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Context of query
o0202001.053vd 1426/7 marzo 6 Term of payment for debt and restitution of pawn. Text: de observando predicta, et facta dicta fideiussio
o0202001.157vl 1432 aprile 8 Release of a kilnman on condition that he supply mortar in accordance with certain agreements and that he put up surety. Text: de observando predicta, et sic observando relapsetur
o0202001.144vh 1431 giugno 28 Term of payment given to debtors. Text: de observando predicta, et sic observando restituatur
o0202001.169vi 1432 settembre 17 Term of payment with obligation of guaranty and release of an arrested person. Text: de observando predicta; et sic observando a
o0201079.031b 1421 ottobre 11 Term of payment for pardons of forced loans and gabelles. Text: de observando predictum, et donec satisdet gravari
o0201080.016c 1421/2 marzo 13 Credit to debtor for pardons of forced loans already paid and term of payment for the balance of the debt. Text: de observando satisdet et non aliter et
o0201081.056a 1422 agosto 28 Contract to kilnman of broad terracotta bricks with advance of part payment. Text: de observantia premissorum et dicti mutui restitutione
o0201077.001ve 1419 dicembre 29 Term of payment for debt with restitution of pawn. Text: de observatione predictorum et non aliter ullo
o0201079.041ve 1421 novembre 14 Term of payment for unspecified debt. Text: de observatione predictorum et non aliter.
o0201077.004vc 1419/20 gennaio 3 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: de observatione predictorum; et si in aliqua
o0201077.016d 1419/20 febbraio 7 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: de observatione predictorum; et si in aliquo
o0201078.030vc 1421 maggio 23 New term for debt for pardons of forced loans for unpaid installments. Text: de observatione premissorum et cum condictione perdendi
o0201079.047a 1421 dicembre 3 Commission to the administrator to contract out sand for building for five years. Text: de observatione promictendorum et cum clausulis, promissionibus
o0201086.046va 1425 marzo 26 Payment for reimbursement of travel expenditures to notary (of the testaments) for investigation on testamentary bequest. Text: de Octavantibus civi et notario florentino libras
o0201074.050vc 1418 settembre 17 Promise to respect the terms of a supply of red marble with guaranty. Text: de omni dampno et conservare indepnem et
o0202001.175va 1429 settembre 22 Order to send away women of all ranks living in the cloister except in the case of illness of clerics. Text: de omnibus masseritiis et rebus in dicta
o0202001.109va 1429 luglio 16 Term of payment to the Armorers' Guild for the purchase of houses from the Opera. Text: de ordine facto et consuetudine longevo tempore
o0202001.048g 1426 dicembre 30 Approval of guaranty for the Commune of Buggiano. Text: de Oricellariis precibus et mandatis Communis Buggiani
o0202001.119e 1429 dicembre 19 Order to the administrator to deduct one third of the sum owed by a kilnman from the payment for a supply of broad bricks. Text: de osservando conductam et de restituendo Opere
o0202001.058f 1427 maggio 7 Oath of wardens and authority to the administrator for sale of kiln. Text: de osservando predicta et quicquid circa predicta
o0201078.023b 1421 aprile 15 Election of the new notary of testaments. Text: de Ottavantibus notarium et civem florentinum in
o0201078.009d 1420/1 febbraio 17 Order to the treasurer to register as income the sums already collected for the gabelles of salt, contracts and wine. Text: de pagis comitatinis et distrectualibus receperat infra
o0201078.086va 1421 maggio 17 Guaranty for debt for forced loans on properties of San Piero Martire following arrest of the procurator of said monastery. Text: de Palaria sindicum et procuratorem monasterii Sancti
