
Archivio dell'Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore
II 1 85
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Description of the archival unit
Descriptive title: | Bastardello di deliberazioni, allogagioni, stanziamenti, fideiussioni (resolutions, contracts, allocations, guaranties) |
Original title: | "Liber deliberationum Opere manu ser Pieri Laurentii notarii dicte Opere pro VI mensibus initiatis die primo iulii anno MCCCCXXIIII inditione secunda/ Et qui liber fuit prosecutus per me Bartolomeum magistri Antonii de Sancto Miniate notarium dicte Opere die quintodecimo mensis octobris anni Domini MCCCCXXIIII inditione tertia/ 1424/ G/ Ser Bartolomeo del maestro Antonio [...]/ IIII" |
Terminal dates: | 1424 July 18 - 1424/5 January 2 |
Physical description: | register, tall narrow format, 410x141mm, with original parchment binding, leather reinforcements and closing flap, consisting of I+79 original paper leaves, of which 1v, 9-29v, 30v-39v, 48-64v, 65v, 67-74v, 75v, 76v-79v are blank; coeval numeration. |
Incipit: | transcribed in document O0201085.001a (ser Piero di Lorenzo); transcribed in document O0201085.002a (ser Bartolomeo di maestro Antonio) |
Conservation: | The lower part of the register shows traces of water damage (1966 flood), with consequent discoloration of ink. |
Language: | Latin |
Person(s) accountable: | wardens of the Opera of Santa Maria del Fiore |
Scribes: | ser Piero di Lorenzo da Catellaccio, notary of the Opera; ser Bartolomeo del maestro Antonio, notary of the Opera |
Contents: | The acts are arranged in the volume as follows:
cc. 1-1v - resolution of 13 October 1424 (ser Piero di Lorenzo notary)
cc. 2-8v - resolutions from 14 October 1424 to 2 January 1424/5 (ser Bartolomeo del maestro Antonio notary)
c. 30 - contract of 20 December 1424 (ser Bartolomeo del maestro Antonio notary)
cc. 40-47v - allocations from 7 November 1424 to 20 December 1424 (ser Bartolomeo del maestro Antonio notary)
c. 65 - guaranties from 18 July 1424 to 5 August 1424 (ser Piero di Lorenzo notary)
cc. 66-66v - guaranties from 23 October 1424 to 28 November 1424 (ser Bartolomeo del maestro Antonio notary)
c. 75 - arrests from 18 July 1424 to 5 October 1424 (ser Piero di Lorenzo notary)
c. 76 - arrest of 4 January 1424/5 (ser Bartolomeo del maestro Antonio notary) |
Reproductions: | microfilm spool no. 18 of 1958; digitization of microfilm, PDS, 1999 |
Editions: | Some acts appear in the following publications: Guasti 1857, D'Accone 1960, Saalman 1980. |
II 1 85 - Original reference texts
Rubrics: | c. I:
"Deliberationes c. 2
Stantiamenta c. 40
Satisdationes c. 65
Capture c. 75
Deliberationes c. 2
Stantiamenta c. 40
Locationes c. 30 (corrected from "66" struck out; here follows struck out "Sati-")
Satisdationes c. 66
Capture c. 76" |
Titles: | c. 30 - "Locationes"
c. 40 - "Stantiamenta"
c. 66 - "Satisdationes" |
Annotations: | c. 8v - "Ego Bartolomeus magistri Antonii de Sancto Miniate civis et notarius florentinus et nunc notarius dicte Opere predictis interfui dum sic agerentur et ea rogatus scribere scripsi et publicavi".
c. 30 - incipit for the section of contracts: "In Dei nomine amen. Anno Domini ab eius salutifera incarnatione millesimo quadringentesimo vigesimo quarto inditione tertia diebus et mensibus infrascriptis. In hac parte scribentur omnes et singule locationes fiende pro dicta Opera Sancte Marie del Fiore de Florentia hominibus et personis inferius describendis existentibus operariis dicte Opere Bernardo Verii de Guadagnis, Tomaso Andree de Minerbettis, Iacobo Iohannis del Palagio, Antonio Bernardi Ridolfi, Antonio Tomasii Ghuccii et Lodovico Silvestri Cieffini et que scribentur et rogabuntur per me Bartolomeum magistri Antonii de Sancto Miniate notarium dicte Opere prout inferius per ordinem apparebit, videlicet:"
c. 30 - "Ego Bartolomeus magistri Antonii de Sancto Miniate civis et notarius florentinus et nunc notarius dicte Opere predictis interfui et de eis fui rogatus ideo me subscripsi".
c. 40 - incipit for the section of allocations: "Stantiamenta facta tempore nobilium et prudentium virorum: Bernardi (corrected from "Bernardo") Verii de Guadagnis, Antonii (corrected from "Antonio") Tomasii Ghuccii, Thomaxii (corrected from "Thomaxio") Andree de Minerbettis, Iacobi (corrected from "Iacobo") Iohannis del Palagio et Antonii Bernardi Ridolfi et Lodovici Silvestri Cieffini operariorum (corrected from "operariis") dicte Opere Sancte Marie del Fiore et scripta et rogata (here follows struck out "per me dictum et infrascriptum") per me Bartolomeum magistri Antonium (sic, for "Antonii") notarium predictum et infrascriptum dicte Opere, anno diebus et mensibus infrascriptis".
c. 47v - "Ego Bartolomeus magistri Antonii de Sancto Miniate civis et notarius florentinus et nunc notarius dicte Opere predictis interfui et de eis fui rogatus ideo me subscripsi".
c. 65 - incipit for the section of guaranties recorded by the notary, ser Piero di Lorenzo: "In parte ista describitur omnes fideiussiones facte et prestite dicte Opere".
c. 66 - incipit for the section of guaranties written by the notary, ser Bartolomeo del maestro Antonio: "In hac parte describentur et anotabuntur omnes et singule satisdationes fiende (added in the margin as correction to "facte dicte", struck out in the text) Opere Sancte Marie del Fiore de Florentia per homines et personas inferius describendas tempore nobilium et prudentium virorum Bernardi Verii de Guadagnis, Iacobi Tomasii del Palagio, Tomasii Andree de Minerbettis, Antonii Bernardi Ridolfi, Antonii Tomasii Ghuccii et Lodovici Silvestri Ciaffini operariorum dicte Opere et (here follows struck out "scripta et r-") scribenda et roganda per me Bartolomeum magistri Antonii de Sancto Miniate notarium dicte Opere sub anno Domini MCCCCXXIIII inditione III diebus et mensibus infrascriptis".
c. 66v - "Ego Bartolomeus magistri Antonii de Sancto Miniate civis et notarius florentinus et nunc notarius dicte Opere predictis interfui et de ipsis fui rogatus ideoque me subscripsi".
c. 75 - incipit for the section of arrests: "In parte ista scribetur omnes capture facte et fiende per nuptios et exactores dicte Opere".
Inside of back cover - "1424 die 22 decembris. Antonius Spigliati fuit contentus quod de suis stantiamentis mictantur ad exitum libre 48 et dentur Francisco Bernardi Ghallutii. Die". |