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A1-150  A151-300  A301-450  A451-600  A601-750  A751-900  A901-1050  A1051-1200  A1201-1350  A1351-1500  A1501-1650  A1651-1800  A1801-1950  A1951-2100  A2101-2250  A2251-2400  A2401-2550  A2551-2700  A2701-2850  A2851-3000  A3001-3150  A3151-3300  A3301-3450  A3451-3600  A3601-3750  A3751-3900  A3901-4050  A4051-4200  A4201-4350  A4351-4500  A4501-4650  A4651-4800  4801-4950 A4951-5100  A5101-5250  A5251-5400  A5401-5550  A5551-5700  A5701-5850  A5851-6000  A6001-6150  A6151-6300  A6301-6450  A6451-6600  A6601-6750  A6751-6900  A6901-7050  A7051-7200  A7201-7350  A7351-7500  A7501-7650  A7651-7800  A7801-7950  A7951-8100  A8101-8250  A8251-8400  A8401-8550  A8551-8700  A8701-8850  A8851-9000  A9001-9150  A9151-9300  A9301-9450  A9451-9600  A9601-9750  A9751-9900  A9901-10050  A10051-10200  A10201-10350  A10351-10500  A10501-10650  A10651-10800  A10801-10950  A10951-11100  A11101-11250  A11251-11400  A11401-11550  A11551-11700  A11701-11850  A11851-12000  A12001-12150  A12151-12300  A12301-12450  A12451-12600  A12601-12750  A12751-12900  A12901-13050  A13051-13200  A13201-13350  A13351-13500  A13501-13650  A13651-13800  A13801-13950  A13951-14100  A14101-14250  A14251-14400  A14401-14550  A14551-14700  A14701-14850  A14851-15000  A15001-15150  A15151-15300  A15301-15450  A15451-15600  A15601-15750  A15751-15900  A15901-16050  A16051-16200  A16201-16350  A16351-16500  A16501-16650  A16651-16800  A16801-16950  A16951-17100  A17101-17250  A17251-17400  A17401-17550  A17551-17700  A17701-17850  A17851-18000  A18001-18150  A18151-18300  A18301-18450  A18451-18554 





Context of query
o0201077.036va 1420 aprile 24 Letter to the Commune of Cornia for cancellation of debt for new gabelles. Text: forma actari quod de cetero minime gravari
o0201077.036vb 1420 aprile 24 Rent of a house to a courtier. Text: quod domus empta de mense decembris proxime
o0201077.036vb 1420 aprile 24 Rent of a house to a courtier. Text: ser Antonio ... de Pistorio cappellano ecclesie
o0201077.036vb 1420 aprile 24 Rent of a house to a courtier. Text: domino Piero Quintini de Alamanea cortisiano intelligatur
o0201077.036vc 1420 aprile 24 Order not to pay the days not worked by workers who abstained from work without just cause. Text: magister vel scarpellator de cetero quolibet die
o0201077.036vc 1420 aprile 24 Order not to pay the days not worked by workers who abstained from work without just cause. Text: quantitas soldorum viginti de eorum salario vel
o0201077.036vc 1420 aprile 24 Order not to pay the days not worked by workers who abstained from work without just cause. Text: causa fuerit impeditus, de quo impedimento si
o0201077.036vc 1420 aprile 24 Order not to pay the days not worked by workers who abstained from work without just cause. Text: et assertioni Lippozi de Bastariis provisoris dierum
o0201077.037a 1420 aprile 24 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle. Text: mense ex futuris de ipsa quantitate solvere
o0201077.037a 1420 aprile 24 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle. Text: in quantum satisdet de observando per totam
o0201077.037c 1420 aprile 24 Salary set for the summer for masters, some of whom employed at the palace of the Signori. Text: generalis dicti officii de pecunia sui camerariatus
o0201077.037c 1420 aprile 24 Salary set for the summer for masters, some of whom employed at the palace of the Signori. Text: fide a Filippozo de Bastariis provisore dierum
o0201077.037d 1420 aprile 18 Term of payment to the parish of Sant'Agata of the baptismal parish of San Piero a Sieve for debt for gabelle on properties and persons and letter to the rectors for demand of payment. Text: dies proxime futuros de observando in termino
