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Context of query
o0201079.025va 1421 settembre 15 Permission to the abbot of Vallombrosa to cut and take as many as 2000 small fir trees from the forest from Carpigna onwards. Text: quecumque eius loca de abietibus parvis silve
o0201079.025vb 1421 settembre 15 Ruling on financial disagreement between the guardian of the pawns and the accountants who audited his accounts. Text: Matteo magistri Falconis de denariis exactorum penes
o0201079.025vb 1421 settembre 15 Ruling on financial disagreement between the guardian of the pawns and the accountants who audited his accounts. Text: una cum Piero de Biffolis pro rationibus
o0201079.025vc 1421 settembre 15 Term of payment for debt for herd livestock gabelle. Text: duraturum Conte Iacobi de Vulterris debitori et
o0201079.025vc 1421 settembre 15 Term of payment for debt for herd livestock gabelle. Text: ut fideiussori Masoppini de Vernio in libris
o0201079.025vc 1421 settembre 15 Term of payment for debt for herd livestock gabelle. Text: in quantum satisdet de solvendo in termino
o0201079.025vd 1421 settembre 15 Ruling to place in church a drum for denunciations to be opened every fifteen days. Text: quemcumque volentem quicumque de pecunia et rebus
o0201079.026a 1421 settembre 17 Ruling regarding the allocation of funds to be decreed for a supply of lumber with penalty to the supplier if he should not respect the consignment. Text: quod Nolfus Benedicti de Vicorati conductor lignaminis
o0201079.026a 1421 settembre 17 Ruling regarding the allocation of funds to be decreed for a supply of lumber with penalty to the supplier if he should not respect the consignment. Text: et partim trahi de Alpibus secundum formam
o0201079.026a 1421 settembre 17 Ruling regarding the allocation of funds to be decreed for a supply of lumber with penalty to the supplier if he should not respect the consignment. Text: proxime futuros quod de lignaminibus sue conducte
o0201079.026a 1421 settembre 17 Ruling regarding the allocation of funds to be decreed for a supply of lumber with penalty to the supplier if he should not respect the consignment. Text: detrahi et retineri de quantitate promissa quantitas
o0201079.026b 1421 settembre 17 Term of payment for forced loans, gabelle on testaments and other causes with release of the arrested debtor. Text: aliis quolibet mense de ipsa quantitate solvere
o0201079.026b 1421 settembre 17 Term of payment for forced loans, gabelle on testaments and other causes with release of the arrested debtor. Text: observando et primo de observantia fideiubendo idonee,
o0201079.026va 1421 settembre 17 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle already paid in the Commune where the same property is located. Text: Nannes del Campana de Sancto Gaudentio cives
o0201079.026va 1421 settembre 17 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle already paid in the Commune where the same property is located. Text: et cancellari possit de summis prestantiarum eorumdem
o0201079.026vb 1421 settembre 17 Authorization to the provost with one of the wardens to set and allocate the amount the suppliers must reimburse to the stonecutter sent to the forest to solicit them. Text: et trahi faciendo de silva Opere lignamina
o0201079.027b 1421 settembre 17 Commission to the master builder to appraise the work of Nanni di Banco for the ornamental frames of the story of the Annunciate Virgin; registration of the sculptor as creditor for 326 2/3 florins. Text: storie Annuntiate et de ipsis laboreriis dicitur
o0201079.027vb 1421 settembre 26 Notification to the new treasurer of the forced loans of the Commune of Florence to exact from the debtors the amounts due to the Opera according to the ordinances. Text: viro Blaxio Loderigi de Strozis camerario noviter
o0201079.027vb 1421 settembre 26 Notification to the new treasurer of the forced loans of the Commune of Florence to exact from the debtors the amounts due to the Opera according to the ordinances. Text: Filippi domini Leonardi de Strozis et Iohannis
o0201079.027vb 1421 settembre 26 Notification to the new treasurer of the forced loans of the Commune of Florence to exact from the debtors the amounts due to the Opera according to the ordinances. Text: presentibus Filippozo Giovenchi de Bastariis, Paulo Soldi
o0201079.027vb 1421 settembre 26 Notification to the new treasurer of the forced loans of the Commune of Florence to exact from the debtors the amounts due to the Opera according to the ordinances. Text: et Matteo Pacini de Busini civibus florentinis
o0201079.027vc 1421 ottobre 1 Ruling to assure collection of debts, assignment of terms and payments in grape harvest time. Text: apotheca filiorum Barne de Aglis, intellecto et
