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Context of query
o0201076.004e 1419 luglio 12 Contract for a marble figure with obligation to return the material in case of unacceptable result. Text: quod ipse fideiubeat de restituendo Operi marmum
o0201076.004va 1419 luglio 12 Term of payment for debt with release of arrested person. Text: dummodo ydonee satisdet de solvendo dicto tempori
o0201076.004va 1419 luglio 12 Term of payment for debt with release of arrested person. Text: relapsetur captus dicta de causa etc.
o0201076.004vb 1419 luglio 12 Term of payment for debt with release of arrested person. Text: quod Uguicciozzus Iovacchini de Ricciis habeat terminum
o0201076.004vb 1419 luglio 12 Term of payment for debt with release of arrested person. Text: fideiubeat per banchum de Canigianis de solvendo
o0201076.004vb 1419 luglio 12 Term of payment for debt with release of arrested person. Text: banchum de Canigianis de solvendo dicto tempore;
o0201076.004vb 1419 luglio 12 Term of payment for debt with release of arrested person. Text: relapsetur a captura de eo propterea facta
o0201076.004vc 1419 luglio 12 Term of payment for debt for forced loans with release of arrested person. Text: ipsam solutionem facere de tribus mensibus in
o0201076.004vc 1419 luglio 12 Term of payment for debt for forced loans with release of arrested person. Text: mensibus dicti temporis de una prestantia, et
o0201076.004vc 1419 luglio 12 Term of payment for debt for forced loans with release of arrested person. Text: fideiubeat pro eo de solvendo ut supra
o0201076.004vc 1419 luglio 12 Term of payment for debt for forced loans with release of arrested person. Text: Laurentii a captura de eo dicta de
o0201076.004vc 1419 luglio 12 Term of payment for debt for forced loans with release of arrested person. Text: de eo dicta de causa facta etc.
o0201076.005a 1419 luglio 12 Exemption from demand of payment of debt for forced loans and property gabelle. Text: Niccolai Iohannis Buoni de Castellanis, licet dicta
o0201076.005b 1419 luglio 12 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: bona Fruosini Attaviani de Gherardinis et uxor
o0201076.005b 1419 luglio 12 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: MCCCC vigesimi; et de sic solvendo et
o0201076.005c 1419 luglio 12 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: mensibus dicti temporis de una prestantia, et
o0201076.005c 1419 luglio 12 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: una prestantia, et de sic solvendo debeat
o0201076.005d 1419 luglio 12 Approval of a guarantor. Text: Iohannis domini Niccolai de Strozzis ipsumque ex
o0201076.005vb 1419 luglio 12 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: debeat quolibet mense de mensibus proxime futuris
o0201076.005vb 1419 luglio 12 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: sex prestantiarum; et de sic observando debeat
o0201076.005vc 1419 luglio 12 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: tribus pagis, videlicet de duobus mensibus in
o0201076.005vd 1419 luglio 15 Drawing of the provost. Text: Forese Antonii de Sacchettis unus ex
o0201076.006a 1419 luglio 19 Term of payment for forced loans to new owner of house sold before of the distribution of the debt. Text: Bardo et Iohanne de Vectoris eorum collegis,
o0201076.006a 1419 luglio 19 Term of payment for forced loans to new owner of house sold before of the distribution of the debt. Text: millesimo quadringentesimo duodecimo de mense ianuarii, non
o0201076.006b 1419 luglio 19 Demand of payment of a laborer for debt for property gabelle and restitution to owner of erroneously requisitioned pawn. Text: et dedicavit abbatie de Pasignano florenos ducentos
o0201076.006b 1419 luglio 19 Demand of payment of a laborer for debt for property gabelle and restitution to owner of erroneously requisitioned pawn. Text: gabella unius poderis de quo habet dictum
o0201076.006b 1419 luglio 19 Demand of payment of a laborer for debt for property gabelle and restitution to owner of erroneously requisitioned pawn. Text: in quantum fideiusserit de solvendo id quod
o0201076.006d 1419 luglio 19 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: fideiubeat pro eo de solvendo dicto tempore
o0201076.006d 1419 luglio 19 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: tempore Chiricus Ghiotti de Secciano etc.