o0201077.037d 1420 aprile 18 Term of payment to the parish of Sant'Agata of the baptismal parish of San Piero a Sieve for debt for gabelle on properties and persons and letter to the rectors for demand of payment. Text: homines et persone de ipso populo in
o0201077.037vb 1420 aprile 19 Letter to the Podestà and the Commune of Campi for release of debtor and information on guaranty provided. Text: liberet Ferrum Mattei de Campi et Commune
o0201077.037vc 1420 aprile 19 Letter to the Podestà of Bibbiena for guaranty to be provided by debtors. Text: olim filiis Pietri de Bibbiena debitoribus dicte
o0201077.037vc 1420 aprile 19 Letter to the Podestà of Bibbiena for guaranty to be provided by debtors. Text: resto dicte promissionis; de qua promissione et
o0201077.038a 1420 aprile 30 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: mense ex futuris de ipsa quantitate solvere
o0201077.038a 1420 aprile 30 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: et in quantum de sic observando satisdet
o0201077.038b 1420 aprile 30 Price set for supply of sandstone blocks. Text: qualiter Andreas Dominici de Vincigliata sive de
o0201077.038b 1420 aprile 30 Price set for supply of sandstone blocks. Text: de Vincigliata sive de Gamberaia qui ad
o0201077.038b 1420 aprile 30 Price set for supply of sandstone blocks. Text: ligamine tertie tribunette de novo complende et
o0201077.038b 1420 aprile 30 Price set for supply of sandstone blocks. Text: dicto Opere et de pecunia Opere supradicte
o0201077.038va 1420 aprile 30 Contract to new sculptor to complete the figure of Ciuffagni, using the same allocation of funds. Text: Bernardum extimetur et de pretio laboris et
o0201077.038va 1420 aprile 30 Contract to new sculptor to complete the figure of Ciuffagni, using the same allocation of funds. Text: sit; et sibi de pretio condecenti pro
o0201077.038vb 1420 aprile 30 Revocation of election and new appointment of messengers with salary and indemnity for attending to the affairs of the cupola. Text: labor non parvus de negotiis cupole absque
o0201077.038vb 1420 aprile 30 Revocation of election and new appointment of messengers with salary and indemnity for attending to the affairs of the cupola. Text: et sic et de continuo accidit eisdem;
o0201077.038vb 1420 aprile 30 Revocation of election and new appointment of messengers with salary and indemnity for attending to the affairs of the cupola. Text: actendant, revocando electiones de eis et utroque
o0201077.039b 1420 aprile 30 Term of payment: unfinished act. Title: pro mense satisdando de 4 mensibus in
o0201077.039c 1420 aprile 30 Proclamation for redemption or sale of pawns. Text: preteriti pignoratus quacumque de causa ad petitionem
o0201077.039d 1420 maggio 3 Drawing of the provost. Text: Filippus domini Blaxii de Guasconibus cum officio
o0201077.039va 1420 maggio 7 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans with release of arrested person. Text: absente tamen Filippo de Guasconibus eorum collega,
o0201077.039va 1420 maggio 7 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans with release of arrested person. Text: per eum debita de denariis sex pro
o0201077.039va 1420 maggio 7 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans with release of arrested person. Text: et in quantum de solvendo id ad
o0201077.039vb 1420 maggio 9 Term of payment to the Commune of Campiglia Marittima for debt for proprety gabelle with letter to the Captain for demand of payment of foreigners' properties. Text: absente tamen Gherardo de Barbadoris eorum collega,
o0201077.039vb 1420 maggio 9 Term of payment to the Commune of Campiglia Marittima for debt for proprety gabelle with letter to the Captain for demand of payment of foreigners' properties. Text: et hominibus Campiglie de Marittima Pisarum debitori
