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Context of query
o0201078.060va 1421 aprile 9 Contract for broad bricks to a kilnman with advance of part of the payment. Text: promixit se facturum et curaturum, ita et
o0201077.081vf 1419/20 gennaio 24 Guaranty for debt for pardons and forced loans. Text: promixit solvere quid et quantum et quando
o0201077.028e 1419/20 marzo 21 Sale of pawns with term of payment and guaranty. Text: promixit, pro quo et eius precibus et
o0201078.011c 1420/1 marzo 10 Oath of warden and term of payment to a debtor. Text: prope campanile existentis et alia omnia faciendi
o0202001.166vc 1432 luglio 30 Restitution of pawns. Text: prope civitatem Florentie, et hoc habita fide
o0201076.072vc 1419 settembre 1 Guaranty for debt for forced loans with new guaranty in the event of default of the first guarantor. Text: prope Sanctam Filicitam et promisit etc.
o0201077.035a 1420 aprile 19 Evaluation of advice and new measures for the 6 denari per lira due for pardons. Text: proposita insertis reddita et illa sequi debeant
o0201079.046vf 1421 novembre 28 Drawing of the provost. Text: propositum cum auctoritate et tempore solito Lorinus
o0201082.017d 1423 maggio 15 Drawing of the provost. Text: propositum cum offitio et aliis consuetis et
o0201084.011vc 1424 aprile 1 Drawing of the provost. Text: propositum cum offitio et aliis consuetis.
o0201082.009d 1423 aprile 8 Drawing of the provost. Text: propositum cum offitio et balia consueta.
o0201084.003c 1423/4 gennaio 27 Concession of sale of pawns with guaranty and term for giving back pawns to distrained party before said sale. Text: propositum dicte Opere et unum alium de
o0201075.013d 1418/9 marzo 21 Term of payment to debtors for pardons of forced loans. Text: propositum, me notarium et provisorem Operis etc.
o0201079.052vb 1421 dicembre 23 Term of payment for balance of gabelles in part cancelled on grounds of penury to the Commune of Cortona and letter to the Priors of the city of Cortona for collection of the debt. Text: propria manu actavi et scripsi quia per
o0201078.060a 1421 aprile 18 Guaranty concerning contract for sandstone blocks. Text: propriis et vice et nomine eorum socii
o0201080.055a 1421/2 gennaio 10 Contract for mortar to be made in the Opera for the construction of the Duomo and relative guaranty. Text: proprio actendere etc.; et contra non facere
o0201079.059b 1421 novembre 29 Contract for hoisting of loads with oxen or horses up to the main cupola. Text: proprio actendere, facere et observare promixit, et
o0201080.055va 1421/2 marzo 12 Contract for broad bricks and guaranty. Text: proprio actendere, facere et observare promixit, salvo
o0201073.018c 1418 maggio 21 Guaranty for a master carpenter to whom payment for work has been advanced. Text: proprio dabit, solvet et restituet dicto Operi
o0201085.066c 1424 novembre 26 Guaranty for manufacture of the doors of the castle of Malmantile. Text: proprio et vice et nomine Michi Mathei
o0201085.042vb 1424 novembre 24 Payment for the purchase of broad bricks. Text: proprio et vice et nomine Pardi eius
o0201078.062c 1421 aprile 30 Contract for broad bricks to kilnmen with advance of part of the payment. Text: proprio facere actendere et observare promixerunt ad
o0201080.058va 1422 maggio 5 Contract for 1.600.000 broad bricks to be manufactured in four years in the Settimo kiln and relative guaranty. Text: proprio facere, actendere et observare promixit et
o0201078.063va 1421 giugno 5 Guaranty for contract for broad bricks. Text: proprio facere, actendere et observare promixit et
o0201078.060a 1421 aprile 18 Guaranty concerning contract for sandstone blocks. Text: proprio facere, actendere et observare promixit, et
o0201072.002va 1417 dicembre 16 Guaranty for debt for the new gabelles. Text: proprio observabit fideiussit et fideiussor extitit Francischus
o0202001.233vc 1435 maggio 10 Permission to master to work outside the Opera. Text: proprio, sine dampno et preiudicio dicti magistri.
