Document |

 Date |

 Summary |

 Context of query |
1416/7 febbraio 19 |
Increase of the salary of the cantors. |
Text: habeant et habere intelligantur et debeant florenos |
1417 aprile 10 |
Permission to work outside the Opera. |
Text: laborandum secum non intelligantur propterea capsi ab |
1417 aprile 29 |
Salary set for two workers. |
Text: habeant et habere intelligantur et debeant quolibet |
1417 aprile 16 |
Permission to work outside the Opera. |
Text: Angelus voluerit non intelligantur propterea capsi, sed |
1417/8 febbraio 14 |
Prohibition to the masters to work outside the Opera without permission, with one exception. |
Text: quod predictam non intelligantur pro Blasio Segne |
1417/8 febbraio 25 |
Obligation to the messengers to pay a monthly contribution to a colleague. |
Text: presentes quam futuri intelligantur et debeant de |
1417/8 febbraio 26 |
Term for consignment of the names of the guarantors, on pain of dismissal from office. |
Text: Filippus de Bombenis intelligantur esse cassi si |
1418 aprile 6 |
Release of a person arrested for debt with arrest of his guarantors. |
Text: per predictam non intelligantur liberati alii eius |
1418 aprile 7 |
Release of a worker who has offended an officer, provided that he promise to pay the fine. |
Text: fideiussores qui fideiussores intelligantur obligati ad solvendam |
1418 giugno 30 |
Announcement of competition for supply of corbels. |
Text: quod dicti beccatelli intelligantur ex nunc locati |
1418 luglio 8 |
Revocation of salary allowances. |
Text: dari iam diu, intelligantur esse et sint |
1418 agosto 30 |
Term of payment for the Commune of Scarperia. |
Text: et hec non intelligantur pro fideiussore qui |
1418 dicembre 21 |
Permission to the ambassadors for the Commune of Pisa to return home and letter to the Captain of Pisa in order that he not harass them. |
Text: eorum officium oratores, intelligantur esse et sint |
1419 aprile 6 |
Authority to two wardens to oversee the work for the Pope's residence with the exception of the stairs. |
Text: habeant et habere intelligantur totam illam auctoritatem |
1419 aprile 10 |
Election of debt collectors. |
Text: Niccola Filippi exactores intelligantur esse et sint |
1419 giugno 22 |
Authorization to lend two big pulleys. |
Text: seu bene mutuati intelligantur duo carrucolones dicti |
1419 ottobre 30 |
Order to the debt collectors of take oath within eight days from the notification. |
Text: facere officium et intelligantur ab eorum officio |
1419 dicembre 18 |
Salary set for masters for the winter. |
Text: habeant et habere intelligantur et debeant a |
1420 giugno 28 |
Hiring of workforce and dismissal of stonecutters not useful for the construction of the cupola, which is about to begin. |
Text: ipsa eorum conducta intelligantur cassi atque remoti; |
1420 giugno 28 |
Hiring of workforce and dismissal of stonecutters not useful for the construction of the cupola, which is about to begin. |
Text: Opere sunt conducti intelligantur iterum conducti et |
1420 giugno 28 |
Hiring of workforce and dismissal of stonecutters not useful for the construction of the cupola, which is about to begin. |
Text: antea ex nunc intelligantur et sint cassi |
1420/1 febbraio 17 |
Sale of big fir logs previously transported to the Opera with excess transport costs at the expense of the purchaser. |
Text: et concessa fuerunt, intelligantur ex nunc ipsi |
1420/1 marzo 11 |
Sale of big logs with same conditions as previous transaction. |
Text: de dictis quattuor intelligantur et sint eidem |
1420/1 marzo 11 |
Scrutiny for the election of 4 accountants for the audit of the sums received by the treasurers and notaries of the new gabelles and forced loans. |
Text: partes vel ultra, intelligantur esse et sint |
1420/1 marzo 18 |
Sale of lumber to private person. |
Text: Caccia ex nunc intelligantur vendita et concessa |
1421 aprile 15 |
Sale of pawns to a second-hand dealer chosen as lowest bidder and approval of his guarantor. |
Text: quod Francisco predicto intelligantur et sint vendite |
1421 maggio 23 |
New term for debt for pardons of forced loans for unpaid installments. |
Text: servavit quantitatem debitam, intelligantur habere et habeant |
1421 giugno 3 |
Condemnation of debt collectors with dismissal from appointment for not have arrested a debtor. |
Text: C et ultra, intelligantur condepnati in libris |
1421 giugno 5 |
Arrest of 4 debtors drawn from the bag after notification and their sentence. |
Text: notificatione, alias cassi intelligantur ab eorum exercitio |
1421 giugno 26 |
