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Context of query
o0201070.001va 1416/7 gennaio 1 Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: Frontis et Bernardo Vannis de Vecchiettis etiam
o0201070.007c 1416/7 febbraio 9 Permission to pay the auditors of the previous treasurer. Text: et Niccolao Pieri Vannis de Albizis rationeriis
o0201070.010b 1416/7 marzo 2 Restitution of pawn and exemption from debt for pardon of forced loans. Text: Item quod Iohanni Vannis stat ad pillicciarium
o0201070.021a 1417 maggio 15 Drawing of the provost. Text: Bernardus Vannis de Vecchiettis unus
o0201070.022ve 1417 maggio 28 Authorization to a quarrier to supply stones. Text: Barbadoris et Bernardo Vannis de Vecchiettis eorum
o0201070b.002a 1416/7 gennaio 1 Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: Frontis et Bernardo Vannis de Vecchiettis etiam
o0201070b.002vb 1416/7 gennaio 8 Letter to the Podestà of Santa Croce for investigation on debt for pasturage animals in said Commune. Text: Communis si Pietrus Vannis de Santa Maria
o0201070b.002vb 1416/7 gennaio 8 Letter to the Podestà of Santa Croce for investigation on debt for pasturage animals in said Commune. Text: Montem vel Pietrus Vannis de Santa Cruce
o0201070b.004va 1416/7 gennaio 26 Cancellation of debt for gabelle for herd livestock, having received information that the debtor possesses none. Title: Pro Piero Vannis de Santa Maria
o0201070b.004va 1416/7 gennaio 26 Cancellation of debt for gabelle for herd livestock, having received information that the debtor possesses none. Text: declaraverunt quod Pierus Vannis de Santa Maria
o0201070b.014va 1416/7 marzo 11 Term of payment for debt for new gabelles and forced loans. Text: quod Iohannes Micaelis Vannis de Castellanis solvat
o0201070b.020a 1417 maggio 4 Oath of wardens and term of payment with release of arrested debtor. Text: Frontis et Bernardus Vannis de Vecchiettis quattuor
o0201070b.021f 1417 maggio 15 Drawing of the provost. Text: Bernardus Vannis de Vecchiettis unus
o0201070b.023f 1417 maggio 28 Deduction of overpayment of property gabelle of the first year from property gabelle of the third year of the Podesteria of Pontedera and notification to the Commune of Bientina. Text: Barbadoris et Bernardo Vannis de Vecchiettis eorum
o0201070b.025va 1417 giugno 22 Term of payment for unspecified debt. Text: dominus Tommas domini Vannis de Castellanis habeat
o0201070b.049vd 1416/7 gennaio 18 Guaranty for debt for new gabelles and forced loans. Text: Francischus Vannis coiarius populi Sante
o0201070b.052g 1416/7 febbraio 17 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: Ballerini fideiussit Nardus Vannis stamaiuolus populi Santi
o0201070b.061vc 1417 giugno 28 Guaranty for unspecified debt of the rector and church of San Giorgio. Text: domino Tommaso domini Vannis de Castellanis rectore
o0201070b.084g 1416/7 marzo 2 Arrest for debt for forced loans. Text: Stefanus ser Vannis aurifex pro prestantiis
o0201071.002a 1416/7 gennaio 1 Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: Frontis et Bernardo Vannis de Vecchiettis civibus
o0201072.022e 1417/8 febbraio 25 Rent of house for five years. Text: quantum Laurentius Francisci Vannis merchator vult domum
o0201072.028vf 1417/8 marzo 21 Term and manner of payment for pardons to a private person. Text: quod Bartholomeus Michaelis Vannis solvendo nunc quartam
o0201074.011d 1418 agosto 26 Cancellation of a tax on livestock because of exemption in the commune where it is kept. Text: Item quod Pietrus Vannis de Sancta Maria
o0201074.020vf 1418 settembre 26 Revocation in part of gabelle payment. Text: prestantiis ser Antonii Vannis de Aretio excomputentur
