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Context of query
o0202001.198a 1433 maggio 13 Term of payment to the Podesterias of Subbiano and Castel Focognano. Text: Capponibus Andreas Veri de Rondinellis Francischus Benedicti
o0202001.198a 1433 maggio 13 Term of payment to the Podesterias of Subbiano and Castel Focognano. Text: Francischus Benedicti Caroccii de Strozis Niccolus Mattei
o0202001.198a 1433 maggio 13 Term of payment to the Podesterias of Subbiano and Castel Focognano. Text: Marie del Fiore de Florentia existentes collegialiter
o0202001.198c 1433 maggio 15 Confirmation of the cutting of fir trees granted to the Sea Consuls and term of payment. Text: viri Andreas Veri de Rondinellis Niccolus Mattei
o0202001.198c 1433 maggio 15 Confirmation of the cutting of fir trees granted to the Sea Consuls and term of payment. Text: Rondinellis Niccolus Mattei de Corsinis Lucas Gregorii
o0202001.198c 1433 maggio 15 Confirmation of the cutting of fir trees granted to the Sea Consuls and term of payment. Text: Ubertini Nerius Gini de Capponibus et Francischus
o0202001.198c 1433 maggio 15 Confirmation of the cutting of fir trees granted to the Sea Consuls and term of payment. Text: Francischus Benedicti Caroccii de Strozis operarii dicte
o0202001.198c 1433 maggio 15 Confirmation of the cutting of fir trees granted to the Sea Consuls and term of payment. Text: custodi silve Opere de incidendo in plano
o0202001.198d 1433 maggio 15 Term of payment to the Commune of Figline with release of arrested persons. Text: Opere ad presens de dicta quantitate libras
o0202001.198d 1433 maggio 15 Term of payment to the Commune of Figline with release of arrested persons. Text: fiat sibi bullettinum de relapsando quemdam captum
o0202001.198e 1433 maggio 15 Term of payment and release of an arrested person. Text: Iustus Dolfi righatterius de novo fideiubeat de
o0202001.198e 1433 maggio 15 Term of payment and release of an arrested person. Text: de novo fideiubeat de solvendo pro eo
o0202001.198f 1433 maggio 15 Revocation of the resolution prohibiting the purchase of broad bricks from the kilns of Brozzi. Title: In favorem fornacium de Brozi
o0202001.198f 1433 maggio 15 Revocation of the resolution prohibiting the purchase of broad bricks from the kilns of Brozzi. Text: factam contra fornacem de Brozi per quam
o0202001.198f 1433 maggio 15 Revocation of the resolution prohibiting the purchase of broad bricks from the kilns of Brozzi. Text: conduci in Opera de fornacibus de Brozi,
o0202001.198f 1433 maggio 15 Revocation of the resolution prohibiting the purchase of broad bricks from the kilns of Brozzi. Text: Opera de fornacibus de Brozi, et quod
o0202001.198f 1433 maggio 15 Revocation of the resolution prohibiting the purchase of broad bricks from the kilns of Brozzi. Text: domini Salutati plebani de Brozi possit conduci
o0202001.198f 1433 maggio 15 Revocation of the resolution prohibiting the purchase of broad bricks from the kilns of Brozzi. Text: stetur eius conscientie de predictis. Dicta die
o0202001.198h 1433 maggio 19 Obligation to give back the money that the Opera loans for the purchase of a pair of oxen. Text: donec et quousque de dicta quantitate Opere
o0202001.198va 1433 maggio 19 Election of solicitors for the oculus over the tribune of Saint Zenobius and payment for purchase of glass and other things. Title: Pro oculo vitrei de novo fiendo super
o0202001.198va 1433 maggio 19 Election of solicitors for the oculus over the tribune of Saint Zenobius and payment for purchase of glass and other things. Text: Opere Matteum Simonis de Strozis et Niccolaum
o0202001.198va 1433 maggio 19 Election of solicitors for the oculus over the tribune of Saint Zenobius and payment for purchase of glass and other things. Text: et Niccolaum Ughonis de Alexandris ad locandum
o0202001.198va 1433 maggio 19 Election of solicitors for the oculus over the tribune of Saint Zenobius and payment for purchase of glass and other things. Text: faciendum unum oculum de vitreo, videlicet illum
o0202001.198va 1433 maggio 19 Election of solicitors for the oculus over the tribune of Saint Zenobius and payment for purchase of glass and other things. Text: porte corporis ecclesie de medio, cum illis
o0202001.198vc 1433 maggio 22 Restitution of a pawn due to the renunciation of an inheritance. Title: Pro Roggerio de Ricciis
o0202001.198vc 1433 maggio 22 Restitution of a pawn due to the renunciation of an inheritance. Text: olim alterius Roggerii de Ricciis pro debito
o0202001.198vd 1433 maggio 22 Loan of lumber to the confraternity of Santo Spirito. Text: in quantum aliquis de dicta sotietate fideiubeat
o0202001.198vd 1433 maggio 22 Loan of lumber to the confraternity of Santo Spirito. Text: dicta sotietate fideiubeat de restituendo Opere dictum
o0202001.198vd 1433 maggio 22 Loan of lumber to the confraternity of Santo Spirito. Text: et conservando Operam de dicto lignamine indempnem.