Obligation of residence to the canons who do not live in the houses assigned within brief term, with new payment of tax and notification. |
Text: pro habitatione assignate intelligantur ex nunc dicto |
1421 aprile 9 |
Contract for broad bricks to a kilnman with advance of part of the payment. |
Text: minime teneantur, sed intelligantur pro dicto quinto |
1421 agosto 16 |
Assignment of part of the Pope's residence in Santa Maria Novella to the general of the order of San Domenico with agreements for restitution. |
Text: sibi per premissa intelligantur concessa quam sit |
1421 agosto 28 |
Ruling in favor of debtors regarding revoked term of payment. |
Text: deliberaverunt quod ipsi intelligantur et sint ad |
1421 ottobre 22 |
Term of payment for property gabelle of three years to the abbey of Trebbio with guaranty. |
Text: ulterius gravari, sed intelligantur et sint dicte |
1421 ottobre 22 |
Renewal of term of payment for forced loans and restitution of pawn. |
Text: et non solvit, intelligantur ad ipsum terminum |
1421 dicembre 16 |
Revocation of resolution in favor of debtors for herd livestock gabelle. |
Text: Tomme dicti loci, intelligantur revocate, et gravari |
1422 marzo 31 |
Notification to the owner of the mill of Ricorboli to have towed at his expense the log rafts left upstream from his weir, which is not provided with passageway for rafts. |
Text: Betti de perdita intelligantur et sint et |
1422 aprile 24 |
Authorization to the administrator to contract out the transport of log rafts from the port of Dicomano to that of San Francesco. |
Text: presentis fit mentio intelligantur et sint totaliter |
1422 aprile 29 |
New agreement for hoisting stones and other loads up to the cupola with a pair of oxen and revocation of previous contract. |
Text: dictis duobus mensibus intelligantur suspensa seu revocata. |
1422 maggio 5 |
Sale of 168 pawns and term of payment to the second-hand dealer who has purchased them. |
Text: Bartholomeo Simonis rigatterio intelligantur vendita et concessa |
1422 maggio 13 |
Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. |
Text: et sic solvendo intelligantur termini sibi adsignati |
1422 giugno 3 |
Rulings against large animals that enter in the forest, except oxen for towing lumber, and letter to the Podestà of Portico and Dicomano ordering them to proclaim the decree. |
Text: quod predicta non intelligantur pro bobus tractorum |
1422 giugno 3 |
Rulings against large animals that enter in the forest, except oxen for towing lumber, and letter to the Podestà of Portico and Dicomano ordering them to proclaim the decree. |
Text: sed inmictentur, sed intelligantur et sint domini |
1422 maggio 5 |
Contract for 1.600.000 broad bricks to be manufactured in four years in the Settimo kiln and relative guaranty. |
Text: qua quantitate inclusi intelligantur et sint floreni |
1422 luglio 10 |
Term of payment and release of arrested debtor. |
Text: presens florenum unum intelligantur sibi terminum adsignatum |
1422 agosto 4 |
Revocation of the previous resolution on the sale price of lumber and new ruling. |
Text: traino ex nunc intelligantur et sit totaliter |
1422 agosto 12 |
Commission to the administrator to contract out broad terracotta bricks. |
Text: sed bene obligati intelligantur et sint quicumque |
1422 agosto 26 |
Appraisal of pawn wrongfully requisitioned with debit to the debt collector, under penalty of dismissal from office. |
Text: eius officio cassi intelligantur et remoti. |
1422 ottobre 6 |
Election as guard of the forest of the son of the guard. |
Text: pretium, sed ambo intelligantur pro dicto salario |
1422 ottobre 29 |
Dismissal from office of debt collectors who gave to others the authority to demand payment in their place without permission and their pecuniary penalty. |
Text: Opere ex nunc intelligantur et sint ab |
1422 dicembre 2 |
Sale of lumber to Piero di Bernardo Della Rena. |
Text: vendantur et vendita intelligantur et tradantur quattuor |
1423 aprile 23 |
Cancellation of old contract for broad bricks for the cupola with price set for those already made and fired and new contract. |
Text: habeant et habere intelligantur libras decem et |
1423 luglio 29 |
Proclamation for sale of pawns. |
Text: petitionem operariorum vendi intelligantur secundum formam consuetam |
1423 luglio 29 |
Proclamation for sale of pawns. |
Text: possint et vendita intelligantur esse et sint. |
1423 novembre 18 |
Authorization to set the salary for unskilled workers. |
Text: positos et descriptum intelligantur esse et sint |
1425 luglio 3 |
