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Context of query
o0201080.007vc 1421/2 gennaio 24 Correction of greater debt for livestock gabelles. Text: nominis Checchi Gherardi de Vulterris descripti debitoris
o0201080.007vc 1421/2 gennaio 24 Correction of greater debt for livestock gabelles. Text: partita dicitur quod de ipsa summa 88
o0201080.007vc 1421/2 gennaio 24 Correction of greater debt for livestock gabelles. Text: Gaddi et Lambertini de Orciatico, et recepta
o0201080.007vc 1421/2 gennaio 24 Correction of greater debt for livestock gabelles. Text: dictum Gaddum habuisse de narratis bestias minutas
o0201080.007vc 1421/2 gennaio 24 Correction of greater debt for livestock gabelles. Text: et dictum Andream de Monte Viridi dictas
o0201080.008a 1421/2 gennaio 24 Commission to the administrator and the master builder to nominate fifteen stonecutters. Text: Item confixi de prudentia infrascriptorum et
o0201080.008a 1421/2 gennaio 24 Commission to the administrator and the master builder to nominate fifteen stonecutters. Text: operarios et solvendis de pecunia Opere prelibate.
o0201080.008b 1421/2 gennaio 26 Letter to the Captain of Pisa about the failure to answer summons on the part of the treasurer of Pisa and of another person convoked. Text: Pisarum et Lupardum de Vecchiano et quod
o0201080.008c 1421/2 gennaio 26 Letter to the Podestà of Pisa about the failure to answer summons on the part of three notaries and another person convoked. Text: tres notarios pisanos de quibus sibi fuit
o0201080.008va 1421/2 gennaio 26 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: quarterio Sancti Iohannis de ipsa quantitate possit
o0201080.008va 1421/2 gennaio 26 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: et in quantum de predictis ydonee satisdet
o0201080.008vb 1421/2 gennaio 26 Term of payment to the debtors of the baptismal parish of San Cresci a Valcava. Text: plebatui Sancti Cresci de Valcava et eius
o0201080.008vd 1421/2 gennaio 26 Unfinished act concerning Antonio di Giusto da Fabbrica. Title: Antonii Giusti de Fabrica
o0201080.009a 1421/2 gennaio 29 Letter to the Podestà of Carmignano instructing him to demand payment of the church of Santa Cristina and arrest the rector of Carmignano. Text: Barbadoro et Bonacursio de Pictis eorum collegis,
o0201080.009a 1421/2 gennaio 29 Letter to the Podestà of Carmignano instructing him to demand payment of the church of Santa Cristina and arrest the rector of Carmignano. Text: videlicet dominum Tomasium de Strozis, et ipso
o0201080.009a 1421/2 gennaio 29 Letter to the Podestà of Carmignano instructing him to demand payment of the church of Santa Cristina and arrest the rector of Carmignano. Text: satisdet ante relapsationem de libris mille de
o0201080.009a 1421/2 gennaio 29 Letter to the Podestà of Carmignano instructing him to demand payment of the church of Santa Cristina and arrest the rector of Carmignano. Text: de libris mille de comparendo coram eis;
o0201080.009a 1421/2 gennaio 29 Letter to the Podestà of Carmignano instructing him to demand payment of the church of Santa Cristina and arrest the rector of Carmignano. Text: nuntium et cedulam de comparendo infra alios
o0201080.009b 1421/2 gennaio 29 Term of payment to indigent arrested person for gabelle of the produce vendors. Text: futuros, satisdando ydonee de solvendo, qua fide
o0201080.009c 1421/2 gennaio 29 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: teneatur et debeat de ipsa quantitate solvere
o0201080.009d 1421/2 gennaio 29 Cancellation of balance of debt for herd livestock gabelle. Title: Barzotti de Lari
o0201080.009d 1421/2 gennaio 29 Cancellation of balance of debt for herd livestock gabelle. Text: et Nannis Andree de Communi Larii qualiter
o0201080.009vc 1421/2 gennaio 29 Term of payment for debt for herd livestock gabelle. Title: Antonii de Firenzola
o0201080.009vc 1421/2 gennaio 29 Term of payment for debt for herd livestock gabelle. Text: duraturum Antonio Nannis de Firenzola debitori dicte
o0201080.009vd 1421/2 gennaio 29 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans and testaments. Text: quinque vel circa de ipsa quantitate possit,
