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Context of query
o0202001.174c 1428/9 febbraio 14 Acceptance of a larger shipment of broad bricks than agreed upon and cancellation of the advance received. Title: Pro Cambio Ferri de Campi
o0202001.174c 1428/9 febbraio 14 Acceptance of a larger shipment of broad bricks than agreed upon and cancellation of the advance received. Text: Marie del Fiore de Florentia in audientia
o0202001.174c 1428/9 febbraio 14 Acceptance of a larger shipment of broad bricks than agreed upon and cancellation of the advance received. Text: offitium ipsorum operariorum de Cambio Ferri de
o0202001.174c 1428/9 febbraio 14 Acceptance of a larger shipment of broad bricks than agreed upon and cancellation of the advance received. Text: de Cambio Ferri de Campi fornaciario infrascripti
o0202001.174c 1428/9 febbraio 14 Acceptance of a larger shipment of broad bricks than agreed upon and cancellation of the advance received. Text: dicti Cambii finivit de mense aprilis proxime
o0202001.174c 1428/9 febbraio 14 Acceptance of a larger shipment of broad bricks than agreed upon and cancellation of the advance received. Text: librarum viginti quinque de facto eis aufferenda
o0202001.174c 1428/9 febbraio 14 Acceptance of a larger shipment of broad bricks than agreed upon and cancellation of the advance received. Text: eis aufferenda et de facto applicanda et
o0202001.174c 1428/9 febbraio 14 Acceptance of a larger shipment of broad bricks than agreed upon and cancellation of the advance received. Text: ponere tenerentur et de residuo quod dare
o0202001.174c 1428/9 febbraio 14 Acceptance of a larger shipment of broad bricks than agreed upon and cancellation of the advance received. Text: dare teneretur Opere de mutuo facto in
o0202001.174c 1428/9 febbraio 14 Acceptance of a larger shipment of broad bricks than agreed upon and cancellation of the advance received. Text: et suis fideiussoribus de solvendo, alias gravarentur.
o0202001.174c 1428/9 febbraio 14 Acceptance of a larger shipment of broad bricks than agreed upon and cancellation of the advance received. Text: ipsorum consulum et de eorum licentia et
o0202001.216vc 1434 maggio 14 Acceptance of badly fired broad bricks with discount. Title: Pro Ugholino de Bagnacavallo
o0202001.216vc 1434 maggio 14 Acceptance of badly fired broad bricks with discount. Text: quadrones terre Ugolini de Bagnacavallo male coctos
o0201081.010vb 1422 agosto 7 Acceptance of broad bricks with tare of one quarter of the contract price. Text: vel aliquem ipsorum de ipsis conductis vigentibus
o0201081.010vb 1422 agosto 7 Acceptance of broad bricks with tare of one quarter of the contract price. Text: deputatos et eisdem de pretio persolvatur, sed
o0201081.010vb 1422 agosto 7 Acceptance of broad bricks with tare of one quarter of the contract price. Text: et eis satisfiat de ipsis quadronibus conductis
o0202001.037va 1426 agosto 3 Acceptance of division of work between litigating masters. Text: etc. Filippozio Giovenchi de Bastariis, Niccolao Parentis
o0202001.037va 1426 agosto 3 Acceptance of division of work between litigating masters. Text: et Iacobo Honofrii de Bischariis. Prefatus Pierus
o0202001.190l 1432 novembre 19 Acceptance of guarantor. Text: Pierum Antonium Venantii de Camerino et suos
o0202001.102a 1428/9 gennaio 9 Acceptance of legal counsel given on house of the Cortigiani. Title: Pro domo Bonifatii de Cortigianis
o0202001.102a 1428/9 gennaio 9 Acceptance of legal counsel given on house of the Cortigiani. Text: dominum Iohannem Ieronimi de Eugubio advocatum florentinum
o0202001.102a 1428/9 gennaio 9 Acceptance of legal counsel given on house of the Cortigiani. Text: operariis inter Tottum de Palarcionibus ex una
o0202001.102a 1428/9 gennaio 9 Acceptance of legal counsel given on house of the Cortigiani. Text: olim domini Bartolomei de Panciaticis ex altera
o0202001.102a 1428/9 gennaio 9 Acceptance of legal counsel given on house of the Cortigiani. Text: et heredes Bonifatii de Russis ex alia
o0202001.102a 1428/9 gennaio 9 Acceptance of legal counsel given on house of the Cortigiani. Text: olim domini Ormanni de Cortigianis obligate dictis
