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Context of query
o0202001.205vb 1433 settembre 28 Dismissal of an ox driver from the service at the hoist. Text: dictum Nannem capsaverunt et removerunt ab offitio
o0201070b.026a 1417 giugno 30 Payment to the ex treasurer of the new gabelles for petty expenses. Text: dictum officium deputati; et viso ut in
o0201070b.017l 1417 aprile 6 Salary of the guardian of the books of the new gabelles. Text: dictum officium electo et deputato pro quattuor
o0201076.002a 1419 (luglio 1) Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: dictum officium exercere; et subsequenter etiam Dominico
o0201076.006va 1419 luglio 19 Oath of warden and term of payment. Text: dictum officium intrante et non plus cohadunato
o0201075.010va 1418/9 marzo 9 Oath of wardens and term of payment to debtors with proclamation. Text: dictum officium prima et ante omnia iuratis
o0201075.025va 1419 maggio 6 Oath of wardens and order to respect the terms of a contract for work on the vaults of the main hall of the Pope's residence. Text: dictum officium primo et ante omnia iuratis
o0202001.053a 1426/7 febbraio 28 Authorization to the wardens to elect a master stonecutter each. Text: dictum offitium deliberabitur, et quos eligerunt intelligantur
o0202001.042va 1426 ottobre 17 Letter to Pisa to communicate the election of the new notary of testaments. Text: dictum offitium exercendum et dare eidem librum,
o0202001.107a 1429 maggio 27 Authorization to the master builder to lease the Trassinaia quarry and elect the workers in said quarry. Text: dictum offitium factis et quicquid circa predicta
o0202001.102vc 1428/9 febbraio 23 Election of debt collector. Text: dictum offitium modo et forma prout fuit
o0201086.030a 1424/5 gennaio 30 Contract for transport of white marble from Carrara with advance on payment. Text: dictum offitium operariorum et dictorum quattuor offitialium
o0201076.022vd 1419 ottobre 24 Conditions of payment of a debt for pardons of the Commune of Pisa with deadline at each new term of priors. Text: dictum Operis presentem et futurum florenos ducentos
o0201074.051vb 1418 ottobre 19 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: dictum Opus exigi et seu non exigantur
o0201075.002b 1418/9 gennaio 4 Sale of lumber to the friars of the Osservanza di San Domenico with set price. Text: dictum Opus indepne et inlesum a solutione
o0202001.015vc 1425 novembre 23 Letter to the Podestà of Vicopisano instructing him to demand payment of debtor for a piece of land located at Cesano, which is the object of litigation with the Opera. Text: dictum petium terre et de veritate cum
o0202001.015vc 1425 novembre 23 Letter to the Podestà of Vicopisano instructing him to demand payment of debtor for a piece of land located at Cesano, which is the object of litigation with the Opera. Text: dictum petium terre; et considerantes relationem factam
o0202001.031vd 1426 maggio 10 Prohibition to demand payment and restitution of pawn to debtors. Text: dictum pignus restituatur, et quod non graventur
o0202001.164vd 1432 luglio 11 Election of debt collectors with regulations about fees for precepts to debtors. Text: dictum preceptum, teneantur et obligati sint dimictere
o0202001.216vh 1434 maggio 15 Authority to purchase iron for the second chain. Text: dictum pretium intelligatur et sit stantiatum per
o0201079.085a 1421 agosto 22 Guaranty for a lumber supplier. Text: dictum pretium restituere et quantitatem et penam
o0202001.221g 1434 agosto 26 Appraisal of four narrative scenes of an organ loft. Text: dictum pretium stantiari; et hoc visis et
o0201078.016a 1421 marzo 27 Authorization to the administrator to have the vines in the Opera's garden pruned and tied up. Text: dictum provisorem putari et ligari fiat.
