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A1-150  A151-300  A301-450  A451-600  A601-750  A751-900  A901-1050  1051-1200 A1201-1205 





Context of query
o0201081.011vd 1422 agosto 14 Commission to administrator, master builder and scribe to declare the price of the loads hoisted up to the main cupola. Text: sibi debiti nulla est facta declaratio, conmiserunt
o0201078.041b 1421 giugno 13 Ruling in accordance with custom in favor of a unskilled worker wounded in the head by a stone. Text: sicut sibi solutum est pro die quo
o0201077.046vd 1420 giugno 28 Authorization to cut half of the lumber of the forest and concession of a part of the same to Simone Strozzi for private use. Text: silva posito quod est consuetum et conducendo
o0202001.102a 1428/9 gennaio 9 Acceptance of legal counsel given on house of the Cortigiani. Text: solutum acceptis, id est excepta tanta quantitate
o0201075.003c 1418/9 gennaio 11 Cancellation of double registration for forced loans. Text: solutus sed cancellatus; est in quarterio Sancte
o0202001.032ve 1426 maggio 15 Dismissal of masters. Text: solvatur, prout consuetum est et usque ad
o0202001.118b 1429 novembre 29 Authorization to cut a shaft in the forest. Text: solvendo Opere quod est consuetum.
o0201075.003c 1418/9 gennaio 11 Cancellation of double registration for forced loans. Text: solvit, ita quod est in eadem summa
o0202001.167vc 1432 agosto 14 Notification to the treasurers (of the Commune) to pay money due in accordance with the statutes. Text: speculum Communis ut est per provisiones prefatas
o0202001.215g 1434 aprile 22 Prohibition to destroy a house until the construction of another. Text: stare ut conveniens est.
o0202001.015vc 1425 novembre 23 Letter to the Podestà of Vicopisano instructing him to demand payment of debtor for a piece of land located at Cesano, which is the object of litigation with the Opera. Text: stariorum ubi non est ficus.
o0201070b.012ve 1416/7 marzo 3 Term of payment to the guarantor of the parish of Santo Stagio di Acone, his release and letter to the Podestà with injunction of payment. Text: Staxii de Acone est captus, non relapsetur
o0201070b.010f 1416/7 febbraio 26 Release of person arrested for paternal debt because he is a minor and has renouced the inheritance. Text: Stefani, relapsetur, quia est minoris etatis et
o0202001.206e 1433 ottobre 9 Registration of the days worked by a master to carry out a trip to the forest. Text: stetit et reversus est pro dicta de
o0202001.219b 1434 luglio 23 Rent of a house and evacuation order to whoever is temporarily occupying it. Text: sua conservatione melius est ipsam cuidam locare
o0201077.023b 1419/20 febbraio 26 Correction of account entry written twice and term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: sub nomine Iohannis est descriptus in soldis
o0201086.017vc 1425 maggio 21 Confirmation of the contract made to the masters of the castle of Malmantile and here transcribed and undersigned by the interested parties, because it had not been copied by the previous notary. Text: subscriptionum tenor talis est, videlicet: Al nome
o0201076.011va 1419 agosto 31 Deduction of forced loans paid in the property gabelle. Text: sui populi, et est etiam descriptus in
o0201076.006ve 1419 luglio 19 Revocation of demand of payment for debt for forced loans to person determined not to be heir. Text: sui, quia non est suus heres et
o0201079.043vb 1421 novembre 21 Cancellation of debt for gabelle for herd livestock. Text: summa ipse Iacobus est descriptus debitor in
o0201070b.017i 1417 aprile 6 Purchase of kids for the wardens for Easter. Text: sumptibus Operis, ut est consuetum etc.
