/7 febbraio 25 Letter for investigation on debt collection to the Podestà of the Chianti with summons of eventual guarantor. Text: scribatur due littere, una videlicet Potestati Chiantis
o0201070b.011a 1416/7 marzo 2 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: Fiore civitatis Florentie, una cum Filippo Lodovici
o0201070b.011d 1416/7 marzo 2 Term of payment and notification of debt to two brothers who are debtors for forced loans. Text: debitor pro prestantiis una cum Andrea fratre
o0201070b.014ve 1416/7 marzo 11 Release of arrested person for debt registered under another name and order to the enjoined person to pay the expenditures. Text: dictorum operariorum pro una partita scripta sub
o0201070b.023b 1417 maggio 28 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: quolibet mense pro una prestantia, prout voluerint
o0201070b.024vc 1417 giugno 16 Revocation of demand of payment for debt for forced loans in consideration of dotal rights. Text: que sunt videlicet una domus posita in
o0201070b.073vl 1417 aprile 24 Siezure of a mare for debt for pardons of the parish of San Giovanni to Monterappoli. Text: pro gratia congiorum una cavalla recommendata penes
o0201070b.081d 1416/7 febbraio 15 Confiscation of mare for debt for herd livestock. Text: in primo a[nno] una cavalla sua staggita
o0201070b.083vg 1417 marzo 30 Confiscation of mare for debt for herd livestock. Text: a c. 87 una cavalla recommendata ...
o0201070b.086vl 1417 giugno 2 Confiscation of mule or mare for balance of debt for property gabelle. Text: unus mulus sive una cavalla recommendatus penes
o0201072.014ve 1417/8 gennaio 19 Term of payment for debt with recourse clause. Text: Pepis est obligatus una cum quibusdam aliis
o0201072.014vh 1417/8 gennaio 19 Term for payment for a debt and corresponding guaranty. Text: gravari et deficiente una solutione perdant gratiam;
o0201072.020c 1417/8 febbraio 17 Payment for petty expenses. Text: libras quattuor pro una salma 1/1 carbonum;
o0201072.020vh 1417/8 febbraio 18 Payment for carriage of soft and hard stones. Text: lapidum dolciarum et una fortarum per eum
o0201072.020vl 1417/8 febbraio 18 Payment for the purchase of soft and hard stones. Text: lapidum dulciarum et una fortarum per eum
o0201072.021n 1417/8 febbraio 18 Payment for the purchase of soft and hard stones. Text: soldos viginti pro una charrata non completa
o0201072.022a 1417/8 febbraio 25 Credit for overpayment of forced loans. Text: ad aurum pro una prestantia ex eo
o0201072.032vd 1418 aprile 6 Payment for petty expenses. Text: soldos decem pro una salma carbonum; et
o0201072.032vd 1418 aprile 6 Payment for petty expenses. Text: sex f.p. pro una salma carbonum; et
o0201072.032vd 1418 aprile 6 Payment for petty expenses. Text: soldos quattuor pro una alia salma carbonum,
o0201073.010b 1418 maggio 13 Payment for the purchase of lead. Text: pro libbris centum una plumbi per eos
o0201073.010va 1418 maggio 20 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: lignaminis Operis super una sua conducta dicti
o0201073.010vb 1418 maggio 20 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: lignaminis Operis super una sua conducta dicti
o0201073.011d 1418 maggio 24 Audit of the accounts of the notary of testaments. Text: a solvere volentibus una cum camerario etc.;
o0201073.011vg 1418 maggio 28 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: lignaminis Operis super una sua conducta dicti
o0201073.013a 1418 giugno 2 Conviction of a notary for failing to have executed the court summons that had been sent to the Podestà of Ripafratta regarding the new gabelles and the release of a person arrested on account of the debts of the Podesteria. Text: Fiore de Florentia, una cum Sandro Iohannis
o0201073.016vd 1418 aprile 26 Promise to carry out a supply of roof tiles in part already paid for and corresponding guaranty. Text: ab Opere super una sua conducta embricium
o0201073.024c 1418 giugno 28 Payment for a marble figure and corresponding guaranty. Text: intagliatori marmoris super una figura de marmore
o0201073.026c 1418 giugno 30 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: sive tractori super una sua conducta lignaminis
o0201073.036a 1418 aprile 12 Arrests for debts. Text: pro gratiis tassarum una mula recomandata penes
o0201073b.003e 1418 aprile 18 Tax determined for a farm with two owners. Text: podere scripto pro una dimidia monasterio Sancte
