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A1-150  A151-300  A301-450  A451-600  A601-750  A751-900  A901-1050  A1051-1200  A1201-1350  A1351-1500  A1501-1650  A1651-1800  A1801-1950  A1951-2100  A2101-2250  A2251-2400  A2401-2550  A2551-2700  A2701-2850  A2851-3000  A3001-3150  A3151-3300  A3301-3450  A3451-3600  A3601-3750  A3751-3900  A3901-4050  A4051-4200  A4201-4350  A4351-4500  A4501-4650  A4651-4800  A4801-4950  A4951-5100  A5101-5250  A5251-5400  A5401-5550  A5551-5700  A5701-5850  A5851-6000  A6001-6150  A6151-6300  A6301-6450  A6451-6600  A6601-6750  A6751-6900  A6901-7050  A7051-7200  A7201-7350  A7351-7500  7501-7650 A7651-7800  A7801-7950  A7951-8100  A8101-8250  A8251-8400  A8401-8550  A8551-8700  A8701-8850  A8851-9000  A9001-9150  A9151-9300  A9301-9450  A9451-9600  A9601-9750  A9751-9900  A9901-10050  A10051-10200  A10201-10350  A10351-10500  A10501-10650  A10651-10800  A10801-10950  A10951-11100  A11101-11250  A11251-11400  A11401-11550  A11551-11700  A11701-11850  A11851-12000  A12001-12150  A12151-12300  A12301-12450  A12451-12600  A12601-12750  A12751-12900  A12901-13050  A13051-13200  A13201-13350  A13351-13500  A13501-13650  A13651-13800  A13801-13950  A13951-14100  A14101-14250  A14251-14400  A14401-14550  A14551-14700  A14701-14850  A14851-15000  A15001-15150  A15151-15300  A15301-15450  A15451-15600  A15601-15750  A15751-15900  A15901-16050  A16051-16200  A16201-16350  A16351-16500  A16501-16650  A16651-16800  A16801-16950  A16951-17100  A17101-17250  A17251-17400  A17401-17550  A17551-17700  A17701-17850  A17851-18000  A18001-18150  A18151-18300  A18301-18450  A18451-18554 





Context of query
o0201079.089g 1421 dicembre 16 Guaranty for debt for pardons of the baptismal parish of the Antella. Text: populi Sancti Laurentii de Florentia fideiussit etc.
o0201079.089va 1421 dicembre 23 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: Niccolai del Ricco de Bucellis debitoribus et
o0201079.089va 1421 dicembre 23 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: totum presentem mensem de ipsa medietate solvat
o0201079.089va 1421 dicembre 23 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: et Benedictus Francisci de Bucellis et quilibet
o0201079.089vb 1421 dicembre 23 Guaranty for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: 14 vel circa, de solvendo ipsam quantitatem
o0201079.089vb 1421 dicembre 23 Guaranty for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: Sancte Marie Maioris de Florentia fideiussit etc.
o0201079.089vc 1421 dicembre 23 Guaranty for balance of debt for gabelles of the Commune of Cortona. Text: florenis centum auri, (de solvendo) hinc ad
o0201079.089vc 1421 dicembre 23 Guaranty for balance of debt for gabelles of the Commune of Cortona. Text: quantitatis, Iohannes Tommasii de Cortonio de consensu
o0201079.089vc 1421 dicembre 23 Guaranty for balance of debt for gabelles of the Commune of Cortona. Text: Tommasii de Cortonio de consensu dictorum operariorum
o0201079.091a 1421 novembre 27 Payment for hoisting loads with Brunelleschi's machine. Text: presens quam futurus de pecunia sui camerariatus
o0201079.091a 1421 novembre 27 Payment for hoisting loads with Brunelleschi's machine. Text: solvere Piero Nannis de Marignolla florenos auri
o0201079.091b 1421 dicembre 5 Payment to stationer. Text: presens quam futurus de pecunia sui camerariatus
o0201079.091b 1421 dicembre 5 Payment to stationer. Text: settembris proxime preteriti, de quibus omnibus particulariter
o0201079.091c 1421 dicembre 9 Restitution of sum collected wrongfully for sentencing rights. Text: presens quam futurus de pecunia sui camerariatus
o0201079.091c 1421 dicembre 9 Restitution of sum collected wrongfully for sentencing rights. Text: domine Iohanne Antonii de Monte Lucci soldos
o0201079.091va 1421 dicembre 9 Payment to unskilled worker to empty a quarry of water. Text: Piero del Cofaccia de Fexulis quos recipere
o0201079.091va 1421 dicembre 9 Payment to unskilled worker to empty a quarry of water. Text: per eum missis de mandato operariorum de
o0201079.091va 1421 dicembre 9 Payment to unskilled worker to empty a quarry of water. Text: de mandato operariorum de mense ... proxime
