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A1-150  A151-300  A301-450  A451-600  A601-750  A751-900  A901-1050  A1051-1200  A1201-1350  A1351-1500  A1501-1650  A1651-1800  A1801-1950  A1951-2100  A2101-2250  A2251-2400  A2401-2550  A2551-2700  A2701-2850  A2851-3000  A3001-3150  A3151-3300  A3301-3450  A3451-3600  A3601-3750  A3751-3900  A3901-4050  A4051-4200  A4201-4350  A4351-4500  A4501-4650  A4651-4800  A4801-4950  A4951-5100  A5101-5250  A5251-5400  A5401-5550  A5551-5700  A5701-5850  A5851-6000  A6001-6150  A6151-6300  A6301-6450  A6451-6600  A6601-6750  A6751-6900  A6901-7050  A7051-7200  A7201-7350  A7351-7500  A7501-7650  A7651-7800  A7801-7950  A7951-8100  A8101-8250  A8251-8400  A8401-8550  A8551-8700  A8701-8850  A8851-9000  A9001-9150  A9151-9300  A9301-9450  A9451-9600  A9601-9750  A9751-9900  A9901-10050  A10051-10200  A10201-10350  A10351-10500  A10501-10650  A10651-10800  A10801-10950  A10951-11100  A11101-11250  A11251-11400  A11401-11550  A11551-11700  A11701-11850  A11851-12000  A12001-12150  A12151-12300  A12301-12450  A12451-12600  A12601-12750  A12751-12900  A12901-13050  A13051-13200  A13201-13350  A13351-13500  A13501-13650  A13651-13800  A13801-13950  A13951-14100  A14101-14250  A14251-14400  A14401-14550  A14551-14700  A14701-14850  A14851-15000  A15001-15150  A15151-15300  A15301-15450  A15451-15600  15601-15750 A15751-15900  A15901-16050  A16051-16200  A16201-16350  A16351-16500  A16501-16650  A16651-16800  A16801-16950  A16951-17100  A17101-17250  A17251-17400  A17401-17550  A17551-17700  A17701-17850  A17851-18000  A18001-18150  A18151-18300  A18301-18450  A18451-18600  A18601-18750  A18751-18900  A18901-19050  A19051-19200  A19201-19350  A19351-19500  A19501-19650  A19651-19800  A19801-19950  A19951-20100  A20101-20250  A20251-20400  A20401-20550  A20551-20700  A20701-20850  A20851-21000  A21001-21150  A21151-21300  A21301-21450  A21451-21600  A21601-21750  A21751-21900  A21901-22050  A22051-22200  A22201-22350  A22351-22500  A22501-22650  A22651-22800  A22801-22950  A22951-23100  A23101-23250  A23251-23400  A23401-23550  A23551-23700  A23701-23850  A23851-24000  A24001-24150  A24151-24300  A24301-24450  A24451-24600  A24601-24750  A24751-24900  A24901-25050  A25051-25200  A25201-25350  A25351-25500  A25501-25650  A25651-25800  A25801-25950  A25951-26100  A26101-26250  A26251-26400  A26401-26550  A26551-26700  A26701-26850  A26851-27000  A27001-27150  A27151-27300  A27301-27450  A27451-27600  A27601-27750  A27751-27900  A27901-28050  A28051-28200  A28201-28350  A28351-28500  A28501-28650  A28651-28800  A28801-28950  A28951-29100  A29101-29250  A29251-29400  A29401-29550  A29551-29700  A29701-29850  A29851-30000  A30001-30150  A30151-30300  A30301-30450  A30451-30600  A30601-30750  A30751-30900  A30901-31050  A31051-31200  A31201-31350  A31351-31500  A31501-31650  A31651-31800  A31801-31950  A31951-32100  A32101-32250  A32251-32400  A32401-32550  A32551-32700  A32701-32850  A32851-33000  A33001-33150  A33151-33300  A33301-33450  A33451-33600  A33601-33750  A33751-33900  A33901-34050  A34051-34200  A34201-34350  A34351-34500  A34501-34650  A34651-34800  A34801-34950  A34951-35100  A35101-35250  A35251-35400  A35401-35550  A35551-35700  A35701-35850  A35851-36000  A36001-36150  A36151-36300  A36301-36450  A36451-36600  A36601-36750  A36751-36900  A36901-37050  A37051-37200  A37201-37350  A37351-37500  A37501-37650  A37651-37800  A37801-37950  A37951-38100  A38101-38250  A38251-38400  A38401-38550  A38551-38700  A38701-38850  A38851-39000  A39001-39150  A39151-39300  A39301-39450  A39451-39600  A39601-39750  A39751-39900  A39901-40050  A40051-40200  A40201-40350  A40351-40500  A40501-40650  A40651-40800  A40801-40950  A40951-41100  A41101-41250  A41251-41400  A41401-41550  A41551-41700  A41701-41850  A41851-42000  A42001-42150  A42151-42300  A42301-42450  A42451-42600  A42601-42750  A42751-42900  A42901-43050  A43051-43200  A43201-43350  A43351-43500  A43501-43650  A43651-43800  A43801-43950  A43951-44100  A44101-44250  A44251-44400  A44401-44550  A44551-44700  A44701-44850  A44851-45000  A45001-45150  A45151-45300  A45301-45450  A45451-45506 





Context of query
o0201078.030d 1421 maggio 23 Term of payment to the Commune of Montevarchi for debt with guaranty. Text: inter eos solepni et secreto scruptinio ad
o0201078.030d 1421 maggio 23 Term of payment to the Commune of Montevarchi for debt with guaranty. Text: ad fabas nigras et albas et obtento
o0201078.030d 1421 maggio 23 Term of payment to the Commune of Montevarchi for debt with guaranty. Text: nigras et albas et obtento partito secundum
o0201078.030d 1421 maggio 23 Term of payment to the Commune of Montevarchi for debt with guaranty. Text: ipsam quantitatem, si et in quantum satisdet
o0201078.030va 1421 maggio 23 Term of payment to the Commune of Pisa for debt for pardons. Text: aliquo conveniri, si et in quantum ad
o0201078.030va 1421 maggio 23 Term of payment to the Commune of Pisa for debt for pardons. Text: duorum primorum mensium et non aliter.