o0201077.039vc 1420 maggio 14 Payment of expenses to master on his deathbed after fall from the third tribune. Text: absentibus tamen Filippo de Guasconibus et Antonio
o0201077.039vc 1420 maggio 14 Payment of expenses to master on his deathbed after fall from the third tribune. Text: presente die cecidit de tribunetta murando super
o0201077.040a 1420 maggio 14 Appraisal of an unfinished figure. Text: secundum consuetudinem deputatos de quadam figura marmoris
o0201077.040b 1420 maggio 14 Authorization to two stonecutters to work outside the Opera. Text: Filippi domini Leonardi de Strozi concedatur et
o0201077.040e 1420 maggio 18 Order to respect the preceding contracts for supply of broad bricks for the main cupola. Text: absente tamen Filippo de Guasconibus et Gherardo
o0201077.040e 1420 maggio 18 Order to respect the preceding contracts for supply of broad bricks for the main cupola. Text: Guasconibus et Gherardo de Barbadoris eorum collegis,
o0201077.040e 1420 maggio 18 Order to respect the preceding contracts for supply of broad bricks for the main cupola. Text: modo et forma de quibus et prout
o0201077.040e 1420 maggio 18 Order to respect the preceding contracts for supply of broad bricks for the main cupola. Text: facta per Pardum de Vulterris et Ferrum
o0201077.040e 1420 maggio 18 Order to respect the preceding contracts for supply of broad bricks for the main cupola. Text: Vulterris et Ferrum de Campi et alios
o0201077.040f 1420 maggio 18 Authorization to two wardens to contract out supply of mortar for the main cupola and to set the price. Text: Filippo domini Blaxii de Guasconibus et Iohanni
o0201077.040f 1420 maggio 18 Authorization to two wardens to contract out supply of mortar for the main cupola and to set the price. Text: et Iohanni Dominici de Giugnis auctoritatem et
o0201077.040vb 1420 maggio 18 Salary set for workers on a daily wage basis for the summer. Text: hactenus laboraverunt et de cetero laborabunt presenti
o0201077.040vb 1420 maggio 18 Salary set for workers on a daily wage basis for the summer. Text: presentem et futurum de pecunia sui camerariatus
o0201077.040vd 1420 maggio 18 Appraisal and setting of price of compensation for the old hardware and lumber salvaged from the church and from demolition in the convent of Santa Maria Novella for the Pope's residence. Text: Item intellecto qualiter de ecclesia et loco
o0201077.040vd 1420 maggio 18 Appraisal and setting of price of compensation for the old hardware and lumber salvaged from the church and from demolition in the convent of Santa Maria Novella for the Pope's residence. Text: et paulo ante de ipso hedifitio destructo
o0201077.040vd 1420 maggio 18 Appraisal and setting of price of compensation for the old hardware and lumber salvaged from the church and from demolition in the convent of Santa Maria Novella for the Pope's residence. Text: et intellecta extimatione de ipsis facta per
o0201077.040ve 1420 maggio 18 Authorization to work on Saturday to finish the work on the third tribune. Text: dicto die sabati de cetero in futurum
o0201077.041a 1420 maggio 18 Demand of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans with option of right of recourse. Text: uxorem ... Senibaldi de Prato qui asserunt
o0201077.041a 1420 maggio 18 Demand of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans with option of right of recourse. Text: bonorum Niccolai Senibaldi de Prato et fratrum
o0201077.041c 1420 maggio 18 Authorization to two stonecutters to work outside the Opera. Text: Filippi domini Leonardi de Strozis comodetur duo
o0201077.041d 1420 maggio 20 Authorization to sell marble. Text: quod domino Palle de Strozis per provisorem
o0201077.041d 1420 maggio 20 Authorization to sell marble. Text: Opere antequam marmor de Opera extrahatur.
