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space Sources Dates Indices Topics1 Topics2 Reference Texts























Context of query
o0201070b.009vf 1416/7 febbraio 25 Term of validity for open letters for the debt collectors working in countryside and amount of debt required for distrainment. Text: exactoribus, qui debent ire extra civitatem Florentie
o0201070.010vd 1416/7 marzo 4 Prohibition to the masters to work outside the Opera without permission. Text: in dicto Opere ire vel stare ad
o0201070b.013d 1416/7 marzo 4 Deadline to debt collectors for refraining from demand of payment for forced loans below a certain sum. Text: possint quoquo modo ire ad gravandum extra
o0201070.014ve 1417 aprile 6 Permission to work outside the Opera. Text: et manovales possint ire ad laborandum et
o0201070.015va 1417 aprile 10 Permission to work outside the Opera. Text: ad diem possit ire ad laborandum pro
o0201070b.017vf 1417 aprile 16 Permission to work outside the Opera. Text: Cambii magister possit ire ad laborandum cum
o0201072.019vg 1417/8 febbraio 14 Prohibition to the masters to work outside the Opera without permission, with one exception. Text: nullus magister possit ire ad laborandum extra
o0201072.026va 1417/8 marzo 17 Permission to go free for one day, and subsequent incarceration. Text: et Salvi possint ire per totam diem
o0201073b.007vb 1418 maggio 28 Permission to work outside the Opera. Text: Nelli voluerit, possit ire ad laborandum cum
o0201073b.007vd 1418 maggio 28 Permission for the passage of lumber that has been checked and numbered by the guard of the forest. Text: et debeat primo ire ad videndum et
o0201074.016vb 1418 agosto 31 Loan of two stonecutters with permission to work outside the Opera and to be allowed to return. Text: sibi concedentur possint ire et postea reverti
o0201074.018vb 1418 settembre 6 Permission to a master to work outside the Opera with penalty if he does not return by the established term. Text: Perfectus ... possit ire ad laborandum quo
o0201074.018vc 1418 settembre 6 Permission to a master to work outside the Opera, provided that first he free the Opera from a promise made for him from the treasurer. Text: Iacobus Borre possit ire ad laborandum cum
o0201075.005a 1418/9 gennaio 30 Destruction of the wall to reopen the passageway to the church of San Piero Celoro. Text: et non volunt ire ad dictam ecclesiam,
o0201075.025b 1419 aprile 29 Prohibition to work outside the Opera without permission during the summer period. Text: in presenti extate ire ad laborandum extra
o0201075.029vb 1419 maggio 29 Prohibition to masters to work outside the Opera and prohibition to return without permission, under penalty of arrest. Text: vel scarpello possit ire ad laborandum hinc
o0201075.029vf 1419 maggio 29 Authorization to a stonecutter to go to the forest of San Pellegrino. Text: in Opere possit ire ad serviendum operariis
o0201075.034a 1419 giugno 22 Authorization to work outside the Opera and return. Text: possit sibique liceat ire ad laborandum extra
o0201075.034b 1419 giugno 22 Authorization to work outside the Opera. Text: Nannes suprascriptus possit ire ad laborandum cum
o0201075.035vd 1419 giugno 26 Authorization to work outside the Opera. Text: possit sibique liceat ire ad laborandum cum
o0201076.007c 1419 agosto 2 Order to master of go to work to the stairs of the Pope's residence in Santa Maria Novella. Text: librarum centum f.p. ire ad hedificandum et
o0201076.009e 1419 agosto 11 Permission to master to work outside the Opera and exemption of the administrator from penalty for the loan of a pot. Text: de Prato possit ire ad laborandum cum
o0201076.017vl 1419 ottobre 7 Permission to master to work outside the Opera. Text: Iohannis magister possit ire ad laborandum cum
o0201076.054b 1419 novembre 7 Payment for supply of white marble with promise to go to Carrara to get it. Text: etc., dummodo promictant ire et ivisse per
o0201077.040va 1420 maggio 18 Letter to the Podestà of Portico, to the Commune of Premilcuore and of Corniolo in order that access of livestock to the Opera forest be prohibited. Text: non permictant bestiamina ire per silvam Opere
o0201077.044vf 1420 giugno 15 Election of supervisors of the forest to repair the damages caused in it by lack of surveillance. Text: Simon et Batista ire, stare et redire
o0201079.012a 1421 agosto 14 Order to the administrator to check personally the lumber conveyed to the port of San Francesco and keep note of the shipments consigned. Text: ipsam requisitionem personaliter ire ad ipsum portum
o0201079.023va 1421 settembre 5 Prohibition to the master builder to absent himself without permission. Text: ad horas docte ire et stare possit
o0201079.042vd 1421 novembre 17 Revocation of the appointment given to the administrator to receive and annotate the lumber arrived at the port of San Francesco and conferral of the appointment to Jacopo of Sandro. Text: conductoris cuiuscumque lignaminis ire ad portum Sancti
o0201079.042vd 1421 novembre 17 Revocation of the appointment given to the administrator to receive and annotate the lumber arrived at the port of San Francesco and conferral of the appointment to Jacopo of Sandro. Text: Opera ipseque Iacobus ire et predicta facere
o0201081.009c 1422 agosto 7 Order to a warden and the administrator to go to the forest to gather information about a saw for lumber. Text: silvam quam citius ire poterunt.