o0201075.018a 1419 aprile 10 Injunction to the scribe of the new gabelles to consign the notebook with the documents pertaining to the Opera, under penalty of incarceration. Text: dictum quaternum consignare et consignasse Paulo Soldi
o0202001.258c 1426 novembre 14 Audit of accounts of master masons for work at the castle of Lastra. Text: dictum rapportum approbaverunt et stantiaverunt suprascriptis magistris
o0202001.113vh 1429 ottobre 6 Authorization to the administrator to settle the account of the work at the castle of Malmantile according to the report of the arbitrators. Text: dictum rapportum fecerunt, et presentibus testibus ad
o0202001.258c 1426 novembre 14 Audit of accounts of master masons for work at the castle of Lastra. Text: dictum rapportum subscribe[re] et similiter debeat se
o0202001.088vg 1428 agosto 5 Annulment of salary allowance of the treasurer of the forced loans. Text: dictum salarium abstulerunt et anullaverunt, non obstante
o0201076.022b 1419 ottobre 24 Ruling for the cornice of corbels commissioned together with the corbels for the third tribune and new contract for early consignment. Text: dictum salarium etc.; et sibi stantiaverunt, ut
o0201079.039b 1421 ottobre 31 Reduction of confiscation of revenues received by treasurer of the new gabelles of the Commune. Text: dictum sequestrum absolvi et liberari; et volentes
o0202001.139ve 1431 marzo 27 Revocation of demand of payment due to an error and new registration in the book of the debtors. Text: dictum ser Antonium et eius heredes ad
o0202001.139ve 1431 marzo 27 Revocation of demand of payment due to an error and new registration in the book of the debtors. Text: dictum ser Antonium et eius heredes et
o0202001.015vc 1425 novembre 23 Letter to the Podestà of Vicopisano instructing him to demand payment of debtor for a piece of land located at Cesano, which is the object of litigation with the Opera. Text: dictum ser Bartolomeum; et pars pro parte
o0201076.016va 1419 settembre 20 Concession of right of recourse to laborer for debt for property gabelle and forced loans owed instead by the former owner. Text: dictum ser Dinum et eius quecumque bona
o0202001.015vc 1425 novembre 23 Letter to the Podestà of Vicopisano instructing him to demand payment of debtor for a piece of land located at Cesano, which is the object of litigation with the Opera. Text: dictum ser Uliverium et non cum bona
o0202001.022c 1425/6 febbraio 14 Annulment of allocations of funds to kilnmen and acquittal of their guarantors. Text: dictum stantiamentum cancellet et anullet, ac etiam
o0202001.248b 1435/6 febbraio 3 Order to a chaplain of the Duomo to pay the remaining part of an allocation of funds concerning his term as treasurer set by the sacristy officials. Text: dictum stantiaverunt, innovaverunt et deliberaverunt quod camerarius
o0202001.104c 1429 aprile 12 Order to the administrator to enjoin the treasurers of the Commune for the amount due to the Opera with term of payment, under penalty of dismissal from office. Text: dictum suum offitium et predicta omnia etiam
o0201074.011vc 1418 agosto 30 Promise of payment for forced loans through rent due for a house. Text: dictum tempus totum et quidquid dictus Pagnus
o0201078.042c 1421 giugno 16 Term of payment for debt. Text: dictum terminum satisdet et non aliter.
o0201070b.002b 1416/7 gennaio 7 Term of payment for debt for herd livestock gabelle with promise of guaranty. Text: dictum terminum si et quantum de iuri
o0202001.238a 1435 luglio 15 Term for exculpation from debt to the treasurers of the forced loans, in absence of which they will be dispatched to the debtors' registry. Text: dictum terminum teneatur et debeat ipsos Antonium
o0201078.059a 1420/1 febbraio 19 Ratification of rent of quarry made by the notary of the Opera with exclusion of two shops. Text: dictum Ugonem fiendum et conductam et omnia
o0201086.048a 1425 aprile 20 Payment to master of glass oculi via letter of exchange to Venice. Text: dictum vitreum emasset et non aliter; et
o0201086.022b 1425 giugno 8 Letter to the Podestà of Arezzo for rulings in favor of the abbot of Capolona, who declares that he made a deposit for the new gabelles. Text: dictus abbas ostendet et dabit signum et
o0202001.116c 1429 novembre 4 Authorization to pay master for work done at Malmantile, granting him the completion of the work. Text: dictus Ambroxeus teneatur et obligatus sit prefatam
o0202001.058f 1427 maggio 7 Oath of wardens and authority to the administrator for sale of kiln. Text: dictus Antonius dare et prestare ydoneum fideiussorem
o0201074.045vc 1418 luglio 29 Guaranty for debt for new property gabelles and forced loans. Text: dictus Antonius dare et solvere debet dicto
o0201076.027vb 1419 novembre 7 Election of the accountant for the accounts of the treasurers of the gabelle on contracts of the Commune of Florence with salary set. Text: dictus Antonius habeat et possit et debeat
o0201086.033a 1425 aprile 2 Contract for kiln loads of mortar of quarry stones. Text: dictus Antonius se et eius heredes et
o0201077.044vf 1420 giugno 15 Election of supervisors of the forest to repair the damages caused in it by lack of surveillance. Text: dictus Antonius stare et remanere in ipso
o0202001.213vc 1434 aprile 13 Commission for the choice of a consultant for the forced loans. Text: dictus Antonius tenebatur et obligatus erat secundum
o0202001.190vf 1432 novembre 27 Precept to make restitution to the heirs of a treasurer. Text: dictus Bartolus recepit et habuit tempore quo
o0202001.188g 1432 ottobre 11 Registration of expenditures and payments made for lumber. Text: dictus Batista solvisse et fecisse.
