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1-150 A151-300  A301-352 





Context of query
o0201070.006vb 1416/7 febbraio 9 Reassignment of two dwellings of the chaplains. Text: del Fiore, quam domum ex tunc dicti
o0201070.006vc 1416/7 febbraio 9 Reassignment of two dwellings of the chaplains. Text: suprascriptus Silvester, quam domum ex tunc dicti
o0201070b.006c 1416/7 febbraio 9 Prohibition to debt collectors, who have not been elected and have not supplied guaranty to properly carry out their appointment, to make demand payment and take the books of debtors outside the Opera, under penalty. Text: pro gravando extra domum Operis sub pena
o0201070.007e 1416/7 febbraio 11 Term for evacuation of the house of a chaplain. Text: disgombrare et disgombrasse domum in qua habitat
o0201070b.056va 1416/7 marzo 24 Guaranty of tenant of house for debt of the owner. Text: dicta pensione, ipsam domum confessus fuit tenere
o0201070b.017h 1417 aprile 6 Restitution of pawn to purchaser of house of debtor for forced loans, because the heirs allow demand of payment on other properties. Text: quia ipse emit domum in qua stat
o0201070.017b 1417 aprile 26 Rulings in favor of the family of the holder of rights upon a house sold to the Opera to widen the street of Santa Reparata. Text: officio existentibus unam domum tunc positam in
o0201070.017b 1417 aprile 26 Rulings in favor of the family of the holder of rights upon a house sold to the Opera to widen the street of Santa Reparata. Text: Sancte Reparate, quam domum dicti operarii fecerunt
o0201070.017va 1417 aprile 28 Term for the evacuation of a house assigned to a canon. Text: quod disgombrent dictam domum hinc ad tres
o0201070.020d 1417 aprile 30 Work on door near the house of messer Benozzo to be made at the expense of the Opera. Text: quadam curia prope domum habitationis domini Benozi
o0201070.022a 1417 maggio 21 Permission to a canon to absent himself without losing the right to a house. Text: propterea non perdat domum, dummodo ipse in
o0201071.003i 1417 luglio 9 Rental of a house adapted for use as the kitchen of the chapter. Text: presentis mensis iulii domum pro quoquina capitoli
o0201072.015vh 1417/8 gennaio 26 Authorization to let a house. Text: locare ad pensionem domum que tenebat Agnolus
o0201072.022e 1417/8 febbraio 25 Rent of house for five years. Text: Vannis merchator vult domum in qua habitavit
o0201073.007vd 1418 aprile 29 Assignment of house to the cantors and order to the previous occupant to evacuate. Text: futuros debeant ipsam domum disgombrasse, aliter proiciantur
o0201073.007vd 1418 aprile 29 Assignment of house to the cantors and order to the previous occupant to evacuate. Text: proiciantur extra dictam domum superlectilia que in
o0201073.008e 1418 aprile 30 Assignment of a house with agreement that its tax be paid. Text: presentis mensis consignaverunt domum dicti Operis in
o0201073.008e 1418 aprile 30 Assignment of a house with agreement that its tax be paid. Text: prius solveret habeat domum, si vero prius
o0201073.017c 1418 maggio 13 Rent of a house with shop to a carpenter for three years. Text: dantis etc. unam domum cum apoteca positam
o0201073.017c 1418 maggio 13 Rent of a house with shop to a carpenter for three years. Text: dictum tempus dictam domum et pensionem alteri
o0201073.017vb 1418 maggio 18 Rent of a house with carpenter's shop for three years. Text: heredibus conducenti unam domum cum apoteca, in
o0201073.017vb 1418 maggio 18 Rent of a house with carpenter's shop for three years. Text: dicto nomine dictam domum et apotecam in
o0201073.017vb 1418 maggio 18 Rent of a house with carpenter's shop for three years. Text: temporis, et ipsam domum et apotecam tenere
o0201073.014c 1418 giugno 3 Assignment of a house to a canon and inventory of its contents. Text: Antonius intret dictam domum fiat inventarium de
o0201074.007va 1418 agosto 12 Order to the debt collectors to consign pawns and present themselves to furnish a new guaranty. Text: personaliter vel ad domum, sub pena cassationis
