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A1-150  A151-300  A301-450  A451-600  601-717





Context of query
o0201079.007vb 1421 luglio 18 Term of payment for debt for forced loans and property gabelle with guaranty and release of arrested person. Text: quod tenentur; et hoc si et in
o0202001.003c 1425 luglio 12 Term of payment to the Commune of Figline of the upper Valdarno. Text: quod tenetur, cum hoc quod teneatur dare
o0201078.056va 1420/1 gennaio 14 End of rental contract for kiln with a kilnman. Text: quolibet anno et hoc vero fecit dictus
o0202001.106g 1429 maggio 6 Hiring of the guard of the forest and contract for cutting of 300 large beech trees. Text: quolibet anno, cum hoc quod dictus Iacobus
o0202001.252vm 1436 aprile 30 Prohibition to sell things belonging to the Opera beyond a certain value, with authorization to sell boards to three private persons. Text: quolibet contrafaciente; cum hoc quod vendantur per
o0202001.242vi 1435 ottobre 26 Election of master builder and other workers for the Parlascio gate of Pisa with injunction to go there and advance on payment. Text: quolibet eorum, cum hoc quod de dicta
o0202001.229d 1434/5 marzo 22 Authorization to consign two logs of half a towload each as compensation of work done on holidays. Text: quolibet ligno et hoc pro multis operis
o0202001.147a 1431 agosto 16 Authorization to contract out the monthly supply of mortar for three years, with repayment of loan in installments. Text: quolibet modio, cum hoc quod quoddam mutuum
o0202001.155a 1431/2 febbraio 22 Authorization to convey mortar, with the agreement to discount from its price the credit of the Opera for the construction of the Sapienza. Text: quolibet modio; et hoc si et in
o0202001.211vh 1433/4 marzo 18 Payment determined for the hoisting of loads up to the cupola by means of oxen. Text: quolibet pondere tiraverunt hoc presenti anno a
o0202001.211vh 1433/4 marzo 18 Payment determined for the hoisting of loads up to the cupola by means of oxen. Text: rationem predictam; et hoc sit ad beneplacitum
o0201070b.020va 1417 maggio 7 Order to notary of the new gabelles, in fault for not having registered an account entry from debtors, with subsequent arrest and deposit, to pay all the costs of said arrest. Text: registravit, et ob hoc dictus Iohannes tamquam
o0202001.017b 1425 novembre 23 Term of payment for debt. Text: registro ..., cum hoc quod teneatur ydonee
o0201073.003vf 1418 aprile 18 Dismissal of the notary of testaments. Text: removerunt etc.; et hoc fecerunt certis, iustis
o0201074.051ve 1418 ottobre 24 Guaranties for the first installment of payment for taxes of the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino. Text: renuntiantes etc.; et hoc fecerunt precibus et
o0201079.017vb 1421 agosto 20 Authorization to the scribe of the daily wages to pay wounded stonecutter even if he cannot work. Text: reversus fuit; et hoc ut dicitur sibi
o0202001.210ve 1433/4 febbraio 12 Release of arrested person and new payment deadline. Text: Romulo righatterio; et hoc presentibus dictis Dominico
o0202001.032vd 1426 maggio 15 Election of masters with agreement for delayed payment. Text: salariis, et cum hoc excepto quod non
o0202001.163ve 1432 luglio 7 Price fixed for a supply of lumber. Text: Sancti Francisci, cum hoc quod detur eidem
o0202001.143e 1431 giugno 6 Permission to work outside the Opera. Text: Sancti Iohannis in hoc festo beati Sancti
o0202001.161ve 1432 giugno 6 Permission to a master to work for the wardens of the Baptistery of San Giovanni. Text: Sancti Iohannis in hoc presenti festo Sancti
o0202001.155a 1431/2 febbraio 22 Authorization to convey mortar, with the agreement to discount from its price the credit of the Opera for the construction of the Sapienza. Text: Sancti Marci; et hoc fecerunt de consensu
