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Context of query
o0202001.122e 1429/30 febbraio 10 Letter to the Podestà of Pisa instructing him to detain a Pisan notary debtor until he presents a guarantor. Text: quousque prestiterit fideiussiorem de se representando coram
o0202001.122e 1429/30 febbraio 10 Letter to the Podestà of Pisa instructing him to detain a Pisan notary debtor until he presents a guarantor. Text: eorum offitio et de parendo eorum mandatis.
o0202001.122f 1429/30 febbraio 10 Letter to the Captain of Campiglia instructing him to compel the priest to pay the testamentary legacies of the last ten years owed to the Opera. Title: Contra quemdam presbiterum de Campiglia
o0202001.122f 1429/30 febbraio 10 Letter to the Captain of Campiglia instructing him to compel the priest to pay the testamentary legacies of the last ten years owed to the Opera. Text: ser Iacobus presbiter de Monte Schudario dicti
o0202001.122g 1429/30 febbraio 10 Authority to the administrator for confirm the rental of a house. Title: domum magistro Iohanni de Sancto Miniate
o0202001.122g 1429/30 febbraio 10 Authority to the administrator for confirm the rental of a house. Text: Iohanni magistri Antonii de Sancto Miniate domum
o0202001.122va 1429/30 febbraio 10 Authority to the master builder to hire four masters. Text: Magnolini et tres de Carraria, pro eo
o0202001.122vb 1429/30 febbraio 10 Apportionment of debt between two (kilnmen) and deduction of part of the same against supply of broad bricks, including the expenditures for the carters. Title: et Bartolo Marci de Campi
o0202001.122vb 1429/30 febbraio 10 Apportionment of debt between two (kilnmen) and deduction of part of the same against supply of broad bricks, including the expenditures for the carters. Text: Item deliberaverunt de consensu Bartoli Marci
o0202001.122vb 1429/30 febbraio 10 Apportionment of debt between two (kilnmen) and deduction of part of the same against supply of broad bricks, including the expenditures for the carters. Text: et Cambii Ferri de Campi quod certa
o0202001.122vb 1429/30 febbraio 10 Apportionment of debt between two (kilnmen) and deduction of part of the same against supply of broad bricks, including the expenditures for the carters. Text: certa quantitas pecunie de qua est debitor
o0202001.122vb 1429/30 febbraio 10 Apportionment of debt between two (kilnmen) and deduction of part of the same against supply of broad bricks, including the expenditures for the carters. Text: debitorem prefate Opere de dicta quantitate, que
o0202001.122vd 1429/30 febbraio 14 Authority for the contract of the paving in the street between the bell tower and the Tinucci house at set price. Text: operarii, absentibus Raynaldo de Albizis et Iohanne
o0202001.122vd 1429/30 febbraio 14 Authority for the contract of the paving in the street between the bell tower and the Tinucci house at set price. Text: Albizis et Iohanne de Corbinellis, deliberaverunt quod
o0202001.122vd 1429/30 febbraio 14 Authority for the contract of the paving in the street between the bell tower and the Tinucci house at set price. Text: quod Zenobius Teste de Girolamis consocius dicti
o0202001.122vh 1429/30 febbraio 19 Arrest for debt. Title: Quod capiatur Iohannes de Castro Florentino
o0202001.122vh 1429/30 febbraio 19 Arrest for debt. Text: deliberaverunt quod Iohannes de Castro Florentino capiatur
o0202001.122vi 1429/30 febbraio 22 Letter to the Captain of Volterra for demand of payment of debtor. Text: absentibus Bartolomeo Nerii de Pittis et domino
o0202001.122vi 1429/30 febbraio 22 Letter to the Captain of Volterra for demand of payment of debtor. Text: et domino Raynaldo de Albizis eorum consociis,
o0202001.122vi 1429/30 febbraio 22 Letter to the Captain of Volterra for demand of payment of debtor. Text: certam quantitatem pecunie de qua quidam notarius
o0202001.122vm 1429/30 febbraio 22 Price set for marble to be conveyed for a figure and sum to be withheld against restitution of papyrus paper model. Title: marmore Bertini Pieri de Septignano de quo
o0202001.122vm 1429/30 febbraio 22 Price set for marble to be conveyed for a figure and sum to be withheld against restitution of papyrus paper model. Title: Pieri de Septignano de quo fit per
o0202001.122vm 1429/30 febbraio 22 Price set for marble to be conveyed for a figure and sum to be withheld against restitution of papyrus paper model. Text: instantiam Bernardi Pieri de Ciuffagnis per Bertinum
o0202001.122vm 1429/30 febbraio 22 Price set for marble to be conveyed for a figure and sum to be withheld against restitution of papyrus paper model. Text: per Bertinum Pieri de Septignano pro faciendo
o0202001.122vm 1429/30 febbraio 22 Price set for marble to be conveyed for a figure and sum to be withheld against restitution of papyrus paper model. Text: cum hoc quod de dicto pretio detineantur
o0202001.122vm 1429/30 febbraio 22 Price set for marble to be conveyed for a figure and sum to be withheld against restitution of papyrus paper model. Text: quodam modono cartarum de papiro dicte figure
o0202001.123a 1429/30 febbraio 22 Letter to the cardinal of San Marcello about the assignment of lodgings to two of his chaplains. Text: chardinalis Sancti Marcelli de quadam consignatione duarum
o0202001.123b 1429/30 febbraio 22 Assignment of a house. Text: concesserunt ser Thomaxio de Larciano quamdam domum
o0202001.123b 1429/30 febbraio 22 Assignment of a house. Text: concessam ser Niccolai de Larciano.