o0201077.041g 1420 maggio 20 Salary set for sawyers of lumber for the Pope's residence. Text: 8 Ghinozus ... de Empoli pro uno
o0201077.041va 1420 maggio 22 Authorization to lend two large tackles. Text: Frontis et Gherardo de Barbadoris eorum collegis,
o0201077.041va 1420 maggio 22 Authorization to lend two large tackles. Text: quod Iacobo Vannis de Vecchiettis per provisorem
o0201077.041vb 1420 maggio 22 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle. Text: vel circa solvendi de ipsa quantitate quolibet
o0201077.041vc 1420 maggio 22 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle. Text: quantitatem, dummodo satisdet de solvendo in termino
o0201077.042a 1420 maggio 22 Renewal of rent of a quarry to extract stones for the main cupola. Text: et aliis opportunis de lapidibus provideri, et
o0201077.042a 1420 maggio 22 Renewal of rent of a quarry to extract stones for the main cupola. Text: finito tempore conducte de ipsa cava ad
o0201077.042a 1420 maggio 22 Renewal of rent of a quarry to extract stones for the main cupola. Text: aliqua venditione fienda de lapidibus ipsius cave
o0201077.042b 1420 maggio 22 Increase of salary for master for the summer. Text: et solvi debere de cetero hodie initiando
o0201077.042c 1420 maggio 22 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans with restitution of pawn. Text: Senibaldi et fratrum de Prato debitorum dicte
o0201077.042c 1420 maggio 22 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans with restitution of pawn. Text: vel circa, solvendi de ipsa quantitate per
o0201077.042c 1420 maggio 22 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans with restitution of pawn. Text: pignus restituatur, dummodo de sic solvendo et
o0201077.042e 1420 maggio 29 Authorization to sell lumber without leaving the possibility of choice to the buyer. Text: Frontis et Gherardo de Barbadoris eorum collegis,
o0201077.042e 1420 maggio 29 Authorization to sell lumber without leaving the possibility of choice to the buyer. Text: quod Folco ... de Portinariis vendatur unum
o0201077.042e 1420 maggio 29 Authorization to sell lumber without leaving the possibility of choice to the buyer. Text: eligendo ipsum lignamen de foderibus ad sui
o0201077.042va 1420 maggio 29 Prohibition to masters to absent themselves or dedicate themselves to other work without permission, before the completion of the tribune. Text: a civibus gravantur de licentia magistris ad
o0201077.042vc 1420 maggio 31 Restitution of pawn. Text: absentibus tamen Filippo de Guasconibus et Iohanne
o0201077.042vc 1420 maggio 31 Restitution of pawn. Text: Guasconibus et Iohanne de Giugnis eorum collegis,
o0201077.042vc 1420 maggio 31 Restitution of pawn. Text: uxori Luce Senibaldi de Prato pignus restituatur
o0201077.042vc 1420 maggio 31 Restitution of pawn. Text: absque satisdatione facienda de solvendo Opere id
o0201077.042ve 1420 maggio 31 Exemption of payment to heirs for donation made after testament. Text: quod Miccael Durazini de Secciano seu eius
o0201077.042ve 1420 maggio 31 Exemption of payment to heirs for donation made after testament. Text: ante dictam donationem; de qua donatione constat
o0201077.042ve 1420 maggio 31 Exemption of payment to heirs for donation made after testament. Text: presbitero Marco Lotti de omnibus bonis suis.
o0201077.043b 1420 giugno 12 Authorization to lend a rope and a large tackle. Text: absentibus tamen Gherardo de Barbadoris et Filippo
o0201077.043b 1420 giugno 12 Authorization to lend a rope and a large tackle. Text: quod Bardo Bardi de Bagnesibus civi florentino
o0201077.043c 1420 giugno 12 Authorization to pay the days worked by the blacksmith who has worked on the chains of the third tribune. Text: dicte Opere camerarium de denariis dicti sui
o0201077.043e 1420 giugno 12 Term of payment for debt. Text: quantitate restante, satisdando de predictis.
o0201077.043f 1420 giugno 12 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle and forced loans. Text: terminum Benedicto Simonis de Salterellis debitori dicte
o0201077.043f 1420 giugno 12 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle and forced loans. Text: eius pensionarium satisdet de solvendo in termino
o0201077.043vb 1420 giugno 12 Term of payment for debt. Text: terminum ... Vaggi de Empulo debitori dicte
o0201077.043vb 1420 giugno 12 Term of payment for debt. Text: futuri, dummodo satisdet de solvendo in termino
o0201077.043vc 1420 giugno 12 Term of payment for debt. Text: solvendi quolibet mense de ipsa quantitate libras
o0201077.043ve 1420 giugno 12 Revocation of contract for custody of the pawns. Text: Item intellecto qualiter de mense ... proxime