o0202001.193vd 1432 dicembre 18 Term of payment given to a Jewish moneylender for usurious taxes regarding Pescia and Pistoia with letter to the Podestà of Pistoia. Text: propter certa capitula et pacta que dicit
o0201078.014va 1420/1 marzo 17 Approval of a guarantor. Text: propter devetum, approbaverunt et confirmaverunt ex nunc
o0202001.139ve 1431 marzo 27 Revocation of demand of payment due to an error and new registration in the book of the debtors. Text: propter dictum debitum; et actento quod predicta
o0201070b.004b 1416/7 gennaio 25 Commission to provost and warden consider release of arrested persons from the countryside and foreigners with term of payment and guaranty. Text: propter diversa negotia et impedimenta tam publica
o0201086.020d 1425 giugno 1 Order to the administrator to debit rotten lumber to the lumber suppliers. Text: propter eius negligentiam et vitium ad rationem
o0202001.107vg 1429 giugno 3 Authorization to order 6 beautiful copes on credit at the request of the conservators of the sacristy. Text: propter eorum impotentiam et drappum dictorum pluvialium
o0202001.015vc 1425 novembre 23 Letter to the Podestà of Vicopisano instructing him to demand payment of debtor for a piece of land located at Cesano, which is the object of litigation with the Opera. Text: propter gravedines discessit et ad habitandum adcessit
o0202001.148a 1431 agosto 28 Registration of the daily wages of those who worked on the demolition of the jetties of the chiasso Bertinelli. Text: propter lignamen, ferramenta et mattones habita de
o0202001.232f 1435 aprile 29 Acquittal from the accusation made to raftsmen about damages caused to a weir by the passage of lumber. Text: propter maximam alluvionem et seu tempestates inundationes
o0202001.147vd 1431 agosto 21 Dismissal of a messenger and limitation of the number of messengers to two. Text: propter suam inobedientiam; et deliberaverunt quod deinceps
o0202001.113va 1429 ottobre 4 New term for conveying four marble tomb slabs from the quarry as far as Pisa. Text: propter tempus guerre et considerato quod non
o0201077.026vf 1419/20 marzo 15 Release of debtor arrested for pawn gabelle. Text: propterea captus sit, et non dicatur obligatus
o0201081.021c 1422 settembre 22 Contract for marble gutter spout for the third tribune. Text: propterea de quo et quanto provisum et
o0201070.001d 1416 dicembre 30 Authority to the administrator to prepare the place of the books of the new gabelles and of the forced loans. Text: propterea expendendi si et quantum viderit convenire
o0201077.036va 1420 aprile 24 Letter to the Commune of Cornia for cancellation of debt for new gabelles. Text: propterea facienda licite et inpune et in
o0201075.024a 1419 aprile 29 Salary set for workforce. Text: propterea fiendo, habitasolum et dumtaxat fide de
o0201079.006vb 1421 luglio 16 Revocation of debt for pardons of forced loans already paid with restitution of pawn and obligation on the part of the true debtor to pay the expenses. Text: propterea incursis sumptibus et expensis Zenobii predicti.