o0201081.066f 1422 luglio 7 Payment for the purchase of torches for the cupola for the eve of Saint John. Text: de panellis emptis et missis super cupola
o0201070b.015b 1416/7 marzo 17 Term of payment for debt for new gabelles and pardons of forced loans. Text: de Parte solvant et solvere possint, teneantur
o0201086.011vb 1425 aprile 14 Term of payment for property gabelle of the priests with obligation of guaranty. Text: de partibus Romandiole et dompno Iohanni quondam
o0201080.033vb 1422 giugno 3 Extension of the term of payment for debt of the milling gabelle to the communes of the Podesteria of Chiusi. Text: de paupertate hominum et personarum communium predictorum
o0201080.020a 1421/2 marzo 17 Term of payment for debt for the gabelle on persons to the communes of the Podesteria of Anghiari. Text: de paupertate hominum et personarum communium predictorum
o0201080.019d 1421/2 marzo 17 Term of payment for debt for the gabelle on persons to the communes of the Podesteria of Castel Focognano. Text: de paupertate hominum et personarum communium predictorum
o0201077.023c 1419/20 febbraio 26 Term of payment for debt for pardons. Text: de Pazis obligatum et debitorem fore dicte
o0201072.016vg 1417/8 febbraio 1 Term of payment given to a canon. Text: de Pecoris canonico et durante termino non
o0202001.237i 1435 luglio 5 Sale of an altar slab to the friars of the Osservanza of San Giovanni Valdarno and payment of the same by an unskilled worker with the money he received for the funeral of Niccolò da Tolentino. Text: de pecunia funeris et obsequii corporis Niccolai
o0202001.241l 1435 settembre 20 Letters to various recipients in Pisa for a rope and demand for payment of sum of the Opera's money owed by the firm of Bernardo of Uguccione. Text: de pecunia Opere et una littera scribatur
o0202001.120ve 1429/30 gennaio 10 Sentence of a warden charged to decide the compensation due to the administrator and master builder for the measurement of the works at Lastra and Malmantile. Text: de pecunia pertinente et expectante prefate Opere,
o0201074.022vd 1418 ottobre 12 Obligation to a kilnman to pay the rent of a kiln and of land. Text: de pensione fornacium et terreni pro centum
o0202001.048vc 1426 dicembre 30 Credit to the sacristy of legacies and taxes in its favor. Text: de per se et recipiantur pro dicta
o0201081.012d 1422 agosto 14 Revocation of demand of payment for forced loans because of renunciation of inheritance. Text: de per se et separatus est in
o0201074.030f 1418 dicembre 5 Restitution of pawn pledged by a mother for the forced loans of her son because she has already paid her own. Text: de per se et solvit pro suis
o0201074.023va 1418 ottobre 19 Transfer of account for property gabelle to forced loans. Text: de per se et videtur venisse prestantiatus
o0201078.012ve 1420/1 marzo 11 Scrutiny for the election of 4 accountants for the audit of the sums received by the treasurers and notaries of the new gabelles and forced loans. Text: de per se; et illi duo ex
o0201080.022d 1422 marzo 31 Notification to the owner of the mill of Ricorboli to have towed at his expense the log rafts left upstream from his weir, which is not provided with passageway for rafts. Text: de perdita intelligantur et sint et ad
o0201070b.056vf 1417 marzo 27 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: de Pergola setaiuolus et promisit solvere ad
o0201070b.057vb 1417 aprile 15 Guaranty for debt for new gabelles of the Commune of Monte Benichi. Text: de Peruzis campsor et promisit solvere hinc
o0201078.088va 1421 giugno 23 Guaranty for debt for herd livestock. Text: de Peruzis campsoris et socii fideiusserunt etc.
