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Context of query
o0201070.008a 1416/7 febbraio 17 Authorization to sell marble. Text: pro base quam ponere volunt sub figura
o0201074.012vb 1418 agosto 31 Sentence to reduce the new gabelles imposed against the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino, in virtue of the authority attributed to the wardens to examine the protest of immunity advanced by the men of said Commune. Text: bonis binam gabellam ponere sive exigere. Item
o0201075.012va 1418/9 marzo 17 Letter to the Podestà of Scarperia regarding agreement between that Commune and the its guarantor. Text: et alia conetur ponere ipsos in concordia;
o0201076.012vb 1419 settembre 4 Term for consignment of 300 florins to be deposited with the treasurer, with registration of the depositors among the creditors of the Opera. Text: et in depositum ponere penes camerarium dicti
o0201076.022vd 1419 ottobre 24 Conditions of payment of a debt for pardons of the Commune of Pisa with deadline at each new term of priors. Text: dicti Operis debeat ponere iuxta partitam ubi
o0201076.026a 1419 ottobre 24 Term of payment to the Commune of Pisa for debt for pardons with obligation to pay a percentage to the accountant. Text: teneatur et debeat ponere et scribere super
o0201077.043a 1420 giugno 8 Registration of the debtors of the previous treasurer. Text: ad sui computum ponere a proxime preterito
o0201077.076c 1420 giugno 15 Contract for supply of mortar of pebble-free Alberese stone with advance on payment. Text: quid plus costaret ponere ad computum dicti
o0201078.003e 1420/1 gennaio 9 Debit of the cost of marble transport to the suppliers. Text: debeat scribere et ponere ad rationem et
o0201078.009d 1420/1 febbraio 17 Order to the treasurer to register as income the sums already collected for the gabelles of salt, contracts and wine. Text: introytum mictere et ponere licite et inpune
o0201078.009d 1420/1 febbraio 17 Order to the treasurer to register as income the sums already collected for the gabelles of salt, contracts and wine. Text: libro mei introytus ponere et describere et
o0201078.009vb 1420/1 febbraio 17 Rulings about mode of payment to the debt collectors of 10 soldi for every pawn beyond the ordinary rights. Text: supra dicitur, et ponere pro debitore dicte
o0201078.043b 1421 giugno 18 Order to the treasurer accept all the debtors declared by the administrator and likewise all the creditors assigned to him by his predecessor and to leave to his successor the remaining ones. Text: ad sui computum ponere et describere et
o0201078.043b 1421 giugno 18 Order to the treasurer accept all the debtors declared by the administrator and likewise all the creditors assigned to him by his predecessor and to leave to his successor the remaining ones. Text: ad sui computum ponere et describe(re) teneatur
o0201079.005b 1421 luglio 10 Order to the treasurer to collect a debt for testament. Text: notarium ad introytum ponere et describere sub
o0201079.012va 1421 agosto 16 Assignment of part of the Pope's residence in Santa Maria Novella to the general of the order of San Domenico with agreements for restitution. Text: alia modo aliquo ponere vel addere, sed
o0201079.044ve 1421 novembre 21 Order to the guardian of the pawns not to calculate in debt collector's account the sum for pawns erroneously attached and not to exact their payment. Text: seu ad computum ponere vel describere Manetto
o0201079.059b 1421 novembre 29 Contract for hoisting of loads with oxen or horses up to the main cupola. Text: videlicet: Debet namque ponere super ipsis muris
o0201080.006vc 1421/2 gennaio 19 Oath of the notary and regulations for the registration of the deposits of Pisa. Text: ipsum Commune Pisarum ponere et describere creditorem