o0202001.123c 1429/30 febbraio 22 Prohibition to demand payment of debtor from Guardistallo. Title: Pro quodam de Guardastallo
o0202001.123c 1429/30 febbraio 22 Prohibition to demand payment of debtor from Guardistallo. Text: deliberaverunt quod quidam de Guardastallo non gravetur
o0202001.123d 1429/30 febbraio 22 Release of arrested person following promise of payment and renunciation of right of recourse. Title: Pro Iohanne de Castro Florentino
o0202001.123d 1429/30 febbraio 22 Release of arrested person following promise of payment and renunciation of right of recourse. Text: deliberaverunt quod Iohannes de Castro Florentino relapsetur
o0202001.123d 1429/30 febbraio 22 Release of arrested person following promise of payment and renunciation of right of recourse. Text: fecerit promissionem Opere de florenis auri quinquaginta
o0202001.123d 1429/30 febbraio 22 Release of arrested person following promise of payment and renunciation of right of recourse. Text: auri quinquaginta quattuor de solvendo ad ipsorum
o0202001.123f 1429/30 febbraio 27 Term of payment for debt to the baptismal parish of Sesto. Text: absentibus domino Raynaldo de Albizis et Bartolomeo
o0202001.123f 1429/30 febbraio 27 Term of payment for debt to the baptismal parish of Sesto. Text: Albizis et Bartolomeo de Pittis eorum collegis,
o0202001.123f 1429/30 febbraio 27 Term of payment for debt to the baptismal parish of Sesto. Text: in civitate Florentie de solvendo dictis terminis
o0202001.123h 1429/30 febbraio 27 Term of payment for debt. Text: proxime futuros, videlicet de duobus mensibus in
o0202001.123h 1429/30 febbraio 27 Term of payment for debt. Text: casu quo Antonius de Pazis fideiubeat.
o0202001.123i 1429/30 febbraio 27 Term of payment for debt. Title: Pro Iohanne de Castro Florentino
o0202001.123i 1429/30 febbraio 27 Term of payment for debt. Text: statuerunt terminum Iohanni de Castro Florentino ad
o0202001.123i 1429/30 febbraio 27 Term of payment for debt. Text: quantum fideiusserit ydonee de solvendo dictis terminis
o0202001.123l 1429/30 febbraio 27 Declaration of debt on the account of the (accountant) for payment not due him. Text: pro quadam ratione de qua sibi indebite
o0202001.123n 1429/30 marzo 7 Oath of warden. Text: Filippus domini Blaxii de Guaschonibus unus ex
o0202001.123o 1429/30 marzo 7 Letter to the Podestà of Pisa for demand of payment of the same Commune and arrest of debtor. Text: ipsum fideiuberi faciat de predicta observando.