o0201074.009d 1418 agosto 19 Authorization to purchase a house. Text: Ricciis unam suam domum positam in populo
o0201074.009d 1418 agosto 19 Authorization to purchase a house. Text: venditori etc., ipsamque domum dicto pretio extimaverunt
o0201074.009vc 1418 agosto 19 Term for the sale of the houses where the Opera wishes to build the lodgings of the canons. Text: notificetur cuilibet habenti domum in disegno in
o0201074.048va 1418 agosto 19 Purchase of a house. Text: pro dicto Opere domum unam positam Florentie
o0201074.010va 1418 agosto 23 Rulings about the design or closing of the residence of the canons and for the building of two walls closing off two streets. Text: que est inter domum heredum Uguicciozi de
o0201074.010va 1418 agosto 23 Rulings about the design or closing of the residence of the canons and for the building of two walls closing off two streets. Text: de Ricciis et (domum) heredum Christofori Francisci
o0201074.010va 1418 agosto 23 Rulings about the design or closing of the residence of the canons and for the building of two walls closing off two streets. Text: Sancti Benedicti inter domum heredum domini Iohannis
o0201074.017c 1418 settembre 2 Letter to the owner of a house with purchase offer. Text: ipse vult vendere domum, Opus emet ab
o0201074.018c 1418 settembre 6 Assignment of a house to two chaplains. Text: utriusque eorum habitatione domum quam dicti operarii
o0201074.018c 1418 settembre 6 Assignment of a house to two chaplains. Text: ipsi possint dictam domum intrare in kalendis
o0201074.021b 1418 settembre 30 Release of a person arrested for property gabelle and forced loans and revocation of the payment of the latter owing to previous dotal rights. Text: Dominici cepit dictam domum pro sua dote
o0201074.051d 1418 ottobre 11 Rent of a kiln for three years. Text: de Florentia unam domum sive fornacem cum
o0201074.024a 1418 ottobre 19 Temporary assignment of house to a cantor. Text: ad habitandum, dictam domum ser ... camtori
o0201074.026vd 1418 ottobre 27 Revocation of demand of payment for forced loans against the owner of a house bought from the wife of the true debtor. Text: dicebatur, tenet unam domum que fuit Iacobi
o0201074.026vd 1418 ottobre 27 Revocation of demand of payment for forced loans against the owner of a house bought from the wife of the true debtor. Text: Bettus emit dictam domum ab uxore dicti
o0201074.028f 1418 novembre 15 Authorization to the wardens to purchase various houses. Text: Ricciis de Florentia domum in qua habitat
o0201074.028f 1418 novembre 15 Authorization to the wardens to purchase various houses. Text: Christofori Francisci Masi domum in qua habitat
o0201074.028f 1418 novembre 15 Authorization to the wardens to purchase various houses. Text: ab Arte Corazariorum domum in qua coadunantur
o0201074.028f 1418 novembre 15 Authorization to the wardens to purchase various houses. Text: de Asciano spetiarii domum quam Opus tenet
o0201074.044c 1418 dicembre 2 Payment for the purchase of two shops with a house. Text: apotece iuxta dictam domum positarum in civitate
o0201074.031vd 1418 dicembre 15 Tax on a house used as dwelling of canons. Text: sit tassata ipsamque domum tassaverunt in florenis
o0201074.031vd 1418 dicembre 15 Tax on a house used as dwelling of canons. Text: antequam intret dictam domum solvere dicto Operi
o0201074.032a 1418 dicembre 15 Order of eviction for a house with shop because of litigation between neighbors. Text: dicti Operis iuxta domum in qua stat
o0201074.032b 1418 dicembre 15 Order to rent out a house with shop so that the Opera not lose a source of income. Text: quod teneatur ipsam domum et apotecam in
o0201075.070e 1418/9 gennaio 23 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: qui stat ad domum in burgo della
o0201075.004a 1418/9 gennaio 25 Rent of house for two years with six months' notice in case of demolition to make room for the cloister of the canons and chaplains. Text: heredibus conducenti unam domum dicti Operis positam
