Document |
Date |
Summary |
Context of query |
1416/7 febbraio 26 |
Term of payment for dues for testaments and other rulings to solicit collections. |
Text: industria et sollicitudine venire fecerit in dicto |
1416/7 febbraio 26 |
Term of payment for dues for testaments and other rulings to solicit collections. |
Text: quam ipse notarius venire fecerit in Opere |
1417 giugno 22 |
Commission of the notary of testaments. |
Text: sollecitudinem et quos venire fecit in Opere |
1417/8 febbraio 17 |
Letter to the Podestà of Chiusi regarding the disputes among the communes of that Podesteria. |
Text: non habeant materiam venire coram nobis quia |
1417/8 marzo 17 |
Proclamation inviting applications to serve as masons and stonecutters. |
Text: si quis vult venire ad laborandum faciat |
1418 giugno 30 |
Commission of the notary of testaments. |
Text: totius eius quod venire fecit in Opere |
1418 agosto 23 |
Permission to a debt collector to return. |
Text: Operis possit libere venire et stare hinc |
1418 agosto 31 |
Invitation to present suggestions for the design of the residence of the canons and the cemetery, with offer of bonus. |
Text: possit et debeat venire ad dicendum et |
1418 agosto 31 |
Sentence to reduce the new gabelles imposed against the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino, in virtue of the authority attributed to the wardens to examine the protest of immunity advanced by the men of said Commune. |
Text: quilibet pro solvendo venire cogeretur a dicto |
1418 agosto 31 |
Sentence to reduce the new gabelles imposed against the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino, in virtue of the authority attributed to the wardens to examine the protest of immunity advanced by the men of said Commune. |
Text: quantitate intercludimus et venire et venisse volumus, |
1418/9 gennaio 30 |
Letter to the Podestà of Civitella for summons of debtor. |
Text: dictus Simo vult venire non presentet litteram, |
1418/9 gennaio 30 |
Letter to the Podestà of Civitella for summons of debtor. |
Text: vero non vult venire presentet litteram et |
1419 aprile 22 |
Election of the accountant, cancellation of debt for property gabelle and conviction of the notary of the new gabelles for payments not registered. |
Text: qualibet libra quam venire fecerit in Opere |
1419 agosto 2 |
Letter to the Captain of Pisa with summons for four Pisan citizens. |
Text: diceret non posse venire propter senectutem, veniat |
1419 agosto 31 |
Letter to the Captain of Pisa for summons of some Pisan citizens with exception of one of them who is near death. |
Text: maximo periculo mortis venire posset etc., licentietur |
1419 ottobre 21 |
Hiring of stonecutter. |
Text: sive scarpellator possit venire ad laborandum in |
1419 ottobre 30 |
Hiring of stonecutter and registration of his daily wages. |
Text: Pieri scarpellatori possit venire ad laborandum in |
1421 giugno 26 |
Letter to iron masters for conferral of contract for supply of iron bars to tie together the sandstone blocks of the main cupola. |
Text: eos quam citius venire poterunt ad se |
1420/1 gennaio 14 |
Rent of a brick kiln belonging to of the abbey of Settimo for five years. |
Text: non facere vel venire per se vel |
1420/1 gennaio 31 |
Purchase of broad bricks for the main cupola extended over six years with specification of the agreements of the contract. |
Text: non facere vel venire per se vel |
1420/1 febbraio 19 |
Rent of the hill of Vincigliata for three years, except two shops. |
Text: presenti conducta nullatenus venire vel comprehendi voluit |
1421 aprile 5 |
Contract to three stonecutters to quarry stones for the cupola in the Trassinaia quarry. |
Text: non facere vel venire per se vel |
1421 aprile 9 |
Contract for broad bricks to a kilnman with advance of part of the payment. |
Text: non facere vel venire per se vel |
1421 aprile 30 |
Contract for broad bricks to kilnmen with advance of part of the payment. |
Text: non facere vel venire per se vel |
1421 agosto 20 |
Authorization to the scribe of the daily wages to pay wounded stonecutter even if he cannot work. |
Text: Nencinus conatus est venire ad laborandum et |
1421 settembre 24 |
Contract for broad terracotta bricks and of corner-pieces. |
Text: non facere vel venire per se vel |
1421 dicembre 17 |
Rent of a house for five years. |
Text: non facere vel venire per se vel |
