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Context of query
o0202001.210vg 1433/4 febbraio 12 Authority to contract out lumber. Text: eorum cuilibet videbitur, et propterea instrumenta conficiendum
o0201070.007vb 1416/7 febbraio 11 Election of messengers and debt collectors and their guaranty. Text: eorum cum officio et emolumentis consuetis dummodo
o0201070b.006ve 1416/7 febbraio 9 Election of two debt collectors. Text: eorum cum officio et emolumentis et aliis
o0201078.062c 1421 aprile 30 Contract for broad bricks to kilnmen with advance of part of the payment. Text: eorum de rato et ratihabitione promixerunt et
o0202001.096va 1428 novembre 29 Term of payment to the Commune of Scarperia. Text: eorum debiti, si et in casu quo
o0202001.231a 1435 aprile 23 Hiring of masters for work on the cupboards of the new sacristy with salary set. Text: eorum debito satisfacere et ut predicta omnia
o0201072.014ve 1417/8 gennaio 19 Term of payment for debt with recourse clause. Text: eorum debitum ordinaverunt et deliberaverunt quod precipiatur
o0201080.028vb 1422 aprile 29 Salary set for masters for the winter. Text: eorum describendas licite et inpune etiam absque
o0201077.041g 1420 maggio 20 Salary set for sawyers of lumber for the Pope's residence. Text: eorum descriptis infra et pro dictis diebus
o0201077.008vc 1419/20 gennaio 18 Prohibition to demand payment for debt for property gabelle. Text: eorum detentorum realiter et personaliter conveniri possint.
o0201078.008d 1420/1 febbraio 5 Authorization to pay rights on pawns to the debt collectors. Text: eorum dictus dirictus et quantitas soldorum XI
o0201077.028e 1419/20 marzo 21 Sale of pawns with term of payment and guaranty. Text: eorum discretionem videndis et considerandis fuerunt, deliberaverunt,
o0202001.068vf 1427 ottobre 7 Authority to master builder, administrator and (scribe) for the salaries of the masters, each reporting to the wardens. Text: eorum discretioni videbitur et eisdem operariis referre
o0202001.070vc 1427 ottobre 22 Authority to the master builder, the administrator and the scribe to hire unskilled workers for the winter and set their salary. Text: eorum discretioni videbitur et placebit.
o0202001.083vg 1428 maggio 12 Authorization to the administrator, scribe and master builder to fix the salaries of the hired masters and to elect necessary unskilled workers and fix their salaries. Text: eorum discretioni videbitur et placebit.
o0201077.045vb 1420 giugno 28 Hiring of workforce and dismissal of stonecutters not useful for the construction of the cupola, which is about to begin. Text: eorum durare conducta et similiter etiam ipsa
o0201083.002a 1423 luglio 1 Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: eorum electione continetur et superius apparet. Bertus
o0201082.002a 1422/3 gennaio 14 Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: eorum electione continetur et superius apparet. Hic
o0201084.001a 1423/4 gennaio 1 Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: eorum electione continetur et superius apparet. Iohannes
o0201080.055va 1421/2 marzo 12 Contract for broad bricks and guaranty. Text: eorum et eorum et cuiuslibet eorum heredes
o0201078.062c 1421 aprile 30 Contract for broad bricks to kilnmen with advance of part of the payment. Text: eorum et eorum et cuiuslibet eorum heredes
o0201078.059va 1421 aprile 5 Contract to three stonecutters to quarry stones for the cupola in the Trassinaia quarry. Text: eorum et eorum et cuiuslibet eorum heredes
o0201079.057va 1421 settembre 26 Guaranty for contract for broad terracotta bricks. Text: eorum et eorum et cuiuslibet eorum heredes
o0201074.003e 1418 luglio 19 Right of recourse to a guarantor for debts. Text: eorum et eorum et utriusque eorum heredes
o0201086.002vb 1424/5 gennaio 24 Protest to the treasurer of the forced loans with term for consignment of rights, under penalty of being reported to debtors' registry. Text: eorum exactores realiter et personaliter gravari ad
o0201079.039vb 1421 ottobre 31 Election of messenger and of debt collector. Text: eorum exercitiis bene et legaliter faciendis in
o0201077.014va 1419/20 febbraio 7 Order to the treasurer accept in his own account the debtors from the previous financial period. Text: eorum exigi faciat et seu scomputum fieri
o0201078.045vc 1421 giugno 27 Obligation to two substitute treasurers to do the accounts and consign the remaining money, having deducted creditors and debtors, within the third hour. Text: eorum existentes remictant et solvant in manibus
o0202001.230vb 1435 aprile 22 Concession to the Figiovanni family to affix their own arms to the tomb of the Ferrantini, since the two families, originally united as one, have traditionally shared the same burial site. Text: eorum expensis tantum et non aliter.
