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A1-150  151-300 A301-450  A451-600  A601-750  A751-900  A901-1050  A1051-1200  A1201-1350  A1351-1500  A1501-1579 





Context of query
o0202001.081vm 1428 aprile 28 Authority to warden to have studies built in the houses of three canons. Text: modo et forma prout et sicut sibi
o0202001.172c 1427 agosto 4 Authority to wardens for repairs to the houses of the canons and chaplains. Text: dictis novis canonicis prout eis vel duabus
o0202001.027vd 1426 aprile 21 Authority to wardens for the work at Lastra and Malmantile; sentence and fine of defaulting master; acquittal and new contract for the work. Text: partes dicti laborerii, prout viderint constare per
o0202001.067b 1427 settembre 9 Authority to wardens to attend to the houses of the canons and chaplains. Text: expensis dicte Opere, prout eisdem videbitur, et
o0201075.029b 1419 maggio 20 Authorization for the construction of stairs, for the plastering and painting of a wall and for shutters of the windows in the Pope's residence. Text: magne versus claustrum prout sibi placuerit et
o0201075.029b 1419 maggio 20 Authorization for the construction of stairs, for the plastering and painting of a wall and for shutters of the windows in the Pope's residence. Text: fenestrarum dicti laborerii prout sibi videbitur melius
o0202001.135vb 1430/1 gennaio 16 Authorization for the construction of the kitchen of the clergy. Text: capituli ecclesie chattedralis prout designata fuit per
o0201082.020vc 1423 giugno 17 Authorization of payment to kilnmen. Text: mictatur ad introitum prout in dicto stantiamento
o0202001.227f 1434/5 febbraio 7 Authorization to a warden to contract out the chest of the organs. Text: modis et forma prout et sicut videbitur
o0201084.017a 1424 luglio 16 Authorization to administrator or master builder to contract out supply of lumber in accordance with a private agreement. Text: modis et pactis prout in dicta script(ura)
o0201084.017a 1424 luglio 16 Authorization to administrator or master builder to contract out supply of lumber in accordance with a private agreement. Text: conducta predicta oblighare prout et sicut consuetum
o0201084.014vb 1424 aprile 13 Authorization to administrator, master builder and (scribe of the daily wages) to set the salaries of the unskilled workers. Text: presentibus quam futuris, prout et sicut eis
o0201084.014vb 1424 aprile 13 Authorization to administrator, master builder and (scribe of the daily wages) to set the salaries of the unskilled workers. Text: modis et forma, prout per eos deliberatum
o0202001.124f 1429/30 marzo 15 Authorization to attend to the debt of the Commune of Prato and to make a new contract to a cooper for cooperage supplies. Text: cum illis pactis prout eis videbitur et
o0202001.138vh 1430/1 marzo 14 Authorization to begin work for the altar of Saint Zenobius after the fashion of that of San Giovanni. Text: modo et forma prout est altare Sancti
o0201077.038c 1420 aprile 30 Authorization to buy materials for the cupola. Text: et in partem prout, sicut, quando et
o0202001.102va 1428/9 febbraio 23 Authorization to cancel debtor and term of payment to newly registered replacement. Text: qui sit sufficiens, prout videbitur dicto provisori
o0202001.228vm 1434/5 marzo 18 Authorization to charge the tenant for the expenditures incurred for alterations to a house. Text: pensionarii dicte domus prout declarabuntur per caputmagistrum
o0201076.009b 1419 agosto 7 Authorization to clear out earth close to the foundations. Text: et ubi et prout dicetur sibi per
o0202001.201vh 1433 luglio 3 Authorization to contract out a supply of sand. Text: pretio et pretiis prout eidem videbitur et
o0201075.029e 1419 maggio 29 Authorization to contract out at set price plastering and painting of the exterior wall of the great hall of the Pope's residence. Text: de colore lapidum, prout et secundum disegnum
o0201084.008vc 1423/4 febbraio 29 Authorization to contract out lumber and cut it in pieces for making roof struts. Text: et temporibus et prout et sicut dictis
o0202001.209vb 1433/4 gennaio 18 Authorization to contract out stones. Text: modo et forma prout iacent scripte date
o0201082.015b 1423 aprile 28 Authorization to correct and reduce contract for broad bricks. Text: ipsos non componebant prout debebant et quod
o0201082.015b 1423 aprile 28 Authorization to correct and reduce contract for broad bricks. Text: mensure et qualitatis prout debebant circa quartam
o0201082.015b 1423 aprile 28 Authorization to correct and reduce contract for broad bricks. Text: miliario eis debendam prout in locatione patet,
