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Context of query
o0201085.003va 1424 novembre 22 Election of the administrator of the castles of Lastra and Malmantile. Text: dictis Bernardo Vierii de Guadagnis et Antonio
o0201085.003va 1424 novembre 22 Election of the administrator of the castles of Lastra and Malmantile. Text: Malmantilis Niccolaum Andree de Bonbenis vocato Pochavita
o0201085.003va 1424 novembre 22 Election of the administrator of the castles of Lastra and Malmantile. Text: Bonbenis vocato Pochavita de Florentia cum balia,
o0201085.003vb 1424 novembre 22 Letter of summons to the administrator of Pisa for audit of accounts. Text: alias Papio Ghanbe de Lastra olim provisori
o0201085.003vd 1424 novembre 22 Letter with summons for debt for property gabelle. Text: olim Iohannis Roberti de Signa, quod compareat
o0201085.003vd 1424 novembre 22 Letter with summons for debt for property gabelle. Text: gravari debere dicta de causa; alias contra
o0201085.004a 1424 dicembre 2 Salary set for workforces for the winter. Text: Iohannis del Palagio de Florentia. Operarii Opere
o0201085.004a 1424 dicembre 2 Salary set for workforces for the winter. Text: Marie del Fiore de Florentia supradicti invicem
o0201085.004a 1424 dicembre 2 Salary set for workforces for the winter. Text: presens quam futurus de pecunia sui camerariatus
o0201085.004a 1424 dicembre 2 Salary set for workforces for the winter. Text: IIII Nannes Andree de Prato soldos decem
o0201085.004va 1424 dicembre 2 Registration of the daily wages of masters and setting of salary for the workers at Trassinaia. Text: quod Filippozus Giovenchi de Bastariis scribanus dierum
o0201085.005a 1424 dicembre 2 Authorization to the notary of the Opera to register all the debts of every debtor in a single book. Text: in unoquoque libro de per se, ad
o0201085.005va 1424 dicembre 2 Term of payment for debt for pardons and for the wine, butchering, milling and property gabelles to various parishes. Title: populo Sancti Blaxii de Pasignano, populo Sancti
o0201085.005va 1424 dicembre 2 Term of payment for debt for pardons and for the wine, butchering, milling and property gabelles to various parishes. Title: populo Sancti Petri de Petrognano
o0201085.005va 1424 dicembre 2 Term of payment for debt for pardons and for the wine, butchering, milling and property gabelles to various parishes. Text: Populo Sancti Petri de Petrognano debitoribus Opere
o0201085.005va 1424 dicembre 2 Term of payment for debt for pardons and for the wine, butchering, milling and property gabelles to various parishes. Text: item in libro de ' beni de
o0201085.005va 1424 dicembre 2 Term of payment for debt for pardons and for the wine, butchering, milling and property gabelles to various parishes. Text: de ' beni de ' contadini c.
o0201085.005va 1424 dicembre 2 Term of payment for debt for pardons and for the wine, butchering, milling and property gabelles to various parishes. Text: item in libro de ' beni de
o0201085.005va 1424 dicembre 2 Term of payment for debt for pardons and for the wine, butchering, milling and property gabelles to various parishes. Text: de ' beni de ' preti c.
o0201085.005vb 1424 dicembre 2 Term of payment for unspecified debt. Text: Opere ydoneos fideiussores de solvendo suprascriptis terminis
o0201085.005vc 1424 dicembre 2 Authority to master builder, scribe of the daily wages and administrator to set the winter salaries of the unskilled workers. Text: caputmagister Filippozus Giovenchi de Bastariis et Bernardus
o0201085.006b 1424 dicembre 9 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: Iacobus quondam Bartolomei de Niccolis de Florentia
o0201085.006b 1424 dicembre 9 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: Bartolomei de Niccolis de Florentia descriptus debitor
o0201085.006b 1424 dicembre 9 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: faciat dictos operarios de dicto debito.
