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Context of query
o0201076.025c 1419 ottobre 30 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans and percentage due to the accountant for the audit. Text: libra sibi tangenti de predictis, alias presens
o0201076.025d 1419 ottobre 30 Cancellation of debt for exemption granted by the Commune to the debtor and his descendents. Text: domine Venturine Milani de Esti leventur a
o0201076.025vb 1419 ottobre 30 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: pagis et terminis de duobus mensibus in
o0201076.025vc 1419 novembre 6 Drawing of the provost. Text: Iacobus Berti de Filicaia unus ex
o0201076.026a 1419 ottobre 24 Term of payment to the Commune of Pisa for debt for pardons with obligation to pay a percentage to the accountant. Text: Communis Florentie receptis de factionibus et muneribus
o0201076.026a 1419 ottobre 24 Term of payment to the Commune of Pisa for debt for pardons with obligation to pay a percentage to the accountant. Text: receptis est et de tempore in tempus
o0201076.026a 1419 ottobre 24 Term of payment to the Commune of Pisa for debt for pardons with obligation to pay a percentage to the accountant. Text: alterius ser Leopardi de Vecchiano et Pazino
o0201076.026a 1419 ottobre 24 Term of payment to the Commune of Pisa for debt for pardons with obligation to pay a percentage to the accountant. Text: civitatis Pisarum, ut de eorum substitutione publice
o0201076.026a 1419 ottobre 24 Term of payment to the Commune of Pisa for debt for pardons with obligation to pay a percentage to the accountant. Text: ser Nochi notarii de Lavaiano pisani civis
o0201076.026a 1419 ottobre 24 Term of payment to the Commune of Pisa for debt for pardons with obligation to pay a percentage to the accountant. Text: tertia decima, et de principali mandato, cuius
o0201076.026a 1419 ottobre 24 Term of payment to the Commune of Pisa for debt for pardons with obligation to pay a percentage to the accountant. Text: solum quod debeantur de quantitate remissa dicti
o0201076.026a 1419 ottobre 24 Term of payment to the Commune of Pisa for debt for pardons with obligation to pay a percentage to the accountant. Text: dato quod deberentur de tota summa de
o0201076.026a 1419 ottobre 24 Term of payment to the Commune of Pisa for debt for pardons with obligation to pay a percentage to the accountant. Text: de tota summa de rigore iuris et
o0201076.026a 1419 ottobre 24 Term of payment to the Commune of Pisa for debt for pardons with obligation to pay a percentage to the accountant. Text: dicto recursu obstante de dicto debito, licet
o0201076.026a 1419 ottobre 24 Term of payment to the Commune of Pisa for debt for pardons with obligation to pay a percentage to the accountant. Text: dicto debito, licet de magna parte fuerint
o0201076.026a 1419 ottobre 24 Term of payment to the Commune of Pisa for debt for pardons with obligation to pay a percentage to the accountant. Text: et nichilhominus quod de tempore in tempus
o0201076.026a 1419 ottobre 24 Term of payment to the Commune of Pisa for debt for pardons with obligation to pay a percentage to the accountant. Text: quibuslibet duobus mensibus de mensibus proxime futuris
o0201076.026a 1419 ottobre 24 Term of payment to the Commune of Pisa for debt for pardons with obligation to pay a percentage to the accountant. Text: proxime futuris initiandis de mensibus novembris et
o0201076.026a 1419 ottobre 24 Term of payment to the Commune of Pisa for debt for pardons with obligation to pay a percentage to the accountant. Text: postea sequendo subcessive de duobus mensibus in
o0201076.026a 1419 ottobre 24 Term of payment to the Commune of Pisa for debt for pardons with obligation to pay a percentage to the accountant. Text: videlicet ipsam quantitatem de qua appareret ipsum
o0201076.026a 1419 ottobre 24 Term of payment to the Commune of Pisa for debt for pardons with obligation to pay a percentage to the accountant. Text: per dicta consilia de modo et tempore
o0201076.026a 1419 ottobre 24 Term of payment to the Commune of Pisa for debt for pardons with obligation to pay a percentage to the accountant. Text: Communis Pisarum initiando de mensibus novembris et
o0201076.027a 1419 novembre 7 Oath of wardens and term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: viri Iacobus Berti de Filicaia pro conventu
o0201076.027a 1419 novembre 7 Oath of wardens and term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: Martini Dominicus Francisci de Sapitis pro conventu
o0201076.027a 1419 novembre 7 Oath of wardens and term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: cum Bonacursio Nerii de Pictis pro suprascripto
