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A1-150  A151-300  A301-450  451-600 A601-750  A751-900  A901-1050  A1051-1200  A1201-1205 





Context of query
o0201078.018vc 1421 aprile 5 Cancellation of debt for property and herd livestock gabelles due to debtor's exemption. Text: pro dictis gabellis est descriptus, ipse Pierus
o0201078.020va 1421 aprile 7 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: pro quibus captus est, si et in
o0201078.020vc 1421 aprile 7 Cancellation of debt for testament because the debtor is not heir. Text: de Cavalcantibus non est heres nec possessor
o0201078.021ve 1421 aprile 8 Ruling to discount the sum anticipated to a kilnman on his old and new contracts. Text: presente secum facta est seu fieri debet
o0201078.022e 1421 aprile 11 Release of arrested person for debt for forced loans because of his poverty. Text: quantitate ad presens est captus, relapsetur et
o0201078.023b 1421 aprile 15 Election of the new notary of testaments. Text: circa illam necesse est et utile ad
o0201078.024b 1421 aprile 8 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: presenti estate tempus est ipsa salaria declarari,
o0201078.024b 1421 aprile 8 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: cuiuslibet ex infrascriptis est descriptum, et ad
o0201078.025vc 1421 aprile 18 Registration of prior payment in various account entries for debt for herd livestock. Text: novo, quod iniustum est, servatis servandis ut
o0201078.026b 1421 aprile 18 Reduction of the rent of the quarry of the hill of Vincigliata for disagreement over the price and agreement to quarry only sandstone blocks for the cupola. Text: dubia et orta est discordia et intricatio,
o0201078.026b 1421 aprile 18 Reduction of the rent of the quarry of the hill of Vincigliata for disagreement over the price and agreement to quarry only sandstone blocks for the cupola. Text: quod et que est pro quolibet anno
o0201078.026vd 1421 aprile 18 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle. Text: Tonda, qui gravatus est ad solvendum in
o0201078.027c 1421 aprile 26 Assignment to canon of house previously assigned to chaplains. Text: canonicorum deputata vacua est et aliud expedit
o0201078.028c 1421 aprile 29 Suspension of demand of payment for property gabelle until new resolution. Text: gabella bonorum prout est descriptus, nisi alium
o0201078.028vb 1421 aprile 29 Revocation of demand of payment for debt on grounds of penury. Text: debitrix dicte Opere est constituta, deliberaverunt quod
o0201078.028vd 1421 aprile 29 Extension of two months to the accountants for the commission entrusted to them. Text: brevitatem temporis non est perfecta, et intellecta
o0201078.029vc 1421 maggio 5 Authorization to give a stonecutter money, for which he will be registered as debtor and have to render account, in order to pay the lumber suppliers. Text: intellecto qualiter tempus est trahi et conduci
o0201078.032ve 1421 maggio 29 Release of arrested person for debt of the monastery of San Piero Martire. Text: captus stetit et est pro debito dicti
o0201078.033a 1421 maggio 29 Release of arrested guarantor of the Commune of Ponsacco. Text: dictam causam captus est.