o0201081.015e 1422 settembre 4 Order to go to the forest to attend to the needs of the Opera and to report what measures are taken. Text: Opere quam citius ire poterunt ad videndum
o0201081.030vc 1422 dicembre 2 Renunciation of rental of the quarry of Niccolò Rinucci at the expiration of the contract, prohibition with penalty of transit on the street constructed by the Opera that leads to the quarry and authorization to administrator and master builder to sell stones. Text: per dictam viam ire seu ferre vel
o0201082.069vf 1423 marzo 30 Payment to sculptor to block out marble for a figure. Text: nolario et pro ire Carrariam pro ipsam
o0201082.071vb 1423 aprile 9 Payment to unskilled worker who is injured to go to the baths. Text: Dey et pro ire ad balneum libras
o0201086.025e 1425 giugno 26 Permission to two litigants of clarify their disputes. Text: inter eos vertitur ire et litigare coram
o0202001.009d 1425 settembre 3 Dispatch of the notary of the Opera to Vicopisano for litigation with demand of payment of the adversary for the restitution of the expenditures incurred. Text: teneatur et debeat ire ad castrum Vici
o0202001.015vc 1425 novembre 23 Letter to the Podestà of Vicopisano instructing him to demand payment of debtor for a piece of land located at Cesano, which is the object of litigation with the Opera. Text: meliori indagatione veritatis ire ad dictum petium
o0202001.026va 1425/6 marzo 23 Prohibition to the masters of the Opera and Trassinaia to work outside the Opera without the permission of the provost of the wardens. Text: per viam indirectam ire ad laborandum ad
o0202001.026vc 1426 marzo 26 Order to the master builder to go to Carrara to mark the white marble to be accepted and conveyed to the Opera. Text: teneatur et debeat ire ad illa loca
o0202001.027h 1426 aprile 17 Letters to the rectors and officials of the countryside about norms for demand of payment of the debtors served with notice. Text: teneatur et debeat ire suis expensis ad
o0202001.035f 1426 giugno 13 Prohibition to master stonecutters and masons to work outside the Opera without the permission of the provost and a warden. Text: seu murator possit ire ad laborandum diebus
o0202001.036g 1426 giugno 28 Prohibition to the treasurers and notaries of the forced loans to discount the old forced loans with the new if they have not collected the 6 denari per lira of the old distribution. Text: teneantur et debeant ire ad prestantias et
o0202001.039b 1426 agosto 16 Authorization to Brunelleschi to go to Pisa on request of the Six Sea Officials. Text: teneatur et debeat ire Pisas ad serviendum
o0202001.039vb 1426 agosto 19 Dispatch of (master) to oversee to the work of the castles of Lastra and of Malmantile. Text: teneatur et debeat ire semel in edogmoda
o0202001.044a 1426 ottobre 25 Registration of the daily wages of stonecutter. Text: licite et impune ire ad laborandum cum
o0202001.046d 1426 novembre 23 Authorization to the masters to work outside the Opera without permit and return with full registration of the days worked. Text: et dampno possint ire ad laborandum extra
o0202001.053vb 1426/7 marzo 6 Authorization to the administrator to contract out mortar for Malmantile and letter to the masters instructing them to continue to work. Text: dicte Opere quod ire teneatur quando eidem
o0202001.058a 1427 aprile 11 Order to the master builder to go to Malmantile for the work on the castle. Title: Quod Batista teneatur ire castrum Malmantilis
o0202001.058a 1427 aprile 11 Order to the master builder to go to Malmantile for the work on the castle. Text: debeat quolibet edogmoda ire ad castrum Malmantilis
