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1430 aprile 21
Rehiring of masters who went to the Lucca war at the command of the Ten of War.
1430 aprile 21
Authority to the master builder to transfer masters from the Trassinaia quarry to the Opera and vice versa.
1430 aprile 21
Authorization to sell and consign a log to a private buyer and to lend him two masters.
1430 aprile 21
Letter for cutting and supply of lumber in accordance with the indications of the master builder.
1430 aprile 21
Order to put in order an image of the Madonna located over the door next to the entrance of the Opera.
1430 aprile 21
Letter to the Podestà of Pisa instructing him to demand payment for debt from the Commune of the city.
1430 aprile 21
Order to have a window adjusted in order to avoid cause for danger and registration of the days worked by the masters.
1430 aprile 21
Order to resolve the dispute regarding models given to the master charged with rough-hewing marble for a figure.
1430 aprile 21
Hiring of two masters.
1430 maggio 2
Oath of warden.
1430 maggio 2
Order to the master builder for the paving of the street of the cloister of the chapter.
1430 maggio 2
Order for a trip to Vada for a stone altar slab and to investigate whether other relics exist there.
1430 maggio 2
Salary set for carpenter who works on the model.
1430 maggio 2
Salary set for a worker for the summer and the winter.
1430 maggio 2
Appeal to the consuls of the Wool Guild for the model of the chapels and the whole church and for the alterations to the kitchen and the houses of the clergy.
1430 maggio 2
Permission to stonecutter to work on the font of San Giovanni.