o0202001.102a 1428/9 gennaio 9 Acceptance of legal counsel given on house of the Cortigiani. Text: me notarium predictum de verbo ad verbum
o0202001.102a 1428/9 gennaio 9 Acceptance of legal counsel given on house of the Cortigiani. Text: et sine allegationibus de iure dicendum puto
o0202001.102a 1428/9 gennaio 9 Acceptance of legal counsel given on house of the Cortigiani. Text: habet in domo de qua queritur, si
o0202001.102a 1428/9 gennaio 9 Acceptance of legal counsel given on house of the Cortigiani. Text: qua queritur, si de domo contenderetur, habet
o0202001.102a 1428/9 gennaio 9 Acceptance of legal counsel given on house of the Cortigiani. Text: Ghabriellis et Iohannis de Panciaticis neque Niccolaus,
o0202001.102a 1428/9 gennaio 9 Acceptance of legal counsel given on house of the Cortigiani. Text: hoc verum est de iure ergo et
o0202001.102a 1428/9 gennaio 9 Acceptance of legal counsel given on house of the Cortigiani. Text: sua infra annum, de iure nil dicere
o0202001.102a 1428/9 gennaio 9 Acceptance of legal counsel given on house of the Cortigiani. Text: Concludo igitur, primo de dicto pretio primo
o0202001.102a 1428/9 gennaio 9 Acceptance of legal counsel given on house of the Cortigiani. Text: excepta tanta quantitate de dicta summa pro
o0202001.102a 1428/9 gennaio 9 Acceptance of legal counsel given on house of the Cortigiani. Text: et per consequens de dicto pretio domus
o0202001.102a 1428/9 gennaio 9 Acceptance of legal counsel given on house of the Cortigiani. Text: receperunt in solutum, de residuo autem dicti
o0202001.102a 1428/9 gennaio 9 Acceptance of legal counsel given on house of the Cortigiani. Text: satisfaciendum fore dictis de Panciaticis qui habuerunt
o0202001.102a 1428/9 gennaio 9 Acceptance of legal counsel given on house of the Cortigiani. Text: obligatum, et ideo de dicto pretio satisfaciendum
o0202001.102a 1428/9 gennaio 9 Acceptance of legal counsel given on house of the Cortigiani. Text: residuum autem dictis de Panciaticis solvendum est
o0202001.102a 1428/9 gennaio 9 Acceptance of legal counsel given on house of the Cortigiani. Text: Ego Iohannes Ieronimi de Eugubio civis florentinus
o0202001.174a 1428 ottobre 12 Acceptance of marble with tare. Text: Marie del Fiore de Florentia una cum
o0202001.174a 1428 ottobre 12 Acceptance of marble with tare. Text: per dicta offitia de conducta Bertini Pieri
o0202001.174a 1428 ottobre 12 Acceptance of marble with tare. Text: conducta Bertini Pieri de Settignano cum illa
o0202001.230l 1435 aprile 22 Acceptance of pieces of marble that had been refused for their color and hiring of the supplier as stonecutter. Title: Iohanne Antonii Iusti de Settignano
o0202001.230l 1435 aprile 22 Acceptance of pieces of marble that had been refused for their color and hiring of the supplier as stonecutter. Text: Iohannem Antonii Iusti de Settignano nondum acceptata
o0202001.148vb 1431 settembre 25 Acceptance of the petition presented on account of some debtors for a large sum, which was unknown to the Opera, allowing for payment in annual installments. Text: florenorum auri trecentorum, de quibus quidem summis
o0202001.148vb 1431 settembre 25 Acceptance of the petition presented on account of some debtors for a large sum, which was unknown to the Opera, allowing for payment in annual installments. Text: eis dilatione temporis de qua infra dicetur,
o0202001.148vb 1431 settembre 25 Acceptance of the petition presented on account of some debtors for a large sum, which was unknown to the Opera, allowing for payment in annual installments. Text: quolibet anno teneantur de dictis quantitatibus solvere
o0202001.148vb 1431 settembre 25 Acceptance of the petition presented on account of some debtors for a large sum, which was unknown to the Opera, allowing for payment in annual installments. Text: dicte Opere aliquid de dictis quantitatibus debitis
o0202001.148vb 1431 settembre 25 Acceptance of the petition presented on account of some debtors for a large sum, which was unknown to the Opera, allowing for payment in annual installments. Text: amici ydoneos fideiussores de solvendo dicte Opere