o0201074.048a 1418 agosto 18 Promise of payment of the new gabelles of the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino on the part of its procurator in the presence of the wardens, notwithstanding the protest of said town that it not be considered part of the district of Arezzo. Text: Mattei quondam Niccolai Vannis de Castilione Florentino
o0201075.002a 1418/9 (gennaio 4) Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: Ridolfi et Iacobo Vannis de Vecchiettis etiam
o0201075.010va 1418/9 marzo 9 Oath of wardens and term of payment to debtors with proclamation. Text: Ridolfi et Iacobus Vannis de Vecchiettis cives
o0201075.014ve 1418/9 marzo 24 Drawing of the provost. Text: Iacobus Vannis de Vecchiettis unus
o0201075.017a 1419 aprile 6 Authority to two wardens to oversee the work for the Pope's residence with the exception of the stairs. Text: Bischeri et Iacobus Vannis de Vecchiettis duo
o0201075.021vh 1419 aprile 22 Drawing of the provost. Text: Iacobus Vannis de Vecchiettis unus
o0201075.025d 1419 aprile 29 Drawing of the provost. Text: Iacobus Vannis de Vecchiettis unus
o0201075.025va 1419 maggio 6 Oath of wardens and order to respect the terms of a contract for work on the vaults of the main hall of the Pope's residence. Text: discreti viri Iacobus Vannis de Vecchiettis Pierus
o0201075.029vd 1419 maggio 29 Term of payment with restitution of pawn. Text: domino Tommaso domini Vannis de Castellanis observetur
o0201075.033vc 1419 giugno 10 Drawing of the provost. Text: Iacobus Vannis de Vecchiettis unus
o0201075.046b 1418/9 marzo 2 Oath and payment of expenditures for the feast of Santa Maria del Fiore. Text: de Ridolfis Iacobus Vannis de Vecchiettis operarii
o0201075.049va 1419 maggio 6 Payment for vaults constructed in the Pope's residence. Text: discreti viri Iacobus Vannis de Vecchiettis Pierus
o0201075.070va 1418/9 gennaio 25 Ratification of contract for supply of mortar with guaranty. Text: fideiussit Niccolaus Pieri Vannis galigarius populi Sancti
o0201076.005a 1419 luglio 12 Exemption from demand of payment of debt for forced loans and property gabelle. Text: ser Lodovici Francisci Vannis notarii florentini, et
o0201076.031d 1419 novembre 21 Cancellation of debt for new gabelles already paid for forced loans. Text: et Stefani Pauli Vannis, qui sunt idem
o0201076.076c 1419 novembre 24 Guaranty for debt. Text: Pro Bernardo Stefani Vannis de Castellanis sive
o0201077.010c 1419/20 gennaio 23 Prohibition to demand payment for debt for property gabelle and forced loans. Text: olim uxor Lotterii Vannis bapnitoris tenet et
o0201077.012a 1419/20 gennaio 26 Restitution of pawns. Text: uxori olim Lotterii Vannis bapnitoris pignora restituantur
o0201077.012b 1419/20 gennaio 29 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle with concession of right of recourse and restitution of pawns. Text: domini Batiste domini Vannis de Castellanis infra
o0201077.035a 1420 aprile 19 Evaluation of advice and new measures for the 6 denari per lira due for pardons. Text: de Biliottis Bernardus Vannis de Vecchiettis Tomas
o0201077.037vd 1420 aprile 19 Rent of passageway where the armature of the tribune was kept, with right of preemption for a bidder who already rents the house and garden. Text: vult Laurentius Francisci Vannis mercator; et si
o0201077.041va 1420 maggio 22 Authorization to lend two large tackles. Text: deliberaverunt quod Iacobo Vannis de Vecchiettis per
o0201077.070vd 1420 giugno 28 Payment of various expenditures. Text: et solvendo Benozo Vannis carradori unius carrate
o0201077.081ve 1419/20 gennaio 22 Guaranty for debt for property gabelle. Text: futuri, Niccolaus Pieri Vannis Mannucci fideiussit etc.
