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space Sources Dates Indices Topics1 Topics2 Reference Texts



















1-150 A151-300  A301-391 





Context of query
o0201070.010a 1416/7 marzo 2 Rulings for collection of rights owed by the treasurers of the salt and wine gabelles. Text: Prudentes et discreti viri Angelus Tommasi de
o0201070b.011a 1416/7 marzo 2 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: Prudentes viri Angelus Tommasi de
o0201070b.020a 1417 maggio 4 Oath of wardens and term of payment with release of arrested debtor. Text: Prudentes et discreti viri Niccolaus domini Donati
o0201073.013a 1418 giugno 2 Conviction of a notary for failing to have executed the court summons that had been sent to the Podestà of Ripafratta regarding the new gabelles and the release of a person arrested on account of the debts of the Podesteria. Text: prudentes et discreti viri Iacobus Francisci de
o0201073b.005va 1418 maggio 4 Oath of wardens and term of payment for property gabelle and forced loans. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri Lapus Iohannis Niccolini
o0201074.027a 1418 novembre 4 Restitution of a house door distrained for a tax because the payment deadline has not yet elapsed. Text: Prudentes et discreti viri Donatus Micaelis de
o0201075.010va 1418/9 marzo 9 Oath of wardens and term of payment to debtors with proclamation. Text: Prudentes et discreti viri Gherardus Mattei Doni
o0201075.020va 1419 aprile 22 Prohibition to demand payment of debt for forced loans because of dowry exemption. Text: dicti olim Laurentii viri sui, quia domus
o0201075.025va 1419 maggio 6 Oath of wardens and order to respect the terms of a contract for work on the vaults of the main hall of the Pope's residence. Text: Prudentes et discreti viri Iacobus Vannis de
o0201075.046b 1418/9 marzo 2 Oath and payment of expenditures for the feast of Santa Maria del Fiore. Text: Prudentes et discreti viri Gherardus Mattei Doni
o0201075.049va 1419 maggio 6 Payment for vaults constructed in the Pope's residence. Text: prudentes et discreti viri Iacobus Vannis de
o0201076.012b 1419 settembre 4 Oath of wardens, term of payment and restitution of pawn. Text: Prudentes et discreti viri Allamannus domini Iacobi
o0201076.026a 1419 ottobre 24 Term of payment to the Commune of Pisa for debt for pardons with obligation to pay a percentage to the accountant. Text: Prudentes et discreti viri operarii Operis Sancte
o0201076.026a 1419 ottobre 24 Term of payment to the Commune of Pisa for debt for pardons with obligation to pay a percentage to the accountant. Text: ut coadiutoris providi viri ser Laurentii Francisci
o0201076.027a 1419 novembre 7 Oath of wardens and term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: Prudentes et discreti viri Iacobus Berti de
o0201076.028c 1419 novembre 7 Order to prepare annually a seat where the captains of Parte Guelfa can hear mass on the feast day of San Martino. Text: operarii quod magnifici viri capitanei Partis Guelforum
o0201076.045a 1419 luglio 5 Oath of wardens and payment for the purchase of lead. Text: Prudentes et discreti viri Forese Antonii de
o0201077.001va 1419 dicembre 29 Term of payment to the monastery of San Giorgio of Capraia. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri operarii Opere Sancte
o0201077.002a 1419 dicembre 29 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: Supradicti nobiles viri operarii dicte Opere
o0201077.005c 1419/20 gennaio 5 Oath of (wardens): unfinished act. Text: nobiles et prudentes viri Parisius Tomasii de
o0201077.007c 1419/20 gennaio 16 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: Nobiles viri operarii suprascripti, absente
o0201077.010c 1419/20 gennaio 23 Prohibition to demand payment for debt for property gabelle and forced loans. Text: fuit dicti eius viri pro iuribus sue
o0201077.010c 1419/20 gennaio 23 Prohibition to demand payment for debt for property gabelle and forced loans. Text: debitis dicti olim viri sui ad que
o0201077.011ve 1419/20 gennaio 26 Revocation of demand of payment on the basis of testament and dotal properties. Text: dicti olim sui viri conditi anno 1390,