o0201085.006c 1424 dicembre 9 Increase of salary to the administrator of Lastra and Malmantile to permit the use of a horse when going back and forth between the castles. Text: intellecto Niccolao Andree de Bonbenis provisore dicte
o0201085.006c 1424 dicembre 9 Increase of salary to the administrator of Lastra and Malmantile to permit the use of a horse when going back and forth between the castles. Text: Lastre et Malmantilis de modico salario eidem
o0201085.006d 1424 dicembre 9 Registration of the daily wages of master stonecutter. Text: quod Filippozius Giovenchi de Bastariis scribanus super
o0201085.006va 1424 dicembre 9 Loan to the treasurer of the pawns. Text: teneatur et debeat de pecunia dicte Opere
o0201085.006vc 1424 dicembre 9 Term of payment to canon for property gabelle of the priests. Text: quod dominus Marcus de Davanzatis canonicus maioris
o0201085.006vc 1424 dicembre 9 Term of payment to canon for property gabelle of the priests. Text: terminum ad solvendum de dicta summa per
o0201085.006vc 1424 dicembre 9 Term of payment to canon for property gabelle of the priests. Text: unum medium florenum de dicta summa usque
o0201085.006vc 1424 dicembre 9 Term of payment to canon for property gabelle of the priests. Text: fideiussorem dicte Opere de solvendo dictam summam
o0201085.006vd 1424 dicembre 9 Drawing of the provost. Text: decembris Bernardus Verii de Guadagnis.
o0201085.007a 1424 dicembre 14 Increase of salary to workers. Text: XVIII Nanni Andree de Prato denarios duos;
o0201085.007vb 1424 dicembre 14 Term of payment for unspecified debt. Text: ad solvendum Renzo de Bucellis florenos auri
o0201085.007vc 1424 dicembre 14 Registration of the daily wages of a stonecutter. Text: quod Filippozius Giovenchi de Bastariis possit, teneatur
o0201085.007vc 1424 dicembre 14 Registration of the daily wages of a stonecutter. Text: computum et rationem de eo, prout retinet
o0201085.007vc 1424 dicembre 14 Registration of the daily wages of a stonecutter. Text: eo, prout retinet de aliis magistris qui
o0201085.007vf 1424 dicembre 20 Loan of cloth hangings. Text: tamen Tomasio Andree de Minerbettis et Lodovico
o0201085.007vf 1424 dicembre 20 Loan of cloth hangings. Text: et Lodovico Silvestri de Ciaffinis eorum collegis,
o0201085.007vg 1424 dicembre 20 Demand of payment from the syndic of Settignano for right of recourse granted to a stone worker. Text: Sancti Petri Maioris de Florentia gravetur realiter
o0201085.007vg 1424 dicembre 20 Demand of payment from the syndic of Settignano for right of recourse granted to a stone worker. Text: populi Sancte Marie de Settignano pro libris
o0201085.007vg 1424 dicembre 20 Demand of payment from the syndic of Settignano for right of recourse granted to a stone worker. Text: per eum accusate de Piero Baccelli sindico
o0201085.008a 1424 dicembre 20 Registration of the daily wages of stonecutters and authority to master builder, scribe of the daily wages and administrator to determine their salaries. Text: quod Filippozius Giovenchi de Bastariis scribanus dicte
o0201085.008a 1424 dicembre 20 Registration of the daily wages of stonecutters and authority to master builder, scribe of the daily wages and administrator to determine their salaries. Text: Iohannem Antonii Iusti de Settignano et Niccolaum
o0201085.008a 1424 dicembre 20 Registration of the daily wages of stonecutters and authority to master builder, scribe of the daily wages and administrator to determine their salaries. Text: Sancti Petri Maioris de Florentia et habitatorem
o0201085.008a 1424 dicembre 20 Registration of the daily wages of stonecutters and authority to master builder, scribe of the daily wages and administrator to determine their salaries. Text: et Filippozius Giovenchi de Bastariis scribanus et
o0201085.008a 1424 dicembre 20 Registration of the daily wages of stonecutters and authority to master builder, scribe of the daily wages and administrator to determine their salaries. Text: vel alio modo de pecunia Opere ad
o0201085.008b 1424 dicembre 20 Authorization to the administrator to withhold from the salary of the masters of Lastra and Malmantile a certain sum for having measured the work and reviewed the accounts. Text: Lastre et Malmantilis de eorum salario quod
o0201085.008b 1424 dicembre 20 Authorization to the administrator to withhold from the salary of the masters of Lastra and Malmantile a certain sum for having measured the work and reviewed the accounts. Text: dictis magistris retinere de dicto eorum salario,
o0201085.008vb 1424/5 gennaio 2 Drawing of the provost. Text: sequitur Bernardus Vierii de Guadagnis.