o0201077.082d 1419/20 gennaio 29 Guaranty for debt for property gabelle. Text: domino Batista domini Vannis de Castellanis debitore
o0201077.085a 1420 marzo 29 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: proxime futuri, Iacobus Vannis de Vecchiettis fideiussit
o0201078.002a 1420 dicembre 21 Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: et subsequenter Bernardo Vannis de Vecchiettis et
o0201078.010vb 1420/1 marzo 3 Term of payment for forced loans and release of the arrested debtor. Title: Vannis Larii
o0201078.015vd 1420/1 marzo 19 Drawing of the provost. Text: secundum ordinamenta Bernardus Vannis de Vecchiettis in
o0201078.022vd 1421 aprile 12 Drawing of the provost. Text: et fortuna Bernardus Vannis de Vecchiettis in
o0201078.036a 1421 giugno 3 Condemnation of debt collectors with dismissal from appointment for not have arrested a debtor. Text: Antonium Niccolai Miccaelis Vannis de Castellanis debitorem
o0201078.059va 1421 aprile 5 Contract to three stonecutters to quarry stones for the cupola in the Trassinaia quarry. Text: de Vettoriis Bernardus Vannis de Vecchiettis Franciscus
o0201079.042a 1421 novembre 14 Commission to the administrator to rent out a house for five years. Text: pensionem Laurentio Francisci Vannis mercatori et civi
o0201079.052vb 1421 dicembre 23 Term of payment for balance of gabelles in part cancelled on grounds of penury to the Commune of Cortona and letter to the Priors of the city of Cortona for collection of the debt. Text: Niccolao Angeli magistri Vannis cive cortoniensi et
o0201079.052vb 1421 dicembre 23 Term of payment for balance of gabelles in part cancelled on grounds of penury to the Commune of Cortona and letter to the Priors of the city of Cortona for collection of the debt. Text: Niccolao Angeli magistri Vannis cive cortoniense predicto
o0201079.058b 1421 settembre 24 Contract for broad terracotta bricks and of corner-pieces and guaranty for restitution of advance made on previous contract. Text: et fideiussorem Paulum Vannis de Oricellariis quem
o0201079.060a 1421 dicembre 17 Rent of a house for five years. Text: Laurentio olim Francisci Vannis mercatori et civi
o0201080.003vd 1421/2 gennaio 9 Concession of right of recourse for debt for livestock gabelle. Text: presentis mensis Paulo Vannis de Oricellariis camerario
o0201080.055va 1421/2 marzo 12 Contract for broad bricks and guaranty. Text: Opere presentibus Filippo Vannis de Oricellariis de
o0201080.057vc 1422 maggio 15 Five-year contract for rafting and transport of lumber cut and trimmed in the forest of the Opera, with guaranty. Text: et presentibus Filippo Vannis de Oricellariis et
o0201080.071b 1422 aprile 29 Reimbursement to (ex debtors) for pardons of forced loans paid twice. Text: in manibus Pauli Vannis de Oricellariis camerarii
o0201080.081e 1421/2 marzo 21 Guaranty for supply of 60.000 broad bricks and for advance on the same. Text: dicti anni Paulus Vannis de Oricellariis sciens
o0201081.005va 1422 luglio 17 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Title: Vannis de Medicis
o0201081.022g 1422 ottobre 2 Consignment of the journal of income and expenditures and the cash book of the previous treasurer. Text: Filippus Vannis de Oricellariis olim
o0201081.027ve 1422 novembre 6 Concession of right of recourse for property gabelle to debtor who is no longer the owner. Text: Simon Miccaelis ser Vannis de Fighino, qui
o0201081.065c 1422 luglio 7 Salary of the treasurer. Text: et solvat Paulo Vannis de Oricellariis olim
o0201081.065vg 1422 luglio 7 Commission of the notary of testaments. Text: ad manus Pauli Vannis de Oricellariis proxime
o0201081.067a 1422 luglio 17 Payment to two accountants for audit of the accounts of the previous treasurer. Text: computi camerariatus Pauli Vannis de Oricellariis proxime
o0201082.010ve 1423 aprile 15 Restitution of pawns erroneously siezed. Text: deliberaverunt quod filii Vannis domini Roberti Cavalcanti
o0201083.002a 1423 luglio 1 Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: Filippi Giugni Iacobus Vannis Vecchietti et Bartolus