o0201079.008a 1421 luglio 18 Restitution of pawn to person wrongfully enjoined to pay for debt for pardons of forced loans of person whose property he does not possess. Text: propterea non gravetur et omne pignus sibi
o0201078.027b 1421 aprile 26 Revocation of demand of payment for testament because the debtor not is heir. Text: propterea non gravetur et taliter actetur quod
o0201078.062a 1421 aprile 21 Contract for transport of 200 sandstone blocks from the Trassinaia quarry for chain of the main cupola. Text: propterea obligaverunt se et eorum heredes et
o0201086.072b 1425 maggio 4 Promise to respect summons with guaranty. Text: propterea obligaverunt se et eorum heredes et
o0201086.086va 1425 aprile 27 Arrest of debtor with clarification of his debt and guaranty. Text: propterea obligavit se et eius heredes et
o0201086.030vc 1424/5 marzo 7 Contract for transport of white marble from Lavenza to Pisa. Text: propterea obligavit se et eius heredes et
o0201086.073vb 1425 giugno 21 Deadline for consigning two books loaned with guaranty and annotation of consignment. Text: propterea obligavit se et eius heredes et
o0201086.086vh 1425 maggio 11 Declaration of non-prosecutability of arrested person because not heir of the debtor, with summons of the heirs and guaranty. Text: propterea obligavit se et eius heredes et
o0201086.070vc 1424/5 marzo 17 Deposit for debt for herd livestock guaranteed by guarantor. Text: propterea obligavit se et eius heredes et
o0201086.070vd 1424/5 marzo 17 Election with oath of debt collector and corresponding guaranty. Text: propterea obligavit se et eius heredes et
o0201086.070vb 1424/5 marzo 16 Guaranty for a supply of mortar for the castle of Malmantile. Text: propterea obligavit se et eius heredes et
o0201086.070b 1424/5 marzo 1 Guaranty for contract for glass oculi. Text: propterea obligavit se et eius heredes et
o0201086.070va 1424/5 marzo 9 Guaranty for debt for property gabelle of the oratory of San Galgano. Text: propterea obligavit se et eius heredes et
o0201086.086vf 1425 maggio 9 Guaranty for debt of rector. Text: propterea obligavit se et eius heredes et
o0201086.071vb 1425 aprile 13 Guaranty for restitution of rope received in loan. Text: propterea obligavit se et eius heredes et
o0201086.071a 1424/5 marzo 19 Guaranty for supply of kiln loads of mortar. Text: propterea obligavit se et eius heredes et
o0201086.073b 1425 giugno 5 Guaranty for the guarantor of a unspecified debt. Text: propterea obligavit se et eius heredes et
o0201086.072a 1425 aprile 26 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: propterea obligavit se et eius heredes et
o0201086.072vc 1425 giugno 1 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: propterea obligavit se et eius heredes et
o0201086.072vd 1425 giugno 2 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: propterea obligavit se et eius heredes et
o0201086.073va 1425 giugno 8 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: propterea obligavit se et eius heredes et
o0201086.073a 1425 giugno 4 Term for reconsigning loaned cloth hangings with guaranty. Text: propterea obligavit se et eius heredes et
o0201086.072c 1425 maggio 12 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle of the priests with guaranty and annotation of prior payment. Text: propterea obligavit se et eius heredes et
o0201086.071vd 1425 aprile 18 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle with corresponding guaranty and annotation of prior payment. Text: propterea obligavit se et eius heredes et
o0201086.072va 1425 maggio 16 Term of payment for unspecified debt with guaranty. Text: propterea obligavit se et eius heredes et
o0201086.072e 1425 maggio 16 Term of payment to heir of debtor with guaranty. Text: propterea obligavit se et eius heredes et
o0201077.013a 1419/20 gennaio 29 Prohibition to demand payment for debt for property gabelle and forced loans, with correction of account entry. Text: propterea obligavit se et omnia bona sua
o0201086.070a 1424/5 marzo 1 Guaranty for supply of dressed stone for the castle of Lastra. Text: propterea obligavit se et suos heredes et
o0201086.071vc 1425 aprile 16 Term of payment with guaranty. Text: propterea obligavit se et suos heredes et
o0201078.019c 1421 aprile 5 Cancellation of debt for gabelle on property and livestock for the Commune of Legoli and Latreto because of ten-year exemption. Text: propterea opportunis, ita et taliter quod de