o0202001.245vm 1435 dicembre 23 Authorization to sell building debris to the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova and to Andrea dei Pazzi at the price allowed to the Sapienza. Text: Sapientie, et cum hoc quod de dicto
o0201078.038vd 1421 giugno 10 Charge to the provost to set terms of payment for debts to communes, parishes, places and persons. Text: se congregandum; et hoc non in utile
o0202001.221d 1434 agosto 26 Letter of invitation to a master glazier to come to work in Florence. Text: se contentare; et hoc fecerunt visa quadam
o0201081.030a 1422 novembre 24 Cancellation of debt for herd livestock because the debtor resides in place exempt from taxation, according to the attestation of his commune of residence. Text: seu describi facientis hoc processit, cum antiquitus
o0202001.164vd 1432 luglio 11 Election of debt collectors with regulations about fees for precepts to debtors. Text: seu preceptorum, cum hoc quod prefati exactores
o0202001.118a 1429 novembre 29 Letter to the Podestà of Pieve Santo Stefano with term of payment for debt. Text: sex menses, cum hoc quod scribatur littera
o0202001.089ve 1428 agosto 20 Term of payment to the collegiate church of San Pietro di Marcignana. Text: sex menses, cum hoc quod teneatur prestare
o0202001.024b 1425/6 marzo 12 Term of payment given to debtors. Text: sex menses, cum hoc quod Zenobius Bartolomei
o0202001.242a 1435 ottobre 4 Contract for 40 corbels at set price. Text: sexaginta f.p.; et hoc si et in
o0202001.238d 1435 luglio 29 Letter to the Podestà of Empoli for the arrest of a debt collector. Text: sibi scribatur, et hoc vigore cuiusdam gravamenti
o0202001.193d 1432 dicembre 9 Declaration of debt for two ex treasurers. Text: sic invenisse; cum hoc tamen salvo et
o0202001.081l 1428 aprile 17 Obligation to the suppliers to take back the rotten lumber they delivered, paying the price levied before its withdrawal. Text: silve Opere conduxerunt hoc presenti anno viginti
o0202001.046vb 1426 novembre 28 Election of two debt collectors. Text: Silvestrum Tomasii, cum hoc quod antequam recipiant
o0201086.008d 1425 marzo 26 Authority to the master builder to contract out kiln loads of mortar. Text: similibus contractibus; et hoc presente Bernardo Amerigi
o0202001.073vd 1427 dicembre 19 Contract for 60.000 broad bricks with advance on payment. Text: similibus quadronibus, cum hoc quod non possint
o0202001.131va 1430 settembre 18 Prohibition to masters and unskilled workers to work in the Trassinaia quarry during rest pauses. Text: sit capsus; et hoc nisi, si et
o0202001.133f 1430 ottobre 5 Rent of a garden with stable and shed to the notary of the Opera. Text: sit finita, cum hoc quod si aliqua
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: sit possibile ad hoc ut ecclesia seu
o0201079.005ve 1421 luglio 10 Election of a messenger for six months for notifications to debtors, his salary and commission. Text: sit registrare, ad hoc ut metu talis
o0201077.001vd 1419 dicembre 29 Term of payment for debt for forced loans and of property gabelle. Text: sit revocatum; et hoc, si et in
o0202001.004ve 1425 agosto 7 Term of payment to guarantor for the baptismal parish of Cappiano and for the churches of San Bartolomeo and San Gregorio. Text: soldorum duodecim, cum hoc quod prestet ydoneum
o0201086.002va 1424/5 gennaio 24 Term of payment for debt for gabelles with guaranty and restitution of pawns. Text: soldorum XVII, cum hoc quod ipse satisdet
o0202001.011vf 1425 ottobre 12 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: soldos quadraginta, cum hoc quod teneatur dare
o0202001.009e 1425 settembre 7 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: soldos viginti, cum hoc quod dictus Antonius