o0201079.084b 1421 luglio 30 Guaranty for a debt collector. Text: eorum extimationem persolvendo et omnia faciendo ad
o0201074.011va 1418 agosto 26 Order to the workers who have received loans and have not yet repaid them to return them by the term fixed. Text: eorum fideiussores cogantur et graventur ad solvendum
o0202001.210vl 1433/4 febbraio 16 Demand of payment from marble contractors. Text: eorum fideiussores realiter et personaliter graventur.
o0201074.002va 1418 luglio 6 Election of two debt collectors and corresponding guaranty. Text: eorum in exactores et pro exactoribus dicti
o0201075.003va 1418/9 gennaio 23 Election of holiday officials for Candlemas. Text: eorum in festaiuolos et ad ornandum et
o0201078.015a 1420/1 marzo 18 Election of messengers. Text: eorum in nuntios et pro nuntiis dicte
o0201081.036vd 1422 dicembre 30 Re-election of two messengers confirmed in their appointment for diligence and loyalty and setting of their salaries. Text: eorum in nuntios et pro nuntiis dicte
o0201070.020c 1417 aprile 30 Election of accountants. Text: eorum in rationerios et pro rationeriis ad
o0201079.006ve 1421 luglio 16 Contract for the custody of pawns with indications regarding the place to keep them, thefts, sale and rights. Text: eorum in solidum et in totum fideiusserunt
o0201078.084c 1420/1 marzo 22 Guaranty for contract for mortar. Text: eorum in solidum et in totum fideiusserunt
o0201080.084b 1422 maggio 26 Guaranty for debt for pardons of the Commune of Uzzano. Text: eorum in solidum et in totum fideiusserunt
o0201080.083ve 1422 maggio 12 Guaranty for second-hand dealer who has purchased pawns. Text: eorum in solidum et in totum fideiusserunt
o0201077.086b 1420 maggio 22 Guaranty for supply of white marble. Text: eorum in solidum et in totum fideiusserunt
o0201078.085e 1421 aprile 16 Guaranty for second-hand dealer purchasing pawns and relative approval. Text: eorum in solidum et in totum fideiussit
o0201080.033vb 1422 giugno 3 Extension of the term of payment for debt of the milling gabelle to the communes of the Podesteria of Chiusi. Text: eorum in solidum et in totum fideiuxerunt
o0201082.015va 1423 aprile 28 Correction and reduction of contract with kilnman for broad bricks. Text: eorum in solidum et in totum teneantur
o0201074.048a 1418 agosto 18 Promise of payment of the new gabelles of the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino on the part of its procurator in the presence of the wardens, notwithstanding the protest of said town that it not be considered part of the district of Arezzo. Text: eorum in solidum et per dictum Commune
o0201075.072a 1418/9 febbraio 9 Guaranty for debt for wine gabelle of the Commune of Prato. Text: eorum in solidum et promiserunt solvere hinc
o0201077.041g 1420 maggio 20 Salary set for sawyers of lumber for the Pope's residence. Text: eorum infra scribendum; et per Iacobum Sandri
o0202001.076a 1427/8 gennaio 14 Letter to the Captain of Pisa for summons of debtor for pardons of forced loans and term of payment. Text: eorum intentionis est et sic deliberaverunt quod
o0201077.010vd 1419/20 gennaio 23 Letter to the rectors and officials of the countryside and Florentine district with summons of debtors for herd livestock gabelles. Text: eorum iurisdictionibus existentibus et dicte Opere debitoribus
o0201077.009vb 1419/20 gennaio 19 Salary of the accountants to be determined in accordance with the ordinances of the Wool Guild. Text: eorum labore satisfieri et sic iuris ordo
o0201082.011b 1423 aprile 23 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: eorum labore, salario et mercede quolibet die
o0201082.015va 1423 aprile 28 Correction and reduction of contract with kilnman for broad bricks. Text: eorum laboreriis, providerunt et deliberaverunt quod conductores
o0202001.040b 1426 agosto 30 Sum withheld from masters for cost of measurements taken at the castle of Lastra. Text: eorum laboris contingit et expectat ad dictos
o0201075.012e 1418/9 marzo 17 Authorization to pay for the arms painted on the doors of Santa Maria Novella and for the decoration of the Pope's chamber. Text: eorum laboris etc.; et ipsos florenos septem
o0201070.004vf 1416/7 gennaio 25 Payment for the purchase of paper for office use. Text: eorum libras unam et soldum unum f.p.;
o0202001.100g 1428/9 gennaio 28 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato, under penalty of letter to the Podestà for injunction and dispatch to the Stinche prison of the arrested persons. Text: eorum licentia teneatur et debeat captos mictere