o0201079.027vc 1421 ottobre 1 Ruling to assure collection of debts, assignment of terms and payments in grape harvest time. Text: etiam aliis pluribus de causis ipsi operarii
o0201079.027vc 1421 ottobre 1 Ruling to assure collection of debts, assignment of terms and payments in grape harvest time. Text: congregantur, non vident de proximo congregari posse,
o0201079.027vc 1421 ottobre 1 Ruling to assure collection of debts, assignment of terms and payments in grape harvest time. Text: dicte Opere quacumque de causa terminum statuere
o0201079.027vc 1421 ottobre 1 Ruling to assure collection of debts, assignment of terms and payments in grape harvest time. Text: per fideiussorem ydoneum de solvendo in termino
o0201079.027vc 1421 ottobre 1 Ruling to assure collection of debts, assignment of terms and payments in grape harvest time. Text: presens quam futurus de pecunia dicti sui
o0201079.027vc 1421 ottobre 1 Ruling to assure collection of debts, assignment of terms and payments in grape harvest time. Text: causa seu causis de quibus et prout
o0201079.028c 1421 ottobre 3 Restitution of pawns to debtors with release of a tenant of theirs. Text: Iohannis domini Amerigi de Cavalcantibus restituantur pignora
o0201079.028va 1421 ottobre 3 Letter to the Podestà of Barberino val d'Elsa for revocation of demand of payment to the parish of San Giusto a Petroio. Text: populum Sancti Giusti de Petroio ad petitionem
o0201079.028vc 1421 ottobre 3 Term of payment for forced loans. Text: et pagis, videlicet de tribus mensibus in
o0201079.028vc 1421 ottobre 3 Term of payment for forced loans. Text: et in quantum de solutione ut predicitur
o0201079.028vd 1421 ottobre 3 Term of payment for forced loans. Text: possit et teneatur de ipsa quantitate (solvere)
o0201079.028ve 1421 ottobre 3 Appraisal of 4 big fir logs for sale. Text: operariorum Simoni Filippi de Strozis pro pretio
o0201079.028ve 1421 ottobre 3 Appraisal of 4 big fir logs for sale. Text: ligna eo pretio de quo eorum discretioni
o0201079.029a 1421 ottobre 3 Authority to a warden to cancel a contract for sandstone blocks for the chain of the main cupola. Text: locatio Meo Cecchini de Settignano, Nanni Benozi
o0201079.029a 1421 ottobre 3 Authority to a warden to cancel a contract for sandstone blocks for the chain of the main cupola. Text: pretio et pactis de quibus et prout
o0201079.029a 1421 ottobre 3 Authority to a warden to cancel a contract for sandstone blocks for the chain of the main cupola. Text: vellent et absolvi de gratia singulari; et
o0201079.029a 1421 ottobre 3 Authority to a warden to cancel a contract for sandstone blocks for the chain of the main cupola. Text: Opera non indiget de complemento ipsius conducte,
o0201079.029a 1421 ottobre 3 Authority to a warden to cancel a contract for sandstone blocks for the chain of the main cupola. Text: Filippi domini Leonardi de Strozis eorum consocio
o0201079.029b 1421 ottobre 3 Letter to the Podestà of Arezzo with summons for the supervising syndics and ambassadors of the suburbs and term of payment. Text: promictendi et fideiubendi de solvendo quantitatem dicte
o0201079.029vb 1421 ottobre 4 Price set for stones quarried under contract and termination of agreement before term. Text: Filippi domini Leonardi de Strozis unus ex
o0201079.029vb 1421 ottobre 4 Price set for stones quarried under contract and termination of agreement before term. Text: per Meum Cecchini de Settignagno et socios
o0201079.029vb 1421 ottobre 4 Price set for stones quarried under contract and termination of agreement before term. Text: Settignagno et socios de lapidibus macignis per
o0201079.029vb 1421 ottobre 4 Price set for stones quarried under contract and termination of agreement before term. Text: et absolvi et de lapidibus conductis sibi
o0201079.029vb 1421 ottobre 4 Price set for stones quarried under contract and termination of agreement before term. Text: quod conductores predicti de lapidibus massi settem
o0201079.029vb 1421 ottobre 4 Price set for stones quarried under contract and termination of agreement before term. Text: dictorum lapidum, et de aliis lapidibus dicti
o0201079.029vb 1421 ottobre 4 Price set for stones quarried under contract and termination of agreement before term. Text: quolibet bracchio, et de aliis lapidibus ex
o0201079.030e 1421 ottobre 10 Contract for lumber. Text: traina lignaminis abietis de silva Opere, videlicet
o0201079.030e 1421 ottobre 10 Contract for lumber. Text: terminis et temporibus de quibus et prout
o0201079.030vb 1421 ottobre 10 Letter to the Podestà of Prato for demand of payment to the parish of San Michele of Cerreto. Text: populum Sancti Miccaelis de Cerreto.