o0201078.033c 1421 maggio 29 Deduction for error of double registration of the same debt for property gabelle and of forced loans. Text: vexillo Draconis descriptus est pro gabella bonorum
o0201078.033c 1421 maggio 29 Deduction for error of double registration of the same debt for property gabelle and of forced loans. Text: et in prestantiis est Dominicus Iohannis sta
o0201078.033c 1421 maggio 29 Deduction for error of double registration of the same debt for property gabelle and of forced loans. Text: quod quidem iniquum est et errore asseritur
o0201078.033e 1421 maggio 29 Ruling to clarify who has the right to a deposit paid in 1418 and recorded as income in one name instead of another. Text: intellecto qualiter repertum est die XXVI mensis
o0201078.033vd 1421 maggio 30 Release of arrested person and demand of payment to the debtor. Text: Barne qui captus est ut tentor bonorum
o0201078.034f 1421 maggio 30 Order to the administrator to write in the account of a debtor an amount to be discounted for work done by him. Text: Pierus Albonini debitor est dicte Opere in
o0201078.037c 1421 giugno 6 Dismissal of stonecutters in greater quantity than required. Text: dicta Opera non est opus quantitatis scarpellatorum
o0201078.037c 1421 giugno 6 Dismissal of stonecutters in greater quantity than required. Text: prout ad presens est, et potius utile
o0201078.037c 1421 giugno 6 Dismissal of stonecutters in greater quantity than required. Text: et potius utile est ipsos transmictere ad
o0201078.037vb 1421 giugno 6 Revocation of demand of payment to debtor for testamentary bequest because not heir. Text: ipsius Pieri non est heres, nec eius
o0201078.039vd 1421 giugno 10 Search for blacksmith and iron in the Florentine countryside and in Casentino to build the chains of the main cupola. Text: intellecto qualiter necessarium est pro hedifitio cupole
o0201078.041b 1421 giugno 13 Ruling in accordance with custom in favor of a unskilled worker wounded in the head by a stone. Text: sicut sibi solutum est pro die quo
o0201078.041c 1421 giugno 13 Right of recourse for gabelle on persons for the Commune of San Godenzo. Text: cogito quod iure est eidem Angelo satisfieri
o0201078.044a 1421 giugno 20 Release of arrested person for debt for herd livestock gabelle and pardons of forced loans and new term of payment. Text: de Ricasolis captus est in curia presentis
o0201078.058va 1420/1 febbraio 19 Rent of the hill of Vincigliata for three years, except two shops. Text: prout ad presens est, absque tamen lapidibus
o0201078.059va 1421 aprile 5 Contract to three stonecutters to quarry stones for the cupola in the Trassinaia quarry. Text: ut supra dictum est, in dicta Opera
o0201078.060va 1421 aprile 9 Contract for broad bricks to a kilnman with advance of part of the payment. Text: secundum quod communiter est usus et consuetudo,
o0201078.060va 1421 aprile 9 Contract for broad bricks to a kilnman with advance of part of the payment. Text: quibus modonis locatio est facta Antonio Mattei
o0201078.060va 1421 aprile 9 Contract for broad bricks to a kilnman with advance of part of the payment. Text: prout supra dictum est de bona terra
o0201078.060va 1421 aprile 9 Contract for broad bricks to a kilnman with advance of part of the payment. Text: eo quod supra est proxime dictum, perfici,
o0201078.062c 1421 aprile 30 Contract for broad bricks to kilnmen with advance of part of the payment. Text: secundum quod communiter est consuetudo et usus
o0201078.062c 1421 aprile 30 Contract for broad bricks to kilnmen with advance of part of the payment. Text: modonis locatio facta est Antonio Mattei dicto
o0201078.062c 1421 aprile 30 Contract for broad bricks to kilnmen with advance of part of the payment. Text: dictos quadrones prout est dictum de bona
o0201078.073f 1421 giugno 5 Payment for the purchase of roof tiles and chimney pots for the Pope's residence, whose cost for error was not authorized. Text: qua quantitate retractum est tantumdem de lignaminibus,
o0201078.076vb 1421 giugno 27 Restitution to creditor of deposit for pardon received. Text: in quibus descriptus est dicte Opere creditor
o0201078.084vb 1421 aprile 7 Guaranty for debt for forced loans of an arrested person. Text: qua quantitate captus est, de solvendo ad
o0201078.086va 1421 maggio 17 Guaranty for debt for forced loans on properties of San Piero Martire following arrest of the procurator of said monastery. Text: prout ad presens est fratrem Andream de
o0201079.002a 1420 dicembre 20 Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: sequitur finiendorum. Hic est liber sive quaternus
o0201079.006vb 1421 luglio 16 Revocation of debt for pardons of forced loans already paid with restitution of pawn and obligation on the part of the true debtor to pay the expenses. Text: quare propterea gravatus est, deliberaverunt quod Valorino
o0201079.006ve 1421 luglio 16 Contract for the custody of pawns with indications regarding the place to keep them, thefts, sale and rights. Text: necesse et utile est de novo custode
o0201079.006ve 1421 luglio 16 Contract for the custody of pawns with indications regarding the place to keep them, thefts, sale and rights. Text: Opere prout moris est. Et pro dicta
o0201079.007vb 1421 luglio 18 Term of payment for debt for forced loans and property gabelle with guaranty and release of arrested person. Text: qui propterea captus est.
