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1-150 A151-300  A301-450  A451-600  A601-709 





Context of query
o0201078.027c 1421 aprile 26 Assignment to canon of house previously assigned to chaplains. Text: ... cappellani dicte ecclesie apta esset et
o0201078.028vc 1421 aprile 29 Authorization to the administrator to assign a dwelling to a chaplain. Text: ... cappellano dicte ecclesie pro eius habitatione
o0201079.030b 1421 ottobre 10 Concession of a humble dwelling to chaplain. Text: ... cappellano dicte ecclesie Sancte Marie del
o0202001.219c 1434 luglio 23 Assignment of two new houses to chaplains. Text: ... cappellano maioris ecclesie florentine unam domum
o0201086.012a 1425 aprile 18 Order to chaplain to evacuate a house. Text: ... cappellanus chatedralis ecclesie florentine disgombret quamdam
o0201081.026c 1422 ottobre 29 Ruling to expell chaplain from his house with his belongings because of unseemly frequentation. Text: ... cappellanus dicte ecclesie in quadam domo
o0201079.019c 1421 agosto 22 Assignment of house to chaplain who already lives there, since the duration of the previous assignment to an absent chaplain has elapsed. Text: ... cappellanus dicte ecclesie non fuerit reversus
o0201074.025vf 1418 ottobre 24 Esenzione from the new gabelles by resolution made by the office of the comptrollers. Text: 1414, in favorem ecclesie Sancti Angeli de
o0202001.145vf 1431 luglio 13 Revocation of demand of payment for forced loans pertaining to a farm on account of error of identity of person. Text: a II bona ecclesie Sancti Iacobi de
o0202001.201f 1433 giugno 22 Letter to the rectors of Pisa for restitution of marble. Text: ab operario Opere ecclesie maioris pisane certam
o0202001.111vi 1429 agosto 31 Authorization to the master builder to make the door of the cloister of the clergy. Text: ac clericorum maioris ecclesie florentine, prout eidem
o0202001.103va 1429 marzo 30 Authority to Brunelleschi and the master builder for the cloister of the canons and clerics. Text: ac clericos maioris ecclesie eo modo et
o0202001.127m 1430 maggio 19 Registration of the daily wages of masters employed on the seats of the main church. Text: acconcimine duorum sedilium ecclesie maioris pro amplificatione
o0201081.067va 1422 agosto 4 Payment for repairs to the organs. Text: acconciminis organorum dicte ecclesie florenos auri quindecim
o0201081.072e 1422 settembre 22 Payment for remaking and mending of the organs. Text: actandi organa dicte ecclesie Sancte Marie del
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: actento quod corpus ecclesie prefate erit pulcrius
o0201075.046va 1418/9 marzo 17 Payment for paintings of arms and other paintings for Santa Maria Novella. Text: ad claustrum dicte ecclesie et super portam
o0202001.127vg 1430 maggio 29 Letter to the Podestà of Pisa for debt and for removal of marble and letter to representative of the Opera soliciting the purchase of hemp and transport of stone slab from Vada. Text: ad instantiam operarii ecclesie maioris Pisarum de
o0202001.251ve 1436 aprile 3 Order to the master builder to build a stairway for the organist. Text: ad pulsandum orghana ecclesie maioris.
o0201075.028e 1419 maggio 15 Order to appraise the properties of a church and a chapel in Prato separately with deduction of that part of property gabelle already paid. Text: ad rationem ipsius ecclesie et bona dicte
o0202001.048vb 1426 dicembre 30 Attribution to the sacristy of all the oblations made to the church, to be spent according to the indications of the sacristy officials. Text: ad sacristiam dicte ecclesie, prout dictant etiam
o0202001.095c 1428 novembre 23 Assignment of house to chaplains. Text: Albiziis canonicus dicte ecclesie, non computando in
o0201077.058d 1419/20 febbraio 13 Payment for various expenditures. Text: alia porta dicte ecclesie; et soldos XXV
o0202001.219e 1434 luglio 27 Assignment of a house to a chaplain. Text: alicui cappellano dicte ecclesie pro eius habitatione,
o0202001.214vh 1434 aprile 20 Destruction of a lumber deposit in a stable in order that it serve as the meeting hall of the confraternity of Saint Zenobius. Text: aliorum cappellanorum dicte ecclesie.