o0201079.030vc 1421 ottobre 11 Revocation of demand of payment from persons enjoined to pay because possessors of debtor's properties and restitution of pawns. Text: et heredibus Barnabe de Aglis gravatis ut
o0201079.030vd 1421 ottobre 11 Term of payment for a property gabelle. Text: plebis Sancti Romuli de Gaville debitrici dicte
o0201079.030ve 1421 ottobre 11 Restitution of pawns to person enjoined to pay as possessor of properties of debtor. Text: quod Stroze Rainaldi de Strozis gravato ad
o0201079.030ve 1421 ottobre 11 Restitution of pawns to person enjoined to pay as possessor of properties of debtor. Text: possessori bonorum Pieri de Albertis restituantur pignora
o0201079.031b 1421 ottobre 11 Term of payment for pardons of forced loans and gabelles. Text: futuris hodie initiandis de ipsa quantitate prestantiarum
o0201079.031b 1421 ottobre 11 Term of payment for pardons of forced loans and gabelles. Text: in quantum satisdet de observando predictum, et
o0201079.031c 1421 ottobre 11 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: possit et teneatur de ipsa quantitate quolibet
o0201079.031d 1421 ottobre 11 Extension of term of payment to the church of Santa Maria a Pulicciano. Text: ecclesie Sancte Marie de Pullicciano assignatum ad
o0201079.031vb 1421 ottobre 11 Term of payment to debtor for unspecified debt. Text: pro ... solvendo de ipsa quantitate quolibet
o0201079.031vc 1421 ottobre 11 Term of payment with notification to debtor for loan received. Text: intellecto qualiter Ballerinus de Nerlis est debitor
o0201079.031ve 1421 ottobre 11 Term for consignment to lumber suppliers with penalty for every towload not conveyed. Text: proxime deliberatum est de conducta Bonaiuti del
o0201079.032a 1421 ottobre 11 Price set for the purchase of wax for large candles. Text: Laurentio ser Tomasii de Gambasso et seu
o0201079.032c 1421 ottobre 11 Term of payment for herd livestock gabelle to the men of Piombino. Text: deliberaverunt quod homines de Plumbino descripti debitores
o0201079.032d 1421 ottobre 11 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: terminum Matteo Pacini de Businis debitori dicte
o0201079.032va 1421 ottobre 11 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: ex proxime futuris de ipsa quantitate solvere
o0201079.032vb 1421 ottobre 11 Order to the scribe of the daily wages to register the overtime work of masters and unskilled workers. Text: deliberaverunt quod Filippozus de Bastariis scribanus dierum
o0201079.032vb 1421 ottobre 11 Order to the scribe of the daily wages to register the overtime work of masters and unskilled workers. Text: Nanni Elleri Nanni de Prato Benedicto Iohannelli
o0201079.032vb 1421 ottobre 11 Order to the scribe of the daily wages to register the overtime work of masters and unskilled workers. Text: possit et debeat de pecunia dicte Opere
o0201079.032vc 1421 ottobre 11 Drawing of the provost. Text: Filippi domini Leonardi de Strozis pro tempore
o0201079.032vd 1421 ottobre 14 Term of payment for balance of property gabelle to the Commune of Romena. Text: duraturum Communi Romene de Casentino debitori dicte
o0201079.033b 1421 ottobre 16 Confirmation of term of payment for second installment of debt for property gabelle. Text: in Salcio fuit de mense ... proxime
o0201079.033b 1421 ottobre 16 Confirmation of term of payment for second installment of debt for property gabelle. Text: terminum prout asseritur de paga primi termini
o0201079.033c 1421 ottobre 16 Term of payment for pardons of forced loans. Text: Caroli domini Mainardi de Cavalcantibus de Florentia
o0201079.033c 1421 ottobre 16 Term of payment for pardons of forced loans. Text: Mainardi de Cavalcantibus de Florentia debitores dicte
o0201079.033c 1421 ottobre 16 Term of payment for pardons of forced loans. Text: Opere integre satisfecerint de quantitate prefata; et
o0201079.033c 1421 ottobre 16 Term of payment for pardons of forced loans. Text: satisdent per fideiussorem de solutione facienda in
o0201079.033va 1421 ottobre 16 Revocation of demand of payment for debt for herd livestock with release of arrested guarantor and payment injunction for the true debtor. Text: quod Iacobus Niccolai de Fosina habitator Montis