o0201076.006e 1419 luglio 19 Release of the scribe of Vaggio da Montecchio arrested for the debts of the latter because his appointment was terminated before the arrest. Text: debitis Vaggii Bernardini de Montecchio tamquam scribanus
o0201076.006va 1419 luglio 19 Oath of warden and term of payment. Text: dictis Piero, Iohanne de Minerbettis et Bardo
o0201076.006va 1419 luglio 19 Oath of warden and term of payment. Text: dicto Nerio Gini de novo hodie ad
o0201076.006va 1419 luglio 19 Oath of warden and term of payment. Text: futuros, dummodo fideiubeat de solvendo dicto tempore
o0201076.006vb 1419 luglio 19 Term of payment to the abbey of Sant'Andrea di Loro with release of arrested person. Text: prioria Sancti Andree de Loro sive abbatia
o0201076.006vb 1419 luglio 19 Term of payment to the abbey of Sant'Andrea di Loro with release of arrested person. Text: tribus pagis, videlicet de duobus mensibus in
o0201076.006vb 1419 luglio 19 Term of payment to the abbey of Sant'Andrea di Loro with release of arrested person. Text: qualibet paga; et de sic solvendo debeat
o0201076.006vb 1419 luglio 19 Term of payment to the abbey of Sant'Andrea di Loro with release of arrested person. Text: relapsetur captus dicta de causa et postea
o0201076.006vd 1419 luglio 19 Salary set for stonecutter for the summer. Text: in dicto Opere de scarpello habeat et
o0201076.006vd 1419 luglio 19 Salary set for stonecutter for the summer. Text: scribano giornatarum Operis de suis operibus pro
o0201076.007a 1419 luglio 21 Drawing of the provost. Text: Pierus domini Zanobii de Mezola unus ex
o0201076.007b 1419 luglio 29 Drawing of the provost. Text: Compagnus Allexandri de Arriguccis unus ex
o0201076.007c 1419 agosto 2 Order to master of go to work to the stairs of the Pope's residence in Santa Maria Novella. Text: ecclesia Sancte Trinitatis de Florentia cum domino
o0201076.007c 1419 agosto 2 Order to master of go to work to the stairs of the Pope's residence in Santa Maria Novella. Text: cum domino Palla de Strozzis debeat ac
o0201076.007e 1419 agosto 2 Revocation in part of debt of the church of San Martino a Terenzano for gabelle on properties belonging also to another owner. Text: tertiam partem initiando de presenti mense augusti
o0201076.007e 1419 agosto 2 Revocation in part of debt of the church of San Martino a Terenzano for gabelle on properties belonging also to another owner. Text: pro ea fideiubeat de sic solvendo Silvester
o0201076.007va 1419 agosto 2 Revocation of balance of debt to the church of San Martino of Luco for gabelle on properties also belonging to the church of San Michele of Figliano and new term of payment to the latter. Text: quolibet anno et de residuo cancelletur, quia
o0201076.007vb 1419 agosto 2 Term of payment for property gabelle with right of recourse against the first owners and exemption from demand of payment for donation. Text: que fuerunt monasterii de Sancto Gemignano et
o0201076.007vb 1419 agosto 2 Term of payment for property gabelle with right of recourse against the first owners and exemption from demand of payment for donation. Text: contra dictum monasterium de omni et toto
o0201076.007vb 1419 agosto 2 Term of payment for property gabelle with right of recourse against the first owners and exemption from demand of payment for donation. Text: pro Leonardo Niccolai de Frescobaldis restituatur absque
o0201076.007vc 1419 agosto 2 Term of payment to the baptismal parish of Coiano with release of the guarantors. Text: Biliocti sive plebis de Coiano qui sunt
o0201076.007vc 1419 agosto 2 Term of payment to the baptismal parish of Coiano with release of the guarantors. Text: relapsentur si fideiusserint de solvendo totum et
o0201076.007vc 1419 agosto 2 Term of payment to the baptismal parish of Coiano with release of the guarantors. Text: tribus pagis, videlicet de duobus mensibus in
o0201076.007vd 1419 agosto 2 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: et solutionem facere de duobus mensibus in
o0201076.008a 1419 agosto 2 Authorization to the treasurer to pay two creditors. Text: solvere cuilibet eorum de dicta summa quidquid
o0201076.008c 1419 agosto 2 Authorization to the substitute treasurer to accept the debtors left by his predecessor and to inscribe them in his notebook. Text: consignatos per Filippum de Giugnis proxime preteritum
o0201076.008c 1419 agosto 2 Authorization to the substitute treasurer to accept the debtors left by his predecessor and to inscribe them in his notebook. Text: dicti Migliorini quacumque de causa etc.