o0202001.198ve 1433 maggio 22 Payment to the vice master builder for having worked holidays. Text: lignum abetis novum de lignamine Opere pro
o0202001.198vf 1433 giugno 9 Loan of money to restore wall of the shed of the Tedaldi. Text: viginti quinque Tedaldo de Tedaldis pro reficiendo
o0202001.198vf 1433 giugno 9 Loan of money to restore wall of the shed of the Tedaldi. Text: Tedaldo seu Ughoni de Alexandris, quos restituere
o0202001.198vf 1433 giugno 9 Loan of money to restore wall of the shed of the Tedaldi. Text: Opere et Pieri de Panciaticis camerarii dicte
o0202001.199a 1433 maggio 28 Authority to two wardens to solicit the supply of lumber. Title: data Andree Veri de Rondinellis et Francischo
o0202001.199a 1433 maggio 28 Authority to two wardens to solicit the supply of lumber. Title: Rondinellis et Francischo de Strozis conducendi et
o0202001.199a 1433 maggio 28 Authority to two wardens to solicit the supply of lumber. Title: Strozis conducendi et de novo incidendi lignamem
o0202001.199a 1433 maggio 28 Authority to two wardens to solicit the supply of lumber. Text: viri Nerius Gini de Capponibus Niccolus Mattei
o0202001.199a 1433 maggio 28 Authority to two wardens to solicit the supply of lumber. Text: Francischus Benedicti Carocci de Strozis et Andreas
o0202001.199a 1433 maggio 28 Authority to two wardens to solicit the supply of lumber. Text: et Andreas Veri de Rondinellis operarii prefate
o0202001.199a 1433 maggio 28 Authority to two wardens to solicit the supply of lumber. Text: quod Andreas Veri de Rondinellis et Francischus
o0202001.199a 1433 maggio 28 Authority to two wardens to solicit the supply of lumber. Text: Francischus Benedicti Caroccii de Strozis eorum consocii
o0202001.199a 1433 maggio 28 Authority to two wardens to solicit the supply of lumber. Text: etiam incidi faciendi de novo illud lignamen
o0202001.199a 1433 maggio 28 Authority to two wardens to solicit the supply of lumber. Text: qua indigerent dicta de causa ex nunc
o0202001.199c 1433 maggio 28 Registration of the days worked in the Trassinaia quarry. Text: scribat ad librum de giornatis Opere operas
o0202001.199c 1433 maggio 28 Registration of the days worked in the Trassinaia quarry. Text: Chechum Mei Cecchini de quibus sibi non
o0202001.199d 1433 maggio 28 Term of payment. Text: Niccolaus Buyonis fideiubeat de solvendo Opere dictam
o0202001.199e 1433 giugno 4 Request to the Signori for letter to the Elders of Lucca to permit transit of marble. Text: Corsini Matteus Nuccii de Solosmeis Lucas Gregorii
o0202001.199e 1433 giugno 4 Request to the Signori for letter to the Elders of Lucca to permit transit of marble. Text: et Francischum Benedicti de Strozis operarii dicte
o0202001.199e 1433 giugno 4 Request to the Signori for letter to the Elders of Lucca to permit transit of marble. Text: conducendi ad Operam de eorum territorio certam
o0202001.199e 1433 giugno 4 Request to the Signori for letter to the Elders of Lucca to permit transit of marble. Text: ad presens, et de novo faciendi illam
o0202001.199e 1433 giugno 4 Request to the Signori for letter to the Elders of Lucca to permit transit of marble. Text: videbitur eis dicta de causa indigere stantiaverunt.