o0201079.033va 1421 ottobre 16 Revocation of demand of payment for debt for herd livestock with release of arrested guarantor and payment injunction for the true debtor. Text: habitator Montis Catini de Vulterris gravatus sub
o0201079.033va 1421 ottobre 16 Revocation of demand of payment for debt for herd livestock with release of arrested guarantor and payment injunction for the true debtor. Text: bestis grossis remotis de computo Iacobi Pieri
o0201079.033va 1421 ottobre 16 Revocation of demand of payment for debt for herd livestock with release of arrested guarantor and payment injunction for the true debtor. Text: computo Iacobi Pieri de Gherardinis et eidem
o0201079.033va 1421 ottobre 16 Revocation of demand of payment for debt for herd livestock with release of arrested guarantor and payment injunction for the true debtor. Text: et eidem Iacobo de Fosina descriptis, non
o0201079.033va 1421 ottobre 16 Revocation of demand of payment for debt for herd livestock with release of arrested guarantor and payment injunction for the true debtor. Text: gravetur dictus Iacobus de Gherardinis ad solvendum.
o0201079.033vc 1421 ottobre 22 Payment to the servants of the officials of the public debt for rights on debtors for pardons of forced loans. Text: sub promissione eis de tali labore persolvendi;
o0201079.033vc 1421 ottobre 22 Payment to the servants of the officials of the public debt for rights on debtors for pardons of forced loans. Text: generalis dicti officii de pecuniis quas recepit
o0201079.034a 1421 ottobre 22 Term of payment for property gabelle of three years to the abbey of Trebbio with guaranty. Text: habatia Sancti ... de Trebbio in partibus
o0201079.034a 1421 ottobre 22 Term of payment for property gabelle of three years to the abbey of Trebbio with guaranty. Text: ser Graziam ... de plebe predicta cum
o0201079.034a 1421 ottobre 22 Term of payment for property gabelle of three years to the abbey of Trebbio with guaranty. Text: ex fratribus predictis de solvendo pro habatia
o0201079.034b 1421 ottobre 22 Term of payment for forced loans and pardons. Text: heredes Andree ... de Gherardinis debitores dicte
o0201079.034b 1421 ottobre 22 Term of payment for forced loans and pardons. Text: et heredibus Biancii de Gherardinis pro gratiis
o0201079.034b 1421 ottobre 22 Term of payment for forced loans and pardons. Text: quadrimestri ex futuris de quantitate pro qua
o0201079.034b 1421 ottobre 22 Term of payment for forced loans and pardons. Text: obbligati sunt et de medietate debita et
o0201079.034va 1421 ottobre 22 Sale of marble for closing of tomb. Text: capserio Esau vendatur de marmore dicte Opere
o0201079.034vc 1421 ottobre 22 Term of payment to the rector of San Romolo a Villamagna. Text: ecclesie Sancti Romoli de Villamagna debitori dicte
o0201079.034ve 1421 ottobre 22 Term of payment to the rector of Villamagna. Text: dominus ... plebanus de Villamagna satisdederit infra
o0201079.034ve 1421 ottobre 22 Term of payment to the rector of Villamagna. Text: dies proxime futuros de solvendo dicte Opere
o0201079.034vf 1421 ottobre 22 Dismissal of unskilled workers. Text: commissionem sibi factam, de qua supra patet,
o0201079.034vf 1421 ottobre 22 Dismissal of unskilled workers. Text: Andreas Miccaelis Angelus de Latera Lucas de
o0201079.034vf 1421 ottobre 22 Dismissal of unskilled workers. Text: de Latera Lucas de Ianua Iohannes de
o0201079.034vf 1421 ottobre 22 Dismissal of unskilled workers. Text: de Ianua Iohannes de Viterbo et Pierus
o0201079.035b 1421 ottobre 27 Sale of a log. Text: deliberaverunt quod Scolao de Salterellis per provisorem
o0201079.035b 1421 ottobre 27 Sale of a log. Text: unum lignum traini de lignis dicte Opere
o0201079.035d 1421 ottobre 27 Term of payment for forced loans with restitution of pawn. Text: et terminis, videlicet de tribus mensibus in
o0201079.035va 1421 ottobre 27 Term of payment to the hospital of the Bigallo of Ruballa for property gabelle with guaranty and restitution of pawns. Text: Marie del Bigallo de Ruballa debitor dicte
o0201079.035va 1421 ottobre 27 Term of payment to the hospital of the Bigallo of Ruballa for property gabelle with guaranty and restitution of pawns. Text: pagis et terminis de quattuor mensibus in