o0201079.045b 1421 novembre 26 Letters to the Ten supervisors of Pisa, the podestàs and the Captain instructing them seek help in conveying marble, if necessary, from suppliers and bankers in Pisa. Text: de Peruzis capsori et sociis in civitate
o0201075.017c 1419 aprile 6 Authorization to buy stones for a tribune from the quarry belonging to Cagnano. Text: de petris Cagnani et sue cave possit
o0202001.033vb 1426 maggio 31 Revocation of fine to defaulting masters. Text: de Piero Morandi et Dando Iohannis, Laurentio
o0201078.068vc 1420/1 marzo 19 Payment for petty expenses. Text: de pignoribus venditis et similiter custodi pignorum
o0201086.073vb 1425 giugno 21 Deadline for consigning two books loaned with guaranty and annotation of consignment. Text: de Pisis civis et notarius florentinus promisit
o0201079.092b 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for petty expenses. Text: de Pisis conducti et eius vectura de
o0201083.008b 1423 ottobre 5 Order to the suppliers of marble of settle payment for transport. Text: de Pisis procuratore et procuratorio nomine Nannis
o0202001.009d 1425 settembre 3 Dispatch of the notary of the Opera to Vicopisano for litigation with demand of payment of the adversary for the restitution of the expenditures incurred. Text: de Pisis procuratorem et procuratorio nomine dicte
o0201081.032b 1422 dicembre 9 Letter to the Podestà of Dicomano with order to give back to the enjoined persons whatever they paid beyond the amount he was commissioned to exact. Text: de pluribus populis et communibus sue Potestarie
o0201070b.077vf 1416/7 gennaio 18 Arrest for debt for property gabelle of the residence of the Gerosolomitani friars of Poggibonsi and of San Gimignano. Text: de Podio Bonizi et de Santo Gemineano
o0201073.002d 1418 aprile 12 Letter to the Podestà for summons injunction against two inhabitants of Ripafratta. Text: de Ponte Serchii et Checco Vannuccii Monis
o0201077.006vd 1419/20 gennaio 10 Letter to the Podestà of Pontassieve and Dicomano for the summons of the respective lumber suppliers. Text: de Ponte Sevis et Bonaiuto Simonis de
o0201080.083i 1422 aprile 29 Guaranty for supply of lumber. Text: de Ponte Sevis et quilibet in solidum
o0201074.033vc 1418 luglio 19 Payment for an audit of the accounts of the previous treasurer. Text: de Popoleschis olim et nunc proxime preteriti
o0201080.026b 1422 aprile 24 Authorization to the administrator to contract out the transport of log rafts from the port of Dicomano to that of San Francesco. Text: de portibus Decomani et Moscie de Mucello
o0201077.024e 1419/20 febbraio 29 Correction of account entry for debt of property gabelle of the chapel of San Gregorio in the church of San Donato in Prato. Text: de Prato cancelletur et describatur, prout dicitur
o0202001.075d 1427 dicembre 30 Registration of the daily wages of master who works outside the Opera. Text: de Prato factas et fiendas in domo
o0201076.012vd 1419 settembre 4 Permission to work outside the Opera and registration of the days worked. Text: de Prato potuerit et possit laborare cum
o0202001.039vb 1426 agosto 19 Dispatch of (master) to oversee to the work of the castles of Lastra and of Malmantile. Text: de Prato teneatur et debeat ire semel
o0201084.011c 1424 marzo 28 Term of payment to possessor of properties of arrested debtor and his release. Text: de precepto operariorum et pro predictis staggitus
o0201078.013b 1420/1 marzo 11 Authorization to the master builder to confirm, remove and make new contracts for sandstone blocks. Text: de predictis cui et quibus et prout
o0202001.109va 1429 luglio 16 Term of payment to the Armorers' Guild for the purchase of houses from the Opera. Text: de predictis facere, et quod pretium ipsarum
o0202001.169d 1432 agosto 30 Cancellation of a debt already paid. Text: de predictis mentionem, et quod deinceps non
o0202001.109b 1429 luglio 6 Letter of summons to the (guard of the forest) for the cutting of two poles. Text: de predictis omnibus et de aliis offitio
o0201086.016a 1425 maggio 16 Hiring of blacksmith and setting of his salary. Text: de predictis omnibus et infrascriptis de consensu,
o0201079.007vb 1421 luglio 18 Term of payment for debt for forced loans and property gabelle with guaranty and release of arrested person. Text: de predictis satisdet et non aliter, qua
o0202001.256vc 1436 agosto 3 Letter to the vicars and podestàs of the countryside of Pisa for the collection of the installment of the 2000 florins assigned for the wallworks of Pisa and Vico and for the appointment of a debt collector for this matter. Text: de predictis, ita et taliter quod Opere