o0202001.059vb 1427 maggio 7 Permission to master to work outside the Opera. Title: magister Opere possit ire ad laborandum extra
o0202001.059vb 1427 maggio 7 Permission to master to work outside the Opera. Text: suo preiudicio, possit ire et servire eidem
o0202001.060d 1427 maggio 14 Commission to the master builder to go several times, with another master, to oversee works at Malmantile. Text: dictus magister possit ire qualibet edogmoda semel
o0202001.060vc 1427 maggio 28 Dispatch of the master builder with another master to Malmantile and election of the latter as administrator of the castle. Text: teneatur et debeat ire ad castrum Malmantilis
o0202001.065vd 1427 agosto 20 Site inspection by two wardens and the master builder at the castle of Lastra for the workers who are preparing the dressed stone. Text: qua viderint posse ire, vadant ad castrum
o0202001.065ve 1427 agosto 20 Order to the administrator obtain reimbursement of the money spent for a lawsuit with the Commune of San Gimignano for the collection of testaments. Text: Bernardus eorum provisor ire teneatur ad bancum
o0202001.065vf 1427 agosto 21 Advance of payment to carters to convey marble from Pisa. Text: carradoribus qui volunt ire Pisas ad conducendum
o0202001.068va 1427 settembre 23 Authorization to cut lumber in the forest, letter to the guard of the forest and permit to stonecutter to work outside the Opera and return. Text: Sandri scharpellator possit ire in servitium prefatorum
o0202001.069vg 1427 ottobre 20 Permit to stonecutter to work outside the Opera and return. Text: prefate Opere possit ire pro decem seu
o0202001.076vi 1427/8 gennaio 21 Site inspection by the master builder at the castle of Lastra and Malmantile. Text: Lastre et Malmantilis ire ad providendum si
o0202001.086c 1428 giugno 15 Permit to two masters to work outside the Opera. Text: de Corbinellis possint ire sine eorum preiudicio
o0202001.088vb 1428 luglio 27 Order to suppliers to go to Pisa with the carters to oversee the loading of marble. Text: magisterii Opere, teneantur ire cum eis Pisas
o0202001.090vg 1428 agosto 31 Permit to cut lumber in the forest of the Opera. Text: Batista caputmagister Opere ire teneatur usque ad
o0202001.091g 1428 agosto 31 Dispatch of the administrator to Campi to count broad bricks and examine their quality and arrange for tare if necessary. Text: teneatur et debeat ire ad castrum seu
o0202001.093vf 1428 novembre 15 Order to the debt collector to demand payment of debtors, term of payment, nomination of treasurer for the collections and letter to the rectors. Text: et dampno possit ire per comitatum et
o0202001.094c 1428 novembre 18 Authorization to the master builder to order master masons and stonecutters to serve as unskilled workers and any of them to work on the cupola, on penalty of dismissal. Text: eumdem caputmagistrum preceptum, ire et parere et
o0202001.098g 1428 dicembre 29 Order to wall up two doors of the court of the Visdomini. Text: curia predictam portam ire et intrare et
o0202001.104f 1429 aprile 12 Order to measure house of chaplain. Text: et caputmagister Opere ire teneantur et debeant
o0202001.106va 1429 maggio 6 Site inspection of house of chaplain, with deadline for restoration of the same, and injunction to another chaplain to evacuate the corridor. Text: prefate Opere debeant ire ad videndum domum
o0202001.108vd 1429 giugno 16 Order to circumscribe with a cord the area with the houses yet to be demolished for the cloistering of the canons. Text: et cum ea ire usque ad alium