o0201079.009b 1421 luglio 24 Restitution of part of defective broad bricks to kilnman. Text: fornaciarium certa quantitas est non receptibilis et
o0201079.009b 1421 luglio 24 Restitution of part of defective broad bricks to kilnman. Text: qua quantitate nota est facta per Filippozum
o0201079.009vc 1421 luglio 31 Revocation of demand of cash payment to debtor kilnmen for advance on supply to be repaid with mortar and restitution of pawn after having paid the messenger. Text: tradere sed difficile est eisdem pecunias persolvere,
o0201079.011vb 1421 agosto 12 Term of payment to the parish of San Piero a Petrognano and letter to the Podestà instructing him to demand payment of the debtors of said parish, inhabitants and citizens who possess properties there. Text: quantitates pro quibus est obbligatus dicte Opere
o0201079.011vc 1421 agosto 14 Revocation of ruling against a lumber supplier and reinstatement of previous resolution on his supply contract. Text: in qua incursus est ipse Franciscus quam
o0201079.011vc 1421 agosto 14 Revocation of ruling against a lumber supplier and reinstatement of previous resolution on his supply contract. Text: observare prout supra est expressum in tempore
o0201079.012va 1421 agosto 16 Assignment of part of the Pope's residence in Santa Maria Novella to the general of the order of San Domenico with agreements for restitution. Text: habitationem prout nunc est liberam dicte Arti
o0201079.017va 1421 agosto 20 Cancellation of debt for gabelle on animals erroneously described as herd livestock and restitution of pawns. Text: consequens ad presens est debitor dicte Opere
o0201079.017vb 1421 agosto 20 Authorization to the scribe of the daily wages to pay wounded stonecutter even if he cannot work. Text: ipse Nencinus conatus est venire ad laborandum
o0201079.017vc 1421 agosto 20 Concession of right of recourse in favor of one who has paid the debts for the parish of the baptismal parish of San Stagio a Acone. Text: qua supra mentio est facta, et ipsum
o0201079.019d 1421 agosto 22 Revocation of resolution against the allowance paid to the rector of the church of Santa Cecilia. Text: et quod iniustum est et contra ordinamenta
o0201079.020c 1421 agosto 28 Cancellation of debt for testament to debtor who is not an heir and term of payment for other debts. Text: nullius fuit nec est efficacie vel effectus,
o0201079.021vb 1421 agosto 30 Release of arrested guarantor for debtor for forced loans and concession of right of recourse against another guarantor. Text: Roberto Loysii debitor est dicte Opere in
o0201079.021vb 1421 agosto 30 Release of arrested guarantor for debtor for forced loans and concession of right of recourse against another guarantor. Text: ad presens captus est ad petitionem eorum
o0201079.022va 1421 agosto 30 Right of recourse to the parish of San Giovanni of Senni for debt for new property gabelles. Text: tres, et conveniens (est) quod eidem populo
o0201079.025c 1421 settembre 15 Right of recourse to the Commune of San Quintino with indemnification from the true debtors for property gabelle. Text: 4, et conveniens est quod dictum Commune
o0201079.026vb 1421 settembre 17 Authorization to the provost with one of the wardens to set and allocate the amount the suppliers must reimburse to the stonecutter sent to the forest to solicit them. Text: quam Operam, et est predicta ratio aliqualiter
o0201079.027a 1421 settembre 17 Summons with penalty for masons who do not want to work. Text: volunt et necessarium est propterea provideri, servatis
o0201079.027vc 1421 ottobre 1 Ruling to assure collection of debts, assignment of terms and payments in grape harvest time. Text: quidem in dedecus est officii eorumdem et
o0201079.027vc 1421 ottobre 1 Ruling to assure collection of debts, assignment of terms and payments in grape harvest time. Text: in dapnum grave est eorumdem absque alterius
o0201079.027vc 1421 ottobre 1 Ruling to assure collection of debts, assignment of terms and payments in grape harvest time. Text: tenetur et obligatus est duraturum uno mense
o0201079.031b 1421 ottobre 11 Term of payment for pardons of forced loans and gabelles. Text: etiam quia debitor est eiusdem Opere pro
o0201079.031vc 1421 ottobre 11 Term of payment with notification to debtor for loan received. Text: Ballerinus de Nerlis est debitor dicte Opere
o0201079.031ve 1421 ottobre 11 Term for consignment to lumber suppliers with penalty for every towload not conveyed. Text: supra proxime deliberatum est de conducta Bonaiuti
o0201079.033va 1421 ottobre 16 Revocation of demand of payment for debt for herd livestock with release of arrested guarantor and payment injunction for the true debtor. Text: pro qua descriptus est in registro primo