o0201079.091va 1421 dicembre 9 Payment to unskilled worker to empty a quarry of water. Text: cavam dicti Salvii de aqua tunc in
o0201079.091vb 1421 dicembre 9 Payment for cutting and trimming of lumber. Text: Bartoli del Pozo de Mucello conductori lignaminis
o0201079.091vc 1421 dicembre 18 Payment for the purchase of lumber. Text: presens quam futurus de pecunia sui camerariatus
o0201079.091vc 1421 dicembre 18 Payment for the purchase of lumber. Text: solvat Nofrio Gucci de Castagno conductori lignaminis
o0201079.091vd 1421 dicembre 18 Payment for the purchase of lumber. Text: Mannino Iacobi de Ponte Sevis conductori
o0201079.091ve 1421 dicembre 18 Payment for the purchase of broad terracotta bricks. Text: Pardo Antonii fornaciario de Vulterris pro parte
o0201079.091vf 1421 dicembre 19 Payment for the purchase of hardware. Text: presens quam futurus de pecunia sui camerariatus
o0201079.092a 1421 dicembre 19 Payment for supply of broad earthen bricks for the cupola. Text: Antonio Iohannis Nutini de Gangalandi fornaciario pro
o0201079.092b 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for petty expenses. Text: generalis dicti officii de pecunia sui camerariatus
o0201079.092b 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for petty expenses. Text: unius canapi grossi de Pisis conducti et
o0201079.092b 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for petty expenses. Text: et eius vectura de portu; et pro
o0201079.092b 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for petty expenses. Text: dicto tempore factis, de quibus omnibus particulariter
o0201079.092va 1421 dicembre 23 Restitution of sum paid erroneously twice for the ringing of the bell of the clergy for funeral tribute. Text: Gherardo domini Filippi de Corsinis, quos indebite
o0201079.092vb 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for the purchase of a large rope. Text: Bartholomeo Verano de Peruzis capsori pro
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: et Communis Florentie de mense ... proxime
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: XVI Nanni Andree de Prato pro operibus
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: VIII Niccolao Mattei de Castello pro operibus
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: VIII Martino Lotti de Sexto pro operibus
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: V Meo Antonii de Florentia pro operibus
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: XVIII Appollonio Angeli de Perusio pro operibus
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: calcine spente late de Opera ad carceres
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: ut supra portatorum de Sancto Simone ad
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: et lignaminis portati de Opera ad Stincas
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: et laterum portatorum de Sancto Simone ad
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: Francisci Bonba fornaciario de Lastra pro tegulis
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: VII Paulo Ciapi de Canacci legnaiuolo pro
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: renaiuolo pro fulciendo de arena suprascripta modia
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: pro salmis XLIIII de ciottolis pro pretio
o0201079.094d 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for the rent of a house. Text: ipsa domo sibi de communi concordia licentiata,
o0201080.002a 1421 novembre 19 Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: Iohanne domini Donati de Barbadoris et Dino
o0201080.002a 1421 novembre 19 Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: subcessive Bonacursio Nerii de Pictis Gherardo Mattey
o0201080.002a 1421 novembre 19 Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: Doni Luca Manetti de Filicaria et Iohanne
o0201080.002a 1421 novembre 19 Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: et Iohanne Nofrii de Bischeris pro tempore
o0201080.002a 1421 novembre 19 Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: consulatum Cardinale Pieri de Oricellariis pro residuo