o0201075.004a 1418/9 gennaio 25 Rent of house for two years with six months' notice in case of demolition to make room for the cloister of the canons and chaplains. Text: vellent destruere dictam domum vel vellent hedificare
o0201075.004a 1418/9 gennaio 25 Rent of house for two years with six months' notice in case of demolition to make room for the cloister of the canons and chaplains. Text: quoniam ipsi volunt domum Operis pro Opere
o0201075.004c 1418/9 gennaio 25 Assignment of house to canon. Text: Item assignaverunt domum dicti Operis, in
o0201075.004c 1418/9 gennaio 25 Assignment of house to canon. Text: antequam intret dictam domum florenos quindecim auri,
o0201075.005a 1418/9 gennaio 30 Destruction of the wall to reopen the passageway to the church of San Piero Celoro. Text: Operis, videlicet inter domum que fuit Ugucciozzi
o0201075.005a 1418/9 gennaio 30 Destruction of the wall to reopen the passageway to the church of San Piero Celoro. Text: de Ricciis et domum que fuit Christofori
o0201075.072g 1418/9 marzo 2 Requisition of rent for house for debt of the owner. Text: quatenus teneret dictam domum pro Opere et
o0201075.011b 1418/9 marzo 9 Assignment of a house to a chaplain. Text: Item assignaverunt etc. domum dicti Operis in
o0201075.020c 1419 aprile 22 Cancellation of debt for forced loans. Text: quia apparet dictam domum fuisse datam in
o0201075.022va 1419 aprile 28 Order to demolish a wall and reopen a street. Text: de Cortigianis ad domum hospitalis Sancte Marie
o0201075.030d 1419 maggio 31 Prohibition to demand payment and restitution of pawn. Text: ..., que tenet domum que fuit domine
o0201075.030vc 1419 maggio 31 Prohibition to demand payment of debt for forced loans. Text: domina tenet ipsam domum et certas modicas
o0201075.031vg 1419 giugno 2 Exemption from demand of payment for dotal properties. Text: ipsa tenet dictam domum pro suis dotibus
o0201076.003b 1419 luglio 4 Revocation of demand of payment to the holder of the properties of the debtor. Text: pertinentia ad dictam domum vel alteram earum
o0201076.006a 1419 luglio 19 Term of payment for forced loans to new owner of house sold before of the distribution of the debt. Text: ser Guido dictam domum; et voluerunt quod
o0201076.012vf 1419 settembre 4 Assignment of house to canon. Text: quo ipse dictam domum non velit assignaverunt
o0201076.012vf 1419 settembre 4 Assignment of house to canon. Text: velit assignaverunt ipsam domum antiquiori canonico, et
o0201076.018va 1419 ottobre 7 Assignment of house to canon with agreement to pay the tax. Text: pro sua habitatione domum dicti Operis quam
o0201076.018va 1419 ottobre 7 Assignment of house to canon with agreement to pay the tax. Text: Marcus vellet dictam domum, consignaverunt dicto domino
o0201076.018va 1419 ottobre 7 Assignment of house to canon with agreement to pay the tax. Text: dicto domino Manno domum in qua ad
o0201076.018vb 1419 ottobre 7 Assignment of house to chaplain without payment of tax. Text: de Pistorio cappellano domum in qua ad
o0201076.020c 1419 ottobre 11 Exemption from demand of payment of debt for forced loans or pardons, because of dotal rights and private debt existing at the time of the levey. Text: licet teneat unam domum sive dimidiam partem
o0201076.034vd 1419 dicembre 14 Tax set for house acquired and rules for the assignment of houses to canons in accordance with seniority and positions held. Text: et volentes ipsam domum tassare et quantum
o0201076.034vd 1419 dicembre 14 Tax set for house acquired and rules for the assignment of houses to canons in accordance with seniority and positions held. Text: modo etc. dictam domum tassaverunt in florenis
o0201076.034vd 1419 dicembre 14 Tax set for house acquired and rules for the assignment of houses to canons in accordance with seniority and positions held. Text: Item concesserunt etc. domum suprascriptam antiquiori ex
o0201076.034vd 1419 dicembre 14 Tax set for house acquired and rules for the assignment of houses to canons in accordance with seniority and positions held. Text: antequam intret dictam domum solvat dictam tassam