o0201081.008va 1422 agosto 7 Confirmation of the resolution on the tare for broad bricks with order to the administrator to register it in the accounts of the kilnmen under penalty of dismissal from his office, registration as debtors of those who purchased lumber at a lower price than was due and term for removing 7 cartloads of broad bricks. Text: diminutionis dicti pretii ponere et describere ad
o0201081.008va 1422 agosto 7 Confirmation of the resolution on the tare for broad bricks with order to the administrator to register it in the accounts of the kilnmen under penalty of dismissal from his office, registration as debtors of those who purchased lumber at a lower price than was due and term for removing 7 cartloads of broad bricks. Text: auctenticis dicte Opere ponere et describere in
o0201082.006ve 1422/3 marzo 9 Election of the accountants to audit the records of the treasurer of the forced loans with salary set. Text: illas in saldum ponere et referire operariis
o0201082.013a 1423 aprile 28 Correction and reduction of contract with kilnmen. Text: circa predictam finem ponere et ad veram
o0201082.076vc 1423 giugno 17 Payment for recovery of lumber carried away by the Arno. Text: quos denarios tenentur ponere ad computum Andree
o0201082.076vd 1423 giugno 17 Payment for recovery of lumber carried away by the Arno. Text: quos denarios tenentur ponere ad computum Francisci
o0201084.009b 1423/4 febbraio 29 Reduction of the rights of the notary of testaments and of the debt collectors. Text: corrigere et frenum ponere circha inoneste, deliberaverunt
o0201085.002va 1424 novembre 7 Authority to two wardens to pay to creditors the amount owed by the ex treasurer. Text: exitum scribere et ponere pro vere stantiatis.
o0201085.006d 1424 dicembre 9 Registration of the daily wages of master stonecutter. Text: dampno scribere et ponere ad librum seu
o0201085.006d 1424 dicembre 9 Registration of the daily wages of master stonecutter. Text: ad scharpellandum et ponere ad computum dicti
o0201085.007vc 1424 dicembre 14 Registration of the daily wages of a stonecutter. Text: dampno scribere et ponere ad libros suos
o0201085.008a 1424 dicembre 20 Registration of the daily wages of stonecutters and authority to master builder, scribe of the daily wages and administrator to determine their salaries. Text: inpune scribere et ponere ad libros suos,
o0201086.004e 1424/5 febbraio 14 Registration of the daily wages of master stonecutter at Trassinaia. Text: et dampno possit ponere et scribere ad
o0201086.004vc 1424/5 febbraio 27 Order to the administrator to register the payment to masters for work at the castle of Lastra. Title: Quod provisor teneatur ponere ad computum magistrorum
o0201086.004vc 1424/5 febbraio 27 Order to the administrator to register the payment to masters for work at the castle of Lastra. Text: teneatur et debeat ponere ad computum et
o0201086.011va 1425 aprile 14 Registration of the daily wages of stonecutter. Text: possit scribere et ponere ad librum seu
o0201086.023a 1425 giugno 19 Permission to bury Gilio Pecori in church at the expense of his heirs. Text: dictos heredes ibidem ponere seu poni facere
o0202001.003ve 1425 luglio 20 Authorization to the administrator to transfer a rent paid to the account of the person who received that payment for the Opera. Title: auri XIIII et ponere ad computum Bertini
o0202001.003ve 1425 luglio 20 Authorization to the administrator to transfer a rent paid to the account of the person who received that payment for the Opera. Text: prefata Opera, et ponere ad computum et
o0202001.009vh 1425 settembre 20 Correction of account for supply of oak wood for corner-pieces of the chestnut chain for the main cupola. Text: et adscrictus sit ponere ac scribere ad
o0202001.013vf 1425 novembre 18 Prohibition to demand payment of debtor. Text: margine dicte partite ponere prefatam deliberationem, ad
o0202001.033d 1426 maggio 17 Letter to the Commune of Corniolo ordering it to substitute or reimburse the cut and rough-hewn lumber that had been carried out of the forest of the Opera. Text: et digrossare et ponere in eodem loco