o0202001.042vi 1426 ottobre 17 Authority to the administrator and to the master builder for repairs to the roofs of the houses of the canons, of the chaplains and of the clerics. Text: aliorum clericorum maioris ecclesie florentine, et pro
o0202001.170va 1425/6 gennaio 30 Authority to the wardens to limit the expenditures for the houses of canons, chaplains and priests. Text: aliorum presbiterorum maioris ecclesie florentine possint expendere
o0202001.177vc 1431 ottobre 10 Prohibition to lend things of the sacristy without permit of the wardens, consuls and sacristans appointed by the consuls, with some exceptions. Text: aliquid de sacristia ecclesie maioris florentine seu
o0201070.006vb 1416/7 febbraio 9 Reassignment of two dwellings of the chaplains. Text: alius cappellanus dicte ecclesie Sancte Marie del
o0202001.173va 1428 luglio 15 Approval of resolution for the construction of a tomb monument in a new chapel to be dedicated to Saint Zenobius. Text: altari maiori prefate ecclesie per lineam rectam
o0202001.244a 1435 novembre 26 Approval of the report made by some citizens nominated supervisors over the planning of the choir and high altar. Text: altaris maioris dicte ecclesie et cori ipsius
o0201077.062a 1420 marzo 27 Payment for various expenditures. Text: Amannato sacristano dicte ecclesie pro alloro pro
o0202001.219c 1434 luglio 23 Assignment of two new houses to chaplains. Text: Amselmo cappellano dicte ecclesie pro eius habitatione
o0202001.229vc 1435 aprile 4 Assignment of a house to a chaplain. Text: Amselmo Iohannis cappellano ecclesie maioris florentine domum
o0202001.216c 1434 maggio 4 Removal of the chains in the oculi of the facade. Text: anterioris navium corporis ecclesie maioris, ex eo
o0201078.038d 1421 giugno 6 Ruling for alterations to the house given to a canon with appraisal of the work in 15 florins. Text: Antilla canonici dicte ecclesie indiget pluribus acconciminibus
o0201079.072b 1421 luglio 31 Payment for supply of material and work for improvements to the house of canon. Text: Antilla canonici dicte ecclesie, videlicet Iohanni Antonii
o0202001.109va 1429 luglio 16 Term of payment to the Armorers' Guild for the purchase of houses from the Opera. Text: antiquus cappellanus dicte ecclesie a prefata Opera,
o0201070b.012va 1416/7 marzo 3 Term of payment for debt for new gabelles and subsequent release of the arrested person. Text: Antonius rector dicte ecclesie, qui est captus
o0201086.043c 1424/5 gennaio 29 Payment for the purchase of house in partial compensation for damages to the rector of Santa Cecilia. Text: apotecis destructis dicte ecclesie pro amplificatione facta
o0201086.043d 1424/5 gennaio 29 Payment for the purchase of land in partial compensation of damages to the rector of Santa Cecilia. Text: apotecis destructis dicte ecclesie pro amplificatione platee
o0201086.022c 1425 giugno 8 Authorization to the master builder to make repairs in house of canon and sacristan, spending six florins. Text: Arditi canonici cathedralis ecclesie florentine et in
o0202001.255vf 1436 giugno 28 Election of a chaplain inspector of the clergy. Text: Aretio cappellanum dicte ecclesie pro salario alias
o0202001.084vc 1428 maggio 18 Assignment of house to canon. Text: Aretio cappellanus dicte ecclesie et nuper assignatam
o0202001.149vd 1431 ottobre 4 Confiscation of the belongings of Piovano Arlotto left in an altar. Text: Arlotti cappellani prefate ecclesie, custodiantur per dictum
o0201073.007vd 1418 aprile 29 Assignment of house to the cantors and order to the previous occupant to evacuate. Text: assignata cantoribus dicte ecclesie videlicet: domino ...