o0201085.030a 1424 dicembre 20 Contract for cutting and transport of lumber. Text: et Tomasio Andree de Minerbettis eorum collegiis
o0201085.030a 1424 dicembre 20 Contract for cutting and transport of lumber. Text: populi Sancte Lucie de Plebe Veteri potestarie
o0201085.030a 1424 dicembre 20 Contract for cutting and transport of lumber. Text: Antonii Nannis Campane de Communi Sancti Gaudentii
o0201085.030a 1424 dicembre 20 Contract for cutting and transport of lumber. Text: Iacobo Nannis Campane, de qua constat et
o0201085.040a 1424 novembre 7 Payment to the treasurer of the Ten of Pisa for repair the walls of the citadel. Text: generalis dicte Opere de quacumque pecunia sui
o0201085.040b 1424 novembre 7 Payment for the purchase of a rope. Text: Piero Dominici canapario de Pisis pro quodam
o0201085.040vc 1424 novembre 7 Salary of the scribe of the daily wages. Text: Filippozo Giovenchi de Bastariis scribano super
o0201085.041b 1424 novembre 7 Payment for supply of mortar to the castle of Malmantile. Text: Pardo Antonii de Vulterris fornaciario a
o0201085.041g 1424 novembre 7 Salary of the scribe of the daily wages. Text: Filippozo Giovenchi de Bastariis pro suo
o0201085.041g 1424 novembre 7 Salary of the scribe of the daily wages. Text: quia est scribanus de giornali dicte Opere,
o0201085.041vg 1424 novembre 7 Payment of gabelle for towloads of fir and chestnut lumber. Text: otto f.p., prout de predictis constat in
o0201085.042a 1424 novembre 7 Payment for the purchase of chestnut trees. Text: Nuto Iohannis de Vierle pro parte
o0201085.042h 1424 novembre 7 Payment to lumber supplier. Text: Iohanni Chantini de Castagno conductori lignaminis
o0201085.042m 1424 novembre 24 Payment to the master masons for the construction of the walls of Malmantile. Text: Marie del Fiore de Florentia invicem ut
o0201085.042m 1424 novembre 24 Payment to the master masons for the construction of the walls of Malmantile. Text: presens quam futurus de pecunia sui camerariatus
o0201085.042m 1424 novembre 24 Payment to the master masons for the construction of the walls of Malmantile. Text: pecunie quantitates infrascriptis de causis, videlicet Ambroxio
o0201085.042va 1424 novembre 24 Payment to master carpenters for manufacture of the doors of Malmantile. Text: teneantur ydonee satisdare de restituendo dictas quinquaginta
o0201085.042va 1424 novembre 24 Payment to master carpenters for manufacture of the doors of Malmantile. Text: ipsis magistris foret de dicto magisterio et
o0201085.042vb 1424 novembre 24 Payment for the purchase of broad bricks. Text: Pardo Antonii de Vulterris et Gherardo
o0201085.042vb 1424 novembre 24 Payment for the purchase of broad bricks. Text: Niccolao domini Donati de Barbadoris de Florentia
o0201085.042vb 1424 novembre 24 Payment for the purchase of broad bricks. Text: Donati de Barbadoris de Florentia in duabus
o0201085.042vc 1424 novembre 24 Commission of the notary of testaments. Text: Niccolao Pieri Bartoli de Octavantibus notario super
o0201085.043a 1424 dicembre 2 Payment of expenditures for the feast of Saint John the Baptist. Text: presbiteris pro dicta de causa ad rationem
o0201085.043a 1424 dicembre 2 Payment of expenditures for the feast of Saint John the Baptist. Text: tubatoribus pro dicta de causa, libras quinque
o0201085.043a 1424 dicembre 2 Payment of expenditures for the feast of Saint John the Baptist. Text: libras otto, prout de dictis expensis apparet
o0201085.044c 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for the purchase of mortar. Text: Bernardo Verii de Guadagnis, ut fideiussori
o0201085.044d 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for removing earth. Text: charettatis terre sgombrate de Opera ad rationem