o0202001.199f 1433 giugno 5 Revocation of the resolution that fixes the salaries of the masters because of errors committed. Text: viri Niccolus Mattei de Corsinis Tomaxius Andree
o0202001.199f 1433 giugno 5 Revocation of the resolution that fixes the salaries of the masters because of errors committed. Text: Corsinis Tomaxius Andree de Minerbettis Matteus Nuccii
o0202001.199f 1433 giugno 5 Revocation of the resolution that fixes the salaries of the masters because of errors committed. Text: Minerbettis Matteus Nuccii de Solosmeis Nerius Gini
o0202001.199f 1433 giugno 5 Revocation of the resolution that fixes the salaries of the masters because of errors committed. Text: Solosmeis Nerius Gini de Capponibus et Francischus
o0202001.199f 1433 giugno 5 Revocation of the resolution that fixes the salaries of the masters because of errors committed. Text: et Francischus Benedicti de Strozis operarii dicte
o0202001.199f 1433 giugno 5 Revocation of the resolution that fixes the salaries of the masters because of errors committed. Text: salaria et quod de novo possit addi
o0202001.199va 1433 giugno 10 Letter to the Captain of Pisa to get back the money given to the sailors for conveying marble. Text: viri Nerius Gini de Capponibus Matteus Nuccii
o0202001.199va 1433 giugno 10 Letter to the Captain of Pisa to get back the money given to the sailors for conveying marble. Text: Capponibus Matteus Nuccii de Solosmeis Andreas Veri
o0202001.199va 1433 giugno 10 Letter to the Captain of Pisa to get back the money given to the sailors for conveying marble. Text: Solosmeis Andreas Veri de Rondinellis et Francischus
o0202001.199va 1433 giugno 10 Letter to the Captain of Pisa to get back the money given to the sailors for conveying marble. Text: Francischus Benedicti Caroccii de Strozis operarii Opere
o0202001.199va 1433 giugno 10 Letter to the Captain of Pisa to get back the money given to the sailors for conveying marble. Text: Marie del Fiore de Florentia existentes collegialiter
o0202001.199vb 1433 giugno 10 Price fixed for paving under the house of Niccolò Tinucci and term of payment. Text: ser Niccolai Tinuccii de lastrico facto ad
o0202001.199vb 1433 giugno 10 Price fixed for paving under the house of Niccolò Tinucci and term of payment. Text: per caputmagistrum Opere de presenti mense ad
o0202001.199vb 1433 giugno 10 Price fixed for paving under the house of Niccolò Tinucci and term of payment. Text: per ydoneum fideiussorem de solvendo dictis terminis
o0202001.199vc 1433 giugno 10 Election of master to make the chains for the fortification of the church. Title: Conductio facta de magistro Andrea de
o0202001.199vc 1433 giugno 10 Election of master to make the chains for the fortification of the church. Title: de magistro Andrea de Senis ad laborandum
o0202001.199vc 1433 giugno 10 Election of master to make the chains for the fortification of the church. Text: eligerunt magistrum Andream de Senis ad faciendum
o0202001.199vc 1433 giugno 10 Election of master to make the chains for the fortification of the church. Text: sine aliqua merce(de) de eis propterea habenda.