o0201086.019vd 1425 giugno 1 Term of payment for unspecified debt. Text: soldos viginti, cum hoc quod teneatur dare
o0201084.005vb 1423/4 febbraio 11 Contract for figure previously commissioned to Giovanni di Bartolo, absent from Florence for debts, to Bernardo Ciuffagni with notification to the brother of said Giovanni to declare the expenditures incurred by Rosso in cutting it from the "masso" and transporting it to the port. Text: solitum est servare; hoc in predictis servato
o0202001.013vg 1425 novembre 18 Term of payment given to a debtor. Text: solvere Opere, cum hoc quod teneatur prestare
o0201076.004vc 1419 luglio 12 Term of payment for debt for forced loans with release of arrested person. Text: solvere restaret, et hoc in casu quo
o0202001.036a 1426 giugno 20 Term of payment to the monastery of San Piero Martire of Florence. Text: solvere tenentur, cum hoc quod tenentur dare
o0202001.161vf 1432 giugno 6 Tare for supply of broad bricks fired badly. Text: solvi possint; et hoc viso quodam rapporto
o0201074.007a 1418 agosto 9 Concession of indemnification for expenditures of arrest. Text: stetit captus, cum hoc tamen quod summam
o0202001.229h 1435 marzo 28 Purchase of a thousand roof tiles at the lowest price for the roof of the church and its cloister. Text: sui claustri, cum hoc quod non possit
o0202001.128vm 1430 giugno 22 Authorization to affix a painting of the Saints Cosmas and Damian on one of the piers between the pulpit and the portal towards San Giovanni. Text: suis expensis, cum hoc quod nullum ius
o0201082.015va 1423 aprile 28 Correction and reduction of contract with kilnman for broad bricks. Text: sumptibus dictorum conductorum; hoc in predictis expresse
o0201082.013a 1423 aprile 28 Correction and reduction of contract with kilnmen. Text: sumptibus dictorum conductorum; hoc tamen excepto et
o0202001.130a 1430 settembre 15 Advance on the wages of a stonecutter given to his mother. Text: suorum heredum; et hoc si et in
o0202001.097e 1428 novembre 29 Authorization to pay workers at salary set for work on the cupola even with rain and snow, but not in the case of interruptions ordered by the wardens because of extreme temperatures. Text: super cupola; et hoc non intelligatur quando
o0202001.039d 1426 agosto 16 Hiring of carter with two horses for removal of earth and hoisting loads up to the cupola. Text: superius narratis; et hoc presente dicto Giunta
o0201079.013va 1421 agosto 14 Sentence of the Wool Guild for controversy between debtors and wardens concerning debt of 3000 florins and term of payment with annual installments. Text: supra sententialiter condepnaverunt hoc modo videlicet: de
o0202001.027vb 1426 aprile 17 Term of payment given to a debtor. Text: suprascripte quantitatis, cum hoc quod Pierus Filippi
o0201075.022b 1419 aprile 26 Letter of summons to Pisan citizens and letter to the Captain of Pisa in order that he solicit them. Text: suprascriptorum quattuor, et hoc presentibus et intelligentibus
o0202001.226f 1434/5 gennaio 13 Construction of a roof for the cardinals in the courtyard of Santa Maria Novella. Text: tali loco, et hoc pro residentia cardinalium
o0201075.030d 1419 maggio 31 Prohibition to demand payment and restitution of pawn. Text: tamen exactoribus; et hoc si et in
o0201079.005a 1421 luglio 10 Suspension of the deduction of 4 denari per lira retroactively imposed on a contract that was already granted. Text: tantum et ad hoc tantum ut contra
o0202001.192f 1432 dicembre 9 Assignment of lodgings to the canons. Text: tassam dicte domus hoc modo, videlicet quolibet
o0201078.026b 1421 aprile 18 Reduction of the rent of the quarry of the hill of Vincigliata for disagreement over the price and agreement to quarry only sandstone blocks for the cupola. Text: tempore existentem. Cum hoc tamen pacto expresso