o0201085.044vc 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for removing earth. Text: otto (terre) sghonbratis de Opera a die
o0201085.044vg 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for the purchase of roof tiles. Text: Luce Guasparris fornaciario de Sancta Maria in
o0201085.044vh 1424 dicembre 9 Payment to master wallers for the castle of Malmantile. Text: quod camerarius Opere de dicta summa teneatur
o0201085.045a 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for transport of large sandstone blocks for the cupola. Text: et denarios novem, de quibus debent detrahi
o0201085.045vb 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for the purchase of hardware. Text: Antonio Francisci de Pistorio fabro habitatori
o0201085.045vd 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for the purchase of lumber for the doors of the castle of Malmantile. Text: Paulo Francisci de Canacciis pro parte
o0201085.045vf 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for transport of lumber. Text: per eum conductis de porta Sancti Francisci
o0201085.045vg 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for supply of mortar for the walls and doors of the castle of Lastra. Text: Giano Pacis fornaciariis de Lastra pro parte
o0201085.046a 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for supply of mortar to build the walls and doors of the castle of Lastra. Text: Cambino Filippi fornaciario de Lastra pro parte
o0201085.046b 1424 dicembre 14 Payment for building of the walls of the castle of Lastra. Text: Laurentio Matei magistro de Lastra pro parte
o0201085.046c 1424 dicembre 14 Payment for building of the walls of the castle of Lastra. Text: Niccolao Filippi magistro de Lastra pro parte
o0201085.046d 1424 dicembre 20 Payment to master for work on castle of Lastra. Text: pro tempore erit de pecunia dicte Opere
o0201085.046d 1424 dicembre 20 Payment to master for work on castle of Lastra. Text: quantitates pecuniarum infrascriptis de causis, videlicet Guasparri
o0201085.046d 1424 dicembre 20 Payment to master for work on castle of Lastra. Text: Guasparri Guidonis Lenzii de Signa magistro de
o0201085.046d 1424 dicembre 20 Payment to master for work on castle of Lastra. Text: de Signa magistro de Lastra pro parte
o0201085.046vf 1424 dicembre 20 Payment to cover the roof of the Pope's residence in Santa Maria Novella. Text: tempore et dicta de causa ad rationem
o0201085.046vg 1424 dicembre 20 Payment for transport of lumber. Text: Mannino Iacobi de Ponte ad Sevem
o0201085.047b 1424 dicembre 20 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: soldos duodecim f.p., de quibus detrahuntur soldi
o0201085.047f 1424 dicembre 20 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: Piero Iacobi de Certosa fornaciario pro
o0201085.047vd 1424 dicembre 20 Payment for the purchase of lead. Text: Bernardo Antonii de Uzano et sociis
o0201085.047vf 1424 dicembre 20 Gift of goose for All Saints to the treasurer. Text: Nerio Francisci de Fioravantibus camerario dicte
o0201085.047vg 1424 dicembre 20 Payment to master for work on the walls of the castle of Lastra. Text: Niccolao Filippi magistro de Lastra pro denariis
o0201085.047vh 1424 dicembre 20 Payment for the purchase of hardware. Text: Antonio Francisci fabro de Pistorio pro laborerio
o0201085.047vi 1424 dicembre 20 Salary of the administrator of Lastra and Malmantile. Text: Angeli del Gamba de Ghangalandi conducto per
o0201085.047vi 1424 dicembre 20 Salary of the administrator of Lastra and Malmantile. Text: ser Dini Cole de Monte Topoli, prout
o0201085.065a 1424 luglio 18 Guaranty for supply of lumber. Text: lignaminis, pro tractura de Alpe fienda de
o0201085.065a 1424 luglio 18 Guaranty for supply of lumber. Text: de Alpe fienda de lignis Opere, Oppollonius