o0201076.027a 1419 novembre 7 Oath of wardens and term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: et Ugolino Iacobi de Mazinghis pro suprascripto
o0201076.027a 1419 novembre 7 Oath of wardens and term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: Dominico et Mariotto de novo intrantibus ad
o0201076.027a 1419 novembre 7 Oath of wardens and term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: dicte ecclesie, et de dicto Opere nichil
o0201076.027a 1419 novembre 7 Oath of wardens and term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: notarium dicti Operis de solvendo dicto termino
o0201076.027vb 1419 novembre 7 Election of the accountant for the accounts of the treasurers of the gabelle on contracts of the Commune of Florence with salary set. Text: dictos camerarios dicta de causa receptorum etc.
o0201076.027vb 1419 novembre 7 Election of the accountant for the accounts of the treasurers of the gabelle on contracts of the Commune of Florence with salary set. Text: pro tempore existenti de quacumque pecunia dicti
o0201076.027vb 1419 novembre 7 Election of the accountant for the accounts of the treasurers of the gabelle on contracts of the Commune of Florence with salary set. Text: quantitatis quam dicta de causa et vigore
o0201076.027vb 1419 novembre 7 Election of the accountant for the accounts of the treasurers of the gabelle on contracts of the Commune of Florence with salary set. Text: dicto Operi dicta de causa pro qualibet
o0201076.028a 1419 novembre 7 Prohibition to the notary of the new gabelles to stand surety for debts of forced loans to be deducted in the new property gabelles. Text: modo vel aliqua de causa facere fidem
o0201076.028a 1419 novembre 7 Prohibition to the notary of the new gabelles to stand surety for debts of forced loans to be deducted in the new property gabelles. Text: facere fidem aliquam de solutione prestantiarum tertii
o0201076.028a 1419 novembre 7 Prohibition to the notary of the new gabelles to stand surety for debts of forced loans to be deducted in the new property gabelles. Text: aliquid aliqua alia de causa solvere deberet
o0201076.028b 1419 novembre 7 Authorization to lend money and register it in the notebook of debtors and creditors but without specification of the cause. Text: preiudicio vel gravamine de quacumque pecunia dicti
o0201076.028b 1419 novembre 7 Authorization to lend money and register it in the notebook of debtors and creditors but without specification of the cause. Text: hominibus et personis de quibus et prout
o0201076.028va 1419 novembre 7 Order to deposit with the treasurer a sum of money received from the Commune of Florence for pardon of forced loans. Text: olim domini Niccolai de Albertis sive alius
o0201076.028va 1419 novembre 7 Order to deposit with the treasurer a sum of money received from the Commune of Florence for pardon of forced loans. Text: a Communi Florentie de eorum prestantiis; et
o0201076.028va 1419 novembre 7 Order to deposit with the treasurer a sum of money received from the Commune of Florence for pardon of forced loans. Text: eis illud quod de dicta summa secundum
o0201076.028ve 1419 novembre 7 Term of payment for debt for pardon of forced loans. Text: debeat quolibet mense de mensibus proxime futuris
o0201076.028ve 1419 novembre 7 Term of payment for debt for pardon of forced loans. Text: proxime futuris initiandis de presenti mense novembris
o0201076.028ve 1419 novembre 7 Term of payment for debt for pardon of forced loans. Text: integram satisfactionem, et de sic solvendo satisdet
o0201076.028vf 1419 novembre 7 Order to the master builder to give Fra Bernardino the measurements of the glass oculi. Text: duorum oculorum fiendorum de vitreo fratri Bernardino
o0201076.029a 1419 novembre 10 Term of payment for debt. Text: tota summa; et de sic solvendo et
o0201076.029d 1419 novembre 10 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: et terminis, videlicet de quattuor mensibus in
o0201076.029d 1419 novembre 10 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: solvere restaret; et de sic solvendo debeat
o0201076.029e 1419 novembre 10 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle already paid for forced loans. Text: Puccius Francisci cancelletur de gabella bonorum vigore
o0201076.029e 1419 novembre 10 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle already paid for forced loans. Text: fuisset cancellatus et de gabella bonorum et
o0201076.029e 1419 novembre 10 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle already paid for forced loans. Text: gabella bonorum et de dictis prestantiis etc.