o0202001.032va 1426 maggio 15 Letter to the Podestà of Prato instructing him to absolve the Commune of Prato if he receives notice that it has obeyed the mandates of the wardens, otherwise he is to compel two arrested persons in his court to appear before the wardens. Text: eorum littera continebitur; et si infra dictum
o0202001.241c 1435 settembre 13 Letter to the supervisors of Pisa to solicit anew the construction of the Parlascio gate. Text: eorum litteris respondere et sollicitare muramentum porte
o0202001.027vd 1426 aprile 21 Authority to wardens for the work at Lastra and Malmantile; sentence and fine of defaulting master; acquittal and new contract for the work. Text: eorum loco iuridico et ipsorum residentie ad
o0202001.149vn 1431 ottobre 5 Order to execute work on the premises of the Commune in accordance with the order slip of the Signori. Text: eorum mandatis actent et actare debeant prefata
o0201077.010a 1419/20 gennaio 19 Letter to the Captain of Pisa regarding deposit of sums of money and term of summons for agreement. Text: eorum mandato ita et taliter quod cognoscant
o0202001.147vb 1431 agosto 21 Removal of the household goods from the houses of the chaplains who failed to observe liturgical duties. Text: eorum mandato, partito et deliberatione dicti offitii.
o0201077.044vf 1420 giugno 15 Election of supervisors of the forest to repair the damages caused in it by lack of surveillance. Text: eorum manibus mictere et tradere teneatur et
o0201084.040a 1423/4 gennaio 4 Payment to a cooper. Text: eorum manibus perventas et seu perveniendas occaxione
o0202001.241f 1435 settembre 20 Letter to Pisan firm to have it pay to the Opera the sums of money collected as determined by the administrator of Pisa. Text: eorum manus perventis et perveniendis facere solutionem
o0201085.008b 1424 dicembre 20 Authorization to the administrator to withhold from the salary of the masters of Lastra and Malmantile a certain sum for having measured the work and reviewed the accounts. Text: eorum maximum preiudicium et dampnum redundabat.
o0202001.169vb 1432 settembre 10 Commission to the master builder for the upkeep of the houses in the cloister and of those rented out. Text: eorum negligentiam resultet; et quod Filippotius scribanus
o0201081.013b 1422 agosto 26 Cancellation of balance of debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: eorum negotiorum gestores et bona molestantur ad
o0201078.060a 1421 aprile 18 Guaranty concerning contract for sandstone blocks. Text: eorum nominibus propriis et vice et nomine
o0202001.240l 1435 agosto 25 Election of the administrator for the Parlascio gate of Pisa; letter to the Captain, Podestà and supervisors of Pisa; commission to the administrator for the collection of the testaments from Pisa with obligation of guaranty. Text: eorum notarium Capitaneo et Potestati et provisoribus
o0201070.001d 1416 dicembre 30 Authority to the administrator to prepare the place of the books of the new gabelles and of the forced loans. Text: eorum officii attandi et attari faciendi locum
o0201078.044vd 1421 giugno 26 Obligation to the substitute treasurer to consign the money in his possession within a day under penalty of detention. Text: eorum officii capiatur et detineatur penes aliquem
o0201070.002ve 1416/7 gennaio 5 Election of the messengers and of the debt collectors. Text: eorum officii nuntios et exactores pro tempori
o0201081.029a 1422 novembre 23 Release of debt collectors arrested for not have delivered pawns or their value, upon guaranty. Text: eorum officii pignorasse et pignora non presentasse
o0201078.019a 1421 aprile 5 Letter to the Ten of Pisa about tributes imposed by the Podestà on the debtors of the city. Text: eorum officii processit; et quod super predictis
o0201074.012vb 1418 agosto 31 Sentence to reduce the new gabelles imposed against the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino, in virtue of the authority attributed to the wardens to examine the protest of immunity advanced by the men of said Commune. Text: eorum officii quemcumque et seu quoscumque commissos
o0201079.027vb 1421 settembre 26 Notification to the new treasurer of the forced loans of the Commune of Florence to exact from the debtors the amounts due to the Opera according to the ordinances. Text: eorum officii, lectis et vulgarizatis sibi primo
o0201081.026d 1422 ottobre 29 Dismissal from office of debt collectors who gave to others the authority to demand payment in their place without permission and their pecuniary penalty. Text: eorum officio cassi et remoti, si et
o0201078.020c 1421 aprile 7 Annulment of lumber contract for nonobservance of agreements and letter to the Podestà of Dicomano with summons of the two contractors. Text: eorum officio computum et rationem.