o0201073.017vb 1418 maggio 18 Rent of a house with carpenter's shop for three years. Text: dictus Blaxius promisit et solempni stipulatione convenit
o0201082.006a 1422/3 marzo 9 Release of arrested person who is not the holder of the properties for which he was enjoined to pay. Text: dictus Buonus relaxetur et a dicta captura
o0201072.018vg 1417/8 febbraio 10 Salary set for workforce. Text: dictus camerarius det et solvat infrascriptis magistris
o0201079.006ve 1421 luglio 16 Contract for the custody of pawns with indications regarding the place to keep them, thefts, sale and rights. Text: dictus Carolus teneatur et debeat in ipsa
o0202001.219b 1434 luglio 23 Rent of a house and evacuation order to whoever is temporarily occupying it. Text: dictus conductor dare et prestare ydoneum fideiussorem
o0201080.058va 1422 maggio 5 Contract for 1.600.000 broad bricks to be manufactured in four years in the Settimo kiln and relative guaranty. Text: dictus conductor possit et sibi liceat mutuo
o0201080.057a 1421/2 febbraio 14 Contract to supplier for cutting and trimming of fir lumber in the forest of Campigna. Text: dictus conductor promixit et convenit ipsis locatoribus
o0201079.060a 1421 dicembre 17 Rent of a house for five years. Text: dictus conductor promixit et solepni stipulatione convenit
o0201080.056va 1421/2 febbraio 3 Contract for cutting and trimming of chestnut lumber and guaranty. Text: dictus conductor se et suos heredes et
o0202001.061vg 1427 giugno 21 Contract for mortar with advance on payment to be deducted on consignment. Text: dictus Curradus teneatur et debeat ydonee fideiubere
o0201079.024va 1421 settembre 11 Ruling against debt collector in favor of citizens wrongfully considered debtors for pardons of forced loans. Text: dictus Daddus possit et debeat realiter et
o0201079.013va 1421 agosto 14 Sentence of the Wool Guild for controversy between debtors and wardens concerning debt of 3000 florins and term of payment with annual installments. Text: dictus dominus Bartholomeus et dicti eius filii
o0202001.084vg 1428 maggio 21 Assignment of a house to a chaplain. Text: dictus dominus Bernardus et non aliter, pro
o0201078.084e 1421 aprile 2 Guaranty for debt for property gabelle with subsequent acquittal. Text: dictus dominus Petrus et dictus Taddeus eius
o0201075.034a 1419 giugno 22 Authorization to work outside the Opera and return. Text: dictus dominus Rainaldus, et quod postea possit
o0202001.192f 1432 dicembre 9 Assignment of lodgings to the canons. Text: dictus dominus Robertus et que alias fuit
o0201070b.061vc 1417 giugno 28 Guaranty for unspecified debt of the rector and church of San Giorgio. Text: dictus dominus Tommas et dicta ecclesia solvere
o0201079.070g 1421 agosto 20 Reimbursement to lender for decease of horse lent. Text: dictus equus cecidit et decessit, florenos novem
o0202001.171vc 1426/7 gennaio 28 Election of the supervisors of the great cupola. Text: dictus Filippus teneatur et obligatus sit diebus
o0202001.232f 1435 aprile 29 Acquittal from the accusation made to raftsmen about damages caused to a weir by the passage of lumber. Text: dictus Francischus dixit et asseruit dictam ructuram
o0201086.031a 1424/5 marzo 15 Rent of the shop called Galea to Fra Bernardo master of glass oculi with deadline for inception of work on the stained-glass windows. Text: dictus frater Bernardus et Dominicus Andree ortolanus