o0202001.037g 1426 luglio 24 Partition of work because of litigation between masters at the castle of Malmantile. Text: eis silentium perpetuum ponere, dato, misso, facto
o0202001.040b 1426 agosto 30 Sum withheld from masters for cost of measurements taken at the castle of Lastra. Text: computum dictorum magistrorum ponere et scribere libras
o0202001.064va 1427 agosto 5 Prohibition to dock the pay of the unskilled workers who are helping Ciuffagni clear out a chapel for his marble figure. Text: giornatis non possit ponere scioperium manovalibus qui
o0202001.064ve 1427 agosto 12 Advance on payment to kilnman. Text: ipsum ad presens ponere in eius quaterno
o0202001.065va 1427 agosto 20 Acceptance of 10 broad bricks, although partially broken, every 100 supplied from kilnmen. Text: teneantur et debeant ponere ad computum fornaciariorum
o0202001.066a 1427 settembre 11 Arbitration between the abbey of Settimo and its kilnman tenant for reimbursement to the latter of expenditures for repairs. Text: partes in concordia ponere omni modo, via
o0202001.067ve 1427 settembre 19 Authorization to credit kilnmen for supply of mortar. Text: et preiudicio possit ponere in libris dicte
o0202001.068ve 1427 settembre 25 Order to the administrator to debit to Brunelleschi the value of a rope to be purchased in substitution of another one lent to him. Text: teneatur et debeat ponere ad computum Filippi
o0202001.078f 1427/8 gennaio 29 Fine of two carters for failed transport of marble and different use of the advance received. Text: teneatur et debeat ponere ad computum ipsorum
o0202001.078g 1427/8 gennaio 29 Debit to the account (of the supplier) for transport of marble paid to the carters. Text: Opere ponatur et ponere teneatur et debeat
o0202001.080e 1427/8 marzo 19 Order to the administrator to charge the supplier for the transport of marble by land rather than river at a set price. Text: teneatur et debeat ponere marmorem Chechi Andree
o0202001.080f 1427/8 marzo 19 Authorization to fix the price of lumber transported from the forest for the crane of the cupola. Text: teneatur prefatus provisor ponere ad computum Iacobi
o0202001.081m 1428 aprile 17 Authorization to place the figure of Saint Stephen on the facade of the Duomo. Text: Laurentius Bartaluccii possint ponere figuram beati Sancti
o0202001.085d 1428 maggio 26 Authorization to sell lumber salvaged from the church of San Simone. Text: et placebit et ponere ad computum de
o0202001.085vl 1428 giugno 15 Order to the administrator to discount 6 denari per lira from the account of the treasurer of the forced loans and term of payment to the same. Text: teneantur dictum restum ponere ad introytum Opere
o0202001.086vi 1428 luglio 5 Agreements for the resolution of a lumber supply interrupted because of the war with partition between the suppliers and the Opera of the damages suffered because of the abandonment of cut lumber Text: computum prefatus provisor ponere debeat sexaginta quattuor
o0202001.087b 1428 luglio 2 Order to the administrator to keep note of the material salvaged from the destruction of the houses near the church of San Simone. Text: vero parte debeat ponere dictas domos et
o0202001.087vf 1428 luglio 14 Appraisal of rope lent to Brunelleschi. Text: pretio, idcirco volentes ponere pretium dicto canapo,
o0202001.087vf 1428 luglio 14 Appraisal of rope lent to Brunelleschi. Text: provisor dicte Opere ponere teneatur ad suum
o0202001.088f 1428 luglio 20 Authorization to the administrator to credit kilnman for supply of mortar. Text: Opere prefate teneatur ponere ad computum Silvestri
o0202001.088i 1428 luglio 20 Authorization to the administrator to pay bargemen, debiting the marble suppliers. Text: solvi facere et ponere ad computum conductorum,
o0202001.089vg 1428 agosto 20 Acceptance with tare of the white marble needed for the external ribs, that had previously been refused. Text: cum dicta tara ponere et scribere teneatur.