o0201085.065b 1424 luglio 31 Guaranty for debt for gabelles of the Commune of Gangalandi. Text: macelli plurium annorum, de solvendo per totum
o0201085.065c 1424 agosto 5 Guaranty for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: Pro Cavalcante Cavalcanti de Cavalcantibus debitore Opere,
o0201085.065c 1424 agosto 5 Guaranty for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: gratiis suarum prestantiarum, de solvendo quolibet anno
o0201085.066a 1424 ottobre 23 Contract for black marble and corresponding guaranty. Text: populi Sancte Marie de Settignano conductore centum
o0201085.066a 1424 ottobre 23 Contract for black marble and corresponding guaranty. Text: a Batista Antonii de Florentia caputmagistro et
o0201085.066a 1424 ottobre 23 Contract for black marble and corresponding guaranty. Text: a Bernardo Amerighi de Donatis provisore Opere
o0201085.066a 1424 ottobre 23 Contract for black marble and corresponding guaranty. Text: dicte Opere, prout de dicta commissione et
o0201085.066b 1424 novembre 17 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: Iustus Benedicti de Carmignano habitator Florentie
o0201085.066b 1424 novembre 17 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: Lucie Omnium Sanctorum de Florentia, tamquam pensionarius
o0201085.066c 1424 novembre 26 Guaranty for manufacture of the doors of the castle of Malmantile. Text: Pierus Antonii de Florentia magister lignaminis
o0201085.066c 1424 novembre 26 Guaranty for manufacture of the doors of the castle of Malmantile. Text: die XXII novembris de libris quinquaginta f.p.
o0201085.066c 1424 novembre 26 Guaranty for manufacture of the doors of the castle of Malmantile. Text: inveniretur eis fore de dictis portis satisfactum,
o0201085.066c 1424 novembre 26 Guaranty for manufacture of the doors of the castle of Malmantile. Text: Marie del Fiore de Florentia fideiussit etc.,
o0201085.066c 1424 novembre 26 Guaranty for manufacture of the doors of the castle of Malmantile. Text: aliud receperunt, prout de dicta fide locationis
o0201085.066va 1424/5 febbraio 6 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: populi Sancti Firenzis de Florentia fideiussit et
o0201085.066va 1424/5 febbraio 6 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: scharpellator pro eo de suis denariis animo
o0201085.066va 1424/5 febbraio 6 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: otto f.p. Iohanni de Corbinellis camerario dicte
o0201085.075b 1424 ottobre 3 Request of sequestration of money deposited with third parties for reimbursement of expenditures for a right of recourse. Text: contra Iacobum Angeli de Settigniano et eius
o0201085.076a (1424/5) gennaio 4 Arrest for unspecified debt. Text: Francisci vocatus Iuliano de ' Belicuocholi tanquam
o0201086.001a 1424/5 (gennaio 8) Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: viris Bernardo Verii de Guadagnis Antonio Tomasii
o0201086.001a 1424/5 (gennaio 8) Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: subsequenter Schiacta Uberti de Ridolfis Tomaxio Bartolomei
o0201086.001a 1424/5 (gennaio 8) Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: Ridolfis Tomaxio Bartolomei de Barbadoris Biancho Silvestri
o0201086.001a 1424/5 (gennaio 8) Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: et Simone Mariocti de Orlandinis pro tempore
o0201086.001a 1424/5 (gennaio 8) Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: Item loco Tomasii de Barbadoris extractus fuit
o0201086.001a 1424/5 (gennaio 8) Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: Francischus Benedicti Caroccii de Stroziis. Hic est
o0201086.001a 1424/5 (gennaio 8) Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: Bartolomeum magistri Antonii de Sancto Miniate civem
o0201086.001b 1424/5 gennaio 8 Drawing of the provost. Text: ianuarii Schiacta Uberti de Ridolfis.