o0201078.003d 1420/1 gennaio 9 Letter to the Ten of Pisa to summon the makers of ropes to have them made as promised. Text: eorum officio promissos et ipsos canapos mictendum.
o0201078.057b 1420/1 gennaio 31 Purchase of broad bricks for the main cupola extended over six years with specification of the agreements of the contract. Text: eorum officio promixerunt et convenerunt eidem Antonio
o0201079.004a 1421 luglio 4 Permission to the master builder to oversee the work of the roof of the square of the Signori with order to report the expenditures incurred. Text: eorum officio referat et notum faciat.
o0201077.017va 1419/20 febbraio 7 Election of debt collectors. Text: eorum officio servientibus et qualiter necesse et
o0201080.030c 1422 maggio 12 Demand of payment of debtors with the exception of those with valid extensions or rulings concerning testaments and new term of payment. Text: eorum officio terminum et dilationem ad presens
o0201078.029d 1421 maggio 5 Oath of wardens. Text: eorum officium bene et legaliter exercere, pecuniam
o0201081.002va 1422 luglio 2 Oath of wardens. Text: eorum officium bene et legaliter exercere, pecuniam
o0201080.030vf 1422 maggio 20 Salary set for the summer for the person charged with the surveillance of the masters and unskilled workers on the cupola. Text: eorum officium deliberando, et qualiter nondum est
o0201070.007vb 1416/7 febbraio 11 Election of messengers and debt collectors and their guaranty. Text: eorum officium exactorie et in casu quo
o0201074.007va 1418 agosto 12 Order to the debt collectors to consign pawns and present themselves to furnish a new guaranty. Text: eorum officium exactorie et omnia et singula
o0201070b.051e 1416/7 febbraio 10 Oath of debt collectors with guaranty. Text: eorum officium exactorum, et in casu quo
o0201075.010va 1418/9 marzo 9 Oath of wardens and term of payment to debtors with proclamation. Text: eorum officium exercendo et pecuniam dicti Operis
o0201076.012b 1419 settembre 4 Oath of wardens, term of payment and restitution of pawn. Text: eorum officium exercendo, et opus et hedificium
o0201078.003a 1420/1 gennaio 9 Letter with request for information on amount and price of marble brought to Pisa. Text: eorum officium informet et aviset de quantitate
o0202001.205vd 1433 settembre 28 Authority to the administrator and to the notary to review the demand of payment made to a debtor. Text: eorum offitii auctoritatem et baliam videndi quoddam
o0202001.166c 1432 luglio 18 Authority to the wardens to cancel debts for forced loans, with restitution of pawns. Text: eorum offitii auctoritatis et balie eis concesse
o0202001.017c 1425 novembre 23 Concession of right of recourse. Text: eorum offitii auctoritatis et balie eis in
o0202001.120a 1429 dicembre 30 Letter to the Captain of Pisa with term for appearance of debtors for testamentary legacies. Text: eorum offitii citra, et quod certas quantitates
o0201082.075e 1423 giugno 2 Balance of payment to kilnman. Text: eorum offitii det et solvat et dare
o0201082.076a 1423 giugno 17 Balance of payment to master of organs. Text: eorum offitii det et solvat et dare
o0201084.044vf 1424 marzo 31 Payment for a model of the hoist. Text: eorum offitii det et solvat et dare
o0201082.075vb 1423 giugno 9 Payment for expenditures for the feast of Saint John the Baptist. Text: eorum offitii det et solvat et dare
o0201083.070va 1423 novembre 18 Payment for the purchase of oak boards for the chain of the cupola. Text: eorum offitii det et solvat et dare
o0201082.073ve 1423 maggio 22 Payment for transport of lumber. Text: eorum offitii det et solvat et dare
o0201084.043a 1423/4 febbraio 23 Payment of rights to the past accountant of the Opera with obligation to give quittance. Text: eorum offitii det et solvat et dare
o0201083.065a 1423 luglio 5 Payment to Filippo di ser Brunellesco for a wood model for the chain of the cupola. Text: eorum offitii det et solvat et dare
o0201083.069vb 1423 ottobre 20 Salary of the master builder. Text: eorum offitii det et solvat et dare