o0201077.011ve 1419/20 gennaio 26 Revocation of demand of payment on the basis of testament and dotal properties. Text: dicti olim sui viri pro florenis 500
o0201077.024ve 1419/20 marzo 6 Authorization to the administrator to sell stones for private use. Text: Nobiles viri Filippus domini Blaxii
o0201077.024vf 1419/20 marzo 6 Prohibition to demand payment for debt for property gabelle and forced loans with restitution of pawns. Text: certa olim sui viri bona vigore emptionis
o0201077.024vf 1419/20 marzo 6 Prohibition to demand payment for debt for property gabelle and forced loans with restitution of pawns. Text: dicti olim sui viri facte die XVI
o0201077.024vf 1419/20 marzo 6 Prohibition to demand payment for debt for property gabelle and forced loans with restitution of pawns. Text: dicti olim sui viri que ab aliis
o0201077.029c 1420 marzo 27 Prohibition to demand payment of debt for forced loans. Text: dicti olim sui viri pro prestantiis et
o0201077.030a 1420 aprile 1 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle. Text: dicti olim eius viri.
o0201077.030b 1420 aprile 1 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle. Text: dicti olim sui viri, cum asserat ipsa
o0201077.034a 1420 aprile 16 Election of the supervisors of the cupola with salary set and election of master masons. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri consules Artis et
o0201077.052vf 1419/20 gennaio 9 Payment for the marble figure to be put on the front facade of the Duomo. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri Andreas Iohannis Nerii
o0201077.053b 1419/20 gennaio 18 Payment for supply of mortar and purchase of bricks and flat bricks for the Pope's residence. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri operarii suprascripti invicem
o0201077.056a 1419/20 gennaio 23 Payment for paving to be done in Santa Maria Novella. Text: Prudentes viri operarii Opere prelibate
o0201077.056e 1419/20 gennaio 29 Payment for supply of mortar and purchase of 1/5 size bricks and flat bricks for a wall of the shed. Text: Nobiles viri operarii supradicti invicem
o0201077.060c 1419/20 marzo 6 Payment for the purchase of chestnut boards for the Pope's residence. Text: Nobiles viri Filippus domini Blaxii
o0201077.075va 1420 giugno 13 Rental of the shop in via dell'Oblazione. Text: uti arbitrio boni viri et pro dicta
o0201077.076c 1420 giugno 15 Contract for supply of mortar of pebble-free Alberese stone with advance on payment. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri Filippus domini Blaxii
o0201077.081vf 1419/20 gennaio 24 Guaranty for debt for pardons and forced loans. Text: dicti olim sui viri in florenis XIII
o0201078.002va 1420/1 gennaio 9 Oath of wardens and drawing of the provost. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri operarii Opere Sancte
o0201078.021d 1421 aprile 8 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: dicti olim sui viri hinc ad annum
o0201078.056a 1420/1 gennaio 14 Rent of a brick kiln belonging to of the abbey of Settimo for five years. Text: frui arbitrio boni viri et in fine
o0201078.057b 1420/1 gennaio 31 Purchase of broad bricks for the main cupola extended over six years with specification of the agreements of the contract. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri operarii Opere supradicti
o0201078.058va 1420/1 febbraio 19 Rent of the hill of Vincigliata for three years, except two shops. Text: operarii arbitrio boni viri et pro eo
o0201078.059va 1421 aprile 5 Contract to three stonecutters to quarry stones for the cupola in the Trassinaia quarry. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri Iohannes Gianozi de
o0201079.002va 1421 luglio 4 Release of arrested debtors on condition that they make deposit and new term of payment. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri Vannozus Iohannis de
o0201079.022vb 1421 settembre 2 Oath of wardens and cancellation of debt for property gabelle already paid under other name. Text: Nobiles viri Iohannes Salvi Filippi