o0201082.015b 1423 aprile 28 Authorization to correct and reduce contract for broad bricks. Text: denariorum 6 f.p., prout hec et alia
o0201082.015b 1423 aprile 28 Authorization to correct and reduce contract for broad bricks. Text: pactis et conditionibus prout dictis operariis et
o0201082.015b 1423 aprile 28 Authorization to correct and reduce contract for broad bricks. Text: miliario dictorum quadronum, prout et sicut minuita
o0201082.014va 1423 aprile 28 Authorization to correct or reduce contracts of broad bricks. Text: modo et tempore prout eis et duas
o0202001.118b 1429 novembre 29 Authorization to cut a shaft in the forest. Text: Campigne unam stangham, prout dictus Bertus petierit,
o0202001.176va 1429/30 gennaio 9 Authorization to cut firs, previously measured by the guard of the forest of Campigna, for the Sapienza. Text: ligna abetis mensuris prout eidem videbitur et
o0201077.046vd 1420 giugno 28 Authorization to cut half of the lumber of the forest and concession of a part of the same to Simone Strozzi for private use. Text: cameris per eum prout asseruit construendis, solvendo
o0202001.238g 1435 luglio 29 Authorization to cut lumber in the Campigna plain. Text: pro quolibet trayno prout est consuetum.
o0201078.029vc 1421 maggio 5 Authorization to give a stonecutter money, for which he will be registered as debtor and have to render account, in order to pay the lumber suppliers. Text: per ipsum Iacobum prout viderit convenire et
o0202001.060vg 1427 maggio 28 Authorization to have a platform made in the choir for the cantors and registration of the days worked by the masters for the same. Text: operas eorum magistrorum, prout laborarent in prefata
o0202001.110g 1429 luglio 20 Authorization to have a stone block made in the Trassinaia quarry. Text: lapidem de macigno, prout voluerit.
o0202001.136vg 1430/1 febbraio 7 Authorization to have lumber cut for the Sapienza. Text: Opere pretia consueta, prout venditur aliud lignamen
o0202001.137h 1430/1 febbraio 15 Authorization to have sandstone blocks prepared. Text: massa macigni Opere prout dicet provisori dicte
o0202001.107e 1429 giugno 1 Authorization to have the latrines repaired in the house of a canon. Text: modo et forma prout designaverunt oretenus eorum
o0202001.101f 1428/9 febbraio 14 Authorization to have the preaching pews adjusted. Text: et feminarum amplietur, prout videbitur offitialibus sacrestie
o0202001.073vc 1427 dicembre 19 Authorization to kilnman to buy four wooden vats at the expense of the Opera. Text: de ligno, tenute prout dicet et imponet
o0201076.028b 1419 novembre 7 Authorization to lend money and register it in the notebook of debtors and creditors but without specification of the cause. Text: de quibus et prout et sicut dicetur
o0201076.019va 1419 ottobre 11 Authorization to make an entrance door to the courtyard of San Niccolò in Santa Maria Novella. Text: dicti cortilis si prout et sicut videbitur
o0202001.065vb 1427 agosto 20 Authorization to moneylender to pay his debt with the Opera through supply of mortar coming from the quarry of a debtor of his. Text: certa quantitate pecunie, prout apparet in registro
o0202001.107vg 1429 giugno 3 Authorization to order 6 beautiful copes on credit at the request of the conservators of the sacristy. Text: prebendis novorum canonicorum, prout prefati canonici tenentur
o0202001.107vg 1429 giugno 3 Authorization to order 6 beautiful copes on credit at the request of the conservators of the sacristy. Text: tempore in tempus, prout videretur ipsis operariis
o0201078.019d 1421 aprile 5 Authorization to pay and advance sums of money to the workers in accordance with the indications of the administrator. Text: et quibus et prout quando et quemadmodum
o0202001.084e 1428 maggio 14 Authorization to pay installment to member of the Cortigiani family, in accordance with the indications of the administrator and notary of the Opera. Text: teneatur facere et prout per eum dabitur
o0202001.116c 1429 novembre 4 Authorization to pay master for work done at Malmantile, granting him the completion of the work. Text: dicte locationis et prout et sicut continetur
o0202001.034vb 1426 giugno 7 Authorization to pay the salaries of the stonecutters, despite another resolution to the contrary. Text: de eorum salaribus, prout videbitur fore necessarium
o0202001.131vc 1430 settembre 18 Authorization to pay the wages of the late administrator of the quarry to his widow. Text: chave Trassinarie servivit, prout apparet in libro
o0202001.026d 1425/6 marzo 21 Authorization to private person to transport sandstone from Trassinaia to his own residence. Text: lapidem de macigno prout dicet ipsemet Iohannes.