o0201080.002a 1421 novembre 19 Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: Orlandini Ugone Bartholomey de Alexandris Andrea Raynaldi
o0201080.002a 1421 novembre 19 Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: Alexandris Andrea Raynaldi de Rondinellis et Antonio
o0201080.002a 1421 novembre 19 Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: loco Iacobi Iohannis de Giugnis cuius officium
o0201080.002a 1421 novembre 19 Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: et Andrea Rainaldi de Rondinellis pro tempore
o0201080.002va 1421/2 gennaio 9 Oath of wardens and term of payment to the Commune of Scarperia. Text: Iohanne domini Donati de Barbadoris cum officio
o0201080.002va 1421/2 gennaio 9 Oath of wardens and term of payment to the Commune of Scarperia. Text: Iohannes domini Donati de Barbadoris Bonacursius Nerii
o0201080.002va 1421/2 gennaio 9 Oath of wardens and term of payment to the Commune of Scarperia. Text: Barbadoris Bonacursius Nerii de Pictis Gherardus Mattey
o0201080.002va 1421/2 gennaio 9 Oath of wardens and term of payment to the Commune of Scarperia. Text: Doni Lucas Manetti de Filicaria et Iohannes
o0201080.002va 1421/2 gennaio 9 Oath of wardens and term of payment to the Commune of Scarperia. Text: et Iohannes Honofrii de Bischeris operarii Opere
o0201080.002va 1421/2 gennaio 9 Oath of wardens and term of payment to the Commune of Scarperia. Text: et Iohanni Nofrii de novo ad officium
o0201080.002va 1421/2 gennaio 9 Oath of wardens and term of payment to the Commune of Scarperia. Text: ad officium intrantibus de prosequendo dictum laborerium,
o0201080.002va 1421/2 gennaio 9 Oath of wardens and term of payment to the Commune of Scarperia. Text: pro gratia recepta de mense ottobris proxime
o0201080.002va 1421/2 gennaio 9 Oath of wardens and term of payment to the Commune of Scarperia. Text: promictendum et fideiubendum de solvendo quantitatem debitam
o0201080.002vb 1421/2 gennaio 9 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans and concession of right of recourse for one fifth of the amount due. Title: Felicis de Brancacciis
o0201080.002vb 1421/2 gennaio 9 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans and concession of right of recourse for one fifth of the amount due. Text: quod Felice Miccaelis de Brancaciis possessor ut
o0201080.002vb 1421/2 gennaio 9 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans and concession of right of recourse for one fifth of the amount due. Text: uxoris Pieri Piubichesis de Brancaciis debitricis dicte
o0201080.002vd 1421/2 gennaio 9 Term of payment to the Commune of Pescia for debt for pardons. Text: occasione gratie recepte de mense novembris MCCCCXV
o0201080.002vd 1421/2 gennaio 9 Term of payment to the Commune of Pescia for debt for pardons. Text: promictendo et fideiubendo de solvendo in terminis
o0201080.003b 1421/2 gennaio 9 Term of payment to the communes of the suburbs of Arezzo for debt for milling gabelle and extension of the same because of the poverty of the inhabitants. Text: intellecto qualiter fuit de mense decembris proxime
o0201080.003b 1421/2 gennaio 9 Term of payment to the communes of the suburbs of Arezzo for debt for milling gabelle and extension of the same because of the poverty of the inhabitants. Text: statutus terminus communibus de cortinis Aretii debitoribus
o0201080.003c 1421/2 gennaio 9 Summons to guarantors of the treasurer of the new gabelles and declaration of error committed during his term as treasurer. Text: prestitos per Carolum de Canigianis pro officio
o0201080.003e 1421/2 gennaio 9 Cancellation of debt for new gabelles. Text: et singulares persone de comitatu Florentie descripta
o0201080.003e 1421/2 gennaio 9 Cancellation of debt for new gabelles. Text: quodlibet et quelibet de per se que
o0201080.003va 1421/2 gennaio 9 Term of payment for debt. Text: quod Donatus ... de Castillione descriptus debitor
o0201080.003va 1421/2 gennaio 9 Term of payment for debt. Text: in quantum satisdet de solvendo in casu
o0201080.003vc 1421/2 gennaio 9 Demand of payment to the debtors of the Florentine countryside. Text: dicte Opere quacumque de causa et tam