o0202001.127f 1430 maggio 11 Leasehold of the Trassinaia quarry from the Alessandri for needs of the cupola. Text: de prefata chava; et quicquid fecerit circa
o0202001.121c 1429/30 gennaio 21 Letter to the Podestà of Arezzo for debt for herd livestock gabelles. Text: de prefata informatione, et hoc ex eo
o0202001.056vc 1427 aprile 8 Tare on price due to masters for 44 corbels made at the castle of Malmantile. Text: de prelibato laborerio, et considerantes in laborerio
o0202001.113ve 1429 ottobre 10 Order to remodel the Florentine Studio without exceeding the sum foreseen. Text: de presenti anno et die septima mensis
o0201079.067vb 1421 luglio 16 Restitution of tax for pardons of forced loans paid in excess of amount due. Text: de presenti anno et mense maii proxime
o0201081.011b 1422 agosto 12 Term of payment for unspecified debt. Text: de presenti mense et residuum de mense
o0201083.008c 1423 ottobre 5 Term of payment for debt for forced loans and release of the arrested debtor following guaranty. Text: de presenti mense et sic solvat per
o0202001.237g 1435 luglio 5 Letter to Antonio Malespini to solicit the collaboration of the inhabitants of Nicola for the construction of that castle. Text: de prestando auxilium et favorem magistris Opere
o0202001.240vf 1435 settembre 1 Letter to the Captain of Pisa instructing him to buy hemp for a rope to be made for the hoist of the great cupola. Text: de pretio ipsius et statim dabunt modum
o0201077.038va 1420 aprile 30 Contract to new sculptor to complete the figure of Ciuffagni, using the same allocation of funds. Text: de pretio laboris et magisterii dicti Bernardi
o0201078.042vc 1421 giugno 17 Readmission and registration of the work days of master dismissed. Text: de pretio solvi et satisfieri ad eamdem
o0201078.010a 1420/1 febbraio 25 Concession of right of recourse to the heirs of Paoletto da Suvereto for livestock gabelle. Text: de propriis denariis et pecuniis dictorum heredum
o0201080.081e 1421/2 marzo 21 Guaranty for supply of 60.000 broad bricks and for advance on the same. Text: de propriis denariis et sumptibus et expensis
o0202001.253vg 1436 maggio 18 Letter to the vicar of Vicopisano instructing him to help the administrator nominated for the wallworks. Text: de provisore electo, et quod placeat eidem
o0201078.044va 1421 giugno 20 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: de proximo laboraverunt et partim ad presens
o0201081.032vb 1422 dicembre 14 Contract for a marble figure for the bell tower. Text: de proximo posite et pro pretio et
o0201080.034va 1422 giugno 10 Reimbursement of the surplus obtained from the sale of pawns to the debtors who have paid and registration of the amount to credit of those who still remain debtors. Text: de proximo vendita et tradita fuerunt secundum
o0201077.033vc 1420 aprile 12 Prohibition to masters to work outside the Opera in the summer because of the urgent need to complete work on the third tribune. Text: de proximo volvi et compleri debet et
o0201080.008a 1421/2 gennaio 24 Commission to the administrator and the master builder to nominate fifteen stonecutters. Text: de prudentia infrascriptorum et ex causis iustis
o0201080.057a 1421/2 febbraio 14 Contract to supplier for cutting and trimming of fir lumber in the forest of Campigna. Text: de Puppio presenti et conducendi pro se
o0201080.057va 1421/2 marzo 11 Contract for cutting and trimming of fir lumber in the forest of Campigna. Text: de Puppio presenti et conducenti pro se
o0201085.030a 1424 dicembre 20 Contract for cutting and transport of lumber. Text: de qua constat et apparet in libro
o0201077.009vb 1419/20 gennaio 19 Salary of the accountants to be determined in accordance with the ordinances of the Wool Guild. Text: de qua instantia et ordinamentis Artis Lane
o0201077.037vc 1420 aprile 19 Letter to the Podestà of Bibbiena for guaranty to be provided by debtors. Text: de qua promissione et fideiussione constare faciat
o0201082.072vc 1423 aprile 28 Payment to kilnmen for supply of broad bricks. Text: de qua quantitate et summa excomputari debent
o0201081.011e 1422 agosto 14 Commission to two wardens to contract out broad terracotta bricks. Text: de quacumque quantitate et cum quocumque et
o0201074.027vb 1418 novembre 15 Letter to a kilnman with summons for ratification of contract for broad bricks and his guarantee of indemnity to the Opera for the rent of the kiln. Text: de quadronibus etc. et quod veniat etc.