o0201083.002a 1423 luglio 1 Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: decembris 1423 Paulus Vannis de Oricellariis Niccholaus
o0201083.006c 1423 settembre 11 Release of guarantor of arrested debtor. Text: de Filicaria, Iacobo Vannis Vechietti eorum collegis,
o0201083.007va 1423 settembre 28 Authorization to the administrator to contract out a house. Text: retinet Laurentium Francisci Vannis mercator pro pretio
o0201083.009ve 1423 novembre 6 Salary set for masters. Text: Verius Rondinelli Paulus Vannis Rucellay Bartolus Bischeri
o0201083.011vd 1423 dicembre 11 Drawing of the provost. Text: Iacobus Vannis Vecchietti unus ex
o0201084.001a 1423/4 gennaio 1 Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: prudentibus viris: Paulus Vannis de Oricellariis Niccholaus
o0201084.001vb 1423/4 gennaio 4 Salary set for masters for the winter. Text: absentibus tamen Paulo Vannis, Nicholao Gientilis et
o0201084.003c 1423/4 gennaio 27 Concession of sale of pawns with guaranty and term for giving back pawns to distrained party before said sale. Text: absentibus tamen Paulo Vannis, Niccholao Gientilis, Verio
o0201084.005a 1423/4 febbraio 4 Order to the administrator to audit the accounts of the suppliers of white marble. Text: Florentie, absentibus Paulo Vannis, Nicholao Gientilis, Verio
o0201084.005va 1423/4 febbraio 11 Concession of right of recourse to guarantor for debt for property gabelle with letter to the Podestà of Borgo San Lorenzo and Vicchio. Text: unam (cum) Paulo Vannis, Nicholao Gientilis, Iohanne
o0201084.030a 1423/4 gennaio 12 Contract for management of the Opera's pawns. Text: absentibus tamen Paulo Vannis, Nicholao Gientilis et
o0201084.041vf 1423/4 gennaio 26 Salary of the administrator. Text: absentibus tamen Paulo Vannis, Niccholao Gientilis et
o0201084.042a 1423/4 febbraio 4 Payment to suppliers of large chestnut trees for the chain of the cupola. Text: una cum Paulo Vannis, Nicholao Gientilis, Verio
o0201084.042va 1423/4 febbraio 11 Payment for petty expenses for Candlemas. Text: una cum Paulo Vannis, Nicholao Gientilis, Iohanne
o0201086.007vb 1424/5 marzo 24 Drawing of the provost of the cupola officials. Text: aliis consuetis Paulus Vannis de Oricellariis de
o0201086.010b 1425 aprile 12 Drawing of the provost of the cupola officials. Text: offitialium cupole Paulus Vannis de Oricellariis cum
o0201086.020ve 1425 giugno 1 Correction of the tax on testaments and confirmation of contract for two statues. Text: de Biliottis Bernardus Vannis de Vecchiettis et
o0201086.023a 1425 giugno 19 Permission to bury Gilio Pecori in church at the expense of his heirs. Text: absentibus tamen Bernardo Vannis de Vecchiettis et
o0201086.071vd 1425 aprile 18 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle with corresponding guaranty and annotation of prior payment. Text: Riccialbanis et Filippi Vannis de Oricellariis camerarii
o0201086.072b 1425 maggio 4 Promise to respect summons with guaranty. Text: Iohannes Pieri Vannis calzolarius de Ghanghalandi
o0202001.003e 1425 luglio 14 Drawing of the provost of the four cupola officials. Text: proxime futuris Paulus Vannis de Oricellariis cum
o0202001.007vg 1425 agosto 22 Occupation of piece of land in the Pisan countryside for dotal rights and right of recourse to Pisan citizen. Text: terra heredum ser Vannis Ferradi de Vico,
o0202001.007vg 1425 agosto 22 Occupation of piece of land in the Pisan countryside for dotal rights and right of recourse to Pisan citizen. Text: terra heredum Chelini Vannis Buttaglie de Cesano,
o0202001.019vd 1425/6 gennaio 2 Drawing of the provost of the cupola officials. Text: offitialium cupole Paulus Vannis de Oricellariis pro
o0202001.053g 1426/7 marzo 6 Oath of wardens. Text: iuramento corporali Bernardo Vannis de Vecchiettis et
o0202001.054c 1426/7 marzo 15 Drawing of the provost. Text: dicte Opere Bernardus Vannis de Vecchiettis de
o0202001.055d 1427 aprile 4 Hiring of masters and salary for the summer for those at the Opera and for those at Trassinaia. Text: Barbadoris et Bernardo Vannis de Vecchiettis eorum