o0201077.016e 1419/20 febbraio 7 Term of payment to the parish of Santa Croce in Mugello for debt for gabelle on properties and persons. Text: propterea pluries graveturatus et nullus ex aliis
o0201078.039vg 1421 giugno 10 Authorization to the cupola officials to set the compensation of Filippo di ser Brunellesco for his labor and reimbursement of expenditures borne by him for the construction of the hoist. Text: propterea possit, teneatur et debeat cui et
o0201079.086d 1421 settembre 23 Guaranty with approval for contract for chestnut trees. Text: propterea recipiet mutuo et parte solutionis dictarum
o0201081.023ve 1422 ottobre 6 Cancellation of debt for gabelle for property located in the countryside of Volterra. Text: propterea restituatur illesus et taliter inmarginetur et
o0201081.013vb 1422 agosto 28 Renunciation of the rental of the quarry of Monte Oliveto because there is no need of stones with condition of new contract of the same to private person who has invested in it. Text: propterea satis expendiderit et non lapides dicte
o0201079.067vc 1421 luglio 18 Salary of the accountant elected to cross-check the books of the new gabelles. Text: propterea sibi debiti et debendi florenos duos
o0201070b.002b 1416/7 gennaio 7 Term of payment for debt for herd livestock gabelle with promise of guaranty. Text: propterea ydonee satisdet et dicta die fideiussit,
o0202001.118ve 1429 dicembre 14 Term of payment to the Commune of Montecatini for debt for pardons. Text: prorogandi dictum terminum et fideiussionem accipiendi extra
o0202001.106vc 1429 maggio 18 Letter to the vicar of val d' Elsa with notification of extension of the term for redemption of pawns. Text: prorogatum fore comitatinis et aliis gravatis per
o0201078.023c 1421 aprile 15 Extension of term of payment for debt. Text: prorogatus uno mense et idem in termino
o0202001.235h 1435 maggio 27 Extension of 4 days for the submission to debtors' registry for two (treasurers of the forced loans). Text: prorogaverunt Antonio Betti et Andree Spinelli quatuor
o0201078.011c 1420/1 marzo 10 Oath of warden and term of payment to a debtor. Text: prosequendo modellum cupole et ecclesie secundum formam
o0202001.075va 1427/8 gennaio 8 Oath of three wardens. Text: prosequi antiquum modellum et alia facere que
o0201078.029d 1421 maggio 5 Oath of wardens. Text: prosequi et construi et fieri facere secundum
o0201085.002b 1424 novembre 7 Oath of two wardens. Text: prosequi laborerium edifitium et ecclesiam Sancte Marie
o0201086.001c 1424/5 gennaio 12 Oath of two wardens. Text: prosequi laborerium, edifitium et ecclesiam Sancte Marie
o0201078.002va 1420/1 gennaio 9 Oath of wardens and drawing of the provost. Text: protestatione super infrascriptis et eisdem et cuilibet
o0201086.003b 1424/5 gennaio 29 Protest to the treasurer of the forced loans with term for consignment of rights. Text: protestum fiat modo et forma validius de
o0201086.003b 1424/5 gennaio 29 Protest to the treasurer of the forced loans with term for consignment of rights. Text: protestum per notarium et provisorem dicte Opere
o0201078.020vd 1421 aprile 7 Order to the quarriers of the hill of Vincigliata of resume work and not go away, under penalty of rulings against them. Text: prout ad presens et quod per verba
o0201084.015vb 1424 aprile 22 Public proclamations for the sale of the pawns. Text: prout alias factum et ordinatum fuit.
o0201079.013va 1421 agosto 14 Sentence of the Wool Guild for controversy between debtors and wardens concerning debt of 3000 florins and term of payment with annual installments. Text: prout asseruerunt colloquio et consilio pluries cum
o0201079.039vb 1421 ottobre 31 Election of messenger and of debt collector. Text: prout asseruerunt iustis et rationabilibus causis moti
o0201079.012a 1421 agosto 14 Order to the administrator to check personally the lumber conveyed to the port of San Francesco and keep note of the shipments consigned. Text: prout asseruerunt iustis et rationabilibus causis moti
o0201080.032ve 1422 giugno 3 Prohibition to the treasurer of the forced loans to collect the 6 denari per lira for pardons of forced loans for the Opera. Text: prout asseruerunt premisso et facto inter eos
o0201081.031va 1422 dicembre 2 Renunciation of appointment of administrator for personal reasons. Text: prout asseruit iustis et rationabilibus causis impeditus