o0202001.123va 1429/30 marzo 7 Letter for information on Pisan notary to be assigned to the testaments pertaining the Opera. Title: Littera Tommaxio de Corbinellis et Andree
o0202001.123va 1429/30 marzo 7 Letter for information on Pisan notary to be assigned to the testaments pertaining the Opera. Text: Landi et Tomaxio de Corbinellis quod placeat
o0202001.123va 1429/30 marzo 7 Letter for information on Pisan notary to be assigned to the testaments pertaining the Opera. Text: quidam ser Iulianus de Sancto Iusto notarius
o0202001.123va 1429/30 marzo 7 Letter for information on Pisan notary to be assigned to the testaments pertaining the Opera. Text: ydoneum, placeat investigare de quodam alio yodoneo,
o0202001.123va 1429/30 marzo 7 Letter for information on Pisan notary to be assigned to the testaments pertaining the Opera. Text: alio yodoneo, et de omnibus reddant eorum
o0202001.123vb 1429/30 marzo 7 Letter to the Podestà of Rosignano instructing him to safeguard and keep available the relics recovered in the abandoned church at the castle of Vada. Text: reliquias sanctorum repertas de novo in ecclesia
o0202001.123vd 1429/30 marzo 7 Permission to build a low wall at the expense of the Ricci near the homonymous street with proviso for its possible destruction at the wardens' discretion. Title: Dini versus viam de Ricciis
o0202001.123vd 1429/30 marzo 7 Permission to build a low wall at the expense of the Ricci near the homonymous street with proviso for its possible destruction at the wardens' discretion. Text: quod per familiam de Ricciis possit fieri
o0202001.123vd 1429/30 marzo 7 Permission to build a low wall at the expense of the Ricci near the homonymous street with proviso for its possible destruction at the wardens' discretion. Text: domus domini Dini de Pecoris expensis ipsorum,
o0202001.123vd 1429/30 marzo 7 Permission to build a low wall at the expense of the Ricci near the homonymous street with proviso for its possible destruction at the wardens' discretion. Text: coram domo fornarii de Ricciis, cum hoc
o0202001.123vd 1429/30 marzo 7 Permission to build a low wall at the expense of the Ricci near the homonymous street with proviso for its possible destruction at the wardens' discretion. Text: hoc quod illi de dicta familia promictant
o0202001.123vd 1429/30 marzo 7 Permission to build a low wall at the expense of the Ricci near the homonymous street with proviso for its possible destruction at the wardens' discretion. Text: die Apardus Ghuiglielmi de Ricciis, Simon et
o0202001.123vd 1429/30 marzo 7 Permission to build a low wall at the expense of the Ricci near the homonymous street with proviso for its possible destruction at the wardens' discretion. Text: et Giovacchinus Ardinghi de Ricciis eorum propriis
o0202001.123vd 1429/30 marzo 7 Permission to build a low wall at the expense of the Ricci near the homonymous street with proviso for its possible destruction at the wardens' discretion. Text: nomine omnium aliorum de dicta familia promiserunt
o0202001.123vf 1429/30 marzo 7 Salary set for masters. Text: XIIII Antonius Maffiuoli de Carraria s. XIII
o0202001.123vf 1429/30 marzo 7 Salary set for masters. Text: VI Georgius Pelegrini de Carraria s. XII
o0202001.123vf 1429/30 marzo 7 Salary set for masters. Text: VI Laurentius Pelegrini de Carraria s. XIIII
o0202001.123vf 1429/30 marzo 7 Salary set for masters. Text: XIIII Michael Iohannis de [A]ntilla s. XVI
o0202001.123vf 1429/30 marzo 7 Salary set for masters. Text: XVI Iohannes Bartolomei de Reggio s. XV
o0202001.123vf 1429/30 marzo 7 Salary set for masters. Text: XV Iulianus Berne de Fesulis s. XII
o0202001.123vg 1429/30 marzo 15 Letters concerning the election of the notary of testaments. Title: Littera Tomaxio de Corbinellis, Andree ser
o0202001.123vg 1429/30 marzo 15 Letters concerning the election of the notary of testaments. Title: et ser Iuliano de Sancto Iusto
o0202001.123vg 1429/30 marzo 15 Letters concerning the election of the notary of testaments. Text: absentibus domino Raynaldo de Albizis et Iohanne
o0202001.123vg 1429/30 marzo 15 Letters concerning the election of the notary of testaments. Text: Albizis et Iohanne de Corbinellis eorum consociis,
o0202001.123vg 1429/30 marzo 15 Letters concerning the election of the notary of testaments. Text: una alia Thomaxio de Corbinellis et una
o0202001.123vg 1429/30 marzo 15 Letters concerning the election of the notary of testaments. Text: una ser Iuliano de Sancto Iusto electo
o0202001.123vg 1429/30 marzo 15 Letters concerning the election of the notary of testaments. Text: Sancto Iusto electo de novo in notarium
o0202001.123vg 1429/30 marzo 15 Letters concerning the election of the notary of testaments. Text: exercendum et regratientur de labore impenso circa
o0202001.123vh 1429/30 marzo 15 Term of payment for debt to the rector of San Romolo di Gaville. Title: Pro plebano Michaele de Mozis de Ghaville
o0202001.123vh 1429/30 marzo 15 Term of payment for debt to the rector of San Romolo di Gaville. Title: Michaele de Mozis de Ghaville
o0202001.123vh 1429/30 marzo 15 Term of payment for debt to the rector of San Romolo di Gaville. Text: domino Michaeli Antonii de Mozis plebano plebis
o0202001.123vh 1429/30 marzo 15 Term of payment for debt to the rector of San Romolo di Gaville. Text: plebis Sancti Romuli de Ghaville debitori Opere
o0202001.123vh 1429/30 marzo 15 Term of payment for debt to the rector of San Romolo di Gaville. Text: futuri, fideiubendo ydonee de observando predicta.
