Document |

 Date |

 Summary |

 Context of query |
1417 marzo 31 |
Term of payment for unspecified debt with deposit. |
Text: et fiet sibi ius; sed non facta |
1417 maggio 13 |
Letter to the Priors of the Popolo of Castiglione for audit of the debt of the new gabelles with release of two citizens of said Commune. |
Text: Castilionis et facere ius habenti et etiam |
1418 settembre 26 |
Summons for return of money collected for the new gabelles of the clergy. |
Text: reddendum et faciendum ius et rationem cum |
1418 ottobre 12 |
Construction of a wall with opening in the shed of the Alessandri and its boundaries. |
Text: non preiudicent alicui ius habenti in dicto |
1418/9 gennaio 25 |
Letter to the council and the Commune of Scarperia with order to compensate two individuals who have guaranteed for the debts of the said Commune, under penalty of right of recourse. |
Text: et utrique eorum ius contra dictum Commune |
1418/9 marzo 17 |
Letter to the Podestà of Scarperia regarding agreement between that Commune and the its guarantor. |
Text: operariis ad ostendendum ius dicti Communis; et |
1419/20 gennaio 29 |
Prohibition to demand payment for debt for property gabelle and forced loans, with correction of account entry. |
Text: qui ab eo ius haberet vel pro |
1420 aprile 12 |
Proclamation for redemption or sale of pawns. |
Text: dapnificantur et Opere ius sibi debitum non |
1420/1 gennaio 24 |
Concession of right of recourse to a person enjoined to pay the debt for the property gabelle of the parish of Santa Maria a Marcoiano. |
Text: petenti regressum et ius repetendi a dictis |
1420/1 gennaio 24 |
Concession of right of recourse to possessor of properties of a debtor. |
Text: concesserunt regressum et ius repetendi et recipiendi |
1420/1 febbraio 25 |
Concession of right of recourse to the heirs of Paoletto da Suvereto for livestock gabelle. |
Text: ac regressum et ius repetendi, exigendi et |
1421 giugno 13 |
Right of recourse for gabelle on persons for the Commune of San Godenzo. |
Text: omne regressum et ius repetendi, recipiendi et |
1421 agosto 16 |
Assignment of part of the Pope's residence in Santa Maria Novella to the general of the order of San Domenico with agreements for restitution. |
Text: aliquod eorum nullum ius queratur in habitatione |
1421 agosto 20 |
Concession of right of recourse in favor of one who has paid the debts for the parish of the baptismal parish of San Stagio a Acone. |
Text: petenti regressum et ius repetendi, recipiendi et |
1421 agosto 20 |
Concession of right of recourse in favor of one who has paid the debts for the parish of the baptismal parish of San Stagio a Acone. |
Text: eum locum et ius in quo et |
1421 agosto 30 |
Right of recourse to the parish of San Giovanni of Senni for debt for new property gabelles. |
Text: concesserunt regressum et ius repetendi, percipiendi et |
1421 settembre 15 |
Right of recourse to the Commune of San Quintino with indemnification from the true debtors for property gabelle. |
Text: solventi regressum et ius repetendi contra Nannem |
1421 settembre 15 |
Right of recourse to the Commune of San Quintino with indemnification from the true debtors for property gabelle. |
Text: eum locum et ius in quibus erat |
1421 ottobre 31 |
Concession of right of recourse. |
Text: eidem regressus et ius recipiendi, petendi et |
1421/2 gennaio 9 |
Concession of right of recourse for debt for livestock gabelle. |
Text: Grazie regressum et ius repetendi dictis heredibus |
1421/2 gennaio 9 |
Concession of right of recourse against debtor for loan. |
Text: petenti regressum et ius repetendi, exigendi et |
1421/2 gennaio 29 |
Concession of right of recourse to debtor for property gabelles and testaments. |
Text: petenti regressum et ius repetendi, exigendi et |
1421/2 febbraio 12 |
Concession of right of recourse to parishes of the communes of Dicomano and Castello that are debtors for property gabelle. |
Text: petenti regressum et ius repetendi, exigendi et |