o0201079.033vc 1421 ottobre 22 Payment to the servants of the officials of the public debt for rights on debtors for pardons of forced loans. Text: provisum et conveniens est quod eisdem famulis
o0201079.034a 1421 ottobre 22 Term of payment for property gabelle of three years to the abbey of Trebbio with guaranty. Text: dicte Opere obligata est pro gabella bonorum
o0201079.035c 1421 ottobre 27 Order to the administrator to enjoin the donkey drivers to clear out the quarry and transport stones and not to release arrested persons without resolution. Text: intellecto qualiter necessarium est asinarios invenire pro
o0201079.038b 1421 ottobre 30 Deduction of property gabelle paid in the forced loans in other Commune. Text: fieri possit prout est pro aliis civibus
o0201079.038vd 1421 ottobre 31 Reduction of debt with term of payment to Ciuffagni for statue of prophet left unfinished and subsequently commissioned to Donatello and Giovanni of Bartolo. Text: et qualiter iam est annus vel circa
o0201079.038vd 1421 ottobre 31 Reduction of debt with term of payment to Ciuffagni for statue of prophet left unfinished and subsequently commissioned to Donatello and Giovanni of Bartolo. Text: ipse Bernardus descriptus est pro debitore dicte
o0201079.038vd 1421 ottobre 31 Reduction of debt with term of payment to Ciuffagni for statue of prophet left unfinished and subsequently commissioned to Donatello and Giovanni of Bartolo. Text: propterea dictus Bernardus est debitor descriptus in
o0201079.039b 1421 ottobre 31 Reduction of confiscation of revenues received by treasurer of the new gabelles of the Commune. Text: tante quantitatis quantum est sequestrum sibi factum,
o0201079.039b 1421 ottobre 31 Reduction of confiscation of revenues received by treasurer of the new gabelles of the Commune. Text: dicti Antonii quanta est quantitas debita per
o0201079.039vb 1421 ottobre 31 Election of messenger and of debt collector. Text: nuntiis fuit et est hactenus consuetum et
o0201079.039vb 1421 ottobre 31 Election of messenger and of debt collector. Text: secundum et prout est hactenus consuetum et
o0201079.040vb 1421 novembre 5 Credit to stonecutter for having paid 4 lumber suppliers. Text: pedem nominis cuiuslibet est descriptum.
o0201079.041vc 1421 novembre 10 End of rental contract of the black marble quarry of Monteferrato. Text: ad presens non est opus ipso marmore
o0201079.042vb 1421 novembre 17 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle erroneously debited and registration of the debt to whoever is responsible. Text: ad quod descripta est dicta ecclesia Sancti
o0201079.042vd 1421 novembre 17 Revocation of the appointment given to the administrator to receive and annotate the lumber arrived at the port of San Francesco and conferral of the appointment to Jacopo of Sandro. Text: quocumque loco dispositum est de persona dicti
o0201079.043va 1421 novembre 21 Credit of the quota of rent of a quarry of black marble against the sum owed by the same owner for pardons of forced loans. Text: de qua nondum est ipsis integre satisfactum,
o0201079.043vb 1421 novembre 21 Cancellation of debt for gabelle for herd livestock. Text: pro quibus descriptus est debitor dicte Opere
o0201079.043vb 1421 novembre 21 Cancellation of debt for gabelle for herd livestock. Text: quinqueginta, et ibidem est etiam descriptus debet
o0201079.043vb 1421 novembre 21 Cancellation of debt for gabelle for herd livestock. Text: summa ipse Iacobus est descriptus debitor in
o0201079.044e 1421 novembre 21 Conditional release from payment for arrested guarantor. Text: dicti offici captus est ad presens ut
o0201079.044vc 1421 novembre 21 Order to the treasurer to register in the journal of income and expenditures the expense for purchasing chisels for the stonecutters of Trassinaia. Text: quos Opera lucrata est pro scarpellis emptis
o0201079.045ve 1421 novembre 26 Cancellation of balance of debt for forced loans. Text: Iohannis, qui descriptus est debitor dicte Opere
o0201079.047a 1421 dicembre 3 Commission to the administrator to contract out sand for building for five years. Text: intellecto qualiter necessarium est de novo conductore
o0201079.047vb 1421 dicembre 5 Term of payment to the Commune of Valenzano and Podesteria of Subbiano for debt for gabelle on persons. Text: comitatus Florentie debitor est dicte Opere pro
o0201079.049b 1421 dicembre 5 Order to canon to give back the third floor of the house where he lives to a sacristan who agrees to rebuild the stairs at his own expense. Text: consignet, si contentus est ser Ammannato Barnabe
o0201079.049b 1421 dicembre 5 Order to canon to give back the third floor of the house where he lives to a sacristan who agrees to rebuild the stairs at his own expense. Text: expensis, si expediens est, refici et reactari
o0201079.049vf 1421 dicembre 16 Hiring of unskilled worker. Text: prout pro aliis est consuetum.