o0202001.074vb 1427 dicembre 23 Authorization to make a study in the house of a canon. Text: Bandini canonici maioris ecclesie florentine pro faciendo
o0202001.070vd 1427 ottobre 30 Assignment to canon of a house that had belonged to another canon, who became archbishop of Cefalonia. Text: Bandini canonico maioris ecclesie florentine domum in
o0202001.111i 1429 agosto 20 Renewal of rental to doctor in law of house already granted to canon. Text: Banducci canonicus maioris ecclesie florentine cui fuerat
o0202001.107d 1429 giugno 1 Sale of study from demolished house. Text: Banduccii canonicus dicte ecclesie florentine pro eo
o0201079.049b 1421 dicembre 5 Order to canon to give back the third floor of the house where he lives to a sacristan who agrees to rebuild the stairs at his own expense. Text: Barnabe sacristano dicte ecclesie tertium palcum domus
o0202001.037e 1426 luglio 24 Assignment of dwelling to chaplain. Text: Bartoli cappellano maioris ecclesie florentine in cappella
o0202001.080vh 1428 aprile 23 Assignment of a house to a chaplain. Text: Bartolomeini cappellani dicte ecclesie ser Lapo cappellano
o0202001.132g 1430 settembre 27 Concession of a house to a chaplain. Text: Bartolomeo Andree cappellano ecclesie maioris florentine quamdam
o0202001.145vf 1431 luglio 13 Revocation of demand of payment for forced loans pertaining to a farm on account of error of identity of person. Text: Belloze, a IIII ecclesie Sancti Romuli de
o0201070b.016vd 1417 marzo 31 Term of payment for debt for gabelles to the church of San Quirico a Uliveta and letter with request for information about the true ownership of the properties concerned. Text: bona posita dicte ecclesie Santi Quirici et
o0201070b.016vd 1417 marzo 31 Term of payment for debt for gabelles to the church of San Quirico a Uliveta and letter with request for information about the true ownership of the properties concerned. Text: bona posita dicte ecclesie Santi Quirici quod
o0202001.153vb 1431/2 gennaio 29 Order to restore the bell tower and the church where the bridge was removed. Text: campanilis et faciem ecclesie maioris florentine, prout
o0202001.170va 1425/6 gennaio 30 Authority to the wardens to limit the expenditures for the houses of canons, chaplains and priests. Text: canonici dicte maioris ecclesie libras tredecim soldos
o0201086.002f 1424/5 gennaio 24 Loan of house to the Lenten preacher. Text: canonici dicte maioris ecclesie.
o0202001.004va 1425 luglio 30 Assignment of house to chaplain with obligation of evacuate it in accordance with the will of the Opera. Text: canonico dicte chatedralis ecclesie, tunc et eo
o0202001.071d 1427 ottobre 30 Assignment of house to canon. Text: canonico dicte maioris ecclesie florentine in casu
o0202001.174vc 1428/9 febbraio 25 Authority to the wardens of make repairs to the houses of the canons and chaplains. Text: canonicorum et cappellanorum ecclesie maioris et pro
o0202001.108l 1429 giugno 16 Paving of road and obligation to the interested parties to pay their relative dues. Text: canonicorum et cappellanorum ecclesie maioris fecisse certas
o0202001.104d 1429 aprile 12 Alterations to the houses of the canons and chaplains, as indicated by the wardens, written by the administrator and signed by the notary of the Opera. Text: canonicorum et cappellanorum ecclesie maioris Florentie denotatas
o0202001.100vb 1428/9 gennaio 28 Authorization to register the daily wages of workers employed on the houses of the priests and canons. Text: canonicorum et cappellanorum ecclesie maioris Florentie usque
o0202001.106b 1429 aprile 21 Order to plaster the wall around the houses of the canons and chaplains with removal of the outside street benches. Text: canonicorum et cappellanorum ecclesie maioris pro altitudine
o0201075.004a 1418/9 gennaio 25 Rent of house for two years with six months' notice in case of demolition to make room for the cloister of the canons and chaplains. Text: canonicorum et cappellanorum ecclesie Sancte Marie del
o0202001.108vd 1429 giugno 16 Order to circumscribe with a cord the area with the houses yet to be demolished for the cloistering of the canons. Text: canonicorum et clericorum ecclesie maioris sufficientem et
o0202001.004va 1425 luglio 30 Assignment of house to chaplain with obligation of evacuate it in accordance with the will of the Opera. Text: canonicus dicte chathedralis ecclesie, a II domini
o0202001.048vb 1426 dicembre 30 Attribution to the sacristy of all the oblations made to the church, to be spent according to the indications of the sacristy officials. Text: capituli dicte maioris ecclesie, et considerantes quod
o0202001.071vg 1427 novembre 5 Authorization to the administrator to rent out a house for a chaplain. Text: cappellano dicte maioris ecclesie.