o0201073b.033b 1418 maggio 28 Promise of payment for forced loans with guaranty. Text: tenetur; et deficiente una solutione gravetur pro
o0201074.003va 1418 luglio 21 Term of payment for forced loans. Text: tribus mensibus de una dictarum prestantiarum; et
o0201074.004va 1418 agosto 4 Authorization to pay work, materials and transport of a model for the armature of the cupola. Text: Florentia magistrum, qui una cum quodam magistro
o0201074.005e 1418 agosto 6 Release of person arrested for forced loans. Text: primo solverit pro una dictarum prestantiarum et
o0201074.023ve 1418 ottobre 19 Sale of marble for a stoup. Text: marmore Operis pro una pila ad rationem
o0201074.023vf 1418 ottobre 19 Sale of marble for a stoup. Text: marmore Operis pro una pila ad rationem
o0201074.026c 1418 ottobre 24 Reduction of taxes for overpayment of property gabelle. Text: tertio anno in una partita ubi particulariter
o0201074.027va 1418 novembre 15 Oath of two wardens and authorization to the administrator to lend a club. Text: operarii dicti Operis, una cum Tommaso Bartolomei
o0201074.027va 1418 novembre 15 Oath of two wardens and authorization to the administrator to lend a club. Text: provisorem dicti Operis una maza etc. non
o0201074.032d 1418 dicembre 19 Price fixed for a marble figure with detraction of as much has been advanced. Text: dicto Opere pro una figura per eum
o0201074.034c 1418 agosto 9 Payment for supply, cutting, trimming and transport of lumber. Text: lignaminis Operis super una sua conducta lignaminis
o0201074.034d 1418 agosto 9 Payment for supply of black marble. Text: mutuum et super una sua conducta marmoris
o0201074.038e 1418 ottobre 8 Payment for a supply of sand for saws. Text: salmis centum quadraginta una rene pro sega
o0201074.039c 1418 ottobre 19 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: lignis sive super una sua conducta lignaminis
o0201074.042ve 1418 novembre 15 Payment for transport of soft stones. Text: dulcium integrarum et una carrata parva per
o0201074.043c 1418 novembre 15 Payment for the purchase of soft stones. Text: viginti duarum et una carrata parva lapidum
o0201074.044d 1418 dicembre 2 Payment for supply of broad bricks. Text: in mutuum super una conducta quadronum quos
o0201074.064d 1418 dicembre 23 Cancellation of debts for herd livestock and reassignment of the same debts to the true owners. Text: est scriptus debitor una cum Andrea de
o0201074.064vc 1418 dicembre 29 Contract for a supply of sand for mortar. Text: olim socius suus una cum eo acceptet
o0201075.008d 1418/9 febbraio 11 Term of payment with release of arrested person. Text: quolibet mense de una; et deficiente in
o0201075.012va 1418/9 marzo 17 Letter to the Podestà of Scarperia regarding agreement between that Commune and the its guarantor. Text: vexilliferum, et audita una parte et alia
o0201075.015vb 1419 aprile 3 Term of payment with restitution of pawn. Text: mense solutionem de una tertia parte dicti
o0201075.019c 1419 aprile 12 Search for dwelling for a cleric. Text: posset, perquiratur de una domo ad pensionem
o0201075.020c 1419 aprile 22 Cancellation of debt for forced loans. Text: in dotem pro una dimidia dicte domine
o0201075.022c 1419 aprile 26 Order to a warden to go to the forest together with the administrator and the vice master builder to solicit and oversee the work. Text: ex dictis operariis una cum provisore et
o0201075.023va 1419 aprile 28 Cancellation of debt for forced loans erroneously written twice. Text: et solvit pro una partita, cancelletur pro
o0201075.023va 1419 aprile 28 Cancellation of debt for forced loans erroneously written twice. Text: alia; est enim una et eadem summa
o0201075.023va 1419 aprile 28 Cancellation of debt for forced loans erroneously written twice. Text: eadem summa in una et in alia
o0201075.025va 1419 maggio 6 Oath of wardens and order to respect the terms of a contract for work on the vaults of the main hall of the Pope's residence. Text: cathedralis ecclesie florentine, una cum Iohanne Mattei
o0201075.032ve 1419 giugno 9 Authorization to sell old ropes. Text: provisor dicti Operis una cum preposito dicti
o0201075.049va 1419 maggio 6 Payment for vaults constructed in the Pope's residence. Text: cathedralis ecclesie florentine, una cum Iohanne Mattei
o0201075.051va 1419 giugno 22 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: in mutuum super una sua conducta libras
o0201075.073c 1418/9 marzo 16 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: quolibet mense de una prestantia etc.