o0202001.124a 1429/30 marzo 15 Term of payment for debt. Title: Pro Dominico Francisci de Scharperia
o0202001.124a 1429/30 marzo 15 Term of payment for debt. Text: terminum Dominico Francisci de Barberino habitatori Scharperie
o0202001.124a 1429/30 marzo 15 Term of payment for debt. Text: futuri, fideiubendo ydonee de solvendo dictis terminis.
o0202001.124c 1429/30 marzo 15 Term of payment for debt. Text: pagham, fideiubendo ydonee de solvendo dictis terminis.
o0202001.124d 1429/30 marzo 15 Approval of loan of logs. Title: Pro abbate de Florentia
o0202001.124e 1429/30 marzo 15 Authorization to kilnman to convey mortar at set price. Title: Pro Iohanne Venture de Siecinis
o0202001.124e 1429/30 marzo 15 Authorization to kilnman to convey mortar at set price. Text: quod Iohannes Venture de Siecinis fornaciarius possit
o0202001.124f 1429/30 marzo 15 Authorization to attend to the debt of the Commune of Prato and to make a new contract to a cooper for cooperage supplies. Title: ipsorum possint providere de bottario et de
o0202001.124f 1429/30 marzo 15 Authorization to attend to the debt of the Commune of Prato and to make a new contract to a cooper for cooperage supplies. Title: de bottario et de debito Communis Prati
o0202001.124f 1429/30 marzo 15 Authorization to attend to the debt of the Commune of Prato and to make a new contract to a cooper for cooperage supplies. Text: et circa locationem de novo fiendam cuidam
o0202001.124g 1429/30 marzo 18 Authorization to Brunelleschi to serve the Ten of War in the war of Lucca with suspension of his salary. Text: serviverit prefatis Decem de suo salario detineatur
o0202001.124i 1429/30 marzo 18 Revocation in part of the tare set for the marble suppliers. Text: Item de licentia consulum Artis
o0202001.124i 1429/30 marzo 18 Revocation in part of the tare set for the marble suppliers. Text: consulum Artis Lane, de qua apparet manu
o0202001.124l 1429/30 marzo 22 Annulment of testamentary debt and prohibition to demand payment because of renunciation of inheritance. Text: absentibus domino Raynaldo de Albizis et Iohanne
o0202001.124l 1429/30 marzo 22 Annulment of testamentary debt and prohibition to demand payment because of renunciation of inheritance. Text: Albizis et Iohanne de Corbinellis eorum collegis,
o0202001.124l 1429/30 marzo 22 Annulment of testamentary debt and prohibition to demand payment because of renunciation of inheritance. Text: Angele Donati Arnolfi, de qua apparet in
o0202001.124l 1429/30 marzo 22 Annulment of testamentary debt and prohibition to demand payment because of renunciation of inheritance. Text: quod Niccolaus Simonis de Canacciis non gravetur
o0202001.124l 1429/30 marzo 22 Annulment of testamentary debt and prohibition to demand payment because of renunciation of inheritance. Text: Filippi ser Michaelis de Podiobonitii.
o0202001.124m 1429/30 marzo 22 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: partem, fideiubendo ydonee de solvendo dictis terminis
o0202001.124vd 1430 marzo 30 Term of payment for debt to the Commune of Brancialino. Text: penes Potestatem Plebis de solvendo dictis terminis.