o0201082.013a 1423 aprile 28 Correction and reduction of contract with kilnmen. Text: sunt et scriptum est; et volentes utiliter
o0201075.029a 1419 maggio 20 Order to modify the stairs of the Pope's residence in accordance with the model of Ghiberti. Text: sunt, videlicet ubi est cappella Sancti Niccolai,
o0202001.194b 1432 dicembre 19 Exchange of fir lumber. Text: suo ut dictum est bonum, predictam permutationem
o0201070b.006vd 1416/7 febbraio 9 Term of payment to the clergy of Montepulciano for property gabelle, ruling in favor of the Hermits of the Angeli, possessors of properties in said Commune, and letter to the Podestà of Montepulciano for demand payment of the debtors. Text: suorum, si sic est quod deliberatio fuerit
o0202001.158vc 1432 aprile 24 Authorization to transfer the altarpiece of the Guild of the Masters to another altar and permission to have mass celebrated there. Text: super altari quod est penes portam per
o0201081.070d 1422 agosto 14 Payment to silk dealers for a girdle to be placed on the Virgin of the portal towards the Servites. Text: super ianuam que est versus ecclesiam Sancte
o0202001.015vc 1425 novembre 23 Letter to the Podestà of Vicopisano instructing him to demand payment of debtor for a piece of land located at Cesano, which is the object of litigation with the Opera. Text: super quibus non est ficus que pertinent
o0201072.014c 1417/8 gennaio 19 Revocation of tax on properties. Text: super quibus posita est eis certa prestantia
o0202001.015vc 1425 novembre 23 Letter to the Podestà of Vicopisano instructing him to demand payment of debtor for a piece of land located at Cesano, which is the object of litigation with the Opera. Text: super quo non est ficus et vicine
o0202001.158f 1432 aprile 16 Commission to contract out four stained glass windows in the tribune of Saint Zenobius. Text: super tribuna ubi est cappella Sancti Zenobii
o0201082.002a 1422/3 gennaio 14 Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: superius apparet. Hic est liber sive quaternus
o0201081.030a 1422 novembre 24 Cancellation of debt for herd livestock because the debtor resides in place exempt from taxation, according to the attestation of his commune of residence. Text: supra fit mentio est facta, volentes predictorum
o0201079.031ve 1421 ottobre 11 Term for consignment to lumber suppliers with penalty for every towload not conveyed. Text: supra proxime deliberatum est de conducta Bonaiuti
o0201077.034va 1420 aprile 16 Authorization to buy a house. Text: supradicta et necesse est ipsam domum pro
o0201075.009b 1418/9 febbraio 14 Term of payment with release of arrested person. Text: suprascriptis fratribus qui est captus dicta de
o0201075.008c 1418/9 febbraio 11 Term of payment with release of arrested person. Text: suus fideiussor qui est captus dicta de
o0202001.173va 1428 luglio 15 Approval of resolution for the construction of a tomb monument in a new chapel to be dedicated to Saint Zenobius. Text: tamen ut dictum est videri, et quod
o0202001.234e 1435 maggio 17 Term of payment to a kilnman guarantor of the baptismal parish of San Giovanni in Sugana with possibility of payment with supply of mortar. Text: tantam calcem quanta est quantitas pecunia quam
o0201082.007va 1422/3 marzo 16 Approval of contract with hoister of loads to the cupola. Text: tantum et scriptum est.
o0202001.019d 1425 dicembre 24 Term of payment. Text: tasse ipsius, que est florenorum ducentorum quadraginta
o0201070.003g 1416/7 gennaio 14 Release of an arrested person and new deadline for a debt of the Commune of Pisa. Text: tenetur et obligatum est Operi suprascripto relapsetur
o0201077.013vb 1419/20 gennaio 31 Release of a person arrested for debt. Text: tenetur et obligatus est Antonius Miccaelis Schezone
o0201080.021vd 1422 marzo 31 Cessation of harassment and exemption from debt for property gabelle by resolution of the office of the comptrollers. Text: tenetur et obligatus est Bartolomeus Bandini Ciuriani
o0201079.027vc 1421 ottobre 1 Ruling to assure collection of debts, assignment of terms and payments in grape harvest time. Text: tenetur et obligatus est duraturum uno mense
o0201081.012d 1422 agosto 14 Revocation of demand of payment for forced loans because of renunciation of inheritance. Text: tenetur et obligatus est Miccael olim pater
o0201079.057a 1421 settembre 24 Contract for broad terracotta bricks and of corner-pieces. Text: tenetur et obligatus est occasione dicte veteris
o0201078.016vb 1421 marzo 28 Advance of payment to kilnman for supply of broad bricks. Text: tenetur et obligatus est vigore conducte suprascripte;
o0201081.033d 1422 dicembre 15 Promise of the guarantor to present himself at the Stinche prison as substitute or to pay for the arrested guardian of the pawns. Text: tenetur et obligatus est, possit et debeat
o0202001.041vf 1426 ottobre 2 Letter to the Podestà of Montelupo for demand of payment of debtors. Text: tenetur et obligatus est.