1421/2 marzo 17 |
Term of payment to provost for tax on his house, under penalty of revocation of the assignment. |
Text: post eum primo ius habenti concessa pro |
1422 agosto 7 |
Order to the appointed officials not to accept broad bricks not corresponding to the measurements and shape of the form. |
Text: quam ipsis conductoribus ius debitum tribuatur, servatis |
1422 settembre 12 |
Revocation of demand of payment for debt for forced loans and pardons for previous dotal rights. |
Text: ea de cetero ius habens in ipsis |
1422 settembre 12 |
Revocation of demand of payment for debt for forced loans and pardons for previous dotal rights. |
Text: vel ab ea ius habenti occasione supradictis |
1422 novembre 6 |
Concession of right of recourse for property gabelle to debtor who is no longer the owner. |
Text: petenti regressum et ius repetendi et habendi |
1422 novembre 6 |
Concession of right of recourse for property gabelle to debtor who is no longer the owner. |
Text: in locum et ius dicte Opere pro |
1423 giugno 9 |
Term of payment to Castiglione Aretino. |
Text: deliberaverunt quod fiat ius et quod solvant |
1424/5 gennaio 29 |
Order to debtor to make a deposit for the recompense of the jurist called for legal advice on his case. |
Text: hoc ut unicuique ius et iustitiam administretur; |
1425 aprile 3 |
Letter to the Podestà of Gangalandi instructing him to order two masters in disagreement to elect an arbitrator to make compromise and another letter with exemption of demand of payment for the workers of Lastra and Malmantile. |
Text: et fiet eis ius et iustitia. |
1425 giugno 8 |
Letter to the Podestà of Arezzo for rulings in favor of the abbot of Capolona, who declares that he made a deposit for the new gabelles. |
Text: dictum Potestatem unicuique ius et iustitiam. |
1425 settembre 3 |
Dispatch of the notary of the Opera to Vicopisano for litigation with demand of payment of the adversary for the restitution of the expenditures incurred. |
Text: et in quantum ius dicte litis veniat |
1425 settembre 26 |
Term assigned to the adversary in a dispute for the presentation of his rights and authority to the notary of the Opera for the election of a lawyer. |
Text: prefatam Operam pretendere ius vigore cuiusdam donationis |
1425 settembre 26 |
Term assigned to the adversary in a dispute for the presentation of his rights and authority to the notary of the Opera for the election of a lawyer. |
Text: perdentis, volentes unicuique ius suum tribuere, servatis |
1425 novembre 23 |
Letter to the Podestà of Vicopisano instructing him to demand payment of debtor for a piece of land located at Cesano, which is the object of litigation with the Opera. |
Text: eiusdem, et sic ius super quo fundatur |
1425 novembre 23 |
Letter to the Podestà of Vicopisano instructing him to demand payment of debtor for a piece of land located at Cesano, which is the object of litigation with the Opera. |
Text: probationibus non oriatur ius ut l. sed |
1426 ottobre 25 |
Election of doctor of law for counsel over the dispute between the Commune of San Gimignano and the Opera for the properties of San Galgano. |
Text: igitur prefati operarii ius et iustitiam dicto |
1426 ottobre 25 |
Election of doctor of law for counsel over the dispute between the Commune of San Gimignano and the Opera for the properties of San Galgano. |
Text: litibus consulere et ius habenti in dicto |
1426 ottobre 17 |
Cancellation of debt and prohibition to demand payment because of exemption of the Commune of Peccioli from the new gabelles. |
Text: igitur dicti operarii ius et iustitiam dicto |
1426 ottobre 25 |
Report of the notary on legal counsel obtained for dispute with the Commune of San Gimignano and term of payment to the guarantor of said Commune. |
Text: deliberatione, volentes igitur ius et iustitiam ministrare |
1427 maggio 7 |
Obligation to the Commune of San Gimignano to pay the testamentary legacies to the Opera, in accordance with the ordinances of the Commune of Florence. |