o0202001.148vb 1431 settembre 25 Acceptance of the petition presented on account of some debtors for a large sum, which was unknown to the Opera, allowing for payment in annual installments. Text: et condictione debentium de quibus dixerunt plenarie
o0202001.148vb 1431 settembre 25 Acceptance of the petition presented on account of some debtors for a large sum, which was unknown to the Opera, allowing for payment in annual installments. Text: informatos et etiam de quantitatibus debiti persolvendis
o0202001.148vb 1431 settembre 25 Acceptance of the petition presented on account of some debtors for a large sum, which was unknown to the Opera, allowing for payment in annual installments. Text: per ipsum Antonium de quantitatibus florenorum debitis
o0202001.148vb 1431 settembre 25 Acceptance of the petition presented on account of some debtors for a large sum, which was unknown to the Opera, allowing for payment in annual installments. Text: prestita ydonea fideiussio de solvendo dicte Opere
o0201080.016vb 1421/2 marzo 13 Acceptance of unsuitable marble cornice and payment of the carriage at reduced price. Text: descripto. Et quod de pretio seu vectura
o0202001.065va 1427 agosto 20 Acceptance of 10 broad bricks, although partially broken, every 100 supplied from kilnmen. Text: Fortini Vannozius Iohannis de Serragliis Bartolomeus Iacoponis
o0202001.065va 1427 agosto 20 Acceptance of 10 broad bricks, although partially broken, every 100 supplied from kilnmen. Text: Serragliis Bartolomeus Iacoponis de Gherardinis Iohannes Lapi
o0202001.065va 1427 agosto 20 Acceptance of 10 broad bricks, although partially broken, every 100 supplied from kilnmen. Text: Gherardinis Iohannes Lapi de Niccolinis et Francischus
o0202001.065va 1427 agosto 20 Acceptance of 10 broad bricks, although partially broken, every 100 supplied from kilnmen. Text: et Francischus Vierii de Guadagnis operarii Opere
o0202001.065va 1427 agosto 20 Acceptance of 10 broad bricks, although partially broken, every 100 supplied from kilnmen. Text: Marie del Fiore de Florentia existentes collegialiter
o0202001.065va 1427 agosto 20 Acceptance of 10 broad bricks, although partially broken, every 100 supplied from kilnmen. Text: peragendis, absente Iohanne de Bischaris eorum in
o0202001.065va 1427 agosto 20 Acceptance of 10 broad bricks, although partially broken, every 100 supplied from kilnmen. Text: computum fornaciariorum tabellonum de tabellonibus magnis ruptis,
o0202001.089vg 1428 agosto 20 Acceptance with tare of the white marble needed for the external ribs, that had previously been refused. Title: marmore Bertini Pieri de Settignano renumptiato et
o0202001.089vg 1428 agosto 20 Acceptance with tare of the white marble needed for the external ribs, that had previously been refused. Text: et ecclesie maioris de conducta Bertini Pieri
o0202001.089vg 1428 agosto 20 Acceptance with tare of the white marble needed for the external ribs, that had previously been refused. Text: conducta Bertini Pieri de Settignano et considerantes
o0202001.089vg 1428 agosto 20 Acceptance with tare of the white marble needed for the external ribs, that had previously been refused. Text: Bertino iustitiam ministrare, de consensu dicti Bertini
o0202001.059vf 1427 maggio 7 Account of the treasurer of the forced loans: unfinished act. Title: Deliberatio Iohannis de Minerbettis
o0202001.059vf 1427 maggio 7 Account of the treasurer of the forced loans: unfinished act. Text: ipsum Iohannem Andree de Minerbettis fuisse camerarium
o0202001.059vf 1427 maggio 7 Account of the treasurer of the forced loans: unfinished act. Text: fuisse camerarium prestantiarum de anno MCCCCXXII et
o0202001.059vf 1427 maggio 7 Account of the treasurer of the forced loans: unfinished act. Text: pro gratiis prestantiarum, de summa florenorum trium
o0202001.059vf 1427 maggio 7 Account of the treasurer of the forced loans: unfinished act. Text: Verium Marci Torelli, de qua quidem quantitate
o0202001.059vf 1427 maggio 7 Account of the treasurer of the forced loans: unfinished act. Text: quantitate reperitur solvisse de dicto anno 1422
o0202001.059vf 1427 maggio 7 Account of the treasurer of the forced loans: unfinished act. Text: iunii Paulo Vannis de Oricellariis camerario tunc