1421 luglio 18 |
Payment to Filippo Brunelleschi for his ingenuity in making the new hoisting machine. |
Text: in presenti stantiamento venire nec comprehendi opera |
1421/2 marzo 12 |
Contract for broad bricks and guaranty. |
Text: non facere vel venire per se vel |
1422 maggio 5 |
Contract for 1.600.000 broad bricks to be manufactured in four years in the Settimo kiln and relative guaranty. |
Text: non facere vel venire per se (c. |
1422 agosto 28 |
Credit for tare imposed in the calculation of the reduction of the price of broad bricks. |
Text: conductis vigentibus intelligatur venire et veniat atque |
1422 agosto 28 |
Contract for various hardware with set price approved by the consuls of the Wool Guild. |
Text: non facere vel venire per se vel |
1422 agosto 28 |
Contract to kilnman of broad terracotta bricks with advance of part payment. |
Text: non facere vel venire per se vel |
1423/4 marzo 11 |
Letter for the transport of the rope ordered in Pisa. |
Text: lictera quod ipsum venire faciat et conduci |
1424 marzo 30 |
Supply contract for white marble. |
Text: non facere vel venire per se vel |
1424/5 gennaio 29 |
Letter with summons of Fra Bernardino for explanations in the lawsuit in course between him and the Ghiberti about the design of two oculi of the cupola. |
Text: februarii proxime futuri venire teneatur et debeat |
1424/5 gennaio 30 |
Contract for transport of white marble from Carrara with advance on payment. |
Text: non facere vel venire etc., sub pena |
1424/5 marzo 15 |
Rent of the shop called Galea to Fra Bernardo master of glass oculi with deadline for inception of work on the stained-glass windows. |
Text: non facere vel venire etc. sub pena |
1424/5 marzo 16 |
Contract for a kiln load of mortar for the castle of Malmantile. |
Text: non facere vel venire sub pena dupli |
1424/5 marzo 17 |
Contract for a kiln load of mortar for the castle of Malmantile with loan of furnaces. |
Text: non facere vel venire sub pena dupli |
1425 aprile 2 |
Contract for kiln loads of mortar of quarry stones. |
Text: non facere vel venire etc. sub pena |
1425 novembre 23 |
Concession of right of recourse. |
Text: non facere vel venire, et propterea obligaverunt |
1426 agosto 3 |
Acceptance of division of work between litigating masters. |
Text: non facere vel venire etc., sub pena |
1426 novembre 29 |
Letter to preaching friar ordering him to come to give explanations. |
Text: quatenus placeat dignari venire coram eorum offitio |
1427 maggio 7 |
Letter to the notary of the gabelle on contracts of Arezzo instructing him to prevent fraud and inform the Opera. |
Text: teneretur hiis tempore venire, placeat scribere extense |
1427 ottobre 20 |
Letter to inhabitant of Prato for summons before the wardens. |
Text: futuri ad minus venire Florentiam pariturus eorum |
1429 luglio 6 |
Letter of summons to the (guard of the forest) for the cutting of two poles. |
Title: quod visis presentibus venire teneatur coram offitio |
1429 luglio 6 |
Letter of summons to the (guard of the forest) for the cutting of two poles. |
Text: quatenus visis presentibus venire et comparere teneatur |
1430 marzo 30 |
Registration of the days worked to make a seat on the occasion of the arrival of the relics of Vada. |
Text: impensi in faciendo venire reliquias sanctorum repertarum |
1430/1 gennaio 26 |
Order to affix chains for the fortification of the church. |
Text: citius est possibile venire ad prefatam reparationem |
1431/2 marzo 14 |
New rental tenure of the Alessandri-Tedaldi shed and garden for an additional 10 years. |
Text: Tedaldi, et quod venire debeant ad emologandum |
1432 aprile 14 |
Election of the guardian of the pawns and debt collector. |
Text: libra quam faciet venire in Opera et |
1426/7 gennaio 28 |
Election of the supervisors of the great cupola. |
Text: quolibet die laborativo venire et stare in |
1431 giugno 23 |
Reconfirmation of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti as supervisors of the cupola. |
Text: teneatur et debeat venire ad Operam ad |
1433 maggio 22 |
Hiring of sawyer. |
Text: Ghinazus secator possit venire ad secandum in |
1434 agosto 26 |
Letter of invitation to a master glazier to come to work in Florence. |
Text: quod si vult venire Florentiam ad laborandum, |
1435 maggio 13 |
Proclamation for the redemption or the sale of pawns. |
Text: 1434 in preteritum venire et teneantur et |