o0201076.029va 1419 novembre 10 Rulings for debt for pardons of forced loans with reference to two different fiscal distributions. Text: sive Papinus Francisci de Bardis qui est
o0201076.029va 1419 novembre 10 Rulings for debt for pardons of forced loans with reference to two different fiscal distributions. Text: qualibet dictarum partitarum de per se, quia
o0201076.029va 1419 novembre 10 Rulings for debt for pardons of forced loans with reference to two different fiscal distributions. Text: positas in curso de Bardis tenentes, solvant
o0201076.029vd 1419 novembre 10 Authorization to the treasurer to lend money to the administrator. Text: teneatur et debeat de quacumque pecunia dicti
o0201076.029ve 1419 novembre 10 Restitution of loan to be deducted from salary in monthly installments. Text: mense excomputare et de suo salario dimictere
o0201076.030c 1419 novembre 10 Sentence of a debt collector for failed restitution of a pawn. Text: absolutus etc.; et de predictis stetur declarationi
o0201076.030e 1419 novembre 10 Drawing of the provost. Text: Ugolinus Iacobi de Mazinghis unus ex
o0201076.030va 1419 novembre 17 Obligation of guaranty for payment of livestock gabelle and restitution of pawn to the debtor. Text: quod Gherardellus ... de Corella fideiubeat de
o0201076.030va 1419 novembre 17 Obligation of guaranty for payment of livestock gabelle and restitution of pawn to the debtor. Text: de Corella fideiubeat de solvendo id quod
o0201076.030va 1419 novembre 17 Obligation of guaranty for payment of livestock gabelle and restitution of pawn to the debtor. Text: bestiarum 350 minutarum de quibus fuit notificatus
o0201076.030vb 1419 novembre 17 Term of payment for debt for forced loans to be deducted from the new gabelles. Text: debeat quolibet mense de mensibus proxime futuris
o0201076.030vc 1419 novembre 17 Term of payment for debt. Text: Cinus domini Francisci de Rinuccinis et seu
o0201076.030vd 1419 novembre 17 Term of payment to the monastery of San Giorgio di Pontorme and letter to the Podestà instructing him to inform himself about the extent of its resources. Text: quod informet officium de suis substantiis etc.