o0201084.046g 1424 aprile 13 Payment to bargeman for transport of a rope. Text: eorum offitii det et solvat infrascriptis hominibus
o0201082.075a 1423 maggio 27 Payment to stonecutter to go to the forest to oversee the transport of cut lumber. Text: eorum offitii det et solvat infrascriptis hominibus
o0201083.070m 1423 novembre 6 Payment to bargeman for transport of corner boards of oak for the wood chain. Text: eorum offitii det et solvat Luce Signorini
o0202001.156c 1431/2 marzo 14 Revocation of the resolution requiring the Alessandri heirs to make restitution of a deposit made to them in exchange for their shed and garden, of which the Opera now has need. Text: eorum offitii filiis et heredibus Ughonis de
o0202001.089va 1428 agosto 16 Letter to the Podestà of Pontassieve instructing him to demand payment of debtors of the Commune of Colognole. Text: eorum offitii gravet et gravare debeat pro
o0202001.033va 1426 maggio 31 Revocation of fine to workers for just impediment that cropped up at the conclusion of the work on the castle of Lastra. Text: eorum offitii, auctoritatis et balie eis in
o0202001.249f 1435/6 febbraio 23 Letter to the Captain and to the Podestà of Pisa instructing them to take no measures, without permit of the wardens, on stones and bricks of two ruined towers, before the site inspection for the fortification of the Parlascio gate. Text: eorum offitii, donec et quousque eatur illuc
o0202001.172a 1427 aprile 11 Authority to the wardens to sell the kiln in via Ghibellina. Text: eorum offitii, potestatis et balie eis in
o0202001.110vb 1429 luglio 29 Order to white marble suppliers to fulfill their contracts according to the terms foreseen and prohibition to make new commissions. Text: eorum offitio capsi et dictum marmor ipso
o0202001.076a 1427/8 gennaio 14 Letter to the Captain of Pisa for summons of debtor for pardons of forced loans and term of payment. Text: eorum offitio comparuit et se personaliter presentavit
o0202001.255va 1436 giugno 26 Authority to two wardens to go to Vico and Pisa to oversee the fortifications and take possessions of the rebels' properties. Text: eorum offitio consignata et redditus et proventus
o0202001.193d 1432 dicembre 9 Declaration of debt for two ex treasurers. Text: eorum offitio contrarium et recipere iniustitiam et
o0202001.157b 1432 aprile 2 Revocation of the restriction of the number of the messengers to two. Text: eorum offitio debeant et non plures, et
o0202001.240l 1435 agosto 25 Election of the administrator for the Parlascio gate of Pisa; letter to the Captain, Podestà and supervisors of Pisa; commission to the administrator for the collection of the testaments from Pisa with obligation of guaranty. Text: eorum offitio placuerit et cum salario florenorum
o0201084.013b 1424 aprile 4 Cancellation of debt to master of organs. Text: eorum offitio precessores et quod ipse est
o0202001.224d 1434 novembre 18 Permission to have work carried out in the Trassinaia quarry. Text: eorum offitio videbitur et pro eo tempore
o0202001.102vg 1428/9 marzo 12 Order to debtor kilnman to deliver broad bricks up to the full amount of his debt, under penalty of demand of payment. Text: eorum offitio videretur, et examinatis prefatis deliberationibus
o0202001.218va 1434 luglio 13 Letter to one of the Five of Pisa about the transport of marble and the payment of the boatmen. Text: eorum offitium advisatum, et ipsi statim providebunt
o0202001.221va 1434 agosto 31 Letter to the Podestàs of Ripafratta and Montelupo for the bell of Montuolo. Text: eorum offitium advisatum; et alia littera dirigatur
o0202001.091vc 1428 settembre 24 Oath of wardens. Text: eorum offitium bene et legaliter exercere et
o0202001.002b 1425 luglio 3 Order to the administrator to enjoin, with term for restitution, those who hold things belonging to the Opera and oath of two wardens. Text: eorum offitium bene et legaliter exercere et
o0201086.006vd 1424/5 marzo 9 Oath of wardens. Text: eorum offitium bene et legaliter exercere etc.