o0201079.035va 1421 ottobre 27 Term of payment to the hospital of the Bigallo of Ruballa for property gabelle with guaranty and restitution of pawns. Text: in quantum fideiubeat de solvendo ut prefertur
o0201079.035va 1421 ottobre 27 Term of payment to the hospital of the Bigallo of Ruballa for property gabelle with guaranty and restitution of pawns. Text: per Iacobum Nerii de Lucardo qui se
o0201079.035vb 1421 ottobre 27 Salary set for workforces for the winter. Text: generalis dicti officii de pecunia sui camerariatus
o0201079.035vb 1421 ottobre 27 Salary set for workforces for the winter. Text: novem Nannes Andree de Prato s. decem
o0201079.035vb 1421 ottobre 27 Salary set for workforces for the winter. Text: d. sex Dominicus de Sancto Giusto s.
o0201079.036a 1421 ottobre 27 Purchase of geese. Text: super cupola maiori de presente.
o0201079.036va 1421 ottobre 27 Summons of the communes of the Podesteria of Subbiano debtors for milling gabelle and term of payment. Text: Item quod Communia de Potestaria Subbiani debitricia
o0201079.036va 1421 ottobre 27 Summons of the communes of the Podesteria of Subbiano debtors for milling gabelle and term of payment. Text: fideiubendi et paciscendi de quantitate predictis persolvendis,
o0201079.036vb 1421 ottobre 27 Term of payment for contract for the butchering gabelle and release of the arrested debtor. Text: macelli plurium annorum de volta Lignarie in
o0201079.036vc 1421 ottobre 27 Term of payment for gabelle of the civil court of Pisa. Text: Antonius ser Bartoli de Pisis debitor dicte
o0201079.036vd 1421 ottobre 27 Confirmation of acquittal to the men of Piombino; unfinished act. Title: Hominum de Plumbino confirmatio absolutionis
o0201079.037a 1421 ottobre 27 Declaration for Santa Maria and San Biagio a Ciggiano; unfinished act. Title: et Sancti Blaxii de Ciegiano declaratio
o0201079.037b 1421 ottobre 30 Letter to the Podestà of Gambassi for information about the properties of the church of San Giovanni a Pulicciano located in said Podesteria. Text: quod se informet de fructibus et introytibus
o0201079.037b 1421 ottobre 30 Letter to the Podestà of Gambassi for information about the properties of the church of San Giovanni a Pulicciano located in said Podesteria. Text: ecclesie Sancti Iohannis de Pulicciano in dicta
o0201079.037c 1421 ottobre 30 Term of payment for livestock gabelle. Text: terminum Iacobo Fruosini de Pisis debitori dicte
o0201079.037c 1421 ottobre 30 Term of payment for livestock gabelle. Text: eum, dummodo satisdet de solvendo in dicto
o0201079.037d 1421 ottobre 30 Renewal of term of payment for pardons of forced loans. Text: qualiter Silvester Niccolai de Alammannis civis florentinus
o0201079.037d 1421 ottobre 30 Renewal of term of payment for pardons of forced loans. Text: ... vel circa, de quibus terminum habuit
o0201079.037d 1421 ottobre 30 Renewal of term of payment for pardons of forced loans. Text: terminis et modis de quibus et prout
o0201079.037d 1421 ottobre 30 Renewal of term of payment for pardons of forced loans. Text: mentio, satisdando ydonee de novo et non
o0201079.037va 1421 ottobre 30 Term of payment for property gabelle to the monastery of Santa Croce of the lower Valdarno. Text: soldis ... solvendi de ipsa quantitate medietatem
o0201079.037va 1421 ottobre 30 Term of payment for property gabelle to the monastery of Santa Croce of the lower Valdarno. Text: gravetur, satisdando tamen de solutionibus faciendis in
o0201079.037vd 1421 ottobre 30 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: vel circa solvendi de ipsa quantitate medietatem
o0201079.037ve 1421 ottobre 30 Order to the debtors who have received term of payment to present guarantor within date set. Text: promissionibus fideiussores prestandi de solvendo qui postea
o0201079.037ve 1421 ottobre 30 Order to the debtors who have received term of payment to present guarantor within date set. Text: quod quilibet cui de cetero per officium
o0201079.037ve 1421 ottobre 30 Order to the debtors who have received term of payment to present guarantor within date set. Text: fideiussorem ydoneum prestanse de solvendo in terminis
o0201079.037ve 1421 ottobre 30 Order to the debtors who have received term of payment to present guarantor within date set. Text: revocatus; et sic de cetero observetur.