o0201074.003vb 1418 luglio 21 Authorization to purchase fir boards. Text: pretio et modo prout sibi videbitur; et
o0201074.003vb 1418 luglio 21 Authorization to purchase fir boards. Text: personis et modis prout dicet dictus Iohannes
o0202001.061vf 1427 giugno 17 Authorization to register a master in the scribe's book. Text: librum pro scharpellatore, prout alios magistros dicte
o0201078.034b 1421 maggio 30 Authorization to register as income a deposit made as guarantee of the debt of the abbot of Montescalari. Text: et registretur debitum prout convenit.
o0202001.111vd 1429 agosto 20 Authorization to (sculptor) to work on the figure commissioned to him. Text: modo et forma prout eidem concessum fuit
o0201077.006va 1419/20 gennaio 10 Authorization to sell a slab for the tomb monument of an English bishop at set price. Text: civi florentino ementi prout asseruit pro funere
o0202001.126vc 1430 aprile 21 Authorization to sell and consign a log to a private buyer and to lend him two masters. Text: conducere unum lignum prout videbitur dicto domino
o0201084.010vc 1423/4 marzo 22 Authorization to sell lumber at reduced price. Text: pro dicto pretio, prout et sicut ante
o0201072.029vd 1417/8 marzo 23 Authorization to sell marble. Text: illam quantitatem marmoris prout et sicut ei
o0201073.022d 1418 giugno 17 Authorization to sell old ropes. Text: veteribus quot et prout videbunt fore utile
o0201075.032ve 1419 giugno 9 Authorization to sell old ropes. Text: de quibus et prout et sicut et
o0201073b.004c 1418 aprile 23 Authorization to sell pawns. Text: de quibus et prout et sicut eis
o0201073b.004c 1418 aprile 23 Authorization to sell pawns. Text: factum et observetur prout si factum esset
o0202001.225b 1434 dicembre 15 Authorization to set the salary for unskilled workers. Text: mensis martii 1435, prout videbitur eorum discretioni.
o0201086.005vb 1424/5 marzo 7 Authorization to the administrator and the notary of the Opera to sell the pawns. Text: observentur et fiant prout et quemadmodum alias
o0201076.008vd 1419 agosto 7 Authorization to the administrator of the works for the friars of Doccia for cutting and transport of firewood. Text: Operis et conduci prout voluerit de lignis
o0202001.049va 1426/7 gennaio 22 Authorization to the administrator to commission large broad bricks. Text: ser Brunelleschi et prout ipse Filippus dicet,
o0201080.026va 1422 aprile 29 Authorization to the administrator to contract out 400.000 broad bricks to be conveyed in four years at set price, with advance to be deducted. Text: et forma et prout et sicut et
o0201078.027a 1421 aprile 26 Authorization to the administrator to contract out further supply of broad bricks for the main cupola, because a greater number is needed. Text: et quibus et prout et sicut eidem
o0201078.007b 1420/1 gennaio 31 Authorization to the administrator to contract out supply of mortar for five years. Text: provideri et qualiter prout eis assertum fuit
o0202001.073vb 1427 dicembre 19 Authorization to the administrator to contract out 60.000 broad bricks of various measurements. Text: modoni magni, et prout dicet caputmagister dicte
o0201074.008ve 1418 agosto 18 Authorization to the administrator to elect a debt collector. Text: etiam capsum remictere prout voluerit etc.