o0202001.090e 1428 agosto 26 Review of the debt of the past notary of the testaments with request for proof of claimed removal and sale of pawns to be credited to him and term of payment for the remaining sum dependent upon his ratification of these conditions. Text: et obligatus sit ponere ad computum ser
o0202001.090e 1428 agosto 26 Review of the debt of the past notary of the testaments with request for proof of claimed removal and sale of pawns to be credited to him and term of payment for the remaining sum dependent upon his ratification of these conditions. Text: dicti resti teneatur ponere ad suum computum
o0202001.090ve 1428 agosto 31 Order to the administrator of make tare on piece of white marble. Text: et obligatus sit ponere pro tara cuidam
o0202001.091d 1428 agosto 31 Release of kilnman from supply agreement which had been terminated. Text: rationem in saldo ponere teneatur, omni dilatione
o0202001.096vb 1428 novembre 29 Reduction of debt for the Commune of Romena and arrest of the guarantor for the part remaining. Text: pecunia Berti exattoris ponere ad computum ipsius
o0202001.106vg 1429 maggio 18 Transfer of the amount paid for carriage of marble, following the report of a warden charged with the matter. Text: decem f.p. et ponere ad computum et
o0202001.107vg 1429 giugno 3 Authorization to order 6 beautiful copes on credit at the request of the conservators of the sacristy. Text: prefate sacristie teneatur ponere et scribere in
o0202001.108vd 1429 giugno 16 Order to circumscribe with a cord the area with the houses yet to be demolished for the cloistering of the canons. Text: teneantur et debeant ponere cordam et mensuram
o0202001.112d 1429 agosto 31 Authorization to pay to the administrator the amount remaining after payment of the masons of Lastra. Text: computo Opere et ponere ad computum provisoris
o0202001.113e 1429 ottobre 4 Reimbursement of sum paid for transport of marble from Avenza to Pisa. Text: instantiam prefati Bernardi ponere et describere ad
o0202001.113va 1429 ottobre 4 New term for conveying four marble tomb slabs from the quarry as far as Pisa. Text: provisor Opere teneatur ponere ad computum dicti
o0202001.117vf 1429 novembre 21 Authorization to the administrator to credit carpenter. Text: teneatur et debeat ponere ad computum Masi
o0202001.130a 1430 settembre 15 Advance on the wages of a stonecutter given to his mother. Text: Blaxii scharpellatoris, et ponere ad computum dicti
o0202001.143va 1431 giugno 15 Extraordinary rulings pertaining to supplies of mortar and broad bricks in times of particular economic hardship. Text: debitoribus Opere et ponere ad eorum computum
o0202001.144vf 1431 giugno 28 Order to measure lumber. Text: possint facere et ponere ad computum dicti
o0202001.144vg 1431 giugno 28 Term of payment to the vice master builder. Text: teneatur et debeat ponere ad suum computum
o0202001.145b 1431 luglio 4 Authorization to pay building work in the castle of Castellina. Text: teneatur et debeat ponere ad computum Chimentis
o0202001.145c 1431 luglio 4 Term of payment to a guarantor. Text: teneatur et debeat ponere condictionem certe quantitati
o0202001.147d 1431 agosto 16 Authorization to accredit mortar supplied by the guarantor of a kilnman who is the beneficiary of a loan. Text: in super libris ponere ad computum Silvestri
o0202001.147e 1431 agosto 16 Credit to debtors for mortar supplied. Text: teneatur prefatus provisor ponere ad computum Iohannis
o0202001.153g 1431/2 gennaio 29 Authorization to contract out broad bricks with agreement to accredit half of the amount to the account of another supplier. Text: provisor aliam medietatem ponere teneatur ad computum
o0202001.157g 1432 aprile 3 Authorization to accredit a piece of wood work. Text: caputmagistrum Opere et ponere ad computum ipsorum.