o0201079.049vb 1421 dicembre 16 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: Lapini olim sui viri debitoris dicte Opere
o0201079.056va 1421 settembre 23 Contract for supply of 12 chestnut trees for the covering of the chapels of the third tribune. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri Filippus domini Blaxii
o0201079.060a 1421 dicembre 17 Rent of a house for five years. Text: frui arbitrio boni viri toto tempore locationis
o0201079.067vd 1421 luglio 18 Payment to Filippo Brunelleschi for his ingenuity in making the new hoisting machine. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri Filippus domini Blaxii
o0201079.073a 1421 settembre 5 Restitution to the Commune of Lanciolina of sum erroneously paid. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri operarii Opere supradicte
o0201079.076va 1421 ottobre 24 Payment for cutting and trimming of lumber from the forest. Text: Nobiles viri operarii Opere supradicti
o0201080.002va 1421/2 gennaio 9 Oath of wardens and term of payment to the Commune of Scarperia. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri Iohannes domini Donati
o0201080.012vc 1421/2 febbraio 25 Exemption from tax for testamentary legacies because they constitute dotal properties. Text: bona dicti olim viri sui pro quantitate
o0201080.012vc 1421/2 febbraio 25 Exemption from tax for testamentary legacies because they constitute dotal properties. Text: dicti olim sui viri dicte Opere factorum,
o0201080.012vc 1421/2 febbraio 25 Exemption from tax for testamentary legacies because they constitute dotal properties. Text: dicti olim sui viri contenentis narrata per
o0201080.013vb 1421/2 marzo 11 Salary of the masters for the winter. Text: Prudentes viri operarii Opere supradicti
o0201080.017b 1421/2 marzo 13 Exemption for dotal properties. Text: Iohannis Fey sui viri et etiam testamenti
o0201080.017b 1421/2 marzo 13 Exemption for dotal properties. Text: olim dicti sui viri possidet non ut
o0201080.017b 1421/2 marzo 13 Exemption for dotal properties. Text: dicti olim sui viri facto die 12
o0201080.017b 1421/2 marzo 13 Exemption for dotal properties. Text: dicti olim sui viri fuerunt vigore dicti
o0201080.017va 1421/2 marzo 13 Rulings for reduction of the weight of the cupola through narrowing of the corner piers and change to brick construction. Text: Nobiles viri domini consules Artis
o0201080.024c 1422 aprile 20 Cancellation of debt for exemption of milling gabelle to the Commune of Ciggiano and to that of Oliveto. Text: tunc coadiutoris egregii viri ser Martini Luce
o0201080.028vd 1422 maggio 5 Oath of wardens and restitution of deposit. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri Andreas Rainaldi de
o0201080.030vd 1422 maggio 20 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: dicti olim sui viri non gravetur personaliter
o0201080.060a 1422 giugno 10 Rent of shop in via dell'Oblazione with possibility of retrocession at the end of every year. Text: frui arbitrio boni viri et pro dicta
o0201080.063a 1421/2 gennaio 14 Authorization to the treasurer to pay two suppliers for the marble needed for cornice of the main cupola. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri operarii Opere supradicti
o0201080.072va 1422 giugno 3 Oath of wardens and authorization to pay for cutting and trimming of lumber. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri operarii Opere supradicti
o0201081.002va 1422 luglio 2 Oath of wardens. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri operarii Opere Sancte
o0201081.004va 1422 luglio 13 Order to remove broad bricks deposited in the Opera without permission and to force the buyers of wood below the minumum price to pay the difference. Text: Nobiles viri domini consules Artis
o0201081.005d 1422 luglio 17 Election of commission to decide about possible damages suffered by the Opera for supply of broad bricks unsuitable for quality and size. Text: deliberaverunt quod prudentes viri Filippus Andree de