o0202001.047va 1426 dicembre 16 Authorization to the administrator to make adjustments to the sacristy where the clerics sleep. Text: in dicto loco, prout facit alias operas
o0202001.172vb 1427 ottobre 14 Authorization to the administrator to make adjustments to the sacristy. Text: modo et forma prout sibi utilius fore
o0202001.113vh 1429 ottobre 6 Authorization to the administrator to settle the account of the work at the castle of Malmantile according to the report of the arbitrators. Text: certam quantitatem pecunie, prout apparet per libros
o0201079.018b 1421 agosto 22 Authorization to the administrator to stipulate a new contract for broad terracotta bricks and to revoke the old one. Text: de quibus et prout et sicut eidem
o0202001.083vg 1428 maggio 12 Authorization to the administrator, scribe and master builder to fix the salaries of the hired masters and to elect necessary unskilled workers and fix their salaries. Text: offitium possit corrigi prout eorum discretioni videbitur
o0201078.039vg 1421 giugno 10 Authorization to the cupola officials to set the compensation of Filippo di ser Brunellesco for his labor and reimbursement of expenditures borne by him for the construction of the hoist. Text: et quantum et prout et sicut eorum
o0202001.122i 1429/30 febbraio 10 Authorization to the guard of the forest to trim lumber sent by the Sea Consuls at the price indicated by the master builder. Text: in eorum silva prout et sicut dicet
o0201074.018f 1418 settembre 6 Authorization to the master builder and the administrator to contract out a supply of lumber. Text: modis consuetis et prout dicet dictus Iohannes
o0202001.023g 1425/6 marzo 11 Authorization to the master builder and to Brunelleschi to continue the construction of the cupola for half a braccio in accordance with the report submitted. Text: forma et ordine prout in dicto rapporto
o0201078.013b 1420/1 marzo 11 Authorization to the master builder to confirm, remove and make new contracts for sandstone blocks. Text: et quibus et prout et quemadmodum sibi
o0202001.091va 1428 agosto 31 Authorization to the master builder to contract out gutter spouts for the small tribune. Text: pro minori pretio prout poterit.
o0202001.120b 1429 dicembre 30 Authorization to the master builder to contract out transport of lumber. Text: modo et forma prout et sicut eidem
o0201078.026ve 1421 aprile 26 Authorization to the master builder to contract out transport of stones to carters. Text: et quibus et prout et sicut sibi
o0202001.034b 1426 giugno 5 Authorization to the master builder to distribute undiluted wine to the masters at work up on the cupola under his personal responsibility. Text: modo et forma, prout videbitur discretioni Batiste
o0202001.171vb 1426 novembre 28 Authorization to the master builder to have a stable made in the house of a canon and windows in that of another. Text: chatedralis ecclesie florentine, prout dicet eidem dominus
o0202001.007ve 1425 agosto 22 Authorization to the master builder to have fifty sandstone blocks made for the cupola according to his specifications. Text: longitudinis et grossitudinis prout dicto Batiste videbitur
o0202001.069vm 1427 ottobre 20 Authorization to the master builder to have six to eight cartloads of white marble delivered and to have it worked on by the masters. Text: carratas marmoris albi, prout dicet dictus caputmagister,
o0202001.069vm 1427 ottobre 20 Authorization to the master builder to have six to eight cartloads of white marble delivered and to have it worked on by the masters. Text: magistros dicte Opere, prout sibi videbitur.
o0202001.036vd 1426 luglio 11 Authorization to the master builder to have tomb-size marble slabs cut for the external ribs of the great cupola, restoration of a terracotta figure and of a broken mosaic. Text: ipsas secari facere, prout eidem videbitur, pro
o0201086.022c 1425 giugno 8 Authorization to the master builder to make repairs in house of canon and sacristan, spending six florins. Text: florenorum auri sex, prout per consules Artis
o0202001.111vi 1429 agosto 31 Authorization to the master builder to make the door of the cloister of the clergy. Text: maioris ecclesie florentine, prout eidem videbitur et
o0201078.010vd 1420/1 marzo 3 Authorization to the master builder to select suitable masters for quarrying sandstone blocks. Text: de quibus et prout sibi videbitur convenire.
o0202001.202vh 1433 luglio 10 Authorization to the master builder to sell sandstone blocks. Text: et pro pretio prout sibi videbitur et
o0201074.019f 1418 settembre 14 Authorization to the master builder, to the administrator and to the notary for the construction of a well in the garden of the Alessandri. Text: et forma et prout et sicut videbitur
o0201072.016f 1417/8 gennaio 27 Authorization to the notary of testaments to elect the necessary debt collectors. Text: modo et forma prout placuerit dicto ser
o0202001.209c 1433/4 gennaio 9 Authorization to the notary to write letters in favor of the Opera. Text: modo ex nunc prout ex tunc deliberaverunt.