o0201076.008d 1419 agosto 2 Letter to the Captain of Pisa with summons for four Pisan citizens. Text: Silvestro Bocca Lupardo de Vecchiano et Niccolao
o0201076.008e 1419 agosto 4 Drawing of the provost. Text: Nerius Gini de Capponibus unus ex
o0201076.008va 1419 agosto 7 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle and forced loans. Text: tribus pagis, videlicet de duobus mensibus in
o0201076.008va 1419 agosto 7 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle and forced loans. Text: dies proxime futuros de solvendo dictis terminis;
o0201076.008vb 1419 agosto 7 Authorization to sell lumber. Text: sibique vendi possit de lignis dicti Operis
o0201076.008vc 1419 agosto 7 Authorization to sell lumber. Text: populi Sancti Laurentii de Florentia habeat et
o0201076.008vc 1419 agosto 7 Authorization to sell lumber. Text: habere sibique possit de lignis Operis extra
o0201076.008vd 1419 agosto 7 Authorization to the administrator of the works for the friars of Doccia for cutting and transport of firewood. Text: quod Simon Francisci de Filicaia provisor laborerii
o0201076.008vd 1419 agosto 7 Authorization to the administrator of the works for the friars of Doccia for cutting and transport of firewood. Text: conduci prout voluerit de lignis dicti Operis
o0201076.009a 1419 agosto 7 Authorization to sell fir lumber, steps of beech and slabs taken from the old stairs of the Pope's residence. Text: ligna pro planis de habete pro soldis
o0201076.009a 1419 agosto 7 Authorization to sell fir lumber, steps of beech and slabs taken from the old stairs of the Pope's residence. Text: gradus sive scaglioni de faggio veteres pro
o0201076.009b 1419 agosto 7 Authorization to clear out earth close to the foundations. Text: Operis disgombrari faciat de terra dicti Operis
o0201076.009b 1419 agosto 7 Authorization to clear out earth close to the foundations. Text: sibi per Iohannem de Minerbettis et Dinum
o0201076.009c 1419 agosto 11 Term of payment to the church of San Quirico of Castiglion Fibocchi for property gabelle. Text: plebs Sancti Quirichi de Castilione filiorum Bocchi
o0201076.009c 1419 agosto 11 Term of payment to the church of San Quirico of Castiglion Fibocchi for property gabelle. Text: pro dicta plebe de solvendo dicto tempore
o0201076.009e 1419 agosto 11 Permission to master to work outside the Opera and exemption of the administrator from penalty for the loan of a pot. Text: quod Nannes Andree de Prato possit ire
o0201076.009e 1419 agosto 11 Permission to master to work outside the Opera and exemption of the administrator from penalty for the loan of a pot. Text: cum domino Rainaldo de Albizis uno mense
o0201076.009va 1419 agosto 11 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle because discounted for forced loans. Text: Marcus ser Iohannis de Monte Rappoli, qui
o0201076.009vc 1419 agosto 11 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle because discounted for forced loans. Text: quod Bartolomeus Stefani de Covonibus cancelletur pro
o0201076.009ve 1419 agosto 11 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle discounted for forced loans and cancellation of double registration of the forced loans of the third year. Text: filii domini Roselli de Aretio cancellentur pro
o0201076.009vf 1419 agosto 11 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle. Text: alborum Sancti Spiritus de Florentia non gravetur
o0201076.009vf 1419 agosto 11 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle. Text: sue domus promictat de pensione dicte domus
o0201076.009vg 1419 agosto 11 Term of payment for property gabelle and forced loans. Text: f.p., et fideiubeat de solvendo dicto tempore;