o0202001.062vc 1427 luglio 3 Oath of wardens. Text: eorum offitium bene et legaliter exercere remotis
o0202001.061vd 1427 giugno 17 Oath of wardens. Text: eorum offitium bene et legaliter exercere secundum
o0202001.135b 1430/1 gennaio 3 Oath of wardens. Text: eorum offitium bene et legaliter facere et
o0202001.113vh 1429 ottobre 6 Authorization to the administrator to settle the account of the work at the castle of Malmantile according to the report of the arbitrators. Text: eorum offitium deliberasse et firmasse prefato edifitio
o0202001.038b 1426 luglio 30 Authority to the administrator of Trassinaia to have a trough made. Text: eorum offitium deliberatum, et ultra prefatam deliberationem
o0202001.169vd 1432 settembre 10 Letter to the count of Poppi instructing him to enforce the respect of a lumber contract. Text: eorum offitium derisit et illudit.
o0202001.112f 1429 settembre 12 Oath of wardens. Text: eorum offitium facere et exercere, prout tenentur
o0201085.008a 1424 dicembre 20 Registration of the daily wages of stonecutters and authority to master builder, scribe of the daily wages and administrator to determine their salaries. Text: eorum offitium faciendi et ordinandi ac componendi
o0202001.088va 1428 luglio 27 Tare on supply of marble in part refused because black or not acceptable. Text: eorum offitium facta; et quod de conducta
o0202001.084a 1428 maggio 12 Election of stonecutter. Text: eorum offitium fiendo et quod eius operas
o0202001.060vc 1427 maggio 28 Dispatch of the master builder with another master to Malmantile and election of the latter as administrator of the castle. Text: eorum offitium fiendum, et ultra offitium provisoris
o0202001.206vf 1433 ottobre 26 Authority to set the salaries of the masters who went to lay waste the castles in the Pisan countryside. Text: eorum offitium fuit et est provisum; et
o0202001.058vd 1427 maggio 7 Obligation to the Commune of San Gimignano to pay the testamentary legacies to the Opera, in accordance with the ordinances of the Commune of Florence. Text: eorum offitium fuit et extitit deliberatum dictam
o0202001.119vg 1429 dicembre 23 Order to warden to examine the petty expenses before their registration in the allocations book. Text: eorum offitium intelligantur et sint stantiate et
o0202001.088c 1428 luglio 15 Authorization to the master builder to have black marble conveyed. Text: eorum offitium intelligatur et sit stantiatum.
o0202001.207vc 1433 novembre 23 Order to prepare a window covered with cloth in the chapel where work is being done on an organ loft. Text: eorum offitium intelligatur et sit stantiatum.
o0202001.191g 1432 novembre 29 Order to the master builder to give half of a stone slab for the organ loft. Text: eorum offitium locati, et quod de dicto
o0202001.231ve 1435 aprile 27 Acquittal of a treasurer of the forced loans for the debt denounced by the auditors regarding the 6 denari per lira due from orphans and widows, considered exempt. Text: eorum offitium modo et forma in ea
o0202001.208vd 1433 dicembre 30 Authorization to the wardens to hire one master each. Text: eorum offitium ordinando et intelligantur conducti ab
o0202001.188vb 1432 ottobre 14 Election of an accountant to audit the books of the treasurers of forced loans. Text: eorum offitium ordinando et secundum eorum discretionem.
o0202001.235vi 1435 giugno 14 Hiring of masters and authorization to the master builder to set their salary. Text: eorum offitium ordinando, et dederunt auctoritatem caputmagistro
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