o0201079.052vb 1421 dicembre 23 Term of payment for balance of gabelles in part cancelled on grounds of penury to the Commune of Cortona and letter to the Priors of the city of Cortona for collection of the debt. Text: tertii anni que est librarum sex milium
o0201079.057a 1421 settembre 24 Contract for broad terracotta bricks and of corner-pieces. Text: tenetur et obligatus est occasione dicte veteris
o0201079.059a 1421 novembre 21 Contract for supply of 12 chestnut trees for the covering of the chapels of the third tribune. Text: in quo solitum est conduci lignamina pro
o0201079.059b 1421 novembre 29 Contract for hoisting of loads with oxen or horses up to the main cupola. Text: et estatis prout est ordinatum secundum ordinamenta
o0201079.059b 1421 novembre 29 Contract for hoisting of loads with oxen or horses up to the main cupola. Text: continetur et scriptum est, alias de suo
o0201079.060a 1421 dicembre 17 Rent of a house for five years. Text: quibus ad presens est vel meliori; et
o0201079.067vd 1421 luglio 18 Payment to Filippo Brunelleschi for his ingenuity in making the new hoisting machine. Text: dictum hedifitium constructum est factum et ordinatum
o0201080.002a 1421 novembre 19 Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: sequitur finiendorum. Hic est liber sive quaternus
o0201080.003e 1421/2 gennaio 9 Cancellation of debt for new gabelles. Text: inmunia et conveniens est quod benefitium per
o0201080.003vc 1421/2 gennaio 9 Demand of payment to the debtors of the Florentine countryside. Text: intellecto qualiter utile est tam pro Opera
o0201080.005g 1421/2 gennaio 12 Cancellation of part of gabelle overpaid for buffalos and goats. Text: in quo descriptus est quindecim capras et
o0201080.005vb 1421/2 gennaio 14 Commission to master builder and administrator to contract out lumber for the roofs of the chapels. Text: intellecto qualiter necessarium est de lignaminibus habendis
o0201080.006b 1421/2 gennaio 14 Building of carved ornament, representing foliage over the portal facing towards the church of Santa Maria of the Servites. Text: dicte ecclesie que est versus ecclesiam Sancte
o0201080.006va 1421/2 gennaio 12 Release of lumber supplier and his guarantor from further obligation upon receipt of attestation that he fully satisfied the conditions of his contract. Text: per consequens liber est et absolutus tam
o0201080.006vc 1421/2 gennaio 19 Oath of the notary and regulations for the registration of the deposits of Pisa. Text: pro quibus facta est compositio, quod quibuslibet
o0201080.007vc 1421/2 gennaio 24 Correction of greater debt for livestock gabelles. Text: carta 202 descriptus est debitor dicte Opere
o0201080.007vc 1421/2 gennaio 24 Correction of greater debt for livestock gabelles. Text: de Laiatico descriptus est debitor dicte Opere
o0201080.007vc 1421/2 gennaio 24 Correction of greater debt for livestock gabelles. Text: centum pecudibus descriptus est debitor in libris
o0201080.007vc 1421/2 gennaio 24 Correction of greater debt for livestock gabelles. Text: ut supra dictum est solvit et posse
o0201080.009d 1421/2 gennaio 29 Cancellation of balance of debt for herd livestock gabelle. Text: dicte partite registrata est solutio librarum duodecim
o0201080.009d 1421/2 gennaio 29 Cancellation of balance of debt for herd livestock gabelle. Text: prout supra narratum est et pro bestiis
o0201080.010a 1421/2 gennaio 29 Concession of right of recourse to debtor for property gabelles and testaments. Text: f.p., et conveniens est quod idem Laurentius
o0201080.010vc 1421/2 febbraio 4 Term of payment to arrested debtor. Text: carceribus prout nunc est vel solvendum id
o0201080.012va 1421/2 febbraio 25 Prohibition to register as income a deposit and restitution of overpaid portion. Text: de quo supra est locutum in die
o0201080.012va 1421/2 febbraio 25 Prohibition to register as income a deposit and restitution of overpaid portion. Text: sed quia maius est debitum quam debitum,
o0201080.012vb 1421/2 febbraio 25 Assignment of house to canon and term of payment for the tax. Text: qua supra mentio est facta intelligatur et
o0201080.012vc 1421/2 febbraio 25 Exemption from tax for testamentary legacies because they constitute dotal properties. Text: et quod veritas est quod ipsa bona
o0201080.013c 1421/2 febbraio 25 Letter to the rectors and to officials about the right of carry out their work in accordance with the ordinances. Text: eorum quod permissum est per ordinamenta.