o0202001.059vf 1427 maggio 7 Account of the treasurer of the forced loans: unfinished act. Text: auri quadraginta et de anno predicto die
o0202001.059vf 1427 maggio 7 Account of the treasurer of the forced loans: unfinished act. Text: tunc dicte Opere, de suprascripta summa florenorum
o0201070.007a 1416/7 febbraio 9 Account transfer between treasurers of an allocation of funds for marble supply contracts. Text: sive Antonius Iohannis de Corbizis qui dictum
o0201070.007a 1416/7 febbraio 9 Account transfer between treasurers of an allocation of funds for marble supply contracts. Text: manibus Donati Micaelis de Vellutis presentis camerarii
o0202001.052a 1426/7 febbraio 11 Acquittal from penalty with restitution of deposit. Text: deliberaverunt et absolverunt de dicta pena pervenienda
o0202001.232f 1435 aprile 29 Acquittal from the accusation made to raftsmen about damages caused to a weir by the passage of lumber. Title: Contra Niccolaum de Giraldis
o0202001.232f 1435 aprile 29 Acquittal from the accusation made to raftsmen about damages caused to a weir by the passage of lumber. Text: viri Paulus Iannotii de Vettoriis Iohannes Pauli
o0202001.232f 1435 aprile 29 Acquittal from the accusation made to raftsmen about damages caused to a weir by the passage of lumber. Text: Vettoriis Iohannes Pauli de Morellis Simon Francisci
o0202001.232f 1435 aprile 29 Acquittal from the accusation made to raftsmen about damages caused to a weir by the passage of lumber. Text: Morellis Simon Francisci de Filicaria Chimentus Cipriani
o0202001.232f 1435 aprile 29 Acquittal from the accusation made to raftsmen about damages caused to a weir by the passage of lumber. Text: per Niccolaum Francisci de Giraldis Mannino Iacobi
o0202001.232f 1435 aprile 29 Acquittal from the accusation made to raftsmen about damages caused to a weir by the passage of lumber. Text: Giraldis Mannino Iacobi de Ponte ad Sevem
o0202001.232f 1435 aprile 29 Acquittal from the accusation made to raftsmen about damages caused to a weir by the passage of lumber. Text: Bello Buonaiuti omnibus de Ponte ad Sevem
o0202001.232f 1435 aprile 29 Acquittal from the accusation made to raftsmen about damages caused to a weir by the passage of lumber. Text: Andree del Vecchio de Ponte ad Sevem,
o0202001.232f 1435 aprile 29 Acquittal from the accusation made to raftsmen about damages caused to a weir by the passage of lumber. Text: Capsettariorum civitatis Florentie de quadam pischaria dicti
o0202001.232f 1435 aprile 29 Acquittal from the accusation made to raftsmen about damages caused to a weir by the passage of lumber. Text: commisionem et remissionem de dicta lite mota
o0202001.232f 1435 aprile 29 Acquittal from the accusation made to raftsmen about damages caused to a weir by the passage of lumber. Text: Niccolaum dictis foderatoribus de dampno ipsius pischarie
o0202001.232f 1435 aprile 29 Acquittal from the accusation made to raftsmen about damages caused to a weir by the passage of lumber. Text: a Francischo Andree de Settignano quem eorum
o0202001.232f 1435 aprile 29 Acquittal from the accusation made to raftsmen about damages caused to a weir by the passage of lumber. Text: aliquibus foderatoribus lignaminis de ructuris pischariarum nec
o0202001.232f 1435 aprile 29 Acquittal from the accusation made to raftsmen about damages caused to a weir by the passage of lumber. Text: umquam fuit facta de aliqua ructura alicuius
o0202001.232f 1435 aprile 29 Acquittal from the accusation made to raftsmen about damages caused to a weir by the passage of lumber. Text: declaraverunt dictos foderatores de dicta ructura dicte
o0202001.232f 1435 aprile 29 Acquittal from the accusation made to raftsmen about damages caused to a weir by the passage of lumber. Text: eisdem dicto Niccolao de Giraldis imposuerunt et
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: viri Silvester Tomasii de Popoleschiis Pierus Iohannis
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: Lucas domini Masi de Albizis Nerius Gini
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: Albizis Nerius Gini de Capponibus et Pierus
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: et Pierus Cardinalis de Oricellariis operarii Opere