o0202001.132c 1430 settembre 27 Assignment of a house to a chaplain. Text: cappellano prefate maioris ecclesie et in qua
o0202001.103vi 1429 aprile 5 Registration of the days worked by workers for the closing off of the houses of the canons, chaplains and clerics. Text: cappellanorum et clericorum ecclesie maioris et in
o0202001.110h 1429 luglio 20 Authorization to the administrator to sell houses to the Armorers' Guild. Text: cappellanus antiquus dicte ecclesie, pro pretio librarum
o0202001.126vq 1430 maggio 2 Appeal to the consuls of the Wool Guild for the model of the chapels and the whole church and for the alterations to the kitchen and the houses of the clergy. Text: cappellarum et totius ecclesie et necessitatem acconciminis
o0201080.073f 1422 giugno 16 Balance of payment for 1561 chestnut flat boards for the chapels. Text: cappellas tribune dicte ecclesie pro pretio denariorum
o0201086.022c 1425 giugno 8 Authorization to the master builder to make repairs in house of canon and sacristan, spending six florins. Text: cappelle dicte maioris ecclesie de Bischaris et
o0202001.082e 1428 aprile 30 Repairs to the roof, well and latrines of the house of a canon. Text: Capponibus canonici dicte ecclesie prout sibi videbitur
o0202001.099e 1428/9 gennaio 11 Approval of guarantor for tax on house. Text: Capponibus canonici maioris ecclesie florentine Lanfredinum da
o0202001.192e 1432 dicembre 9 Debit to a blacksmith for firings lost through his fault. Text: catenas pro fortificatione ecclesie maioris.
o0202001.178vc 1434 aprile 12 Construction of a house and assignment of the same to a canon. Text: Cavalcantibus canonico dicte ecclesie pro eo tempore
o0201072.016ve 1417/8 febbraio 1 Payment of interest for credit acknowledged for properties demolished. Text: certis bonis devastatis ecclesie Sancte Cecilie.
o0202001.192f 1432 dicembre 9 Assignment of lodgings to the canons. Text: Chavalcantibus canonicus dicte ecclesie eligeret eamdem domum
o0201070b.085e 1416/7 marzo 9 Arrest for debt for property gabelle of San Cristoforo a Strada. Text: Chiarus rector dicte ecclesie recommendatus Potestati. Die
o0202001.063ve 1427 luglio 30 Term of payment to the collegiate church of Sant'Angelo a Nebbiano. Text: Chochi rectori dicte ecclesie debitori Opere in
o0202001.118vb 1429 dicembre 12 Authorization to chaplain to keep his mother with him. Text: Christofanum Tinghi cappellanum ecclesie maioris florentine pro
o0201078.002a 1420 dicembre 21 Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: civitatis Florentie cathedralis ecclesie florentine pro tempore
o0201084.030a 1423/4 gennaio 12 Contract for management of the Opera's pawns. Text: civitatis Florentie katredalis ecclesie florentine simul in
o0202001.140a 1431 marzo 27 Removal of the earth between the church and the chapter, reconstruction of the tombs destroyed there, completion of the paving of the door of the chapter and construction of a sewer. Text: claustri capituli dicte ecclesie et quod est
o0202001.219e 1434 luglio 27 Assignment of a house to a chaplain. Text: claustro cappellanis dicte ecclesie seu unam ex
o0202001.172va 1427 agosto 4 Construction of houses in the cloister for new canons and permission to two of them to live outside until the completion of the work. Text: claustrum canonicorum dicte ecclesie pro faciendo continuam
o0202001.172va 1427 agosto 4 Construction of houses in the cloister for new canons and permission to two of them to live outside until the completion of the work. Text: claustrum dicte maioris ecclesie et quod stando
o0202001.175b 1429 maggio 12 Authority to the wardens for the demolition of houses near those bought from the Visdomini, at the entrance of the Opera. Text: clausura clericorum maioris ecclesie florentine et pro
o0202001.174vd 1428/9 febbraio 25 Prohibition to exceed the sum foreseen for work in the houses of the canons, chaplains and clerics. Text: clericorum dicte maioris ecclesie nisi primo et
o0201086.023a 1425 giugno 19 Permission to bury Gilio Pecori in church at the expense of his heirs. Text: clericos dicte maioris ecclesie sine aliquo eorum
o0201081.026va 1422 ottobre 29 Assignment of house to canon. Text: Colucci canonico dicte ecclesie tamquam antiquiori illam
o0201072.037a 1417 novembre 19 Arrests for debts. Text: Communis Pozi et ecclesie Sancti Iacobi a