o0201081.008va 1422 agosto 7 Confirmation of the resolution on the tare for broad bricks with order to the administrator to register it in the accounts of the kilnmen under penalty of dismissal from his office, registration as debtors of those who purchased lumber at a lower price than was due and term for removing 7 cartloads of broad bricks. Text: Nobiles viri domini consules Artis
o0201081.021a 1422 settembre 19 Term of payment for debt for pardons to the communes of Uzzano and of Massa and Cozzile. Text: Nobiles viri Andreas ser Landini
o0201081.022va 1422 ottobre 6 Election as guard of the forest of the son of the guard. Text: Nobiles viri operarii Opere supradicti
o0201081.029va 1422 novembre 24 Salary of master stonecutters for the winter. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri operarii Opere supradicti
o0201081.035a 1422 dicembre 30 Salary of the master builder. Text: nobiles et prudentes viri Antonius Michaellis de
o0201081.055a 1422 agosto 28 Contract for various hardware with set price approved by the consuls of the Wool Guild. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri operarii Opere supradicti
o0201081.057a 1422 ottobre 9 Contract for cutting, trimming and transport of lumber. Text: gubernare arbitrio boni viri et in forma
o0201081.065a 1422 luglio 3 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri operarii Opere Sancte
o0201081.075a 1422 ottobre 7 Payment for petty expenses. Text: Nobiles viri operarii Opere prelibate
o0201083.011a 1423 novembre 18 Prohibition to demand payment on properties for dotal rights. Text: videlicet Vivorosi eius viri pro gratia prestantiarum,
o0201083.056c 1423 luglio 27 Contract for cutting, trimming and transport of fir lumber. Text: gubernare arbitrio boni viri et in forma
o0201083.069h 1423 settembre 28 Payment to put the house of a priest and a canon in order. Text: Nobiles viri consules Artis Lane
o0201084.002va 1423/4 gennaio 13 Letter to the Podestà of Prato with summons for debt for forced loans and restitution of pawns to holder of debtor's properties. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri operarii Opere Sancte
o0201084.012a 1424 aprile 4 Term of payment to the Commune of Bulciano and Bulcianella with guaranty and release of arrested persons. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri operarii Opere Sancte
o0201084.013vc 1424 aprile 11 Rehiring of workers in the Trassinaia quarry. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri operarii Opere Sancte
o0201084.013vd 1424 aprile 11 Letter to the Podestà of Signa with notification of summons for debtor and term of payment for property gabelle. Text: dicti Iohannis olim viri sui infra ottavam
o0201084.030a 1423/4 gennaio 12 Contract for management of the Opera's pawns. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri operarii Opere Sancte
o0201084.042a 1423/4 febbraio 4 Payment to suppliers of large chestnut trees for the chain of the cupola. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri operarii Opere Sancte
o0201084.042va 1423/4 febbraio 11 Payment for petty expenses for Candlemas. Text: Nobiles et viri prudentes operarii Opere
o0201085.002b 1424 novembre 7 Oath of two wardens. Text: Nobiles ac prudentes viri Bernardus Verii de
o0201085.040a 1424 novembre 7 Payment to the treasurer of the Ten of Pisa for repair the walls of the citadel. Text: Nobiles ac prudentes viri operarii Opere supradicte
o0201086.001c 1424/5 gennaio 12 Oath of two wardens. Text: Nobiles ac prudentes viri Bianchus Silvestri magistri
o0201086.002vf 1424/5 gennaio 29 Order to debtor to make a deposit for the recompense of the jurist called for legal advice on his case. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri Antonius Tomasii Ghuccii
o0201086.003vc 1424/5 febbraio 12 Authority to the administrator to rent the Trassinaia quarry for six months. Text: Existentes congregati nobiles viri Schiacta Uberti de
o0201086.004vc 1424/5 febbraio 27 Order to the administrator to register the payment to masters for work at the castle of Lastra. Text: Existentes congregati nobiles viri Francischus Benedicti Caroccii
o0201086.005va 1424/5 marzo 7 Letter of reply to the administrator of Pisa concerning the manner of collection of revenue on testaments. Text: collegialiter congregati nobiles viri Bianchus Silvestri magistri