o0201080.009vf 1421/2 gennaio 29 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: solvendi quolibet mense de ipsa quantitate libram
o0201080.010a 1421/2 gennaio 29 Concession of right of recourse to debtor for property gabelles and testaments. Text: Sancti Petri Maioris de Florentia die 19
o0201080.010a 1421/2 gennaio 29 Concession of right of recourse to debtor for property gabelles and testaments. Text: manu ser Laurentii de Gambasso, et in
o0201080.010b 1421/2 gennaio 29 Term of payment to the inhabitants of the suburbs of Arezzo for debt for gabelle on persons. Text: Item intellecto qualiter de anno MCCCC duodecimo
o0201080.010b 1421/2 gennaio 29 Term of payment to the inhabitants of the suburbs of Arezzo for debt for gabelle on persons. Text: communia et loca de cortinis Aretii et
o0201080.010b 1421/2 gennaio 29 Term of payment to the inhabitants of the suburbs of Arezzo for debt for gabelle on persons. Text: soldos sex f.p., de quibus terminum habuerunt
o0201080.010b 1421/2 gennaio 29 Term of payment to the inhabitants of the suburbs of Arezzo for debt for gabelle on persons. Text: formis et temporibus de quibus et prout
o0201080.010va 1421/2 febbraio 4 Concession of 15 days' leave to the notary of testaments. Text: ser Niccolao Pieri de Ottavantibus notario testamentorum
o0201080.010vb 1421/2 febbraio 4 Prohibition to register as income a deposit for debt for livestock gabelle before the month of February is past. Title: Gualterii de Corella
o0201080.010vb 1421/2 febbraio 4 Prohibition to register as income a deposit for debt for livestock gabelle before the month of February is past. Text: factum per Antonium de Davanzatis pro Gualterio
o0201080.010vb 1421/2 febbraio 4 Prohibition to register as income a deposit for debt for livestock gabelle before the month of February is past. Text: Davanzatis pro Gualterio de Corella qui dicitur
o0201080.010vb 1421/2 febbraio 4 Prohibition to register as income a deposit for debt for livestock gabelle before the month of February is past. Text: nomine Salvadoris Santis de Castagneto pro gabella
o0201080.010vc 1421/2 febbraio 4 Term of payment to arrested debtor. Title: Tomasii de Monaldis
o0201080.010vc 1421/2 febbraio 4 Term of payment to arrested debtor. Text: futuris Tomasio ... de Monaldis descripto in
o0201080.010vc 1421/2 febbraio 4 Term of payment to arrested debtor. Text: quod dicte Opere de iure solvere tenetur
o0201080.010vd 1421/2 febbraio 6 Term of payment for debt for gabelle on herd livestock. Text: absente tamen Bonacursio de Pictis et Iohanne
o0201080.010vd 1421/2 febbraio 6 Term of payment for debt for gabelle on herd livestock. Text: Pictis et Iohanne de Barbadoris eorum collegis,
o0201080.010vd 1421/2 febbraio 6 Term of payment for debt for gabelle on herd livestock. Text: teneatur et debeat de quantitate debita solvere
o0201080.010ve 1421/2 febbraio 6 Threat of incarceration for two suppliers in case of failure to consign the marble for the cornice of the cupola. Text: Fraschetta et Bertinus de Settignano conductores marmoris
o0201080.011b 1421/2 febbraio 6 Term of payment given to a debtor. Text: teneatur et debeat de ipsa quantitate solvere
o0201080.011c 1421/2 febbraio 6 Revocation of allocation of funds to raftsman. Text: factum Mannino Iacobi de Ponte Sevis foderatori
o0201080.011c 1421/2 febbraio 6 Revocation of allocation of funds to raftsman. Text: factum eidem hodie de libris XXX soldis
o0201080.011f 1421/2 febbraio 6 Letter to the Podestà of Pisa for arrest of an inhabitant of that city. Text: officii Blaxium Lippi de Castro Florentino habitatorem
o0201080.011va 1421/2 febbraio 7 Letter to the Podestà of Pisa for convocation of the notaries about the court gabelle. Text: Barbadoro et Bonacursio de Pictis eorum collegis,
o0201080.011va 1421/2 febbraio 7 Letter to the Podestà of Pisa for convocation of the notaries about the court gabelle. Text: ordinamentorum Opere disponentium de solutione denariorum 4
o0201080.011vb 1421/2 febbraio 7 Term of payment to the Communes of Campi, Gangalandi, Buggiano, Montecatini, Massa and Cozzile, Uzzano, Sorano, Pietrabuona and Monsummano. Text: videlicet cuilibet eorum de per se debitori