Order to the administrator to enjoin, with term for restitution, those who hold things belonging to the Opera and oath of two wardens. |
Text: facerent modo predicto, intelligantur et sint ipso |
1425 luglio 30 |
Order to rent the Trassinaia quarry, except the part reserved by the owners, and compensation of damages made there. |
Text: heredibus dicti Ughonis intelligantur et sint reservate; |
1425 agosto 17 |
Confirmation of the terms of payment allowed to various debtors by the notary and the administrator. |
Text: provisorem dicte Opere intelligantur esse et sint |
1425/6 febbraio 15 |
Dismissal of debt collectors and election of new. |
Text: presenti mense februarii intelligantur et sint remoti |
1426 marzo 26 |
Order to the master stonecutters in the Opera and at Trassinaia to work at least eight days for every pay period, under penalty of dismissal. |
Text: alias sint et intelligantur capsi et remoti |
1426 aprile 30 |
Prohibition to the masters to work outside the Opera without permit and obligation to work at least eight days of every pay period. |
Text: quam prefate Opere intelligantur et sint capsi |
1426 maggio 15 |
Election of masters with agreement for delayed payment. |
Text: an non, et intelligantur reconducti pro sex |
1426 maggio 15 |
Dismissal of masters. |
Text: dictum tempus non intelligantur capsi sed elapsa |
1426 maggio 15 |
Dismissal of masters. |
Text: elapsa dicta die intelligantur et sint capsi |
1426 giugno 13 |
Acquittal of masters for inobservance of the resolutions of the wardens. |
Text: operariorum sint et intelligantur absoluti et liberati |
1426 agosto 16 |
Precept and term for payment to holder of sum owed to the Opera. |
Text: nuntios dicte Opere intelligantur et sint capsi |
1426 ottobre 17 |
Cancellation of debt and prohibition to demand payment because of exemption of the Commune of Peccioli from the new gabelles. |
Text: homines et persone intelligantur exempti, liberi et |
1426 ottobre 17 |
Cancellation of debt and prohibition to demand payment because of exemption of the Commune of Peccioli from the new gabelles. |
Text: Pecciolis sint et intelligantur exempti, liberi et |
1426/7 gennaio 28 |
Dispatch of master to the kiln of Settimo to count broad bricks and loan to kilnman against new supply of large broad bricks. |
Text: copertum, qui floreni intelligantur et sint stantiati |
1426/7 gennaio 28 |
Dispatch of master to the kiln of Settimo to count broad bricks and loan to kilnman against new supply of large broad bricks. |
Text: quinque, qui etiam intelligantur et sint stantiati |
1426/7 gennaio 28 |
Dispatch of master to the kiln of Settimo to count broad bricks and loan to kilnman against new supply of large broad bricks. |
Text: viginti quinque qui intelligantur et sint stantiati |
1426/7 febbraio 28 |
Authorization to the wardens to elect a master stonecutter each. |
Text: et quos eligerunt intelligantur per dictum offitium |
1427 aprile 8 |
Authority to warden to examine the petty expenses and authorize the allocation of funds for them. |
Text: per dictum Andream intelligantur et sint stantiate |
1427 luglio 23 |
Gift of two work days and then of two thirds of the full expense of making a sandstone trough given to the sons of Ugo Alessandri. |
Text: que quantitates prefate intelligantur stantiate per eorum |
1427 agosto 5 |
Permission to canons to remain in their old residences while considering their real residence to be in the Duomo. |
Text: in eorum domibus intelligantur facere in cattedrali |
1427 dicembre 30 |
Fine with term of payment, or of consignment, to defaulting suppliers of lumber. |
Text: fecerint lignamen Opere intelligantur et sint absoluti |
1428 maggio 14 |
Authorization to the master builder to have the foundations rebuilt at the castle of Malmantile. |
Text: rei prefati castri intelligantur et sint remote |
1428 giugno 4 |
Dispatch of warden and master builder to the forest to oversee cutting of lumber. |
Text: dicte Opere que intelligantur et sint stantiate |
1428 novembre 15 |
Prohibition to relatives of the new canons to stand the requested surety for payment of the tax on their houses. |
Text: si pur darent, intelligantur ac si non |
1428 novembre 18 |
Authorization to the master builder to order master masons and stonecutters to serve as unskilled workers and any of them to work on the cupola, on penalty of dismissal. |
Text: precepto, ipso facto intelligantur capsi et remoti |
1429 aprile 15 |
New contract with ox driver, with grant of loan to be deducted from his monthly salary. |
Text: qui decem floreni intelligantur et sint stantiati |
1429 giugno 16 |