o0202001.198vb 1433 maggio 19 Nomination of Brunelleschi and of the master builder to follow the work of the chains for the fortification of the church. Text: completas pro fortificatione ecclesie veteris, et ipsas
o0201079.040vc 1421 novembre 5 Permission to a stonecutter to work outside the Opera. Text: compleverit oculum ipsius ecclesie et postea ad
o0202001.250c 1435/6 marzo 9 Contract to master carpenters for an elevated platform to be built from Santa Maria Novella to the Duomo on the occasion of the consecration. Text: consegratione dicte catthedralis ecclesie, pro pretio librarum
o0202001.248vc 1435/6 febbraio 17 Election of painters and advance on payment to them for the apostles to be executed for the consecration of the Duomo. Text: consegratione fienda dicte ecclesie, et mutuentur eis
o0202001.107vg 1429 giugno 3 Authorization to order 6 beautiful copes on credit at the request of the conservators of the sacristy. Text: conservatores sacristie maioris ecclesie florentine in effectum
o0202001.137vf 1430/1 febbraio 24 Declaration of innocence of a chaplain accused of unseemly acts. Text: consulibus contra honorem ecclesie et in dedecus
o0202001.135vb 1430/1 gennaio 16 Authorization for the construction of the kitchen of the clergy. Text: coquinam clericorum capituli ecclesie chattedralis prout designata
o0202001.176vc 1430 dicembre 19 Authorization to build a new kitchen for the chapter. Text: coquinam clericorum capituli ecclesie maioris florentine ad
o0202001.215a 1434 aprile 20 Authorization to commission a glass oculus of the cupola over the chapel of Saint Zenobius. Text: coram corpore veteris ecclesie secundum designum factum
o0202001.250vd 1435/6 marzo 15 Order to the master builder to remove part of the choir for the consecration of the Duomo. Text: cori veteris dicte ecclesie, prout fuit et
o0202001.037b 1426 luglio 17 Term of payment to the rector of the church of San Salvestro. Text: Cristofano Tomasii rectori ecclesie Sancti Silvestri de
o0202001.034c 1426 giugno 5 Assignment of a house to a chaplain. Text: Cristofanus ... dicte ecclesie cappellanus ad habitandum,
o0201073.022va 1418 giugno 17 Payment for the rent of a house. Text: cuiusdam domus dicte ecclesie Sancti Benedicti in
o0202001.172va 1427 agosto 4 Construction of houses in the cloister for new canons and permission to two of them to live outside until the completion of the work. Text: cum capitulo dicte ecclesie et considerantes quod
o0201079.017e 1421 agosto 20 Authorization to the 4 cupola officials to hire workers for the cupola, set their salary and attend to the provision of oak and bars for sandstone blocks as needed for the work. Text: cupola maiori dicte ecclesie illam quantitatem magistrorum
o0201080.055va 1421/2 marzo 12 Contract for broad bricks and guaranty. Text: cupola maiori dicte ecclesie in forma et
o0201078.062c 1421 aprile 30 Contract for broad bricks to kilnmen with advance of part of the payment. Text: cupola maiori dicte ecclesie in forma et
o0201078.059va 1421 aprile 5 Contract to three stonecutters to quarry stones for the cupola in the Trassinaia quarry. Text: cupola maiori dicte ecclesie in podio Vincigliate
o0201081.056a 1422 agosto 28 Contract to kilnman of broad terracotta bricks with advance of part payment. Text: cupola maiori dicte ecclesie Sancte Marie del
o0202001.171vc 1426/7 gennaio 28 Election of the supervisors of the great cupola. Text: cupole dicte maioris ecclesie et Opere, Filippum
o0201077.066c 1420 aprile 24 Payment to Brunelleschi for all of his inventions and work dedicated to making the main cupola. Text: cupole maioris dicte ecclesie florenos auri decem
o0201080.017va 1421/2 marzo 13 Rulings for reduction of the weight of the cupola through narrowing of the corner piers and change to brick construction. Text: cupole maioris dicte ecclesie invicem in palatio
o0201078.062a 1421 aprile 21 Contract for transport of 200 sandstone blocks from the Trassinaia quarry for chain of the main cupola. Text: cupole maioris dicte ecclesie per magistros ipsos
o0201079.029a 1421 ottobre 3 Authority to a warden to cancel a contract for sandstone blocks for the chain of the main cupola. Text: cupole maioris dicte ecclesie pro certo pretio
o0201078.071d 1421 aprile 16 Salary allowance of Filippo Brunelleschi supervisor of the cupola. Text: cupole maioris dicte ecclesie pro eius provisione