o0201082.007a 1422/3 marzo 9 Term of payment for pardons of forced loans with release of the arrested debtor and guaranty. Text: tenetur et obligatus est; et deficiendo solutionem
o0202001.211i 1433/4 marzo 1 Revocation of demand of payment and restitution of a pawn to a nobleman of the countryside. Text: tenetur nec obligatus est dicte Opere pro
o0202001.240vm 1435 settembre 13 Restitution of pawns to holder of properties of an enjoined person because not held to pay. Text: tenetur nec obligatus est dictus Orlandus.
o0201070b.055va 1416/7 marzo 12 Guaranty for the person arrested for the debt of the confraternity of San Martino a Gangalandi. Text: tenetur vel obligatus est ad solvendum, ita
o0202001.145ve 1431 luglio 11 Copy of the order slip of the Signori with the order to clear out the street where the jetties have been demolished. Text: tenoris suprascripti bullettini est ista videlicet: MCCCCXXXI
o0201070.013vf 1416/7 marzo 24 Payment for the towing of firwood from the water to the Opera. Text: terram quorum unum est pro tribus de
o0202001.015vc 1425 novembre 23 Letter to the Podestà of Vicopisano instructing him to demand payment of debtor for a piece of land located at Cesano, which is the object of litigation with the Opera. Text: terre super quo est ficus et quod
o0202001.015vc 1425 novembre 23 Letter to the Podestà of Vicopisano instructing him to demand payment of debtor for a piece of land located at Cesano, which is the object of litigation with the Opera. Text: terre super quo est ficus magna pertinuisse
o0202001.015vc 1425 novembre 23 Letter to the Podestà of Vicopisano instructing him to demand payment of debtor for a piece of land located at Cesano, which is the object of litigation with the Opera. Text: terre super quo est ficus prout erat
o0202001.015vc 1425 novembre 23 Letter to the Podestà of Vicopisano instructing him to demand payment of debtor for a piece of land located at Cesano, which is the object of litigation with the Opera. Text: terre super quo est ficus, quod petium
o0201079.052vb 1421 dicembre 23 Term of payment for balance of gabelles in part cancelled on grounds of penury to the Commune of Cortona and letter to the Priors of the city of Cortona for collection of the debt. Text: tertii anni que est librarum sex milium
o0201076.020vc 1419 ottobre 21 Gift of geese for All Saints. Text: testamentorum, ut hactenus est consuetum etc.
o0201085.006c 1424 dicembre 9 Increase of salary to the administrator of Lastra and Malmantile to permit the use of a horse when going back and forth between the castles. Text: tollerat et tollerandus est vigore dicti sui
o0201078.026vd 1421 aprile 18 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle. Text: Tonda, qui gravatus est ad solvendum in
o0202001.213h 1434 aprile 10 Exchange of the bell from the Verrucola with the baptismal parish of Campoli. Text: totidem metallo quod est ad pondus dicta
o0201076.076b 1419 novembre 21 Guaranty for the monastery of San Giorgio of Pontorme for debt for property gabelle. Text: totum quod scriptum est pro debitore, nisi
o0201079.039b 1421 ottobre 31 Reduction of confiscation of revenues received by treasurer of the new gabelles of the Commune. Text: tante quantitatis quantum est sequestrum sibi factum,
o0201079.009vc 1421 luglio 31 Revocation of demand of cash payment to debtor kilnmen for advance on supply to be repaid with mortar and restitution of pawn after having paid the messenger. Text: tradere sed difficile est eisdem pecunias persolvere,
o0202001.193vf 1432 dicembre 18 Price fixed for lumber sold to the Sapienza. Text: trayno, quod residuum est sold(orum) viginti quinque
o0201086.011a 1425 aprile 14 Term of payment to debtor for tare on mortar for the castles of Lastra and Malmantile with guaranty. Text: tres in quibus est debitor Opere pro
o0201079.022va 1421 agosto 30 Right of recourse to the parish of San Giovanni of Senni for debt for new property gabelles. Text: tres, et conveniens (est) quod eidem populo
o0201077.044vf 1420 giugno 15 Election of supervisors of the forest to repair the damages caused in it by lack of surveillance. Text: tum quia assertum est plura dapna in
o0202001.108l 1429 giugno 16 Paving of road and obligation to the interested parties to pay their relative dues. Text: ubi ad presens est coquina presbiterorum, que
o0202001.173va 1428 luglio 15 Approval of resolution for the construction of a tomb monument in a new chapel to be dedicated to Saint Zenobius. Text: ubi ad presens est fuit translatus, videlicet
o0201084.005vb 1423/4 febbraio 11 Contract for figure previously commissioned to Giovanni di Bartolo, absent from Florence for debts, to Bernardo Ciuffagni with notification to the brother of said Giovanni to declare the expenditures incurred by Rosso in cutting it from the "masso" and transporting it to the port. Text: ubi ad presens est, mictatur pro fratre
o0202001.035a 1426 giugno 7 Letter to the Lord of Lucca requesting him to permit the transit of white marble suppliers up to the sea. Text: ubi alias solitus est conduci.