o0202001.246g 1435 dicembre 30 Prohibition to demand payment from suppliers for failure to consign marble because of the Lucca war. Text: tempore existentium. Cum hoc tamen salvo et
o0202001.223e 1434 ottobre 22 Letter to the rectors of the countryside to have the barriers of the fisheries removed so that the marble boats coming from Pisa can pass. Text: tempore extatis ad hoc ut schafre marmoris
o0202001.057va 1427 aprile 9 Prohibition to pay the masters who cheated the Opera long ago in the excavation entrusted to them of the walls of the keep of Castellina. Text: tempore vigere ad hoc ut Opera per
o0201086.010vd 1425 aprile 14 Order to place a denunciation box in the church, in the customary place, to permit denouncing of all the Opera's salaried personnel that disobeyed the orders. Text: temporibus aperiri, et hoc ad hoc ut
o0202001.194vh 1432 dicembre 30 Cancellation of credit for a supply of lumber. Text: temporibus retroactis, et hoc vigore informationis habite
o0202001.237d 1435 luglio 5 Mode of payment of four glass windows contracted to Bernardo of Francesco, with deduction of the value of two cases of glass received from the Opera. Text: teneretur Opere, et hoc si et in
o0201079.009b 1421 luglio 24 Restitution of part of defective broad bricks to kilnman. Text: tenetur et quod hoc in dapnum Opere
o0202001.142va 1431 maggio 16 Term of payment given to debtors. Text: tenetur Opere, et hoc si et in
o0201073b.008d 1418 giugno 10 Term of payment for forced loans given to a widow with partial exemption of the demand of payment. Text: tenetur solvere, et hoc quia tempore quo
o0201078.023c 1421 aprile 15 Extension of term of payment for debt. Text: termino tertio; et hoc si et in
o0202001.041vg 1426 ottobre 2 Authorization to the provost to grant debtors terms of payment to be fixed at the next meeting of the wardens. Text: terminum congregabuntur, cum hoc quod dicti tales
o0202001.062vb 1427 giugno 30 Term of payment given to a debtor. Text: tertiam partem, cum hoc quod Simon Silvestri
o0201078.058va 1420/1 febbraio 19 Rent of the hill of Vincigliata for three years, except two shops. Text: totaliter salvari, et hoc pro tempore et
o0201077.074va 1420 marzo 29 Contract for cutting and trimming of lumber with concession of advance. Text: traina lignaminis abietis hoc modo et forma,
o0202001.211f 1433/4 febbraio 19 Commission to contract out lumber. Text: trayno; et cum hoc quod fideiubeat de
o0202001.246e 1435 dicembre 30 Authorization to the wardens of the Parte Guelfa to cut lumber in the forest and brand it to distinguish it from that of the count of Poppi. Text: traynorum lignaminis, cum hoc quod si extrahere
o0202001.246va 1435/6 gennaio 2 Letter to the lumber raftsmen of the Opera instructing them to consign up to 50 towloads to the raftsmen of the Sea Consuls to permit the transport of galley masts together with the lumber. Text: traynos lignaminis, ad hoc ut dicti foderatores
o0202001.198vf 1433 giugno 9 Loan of money to restore wall of the shed of the Tedaldi. Text: trecentorum viginti; et hoc si et in
o0202001.005c 1425 agosto 7 Term of payment. Text: tres f.p., cum hoc excepto quod teneatur
o0202001.134d 1430 dicembre 7 Term of payment to a debtor. Text: tres menses, et hoc si et in
o0201086.016va 1425 maggio 16 Term of payment for unspecified debt. Text: triginta f.p., cum hoc quod teneatur ydonee
o0202001.194vl 1432 dicembre 30 Order to make known to the wardens the possible choice between two sandstone quarries. Text: ubi sunt, ad hoc ut operarii qui
o0201077.011vb 1419/20 gennaio 26 Term of payment to the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino. Text: ullo modo; et hoc si et in
o0202001.035vc 1426 giugno 13 Term of payment given to a debtor. Text: unum florenum, cum hoc quod det et