o0202001.116vd 1429 novembre 4 Authorization to each warden to give leave to masters for 5 days and dismissal of the scribe for having violated the regulations. Text: extra laborerium Opere ire ad laborandum pro
o0202001.116ve 1429 novembre 4 Permit to master to work outside the Opera and return. Text: Prato quod possit ire ad laborandum cum
o0202001.120vc 1429/30 gennaio 9 Permission to master to work outside the Opera. Text: magister Opere possit ire ad laborandum extra
o0202001.122ve 1429/30 febbraio 14 Recovery of stones and columns in an abandoned church near the castle of Vada and letters to the Podestà of Rosignano and to the vicar of Lari for collaboration. Text: teneantur et debeant ire Vadam ad conducendum
o0202001.123ve 1429/30 marzo 7 Prohibition to masters to work outside the Opera without permission, on pain of arrest. Text: super cupola possit ire ad laborandum extra
o0202001.123ve 1429/30 marzo 7 Prohibition to masters to work outside the Opera without permission, on pain of arrest. Text: alius magister possit ire ad laborandum extra
o0202001.124g 1429/30 marzo 18 Authorization to Brunelleschi to serve the Ten of War in the war of Lucca with suspension of his salary. Text: cupole Opere possit ire ad serviendum offitio
o0202001.124vf 1430 marzo 30 Permission to masters to work on the erection of the column of Mercato Vecchio and loan of lumber and equipment that they require. Text: provisor requiret possint ire ad laborandum in
o0202001.126vr 1430 maggio 2 Permission to stonecutter to work on the font of San Giovanni. Title: unus magister possit ire ad laborandum super
o0202001.126vr 1430 maggio 2 Permission to stonecutter to work on the font of San Giovanni. Text: scharpellator Opere possit ire ad laborandum super
o0202001.127a 1430 maggio 10 Permission to stonecutter to work outside the Opera. Text: infrascriptum Redulfum possit ire ad laborandum cum
o0202001.129va 1430 settembre 13 Permission to two stonecutters to work for a private person. Text: Albizis nominaverit possint ire ad laborandum cum
o0202001.137d 1430/1 febbraio 14 Authorization to the wardens to nominate four masters each. Text: nominati postea debeant ire ad partitum inter
o0202001.140vb 1431 aprile 18 Dispatch of stonecutters for work on the castle of Castellina; letter to the administrator to solicit work. Text: teneantur et debeant ire ad castrum Castelline
o0202001.177vc 1431 ottobre 10 Prohibition to lend things of the sacristy without permit of the wardens, consuls and sacristans appointed by the consuls, with some exceptions. Text: prefate ecclesie indigeret ire ad aliqua loca
o0202001.156vg 1431/2 marzo 23 Prohibition to the masons to work outside the Opera without permission and injunction to those already gone to return. Title: nullus murator possit ire extra Operam sine
o0202001.156vg 1431/2 marzo 23 Prohibition to the masons to work outside the Opera without permission and injunction to those already gone to return. Text: extra Operam nec ire diebus laborativis alio
o0202001.161ve 1432 giugno 6 Permission to a master to work for the wardens of the Baptistery of San Giovanni. Text: et dampno possit ire ad laborandum cum
o0202001.166vb 1432 luglio 30 Permission to work outside the Opera. Text: de Rovezano possit ire ad laborandum cum
o0202001.169vc 1432 settembre 10 Letter to the vicar of Mugello for injunction of ox owners for towing of lumber. Text: visis presentibus debeant ire ad silvam Opere
o0202001.200vi 1433 giugno 18 Prohibition to send masters and employees with salary over 15 soldi to convoke the wardens. Text: supra non possint ire ad congregandum offitium
o0202001.204e 1433 agosto 6 Order to a (warden) to travel to the forest. Text: de Strozis noluerit ire.