o0201077.043ve 1420 giugno 12 Revocation of contract for custody of the pawns. Text: et sic eidem de predictis per ipsos
o0201077.043ve 1420 giugno 12 Revocation of contract for custody of the pawns. Text: vel efficacie esse de cetero totaliter decernentes
o0201077.043ve 1420 giugno 12 Revocation of contract for custody of the pawns. Text: facte, et sic de cetero fieri et
o0201077.044a 1420 giugno 12 Cancellation of a debt already paid. Text: cancellari, taliter quod de cetero ad aliam
o0201077.044b 1420 giugno 12 Authorization to the administrator to have hewn revetment stones delivered. Text: unum bracchium lapidum de filo; a Nanne
o0201077.044c 1420 giugno 12 Sale of pawns and measures for the restitution of the profits to the distrained persons. Text: dicta Opera pignorata de quampluribus personis qui
o0201077.044c 1420 giugno 12 Sale of pawns and measures for the restitution of the profits to the distrained persons. Text: Opere integre, tum de denariis tum etiam
o0201077.044c 1420 giugno 12 Sale of pawns and measures for the restitution of the profits to the distrained persons. Text: denariis tum etiam de pecunia percepta ex
o0201077.044c 1420 giugno 12 Sale of pawns and measures for the restitution of the profits to the distrained persons. Text: aliqui immo quamplures de ipsis venditionibus recipere
o0201077.044d 1420 giugno 15 Purchase of bundles of broom to burn for the feast of Saint John the Baptist. Text: Sancti Iohannis Batiste de presenti mense iunii
o0201077.044va 1420 giugno 15 Term of payment for pardons of taxes to the Commune of Cigoli. Text: futuri, dummodo satisdet de solvendo per bancherium
o0201077.044vc 1420 giugno 15 Authorization to lend cloth hangings with the arms of the Gianfigliazzi. Text: quod domino Raynaldo de Gianfigliazis comodetur per
o0201077.044vd 1420 giugno 15 Authorization to celebrate the feast of Saint John, not exceeding the allocated sum. Text: festi quantitas expendenda de pecunia dicte Opere
o0201077.044vf 1420 giugno 15 Election of supervisors of the forest to repair the damages caused in it by lack of surveillance. Text: etiam pro lignaminibus de proximo incidendis pro
o0201077.044vf 1420 giugno 15 Election of supervisors of the forest to repair the damages caused in it by lack of surveillance. Text: ipsam silvam, confixi de prudentia infrascripti Simonis
o0201077.044vf 1420 giugno 15 Election of supervisors of the forest to repair the damages caused in it by lack of surveillance. Text: Filippi domini Leonardi de Strozis et Batistam
o0201077.044vf 1420 giugno 15 Election of supervisors of the forest to repair the damages caused in it by lack of surveillance. Text: licite et inpune de pecunia Opere supradicte;
o0201077.045va 1420 giugno 22 Drawing of the provost. Text: futuris Iohannes Dominici de Giugnis cum officio
o0201077.045vb 1420 giugno 28 Hiring of workforce and dismissal of stonecutters not useful for the construction of the cupola, which is about to begin. Text: absentibus tamen Gherardo de Barbadoris et Filippo
o0201077.045vb 1420 giugno 28 Hiring of workforce and dismissal of stonecutters not useful for the construction of the cupola, which is about to begin. Text: ut asseruerunt qualiter de proximo incipi debet
o0201077.045vb 1420 giugno 28 Hiring of workforce and dismissal of stonecutters not useful for the construction of the cupola, which is about to begin. Text: opus magistros quamplures de scarpello in ipsa
o0201077.045vb 1420 giugno 28 Hiring of workforce and dismissal of stonecutters not useful for the construction of the cupola, which is about to begin. Text: solvi vel pretium de pecunia vel introytus
o0201077.045vb 1420 giugno 28 Hiring of workforce and dismissal of stonecutters not useful for the construction of the cupola, which is about to begin. Text: scarpellatores et alii de quibus fit mentio
o0201077.045vb 1420 giugno 28 Hiring of workforce and dismissal of stonecutters not useful for the construction of the cupola, which is about to begin. Text: etiam ipsa finita de novo conduci posse
o0201077.045vb 1420 giugno 28 Hiring of workforce and dismissal of stonecutters not useful for the construction of the cupola, which is about to begin. Text: alicui pretium aliquid de redditibus dicte Opere
o0201077.045vb 1420 giugno 28 Hiring of workforce and dismissal of stonecutters not useful for the construction of the cupola, which is about to begin. Text: Aliosso Antonius Guidonis de Servi Cambius Fruosini
o0201077.045vb 1420 giugno 28 Hiring of workforce and dismissal of stonecutters not useful for the construction of the cupola, which is about to begin. Text: Elleri Nannes Andree de Prato Pippus Naldini