o0201086.001c 1424/5 gennaio 12 Oath of two wardens. Text: preposito Schiatta Uberti de Ridolfis cum offitio
o0201086.001c 1424/5 gennaio 12 Oath of two wardens. Text: Benvenuti Bernardus Vierii de Guadagnis Schiacta Uberti
o0201086.001c 1424/5 gennaio 12 Oath of two wardens. Text: Guadagnis Schiacta Uberti de Ridolfis Antonio Tomasii
o0201086.001c 1424/5 gennaio 12 Oath of two wardens. Text: tamen Simone Mariotti de Orlandinis et Tomasio
o0201086.001c 1424/5 gennaio 12 Oath of two wardens. Text: et Tomasio Bartolomei de Barbadoris eorum collegiis,
o0201086.001c 1424/5 gennaio 12 Oath of two wardens. Text: Marie del Fiore de Florentia secundum formam
o0201086.001c 1424/5 gennaio 12 Oath of two wardens. Text: modelli propterea facti de lateribus, pecuniam dicte
o0201086.001va 1424/5 gennaio 12 Term of payment to the Commune of Gangalandi and letter to the Podestà for demand payment of the debtors. Text: Marie del Fiore de Florentia pro quodam
o0201086.001va 1424/5 gennaio 12 Term of payment to the Commune of Gangalandi and letter to the Podestà for demand payment of the debtors. Text: page que debebatur de mense octobris proxime
o0201086.001va 1424/5 gennaio 12 Term of payment to the Commune of Gangalandi and letter to the Podestà for demand payment of the debtors. Text: Ghanghalandi pro dicta de causa.
o0201086.001vc 1424/5 gennaio 12 Letter of summons for Fra Bernardino. Text: accordandum Laurentium Bartoluccii de labore impenso pro
o0201086.001vc 1424/5 gennaio 12 Letter of summons for Fra Bernardino. Text: eius fideiussor dicta de causa.
o0201086.001vd 1424/5 gennaio 12 Rights of the notary of the Opera on the allocations of funds made to the masters of Lastra and Malmantile. Title: Quod notarius Opere de stantiamentis factis illis
o0201086.001vd 1424/5 gennaio 12 Rights of the notary of the Opera on the allocations of funds made to the masters of Lastra and Malmantile. Title: stantiamentis factis illis de Ghanghalandi et Malmantilis
o0201086.001vd 1424/5 gennaio 12 Rights of the notary of the Opera on the allocations of funds made to the masters of Lastra and Malmantile. Text: inpune possit accipere de quolibet stantiamento tam
o0201086.001vd 1424/5 gennaio 12 Rights of the notary of the Opera on the allocations of funds made to the masters of Lastra and Malmantile. Text: hominibus quibus dicta de causa fiet aliquod
o0201086.002a 1424/5 gennaio 12 Letters to the vicars of the countryside for public proclamations regarding redemption of pawns with term for their sale. Title: littere rectoribus comitatus de eluendo pignora
o0201086.002b 1424/5 gennaio 12 Registration of the daily wages of master stonecutters. Title: ad librum Iohannem de Maiano et Iustus
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