o0201076.010b 1419 agosto 17 Letter to the Captain of Pisa with summons for four previously named citizens and not for the ambassadors who have already presented themselves. Text: illos quattuor cives de quibus alias ei
o0201076.010d 1419 agosto 19 Drawing of the provost. Text: Bardus alterius Bardi de Bagnesis unus ex
o0201076.010f 1419 agosto 21 Term of payment for debt. Text: Iohannis sive Bernardi de Cepperello habeat terminum
o0201076.010f 1419 agosto 21 Term of payment for debt. Text: futuris, dummodo fideiubeat de solvendo dicto tempore
o0201076.010h 1419 agosto 21 Authorization to work outside the Opera and return. Text: Item quod Niccolao de Fagnis mutuetur unus
o0201076.010h 1419 agosto 21 Authorization to work outside the Opera and return. Text: Fagnis mutuetur unus de magistris Operis pro
o0201076.010va 1419 agosto 21 Authorization to sell an old wood board. Text: Operis una piana de ligno vetere pro
o0201076.010vb 1419 agosto 21 Concession of a stonecutter to third parties. Text: Item quod Andree de Pazzis mutuetur unus
o0201076.010vd 1419 agosto 21 Authorization to work outside the Opera and return. Text: quod Niccolao Sanminiatis de Ricciis mutuetur unus
o0201076.010ve 1419 agosto 21 Term of payment for debt. Text: futuri, dummodo fideiubeat de solvendo dicto tempore
o0201076.010vf 1419 agosto 26 Letter to the Captain of Pisa with summons for some Pisan citizens and their incarceration. Text: Benetti, Simon Lotti de Sancto Cassiano, Gherardus
o0201076.010vf 1419 agosto 26 Letter to the Captain of Pisa with summons for some Pisan citizens and their incarceration. Text: et dominus Bartolomeus de Scorno vel suus
o0201076.011a 1419 agosto 26 Term of payment to the Commune of Cascina for debt for pardons and butchering and wine gabelle. Text: pro eis fideiubeat de solvendo dicto tempore
o0201076.011b 1419 agosto 26 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: terminum ad solvendum de mense in mensem,
o0201076.011b 1419 agosto 26 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: stante fideiussione initiando de mense septembris proxime
o0201076.011c 1419 agosto 26 Drawing of the provost. Text: Iohannes de Minerbettis unus ex
o0201076.011d 1419 agosto 31 Modification of ruling concerning the approval of a guarantor. Text: Iohannis sive Bernardi de Cepperello qui secundum
o0201076.011e 1419 agosto 31 Letter to the Captain of Pisa for summons of some Pisan citizens with exception of one of them who is near death. Text: quod Simon Locti de Sancto Cassiano de
o0201076.011e 1419 agosto 31 Letter to the Captain of Pisa for summons of some Pisan citizens with exception of one of them who is near death. Text: de Sancto Cassiano de Pisis qui una
o0201076.011f 1419 agosto 31 Salary set for workers for work on the stairs of the Pope's residence in Santa Maria Novella. Text: in hedificio scalarum de Sancta Maria Novella
o0201076.011va 1419 agosto 31 Deduction of forced loans paid in the property gabelle. Text: heredes Simonis Lippi de populo Sancte Chrestine
o0201076.011va 1419 agosto 31 Deduction of forced loans paid in the property gabelle. Text: civitate Florentie et de per se, sicut
o0201076.011vc 1419 agosto 31 Term of payment for debt for forced loans with approval of the guarantor. Text: tribus pagis, videlicet de duobus mensibus in
o0201076.011vc 1419 agosto 31 Term of payment for debt for forced loans with approval of the guarantor. Text: qualibet paga; et de sic solvendo debeat
o0201076.011vd 1419 agosto 31 Authorization to sell stones to the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova. Text: Sancte Marie Nove de Florentia possit habere