o0202001.124vg 1430 marzo 30 Letter to the vicar of San Miniato for demand of payment of the guarantors of the priory of Marcignana. Title: vicario Sancti Miniatis de gravando heredes Pieri
o0202001.124vg 1430 marzo 30 Letter to the vicar of San Miniato for demand of payment of the guarantors of the priory of Marcignana. Text: heredes Pieri Fentii de Ciccionibus ad solvendum
o0202001.124vh 1430 marzo 30 Authorization to the paver of the street between the bell tower and the Tinucci house to keep all the stones removed from the site for himself. Text: omnes lapides que de dicta via chavarentur,
o0202001.124vh 1430 marzo 30 Authorization to the paver of the street between the bell tower and the Tinucci house to keep all the stones removed from the site for himself. Text: dicta via chavarentur, de quibus dederunt licentiam
o0202001.124vi 1430 aprile 8 Authorization to three kilnmen to deliver broad bricks. Text: operarii, absente Iohanne de Corbinellis eorum collega
o0202001.124vi 1430 aprile 8 Authorization to three kilnmen to deliver broad bricks. Text: offitii domino Raynaldo de Albizis, deliberaverunt quod
o0202001.124vi 1430 aprile 8 Authorization to three kilnmen to deliver broad bricks. Text: deliberaverunt quod abbas de Septimo possit fieri
o0202001.124vi 1430 aprile 8 Authorization to three kilnmen to deliver broad bricks. Text: prout imponetur eidem de modonis per caputmagistrum
o0202001.124vi 1430 aprile 8 Authorization to three kilnmen to deliver broad bricks. Text: quod Bartolus Marci de Campi fornaciarius possit
o0202001.125a 1430 aprile 8 Hiring of master. Text: opportunis conduxerunt Boninum de Fesulis in magistrum
o0202001.125b 1430 aprile 8 Order to clear out a chapel to allow work on a marble figure. Text: est marmor Bernardi de Ciuffagnis pro faciendo
o0202001.125e 1430 aprile 8 Reconfirmation of the lawyers of the Opera. Text: dominum Iohannem Yeronimi de Eugubio et dominum
o0202001.125e 1430 aprile 8 Reconfirmation of the lawyers of the Opera. Text: et dominum Zenobium de Guaschonibus pro uno
o0202001.125f 1430 aprile 8 Letter to the notary of testaments of Pisa regarding the content of his mandate. Title: fienda ser Iuliano de Sancto Iusto Pisis
o0202001.125f 1430 aprile 8 Letter to the notary of testaments of Pisa regarding the content of his mandate. Text: scribatur ser Iuliano de Sancto Iusto electo
o0202001.125g 1430 aprile 8 Salary set for masters for the summer. Text: VI Nannes Andree de Prato s. XVIIII
o0202001.125g 1430 aprile 8 Salary set for masters for the summer. Text: VI Michael Iohannis de Antilla s. XVII
o0202001.125g 1430 aprile 8 Salary set for masters for the summer. Text: VIII Iohannes Bartolomei de Reggio s. XVI
o0202001.125g 1430 aprile 8 Salary set for masters for the summer. Text: XIII Iulianus Berne de Fesulis s. XIII
o0202001.126c 1430 aprile 10 Election of the messenger with salary set. Text: operarii, absente Lapo de Niccolinis eorum collega
o0202001.126c 1430 aprile 10 Election of the messenger with salary set. Text: dicti offitii Iohanne de Corbinellis, servatis servandis
o0202001.126c 1430 aprile 10 Election of the messenger with salary set. Text: offitii Ghorum Iusti de Florentia cum salario
o0202001.126d 1430 aprile 10 Hiring of cooper with setting of salary. Text: possit fulcire Operam de prefato laborerio nisi
o0202001.126f 1430 aprile 21 Letter to the Podestà of Pisa to remind him of the demand of payment made to the city's Commune and to reproach him for his negligence. Text: ad memoriam gravamentum de quo alias sibi
o0202001.126f 1430 aprile 21 Letter to the Podestà of Pisa to remind him of the demand of payment made to the city's Commune and to reproach him for his negligence. Text: civitatis Pisarum, ipsumque de sua negligentia redarguendo.