o0201080.003vc 1421/2 gennaio 9 Demand of payment to the debtors of the Florentine countryside. Text: officialibus comitatus Florentie de gravando ipsos debitores
o0201080.003vc 1421/2 gennaio 9 Demand of payment to the debtors of the Florentine countryside. Text: et plures et de veniendo faciendum satisdare
o0201080.003vd 1421/2 gennaio 9 Concession of right of recourse for debt for livestock gabelle. Title: Heredum Michelini de Campiglia
o0201080.003vd 1421/2 gennaio 9 Concession of right of recourse for debt for livestock gabelle. Text: pro comite Antonio de Ilci, olim descripto
o0201080.003vd 1421/2 gennaio 9 Concession of right of recourse for debt for livestock gabelle. Text: heredes Michelini Nerii de Campiglia et pro
o0201080.003vd 1421/2 gennaio 9 Concession of right of recourse for debt for livestock gabelle. Text: eis ser Grazia de Plebe Sancti Stefani
o0201080.003vd 1421/2 gennaio 9 Concession of right of recourse for debt for livestock gabelle. Text: mensis Paulo Vannis de Oricellariis camerario Opere
o0201080.003vd 1421/2 gennaio 9 Concession of right of recourse for debt for livestock gabelle. Text: recipienti ipsam quantitatem de propriis denariis animo
o0201080.004va 1421/2 gennaio 9 Concession of right of recourse against debtor for loan. Title: Pacis de Settignano
o0201080.004va 1421/2 gennaio 9 Concession of right of recourse against debtor for loan. Text: infrascripto Pace Giusti de Settignano narrante qualiter
o0201080.004va 1421/2 gennaio 9 Concession of right of recourse against debtor for loan. Text: pro Iacobo Angeli de Settignano debitore dicte
o0201080.004va 1421/2 gennaio 9 Concession of right of recourse against debtor for loan. Text: pro expensis capture de ipso Pace facte
o0201080.005b 1421/2 gennaio 12 Letter to the Captain of Pisa for summons of the treasurer of Pisa and of another person convoked. Text: quod mandet Lupardo de Vecchiano et camerario
o0201080.005b 1421/2 gennaio 12 Letter to the Captain of Pisa for summons of the treasurer of Pisa and of another person convoked. Text: coram operariis et de comparendo ipsos faciat
o0201080.005c 1421/2 gennaio 12 Letter to the Podestà of Pisa for summons of the notaries of the civil court. Text: coram eis et de comparendo ipsos faciat
o0201080.005d 1421/2 gennaio 12 Letter to the Ten of Pisa to obtain payment of the 4 denari per lira from the contractors of the gabelles for the Commune of Florence from 1406 onwards. Text: dicte Opere satisfiat de denariis 4 pro
o0201080.005e 1421/2 gennaio 12 Letter to the Podestà of Peccioli for summons of the syndic or treasurer in the place of another person previously enjoined. Text: coram eis et de comparendo ipsum faciat
o0201080.005f 1421/2 gennaio 12 Prohibition to demand payment of indigent debtor and letter to the Captain of Marittima instructing him to cease prosecution. Title: Ducii de Guardistallo
o0201080.005f 1421/2 gennaio 12 Prohibition to demand payment of indigent debtor and letter to the Captain of Marittima instructing him to cease prosecution. Text: Duccii ser Giunte de Guardistallo debitoris dicte
o0201080.005g 1421/2 gennaio 12 Cancellation of part of gabelle overpaid for buffalos and goats. Text: dicte Opere Lemmus de Monte Scudario in
o0201080.005g 1421/2 gennaio 12 Cancellation of part of gabelle overpaid for buffalos and goats. Text: et qualiter Dominicus de Monte Scudario in
o0201080.005g 1421/2 gennaio 12 Cancellation of part of gabelle overpaid for buffalos and goats. Text: veritate ipse Lemmus de dictis bufalis habuit
o0201080.005g 1421/2 gennaio 12 Cancellation of part of gabelle overpaid for buffalos and goats. Text: et Dominicus predictus de dictis capris habuit
o0201080.005va 1421/2 gennaio 14 Letter to the Podestà of Scarperia instructing him to compensate the persons of said Podesteria who were detained in his court for the debt of the Podesteria with the Opera. Title: Quorumdam de Scarperia
o0201080.005va 1421/2 gennaio 14 Letter to the Podestà of Scarperia instructing him to compensate the persons of said Podesteria who were detained in his court for the debt of the Podesteria with the Opera. Text: reperit quod quattuor de dicta Potestaria pro