o0201080.011vb 1421/2 febbraio 7 Term of payment to the Communes of Campi, Gangalandi, Buggiano, Montecatini, Massa and Cozzile, Uzzano, Sorano, Pietrabuona and Monsummano. Text: promictendo et satisdando de solvendo in terminis
o0201080.011vc 1421/2 febbraio 7 Warrant to appear to the procurators of the communes of Pieve Santo Stefano and of the Podesterias of Anghiari, valle Verona and Chiusi for debt for gabelle on persons, with letter to the vicar. Text: Plebis Sancti Stefani de per se, communia
o0201080.011vc 1421/2 febbraio 7 Warrant to appear to the procurators of the communes of Pieve Santo Stefano and of the Podesterias of Anghiari, valle Verona and Chiusi for debt for gabelle on persons, with letter to the vicar. Text: Potestarie vallis Verone de per se, communia
o0201080.011vc 1421/2 febbraio 7 Warrant to appear to the procurators of the communes of Pieve Santo Stefano and of the Podesterias of Anghiari, valle Verona and Chiusi for debt for gabelle on persons, with letter to the vicar. Text: communia Potestarie Anglarii de per se, communia
o0201080.011vc 1421/2 febbraio 7 Warrant to appear to the procurators of the communes of Pieve Santo Stefano and of the Podesterias of Anghiari, valle Verona and Chiusi for debt for gabelle on persons, with letter to the vicar. Text: communia Potestarie Clusii de per se constituant
o0201080.011vc 1421/2 febbraio 7 Warrant to appear to the procurators of the communes of Pieve Santo Stefano and of the Podesterias of Anghiari, valle Verona and Chiusi for debt for gabelle on persons, with letter to the vicar. Text: promictendum et satisdandum de solvendo dicte Opere
o0201080.012a 1421/2 febbraio 12 Concession of right of recourse to parishes of the communes of Dicomano and Castello that are debtors for property gabelle. Text: Angeli del Brutto de Decomano continente qualiter
o0201080.012a 1421/2 febbraio 12 Concession of right of recourse to parishes of the communes of Dicomano and Castello that are debtors for property gabelle. Text: populo Sancti Bartoli de Castello sub dicto
o0201080.012a 1421/2 febbraio 12 Concession of right of recourse to parishes of the communes of Dicomano and Castello that are debtors for property gabelle. Text: supradictis, finaliter concludente de regressu concedendo, et
o0201080.012va 1421/2 febbraio 25 Prohibition to register as income a deposit and restitution of overpaid portion. Title: Gualterii de Corella
o0201080.012va 1421/2 febbraio 25 Prohibition to register as income a deposit and restitution of overpaid portion. Text: Barbadoro et Bonacurso de Pictis eorum collegis,
o0201080.012va 1421/2 febbraio 25 Prohibition to register as income a deposit and restitution of overpaid portion. Text: factum per Davanzatum de Davanzatis per Gualterium
o0201080.012va 1421/2 febbraio 25 Prohibition to register as income a deposit and restitution of overpaid portion. Text: Davanzatis per Gualterium de Corella in quantitate
o0201080.012va 1421/2 febbraio 25 Prohibition to register as income a deposit and restitution of overpaid portion. Text: librarum 118 et de quo supra est
o0201080.012vb 1421/2 febbraio 25 Assignment of house to canon and term of payment for the tax. Title: Domini Mattei de Bucellis
o0201080.012vb 1421/2 febbraio 25 Assignment of house to canon and term of payment for the tax. Text: nuntium dicte Opere de discussione legitime facta
o0201080.012vb 1421/2 febbraio 25 Assignment of house to canon and term of payment for the tax. Text: pro eorum parte de domo olim assignata
o0201080.012vb 1421/2 febbraio 25 Assignment of house to canon and term of payment for the tax. Text: assignata domino Simoni de Rondinellis olim canonico
o0201080.012vb 1421/2 febbraio 25 Assignment of house to canon and term of payment for the tax. Text: per dictum Matteum de Bucellis de novo
o0201080.012vb 1421/2 febbraio 25 Assignment of house to canon and term of payment for the tax. Text: Matteum de Bucellis de novo ad dignitatem
o0201080.012vb 1421/2 febbraio 25 Assignment of house to canon and term of payment for the tax. Text: concedi et sibi de solutione tasse domus