Text: offitialibus vel habentibus ius vel causam a |
1427 maggio 7 |
Obligation to the Commune of San Gimignano to pay the testamentary legacies to the Opera, in accordance with the ordinances of the Commune of Florence. |
Text: a Communi Florentie ius et causam secundum |
1427 agosto 28 |
Confirmation of prices to master stonecutters for certain work done at Lastra and variation of price for other work, with modification of the measurements. |
Text: operarii volentes unicuique ius et iustitiam ministrare, |
1427 dicembre 23 |
Audit of the accounts of the treasurers of the forced loans. |
Text: discussis volentes unicuique ius ministrare, dato, misso, |
1427/8 gennaio 22 |
Cancellation of debt for new gabelles and restitution of deposit. |
Text: idcirco volentes eidem ius ministrare servatis servandis |
1427/8 febbraio 24 |
Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. |
Text: offitialibus vel habentibus ius vel causam a |
1427/8 febbraio 24 |
Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. |
Text: operarii volentes unicuique ius et iustitia ministrare, |
1428 agosto 31 |
Release of kilnman from supply agreement which had been terminated. |
Text: operarii, volentes unicuique ius et iustitiam ministrare, |
1428 dicembre 23 |
Sentence regarding a bequest made to the Opera of dotal properties of testator's sister, recognized as property of other legitimate heirs. |
Text: iniustitiam favisse nullumque ius in prefatis bonis |
1428 dicembre 23 |
Sentence regarding a bequest made to the Opera of dotal properties of testator's sister, recognized as property of other legitimate heirs. |
Text: dominus Stefanus nullum ius habere in dictis |
1428 dicembre 23 |
Sentence regarding a bequest made to the Opera of dotal properties of testator's sister, recognized as property of other legitimate heirs. |
Text: volentes igitur unicuique ius et iustitiam ministrare |
1428/9 gennaio 28 |
Election of lawyer and release of heirs from overly burdensome testamentary legacies and their acquittal. |
Text: procedere et unicuique ius et iustitiam ministrare |
1428/9 gennaio 28 |
Election of lawyer and release of heirs from overly burdensome testamentary legacies and their acquittal. |
Text: deliberatione, intendentes unicuique ius et iustitiam ministrare, |
1428/9 gennaio 28 |
Election of lawyer for the question of the purchase of the Panciatichi house in the court of the Visdomini. |
Text: et unicuique partium ius et iustitiam ministrare, |
1428/9 gennaio 9 |
Acceptance of legal counsel given on house of the Cortigiani. |
Text: domina Laurentia efficacius ius habere in pretio |
1428/9 gennaio 9 |
Acceptance of legal counsel given on house of the Cortigiani. |
Text: in pretio, et ius validius habet dictus |
1428/9 gennaio 9 |
Acceptance of legal counsel given on house of the Cortigiani. |
Text: quia domina Laurentia ius habuit a Bonifatio |
1428/9 gennaio 9 |
Acceptance of legal counsel given on house of the Cortigiani. |
Text: prius et validius ius est domine Laurentie. |
1428/9 gennaio 9 |
Acceptance of legal counsel given on house of the Cortigiani. |
Text: dicta domina Laurentia ius habet. Nec contradicit |
1428/9 gennaio 9 |
Acceptance of legal counsel given on house of the Cortigiani. |
Text: habet. Nec contradicit ius ser Antonii dicto |
1429 ottobre 4 |
Term of payment for gabelle on persons to the Commune of Palazzo Fiorentino. |
Text: pecunie; volentes igitur ius et iustitiam dicte |
1429 ottobre 6 |
Authorization to the administrator to settle the account of the work at the castle of Malmantile according to the report of the arbitrators. |
Text: prefati operarii unicuique ius et iustitiam ministrare |
1429 ottobre 15 |
Suspension of payment and new term for debt for forced loans. |
Text: prefati operarii unicuique ius et iustitiam ministrare |
1429 novembre 4 |
Authorization to pay master for work done at Malmantile, granting him the completion of the work. |