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: Marie del Fiore de Florentia existentes collegialiter
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: tamen Bartolomeo Iacobi de Ridolfis eorum in
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: et Communis Florentie de materia disponentium, et
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: ad predictas ordinamentis de dicta materia disponentibus,
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: tempore submissionis facte de dicta terra Sancti
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: ordinamenta dicte Opere de materia disponentia quemadmodum
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: dominum Iohannem Ieronimi de (E)ugubio, dominum Bonacursum
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: (E)ugubio, dominum Bonacursum de Montemagno et dominum
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: Bonacursum domini Niccolai de Torellis cives et
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: per Angelum Michaelis de Sancto Geminiano oratorem
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: legatorum sive testamentorum de quibus in dictis
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: legatorum sive testamentorum de quo onere locuntur
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: doctorem dominum Michaelem de Acoltis civem aretinum
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: dominum Blaxium Lapi de Niccolinis cives et
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: homines et personas de dicto Communi Sancti
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: quodam punto formato de consensu partium predictarum
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: doctorem dominum Florianum de Sancto Petro de
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: de Sancto Petro de Bononia per quod
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: doctorem dominum Iohannem de Ymola ad instantiam
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: ordinamento dicte Opere de verbo ad verbum
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: reformationis dicte Opere de dicta materia disponentium,
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: homines et personas de dicto Communi Sancti
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: omnia pignora dicta de causa eis ablata
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: quovis modo dicta de causa distribuere nec
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: rogatis Bernardo Amerigi de Donatis provisore dicte
o0202001.078vg 1427/8 febbraio 24 Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. Text: populi Sancti Fridiani de Florentia.
o0202001.231ve 1435 aprile 27 Acquittal of a treasurer of the forced loans for the debt denounced by the auditors regarding the 6 denari per lira due from orphans and widows, considered exempt. Text: per Bernardum Iohannis de Altovitis et Lottum
o0202001.231ve 1435 aprile 27 Acquittal of a treasurer of the forced loans for the debt denounced by the auditors regarding the 6 denari per lira due from orphans and widows, considered exempt. Text: et Lottum Bartoli de Bischeris rationerios Opere
o0202001.231ve 1435 aprile 27 Acquittal of a treasurer of the forced loans for the debt denounced by the auditors regarding the 6 denari per lira due from orphans and widows, considered exempt. Text: plurium camerariorum prestantiarum de ratione Mattei Marci
o0202001.231ve 1435 aprile 27 Acquittal of a treasurer of the forced loans for the debt denounced by the auditors regarding the 6 denari per lira due from orphans and widows, considered exempt. Text: ratione Mattei Marci de Bartolis olim camerarii
o0202001.231ve 1435 aprile 27 Acquittal of a treasurer of the forced loans for the debt denounced by the auditors regarding the 6 denari per lira due from orphans and widows, considered exempt. Text: olim camerarii prestantiarum de sex denariis pro
o0202001.231ve 1435 aprile 27 Acquittal of a treasurer of the forced loans for the debt denounced by the auditors regarding the 6 denari per lira due from orphans and widows, considered exempt. Text: ad suas manus de pecunia Opere, per