o0201080.012vb 1421/2 febbraio 25 Assignment of house to canon and term of payment for the tax. Text: quod dicta domus de qua supra mentio
o0201080.012vc 1421/2 febbraio 25 Exemption from tax for testamentary legacies because they constitute dotal properties. Text: confessionis dotium appareat de florenis quadringentis, et
o0201080.012vc 1421/2 febbraio 25 Exemption from tax for testamentary legacies because they constitute dotal properties. Text: descripta esse quod de cetero minime gravari
o0201080.012vd 1421/2 febbraio 25 Letter to the Podestà of Pisa with order of summons for the treasurer of Pisa and another person as already written to the Captain of the same city. Text: Pisarum et Lupardo de Vecchiano quod veniant
o0201080.013b 1421/2 febbraio 25 Term of payment for debt for weighing gabelle. Text: duraturum Blaxio Lippi de Castro Florentino citato
o0201080.013b 1421/2 febbraio 25 Term of payment for debt for weighing gabelle. Text: per eum debitis de conductis gabelle ponderum
o0201080.013c 1421/2 febbraio 25 Letter to the rectors and to officials about the right of carry out their work in accordance with the ordinances. Text: quibus commissum fuerit de gravando seu de
o0201080.013c 1421/2 febbraio 25 Letter to the rectors and to officials about the right of carry out their work in accordance with the ordinances. Text: de gravando seu de mandatis faciendo quod
o0201080.013e 1421/2 febbraio 25 Confirmation of contract for lumber. Text: cuidam Iacobo Martini de trainis quinqueginta pro
o0201080.013f 1421/2 febbraio 25 Concession to the provost and partner to grant contracts for lumber of the forest of the Opera. Text: quascumque locationes facere de lignaminibus silve dicte
o0201080.013g 1421/2 febbraio 25 Concession to the provost and partner to set terms of payment for debtor parishes and communes. Text: satisdent petentes terminum de solvendo in terminis
o0201080.013va 1421/2 marzo 2 Drawing of the provost. Text: solitis Lucas Manetti de Filicaria.
o0201080.013vb 1421/2 marzo 11 Salary of the masters for the winter. Text: presens quam futurus de pecunia sui camerariatus
o0201080.013vc 1421/2 marzo 11 Term of payment to the Commune of Romena for debt for milling gabelle. Text: aliquo molestari, dummodo de solvendo in termino
o0201080.014a 1421/2 marzo 11 Term of payment to the communes of the Podesteria of Pieve Santo Stefano for debt for milling gabelle. Text: tamen Luca Manetti de Filicaria et Loysio
o0201080.014a 1421/2 marzo 11 Term of payment to the communes of the Podesteria of Pieve Santo Stefano for debt for milling gabelle. Text: tempore trium annorum de mense ... anni
o0201080.014a 1421/2 marzo 11 Term of payment to the communes of the Podesteria of Pieve Santo Stefano for debt for milling gabelle. Text: annorum infrascriptis communibus de Potestaria Plebis Sancti
o0201080.014a 1421/2 marzo 11 Term of payment to the communes of the Podesteria of Pieve Santo Stefano for debt for milling gabelle. Text: intellectis Sante Iohannis de dicto Communi Plebis
o0201080.014a 1421/2 marzo 11 Term of payment to the communes of the Podesteria of Pieve Santo Stefano for debt for milling gabelle. Text: et Sante Nucci de Ruoti ambobus de
o0201080.014a 1421/2 marzo 11 Term of payment to the communes of the Podesteria of Pieve Santo Stefano for debt for milling gabelle. Text: de Ruoti ambobus de dicta Potestaria et
o0201080.014a 1421/2 marzo 11 Term of payment to the communes of the Podesteria of Pieve Santo Stefano for debt for milling gabelle. Text: successive solutio fiat de quantitate pro anno
o0201080.014va 1421/2 marzo 11 Term of payment to the Communes of Gargonza, Alberoro and Palazzuolo of the countryside of Arezzo for debt for gabelle of persons. Text: et fieri debeat de mense ottobris proxime
o0201080.015b 1421/2 marzo 11 Release of arrested pauper and term of payment. Text: parte Cavalcantis ... de Cavalcantibus super infrascriptis
o0201080.015b 1421/2 marzo 11 Release of arrested pauper and term of payment. Text: super infrascriptis et de impotentia et miseria