o0201080.084vb 1422 giugno 12 Guaranty for debt for gabelle of the civil court of Pisa. Text: prout asseruit nomine et pro parte Ghabriellis
o0201078.041c 1421 giugno 13 Right of recourse for gabelle on persons for the Commune of San Godenzo. Text: prout asseruit, recipere et habere debet et
o0202001.026b 1425/6 marzo 21 Report on supply of white marble and term for consignment of debtors' registry. Text: prout casus requiret et prout eorum discretioni
o0202001.032ve 1426 maggio 15 Dismissal of masters. Text: prout consuetum est et usque ad dictum
o0201077.034a 1420 aprile 16 Election of the supervisors of the cupola with salary set and election of master masons. Text: prout conveniens est et requiritur secundum modum
o0201077.017va 1419/20 febbraio 7 Election of debt collectors. Text: prout crediderunt utilius et honestius servientium devenire,
o0201079.007va 1421 luglio 18 Reduction of price agreed upon for supply of sandstone blocks not corresponding to specifications. Text: prout de falda et aliis; et intellectis
o0201080.058va 1422 maggio 5 Contract for 1.600.000 broad bricks to be manufactured in four years in the Settimo kiln and relative guaranty. Text: prout de procura et mandato ipsius Gherardi
o0201080.028b 1422 aprile 29 Declaration on partial suitability of the marble conveyed for the cornices of the main cupola and tare on the agreed price. Text: prout decens erat et conveniens est, quod
o0201082.072vc 1423 aprile 28 Payment to kilnmen for supply of broad bricks. Text: prout deliberatum fuit, et ipsos mictere ad
o0201086.007vd 1425 marzo 27 Authority to the administrator and the master builder to contract out cutting of fir poles for the parapet of the tribune and of big logs for the cranes of the cupola. Text: prout dictis Batiste et Bernardo videbitur et
o0202001.172a 1427 aprile 11 Authority to the wardens to sell the kiln in via Ghibellina. Text: prout dictis operariis et duabus partibus ipsorum
o0201082.015b 1423 aprile 28 Authorization to correct and reduce contract for broad bricks. Text: prout dictis operariis et duas partes ipsorum
o0202001.048vb 1426 dicembre 30 Attribution to the sacristy of all the oblations made to the church, to be spent according to the indications of the sacristy officials. Text: prout disponunt bulle, et deliberabunt conservatores prefate
o0202001.120f 1429/30 gennaio 4 Commission to a warden for the examination of the recompense of the administrator and the master builder for the measurement of the work at Lastra and Malmantile. Text: prout eidem placuerit; et quicquid sibi visum
o0202001.225vh 1434 dicembre 29 Permission to the administrator to let a house. Text: prout eidem placuit; et quicquid fecerit intelligatur
o0202001.015va 1425 novembre 21 Term to masters of the walls of the castle of Lastra for the completion of the work specified, and no more than that. Text: prout eidem videbitur et placebit fore licitum
o0202001.201vh 1433 luglio 3 Authorization to contract out a supply of sand. Text: prout eidem videbitur et placebit fore utilius
o0202001.111vi 1429 agosto 31 Authorization to the master builder to make the door of the cloister of the clergy. Text: prout eidem videbitur et placebit permanere debere
o0202001.176va 1429/30 gennaio 9 Authorization to cut firs, previously measured by the guard of the forest of Campigna, for the Sapienza. Text: prout eidem videbitur et placebit pro edifitio
o0202001.202vg 1433 luglio 10 Authority to contract out the organ loft of the new sacristy at price not higher than the other. Text: prout eidem videbitur et placebit, non tamen
o0202001.155b 1431/2 febbraio 22 Authority to two wardens to negotiate the purchase of the shed and garden of the Tedaldi and to transfer the things of the Opera. Text: prout eis videbitur et conduci faciant ad
o0202001.095a 1428 novembre 23 Authority to the administrator, master builder and scribe to elect unskilled workers and set their salary. Text: prout eis videbitur et placeat fore iustum
o0202001.201vg 1433 luglio 3 Oath of wardens and commission for new placement of a figure of Isaiah, freeing a chapel in order to make an underground vault there. Text: prout eis videbitur et placebit ad hoc
o0202001.103vh 1429 aprile 5 Order to set a term of payment for the debtors of the Opera to avoid damages to them and demands of payment. Text: prout eis videbitur et placebit fideiubendo tamen.