o0201076.030ve 1419 novembre 20 Release of arrested person for debt for property gabelle. Text: et Vaggii Bernardini de Montecchio, que bona
o0201076.030ve 1419 novembre 20 Release of arrested person for debt for property gabelle. Text: a dicta captura de eo facta, dummodo
o0201076.030ve 1419 novembre 20 Release of arrested person for debt for property gabelle. Text: fideiubeat et satisdet de solvendo pro dicta
o0201076.031a 1419 novembre 21 Term of payment to the Commune of Santa Luce. Text: per unum bancum de solvendo dicto tempore
o0201076.031b 1419 novembre 21 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: futuros, dummodo fideiubeat de solvendo dicto tempore
o0201076.031c 1419 novembre 21 Letter to the Podestà of Peccioli for information on the ownership of eight cows. Text: ser Pierus Antonii de Castro Florentino in
o0201076.031c 1419 novembre 21 Letter to the Podestà of Peccioli for information on the ownership of eight cows. Text: eo Dominicus Nuti de Legoli, vel si
o0201076.031e 1419 novembre 24 Drawing of the provost. Text: Dominicus Francisci de Sapitis unus ex
o0201076.031vc 1419 novembre 28 Term of payment for pardons and gabelles to the Commune of Palaia with guaranty. Text: dummodo Simon Micaelis de Ristoris fideiubeat pro
o0201076.031vd 1419 novembre 28 Exemption from demand of payment for forced loans and other tributes because of previous dotal rights. Text: vel super bonis de quibus pro suis
o0201076.031ve 1419 novembre 28 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: Bartoli vocatus Ballerinus de Nerlis habeat terminum
o0201076.031ve 1419 novembre 28 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: futuri, dummodo fideiubeat de novo etc.; et
o0201076.031vf 1419 novembre 28 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: debeat quolibet mense de mensibus proxime futuris
o0201076.031vf 1419 novembre 28 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: proxime futuris initiandis de mense decembris proxime
o0201076.031vf 1419 novembre 28 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: solvere debet; et de sic solvendo debeat
o0201076.032a 1419 novembre 28 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle. Text: quod domina ... de Risalitis debitrix Operis
o0201076.032a 1419 novembre 28 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle. Text: debeat quolibet mense de mensibus proxime futuris
o0201076.032a 1419 novembre 28 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle. Text: proxime futuris initiandis de mense decembris proxime
o0201076.032a 1419 novembre 28 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle. Text: unum auri; et de sic observando satisdet;
o0201076.032b 1419 novembre 28 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: et quolibet mense de mensibus proxime futuris
o0201076.032b 1419 novembre 28 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: et debeat initiando de mense decembris proxime
o0201076.032b 1419 novembre 28 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: satisfactionem etc.; et de sic solvendo satisdet
o0201076.032c 1419 novembre 28 Authorization to lend cloth hangings to the prior of Sant'Andrea of Florence. Text: priori Sancti Andree de Florentia illos drappellones
o0201076.032c 1419 novembre 28 Authorization to lend cloth hangings to the prior of Sant'Andrea of Florence. Text: pro suo festo de quibus dixerit egere
o0201076.032d 1419 novembre 28 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: et terminis, videlicet de duobus mensibus in
o0201076.032e 1419 novembre 28 Injunction to pay a debt. Text: Iohanni domini Bartolomei de Panciaticis precipiatur pro
o0201076.032f 1419 novembre 28 Authorization to transfer debt for forced loans from the property gabelle. Text: per eum fienda de suis prestantiis ad
o0201076.032g 1419 novembre 28 Contract for a bell to be remade like that which was broken. Text: et pro pretio de quo videbitur dictis
o0201076.032vb 1419 dicembre 7 Price set for cartload to a quarrier of stones for the stairs in the Pope's residence. Text: et camerario Operis de denariis dicti Operis
o0201076.032vb 1419 dicembre 7 Price set for cartload to a quarrier of stones for the stairs in the Pope's residence. Text: non obstante quod de magistris Operis sumptibus
o0201076.032vb 1419 dicembre 7 Price set for cartload to a quarrier of stones for the stairs in the Pope's residence. Text: plurii et plurii de magistris dicti Operis
o0201076.032vb 1419 dicembre 7 Price set for cartload to a quarrier of stones for the stairs in the Pope's residence. Text: Salvio vel alii de pretio lapidum etc.