o0201079.012a 1421 agosto 14 Order to the administrator to check personally the lumber conveyed to the port of San Francesco and keep note of the shipments consigned. Text: de quantitate lignaminis et capitibus per eum
o0201079.033c 1421 ottobre 16 Term of payment for pardons of forced loans. Text: de quantitate prefata; et in quocumque termino
o0201079.043va 1421 novembre 21 Credit of the quota of rent of a quarry of black marble against the sum owed by the same owner for pardons of forced loans. Text: de quantitate restante, et quod secum excomputetur
o0201073.007a 1418 aprile 23 New contract for the balance of a supply of broad bricks and tare for material of inferior quality already delivered. Text: de quibus constat et apparet in libro
o0201084.030a 1423/4 gennaio 12 Contract for management of the Opera's pawns. Text: de quibus dare et solvere tenetur in
o0202001.008ve 1425 agosto 22 Prohibition to demand payment of doublet maker for debt for forced loans. Text: de quibus est et apparet debitor Opere
o0201084.003vb 1423/4 gennaio 27 Prohibition to demand payment from the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova, because it is a charitable institution, and to demand payment of, arrest and distrain its personnel. Text: de quibus notificationem et licentiam constare debeat
o0201077.003b 1419 dicembre 30 Authorization to two wardens to select counsellors and set the compensation for their counsel regarding cases in course over the amounts due for 6 denari per lira. Text: de quibus videbitur et placebit Mariotto Pieri
o0201081.015d 1422 settembre 4 Order to the debt collectors to go out to the countryside to demand payment of the debtors. Text: de quibus visum et provisum fuerit Andree
o0201070b.024va 1417 giugno 16 Cancellation of debt for new gabelles for exemption granted by the Ten of War. Text: de quibuscumque libris et registris in quibus
o0202001.107vc 1429 giugno 3 Arrest of coal maker and his consignment to the officials of the Wool Guild. Text: de quibusdam omissis et neglettis per eumdem
o0201078.059va 1421 aprile 5 Contract to three stonecutters to quarry stones for the cupola in the Trassinaia quarry. Text: de quo stetur et stari debeat declarationi
o0201080.006va 1421/2 gennaio 12 Release of lumber supplier and his guarantor from further obligation upon receipt of attestation that he fully satisfied the conditions of his contract. Text: de quo stetur et stari voluerunt dicto
o0202001.029a 1426 aprile 29 Term and conditions for consignment of quarry stone mortar. Text: de quo tenetur; et in casu quo
o0201076.046vd 1419 agosto 7 Payment of gabelle on contracts for the purchase of houses. Text: de Rabatta olim et nunc proxime preterito
o0201070b.060vb 1417 giugno 4 Promise of tenant to pay rent of shop to the Opera. Text: de Rabatta, confessus et contentus fuit ac
o0201080.019d 1421/2 marzo 17 Term of payment for debt for the gabelle on persons to the communes of the Podesteria of Castel Focognano. Text: de Rassina ambaxiatore et mandatario dictorum communium
o0202001.015vc 1425 novembre 23 Letter to the Podestà of Vicopisano instructing him to demand payment of debtor for a piece of land located at Cesano, which is the object of litigation with the Opera. Text: de re vidi et in toto titulo
o0201086.023va 1425 giugno 19 Order to repossess cloth hangings and other things given in loan and to draw up an inventory of such furnishings. Text: de rebus, bonis et masseritiis dicte Opere
o0201080.012a 1421/2 febbraio 12 Concession of right of recourse to parishes of the communes of Dicomano and Castello that are debtors for property gabelle. Text: de regressu concedendo, et volentes iuste postulantibus
o0201077.008d 1419/20 gennaio 18 Revocation of demand of payment for debt for property gabelle to the rector of the church of San Giusto a Trebbio. Text: de remedio concludentes et volentes iuste postulantibus
o0201077.016vc 1419/20 febbraio 7 Letter to the Commune of San Godenzo for restitution of property gabelle wrongfully paid. Text: de remedio concludentes et volentes iuste supplicantibus
o0201077.013a 1419/20 gennaio 29 Prohibition to demand payment for debt for property gabelle and forced loans, with correction of account entry. Text: de remedio concludentes, et visis allegatis predictis
o0201077.075a 1420 giugno 12 Contract for quarry located in the parish of San Quirico a Marignolle. Text: de Renucciis presente et locante pro ipsa
o0201078.041vb 1421 giugno 13 Revocation of demand of payment for renunciation of inheritance and release of arrested person. Text: de renumptiatione predicta et non aliter.