o0201080.005va 1421/2 gennaio 14 Letter to the Podestà of Scarperia instructing him to compensate the persons of said Podesteria who were detained in his court for the debt of the Podesteria with the Opera. Text: faciat eis satisfieri de eo quod sibi
o0201080.005vb 1421/2 gennaio 14 Commission to master builder and administrator to contract out lumber for the roofs of the chapels. Text: qualiter necessarium est de lignaminibus habendis provideri
o0201080.005vb 1421/2 gennaio 14 Commission to master builder and administrator to contract out lumber for the roofs of the chapels. Text: dicte ecclesie, confixi de prudentia ac diligentia
o0201080.005vb 1421/2 gennaio 14 Commission to master builder and administrator to contract out lumber for the roofs of the chapels. Text: quascumque locationes faciendi de lignaminibus conducendis predictis
o0201080.005vb 1421/2 gennaio 14 Commission to master builder and administrator to contract out lumber for the roofs of the chapels. Text: pretio et pretiis de quibus et prout
o0201080.005vb 1421/2 gennaio 14 Commission to master builder and administrator to contract out lumber for the roofs of the chapels. Text: una vel plures de medietate pretii debendi
o0201080.005vb 1421/2 gennaio 14 Commission to master builder and administrator to contract out lumber for the roofs of the chapels. Text: conductor ydonee satisdet de observando per eum
o0201080.006b 1421/2 gennaio 14 Building of carved ornament, representing foliage over the portal facing towards the church of Santa Maria of the Servites. Text: ecclesiam Sancte Marie de Servis.
o0201080.006d 1421/2 gennaio 14 Term of payment for property gabelle to the rector of San Giovanni to Cornazzano and Castelfalfi. Text: duraturum domino Marino de Guadagnis plebano plebis
o0201080.006d 1421/2 gennaio 14 Term of payment for property gabelle to the rector of San Giovanni to Cornazzano and Castelfalfi. Text: plebis Sancti Iohannis de Quarazano episcopatus lucani
o0201080.006e 1421/2 gennaio 14 Letter to the Podestà of Terranuova instructing him to pay whoever has collected funds for the Opera in the parishes and communes of the League. Text: faciat Piero Lippi de Montelungo expensis consilii
o0201080.006e 1421/2 gennaio 14 Letter to the Podestà of Terranuova instructing him to pay whoever has collected funds for the Opera in the parishes and communes of the League. Text: consilium dicte Lige de operibus missis per
o0201080.006va 1421/2 gennaio 12 Release of lumber supplier and his guarantor from further obligation upon receipt of attestation that he fully satisfied the conditions of his contract. Text: quantum Vincius Gherardi de Fornace, qui hactenus
o0201080.006va 1421/2 gennaio 12 Release of lumber supplier and his guarantor from further obligation upon receipt of attestation that he fully satisfied the conditions of his contract. Text: omnia que promixit, de quo stetur et
o0201080.006va 1421/2 gennaio 12 Release of lumber supplier and his guarantor from further obligation upon receipt of attestation that he fully satisfied the conditions of his contract. Text: assertioni Luce Manetti de Filicaria unius ex
o0201080.006va 1421/2 gennaio 12 Release of lumber supplier and his guarantor from further obligation upon receipt of attestation that he fully satisfied the conditions of his contract. Text: observavit ad plenum de predictis ad que
o0201080.006vc 1421/2 gennaio 19 Oath of the notary and regulations for the registration of the deposits of Pisa. Text: mei notarii infrascripti de omnia et singula
o0201080.006vc 1421/2 gennaio 19 Oath of the notary and regulations for the registration of the deposits of Pisa. Text: Commune civitatis Pisarum de denariis gratiarum receptis
o0201080.006vc 1421/2 gennaio 19 Oath of the notary and regulations for the registration of the deposits of Pisa. Text: provisorem in libro de quo supra fit
o0201080.007a 1421/2 gennaio 19 Nomination of stonecutter. Text: scarpelli Cecchinum Giaggi de Settignano ad laborandum
o0201080.007b 1421/2 gennaio 19 Correction of account entry of lumber supplier, which had been erroneously recorded in the account of another supplier. Title: Angeli fabri, Vincii de Fornace