o0202001.222va 1434 settembre 30 Authority to have marble conveyed from Carrara. Text: prout eis videbitur et placebit, Bernardo ser
o0202001.175d 1429 maggio 12 Authorization to the wardens to cede a column for the Mercato Vecchio. Text: prout eis videbitur et placebit, et hoc
o0202001.198va 1433 maggio 19 Election of solicitors for the oculus over the tribune of Saint Zenobius and payment for purchase of glass and other things. Text: prout eis videbitur et placebit, expensis tamen
o0201084.008vb 1423/4 febbraio 29 Hiring of master with salary set. Text: prout eis videbitur et placebit.
o0202001.208e 1433 dicembre 2 Authority to two wardens to contract out cutting and supply of lumber. Text: prout eis videbitur et placebit; et quicquid
o0202001.124f 1429/30 marzo 15 Authorization to attend to the debt of the Commune of Prato and to make a new contract to a cooper for cooperage supplies. Text: prout eis videbitur et placebit; et quicquid
o0202001.199a 1433 maggio 28 Authority to two wardens to solicit the supply of lumber. Text: prout eis videbitur et placebit; et quod
o0202001.121va 1429/30 gennaio 21 Authority to the administrator and the master builder for carriage of stones from Trassinaia to be effected at the lowest price. Text: prout eisdem provisori et caputmagistro videbitur et
o0202001.067b 1427 settembre 9 Authority to wardens to attend to the houses of the canons and chaplains. Text: prout eisdem videbitur, et quicquid circa predicta
o0201077.045vb 1420 giugno 28 Hiring of workforce and dismissal of stonecutters not useful for the construction of the cupola, which is about to begin. Text: prout eorum honori et dicte Opere utilitati
o0201086.025d 1425 giugno 26 Election of messenger with salary set. Text: prout erit opportunum et prout servierunt et
o0202001.105ve 1429 aprile 15 Payment levied for degrees in theology or other disciplines, for which the usual wooden partition is constructed. Text: prout est consuetum et mictantur ad introytum
o0202001.235vm 1435 giugno 14 Letter to the supervisors and to the Captain of Pisa to have the fortress over the Parlascio gate constructed as planned. Text: prout est ordinatum et deliberatum per dicta
o0201076.026a 1419 ottobre 24 Term of payment to the Commune of Pisa for debt for pardons with obligation to pay a percentage to the accountant. Text: prout et quemadmodum et sicut per dicta
o0201080.026va 1422 aprile 29 Authorization to the administrator to contract out 400.000 broad bricks to be conveyed in four years at set price, with advance to be deducted. Text: prout et sicut et cum pactis, promissionibus,
o0201084.005a 1423/4 febbraio 4 Order to the administrator to audit the accounts of the suppliers of white marble. Text: prout et sicut et in illo modo
o0201079.031ve 1421 ottobre 11 Term for consignment to lumber suppliers with penalty for every towload not conveyed. Text: prout et sicut et in omnibus et
o0201077.035a 1420 aprile 19 Evaluation of advice and new measures for the 6 denari per lira due for pardons. Text: prout et sicut et qualiter consultum fuit
o0201075.032ve 1419 giugno 9 Authorization to sell old ropes. Text: prout et sicut et quando ipsis preposito
o0201077.034a 1420 aprile 16 Election of the supervisors of the cupola with salary set and election of master masons. Text: prout et sicut et quando operariis dicte
o0201077.003b 1419 dicembre 30 Authorization to two wardens to select counsellors and set the compensation for their counsel regarding cases in course over the amounts due for 6 denari per lira. Text: prout et sicut et quanto dictis Mariotto
o0201084.015vb 1424 aprile 22 Public proclamations for the sale of the pawns. Text: prout et sicut et quemadmodum soliti sunt
o0202001.231ve 1435 aprile 27 Acquittal of a treasurer of the forced loans for the debt denounced by the auditors regarding the 6 denari per lira due from orphans and widows, considered exempt. Text: prout ex nunc et ex nunc prout
o0201075.017a 1419 aprile 6 Authority to two wardens to oversee the work for the Pope's residence with the exception of the stairs. Text: prout ex tunc et ex tunc prout
o0202001.220e 1434 agosto 14 Conditional release of an arrested person. Text: prout ex tunc et ex tunc prout
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