o0202001.166c 1432 luglio 18 Authority to the wardens to cancel debts for forced loans, with restitution of pawns. Text: ubi apparet et est descriptus debitor Opere
o0202001.132vd 1430 ottobre 3 Revocation of demand of payment, on condition, in accordance with a legal counsel. Text: ubi apparet et est descriptus debitor pro
o0201086.030a 1424/5 gennaio 30 Contract for transport of white marble from Carrara with advance on payment. Text: ubi conduci solitus est hinc ad per
o0202001.004vg 1425 agosto 7 Commission to notary of draw up an act of donation of dotal properties in favor of the Opera. Text: ubi dicta domina est et roget instrumentum
o0202001.190vf 1432 novembre 27 Precept to make restitution to the heirs of a treasurer. Text: ubi dictus Francischus est debitor Opere in
o0202001.086vi 1428 luglio 5 Agreements for the resolution of a lumber supply interrupted because of the war with partition between the suppliers and the Opera of the damages suffered because of the abandonment of cut lumber Text: ubi fuit et est questio de silva
o0202001.255vi 1436 giugno 28 Authority for the destruction of the painting representing John Hawkwood. Text: Uccello, quia non est pictus ut decet.
o0202001.082va 1428 maggio 5 Notification to the Alessandri heirs of the forthcoming restitution of the shed and garden held in loan against security, in accordance with the ten-year agreements signed with their father. Text: Ughonem emptum, quod est coram prefata Opera
o0201070b.085vm 1416/7 marzo 22 Arrest for debt for forced loans. Text: ultima prestantia non est obligatus Paulus Antonii
o0202001.232vb 1435 aprile 29 Payment for the purchase of marble for organ loft at increased price. Text: ultra pretium quod est consuetum dari de
o0202001.108l 1429 giugno 16 Paving of road and obligation to the interested parties to pay their relative dues. Text: una via que est in loco ubi
o0202001.194g 1432 dicembre 27 Order to the master builder to make repairs to the marble revetment of the chapel of Saint Zenobius. Text: unum pilum quod est in marmore a
o0201077.028b 1419/20 marzo 21 Release of arrested person for debt for livestock gabelle and letter to the vicar of Firenzuola for summons of the debtors. Text: ut ad presens est infra XV dies
o0202001.140a 1431 marzo 27 Removal of the earth between the church and the chapter, reconstruction of the tombs destroyed there, completion of the paving of the door of the chapter and construction of a sewer. Text: ut ad presens est initiata et cursum
o0202001.103vg 1429 aprile 5 Order to make written reports for the salary of the masters for the summer. Text: ut alias consuetum est.