o0201075.073ve 1419 aprile 4 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: quolibet mense de una; et deficiente in
o0201075.076ve 1419 maggio 21 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: dimidiam, videlicet pro una ex dictis prestantiis,
o0201076.003b 1419 luglio 4 Revocation of demand of payment to the holder of the properties of the debtor. Text: Pieri Iacobi; Item una domus posita in
o0201076.004vc 1419 luglio 12 Term of payment for debt for forced loans with release of arrested person. Text: dicti temporis de una prestantia, et deficiente
o0201076.004ve 1419 luglio 12 Cancellation of debt for forced loans due to registration in two quarters. Text: dicta distributione presenti una cum Berto Manni
o0201076.005a 1419 luglio 12 Exemption from demand of payment of debt for forced loans and property gabelle. Text: Batonis non gravetur una domus cum terreno
o0201076.005a 1419 luglio 12 Exemption from demand of payment of debt for forced loans and property gabelle. Text: Francisci ex parte una et dominam Bartolomeam
o0201076.005c 1419 luglio 12 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: dicti temporis de una prestantia, et de
o0201076.005vb 1419 luglio 12 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: hodie initiatis pro una ex dictis prestantiis
o0201076.010va 1419 agosto 21 Authorization to sell an old wood board. Text: provisorem dicti Operis una piana de ligno
o0201076.011e 1419 agosto 31 Letter to the Captain of Pisa for summons of some Pisan citizens with exception of one of them who is near death. Text: de Pisis qui una cum aliis quinque
o0201076.012b 1419 settembre 4 Oath of wardens, term of payment and restitution of pawn. Text: cathedralis ecclesie florentine una cum Dino domini
o0201076.012va 1419 settembre 4 Restitution of a lunette of white marble not corresponding to the measurements requested with permission to the suppliers to sell it. Text: marmoris albi licentietur una lunetta de marmore
o0201076.013f 1419 settembre 6 Revocation of demand of payment for forced loans and pardons on properties because of dotal rights and renunciation of inheritance. Text: aut veriores; Item una lectica bracchiorum quinque
o0201076.013f 1419 settembre 6 Revocation of demand of payment for forced loans and pardons on properties because of dotal rights and renunciation of inheritance. Text: unus lectuccius vetus, una tabula bracchiorum 4
o0201076.013f 1419 settembre 6 Revocation of demand of payment for forced loans and pardons on properties because of dotal rights and renunciation of inheritance. Text: pro qualibet earum, una veges capacitatis quattuor
o0201076.013va 1419 settembre 6 Revocation of demand of payment on properties for dotal rights and for renunciation of inheritance. Text: dicto poderi. Item una domus cum cameris,
o0201076.013va 1419 settembre 6 Revocation of demand of payment on properties for dotal rights and for renunciation of inheritance. Text: Cinelli Ambrosii; Item una domus posita in
o0201076.014vb 1419 settembre 12 Revocation of demand of payment for debt for forced loans on properties not possessed by the person enjoined to pay because of division arbitration. Text: Banchi non gravetur una domus magna cum
o0201076.014vb 1419 settembre 12 Revocation of demand of payment for debt for forced loans on properties not possessed by the person enjoined to pay because of division arbitration. Text: IIII ... Item una alia domus posita
o0201076.014vb 1419 settembre 12 Revocation of demand of payment for debt for forced loans on properties not possessed by the person enjoined to pay because of division arbitration. Text: Antonio ex parte una et a Gherardo
o0201076.019a 1419 ottobre 10 Release of arrested person for debt for pardons of forced loans to be discounted from the credit for rent of the quarry of Monteferrato. Text: parte ipse Bertuldus una cum certis aliis
o0201076.019a 1419 ottobre 10 Release of arrested person for debt for pardons of forced loans to be discounted from the credit for rent of the quarry of Monteferrato. Text: debiti, ita quod una partita vocet aliam
o0201076.019va 1419 ottobre 11 Authorization to make an entrance door to the courtyard of San Niccolò in Santa Maria Novella. Text: Maria Novella fiat una porta pro introytu
o0201076.019vf 1419 ottobre 11 Payment with a piece of fir wood to copyist of the salary regulations. Text: de habete sive una habetella existens in
o0201076.021f 1419 ottobre 21 Concession to provide a single guaranty for multiple installments due on the same debt. Text: ipsa fideiussione pro una paga, ita quod