o0201076.034vd 1419 dicembre 14 Tax set for house acquired and rules for the assignment of houses to canons in accordance with seniority and positions held. Text: et si volet domum tunc concedendam ex
o0201077.004vi 1419/20 gennaio 3 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle. Text: frater suus, cuius domum ipse Ciprianus tenet
o0201077.007vd 1419/20 gennaio 16 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle. Text: et possideant unam domum dicti olim Mariani
o0201077.007vd 1419/20 gennaio 16 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle. Text: ipsa domina ipsam domum tenere pro iuribus
o0201077.010c 1419/20 gennaio 23 Prohibition to demand payment for debt for property gabelle and forced loans. Text: et possidet certam domum que olim fuit
o0201077.011a 1419/20 gennaio 23 Term of payment for debt for properties taxed and correction of entry in favor of the church of Santa Maria del Piano di Cascia. Text: Marie fuisse descriptum, domum et podere et
o0201077.011b 1419/20 gennaio 23 Restitution of pawns for debt of the gabelle on contracts. Text: et hodie ipsam domum non habitat, absque
o0201077.011ve 1419/20 gennaio 26 Revocation of demand of payment on the basis of testament and dotal properties. Text: quia possideat unam domum positam in civitate
o0201077.012c 1419/20 gennaio 29 Concession of house to canon after consultation of the remaining canons. Text: deliberatum antequam ipsam domum intraretur, dummodo per
o0201077.012c 1419/20 gennaio 29 Concession of house to canon after consultation of the remaining canons. Text: per volentem ipsam domum responderetur per totum
o0201077.012c 1419/20 gennaio 29 Concession of house to canon after consultation of the remaining canons. Text: canonicis petiit ipsam domum et propterea sibi
o0201077.012c 1419/20 gennaio 29 Concession of house to canon after consultation of the remaining canons. Text: durante postulante ipsam domum cum hactenus etiam
o0201077.012vh 1419/20 gennaio 29 Prohibition to demand payment of debt for forced loans. Text: bona et maxime domum de qua infra
o0201077.012vh 1419/20 gennaio 29 Prohibition to demand payment of debt for forced loans. Text: dicto Iohanne ipsam domum et certa alia
o0201077.013a 1419/20 gennaio 29 Prohibition to demand payment for debt for property gabelle and forced loans, with correction of account entry. Text: Adovardo Cipriani predicto domum supradictam, ut constat
o0201077.015va 1419/20 febbraio 7 Assignment of house to the provost of the canons. Text: qua introybit in domum que fuit filiorum
o0201077.016c 1419/20 febbraio 7 Assignment of a house to a chaplain. Text: pro eius habitatione domum dicte Opere in
o0201077.021vd 1419/20 febbraio 23 Approval of previous resolution for the purchase of a house from the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova. Text: de Florentia unam domum pro pretio florenorum
o0201077.028va 1419/20 marzo 21 Prohibition to demand payment of debt for forced loans. Text: et possideat quamdam domum que olim fuit
o0201077.028va 1419/20 marzo 21 Prohibition to demand payment of debt for forced loans. Text: cum appareat dictam domum ab ipso Braccio
o0201077.029c 1420 marzo 27 Prohibition to demand payment of debt for forced loans. Text: quia ipsa possidet domum dicti olim sui
o0201077.029c 1420 marzo 27 Prohibition to demand payment of debt for forced loans. Text: et quod ipsam domum ipse tenet vigore
o0201077.034va 1420 aprile 16 Authorization to buy a house. Text: necesse est ipsam domum pro ipsa Opera
o0201077.034va 1420 aprile 16 Authorization to buy a house. Text: mensem aprilis ipsam domum pro ipsa Opera
o0201078.083d 1420/1 febbraio 14 Guaranty concerning clauses of sale of the house acquired from Giorgio Ricci. Text: Florentie quandam eius domum pro florenis auri
o0201078.027c 1421 aprile 26 Assignment to canon of house previously assigned to chaplains. Text: et sic ipsam domum taxaverunt.