o0201077.034a 1420 aprile 16 Election of the supervisors of the cupola with salary set and election of master masons. Text: cupole maioris dicte ecclesie, considerantes qualiter super
o0201079.067vd 1421 luglio 18 Payment to Filippo Brunelleschi for his ingenuity in making the new hoisting machine. Text: cupole maioris dicte ecclesie, una cum Simone
o0201081.035b 1422 dicembre 30 Salary of Brunelleschi supervisor of the cupola. Text: cupule maioris dicte ecclesie pro eius salario
o0202001.048vb 1426 dicembre 30 Attribution to the sacristy of all the oblations made to the church, to be spent according to the indications of the sacristy officials. Text: cura sacristiarum maioris ecclesie florentine, per quas
o0202001.140a 1431 marzo 27 Removal of the earth between the church and the chapter, reconstruction of the tombs destroyed there, completion of the paving of the door of the chapter and construction of a sewer. Text: dampno ad decorem ecclesie m[aior]is florentine exterrari
o0201085.006vc 1424 dicembre 9 Term of payment to canon for property gabelle of the priests. Text: Davanzatis canonicus maioris ecclesie florentine debitor Opere
o0202001.121vd 1429/30 gennaio 24 Revocation of concession of dwelling to chaplain and new assignment. Text: de Aretio cappellano ecclesie maioris et de
o0202001.084vg 1428 maggio 21 Assignment of a house to a chaplain. Text: de Citerna cappellano ecclesie maioris domum in
o0202001.088e 1428 luglio 15 Assignment of a house to a chaplain. Text: de Citerna cappellano ecclesie maioris florentine domum
o0202001.085d 1428 maggio 26 Authorization to sell lumber salvaged from the church of San Simone. Text: de domibus destructis ecclesie Sancti Simonis de
o0201079.072a 1421 agosto 22 Compensation to messer Benozzo Federighi canon and rector of Santa Cecilia for properties destroyed to make the square of the Signori. Text: de Federigis rectori ecclesie Sancte Cecilie super
o0202001.103vd 1429 aprile 5 Assignment of house to chaplain, pending approval of the Wool Guild. Text: de Larciano cappellano ecclesie maioris domum alias
o0202001.100vf 1428/9 gennaio 28 Assignment of a house to a chaplain. Text: de Larciano cappellano ecclesie maioris domum de
o0202001.150b 1431 ottobre 5 Reinstatement of a chaplain. Text: de Larciano cappellanum ecclesie maioris, ita quod
o0202001.226e 1434/5 gennaio 12 Shifting of banners and standards and cleaning of the nave and aisles. Text: de medio corporis ecclesie et ubi sunt
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: de medio dicte ecclesie pro evitando prefata
o0202001.121vh 1429/30 gennaio 26 Salary set for the master of the model of the Duomo. Text: de novo fit ecclesie maioris.
o0202001.085vi 1428 giugno 15 Order for arrest and subsequent incarceration of Florentine notary, guilty of protesting a canon. Text: de novo maioris ecclesie et in Stincis
o0202001.076va 1427/8 gennaio 14 Repairs to the roof of the house of a canon. Text: de Pecoris canonici ecclesie maioris non expendendo
o0201077.036vb 1420 aprile 24 Rent of a house to a courtier. Text: de Pistorio cappellano ecclesie et postea per
o0202001.147vc 1431 agosto 21 Assignment of a house to a chaplain. Text: de Prato cappellano ecclesie maioris florentine unam
o0202001.097c 1428 novembre 29 Approval of guarantor of canon. Text: de Rondinellis canonici ecclesie catthedralis Florentie Matteum
o0202001.214vd 1434 aprile 14 Alterations to the house and to the stable of a canon to enable the construction of two houses for chaplains. Text: de Spinis canonici ecclesie maioris florentini hoc
o0202001.218c 1434 giugno 17 Order to complete the model of the cupola and of the lantern. Text: debeat complere modellum ecclesie et cupole magne
o0202001.048vc 1426 dicembre 30 Credit to the sacristy of legacies and taxes in its favor. Text: debent sacristie prefate ecclesie deinceps per camerarium
o0202001.235vo 1435 giugno 14 Election of six citizens to examine the models and determine the place where the choir should be built. Text: debet corus dicte ecclesie, primo et ante
o0201078.002va 1420/1 gennaio 9 Oath of wardens and drawing of the provost. Text: del Fiore cathedralis ecclesie florentine invicem in
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