o0202001.249g 1435/6 febbraio 23 Term of payment for debt to the parish of the abbey of Fiesole and release of arrested person. Text: unum florenum, et hoc si et in
o0202001.110vh 1429 agosto 4 Term of payment given to a debtor. Text: unum florenum, et hoc si et in
o0202001.238e 1435 luglio 29 Term of payment. Text: unum florenum, et hoc si et in
o0201079.020b 1421 agosto 28 Term of payment for pardons of forced loans. Text: ut supra; et hoc si et in
o0201080.007vc 1421/2 gennaio 24 Correction of greater debt for livestock gabelles. Text: vaccinarum et quod hoc errore processit quia
o0202001.015vc 1425 novembre 23 Letter to the Podestà of Vicopisano instructing him to demand payment of debtor for a piece of land located at Cesano, which is the object of litigation with the Opera. Text: variaverit; sed super hoc non insisto cum
o0201078.010vf 1420/1 marzo 3 Term of payment to the church of Sant'Ilario in Castiglion Fibocchi for property gabelle. Text: vel gravari; et hoc si et in
o0202001.123vd 1429/30 marzo 7 Permission to build a low wall at the expense of the Ricci near the homonymous street with proviso for its possible destruction at the wardens' discretion. Text: vellent, et cum hoc quod nullum ius
o0202001.217d 1434 maggio 28 Letter concerning the transport along the Arno of marble of which the Opera has urgent need. Text: vellet, dimictat, et hoc propter necessitatem quam
o0202001.157vd 1432 aprile 5 Term of payment given to an arrested person, guarantor of a debtor, and his release on condition of new guaranty. Text: vere sortis; et hoc si et in
o0202001.042b 1426 ottobre 25 Election of doctor of law for counsel over the dispute between the Commune of San Gimignano and the Opera for the properties of San Galgano. Text: veritas elucescat, ad hoc ut consultor possit
o0202001.099b 1428/9 gennaio 11 Construction of wall closing off access to the canons' cloister and repairs to the adjoining house. Text: via claudatur ad hoc ut inde exiri
o0202001.006b 1425 agosto 7 Term of payment. Text: viginti f.p., cum hoc quod si non
o0202001.005vd 1425 agosto 7 Term of payment for debt. Text: viginti f.p., cum hoc quod teneatur prestare
o0202001.018vf 1425 dicembre 13 Term of payment given to a debtor. Text: viginti, et cum hoc quod teneatur dare
o0201083.056c 1423 luglio 27 Contract for cutting, trimming and transport of fir lumber. Text: VIIII 1/3, cum hoc quod si dicti
o0201086.009ve 1425 aprile 3 Authorization to the administrator to lend a rope to private person. Text: XV diebus, cum hoc quod dictus Niccolaus
o0202001.019d 1425 dicembre 24 Term of payment. Text: XXIIII decembris. Et hoc presente dicto Abraam
o0202001.239vh 1435 agosto 19 Authority to the wardens to attend the ordination of 25 choir boys and their master in accordance with the will of Pope Eugenius IV. Text: XXVII iunii. Et hoc si et in
o0202001.202a 1433 luglio 3 Term for hoisting loads up to the cupola with oxen on pain of sale of the same. Text: ydoneo provideatur; et hoc sibi notificetur prima
o0201077.023b 1419/20 febbraio 26 Correction of account entry written twice and term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: 7, et quod hoc errore processit; et
o0201077.011a 1419/20 gennaio 23 Term of payment for debt for properties taxed and correction of entry in favor of the church of Santa Maria del Piano di Cascia. Text: 20; et quod hoc errorem processit, quia
o0201074.024va 1418 ottobre 22 Salary set for masters, unskilled workers and boys. Text: 20 et ultra hoc florenum unum auri
o0201079.051a 1421 dicembre 19 Term of payment for unspecified debt. Text: 35 predictorum; et hoc si et in
o0202001.177c 1431 giugno 23 Allocation of funds for gloves for wardens and other officials for the feast of Saint John. Title: aliis offitialibus pro hoc presenti festo Sancti
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