o0202001.199vd 1433 giugno 10 Right of recourse to a person arrested for the baptismal parish of Giogoli with term of payment. Text: regressum Bartolomeo Lunghane de Giogoli capto et
o0202001.199vd 1433 giugno 10 Right of recourse to a person arrested for the baptismal parish of Giogoli with term of payment. Text: fideiubeat pro eo de solvendo Opere dictam
o0202001.199ve 1433 giugno 10 Authorization to accept broad bricks from Brozzi at reduced price. Text: mille ducentos quadronos de fornace de Brozi
o0202001.199ve 1433 giugno 10 Authorization to accept broad bricks from Brozzi at reduced price. Text: quadronos de fornace de Brozi per ministros
o0202001.199vf 1433 giugno 15 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: Corsini Andreas Veri de Rondinellis Nerius Gini
o0202001.199vf 1433 giugno 15 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: Rondinellis Nerius Gini de Capponibus et Francischus
o0202001.199vf 1433 giugno 15 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: et Francischus Benedicti de Strozis operarii prefate
o0202001.199vf 1433 giugno 15 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: rationem infrascriptorum salariorum de pecunia dicte Opere,
o0202001.199vf 1433 giugno 15 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: XVIII Nannes Andree de Prato s. XVI
o0202001.200a 1433 giugno 15 Term of payment. Text: Ubertini Niccolus Mattei de Corsinis Andreas Veri
o0202001.200a 1433 giugno 15 Term of payment. Text: Corsinis Andreas Veri de Rondinellis Nerius Gini
o0202001.200a 1433 giugno 15 Term of payment. Text: Rondinellis Nerius Gini de Capponibus et Francischus
o0202001.200a 1433 giugno 15 Term of payment. Text: et Francischus Benedicti de Strozis operarii prefate
o0202001.200a 1433 giugno 15 Term of payment. Text: Simonis Benotii fideiubeat de solvendo dicto termino
o0202001.200va 1433 giugno 15 Authorization to pay for spades acquired after consignment. Text: per caputmagistrum Opere de pretio quarumdam vangharum
o0202001.200vb 1433 giugno 15 Audit of account for balance of supply of blocks and arrangements for the final consignments. Text: Iacobum debitores Opere de lapidibus quas tenerentur
o0202001.200vc 1433 giugno 15 Assignment of house to a chaplain and reimbursement of expenditures for to Lucca for marble. Title: Commissio data Francischo de Strozis de domo
o0202001.200vc 1433 giugno 15 Assignment of house to a chaplain and reimbursement of expenditures for to Lucca for marble. Title: Francischo de Strozis de domo ser Blaxii
o0202001.200vc 1433 giugno 15 Assignment of house to a chaplain and reimbursement of expenditures for to Lucca for marble. Title: ser Blaxii et de libris 4 stantiatis
o0202001.200vc 1433 giugno 15 Assignment of house to a chaplain and reimbursement of expenditures for to Lucca for marble. Text: Item commiserunt Francischo de Strozis eorum collega
o0202001.200vd 1433 giugno 15 Authorization to impose a tare on purchase of broad bricks. Title: Canneri et Ugholino de Bagnacavallo
o0202001.200vd 1433 giugno 15 Authorization to impose a tare on purchase of broad bricks. Text: Canneri et Ugholini de Bagnacavallo et ipsos
o0202001.200vf 1433 giugno 16 Authorization to lend a rope. Text: absente Nerio Gini de Capponibus eorum collega,
o0202001.200vf 1433 giugno 16 Authorization to lend a rope. Text: possit comodare Daniello de Canigianis seu Pippo
o0202001.200vh 1433 giugno 18 Hiring of masters. Text: Pieri Simonis Masse de Settignano.
o0202001.200vl 1433 giugno 18 Authority to two wardens to contract out marble. Text: deliberaverunt quod Francischus de Strozis et Niccolus
o0202001.200vl 1433 giugno 18 Authority to two wardens to contract out marble. Text: et Niccolus Mattei de Corsinis habeant baliam
o0202001.200vm 1433 giugno 18 Confirmation of rent of house for five years. Title: facta Maso Dominici de Prato pro tempore
o0202001.200vm 1433 giugno 18 Confirmation of rent of house for five years. Text: Maso Dominici Berne de Prato domum sibi
o0202001.200vm 1433 giugno 18 Confirmation of rent of house for five years. Text: et Piero Iohannis de Panciaticis ad presens
o0202001.201a 1433 giugno 18 Term of payment to a guarantor and authorization to demand payment of the heirs of the debtor. Text: barbitonsori fideiussori Nolfi de Vicorati debitoris Opere
o0202001.201a 1433 giugno 18 Term of payment to a guarantor and authorization to demand payment of the heirs of the debtor. Text: pro dicta quantitate de qua est dictus
o0202001.201c 1433 giugno 18 Drawing of the provost. Text: futura Andreas Veri de Rondinellis cum balia
o0202001.201d 1433 giugno 19 Hiring of a worker. Text: Benotium Mei Cechini de Settignano.