o0202001.056c 1427 aprile 7 Term of payment for debt to leather dealer. Text: Corbinellis et Bernardus Vannis de Vecchiettis operarii
o0202001.056c 1427 aprile 7 Term of payment for debt to leather dealer. Text: statuerunt terminum Francischo Vannis coiario debitori Opere
o0202001.058d 1427 aprile 26 Drawing of the provost. Text: prefatorum operariorum Bernardus Vannis de Vecchiettis pro
o0202001.058f 1427 maggio 7 Oath of wardens and authority to the administrator for sale of kiln. Text: de Corbinellis Bernardus Vannis de Vecchiettis Iohannes
o0202001.059vf 1427 maggio 7 Account of the treasurer of the forced loans: unfinished act. Text: XXX iunii Paulo Vannis de Oricellariis camerario
o0202001.060a 1427 maggio 14 Confirmation of the administrator, the master builder and the scribe. Text: de Corbinellis Bernardus Vannis de Vecchiettis et
o0202001.060va 1427 maggio 17 Drawing of the provost. Text: dicte Opere Bernardus Vannis de Vecchiettis pro
o0202001.060vc 1427 maggio 28 Dispatch of the master builder with another master to Malmantile and election of the latter as administrator of the castle. Text: Vellutis et Bernardus Vannis de Vecchiettis operarii
o0202001.061a 1427 giugno 6 Drawing of the provost. Text: prefatorum operariorum Bernardus Vannis de Vecchiettis pro
o0202001.061b 1427 giugno 12 Concession of right of recourse to guarantor. Text: de Bischaris Bernardus Vannis de Vecchiettis Simon
o0202001.061ve 1427 giugno 17 Permit to to work in the Opera to stonecutters and permission to work outside the Opera for three days. Text: Vellutis et Bernardus Vannis de Vecchiettis operarii
o0202001.061vg 1427 giugno 21 Contract for mortar with advance on payment to be deducted on consignment. Text: de Serragliis Bernardus Vannis de Vecchiettis Donatus
o0202001.062f 1427 giugno 30 Order to the master builder for repairs to marble benches. Text: de Serragliis Bernardus Vannis de Vecchiettis Donatus
o0202001.064i 1427 agosto 5 Assignment of houses to new canons. Text: domini Batiste domini Vannis de Castellanis domino
o0202001.082vb 1428 maggio 5 Election of accountants for the audit of the records of the treasurer of the forced loans. Title: et Andree Iacobi Vannis
o0202001.082vb 1428 maggio 5 Election of accountants for the audit of the records of the treasurer of the forced loans. Text: et Andream Iacobi Vannis de Florentia.
o0202001.106f 1429 maggio 6 Letter about the dismissal of the notary of testaments of Pisa and the price of a rope. Text: prudentes viri Paulus Vannis de Oricellariis Iohannes
o0202001.106vc 1429 maggio 18 Letter to the vicar of val d' Elsa with notification of extension of the term for redemption of pawns. Text: de Popoleschiis Paulus Vannis de Oricellariis Gherardus
o0202001.106vg 1429 maggio 18 Transfer of the amount paid for carriage of marble, following the report of a warden charged with the matter. Text: facti per Paulum Vannis de Oricellariis unum
o0202001.108c 1429 giugno 16 Letter to the Podestà of Pisa for the audit of the account of the notary of testaments. Text: absentibus tamen Paulo Vannis de Oricellariis et
o0202001.108ve 1429 luglio 5 Letter to the Podestà of Pisa instructing him to consign the books pertaining to testamentary legacies and election of new official for testaments. Text: de Filicaria Paulus Vannis de Oricellariis Gherardus
o0202001.109va 1429 luglio 16 Term of payment to the Armorers' Guild for the purchase of houses from the Opera. Text: prudentes viri Paulus Vannis de Oricellariis Tomasius
o0202001.135a 1430 dicembre 29 Prohibition to register two deposits as income without authorization. Text: per Antonium Niccolai Vannis de Castellanis florenorum
o0202001.135va 1430/1 gennaio 16 Conditional release of a debtor. Text: et Pierum domini Vannis de Castellanis de
o0202001.135va 1430/1 gennaio 16 Conditional release of a debtor. Text: dicto Piero domini Vannis pro eo petenti
o0202001.140vc 1431 aprile 18 Temporary revocation of demand of payment for pardons of forced loans and new demand of payment or summons of the holders of the debtors' properties. Text: Vannes Niccolai ser Vannis