o0201086.006vb 1424/5 marzo 9 Commission to the notary of testaments to go to Bientina to verify an inheritance, letter to the vicar of Vico with summons for the heirs and letter to the Podestà of Vico. Text: Nobiles viri Bianchus Silvestri magistri
o0201086.007c 1424/5 marzo 14 Term of payment to the Commune of Buti. Text: Nobiles viri Schiacta Uberti de
o0201086.007f 1424/5 marzo 20 Term of payment to the Commune of Anghiari with pardon. Text: Nobiles viri Antonius Tedicis de
o0201086.007vc 1425 marzo 27 Letter to the Lord of Lucca requesting him to proclaim permission for transit of white marble through his territory. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri Schiacta Uberti de
o0201086.008vc 1425 aprile 3 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle of the priests. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri Simon Mariotti de
o0201086.010c 1425 aprile 12 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for copy of writings concerning a testamentary bequest. Text: Nobiles ac prudentes viri Andreas Niccolai de
o0201086.010vd 1425 aprile 14 Order to place a denunciation box in the church, in the customary place, to permit denouncing of all the Opera's salaried personnel that disobeyed the orders. Text: Nobiles viri Andreas Niccolai de
o0201086.011vc 1425 aprile 18 Letter to the Podestà of Palaia to free two debtors for right of recourse granted. Text: Nobiles viri Andreas Niccolai de
o0201086.012e 1425 aprile 18 Prohibition to demand payment and cancellation of erroneous debt of person. Text: Nobiles viri Andreas Niccolai de
o0201086.014b 1425 aprile 26 Letter to the Podestà of Gangalandi with prohibition to demand payment from the workers employed at the castles of Lastra and Malmantile and summons for the petitioner of the measure. Text: Nobiles ac prudentes viri Schiacta Uberti de
o0201086.014vb 1425 aprile 28 Term to the prior of the hospital of San Gallo for submitting acts on the lawsuit in course for debt with obligation to pay the consultant. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri Bianchus Silvestri magistri
o0201086.015e 1425 maggio 2 Oath of wardens. Text: Nobiles ac prudentes viri Bartolus Nofrii de
o0201086.015vb 1425 maggio 16 Order to the scribe to register the work days of the workers transferred by the master builder from the Trassinaia quarry to the Opera and vice versa. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri Gualterius Iohannis de
o0201086.016vf 1425 maggio 18 Letter to the Podestà of Gangalandi with order to demand payment of masters of Gangalandi. Text: Nobiles ac prudentes viri Gualterius Iohannis de
o0201086.017vb 1425 maggio 21 Concession to the confraternity of Saint Zenobius to take back the wax of its offering. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri Andreas Raynaldi de
o0201086.019va 1425 maggio 31 Order to the master builder to have four stones worked for the external ribs of the cupola. Text: Nobiles ac prodentes viri Tomasius Bartolomei de
o0201086.019vd 1425 giugno 1 Term of payment for unspecified debt. Text: nobiles et prudentes viri Tomasius Bartolomei de
o0201086.020ve 1425 giugno 1 Correction of the tax on testaments and confirmation of contract for two statues. Text: Nobiles ac prudentes viri Verius Andree de
o0201086.020ve 1425 giugno 1 Correction of the tax on testaments and confirmation of contract for two statues. Text: ac etiam prudentes viri Tomasius Bartolomei de
o0201086.021vb 1425 giugno 8 Order to the administrator to cancel the credit of two suppliers of white marble who turn out not to be creditors. Text: Nobiles ac prudentes viri Donatus Pieri de
o0201086.022va 1425 giugno 12 Order to the administrator for injunction to the debtors for forced loans for term of payment and their dispatch to debtors' registry. Text: Nobiles ac prudentes viri Simon Francisci ser
o0201086.023a 1425 giugno 19 Permission to bury Gilio Pecori in church at the expense of his heirs. Text: Nobiles ac prudentes viri Verius Andree de