o0202001.201e 1433 giugno 22 Authority to the administrator and to the master builder to contract out marble at fixed price with provision for supplement for transport by land in case of need. Text: absente Nerio Gini de Capponibus eorum collega,
o0202001.201e 1433 giugno 22 Authority to the administrator and to the master builder to contract out marble at fixed price with provision for supplement for transport by land in case of need. Text: Operam Bertino Pieri de Settignano ducenta quinquaginta
o0202001.201e 1433 giugno 22 Authority to the administrator and to the master builder to contract out marble at fixed price with provision for supplement for transport by land in case of need. Text: acquam dicti operarii de pecunia Opere solvere
o0202001.201e 1433 giugno 22 Authority to the administrator and to the master builder to contract out marble at fixed price with provision for supplement for transport by land in case of need. Text: per eorum offitium de observando prefatam locationem
o0202001.201f 1433 giugno 22 Letter to the rectors of Pisa for restitution of marble. Text: marmoris quam habet de marmore Opere et
o0202001.201f 1433 giugno 22 Letter to the rectors of Pisa for restitution of marble. Text: prefatus operarius sentiret de prefata restitutione se
o0202001.201g 1433 giugno 25 Authorization to reduce the oculus of the lantern. Text: per eorum antecessores de faciendo vanum lanterne
o0202001.201g 1433 giugno 25 Authorization to reduce the oculus of the lantern. Text: bonis et iustis de causis, deliberaverunt quod
o0202001.201vb 1433 giugno 30 Salary set for master for the summer. Text: Iusti Dominici Iusti de Settignano magistri scharpelli
o0202001.201vb 1433 giugno 30 Salary set for master for the summer. Text: presens et futurus de pecunia Opere solvere
o0202001.201vc 1433 giugno 30 Authorization for the payment of a cowherd. Text: disgombrata quam disgombranda de Opera, ad illam
o0202001.201vc 1433 giugno 30 Authorization for the payment of a cowherd. Text: et disgombrabit terram de Opera, de pecunia
o0202001.201vc 1433 giugno 30 Authorization for the payment of a cowherd. Text: terram de Opera, de pecunia Opere sine
o0202001.201vd 1433 giugno 30 Letter to the Captain of Volterra for summons of third parties. Text: Lodovico domini Petri de Vulterris quod visis
o0202001.201vd 1433 giugno 30 Letter to the Captain of Volterra for summons of third parties. Text: visis presentibus iustis de causis comparere debeat
o0202001.201ve 1433 giugno 30 Registration of the daily wages of a person sent to Carrara. Title: Pro Iacobo de Sancto Cassiano
o0202001.201ve 1433 giugno 30 Registration of the daily wages of a person sent to Carrara. Text: deliberaverunt quod Filippotius de Bastariis scribanus super
o0202001.201ve 1433 giugno 30 Registration of the daily wages of a person sent to Carrara. Text: quibus Iacobus Stefani de Sancto Cassiano ivit,
o0202001.201vf 1433 giugno 30 Term of payment to heirs on pain of demand of payment. Title: Pro heredibus Ghabriellis de Panciaticis et Iohanne
o0202001.201vf 1433 giugno 30 Term of payment to heirs on pain of demand of payment. Title: Iohanne domini Bartolomei de Panciaticis
o0202001.201vf 1433 giugno 30 Term of payment to heirs on pain of demand of payment. Text: terminum heredibus Ghabriellis de Panciaticis et Iohanni
o0202001.201vf 1433 giugno 30 Term of payment to heirs on pain of demand of payment. Text: Iohanni domini Bartolomei de Panciaticis debitoribus Opere
o0202001.201vg 1433 luglio 3 Oath of wardens and commission for new placement of a figure of Isaiah, freeing a chapel in order to make an underground vault there. Text: viri Nerius Gini de Capponibus Niccolus Mattei