o0201076.032vc 1419 dicembre 7 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: ser Angelus Tii de Orti debitor Operis
o0201076.032vc 1419 dicembre 7 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: debeat quolibet mense de mensibus proxime futuris
o0201076.032vc 1419 dicembre 7 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: eius quod dicta de causa solvere debet
o0201076.032vc 1419 dicembre 7 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: solvere restaret et de predictis debeat ydonee
o0201076.032vd 1419 dicembre 7 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle paid for forced loans. Text: fuisset dictus Benedictus de utraque partita cancellatus
o0201076.032ve 1419 dicembre 7 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle paid for forced loans. Text: similiter et dicta de causa cancelletur pro
o0201076.032vf 1419 dicembre 7 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle paid for forced loans. Text: similiter et dicta de causa cancellentur de
o0201076.032vf 1419 dicembre 7 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle paid for forced loans. Text: de causa cancellentur de bonis etc.
o0201076.033b 1419 dicembre 12 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: solvere restaret; et de sic observando debeat
o0201076.033c 1419 dicembre 12 Term of payment for debt. Text: et terminis, videlicet de mense in mensem
o0201076.033c 1419 dicembre 12 Term of payment for debt. Text: solvere restaret; et de sic observando et
o0201076.033d 1419 dicembre 12 Term of payment for debt for forced loans and pardons. Text: debeant quolibet mense de mensibus proxime futuris
o0201076.033d 1419 dicembre 12 Term of payment for debt for forced loans and pardons. Text: solvere restarent; et de sic solvendo debeant
o0201076.033va 1419 dicembre 14 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle paid for forced loans under another name. Text: nichilhominus cancellati fuissent de utraque partita etc.
o0201076.033vb 1419 dicembre 14 Term of payment for debt for gabelle, forced loans and pardons. Text: debeat quolibet mense de mensibus proxime futuris
o0201076.033vb 1419 dicembre 14 Term of payment for debt for gabelle, forced loans and pardons. Text: proxime futuris initiando de mense ianuarii proxime
o0201076.033vb 1419 dicembre 14 Term of payment for debt for gabelle, forced loans and pardons. Text: solvere debet dicta de causa etc.; et
o0201076.033vb 1419 dicembre 14 Term of payment for debt for gabelle, forced loans and pardons. Text: solvere restaret; et de sic observando satisdet
o0201076.033vc 1419 dicembre 14 Term of payment for debt for pardons. Text: debeat quolibet mense de mensibus proxime futuris
o0201076.033vc 1419 dicembre 14 Term of payment for debt for pardons. Text: solvere debet dicta de causa etc.; et
o0201076.033vc 1419 dicembre 14 Term of payment for debt for pardons. Text: solvere restaret; et de sic solvendo satisdet;
o0201076.033vd 1419 dicembre 14 Prohibition to demand payment of the confraternity of the Cross in the church of Sant'Agostino in Empoli and demand of payment from a chapel. Text: Item quod societas de Cruce Sancti Augustini
o0201076.033vd 1419 dicembre 14 Prohibition to demand payment of the confraternity of the Cross in the church of Sant'Agostino in Empoli and demand of payment from a chapel. Text: Cruce Sancti Augustini de Empoli que est
o0201076.034a 1419 dicembre 14 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: debeant quolibet mense de mensibus proxime futuris
o0201076.034a 1419 dicembre 14 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: proxime futuris initiando de mense ianuarii proxime
o0201076.034a 1419 dicembre 14 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: solvere restaret; et de sic observando et
o0201076.034b 1419 dicembre 14 Term of payment for debt for forced loans and pardons. Text: Bindi domini Iacobi de Bardis et Niccolaus
o0201076.034b 1419 dicembre 14 Term of payment for debt for forced loans and pardons. Text: etc. quolibet mense de mensibus proxime futuris
o0201076.034b 1419 dicembre 14 Term of payment for debt for forced loans and pardons. Text: dicto Operi quacumque de causa, et quod