o0201080.015b 1421/2 marzo 11 Release of arrested pauper and term of payment. Text: ante relapsationem satisdet de solvendo de dicta
o0201080.015b 1421/2 marzo 11 Release of arrested pauper and term of payment. Text: satisdet de solvendo de dicta quantitate debita
o0201080.015c 1421/2 marzo 11 Loan of the key of the great hall of the Pope in Santa Maria Novella to the general of the Dominican friars. Text: dicto officio recipientibus de restituendo ipsam clavem
o0201080.015d 1421/2 marzo 11 Confirmation of release sentence concerning property owner enjoined to pay. Text: loco dicto Capo de Castello; item aliud
o0201080.015d 1421/2 marzo 11 Confirmation of release sentence concerning property owner enjoined to pay. Text: populo Sancte Marie de Quinto; item aliud
o0201080.015va 1421/2 marzo 11 Confirmation of contract for lumber. Text: videlicet: Gherardo Vincii de Fornace et Nanni
o0201080.015va 1421/2 marzo 11 Confirmation of contract for lumber. Text: et Nanni Francisci de Caiano de trainis
o0201080.015va 1421/2 marzo 11 Confirmation of contract for lumber. Text: Francisci de Caiano de trainis L inter
o0201080.015va 1421/2 marzo 11 Confirmation of contract for lumber. Text: ambos; Piero Pucci de San Dettolo et
o0201080.015va 1421/2 marzo 11 Confirmation of contract for lumber. Text: et Palmerio Corsi de Fornace de trainis
o0201080.015va 1421/2 marzo 11 Confirmation of contract for lumber. Text: Corsi de Fornace de trainis centum inter
o0201080.015vb 1421/2 marzo 11 Letter to the count of Poppi instructing him to prevent further cutting of lumber in the forest. Title: Comitis de Puppio
o0201080.015vb 1421/2 marzo 11 Letter to the count of Poppi instructing him to prevent further cutting of lumber in the forest. Text: parte comiti Francisco de Puppio continens quod
o0201080.015vb 1421/2 marzo 11 Letter to the count of Poppi instructing him to prevent further cutting of lumber in the forest. Text: sui homines trasserunt de silva Opere predicte
o0201080.015vb 1421/2 marzo 11 Letter to the count of Poppi instructing him to prevent further cutting of lumber in the forest. Text: forma monere quod de cetero talia non
o0201080.015vc 1421/2 marzo 11 Release of minor arrested for the debts of his father. Text: et non reperiatur de eius bonis possidere
o0201080.015vd 1421/2 marzo 11 Charge to the administrator to enter the Commune of Castagno and a (supplier) for fir wood as creditors. Text: pretio eis debito de uno ligno habietis
o0201080.015ve 1421/2 marzo 11 Term of payment for debt to the Commune of Barberino of Mugello. Text: terminum Comuni Barberini de Mucello debitori dicte
o0201080.015vf 1421/2 marzo 11 Term of payment to guarantor for debt for property gabelle. Text: fideiussori domini Lapi de Ricasolis in libris
o0201080.016a 1421/2 marzo 13 Authorization to sell candles offered for the feast of Santa Maria del Fiore. Text: absente tamen Andree de Rondinellis eorum collega,
o0201080.016a 1421/2 marzo 13 Authorization to sell candles offered for the feast of Santa Maria del Fiore. Text: torchiettorum dicte Opere de oblatione festi Sancte
o0201080.016c 1421/2 marzo 13 Credit to debtor for pardons of forced loans already paid and term of payment for the balance of the debt. Title: Tomasii de Monaldis
o0201080.016c 1421/2 marzo 13 Credit to debtor for pardons of forced loans already paid and term of payment for the balance of the debt. Text: computum Tomasii ... de Monaldis descripti in
o0201080.016c 1421/2 marzo 13 Credit to debtor for pardons of forced loans already paid and term of payment for the balance of the debt. Text: et in quantum de observando satisdet et
o0201080.016d 1421/2 marzo 13 Term of payment for debt for forced loans and pardons. Text: teneatur et debeat de ipsa quantitate solvere
o0201080.016vb 1421/2 marzo 13 Acceptance of unsuitable marble cornice and payment of the carriage at reduced price. Text: descripto. Et quod de pretio seu vectura
o0201080.016vd 1421/2 marzo 13 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle to the parish of San Martino di Bibbiano. Title: Populi Sancti Martini de Bibbiano