o0201079.038a 1421 ottobre 30 Unfinished act. Title: Remisii et Ricchi de Bucellis
o0201079.038b 1421 ottobre 30 Deduction of property gabelle paid in the forced loans in other Commune. Text: Iacobo Iohannis Campane de Sancto Gaudentio narrante
o0201079.038b 1421 ottobre 30 Deduction of property gabelle paid in the forced loans in other Commune. Text: civium Iohannes Canpane de Sancto Gaudentio et
o0201079.038b 1421 ottobre 30 Deduction of property gabelle paid in the forced loans in other Commune. Text: frater et quilibet de per se fuerunt
o0201079.038b 1421 ottobre 30 Deduction of property gabelle paid in the forced loans in other Commune. Text: fide solutionis facte de dicta gabella bonorum
o0201079.038va 1421 ottobre 31 Permission to quarrier to sell stones from his quarry. Text: dare Vierio Vierii de Guadagnis de sua
o0201079.038va 1421 ottobre 31 Permission to quarrier to sell stones from his quarry. Text: Vierii de Guadagnis de sua cava usque
o0201079.038va 1421 ottobre 31 Permission to quarrier to sell stones from his quarry. Text: in XL carratas de lapidibus dicte cave.
o0201079.038vd 1421 ottobre 31 Reduction of debt with term of payment to Ciuffagni for statue of prophet left unfinished and subsequently commissioned to Donatello and Giovanni of Bartolo. Text: occurrente sibi casu de civitate Florentie descessit,
o0201079.038vd 1421 ottobre 31 Reduction of debt with term of payment to Ciuffagni for statue of prophet left unfinished and subsequently commissioned to Donatello and Giovanni of Bartolo. Text: futurum, satisdando tamen de solutione facienda in
o0201079.039a 1421 ottobre 31 Admission of the report made by the accountants on the errors found in the books of the new gabelles. Text: Pierum ser Nofrii de Biffolis et Matteum
o0201079.039b 1421 ottobre 31 Reduction of confiscation of revenues received by treasurer of the new gabelles of the Commune. Text: Item intellecto qualiter de mense iulii proxime
o0201079.039b 1421 ottobre 31 Reduction of confiscation of revenues received by treasurer of the new gabelles of the Commune. Text: camere Communis Florentie de omni quantitate tunc
o0201079.039b 1421 ottobre 31 Reduction of confiscation of revenues received by treasurer of the new gabelles of the Commune. Text: Antonio olim Loysii de Canigianis olim camerarii
o0201079.039b 1421 ottobre 31 Reduction of confiscation of revenues received by treasurer of the new gabelles of the Commune. Text: dicte Opere restituere de introytibus predictis non
o0201079.039b 1421 ottobre 31 Reduction of confiscation of revenues received by treasurer of the new gabelles of the Commune. Text: penes dictum capserium de pagis dicti Antonii
o0201079.039va 1421 ottobre 31 Extension of term of payment to the parish of San Giovanni of Senni. Text: populus Sancti Iohannis de Senni de debito
o0201079.039va 1421 ottobre 31 Extension of term of payment to the parish of San Giovanni of Senni. Text: Iohannis de Senni de debito ad quod
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