o0201078.028vc 1421 aprile 29 Authorization to the administrator to assign a dwelling to a chaplain. Text: et debeat assignare domum ser ... cappellano
o0201079.017vb 1421 agosto 20 Authorization to the scribe of the daily wages to pay wounded stonecutter even if he cannot work. Text: quam vix ad domum reversus fuit; et
o0201079.042a 1421 novembre 14 Commission to the administrator to rent out a house for five years. Text: et civi florentino domum dicte Opere positam
o0201079.044c 1421 novembre 21 Assignment of a house to a chaplain. Text: pro eius habitatione domum hactenus adsignatam pro
o0201079.046c 1421 novembre 27 Annual rent of house to the ex owner. Text: teneat ad pensionem domum ipsius Opere ab
o0201079.060a 1421 dicembre 17 Rent of a house for five years. Text: et suis heredibus domum unam ipsius Opere
o0201079.060a 1421 dicembre 17 Rent of a house for five years. Text: locationis sed ipsam domum super locatam eidem
o0201079.060a 1421 dicembre 17 Rent of a house for five years. Text: et recipienti dictam domum pro dicta Opera
o0201079.060a 1421 dicembre 17 Rent of a house for five years. Text: dicti temporis ipsam domum dicte Opere liberam,
o0201079.050d 1421 dicembre 18 Commission to the administrator for five-year rental of house and shop to carpenter. Text: Blaxio ... legnaiuolo domum et apothecam dicte
o0201079.050vb 1421 dicembre 19 Restitution of part of sum paid to enter in house. Text: habitatione gratiose recepit domum in qua habitabat
o0201079.051vd 1421 dicembre 23 Restitution of dwelling to canon who had not returned to reside in house within the time assigned. Text: continente sibi dictam domum hactenus concessam restitui,
o0201080.012vb 1421/2 febbraio 25 Assignment of house to canon and term of payment for the tax. Text: ipsis canonicis ipsam domum postulat, et intellecta
o0201080.012vb 1421/2 febbraio 25 Assignment of house to canon and term of payment for the tax. Text: pro eius habitatione domum adsignari et concedi
o0201080.017b 1421/2 marzo 13 Exemption for dotal properties. Text: quod possidet quamdam domum dicti olim Petri
o0201080.017b 1421/2 marzo 13 Exemption for dotal properties. Text: dotium suarum, et domum predictam possidet vigore
o0201080.022d 1422 marzo 31 Notification to the owner of the mill of Ricorboli to have towed at his expense the log rafts left upstream from his weir, which is not provided with passageway for rafts. Text: personaliter vel ad domum aut solvere dictos
o0201080.032vb 1422 maggio 20 Authorization to demand payment of the debtors for old testaments, upon notification, with indemnity of every expense for those not held to pay. Text: personaliter vel ad domum quod ad solvendum
o0201081.002vd 1422 luglio 2 Renunciation of house rental and its evacuation. Text: tenet ad pensionem domum olim suam et
o0201081.002vd 1422 luglio 2 Renunciation of house rental and its evacuation. Text: proprio motu dictam domum renumptiavit ab ipso
o0201081.002vd 1422 luglio 2 Renunciation of house rental and its evacuation. Text: et asseruit dictam domum de cetero nolle
o0201081.012d 1422 agosto 14 Revocation of demand of payment for forced loans because of renunciation of inheritance. Text: maxime quia certam domum et bona ipse
o0201081.012d 1422 agosto 14 Revocation of demand of payment for forced loans because of renunciation of inheritance. Text: ipse Luti ipsam domum et bona possidet
o0201082.004va 1422/3 febbraio 19 Renunciation of shop rental on the part of the tenant. Text: renuptiare pro futuro domum sive apotecham per
o0201082.006b 1422/3 marzo 9 Term of payment to tenant of debtor with guaranty and restitution of pawns. Text: retinet ad pensionem domum unam positam in
o0201082.021vd 1423 giugno 18 Alterations to the stairs in house of a chaplain. Text: ipse possit habilius domum predictam habitare.