Obligation to the masters to deposit their hammer and other tools with the scribe, under penalty of dismissal. |
Text: caputmagister Opere, alias intelligantur et sint capsi |
1429 luglio 29 |
Order to white marble suppliers to fulfill their contracts according to the terms foreseen and prohibition to make new commissions. |
Text: dicti offitii et intelligantur ipso facto a |
1429 dicembre 23 |
Order to warden to examine the petty expenses before their registration in the allocations book. |
Text: per eorum offitium intelligantur et sint stantiate |
1429/30 gennaio 26 |
Term of payment for debt to the Commune of Cortona. |
Text: tempore solvendam solvisse intelligantur infra dictum terminum. |
1430 settembre 18 |
Authorization to the wardens to nominate one master each. |
Text: Trassinarie, et nominati intelligantur remissi et conducti |
1431/2 marzo 3 |
Authority to a warden to solicit the supply of broad bricks and mortar. |
Text: omnes ex nunc intelligantur deliberate per eorum |
1431/2 marzo 23 |
Commission to a warden to attend to the forest. |
Text: per eum fiende intelligantur et sint stantiate |
1432 agosto 27 |
Order to have the masters work only on the cupola. |
Text: contra predicta fecerint intelligantur et sint ipso |
1427 agosto 4 |
Construction of houses in the cloister for new canons and permission to two of them to live outside until the completion of the work. |
Text: domibus eorum benefitiorum intelligantur stare et habitare |
1429 novembre 15 |
Order to the canons to come back to live in the cloister, under penalty of the revocation of the assignment of the houses. |
Text: superius scriptum est, intelligantur et sint ipso |
1429 novembre 15 |
Order to the canons to come back to live in the cloister, under penalty of the revocation of the assignment of the houses. |
Text: et prefatis domibus intelligantur et sint privati |
1432 novembre 19 |
Order to examine the petty expenses. |
Text: eorum offitium stantiate intelligantur et sint ipso |
1432 dicembre 9 |
Regulations for the accountants concerning the value of the florin to be applied to the audit of the accounts of the treasurers. |
Text: eorum salarium et intelligantur incidisse in penas |
1432 dicembre 9 |
Regulations for the accountants concerning the value of the florin to be applied to the audit of the accounts of the treasurers. |
Text: et ex nunc intelligantur et sint declarati |
1433 luglio 7 |
Authority to a warden for the election of debt collectors. |
Text: consueta gravamentorum, et intelligantur prefate quantitates pecunie |
1433 luglio 13 |
Order to six masters to continue to work in the Trassinaia quarry. |
Text: eorum partito, alias intelligantur capsi ipso facto. |
1433 dicembre 30 |
Authorization to the wardens to hire one master each. |
Text: offitium ordinando et intelligantur conducti ab eorum |
1434 aprile 30 |
Payment for transport of bricks. |
Text: Opera indigebat; et intelligantur stantiati per eum |
1434 maggio 15 |
Authorization to the notary to write to the rectors of the countryside against the debtors. |
Text: littere sic scribende intelligantur deliberate per eorum |
1434 settembre 10 |
Order for a trip to Campiglia to inspect marble. |
Text: stantiate ex nunc intelligantur et sint; et |
1435 aprile 23 |
Hiring of masters for work on the cupboards of the new sacristy with salary set. |
Text: amoti sint et intelligantur esse, videlicet: Magistrum |
1435 luglio 6 |
Obligation to the administrator and the notary of the Opera to notify the treasurers of the regulations of the Opera and transmit to the wardens and the foreign officer of the (Wool) Guild the names of the treasurers who fail to observe such regulations. |
Text: eorum offitii, et intelligantur prefati provisor et |
1435/6 marzo 19 |
Registration of a day's work less for six masters absent the day of the donation of the rose with obligation to be available on the day of the consecration of the Duomo. |
Text: et provisori, alias intelligantur capsi omnes magistri |
1436 marzo 26 |
Authority to the wardens concerning the validity of the resolutions made during the trip of their colleagues to Pisa and Vico. |
Text: civitate Florentie permanebunt intelligantur et sint ac |
1436 giugno 6 |
Prohibition to the masters and to any other person to have himself pulled up onto the top of the walls of the Duomo without permission of the wardens, under penalty of dismissal from his appointment. |
Text: partito, alias contrafacentes intelligantur capsi ab eorum |
1436 giugno 26 |
Contract for silver candlesticks. |
Text: novo fienda locata intelligantur per eorum offitium, |