o0202001.216vf 1434 maggio 15 Authorization to the notary to write to the rectors of the countryside against the debtors. Text: tenorem et effectum prout sibi placuerit; et
o0201077.017c 1419/20 febbraio 7 Authorization to the notifier of secret debts to collect 2 denari per lira from each debtor. Text: dicti camerarii perveniendarum prout fuit hactenus ordinatum;
o0202001.164vc 1432 aprile 14 Authorization to the outgoing administrator to keep pawns in his custody up until the time of their sale and to enjoy the corresponding fee. Text: eis tenere computum, prout tenuit uccusque, et
o0201079.026vb 1421 settembre 17 Authorization to the provost with one of the wardens to set and allocate the amount the suppliers must reimburse to the stonecutter sent to the forest to solicit them. Text: Item intellecto prout assertum fuit qualiter
o0201079.017vb 1421 agosto 20 Authorization to the scribe of the daily wages to pay wounded stonecutter even if he cannot work. Text: considerandis cum discretione prout asseruerunt, deliberaverunt quod
o0202001.073l 1427 dicembre 11 Authorization to the scribe to register masters in the book of work days. Text: et denariorum sex, prout dixit caputmagister dicte
o0201086.004d 1424/5 febbraio 14 Authorization to the scribe to register the extra days of the workers. Text: extraordinariis in Opera, prout eidem dicet Batista
o0201076.029vd 1419 novembre 10 Authorization to the treasurer to lend money to the administrator. Text: solvendo si, ubi, prout, quando et quomodo
o0201078.031d 1421 maggio 24 Authorization to the treasurer to lend up to to 10 florins on indication of the administrator. Text: et quibus et prout et quando dicet
o0201075.008a 1418/9 febbraio 11 Authorization to the treasurer to make payments and advance payments. Text: illis personibus et prout et sicut dicetur
o0202001.039va 1426 agosto 19 Authorization to the treasurer to pay workers. Text: in presentem diem, prout habebat Nannes Pieri
o0202001.039va 1426 agosto 19 Authorization to the treasurer to pay workers. Text: rationem predictam et prout supra.
o0202001.175d 1429 maggio 12 Authorization to the wardens to cede a column for the Mercato Vecchio. Text: facere ad Operam, prout eis videbitur et
o0201079.017e 1421 agosto 20 Authorization to the 4 cupola officials to hire workers for the cupola, set their salary and attend to the provision of oak and bars for sandstone blocks as needed for the work. Text: de quibus et prout eis visum fuerit
o0202001.124vi 1430 aprile 8 Authorization to three kilnmen to deliver broad bricks. Text: quam modoni maioris prout imponetur eidem de
o0202001.162g 1432 giugno 17 Authorization to transfer an allocation of funds from one smith to another. Text: Zenobii ser Zelli, prout apparet in libro
o0202001.115vc 1429 ottobre 26 Authorization to two canons to keep their respective mothers with them. Text: necessitatem prefatis canonicis, prout continetur in deliberatione
o0201077.040f 1420 maggio 18 Authorization to two wardens to contract out supply of mortar for the main cupola and to set the price. Text: et quibus et prout et sicut eisdem
o0201077.003b 1419 dicembre 30 Authorization to two wardens to select counsellors and set the compensation for their counsel regarding cases in course over the amounts due for 6 denari per lira. Text: de qua et prout et sicut et
o0201075.008b 1418/9 febbraio 11 Authorization to warden to spend the sum of 10 florins for Santa Maria Novella. Text: florenos decem auri prout sibi videbitur etiam
o0201077.040ve 1420 maggio 18 Authorization to work on Saturday to finish the work on the third tribune. Text: horam qua et prout et sicut fiebat
o0202001.081ve 1428 aprile 24 Authorization to work on Saturday. Text: Opera prefata laboretur prout laboratur aliis laborativis
o0201075.034a 1419 giugno 22 Authorization to work outside the Opera and return. Text: divisis et separatis prout volet dictus dominus
o0201086.049vc 1425 maggio 16 Balance of payment for supply of black marble. Text: soldos quattuordecim f.p. prout apparet in libro