o0201083.007va 1423 settembre 28 Authorization to the administrator to contract out a house. Title: provisor possit locare domum Opere
o0201083.007va 1423 settembre 28 Authorization to the administrator to contract out a house. Text: Sancto Miniate unam domum dicte Opere, que
o0201083.069h 1423 settembre 28 Payment to put the house of a priest and a canon in order. Text: Opere pro actando domum presbiteri et domini
o0201083.009b 1423 ottobre 20 Assignment of a house to a chaplain. Title: Pro cappellano domum
o0201083.009b 1423 ottobre 20 Assignment of a house to a chaplain. Text: habeat ad presens domum domini Marci Davanzati
o0201084.005c 1423/4 febbraio 4 Order to the master builder to have a house evacuated and new assignment of the same. Text: Opere faciat desgonbrare domum, in qua ad
o0201086.009b 1425 aprile 3 Authorization to the administrator to make expenditures for repairs in a house called the Galea rented to Fra Bernardino master of glass oculi. Text: et actari faciendo domum Opere prefate que
o0201086.010ve 1425 aprile 14 Authorization to the administrator of the Trassinaia quarry to rent a house for 6 months. Title: possit conducere unam domum in chava Trassinarie
o0201086.010ve 1425 aprile 14 Authorization to the administrator of the Trassinaia quarry to rent a house for 6 months. Text: ad pensionem quamdam domum sitam in Communi
o0201086.010ve 1425 aprile 14 Authorization to the administrator of the Trassinaia quarry to rent a house for 6 months. Text: seu unam aliam domum ibidem existentem pro
o0201086.012a 1425 aprile 18 Order to chaplain to evacuate a house. Title: cappellano quod disgombret domum ser Dominici
o0201086.012a 1425 aprile 18 Order to chaplain to evacuate a house. Text: florentine disgombret quamdam domum Opere in qua
o0201086.019a 1425 maggio 22 Confirmation of contract made from the Ten of Pisa to carpenters for the doors of Malmantile. Text: dicto laborerio ad domum et seu apotecam
o0201086.024c 1425 giugno 21 Authorization to the administrator to assign to the sacristan the house where messer Antonio Ferrantini lived. Text: maiori ecclesia florentina domum que habitabatur per
o0201086.024c 1425 giugno 21 Authorization to the administrator to assign to the sacristan the house where messer Antonio Ferrantini lived. Text: teneatur seu dimictere domum prefatam seu dare
o0201086.024va 1425 giugno 21 Precept to chaplain for the evacuation of a house. Text: precepti numerandam disgombret domum dicte Opere in
o0201086.024va 1425 giugno 21 Precept to chaplain for the evacuation of a house. Text: quod claudat dictam domum cum clavi et
o0202001.002va 1425 luglio 3 Assignment of house to chaplain and order to evacuate another house inhabited by him. Text: ... de Pistorio domum in qua ser
o0202001.003vb 1425 luglio 20 Precept to carpenter to evacuate house and shop rented from the Opera. Text: proxime futuri quamdam domum cum quadam apoteca
o0202001.003vb 1425 luglio 20 Precept to carpenter to evacuate house and shop rented from the Opera. Text: positam suttus dictam domum quam tenet ab
o0202001.004va 1425 luglio 30 Assignment of house to chaplain with obligation of evacuate it in accordance with the will of the Opera. Text: inferius continetur quamdam domum positam in populo
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