o0201080.007b 1421/2 gennaio 19 Correction of account entry of lumber supplier, which had been erroneously recorded in the account of another supplier. Text: Angeli Guidonis fabri de Rincine conductoris lignaminis
o0201080.007b 1421/2 gennaio 19 Correction of account entry of lumber supplier, which had been erroneously recorded in the account of another supplier. Text: in maiori summa, de quibus poni debebat
o0201080.007b 1421/2 gennaio 19 Correction of account entry of lumber supplier, which had been erroneously recorded in the account of another supplier. Text: computum Vincii Gherardi de Fornace conductis, qui
o0201080.007b 1421/2 gennaio 19 Correction of account entry of lumber supplier, which had been erroneously recorded in the account of another supplier. Text: ministrare deliberaverunt quod de computo dicti Angeli
o0201080.007c 1421/2 gennaio 24 Release of the treasurer of the new gabelles from debt and confiscation. Title: Caroli de Canigianis
o0201080.007c 1421/2 gennaio 24 Release of the treasurer of the new gabelles from debt and confiscation. Text: quod facto deposito de florenis quinque et
o0201080.007c 1421/2 gennaio 24 Release of the treasurer of the new gabelles from debt and confiscation. Text: per heredes Caroli de Canigianis olim camerarii
o0201080.007c 1421/2 gennaio 24 Release of the treasurer of the new gabelles from debt and confiscation. Text: petitionem ipsorum operariorum de mense iulii proxime
o0201080.007c 1421/2 gennaio 24 Release of the treasurer of the new gabelles from debt and confiscation. Text: seu provisorem camere de denariis Antonii Loysii
o0201080.007c 1421/2 gennaio 24 Release of the treasurer of the new gabelles from debt and confiscation. Text: denariis Antonii Loysii de Canigianis, qui dictum
o0201080.007va 1421/2 gennaio 24 Term of payment for debt for herd livestock gabelles. Text: heredibus Lippi Stoldi de Rossis debitoris Opere
o0201080.007va 1421/2 gennaio 24 Term of payment for debt for herd livestock gabelles. Text: circa ad solvendum de ipsa quantitate libras
o0201080.007va 1421/2 gennaio 24 Term of payment for debt for herd livestock gabelles. Text: ad presens solvant de ipsa quantitate libras
o0201080.007va 1421/2 gennaio 24 Term of payment for debt for herd livestock gabelles. Text: libras viginti et de residuo solvendo in
o0201080.007vb 1421/2 gennaio 24 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans with threat of demand of payment. Title: Checchi de Bardis
o0201080.007vb 1421/2 gennaio 24 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans with threat of demand of payment. Text: Bindi domini Iacobi de Bardis debitor dicte
o0201080.007vb 1421/2 gennaio 24 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans with threat of demand of payment. Text: teneatur et debeat de ipsa quantitate ad
o0201080.007vc 1421/2 gennaio 24 Correction of greater debt for livestock gabelles. Title: Andree de Monte Viridi et
o0201080.007vc 1421/2 gennaio 24 Correction of greater debt for livestock gabelles. Text: debitor Andreas Iohannis de Monte Viridi in
o0201080.007vc 1421/2 gennaio 24 Correction of greater debt for livestock gabelles. Text: qualiter Antonius Giusti de Fabrica in dicto
o0201080.007vc 1421/2 gennaio 24 Correction of greater debt for livestock gabelles. Text: quod dictus Antonius de quantitate bestiarum in
o0201080.007vc 1421/2 gennaio 24 Correction of greater debt for livestock gabelles. Text: et non plures de quo eis manifestum
o0201080.007vc 1421/2 gennaio 24 Correction of greater debt for livestock gabelles. Text: habuisse quantitatem descriptam de qua supra fit
o0201080.007vc 1421/2 gennaio 24 Correction of greater debt for livestock gabelles. Text: qualiter Gaddus Lencii de Laiatico descriptus est
o0201080.007vc 1421/2 gennaio 24 Correction of greater debt for livestock gabelles. Text: asseruerunt ipsum Gaddum de dictis pecudibus habuisse
o0201080.007vc 1421/2 gennaio 24 Correction of greater debt for livestock gabelles. Text: dumtaxat quinqueginta et de porcis habuisse dumtaxat
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