o0202001.231ve 1435 aprile 27 Acquittal of a treasurer of the forced loans for the debt denounced by the auditors regarding the 6 denari per lira due from orphans and widows, considered exempt. Text: et Communis Florentie de solvendo duo catasta
o0202001.231ve 1435 aprile 27 Acquittal of a treasurer of the forced loans for the debt denounced by the auditors regarding the 6 denari per lira due from orphans and widows, considered exempt. Text: sex denarios dicta de causa pro Opera;
o0202001.231ve 1435 aprile 27 Acquittal of a treasurer of the forced loans for the debt denounced by the auditors regarding the 6 denari per lira due from orphans and widows, considered exempt. Text: vel debeat aliqua de causa pro dicta
o0202001.231ve 1435 aprile 27 Acquittal of a treasurer of the forced loans for the debt denounced by the auditors regarding the 6 denari per lira due from orphans and widows, considered exempt. Text: contra eum facta de qua apparet in
o0202001.231ve 1435 aprile 27 Acquittal of a treasurer of the forced loans for the debt denounced by the auditors regarding the 6 denari per lira due from orphans and widows, considered exempt. Text: non per alia de causa. Cum hac
o0202001.231ve 1435 aprile 27 Acquittal of a treasurer of the forced loans for the debt denounced by the auditors regarding the 6 denari per lira due from orphans and widows, considered exempt. Text: viduas soluisse dicta de causa dicto Matteo
o0202001.231ve 1435 aprile 27 Acquittal of a treasurer of the forced loans for the debt denounced by the auditors regarding the 6 denari per lira due from orphans and widows, considered exempt. Text: sed solum habita de dictis solutionibus vera
o0202001.231va 1435 aprile 26 Acquittal of a treasurer of the forced loans from the payment of 6 denari per lira. Text: denariorum pro libra, de qua et pro
o0202001.255b 1436 giugno 19 Acquittal of notified debtors and letter to the vicar of val d'Elsa for release of imprisoned laborers. Title: Iohanne et Francischo de Guicciardinis
o0202001.255b 1436 giugno 19 Acquittal of notified debtors and letter to the vicar of val d'Elsa for release of imprisoned laborers. Text: Iohannem et Francischum de Guicciardinis a quodam
o0202001.255b 1436 giugno 19 Acquittal of notified debtors and letter to the vicar of val d'Elsa for release of imprisoned laborers. Text: est debitor Ghinus de Guicciardinis una cum
o0202001.255b 1436 giugno 19 Acquittal of notified debtors and letter to the vicar of val d'Elsa for release of imprisoned laborers. Text: una cum Sozo de dictis Guicciardinis pro
o0202001.255b 1436 giugno 19 Acquittal of notified debtors and letter to the vicar of val d'Elsa for release of imprisoned laborers. Text: novis gabellis impositis de anno MCCCCXIII, prout
o0202001.035vb 1426 giugno 13 Acquittal to the Commune of Corniolo for lumber drawn from the forest and letter about the payment for the same. Text: Commune et homines de Corniuolo de quodam
o0202001.035vb 1426 giugno 13 Acquittal to the Commune of Corniolo for lumber drawn from the forest and letter about the payment for the same. Text: homines de Corniuolo de quodam lignamine tracto
o0202001.035vb 1426 giugno 13 Acquittal to the Commune of Corniolo for lumber drawn from the forest and letter about the payment for the same. Text: quodam lignamine tracto de silva prefate Opere
o0202001.035vb 1426 giugno 13 Acquittal to the Commune of Corniolo for lumber drawn from the forest and letter about the payment for the same. Text: quantum non appareat de dicto lignamine dictis
o0202001.035vb 1426 giugno 13 Acquittal to the Commune of Corniolo for lumber drawn from the forest and letter about the payment for the same. Text: fuisse solutum et de predictis dicto Communi
o0201074.052e 1418 novembre 16 Additional guaranty for debt for herd livestock gabelle. Text: Pro Cencio Venturini de Prategli debitore Operis
o0201074.052e 1418 novembre 16 Additional guaranty for debt for herd livestock gabelle. Text: Antonii Dominici fabri de Ciggiano fideiussoris dicti
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