o0201076.011vd 1419 agosto 31 Authorization to sell stones to the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova. Text: Florentia possit habere de petris cave suis
o0201076.011vf 1419 agosto 31 Term of payment for balance of debt. Text: Item quod Antonius de Mozis, si solverit
o0201076.011vf 1419 agosto 31 Term of payment for balance of debt. Text: auri, habeat terminum de residuo quattuor mensibus
o0201076.012a 1419 agosto 31 Drawing of the provost and substitution by the same. Text: Allamannus domini Iacobi de Salviatis unus ex
o0201076.012a 1419 agosto 31 Drawing of the provost and substitution by the same. Text: in supplementum Iohannis de Minerbettis, quia exivit
o0201076.012a 1419 agosto 31 Drawing of the provost and substitution by the same. Text: Minerbettis, quia exivit de officio et pro
o0201076.012b 1419 settembre 4 Oath of wardens, term of payment and restitution of pawn. Text: Allamannus domini Iacobi de Salviatis Bonacursus Nerii
o0201076.012b 1419 settembre 4 Oath of wardens, term of payment and restitution of pawn. Text: Salviatis Bonacursus Nerii de Pictis Iacobus Berti
o0201076.012b 1419 settembre 4 Oath of wardens, term of payment and restitution of pawn. Text: Pictis Iacobus Berti de Filicaia et Mariottus
o0201076.012b 1419 settembre 4 Oath of wardens, term of payment and restitution of pawn. Text: Guccii Compagno Allexandri de Arrigucciis Niccolao Iohannis
o0201076.012b 1419 settembre 4 Oath of wardens, term of payment and restitution of pawn. Text: Iacobo et Mariotto de novo intrantibus ad
o0201076.012b 1419 settembre 4 Oath of wardens, term of payment and restitution of pawn. Text: supra et infrascripti de bene et fideliter
o0201076.012b 1419 settembre 4 Oath of wardens, term of payment and restitution of pawn. Text: Opere expendendo, et de dicto Opere pro
o0201076.012b 1419 settembre 4 Oath of wardens, term of payment and restitution of pawn. Text: proxime futuros; et de sic solvendo satisdet
o0201076.012b 1419 settembre 4 Oath of wardens, term of payment and restitution of pawn. Text: per Martinum Caccie de Altovitis; et facta
o0201076.012va 1419 settembre 4 Restitution of a lunette of white marble not corresponding to the measurements requested with permission to the suppliers to sell it. Text: licentietur una lunetta de marmore albo quam
o0201076.012va 1419 settembre 4 Restitution of a lunette of white marble not corresponding to the measurements requested with permission to the suppliers to sell it. Text: ipsam extrahere possint de Opere et cui
o0201076.012vb 1419 settembre 4 Term for consignment of 300 florins to be deposited with the treasurer, with registration of the depositors among the creditors of the Opera. Text: Iohannes domini Bartolomei de Panciatichis cives florentini
o0201076.012vb 1419 settembre 4 Term for consignment of 300 florins to be deposited with the treasurer, with registration of the depositors among the creditors of the Opera. Text: florenos trecentos auri de quibus scribantur creditores
o0201076.012vc 1419 settembre 4 Term of payment to the church of Sant'Andrea a Pulicciano for property gabelle. Text: debet Operi dicta de causa hinc ad
o0201076.012vc 1419 settembre 4 Term of payment to the church of Sant'Andrea a Pulicciano for property gabelle. Text: pro ea fideiubeat de solvendo dicto tempore
o0201076.012vd 1419 settembre 4 Permission to work outside the Opera and registration of the days worked. Text: quod Nannes Andree de Prato potuerit et
o0201076.012vd 1419 settembre 4 Permission to work outside the Opera and registration of the days worked. Text: cum domino Rainaldo de Albizis decem diebus