o0201073.001c 1418 aprile 11 Reimbursement of unwarranted payment of the tax on the money-lenders. Text: ut eorum moris est in loco eorum
o0202001.102a 1428/9 gennaio 9 Acceptance of legal counsel given on house of the Cortigiani. Text: ut superius scriptum est et ad fidem
o0201083.056c 1423 luglio 27 Contract for cutting, trimming and transport of fir lumber. Text: ut supra dictum est a dicta Opera
o0201074.012vb 1418 agosto 31 Sentence to reduce the new gabelles imposed against the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino, in virtue of the authority attributed to the wardens to examine the protest of immunity advanced by the men of said Commune. Text: ut supra dictum est computetur et compensetur
o0201070.007vc 1416/7 febbraio 11 Deadline to a canon for taking up residence in the house assigned him. Text: ut supra dictum est disgombretur dicta domus
o0201074.012vb 1418 agosto 31 Sentence to reduce the new gabelles imposed against the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino, in virtue of the authority attributed to the wardens to examine the protest of immunity advanced by the men of said Commune. Text: ut supra dictum est et inconveniens esset
o0201070.006vd 1416/7 febbraio 9 Drawing of the masters for the appraisal of the Bonizzi square. Text: ut supra dictum est extrahantur alii duo
o0201082.014va 1423 aprile 28 Authorization to correct or reduce contracts of broad bricks. Text: ut supra dictum est in proxime precedenti
o0201082.013a 1423 aprile 28 Correction and reduction of contract with kilnmen. Text: ut supra dictum est minuerunt et ipsum
o0201075.029vb 1419 maggio 29 Prohibition to masters to work outside the Opera and prohibition to return without permission, under penalty of arrest. Text: ut supra dictum est non possit reverti
o0201070.010vd 1416/7 marzo 4 Prohibition to the masters to work outside the Opera without permission. Text: ut supra dictum est non possit reverti
o0201074.012vb 1418 agosto 31 Sentence to reduce the new gabelles imposed against the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino, in virtue of the authority attributed to the wardens to examine the protest of immunity advanced by the men of said Commune. Text: ut supra dictum est solvi debeat minus
o0201080.007vc 1421/2 gennaio 24 Correction of greater debt for livestock gabelles. Text: ut supra dictum est solvit et posse
o0201075.009c 1418/9 febbraio 14 Restitution of loans made to workers through deduction from their salary. Text: ut supra dictum est, alias excomputabuntur de
o0201074.007va 1418 agosto 12 Order to the debt collectors to consign pawns and present themselves to furnish a new guaranty. Text: ut supra dictum est, illum talem ex
o0201078.059va 1421 aprile 5 Contract to three stonecutters to quarry stones for the cupola in the Trassinaia quarry. Text: ut supra dictum est, in dicta Opera
o0201075.015e 1419 aprile 3 Term of payment. Text: ut supra dictum est, non gravetur etc.
o0201082.014va 1423 aprile 28 Authorization to correct or reduce contracts of broad bricks. Text: ut supra dictum est, omnibus sumptibus et
o0201070b.011c 1416/7 marzo 2 Term of payment with obligation of guaranty and subsequent release of arrested debtor. Text: ut supra dictum est, relapsetur etc.
o0201074.012vb 1418 agosto 31 Sentence to reduce the new gabelles imposed against the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino, in virtue of the authority attributed to the wardens to examine the protest of immunity advanced by the men of said Commune. Text: ut supra dictum est, videlicet quod dictum
o0201076.075a 1419 novembre 17 Reciprocal guaranties between masters who promise to work in the summer. Text: ut supra dictum est; et de sic
o0201070.009b 1416/7 febbraio 26 Term of payment for dues for testaments and other rulings to solicit collections. Text: ut supra dictum est; et hoc locum
o0201074.012vb 1418 agosto 31 Sentence to reduce the new gabelles imposed against the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino, in virtue of the authority attributed to the wardens to examine the protest of immunity advanced by the men of said Commune. Text: ut supra ordinatum est, possit dictum Commune
o0201075.022b 1419 aprile 26 Letter of summons to Pisan citizens and letter to the Captain of Pisa in order that he solicit them. Text: ut supra scriptum est etc.
o0202001.046vc 1426 novembre 28 Election of the lawyer of the Opera. Text: utile et necessarium est prefate Opere cotidie
o0201078.013a 1420/1 marzo 11 Rulings for build a small house in Trassinaia as refuge and place of work of workers and equipment in case of rain. Text: utile et necessarium est quamdam fieri domuncula
o0202001.212a 1433/4 marzo 24 Order for a trip to the quarry of Campiglia in order to evaluate marble. Text: utrum dictum marmor est bonum, recipiens et
o0202001.213e 1434 aprile 5 Nomination of persons to travel to the quarry of Campiglia to test the marble. Text: utrum dictum marmor est recipiens et acceptabile
o0201076.007vb 1419 agosto 2 Term of payment for property gabelle with right of recourse against the first owners and exemption from demand of payment for donation. Text: vel expensa, quia est factum super certis