o0201082.010b 1423 aprile 9 Election of messengers. Text: de representando pignora et de alio recte
o0201070b.014vb 1416/7 marzo 11 Term of payment to the abbey of Morrona with cancellation of part of its debt and obligation of guaranty. Text: de residuo cancelletur et habeat terminum ad
o0202001.025vg 1425/6 marzo 21 Term of payment given to a debtor. Text: de residuo donec et quousque non declaratur
o0201079.051a 1421 dicembre 19 Term of payment for unspecified debt. Text: de residuo solvendo; et in quocumque termino
o0201075.023vd 1419 aprile 29 Letter to the Captain of Arezzo about the payment of the new gabelles, release of arrested person and new term of payment. Text: de restantibus solvere et ipsos restantes solvere
o0201073.007b 1418 aprile 23 Release of a debt collector legally bound to the restitution of wrongful collections. Text: de restituendo omnes et singulos denarios per
o0201079.005a 1421 luglio 10 Suspension of the deduction of 4 denari per lira retroactively imposed on a contract that was already granted. Text: de retentione predicta; et intellecto predicto Meo
o0202001.154va 1431/2 febbraio 12 Rehiring of masters who have worked outside the Opera. Text: de Riccialbanis habuit et tenuit secum ad
o0202001.216vd 1434 maggio 14 Constitution of syndic to exact the interest payments of the public debt. Text: de Riccialbanis presentem et acceptantem spetialiter et
o0202001.023f 1425/6 marzo 11 Election and oath of warden. Text: de Riccialbanis sorte et fortuna extractus in
o0201077.057vf 1419/20 febbraio 13 Payment for paintings and restoration of friezes at the Pope's residence. Text: de Riccialbanis, premisso et facto inter eos
o0202001.123vd 1429/30 marzo 7 Permission to build a low wall at the expense of the Ricci near the homonymous street with proviso for its possible destruction at the wardens' discretion. Text: de Ricciis, Simon et Giovacchinus Ardinghi de
o0201076.026a 1419 ottobre 24 Term of payment to the Commune of Pisa for debt for pardons with obligation to pay a percentage to the accountant. Text: de rigore iuris et dicti statuti, quod
o0201081.076vb 1422 novembre 23 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: de Ripoli fornaciario et sotiis pro modiis
o0201075.007d 1418/9 febbraio 8 Exemption and release of arrested persons for portions of inheritance due to various hospitals and demand of payment of another heir for remaining quota. Text: de Risalitis vir et maritus filie dicti
o0201073.016va 1418 aprile 16 Guaranty for debt for pardons of taxes. Text: de Rondinellis campsor et promisit solvere per
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: De sacrosanctis ecclesiis, et ibi per Baldus
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: De sacrosanctis ecclesiis, et in l. Incola
o0201080.015va 1421/2 marzo 11 Confirmation of contract for lumber. Text: de San Dettolo et Palmerio Corsi de
o0201080.072ve 1422 giugno 10 Authorization of payment for cutting and trimming of lumber. Text: de San Dettolo et Palmerio Corsii de
o0202001.046f 1426 novembre 29 Letter to preaching friar ordering him to come to give explanations. Text: de Sancte Crucis et predicatori quatenus placeat
o0201086.020vd 1425 giugno 1 Resolution regarding the payment of supply of lumber assigned to a contractor and carried out in his place by his brother. Text: de Sancto Gaudentio et fuerunt conducti per
o0201078.025va 1421 aprile 18 Ruling against two lumber suppliers who have not respected their agreement. Text: de Sancto Gaudentio et Nolfus Benedicti de
o0201074.008vb 1418 agosto 12 Cancellation of debt already paid for livestock. Text: de Sancto Gaudentio et pro eisdem bestiis
o0201079.038b 1421 ottobre 30 Deduction of property gabelle paid in the forced loans in other Commune. Text: de Sancto Gaudentio et ser Miccael eius
o0201076.007vb 1419 agosto 2 Term of payment for property gabelle with right of recourse against the first owners and exemption from demand of payment for donation. Text: de Sancto Gemignano et sub dicto monasterio
o0202001.192vd 1432 dicembre 9 Order to have the new headquarters for the officials of the Opera and covered areas for the stonecutters and lumber made in the garden and shed of the Tedaldi. Text: de Sancto Miniate et certi legnaiuoli ad
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