o0202001.020b 1425/6 gennaio 10 Release of kilnmen from the payment of sum advanced for supply of broad bricks and new commitment of the sons of one of them. Text: dictus Gherardus det et prestet ydoneum fideiussorem
o0202001.066a 1427 settembre 11 Arbitration between the abbey of Settimo and its kilnman tenant for reimbursement to the latter of expenditures for repairs. Text: dictus Gherardus habuit et recepit dictas libras
o0201086.016b 1425 maggio 16 Renewal of hiring of carpenter and setting of his salary for the winter and the summer. Text: dictus Ghinus donec et quousque in prefata
o0201085.030a 1424 dicembre 20 Contract for cutting and transport of lumber. Text: dictus Iacobus conduxit et prout et sicut
o0201073b.009e 1418 giugno 28 Term of payment to a customs officer and letter to the Podestà for the collection of the herd livestock gabelle. Text: dictus Iacobus etc., et etiam concedatur sibi
o0201078.085vb 1421 aprile 18 Guaranty for promise to repay money with supply of lumber. Text: dictus Iacobus observabit et actendet predicta omnia
o0201073.014c 1418 giugno 3 Assignment of a house to a canon and inventory of its contents. Text: dictus Iulianus etc.; et sic fiat inventarium
o0201086.030vc 1424/5 marzo 7 Contract for transport of white marble from Lavenza to Pisa. Text: dictus Laurentius se et eius heredes et
o0202001.171vc 1426/7 gennaio 28 Election of the supervisors of the great cupola. Text: dictus Laurentius teneatur et debeat ad minus
o0201080.055va 1421/2 marzo 12 Contract for broad bricks and guaranty. Text: dictus locator nominibus et modis quibus supra
o0202001.231va 1435 aprile 26 Acquittal of a treasurer of the forced loans from the payment of 6 denari per lira. Text: dictus Matteus, tunc et eo casu dictum
o0202001.210a 1433/4 febbraio 3 Term for the forced sale to the Opera of a shed and of a garden intended for the use of Opera personnel. Text: dictus murus erat et est totus suus
o0202001.205vb 1433 settembre 28 Dismissal of an ox driver from the service at the hoist. Text: dictus Nannes recessit et recedit a debito
o0201086.033b 1425 maggio 16 Contract for hoisting loads up to the cupola with two oxen and salary set for the ox driver. Text: dictus Nannes teneatur et obligatus sit ad
o0202001.008a 1425 agosto 22 Mode of payment for expenditures incurred for the donation of a piece of land. Text: dictus Nannes teneatur et obligatus sit solvere
o0201086.033b 1425 maggio 16 Contract for hoisting loads up to the cupola with two oxen and salary set for the ox driver. Text: dictus Nannes tiraret et conduceret cum dictis
o0202001.202vg 1433 luglio 10 Authority to contract out the organ loft of the new sacristy at price not higher than the other. Text: dictus Nerius intelligatur et sit ac si
o0202001.232f 1435 aprile 29 Acquittal from the accusation made to raftsmen about damages caused to a weir by the passage of lumber. Text: dictus Niccolaus dicebat et asserebat fuisse ructam
o0202001.031va 1426 maggio 4 Letter to the administrator of Pisa instructing him to solicit the boatmen to convey the white marble and letter to the treasurer ordering him to pay them. Text: dictus Niccolaus Luce et eidem camerario scribatur
o0202001.170a 1425 luglio 6 Authorization for a secret allocation of payment to an informer. Text: dictus notificator primo et ante omnia devenire
o0201074.029vf 1418 dicembre 2 Contract for broad bricks and authorization for an advance payment. Text: dictus Pardus acceptavit et ratificavit etc.