o0202001.126vb 1430 aprile 21 Authority to the master builder to transfer masters from the Trassinaia quarry to the Opera and vice versa. Title: Balia data caputmagistro de permutando magistros de
o0202001.126vb 1430 aprile 21 Authority to the master builder to transfer masters from the Trassinaia quarry to the Opera and vice versa. Title: de permutando magistros de loco ad locum
o0202001.126vb 1430 aprile 21 Authority to the master builder to transfer masters from the Trassinaia quarry to the Opera and vice versa. Text: dampno possit permutare de magistris chave Trassinarie
o0202001.126vc 1430 aprile 21 Authorization to sell and consign a log to a private buyer and to lend him two masters. Title: Pro domino Raynaldo de Albizis
o0202001.126vc 1430 aprile 21 Authorization to sell and consign a log to a private buyer and to lend him two masters. Text: instantiam domini Raynaldi de Albizis possint de
o0202001.126vc 1430 aprile 21 Authorization to sell and consign a log to a private buyer and to lend him two masters. Text: de Albizis possint de silva Opere conducere
o0202001.126vd 1430 aprile 21 Letter for cutting and supply of lumber in accordance with the indications of the master builder. Title: Pro Bonino de Castagno
o0202001.126vd 1430 aprile 21 Letter for cutting and supply of lumber in accordance with the indications of the master builder. Text: littera Bonino Persii de Castagno quod teneatur
o0202001.126vg 1430 aprile 21 Order to have a window adjusted in order to avoid cause for danger and registration of the days worked by the masters. Title: domo domini Arditi de Antilla
o0202001.126vg 1430 aprile 21 Order to have a window adjusted in order to avoid cause for danger and registration of the days worked by the masters. Text: domus domini Arditi de Antilla canonici florentini
o0202001.126vh 1430 aprile 21 Order to resolve the dispute regarding models given to the master charged with rough-hewing marble for a figure. Title: Commissio facta caputmagistro de actando differentiam existentem
o0202001.126vh 1430 aprile 21 Order to resolve the dispute regarding models given to the master charged with rough-hewing marble for a figure. Text: inter Bertinum Pieri de Septignano ex una
o0202001.126vh 1430 aprile 21 Order to resolve the dispute regarding models given to the master charged with rough-hewing marble for a figure. Text: ex parte alia de certis modonis datis
o0202001.126vl 1430 maggio 2 Oath of warden. Text: corporaliter manu tactis de modello antiquo non
o0202001.126vm 1430 maggio 2 Order to the master builder for the paving of the street of the cloister of the chapter. Title: domum domini Thomme de Bordella
o0202001.126vm 1430 maggio 2 Order to the master builder for the paving of the street of the cloister of the chapter. Text: domum domini Thomme de Bordella canonici florentini
o0202001.126vn 1430 maggio 2 Order for a trip to Vada for a stone altar slab and to investigate whether other relics exist there. Title: Pro Checho Andree de Septignano pro conducendo
o0202001.126vn 1430 maggio 2 Order for a trip to Vada for a stone altar slab and to investigate whether other relics exist there. Text: Andree alias Fraschetta de Septignano vadat Vadam
o0202001.126vn 1430 maggio 2 Order for a trip to Vada for a stone altar slab and to investigate whether other relics exist there. Text: mutuare possit eidem de pecunia Opere usque
o0202001.126vp 1430 maggio 2 Salary set for a worker for the summer and the winter. Title: Salarium Corselli de Carraria
o0202001.126vp 1430 maggio 2 Salary set for a worker for the summer and the winter. Text: fecerunt salarium Corsello de Carraria ad rationem
o0202001.126vq 1430 maggio 2 Appeal to the consuls of the Wool Guild for the model of the chapels and the whole church and for the alterations to the kitchen and the houses of the clergy. Text: indigent dominus Robertus de Chavalchantibus et dominus
o0202001.126vq 1430 maggio 2 Appeal to the consuls of the Wool Guild for the model of the chapels and the whole church and for the alterations to the kitchen and the houses of the clergy. Text: et dominus Antonius de Peruzis.
o0202001.127a 1430 maggio 10 Permission to stonecutter to work outside the Opera. Title: Pro Redulfo de Perutiis
o0202001.127a 1430 maggio 10 Permission to stonecutter to work outside the Opera. Text: laborandum cum Redulfo de Perutiis pro quinque
o0202001.127c 1430 maggio 10 Registration of holiday worked in Trassinaia. Text: per camerarium prout de aliis operis ipsorum.
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