o0201076.022d 1419 ottobre 24 Term of payment for debt for forced loans to be deducted from the new gabelles. Text: menses, solvendo pro una ex dictis prestantiis
o0201076.022vc 1419 ottobre 24 Cancellation of debt for failed delivery of marble slab because more material than requested has been delivered. Text: dicti Operis pro una lapide quam conducere
o0201076.027a 1419 novembre 7 Oath of wardens and term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: cathedralis ecclesie florentine, una cum Bonacursio Nerii
o0201076.029va 1419 novembre 10 Rulings for debt for pardons of forced loans with reference to two different fiscal distributions. Text: positis et in una reductis, quarum gratiarum
o0201076.029va 1419 novembre 10 Rulings for debt for pardons of forced loans with reference to two different fiscal distributions. Text: reductis, quarum gratiarum una fuit pro prestantiis
o0201076.030ve 1419 novembre 20 Release of arrested person for debt for property gabelle. Text: bona ipse Benvenutus una cum aliis hodie
o0201076.033va 1419 dicembre 14 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle paid for forced loans under another name. Text: quia ipse Antonius una cum Niccolao patre
o0201076.037g 1419 dicembre 20 Concession of small house to canon without paying taxes. Text: parvam iuxta suam una cum sua, dummodo
o0201076.037vc 1419 dicembre 20 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: quolibet mense pro una prestantia; et de
o0201076.045a 1419 luglio 5 Oath of wardens and payment for the purchase of lead. Text: cathedralis ecclesie florentine, una cum Piero domini
o0201076.045vf 1419 luglio 5 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: in mutuum super una sua conducta trainorum
o0201076.045vg 1419 luglio 5 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: in mutuum super una sua conducta 100
o0201076.046l 1419 luglio 5 Payment for supply, cutting and trimming of lumber. Text: in mutuum super una sua conducta 100
o0201076.046vc 1419 luglio 19 Payment for the purchase of "pinocchiati". Text: ab Opere pro una libbra pinnochiatarum per
o0201076.047vb 1419 agosto 7 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: in mutuum super una sua conducta trainorum
o0201076.052b 1419 settembre 13 Payment for the purchase of lead. Text: ab Opere pro una balla plumbi libbrarum
o0201076.052e 1419 settembre 13 Payment for manufacture of frame and for cloth covering of a window in the dormitory close to the Pope's chamber. Text: Pape et pro una inpannatura dicte fenestre
o0201076.052vc 1419 ottobre 7 Payment to a stone worker for work done in Santa Maria Novella. Text: f.p.; et pro una cornice supra dictum
o0201076.052ve 1419 ottobre 7 Payment for the purchase of poplar boards for Santa Maria Novella. Text: quolibet bracchio pro una fenestra in dicta
o0201076.053e 1419 ottobre 7 Payment for a marble figure. Text: in mutuum super una figura marmorea quam
o0201076.053g 1419 ottobre 11 Payment for a marble figure. Text: in mutuum super una figura quam facit
o0201076.074va 1419 ottobre 21 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: remanet obligatus pro una paga etc.
o0201076.074vb 1419 ottobre 24 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: proxime futuris pro una ex dictis prestantiis,
o0201076.076a 1419 novembre 20 Guaranties for debt for gabelle on inherited properties. Text: dicitur dictum Benvenutum una cum aliis tenere
o0201077.008ve 1419/20 gennaio 18 Prohibition to demand payment of debt for forced loans and correction of sum erroneously debited twice. Text: idem corpus et una eadem descriptio esse
o0201077.009a 1419/20 gennaio 18 Authorization to sell marble slab. Text: lastraiuolo civi florentino una lapida secata marmoris
o0201077.010a 1419/20 gennaio 19 Letter to the Captain of Pisa regarding deposit of sums of money and term of summons for agreement. Text: centum viginti in una parte eidem officio
o0201077.011vd 1419/20 gennaio 26 Restitution of pawn different from that deposited, which cannot be found. Text: tenebatur ... pignoratum una tovaglia magna que
o0201077.012vh 1419/20 gennaio 29 Prohibition to demand payment of debt for forced loans. Text: primo ex parte una et Iohannes olim
o0201077.012vh 1419/20 gennaio 29 Prohibition to demand payment of debt for forced loans. Text: in quo quidem una pars alteri et
o0201077.012vh 1419/20 gennaio 29 Prohibition to demand payment of debt for forced loans. Text: presenti distributione ventine una cum Iacobo eius
o0201077.013a 1419/20 gennaio 29 Prohibition to demand payment for debt for property gabelle and forced loans, with correction of account entry. Text: flumen Terzolle. Item una domus cum curia
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