o0201078.060va 1421 aprile 9 Contract for broad bricks to a kilnman with advance of part of the payment. Text: dictus Pardus actendet et observabit omnia et
o0201080.058va 1422 maggio 5 Contract for 1.600.000 broad bricks to be manufactured in four years in the Settimo kiln and relative guaranty. Text: dictus Pardus omnia et singula supra pro
o0201086.032a 1424/5 marzo 16 Contract for a kiln load of mortar for the castle of Malmantile. Text: dictus Pardus se et eius heredes et
o0201076.036va 1419 dicembre 19 Transfer of debt for forced loans from the property gabelle. Text: dictus patruus eorum, et hoc quia tempore
o0201079.059b 1421 novembre 29 Contract for hoisting of loads with oxen or horses up to the main cupola. Text: dictus Pierus conductor et (c. 60) dicto
o0201072.029b 1417/8 marzo 21 Release of arrested person, payment deadline and corresponding guaranty. Text: dictus populus Operi et relapsetur dummodo ydonee
o0202001.023vd 1425/6 marzo 12 Term of payment to defaulting kilnmen unless they deliver the quarry stone mortar commissioned to them, under penalty of demand of payment. Text: dictus provisor teneatur et debeat eos omnes
o0201081.028vc 1422 novembre 23 Sale of lumber with increase of price if trimmed. Text: dictus provisor vendat et tradi faciat Piero
o0201086.009c 1425 aprile 3 Authorization to the administrator to sell pawns appraised by various second-hand dealers. Text: dictus provisor vendidit et consignavit dictis Lapo
o0202001.011vb 1425 ottobre 12 Term of payment given to a debtor. Text: dictus Renzus teneatur et debeat dare et
o0201072.040a 1417/8 gennaio 10 Arrests for debts. Text: dictus Sanza Musa et recomendatus exequtori. Vannes
o0201070.006vc 1416/7 febbraio 9 Reassignment of two dwellings of the chaplains. Text: dictus ser Lapo et ser Francisco et
o0202001.250b 1435/6 marzo 8 Assignment of a house to a chaplain. Text: dictus ser Niccolaus et non aliter.
o0202001.082va 1428 maggio 5 Notification to the Alessandri heirs of the forthcoming restitution of the shed and garden held in loan against security, in accordance with the ten-year agreements signed with their father. Text: dictus Ugho habuit et recepit a prefata
o0201074.004vb 1418 agosto 4 Loan to the owner of a garden and shed of the value of that property and the relative gabelles in exchange for the usufruct with agreement to build a wall there and to make good other services. Text: dictus Ugo teneatur et debeat restituere dictos
o0201074.048va 1418 agosto 19 Purchase of a house. Text: dictus venditor confessus et contentus fuit habuisse
o0201073.004va 1418 aprile 18 Payment for the compilation of a book about taxes. Text: dictus Zanobius quantitates et summas tassarum omnium
o0202001.155vb 1431/2 marzo 3 Authority to a warden to solicit the supply of broad bricks and mortar. Text: dictus Zenobius pro et occaxione predictorum scribat
o0202001.236c 1435 giugno 15 Authorization to accept from the heirs of Niccolò from Uzzano seven large logs cut for the Sapienza. Text: dicunt non indigere, et ponere ad computum
o0201082.021vc 1423 giugno 18 Order to recover lost pawns. Text: dicuntur esse perdita et ipsa reinveniant et
o0202001.012a 1425 ottobre 22 Drawing of the provost of the cupola officials. Text: die cum balia et aliis consuetis Niccolaus
o0202001.019c 1425 dicembre 24 Drawing of the provost of the cupola officials. Text: die cum balia et aliis consuetis Niccolaus
o0202001.021c 1425/6 gennaio 28 Drawing of the provost. Text: die cum balia et aliis consuetis.
o0202001.023d 1425/6 marzo 1 Drawing of the provost. Text: die cum balia et aliis consuetis.
o0202001.051e 1426/7 febbraio 10 Drawing of the provost. Text: die cum balia et aliis consuetis.
o0202001.062vi 1427 luglio 7 Drawing of the provost. Text: die cum balia et aliis consuetis.
o0202001.112vh 1429 ottobre 3 Drawing of the provost. Text: die cum balia et aliis consuetis.