o0201076.012ve 1419 settembre 4 Term of payment for debt. Text: ser Pierus Iacobi de Plano inter Vineas
o0201076.012ve 1419 settembre 4 Term of payment for debt. Text: duabus pagis, videlicet de tribus mensibus in
o0201076.012ve 1419 settembre 4 Term of payment for debt. Text: qualibet paga; et de sic observando debeat
o0201076.012vf 1419 settembre 4 Assignment of house to canon. Text: assignata domino Marco de Davanzatis canonico pro
o0201076.013a 1419 settembre 4 Term of payment for debt. Text: Bartolomei ser Spinelli de Castro Florentino non
o0201076.013b 1419 settembre 4 Permission to work outside the Opera to a master. Text: quod filiis Loysii de Pictis concedatur unus
o0201076.013b 1419 settembre 4 Permission to work outside the Opera to a master. Text: Pictis concedatur unus de magistris Operis pro
o0201076.013d 1419 settembre 6 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: debeat quolibet mense de mensibus proxime futuris
o0201076.013d 1419 settembre 6 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: proxime futuris initiando de presenti mense septembris
o0201076.013d 1419 settembre 6 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: eius quod dicta de causa solvere debet
o0201076.013e 1419 settembre 6 Authorization to pay an accountant after the collection of a credit. Text: substitutus dicti Operis de pecunia florenorum trecentorum
o0201076.013e 1419 settembre 6 Authorization to pay an accountant after the collection of a credit. Text: Gabbriellem et Iohannem de Panciaticis et statim
o0201076.013f 1419 settembre 6 Revocation of demand of payment for forced loans and pardons on properties because of dotal rights and renunciation of inheritance. Text: Sancti Petri Maioris de Florentia in via
o0201076.013va 1419 settembre 6 Revocation of demand of payment on properties for dotal rights and for renunciation of inheritance. Text: Gori ser Micaelis de Rabatta vel aliquis
o0201076.013va 1419 settembre 6 Revocation of demand of payment on properties for dotal rights and for renunciation of inheritance. Text: olim dicti Gori de Rabatta die XXI
o0201076.013va 1419 settembre 6 Revocation of demand of payment on properties for dotal rights and for renunciation of inheritance. Text: causa factis etc.; de qua datum in
o0201076.013va 1419 settembre 6 Revocation of demand of payment on properties for dotal rights and for renunciation of inheritance. Text: positi a Rabatta de Mucello comitatus florentinus
o0201076.013va 1419 settembre 6 Revocation of demand of payment on properties for dotal rights and for renunciation of inheritance. Text: IIII Micaelis Niccolai de Rabatta; Item unum
o0201076.013va 1419 settembre 6 Revocation of demand of payment on properties for dotal rights and for renunciation of inheritance. Text: a II Micaelis de Rabatta, a III
o0201076.013va 1419 settembre 6 Revocation of demand of payment on properties for dotal rights and for renunciation of inheritance. Text: IIII bona plebis de Burgo; Item unum
o0201076.013va 1419 settembre 6 Revocation of demand of payment on properties for dotal rights and for renunciation of inheritance. Text: a III Micaelis de Rabatta; Item unum
o0201076.013va 1419 settembre 6 Revocation of demand of payment on properties for dotal rights and for renunciation of inheritance. Text: a III Micaelis de Rabatta, a IIII
o0201076.013va 1419 settembre 6 Revocation of demand of payment on properties for dotal rights and for renunciation of inheritance. Text: Antonii ser Gori de Rabatta; Item unum
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