o0202001.201vg 1433 luglio 3 Oath of wardens and commission for new placement of a figure of Isaiah, freeing a chapel in order to make an underground vault there. Text: Capponibus Niccolus Mattei de Corsinis Michael Iohannis
o0202001.201vg 1433 luglio 3 Oath of wardens and commission for new placement of a figure of Isaiah, freeing a chapel in order to make an underground vault there. Text: Corsinis Michael Iohannis de Riccialbanis Stefanus Filippi
o0202001.201vg 1433 luglio 3 Oath of wardens and commission for new placement of a figure of Isaiah, freeing a chapel in order to make an underground vault there. Text: Guido Soletti Pere de Baldovinettis operarii prefate
o0202001.201vi 1433 luglio 3 Registration of the days worked by workers on the chains for the fortification of the church. Text: catenis que fiunt de novo pro fortificatione
o0202001.202a 1433 luglio 3 Term for hoisting loads up to the cupola with oxen on pain of sale of the same. Text: quod Opera satisfiat de suis opportunitatibus; et
o0202001.202a 1433 luglio 3 Term for hoisting loads up to the cupola with oxen on pain of sale of the same. Text: vendantur boves et de pretio satisfiat Opere
o0202001.202a 1433 luglio 3 Term for hoisting loads up to the cupola with oxen on pain of sale of the same. Text: pretio satisfiat Opere de denariis sibi mutuatis
o0202001.202a 1433 luglio 3 Term for hoisting loads up to the cupola with oxen on pain of sale of the same. Text: et loco sui de alio ydoneo provideatur;
o0202001.202c 1433 luglio 3 Order to pay the contractors of white marble first. Text: viri Nerius Gini de Capponibus Niccolus Mattei
o0202001.202c 1433 luglio 3 Order to pay the contractors of white marble first. Text: Capponibus Niccolus Mattei de Corsinis Michael Iohannis
o0202001.202c 1433 luglio 3 Order to pay the contractors of white marble first. Text: Corsinis Michael Iohannis de Riccialbanis Stefanus Salvi
o0202001.202c 1433 luglio 3 Order to pay the contractors of white marble first. Text: Francischus Benedicti Caroccii de Strozis operarii prefate
o0202001.202c 1433 luglio 3 Order to pay the contractors of white marble first. Text: quod camerarius Opere de pecunia Opere non
o0202001.202c 1433 luglio 3 Order to pay the contractors of white marble first. Text: socio eius renaiuolis de florenis auri decem.
o0202001.202d 1433 luglio 3 Salary set for a stonecutter for the summer. Text: quod camerarius Opere de pecunia Opere solvere
o0202001.202d 1433 luglio 3 Salary set for a stonecutter for the summer. Text: Puccio Bartoli scharpellatori de Fesulis soldos quindecim
o0202001.202e 1433 luglio 3 Order of restitution of lumber lent. Title: Contra certos de sotietate Sancti Spiritus
o0202001.202e 1433 luglio 3 Order of restitution of lumber lent. Text: quod certi homines de sotietate Sancti Spiritus
o0202001.202f 1433 luglio 3 Declaration of debt for manufacture of a sink of marble and term of payment. Text: Iohannes domini Foresis de Salviatis Antonius magistri
o0202001.202f 1433 luglio 3 Declaration of debt for manufacture of a sink of marble and term of payment. Text: Rimba Antonius Marsilii de Vecchiettis Loysius Alexandri
o0202001.202f 1433 luglio 3 Declaration of debt for manufacture of a sink of marble and term of payment. Text: Lanberti Zenobius Gherardi de Cortigianis Alamannus Michaelis
o0202001.202f 1433 luglio 3 Declaration of debt for manufacture of a sink of marble and term of payment. Text: Alamannus Michaelis Vannis de Albizis Iohannis Branchatii
o0202001.202f 1433 luglio 3 Declaration of debt for manufacture of a sink of marble and term of payment. Text: Albizis Iohannis Branchatii de Borsis Robertus Bonacursi
o0202001.202f 1433 luglio 3 Declaration of debt for manufacture of a sink of marble and term of payment. Text: Borsis Robertus Bonacursi de Pittis et Zenobius
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