o0201086.023vb 1425 giugno 21 Letter for payment of a rope. Text: Nobiles ac prudentes viri Andreas Raynaldi de
o0201086.024vb 1425 giugno 12 Renewal for six months of appointment of the scribe of the daily wages and of the master builder. Text: Nobiles ac prudentes viri Simon Francisci ser
o0201086.024vd 1425 giugno 26 Order to administrator and treasurer not to distribute to others the amount set to be given to the Commune of Gangalandi. Text: Nobiles ac prudentes viri Thomasius Bartolomei de
o0201086.025f 1425 giugno 28 Term of payment for unspecified debt. Text: Nobiles ac prudentes viri Tomasius Bartolomei de
o0201086.030va 1424/5 febbraio 12 Ratification of the wardens on contract for transport of white marble. Text: de Ridolfis. Nobiles viri Schiacta Uberti de
o0201086.030vb 1424/5 marzo 2 Ratification of the cupola officials for contract for transport of white marble. Text: offitio exercendo nobiles viri Niccolaus quondam Ughonis
o0201086.032va 1424/5 marzo 20 Ratification of the wardens for contract for kiln load of mortar. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri Antonius Tedicis de
o0201086.033b 1425 maggio 16 Contract for hoisting loads up to the cupola with two oxen and salary set for the ox driver. Text: Nobiles ac prudentes viri Gualterius Iohannis de
o0201086.041b 1424/5 gennaio 24 Salary of Filippo di ser Brunellesco. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri Bianchus Silvestri magistri
o0201086.043vb 1424/5 febbraio 12 Salary of the administrator of the castles of Lastra and Malmantile. Text: Nobiles viri Schiacta Uberti de
o0201086.044a 1424/5 febbraio 27 Payment to cooper. Text: collegialiter congregati nobiles viri Francischus Benedicti Caroccii
o0201086.044vc 1424/5 marzo 7 Payment to supplier of dressed stone for the castle of Lastra. Text: Existentes congregati nobiles viri Bianchus Silvestri magistri
o0201086.045a 1424/5 marzo 9 Payment to carter for transport of stones for the covering of the main tribune. Text: Nobiles viri Antonius Tedicis de
o0201086.045ve 1424/5 marzo 14 Payment for an audit of the accounts of the previous treasurer. Text: Nobiles viri Schiacta Uberti de
o0201086.046a 1424/5 marzo 20 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri Antonius Tedicis de
o0201086.046va 1425 marzo 26 Payment for reimbursement of travel expenditures to notary (of the testaments) for investigation on testamentary bequest. Text: Nobiles viri Schiatta Uberti de
o0201086.046vb 1425 aprile 3 Salary of the administrator. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri Simon Mariotti de
o0201086.047va 1425 aprile 12 Payment for rent of a house in Trassinaia. Text: Nobiles viri Andreas Niccolai de
o0201086.047vb 1425 aprile 17 Payment to kilnman for recompense to carters. Text: Nobiles viri Andreas Niccolai de
o0201086.048a 1425 aprile 20 Payment to master of glass oculi via letter of exchange to Venice. Text: Nobiles et prudentes viri Andreas Niccolai de
o0201086.048b 1425 aprile 28 Payment to master masons for the construction of the walls and doors of Malmantile. Text: Nobiles viri Antonius Tedicis de
o0201086.048ve 1425 aprile 28 Payment for supply of lumber: annulled act. Text: Nobiles viri Bianchus Silvestri magistri
o0201086.049b 1425 maggio 16 Payment for the purchase of glass in Venice to make oculi. Text: Nobiles viri Gualterius Iohannis de
o0201086.049ve 1425 maggio 18 Payment for supply of mortar for the castle of Lastra and oath of warden. Text: Nobiles viri Gualterius Iohannis Bartolus
o0201086.050c 1425 maggio 21 Payment to carpenters for manufacture of the doors of Malmantile. Text: Nobiles ac prudentes viri Andreas Raynaldi de
o0201086.050va 1425 giugno 8 Payment for supply of white marble. Text: Nobiles ac prudentes viri Donatus Pieri de
o0201086.051b 1425 giugno 12 Payment for work on the house called the Galea. Text: Nobiles ac prudentes viri Simon Francisci ser
o0201086.051f 1425 giugno 21 Payment to sculptor for marble figure for the bell tower. Text: Nobiles ac prudentes viri Andreas Raynaldi de
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