o0201080.013vb 1421/2 marzo 11 Salary of the masters for the winter. Text: dicte Opere prout est hactenus consuetum; quorum
o0201080.016e 1421/2 marzo 13 Salary of the (messenger). Text: in Piaza, quod est libras sex f.p.
o0201080.016vb 1421/2 marzo 13 Acceptance of unsuitable marble cornice and payment of the carriage at reduced price. Text: cornicis conductus non est ydoneus et receptabilis
o0201080.016vb 1421/2 marzo 13 Acceptance of unsuitable marble cornice and payment of the carriage at reduced price. Text: pro tali qualis est et conductoribus solvatur
o0201080.017va 1421/2 marzo 13 Rulings for reduction of the weight of the cupola through narrowing of the corner piers and change to brick construction. Text: et qualiter utilius est super parte dicte
o0201080.018vd 1421/2 marzo 17 Deduction of account entry erroneously debited twice. Text: libro pro gabellis est descriptus Niccolaus Iacobi
o0201080.018vd 1421/2 marzo 17 Deduction of account entry erroneously debited twice. Text: prout pro aliis est consuetum, informati prout
o0201080.021vd 1422 marzo 31 Cessation of harassment and exemption from debt for property gabelle by resolution of the office of the comptrollers. Text: tenetur et obligatus est Bartolomeus Bandini Ciuriani
o0201080.022b 1422 marzo 31 New rental of the quarry of Monte Oliveto to assist a (carter) held, nevertheless, to the payment of the rent. Text: fecit et conveniens est quod aliqualiter conservetur
o0201080.022d 1422 marzo 31 Notification to the owner of the mill of Ricorboli to have towed at his expense the log rafts left upstream from his weir, which is not provided with passageway for rafts. Text: dicta foderaria non est et conduci non
o0201080.022d 1422 marzo 31 Notification to the owner of the mill of Ricorboli to have towed at his expense the log rafts left upstream from his weir, which is not provided with passageway for rafts. Text: quod quidem invisum est et in dapnum
o0201080.024c 1422 aprile 20 Cancellation of debt for exemption of milling gabelle to the Commune of Ciggiano and to that of Oliveto. Text: quidem tamen obscurum est et incertum rationibus
o0201080.026va 1422 aprile 29 Authorization to the administrator to contract out 400.000 broad bricks to be conveyed in four years at set price, with advance to be deducted. Text: intellecto qualiter opus est et necessarium conductas
o0201080.026va 1422 aprile 29 Authorization to the administrator to contract out 400.000 broad bricks to be conveyed in four years at set price, with advance to be deducted. Text: ipse Pardus actus est et ydoneus ad
o0201080.027d 1422 aprile 29 Cancellation of debt for sum paid to kilnman for reimbursement of travel expenditures. Text: provisor ipse Pardus est descriptus dicte Opere
o0201080.027d 1422 aprile 29 Cancellation of debt for sum paid to kilnman for reimbursement of travel expenditures. Text: quantitate et inconveniens est quod id quod
o0201080.027d 1422 aprile 29 Cancellation of debt for sum paid to kilnman for reimbursement of travel expenditures. Text: quod sibi traditum est pro ristoro describatur
o0201080.028b 1422 aprile 29 Declaration on partial suitability of the marble conveyed for the cornices of the main cupola and tare on the agreed price. Text: erat et conveniens est, quod si sic
o0201080.028vb 1422 aprile 29 Salary set for masters for the winter. Text: designato, et conveniens est quod eisdem debite
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