o0201077.045vb 1420 giugno 28 Hiring of workforce and dismissal of stonecutters not useful for the construction of the cupola, which is about to begin. Text: Naldini Meus Antonii de Florentia Cecchinus Giaggii
o0201077.046a 1420 giugno 28 Salary set for workforce. Text: generalis dicti officii de pecunia sui camerariatus
o0201077.046a 1420 giugno 28 Salary set for workforce. Text: sex Filippum Iohannis de Mucello soldos viginti
o0201077.046a 1420 giugno 28 Salary set for workforce. Text: Dominici nepotem Filippi de Mugello soldos decem
o0201077.046va 1420 giugno 28 Authorization to register a full day's work of the workforce for the day of the closing of the cupola of the third tribune. Text: deliberaverunt quod Filippozus de Bastariis provisor giornatarum
o0201077.046vc 1420 giugno 28 Registration of full rainy day's work for workforce employed on the tribune. Text: totam diem illam de qua et in
o0201077.046vd 1420 giugno 28 Authorization to cut half of the lumber of the forest and concession of a part of the same to Simone Strozzi for private use. Title: Simonis de Strozis
o0201077.046vd 1420 giugno 28 Authorization to cut half of the lumber of the forest and concession of a part of the same to Simone Strozzi for private use. Text: Filippi domini Leonardi de Strozis iret ad
o0201077.046vd 1420 giugno 28 Authorization to cut half of the lumber of the forest and concession of a part of the same to Simone Strozzi for private use. Text: lignaminibus incidendis, confixi de prudentia et eiusdem
o0201077.046vd 1420 giugno 28 Authorization to cut half of the lumber of the forest and concession of a part of the same to Simone Strozzi for private use. Text: silve nuncupate Piano de Campigna. Ac etiam
o0201077.047a 1420 giugno 28 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: duraturum domino Guiglielmo de Donatis et filios
o0201077.047a 1420 giugno 28 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: ..., dummodo satisdet de solvendo per Apardum
o0201077.047a 1420 giugno 28 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: solvendo per Apardum de Donatis et per
o0201077.047a 1420 giugno 28 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: Sieci eius pensionarium de solvendo in termino
o0201077.047b 1420 giugno 28 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: ser Tome Mazey de Vincio debitori dicte
o0201077.047d 1420 giugno 28 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: quod Fulinus Ciampoli de Panzano debitor dicte
o0201077.047d 1420 giugno 28 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: (habeat terminum) solvendi de ipsa quantitate medietatem
o0201077.047vb 1420 giugno 28 Term of payment for debt for the salt tax on persons and the new property gabelles. Text: populus Sancti Petri de Petrognano est descriptus
o0201077.047vb 1420 giugno 28 Term of payment for debt for the salt tax on persons and the new property gabelles. Text: populus continuo molestatur, de qua quidem summa
o0201077.047vb 1420 giugno 28 Term of payment for debt for the salt tax on persons and the new property gabelles. Text: iulii proxime futuri; de residuo vero deliberaverunt
o0201077.047vd 1420 giugno 28 Authorization to contract out supply of stones with possibility of revocation. Text: et conducendum lapides de cava vie Opere
o0201077.051a 1419 dicembre 29 Salary of the administrator. Text: Iohannes Andree de Minerbettis ad presens
o0201077.051a 1419 dicembre 29 Salary of the administrator. Text: generalis dicte Opere de quacumque pecunia ad
o0201077.051b 1419 dicembre 29 Salary of the scribe of the daily wages. Text: Filippozo Giovenchi de Bastariis scribano dierum
o0201077.051vf 1419 dicembre 7 Payment for various expenditures. Text: a Iohanne Stefani de Villanuova pro fabrica
o0201077.051vf 1419 dicembre 7 Payment for various expenditures. Text: a Francisco Antonii de valle Rubbiane pro
o0201077.051vf 1419 dicembre 7 Payment for various expenditures. Text: pro libris duabus de torchiettis arsicciatis quos
o0201077.052b 1419 dicembre 29 Payment of gabelle for towloads of fir lumber. Text: conducti cum illo de Canacis, pro quo
o0201077.052d 1419 dicembre 29 Payment for supply of broad bricks. Text: Pardo Antonii de Vulterris pro se
o0201077.052d 1419 dicembre 29 Payment for supply of broad bricks. Text: vocato el Marinella de Sancto Martino La
o0201077.052d 1419 dicembre 29 Payment for supply of broad bricks. Text: Martino La Palma de consensu sociorum dicti
o0201077.052e 1419 dicembre 29 Payment for supply of white marble. Text: Piero Andree de Settignano et sociis
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