o0202001.159ve 1432 maggio 1 Drawing of the provost. Text: die cum balia et aliis consuetis.
o0202001.003b 1425 luglio 12 Letter to the Podestà of the Commune of Montecatini for agreement to be made with the its representatives and term of payment. Text: die dande littere, et cum ydonea fideiussione,
o0202001.017ve 1425 dicembre 8 Drawing of the provost. Text: die decimo decembris et finiendis ut sequitur
o0202001.176d 1429 dicembre 3 Confirmation of notification to canons about the obligation to live in the houses assigned to them. Text: die dictam deliberationem et partitum et omnia
o0201078.041b 1421 giugno 13 Ruling in accordance with custom in favor of a unskilled worker wounded in the head by a stone. Text: die dicte percussionis et vulneris receptorum predicte
o0202001.049b 1426/7 gennaio 10 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for proclamation about the testamentary legacies with term of payment. Text: die dicti bampni et illi de comitatu
o0201077.044vf 1420 giugno 15 Election of supervisors of the forest to repair the damages caused in it by lack of surveillance. Text: die eorum itineris; et dictus Antonius stare
o0201086.030vc 1424/5 marzo 7 Contract for transport of white marble from Lavenza to Pisa. Text: die et loco et presentibus dictis testibus
o0202001.147vg 1431 agosto 21 Salary set for a master. Text: die et opera et non aliter.
o0202001.250h 1435/6 marzo 12 Salary set for the disciple of the carpenter for days worked on the sacristy cupboards. Text: die extatis, donec et quousque stabit ad
o0201077.007a 1419/20 gennaio 10 Notification to messengers and debt collectors of means and schedules for demand of payment and distraint to debtors. Text: die facte pignorationis et non primo. Et
o0201070b.013ve 1416/7 marzo 4 Term of payment for debt for new gabelles to the Podesteria of Chiusi with release of arrested person and summons of two inhabitants of the Commune of Gressa. Text: die facti precepti et ostenderint manu notarii
o0201086.020ve 1425 giugno 1 Correction of the tax on testaments and confirmation of contract for two statues. Text: die facti precepti et quod pro quolibet
o0202001.081vo 1428 aprile 28 Term of payment to the treasurers of the forced loans after the audit of the their account. Text: die facti rapporti et a die notificationis
o0201077.034a 1420 aprile 16 Election of the supervisors of the cupola with salary set and election of master masons. Text: die firmum maneat et perduret et ultra
o0201080.012a 1421/2 febbraio 12 Concession of right of recourse to parishes of the communes of Dicomano and Castello that are debtors for property gabelle. Text: die florenos sex; et pro populo Sancti
o0202001.215vf 1434 aprile 26 Order to arrest a supplier of marble for failure to carry out his appointed task. Text: die fuit captus et missus ad carceres.
o0202001.045d 1426 novembre 5 Letter to the vicar of val of Elsa instructing him to demand payment of the debtors under his jurisdiction. Text: die fuit scricta et missa dicto vicario
o0202001.013vb 1425 novembre 13 Drawing of the provost. Text: die hac presenti et finiendis ut sequitur
o0201080.035d 1422 giugno 16 Salary set for a (master) for the summer. Text: die in antea et tota presenti estate
o0201078.020c 1421 aprile 7 Annulment of lumber contract for nonobservance of agreements and letter to the Podestà of Dicomano with summons of the two contractors. Text: die in antea; et deliberaverunt quod de
o0201082.011b 1423 aprile 23 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: die infrascripta salaria et pretia pro sex
o0202001.248e 1435/6 febbraio 6 Prohibition to the officials to allow work in the Opera in the days of Holy Thursday and Saturday, under penalty of dismissal from their appointment. Text: die iovis sancti et die sabati sancti,
o0202001.171vc 1426/7 gennaio 28 Election of the supervisors of the great cupola. Text: die laborativo venire et stare in prefata
o0201084.015b 1424 aprile 13 Salary set for the (ox driver). Text: die libram unam et soldos decem septem
o0201077.070vd 1420 giugno 28 Payment of various expenditures. Text: die libras decem et soldos 15; et
o0201081.066va 1422 luglio 7 Payment for petty expenses. Text: die libras duodecim; et pro quinque salmis
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