space Studies
space Sources Dates Indices Topics1 Topics2 Reference Texts

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2-8 8v-13v 14-18v 19-23v 24-30v 31-36v 37-41v 42-46v 49-55 55v-60v 61-65v 61 61v 62 62v 63 63v 64 64v 65 65v 66-70v 71-75v 76v-83 83v-88 88v-94v 96-100v 101-106v 107-112v 113-117v 118-123v 124-129 129v-134 134v-139 139v-140
II 4 13

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Archivio dell'Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore

II 4 12

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Description of the archival unit

Descriptive title: Bastardello di stanziamenti (allocations)
Terminal dates: 1425 Dicember 23 - 1430 October 5
Physical description: register, tall narrow format, 412x1147mm, bound with parchment covered boards with leather reinforcements. The register consists of I+144+II paper leaves, of which cc. I, 1v, 140v-144v are blank. In the coeval numeration two successive folios are numbered 41, and from this point the original numbers run one behind the modern.
Conservation: The register shows evident traces of water damage (1966 flood) with general fading of ink. The binding has been completely restored.
Language: vernacular
Person(s) accountable: wardens of the Opera of Santa Maria del Fiore
Scribe: Bernardo d'Amerigo Donati, administrator of the Opera (in office from 1 January 1423/4 through 29 April 1432)
Contents: The volume contains allocations of the wardens arranged in a single chronological progression; there are, however, numerous irregularities in the chronological order within brief periods.
Reproductions: Details: digital images of the entire codex executed with low intensity ultraviolet light, Department for the Conservation of books and manuscripts of the Fachhochschule of Cologne, 1999.
Full pages: digital high resolution color photographs of all the pages of the codex, Perulli, 2004.
Editions: Some acts appear in the following publications: Poggi 1909, Saalman 1980, Haines 1984, Haines 1985.

II 4 12 - Original reference texts

Annotations: Together with the dates of the allocations the name of the notary who attested the acts for the entire period covered by the volume, ser Bartolomeo di maestro Antonio, is regularly recorded. An exception occurs on cc. 121v-122a, where a group of 2 allocations, including prebends of canons, is annotated as having been attested by ser Dino (di Cola), then notary of the Wool Guild consuls.
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