o0202001.204vd 1433 agosto 13 Prohibition to demand payment of debtor and guarantor. Text: provisor Opere teneatur ire ad Capitaneum Populi
o0202001.205e 1433 settembre 16 Order to procure the transport of elms for the chains of church and the payment of the suppliers. Text: teneatur et debeat ire ad silvam Opere
o0202001.219va 1434 luglio 30 Permission to a master to work at the request of the Sea Consuls, with loan of pulleys. Text: comsulum Maris possit ire quo dicti comsules
o0202001.220va 1434 agosto 18 Order for a trip to Carrara for marble. Text: teneatur et debeat ire Carrariam ad conduci
o0202001.227vh 1434/5 febbraio 28 Permission to master to work outside the Opera for four months. Text: alias Tirato possit ire ad sui bene
o0202001.231a 1435 aprile 23 Hiring of masters for work on the cupboards of the new sacristy with salary set. Text: infrascripti non possint ire extra laborerium Opere
o0202001.231vb 1435 aprile 26 Prohibition to masters to work outside the Opera in the summer months without permission, under penalty of dismissal of the rolls. Text: magister Opere possit ire ad laborandum extra
o0202001.231vf 1435 aprile 27 Permission to masters to work outside the Opera. Text: extra laborerium Opere ire ad laborandum cum
o0202001.231vf 1435 aprile 27 Permission to masters to work outside the Opera. Text: possit simili modo ire ad laborandum cum
o0202001.233b 1435 maggio 4 Letter to the Podestà of Dicomano instructing him to issue a proclamation prohibiting entry in the forest of the Opera with livestock, on penalty of 25 lire fine. Text: quod nullus debeat ire cum bestiis in
o0202001.233vc 1435 maggio 10 Permission to master to work outside the Opera. Title: unus magister possit ire ad laborandum cum
o0202001.235m 1435 giugno 1 Permission to masters to work outside the Opera. Text: et dampno possint ire ad laborandum cum
o0202001.235vc 1435 giugno 9 Permission to master to work outside the Opera. Text: magister Opere possit ire impune ad laborandum
o0202001.235ve 1435 giugno 9 Permission to worker to work outside the Opera. Text: de Prato possit ire ad laborandum cum
o0202001.236l 1435 giugno 28 Permission to master to work outside the Opera. Text: Opere possit impune ire ad laborandum cum
o0202001.236vg 1435 giugno 28 Permission to masters to work outside the Opera. Title: magistri Opere possint ire ad laborandum extra
o0202001.237l 1435 luglio 6 Permission to masters to work outside the Opera at the expense of those requesting. Text: magistris Opere possint ire ad laborandum cum
o0202001.237vc 1435 luglio 6 Permission to master to work for the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova at its expense. Text: Opere impune possit ire ad laborandum extra
o0202001.237vg 1435 luglio 12 Permission to two masters to work outside the Opera. Text: magistri Opere possint ire ad laborandum cum
o0202001.241e 1435 settembre 13 Permission to master to work outside the Opera. Text: magister Opere possit ire ad laborandum cum
o0202001.241vb 1435 settembre 21 Permission to two masters to work outside the Opera. Text: Opere possint impune ire ad laborandum cum
o0202001.241vf 1435 settembre 23 Permission to masters to work outside the Opera. Text: simili modo possint ire ad laborandum cum
o0202001.241vh 1435 settembre 23 Permission to master to work outside the Opera. Text: magister Opere possit ire ad laborandum cum
o0202001.244vh 1435 dicembre 2 Order to the master builder to go to Pisa, Vico and Gonfolina to oversee the fortifications and the sale of the rebels' properties. Text: teneatur et debeat ire Pisas, Vicum et
o0202001.246vc 1435/6 gennaio 10 Letter to the supervisors of Pisa about the rebels' properties not yet consigned to be requisitioned as compensation for the wallworks of the Parlascio gate. Text: hoc ut possint ire coram eorum magnificis
o0202001.251ve 1436 aprile 3 Order to the master builder to build a stairway for the organist. Text: ut orghanista possit ire super ea ad
o0202001.255d 1436 giugno 20 Prohibition to the masters to work outside the Opera in order to permit the completion of the construction of the cupola. Text: iulii proxime futuri ire ad laborandum extra
o0202001.255vd 1436 giugno 27 Authority to the wardens sent to Vicopisano and Pisa. Title: illis qui tenentur ire Vicum et Pisas
o0202001.255vd 1436 giugno 27 Authority to the wardens sent to Vicopisano and Pisa. Text: illi qui tenentur ire Vicum Pisanum et
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