o0201080.016vd 1421/2 marzo 13 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle to the parish of San Martino di Bibbiano. Text: populo Sancti Martini de Bibbiano debitori dicte
o0201080.016ve 1421/2 marzo 13 Concession of right of recourse to guarantor enjoined to pay for the baptismal parish of San Piero in Bossolo and letter to the Podestà for demand of payment of the same. Text: et eius homines de libris decem et
o0201080.016ve 1421/2 marzo 13 Concession of right of recourse to guarantor enjoined to pay for the baptismal parish of San Piero in Bossolo and letter to the Podestà for demand of payment of the same. Text: in expensis factis de mense agusti proxime
o0201080.017b 1421/2 marzo 13 Exemption for dotal properties. Text: populi Sancti Simonis de Florentia pro eo
o0201080.017b 1421/2 marzo 13 Exemption for dotal properties. Text: provideri quod minime de cetero gravari possit,
o0201080.017b 1421/2 marzo 13 Exemption for dotal properties. Text: vel alicuius earum de quibus et prout
o0201080.017b 1421/2 marzo 13 Exemption for dotal properties. Text: sequatur effectus quod de cetero ut supra
o0201080.017va 1421/2 marzo 13 Rulings for reduction of the weight of the cupola through narrowing of the corner piers and change to brick construction. Text: infrascripta aliter et de novo provideri super
o0201080.017va 1421/2 marzo 13 Rulings for reduction of the weight of the cupola through narrowing of the corner piers and change to brick construction. Text: mihi in scriptis de consensu et voluntate
o0201080.018a 1421/2 marzo 13 Release of arrested person. Title: Antonii de Sancto Dettolo
o0201080.018a 1421/2 marzo 13 Release of arrested person. Text: quod Antonius ... de Sancto Dettolo captus
o0201080.018a 1421/2 marzo 13 Release of arrested person. Text: quantum primo satisdet de se presentando coram
o0201080.018a 1421/2 marzo 13 Release of arrested person. Text: officio predicto vel de solvendo tum et
o0201080.018b 1421/2 marzo 13 Unfinished act concerning the church of San Michelangiolo of Quarrata. Text: Sancti Miccaelis Angeli de Quarata debitrix dicte
o0201080.018c 1421/2 marzo 17 Oath of warden and term of payment to debtor for the Commune of Pontedera for wine and butchering gabelles. Text: absente tamen Bonaccurso de Pictis eorum collega,
o0201080.018c 1421/2 marzo 17 Oath of warden and term of payment to debtor for the Commune of Pontedera for wine and butchering gabelles. Text: per Cardinalem Pieri de Tornaquincis de novo
o0201080.018c 1421/2 marzo 17 Oath of warden and term of payment to debtor for the Commune of Pontedera for wine and butchering gabelles. Text: Pieri de Tornaquincis de novo ad officium
o0201080.018c 1421/2 marzo 17 Oath of warden and term of payment to debtor for the Commune of Pontedera for wine and butchering gabelles. Text: in quantum satisdet de solvendo ad presens
o0201080.018c 1421/2 marzo 17 Oath of warden and term of payment to debtor for the Commune of Pontedera for wine and butchering gabelles. Text: ... vocatus Cornacchia de dicto loco qui
o0201080.018d 1421/2 marzo 17 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: minime pro residuo de cetero ullo tempore
o0201080.018va 1421/2 marzo 17 Term of payment for debt for testament. Title: Nannis de Pecoris
o0201080.018va 1421/2 marzo 17 Term of payment for debt for testament. Text: quod Nannes Simonis de Pecoris debitor una
o0201080.018vb 1421/2 marzo 17 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: duraturum Niccolao Napoleonis de Franzesibus debitori dicte
o0201080.018vb 1421/2 marzo 17 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: per eum asseratur de ipsa quantitate partem
o0201080.018vc 1421/2 marzo 17 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle erroneously ascribed. Title: ... de Oricellariis
o0201080.018vc 1421/2 marzo 17 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle erroneously ascribed. Text: Pauli domini Pauli de Oricellariis sunt descripti
o0201080.018vc 1421/2 marzo 17 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle erroneously ascribed. Text: ad aurum sumpto de registro veteri primo
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