o0201086.049a 1425 aprile 28 Balance of payment for supply of lumber. Text: pro quolibet trayno, prout de dicto saldo
o0201086.049vd 1425 maggio 16 Balance of payment for supply of lumber. Text: pro quolibet trayno, prout apparet in libro
o0201086.052ve 1425 giugno 28 Balance of payment for transport of lumber. Text: pro quolibet trayno, prout apparet in libro
o0201077.044a 1420 giugno 12 Cancellation of a debt already paid. Text: aurum pro anno, prout constat in catasto
o0202001.169d 1432 agosto 30 Cancellation of a debt already paid. Text: qui erat vergharius, prout apparet in dicto
o0201079.045ve 1421 novembre 26 Cancellation of balance of debt for forced loans. Text: Item cognito prout asserunt sic iuris
o0201080.009d 1421/2 gennaio 29 Cancellation of balance of debt for herd livestock gabelle. Text: sic veritatem processisse prout supra narratum est
o0201081.013b 1422 agosto 26 Cancellation of balance of debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: principio fit mentio, prout in dicto registro
o0201076.015e 1419 settembre 12 Cancellation of balance of debt for property gabelle of the church of Santo Stefano a Gabbiola. Text: non pro redditu prout debebat fuit sibi
o0201080.027c 1422 aprile 29 Cancellation of debit account entry for gabelle on small animals, written twice. Text: Item prout asseruerunt notitiam habentes
o0202001.117d 1429 novembre 18 Cancellation of debit entry, written twice. Text: factam prefate Opere, prout apparet in dicto
o0201077.021d 1419/20 febbraio 21 Cancellation of debt and correction of account entry corresponding to pawns sold. Text: creditor dicte Opere, prout patet in quaterno
o0201077.021d 1419/20 febbraio 21 Cancellation of debt and correction of account entry corresponding to pawns sold. Text: cum Opera attare prout conveniens et iuris
o0202001.042vh 1426 ottobre 17 Cancellation of debt and prohibition to demand payment because of exemption of the Commune of Peccioli from the new gabelles. Text: quibusdam gabellis novis, prout apparet in rigistris
o0202001.010ve 1425 settembre 26 Cancellation of debt and prohibition to demand payment. Text: certa quantitate pecunie, prout apparet in libro
o0201080.024c 1422 aprile 20 Cancellation of debt for exemption of milling gabelle to the Commune of Ciggiano and to that of Oliveto. Text: designatas integre persolverunt, prout clare demostratur per
o0201080.024c 1422 aprile 20 Cancellation of debt for exemption of milling gabelle to the Commune of Ciggiano and to that of Oliveto. Text: Laurentii, et quod prout comprehendi potest ipsas
o0201080.024c 1422 aprile 20 Cancellation of debt for exemption of milling gabelle to the Commune of Ciggiano and to that of Oliveto. Text: gabellis et oneribus prout superius enarratur, ut
o0201080.024c 1422 aprile 20 Cancellation of debt for exemption of milling gabelle to the Commune of Ciggiano and to that of Oliveto. Text: volentes in predictis prout iustum fore putaverunt
o0201079.043vb 1421 novembre 21 Cancellation of debt for gabelle for herd livestock. Text: Item prout asseruerunt recepta fidedigna
o0201081.019vb 1422 settembre 16 Cancellation of debt for gabelle for herd livestock. Text: minutarum et intelletto prout asseruerunt qualiter solutio
o0201081.023ve 1422 ottobre 6 Cancellation of debt for gabelle for property located in the countryside of Volterra. Text: volentes postulantibus iuste prout convenit assentire, premisso
o0202001.047f 1426 dicembre 16 Cancellation of debt for gabelle of herd livestock because of the agreements between the Commune of Florence and that of Legoli. Text: bestiis quadraginta grossis, prout apparet in secundo
o0201079.017va 1421 agosto 20 Cancellation of debt for gabelle on animals erroneously described as herd livestock and restitution of pawns. Text: fuit impositum gabella prout etiam satis per
o0201079.017va 1421 agosto 20 Cancellation of debt for gabelle on animals erroneously described as herd livestock and restitution of pawns. Text: et recepta fide prout asseruerunt qualiter dicte
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