o0201076.034b 1419 dicembre 14 Term of payment for debt for forced loans and pardons. Text: solvere restaret; et de sic solvendo et
o0201076.034c 1419 dicembre 14 Term of payment to the priory of Santa Maria a Mosciano for debt for property gabelle with guaranty. Text: prioria Sancte Marie de Mosciano quam tenet
o0201076.034c 1419 dicembre 14 Term of payment to the priory of Santa Maria a Mosciano for debt for property gabelle with guaranty. Text: tenet dominus Tommas de Castellanis debitrix Operis
o0201076.034c 1419 dicembre 14 Term of payment to the priory of Santa Maria a Mosciano for debt for property gabelle with guaranty. Text: plebanus Cascie fideiubeat de solvendo pro ea
o0201076.034e 1419 dicembre 14 Deadline for conclusion of the work on the glass oculus of the facade under penalty of restitution of the advance payment with guaranty. Text: ad faciendum oculum de vitreo in facie
o0201076.034e 1419 dicembre 14 Deadline for conclusion of the work on the glass oculus of the facade under penalty of restitution of the advance payment with guaranty. Text: laborerio etc.; et de sic faciendo et
o0201076.034f 1419 dicembre 14 Assignment to chaplain of part of house previously assigned to others. Text: dicto ser Tommasio de eius tamen consensu
o0201076.034vb 1419 dicembre 14 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: filii domini Niccolai de Albertis vel aliquis
o0201076.034vc 1419 dicembre 14 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: et terminis, videlicet de tribus mensibus in
o0201076.034vc 1419 dicembre 14 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: restaret; et etiam de sic observando satisdet
o0201076.034vd 1419 dicembre 14 Tax set for house acquired and rules for the assignment of houses to canons in accordance with seniority and positions held. Text: anno proxime preterito de domo filiorum Ardinghi
o0201076.034vd 1419 dicembre 14 Tax set for house acquired and rules for the assignment of houses to canons in accordance with seniority and positions held. Text: filiorum Ardinghi Uguicciozi de Ricciis et considerantes
o0201076.034vd 1419 dicembre 14 Tax set for house acquired and rules for the assignment of houses to canons in accordance with seniority and positions held. Text: antiquioribus domino Dino de Pecoris uno ex
o0201076.034vd 1419 dicembre 14 Tax set for house acquired and rules for the assignment of houses to canons in accordance with seniority and positions held. Text: dicto domino Dino de Pecoris canonico pro
o0201076.034vd 1419 dicembre 14 Tax set for house acquired and rules for the assignment of houses to canons in accordance with seniority and positions held. Text: facte Iovacchino Ardinghi de Ricciis per operarios
o0201076.035a 1419 dicembre 15 Term of payment for one year's property gabelle. Text: remoto propter extractionem de eo factam ad
o0201076.035b 1419 dicembre 15 Term of payment for debt. Text: et Curradinus Apardi de dicti Allamannis non
o0201076.035c 1419 dicembre 15 Exemption from demand of payment of forced loans because of renunciation of inheritance and preceding dotal rights. Text: ser Antonii Santis de Laterino non gravetur
o0201076.035va 1419 dicembre 15 Authorization to sell white marble. Text: Item quod vendatur de marmore albo Operis
o0201076.035vb 1419 dicembre 15 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: quod Antonius Mainardi de Bardis debitor Operis
o0201076.035vb 1419 dicembre 15 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: futuros, dummodo fideiubeat de solvendo dicto tempore
o0201076.035vd 1419 dicembre 16 Drawing of the provost. Text: Iacobus Berti de Filicaia unus ex
o0201076.035ve 1419 dicembre 18 Salary set for masters for the winter. Text: dicta eorum salaria de quindecim diebus in
o0201076.035ve 1419 dicembre 18 Salary set for masters for the winter. Text: giornatarum dicti Operis de eorum operibus etc.,
o0201076.036d 1419 dicembre 19 Oath of warden and term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: et dicto Bartolo de novo intranti ad
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