o0202001.144f 1431 giugno 28 Restitution of part of a deposit. Text: Antonium Niccolai Michaelis Vannis de Castellanis, videlicet
o0202001.169vi 1432 settembre 17 Term of payment with obligation of guaranty and release of an arrested person. Text: statuerunt terminum Stefano Vannis Ricoveri debitori Opere
o0202001.170a 1425 luglio 6 Authorization for a secret allocation of payment to an informer. Text: de Biliottis Bernardus Vannis de Vecchiettis et
o0202001.170b 1425 luglio 12 Authorization to spend funds for work on the houses of the canons and chaplains. Text: de Biliottis Bernardus Vannis de Vecchiettis comsules
o0202001.170vb 1425/6 febbraio 4 Order to follow in the continuation of the work on the cupola the report prepared by four experts on commission of all the responsible officials, whose text is quoted in full and approved, while reserving full authority to the wardens and cupola officials. Text: de Guaschonibus, Paulum Vannis de Oricellariis, Antonium
o0202001.171vf 1427 aprile 11 Prohibition to finance donations of food during the festivities of Easter and All Saints, except to six wardens, the notary and the treasurer. Text: prudentes viri Paulus Vannis de Oricellariis Andreas
o0202001.171vf 1427 aprile 11 Prohibition to finance donations of food during the festivities of Easter and All Saints, except to six wardens, the notary and the treasurer. Text: de Corbinellis Bernardus Vannis de Vecchiettis et
o0202001.178a 1432 giugno 6 Unfinished act. Text: de Arrigis Paulus Vannis de Oricellariis Andreas
o0202001.202f 1433 luglio 3 Declaration of debt for manufacture of a sink of marble and term of payment. Text: Cortigianis Alamannus Michaelis Vannis de Albizis Iohannis
o0202001.222va 1434 settembre 30 Authority to have marble conveyed from Carrara. Text: de Corsinis Paulus Vannis de Oricellariis Bernardus
o0202001.223g 1434 novembre 4 Term of payment to an arrested debtor. Title: Pro Stefano Vannis Ricoveri
o0202001.223g 1434 novembre 4 Term of payment to an arrested debtor. Text: statuerunt terminum Stefano Vannis Ricoveri debitori Opere
o0202001.224b 1434 novembre 18 Order to inscribe debtors in the debtors' registry. Text: de Corsinis Paulus Vannis de Oricellariis Bartolus
o0202001.224va 1434 dicembre 15 Salary set for masters. Text: de Corsinis Paulus Vannis de Oricellariis Dominicus
o0202001.225va 1434 dicembre 16 Authority to audit the account of a debtor. Text: et auctoritatem Paulo Vannis de Oricellariis, Bartolomeo
o0202001.225vc 1434 dicembre 17 Order for a trip to Lucca to obtain the permit to remove marble from Carrara. Text: exibendam per Paulum Vannis de Oricellariis unum
o0202001.226vg 1434/5 gennaio 30 Shifting of the banners from the high altar to the nave. Text: peragendis, absente Paulo Vannis de Oricellariis eorum
o0202001.247vc 1435/6 gennaio 25 Letter to the vicar of Vicopisano for the rights of the new hospital of Pisa over the properties of a rebel of the treaty of Vicopisano. Text: habet super bonis Vannis Cincii de Cutigliano
o0202001.253f 1436 aprile 30 Declaration of credit in favor of the new hospital of Pisa and letter to the vicar of Vicopisano. Text: et legiptimum creditorem Vannis Cincii de Cutigliano
o0202001.253f 1436 aprile 30 Declaration of credit in favor of the new hospital of Pisa and letter to the vicar of Vicopisano. Text: in bonis dicti Vannis pro dictis quantitatibus;
o0202001.254vi 1436 giugno 15 Consignment of wine to the new hospital of Pisa on the condition that it pay the testamentary legacies owed to the Opera. Text: vini de bonis Vannis Cincii de Cutigliano;
o0202001.256vf 1436 agosto 8 Letter to the vicar of Vico for the consignment either of properties belonging to a (rebel) or of a sum equal to their value. Title: Vici pro bonis Vannis Cincii
o0202001.256vf 1436 agosto 8 Letter to the vicar of Vico for the consignment either of properties belonging to a (rebel) or of a sum equal to their value. Text: venditorum de bonis Vannis Cincii de Cutigliano
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