o0202001.158vc 1432 aprile 24 Authorization to transfer the altarpiece of the Guild of the Masters to another altar and permission to have mass celebrated there. Text: et dampno possit ponere tabulam eorum altaris,
o0202001.161i 1432 maggio 28 Correction of an entry for allocation of funds occurring twice. Text: denarios sex et ponere ad computum Nannis
o0202001.162e 1432 giugno 13 Tare for supply of mortar full of stones. Text: teneatur et debeat ponere et scribere ad
o0202001.162g 1432 giugno 17 Authorization to transfer an allocation of funds from one smith to another. Text: eius computo et ponere et scribere ad
o0202001.169a 1432 agosto 30 Annotation of prior payment for pardons of forced loans. Text: quod notarius Opere ponere teneatur in libro
o0202001.173f 1428 maggio 21 Confirmation of the supervisors of the cupola, with clause for absence from work. Text: partes eorum possint ponere eisdem magistris scioperium
o0202001.174c 1428/9 febbraio 14 Acceptance of a larger shipment of broad bricks than agreed upon and cancellation of the advance received. Text: ad suum computum ponere tenerentur et de
o0202001.175a 1428/9 marzo 21 Authority to the sacristans to accept the corpse and designate the burial place of messer Niccolò da Mercatello, ambassador of the Pope. Text: ecclesia et ibi ponere capsam cum honoribus,
o0202001.175vb 1429 settembre 22 Prohibition to (sculptor) to begin the marble figure commissioned to him. Text: ea laborare nec ponere super ea scharpellum
o0202001.190h 1432 novembre 13 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato with letter to the Podestà. Text: Prati quod faciat ponere datium ut dictis
o0202001.190vh 1432 novembre 28 Order to accredit to a stonecutter the salary and the expenditures incurred for a trip to the forest. Text: teneatur et debeat ponere ad computum et
o0202001.192e 1432 dicembre 9 Debit to a blacksmith for firings lost through his fault. Text: teneatur et debeat ponere et scribere in
o0202001.196h 1432/3 marzo 23 Price fixed for mortar with order to put the extra cost at the expense of defaulting suppliers. Text: provisor Opere possit ponere pretium calcis misse
o0202001.198vb 1433 maggio 19 Nomination of Brunelleschi and of the master builder to follow the work of the chains for the fortification of the church. Text: veteris, et ipsas ponere seu poni facere
o0202001.200va 1433 giugno 15 Authorization to pay for spades acquired after consignment. Text: provisor Opere teneatur ponere ad computum Tinaccii
o0202001.200vb 1433 giugno 15 Audit of account for balance of supply of blocks and arrangements for the final consignments. Text: teneatur et debeat ponere prefatos Chechum et
o0202001.200vb 1433 giugno 15 Audit of account for balance of supply of blocks and arrangements for the final consignments. Text: eas acceptare et ponere ad computum ipsorum.
o0202001.203a 1433 luglio 13 Letter to a lumber supplier and term for consignment. Text: ad eius computum ponere teneatur dictam quantitatem
o0202001.204vl 1433 settembre 1 Term of payment with threat of sale of pawn. Text: sibi pignorari et ponere ad suum computum.
o0202001.206c 1433 ottobre 9 Authorization to deduct from the debt of the Commune of Pozzo a sum allocated to Jacopo of Sandro. Text: Iacobi Sandri possint ponere ad exitum libras
o0202001.215g 1434 aprile 22 Prohibition to destroy a house until the construction of another. Text: ipse habeat ubi ponere possit suas masseritias
o0202001.227vd 1434/5 febbraio 22 Purchase of two marble slabs for organ loft refused because not in conformity with the requested measurement. Text: pretium provisor Opere ponere teneatur ad computum
o0202001.229vb 1435 aprile 1 Acceptance of pieces of marble previously refused. Text: dicte Opere et ponere ad eorum computum.
o0202001.230a 1435 aprile 8 Order to keep a book for the past treasurers of forced loans from the 1425 onwards and to have the accountants make settlement for the monies transferred. Text: quinto citra et ponere ad eorum computum
o0202001.230a 1435 aprile 8 Order to keep a book for the past treasurers of forced loans from the 1425 onwards and to have the accountants make settlement for the monies transferred. Text: revisis eorum rationibus ponere et scribere calculum
o0202001.233vf 1435 maggio 10 Injunction to put the crown of marble on the figure of David on the front facade of the Duomo. Text: dies proxime futuros ponere debeat certas coronas
o0202001.236c 1435 giugno 15 Authorization to accept from the heirs of Niccolò from Uzzano seven large logs cut for the Sapienza. Text: non indigere, et ponere ad computum dictorum
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