Text: volentes igitur eidem ius et iustitiam ministrare |
1429/30 gennaio 26 |
Concession of right of recourse to guarantor for debt of the baptismal parish of Remole. |
Text: Ghettum, volentes eidem ius et iustitiam ministrare, |
1429/30 marzo 7 |
Permission to build a low wall at the expense of the Ricci near the homonymous street with proviso for its possible destruction at the wardens' discretion. |
Text: hoc quod nullum ius propterea dicte familie |
1430 giugno 22 |
Authorization to affix a painting of the Saints Cosmas and Damian on one of the piers between the pulpit and the portal towards San Giovanni. |
Text: hoc quod nullum ius cappelle nec aliquo |
1430 giugno 22 |
Authorization to affix a painting of the Saints Cosmas and Damian on one of the piers between the pulpit and the portal towards San Giovanni. |
Text: nec aliquo aliud ius acquiratur per eum |
1431 marzo 27 |
Revocation of demand of payment due to an error and new registration in the book of the debtors. |
Text: volentes igitur unicuique ius et iustitiam ministrare |
1431 maggio 9 |
Cancellation of debt and release of an arrested person. |
Text: centum, idcirco volentes ius et iustitiam unicuique |
1431 maggio 30 |
Letter to the commissary of Staggia about the work at Staggia. |
Text: ut fieri possit ius habenti et postulanti. |
1431 luglio 13 |
Revocation of demand of payment for forced loans pertaining to a farm on account of error of identity of person. |
Text: omne et quodcumque ius conpetens vel competiturum |
1431 luglio 13 |
Revocation of demand of payment for forced loans pertaining to a farm on account of error of identity of person. |
Text: Agnolettam et ipsum ius dicto laudo adiudicaverunt |
1431 luglio 13 |
Revocation of demand of payment for forced loans pertaining to a farm on account of error of identity of person. |
Text: causis volentes unicuique ius et iustitiam ministrare |
1432 luglio 18 |
Authority to the wardens to cancel debts for forced loans, with restitution of pawns. |
Text: volentes igitur unicuique ius et iustitiam ministrare |
1432 dicembre 3 |
Restitution of pawn to the holder of a house obtained through the officials of the Commune from a rebel and debtor of the Opera. |
Text: Commune Florentie nullum ius prefata Opera habet |
1432 dicembre 18 |
Price fixed for lumber sold to the Sapienza. |
Text: dicto loco Sapientie ius et iustitiam ministrare, |
1433 giugno 5 |
Revocation of the resolution that fixes the salaries of the masters because of errors committed. |
Text: quam eis fiat ius et iustitia revocaverunt |
1434 aprile 13 |
Commission for the choice of a consultant for the forced loans. |
Text: dicti operarii unicuique ius et iustitiam ministrare |
1435 aprile 22 |
Term to the treasurers of the gabelles and forced loans in office from the 1425 for presentation of their rights or consignment of money collected and not paid, under penalty of dispatch to debtors' registry. |
Text: ut Opere suum ius consequatur, servatis servandis |
1435 aprile 27 |
Acquittal of a treasurer of the forced loans for the debt denounced by the auditors regarding the 6 denari per lira due from orphans and widows, considered exempt. |
Text: et quod contra ius et iustitiam faciebat |
1435 aprile 29 |
Acquittal from the accusation made to raftsmen about damages caused to a weir by the passage of lumber. |
Text: ante omnia unicuique ius et iustitiam ministrare |
1435 aprile 29 |
Acquittal from the accusation made to raftsmen about damages caused to a weir by the passage of lumber. |
Text: contra omnem debitum ius et omnem honestatem, |
1435/6 marzo 7 |
Letter to the supervisors of Pisa regarding the division of certain properties and the compensation due for eventual subtractions to the disadvantage of the Opera. |
Text: placeat eis facere ius existens inter Operam |
1436 aprile 30 |
Declaration of credit in favor of the new hospital of Pisa and letter to the vicar of Vicopisano. |
Text: sex, et habere ius in bonis dicti |