o0202001.176a 1429 dicembre 2 Order to canons to elect a chaplain who must live in the cloister. Text: velit stare ubi est ad presens ser
o0202001.035d 1426 giugno 7 Proclamation for sale of pawns not redeemed within the term set. Text: venditionis predictorum pignorum est, deliberaverunt quod dicta
o0201077.011a 1419/20 gennaio 23 Term of payment for debt for properties taxed and correction of entry in favor of the church of Santa Maria del Piano di Cascia. Text: veritas fuit et est; et sic per
o0201076.007d 1419 agosto 2 Transfer of debt for forced loans from property gabelle. Text: vexilli Clavium, qui est descriptus debitor Operis
o0201078.033c 1421 maggio 29 Deduction for error of double registration of the same debt for property gabelle and of forced loans. Text: vexillo Draconis descriptus est pro gabella bonorum
o0201074.050c 1418 settembre 2 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: via Scalarum et est lanifex et socius
o0202001.198va 1433 maggio 19 Election of solicitors for the oculus over the tribune of Saint Zenobius and payment for purchase of glass and other things. Text: videlicet illum qui est in tribuna ubi
o0202001.194a 1432 dicembre 19 Authorization to the master builder to commission 48 sandstone blocks from the Trassinaia quarry, with loan of equipment and indication of measurements and place of work. Text: videlicet locum qui est inter casellinam dicte
o0201086.006vb 1424/5 marzo 9 Commission to the notary of testaments to go to Bientina to verify an inheritance, letter to the vicar of Vico with summons for the heirs and letter to the Podestà of Vico. Text: Vierii, de quo est questio inter Ciolum
o0201074.028b 1418 novembre 15 Letter to the Podestà of Scarperia instructing him to force the Commune to pay the butchering and wine gabelles. Text: vini pro quibus est fideiussor et captus
o0201078.008bisd 1420/1 febbraio 12 Appraisal of a sculpture left unfinished because of the death of the sculptor. Text: Virginis Marie defunctus est, ipsa ystoria inperfecta
o0202001.126ve 1430 aprile 21 Order to put in order an image of the Madonna located over the door next to the entrance of the Opera. Text: Virginis Marie que est super porta contigua
o0201074.032d 1418 dicembre 19 Price fixed for a marble figure with detraction of as much has been advanced. Text: vocatur et facta est ad similitudinem ...
o0201074.019a 1418 settembre 14 Release of arrested person. Text: vocatus Fa[l]lalbacchius qui est captus et r(ecommendatus)
o0202001.136e 1430/1 gennaio 26 Order to affix chains for the fortification of the church. Text: volentes quam citius est possibile venire ad
o0201079.027a 1421 settembre 17 Summons with penalty for masons who do not want to work. Text: volunt et necessarium est propterea provideri, servatis
o0202001.211vc 1433/4 marzo 17 Unfinished act concerning a creditor. Text: XXVI de quibus est creditor ...
o0202001.214vc 1434 aprile 14 Choice of the design for the oculus of the Coronation over the chapel of Saint Zenobius. Text: Zanobi et qui est coram corpore ecclesie
o0201079.025c 1421 settembre 15 Right of recourse to the Commune of San Quintino with indemnification from the true debtors for property gabelle. Text: 4, et conveniens est quod dictum Commune
o0201074.012vb 1418 agosto 31 Sentence to reduce the new gabelles imposed against the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino, in virtue of the authority attributed to the wardens to examine the protest of immunity advanced by the men of said Commune. Text: 16) iuri consonum est quod domini et
o0201072.002a 1417 novembre 24 Promise of payment for forced loans and corresponding guaranty. Text: 28 in quibus est debitor in libro
o0201074.008vb 1418 agosto 12 Cancellation of debt already paid for livestock. Text: 35, cancelletur, quia est scriptus in dicto
o0202001.126vm 1430 maggio 2 Order to the master builder for the paving of the street of the cloister of the chapter. Title: acconcimine vie que est penes domum domini
o0202001.212a 1433/4 marzo 24 Order for a trip to the quarry of Campiglia in order to evaluate marble. Title: albi utrum marmor est bonum pro Opera
o0202001.093vc 1428 novembre 13 Unfinished act in favor of an inhabitant of Castelfiorentino with relative guarantor. Title: Castro Florentino cuius est fideiussor ser Niccolaus
o0201084.012e 1424 aprile 4 Concession of a marble head to Ciuffagni. Title: certam testam, que est in nolario
o0202001.233vg 1435 maggio 10 Letter to have a master glazier come from Lubecca. Title: cuidam magistro qui est in Lubichi
o0201081.031c 1422 dicembre 2 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle registered twice; unfinished act. Title: de uno si est pro eisdem bonis
o0202001.223d 1434 ottobre 22 Registration of the days worked at request of the master builder on holidays. Title: in Opera non est solitum laborari per
o0202001.140vf 1431 aprile 26 Letter to the master builder with regard to the work at Staggia. Title: Littera caputmagistro qui est in castro Castelline
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