o0201078.030vb 1421 maggio 23 Reduction of erroneous entry for salt gabelle. Text: quam non receperat, et hoc per errorem
o0201078.030vb 1421 maggio 23 Reduction of erroneous entry for salt gabelle. Text: hoc per errorem et hoc errore ipsius
o0201078.030vb 1421 maggio 23 Reduction of erroneous entry for salt gabelle. Text: ipsius Sandri processit, et qualiter per me
o0201078.030vb 1421 maggio 23 Reduction of erroneous entry for salt gabelle. Text: partita negatur actari et ad debitam summam
o0201078.030vb 1421 maggio 23 Reduction of erroneous entry for salt gabelle. Text: dicta partita actetur et ad debitam quantitatem
o0201078.030vb 1421 maggio 23 Reduction of erroneous entry for salt gabelle. Text: notarium predictum licite et inpune.
o0201078.030vc 1421 maggio 23 New term for debt for pardons of forced loans for unpaid installments. Text: intellecto qualiter Amideus et Paulus Santis de
o0201078.030vc 1421 maggio 23 New term for debt for pardons of forced loans for unpaid installments. Text: auri quolibet mense, et iam sunt plures
o0201078.030vc 1421 maggio 23 New term for debt for pardons of forced loans for unpaid installments. Text: iam sunt plures et plures menses elapsi
o0201078.030vc 1421 maggio 23 New term for debt for pardons of forced loans for unpaid installments. Text: quantitates non solverunt et ea non servaverunt
o0201078.030vc 1421 maggio 23 New term for debt for pardons of forced loans for unpaid installments. Text: servaverunt que debebant et propterea Amideus predictus
o0201078.030vc 1421 maggio 23 New term for debt for pardons of forced loans for unpaid installments. Text: predictus captus detinetur, et eorum postulatione intellecta
o0201078.030vc 1421 maggio 23 New term for debt for pardons of forced loans for unpaid installments. Text: deliberaverunt quod, si et in quantum predicti
o0201078.030vc 1421 maggio 23 New term for debt for pardons of forced loans for unpaid installments. Text: quantum predicti Amideus et Paulus solvant camerario
o0201078.030vc 1421 maggio 23 New term for debt for pardons of forced loans for unpaid installments. Text: debitam, intelligantur habere et habeant de novo
o0201078.030vc 1421 maggio 23 New term for debt for pardons of forced loans for unpaid installments. Text: de observatione premissorum et cum condictione perdendi
o0201078.030vd 1421 maggio 24 Sale of stones to private person with declaration of the price per cartload and for transport due to the quarrier. Text: numero congregati premisso et facto inter eos
o0201078.030vd 1421 maggio 24 Sale of stones to private person with declaration of the price per cartload and for transport due to the quarrier. Text: inter eos solepni et secreto scruptinio ad
o0201078.030vd 1421 maggio 24 Sale of stones to private person with declaration of the price per cartload and for transport due to the quarrier. Text: ad fabas nigras et albas et obtento
o0201078.030vd 1421 maggio 24 Sale of stones to private person with declaration of the price per cartload and for transport due to the quarrier. Text: nigras et albas et obtento partito secundum
o0201078.030vd 1421 maggio 24 Sale of stones to private person with declaration of the price per cartload and for transport due to the quarrier. Text: pro qualibet carrata et pro vectura cavatori
o0201078.031b 1421 maggio 24 Authorization to the administrator to contract out supply of broad bricks. Text: Campi ad faciendum et conducendum ad ipsam
o0201078.031b 1421 maggio 24 Authorization to the administrator to contract out supply of broad bricks. Text: pretio quo volet et sibi placebit, non
o0201078.031b 1421 maggio 24 Authorization to the administrator to contract out supply of broad bricks. Text: conduxit ad faciendum et conducendum Ferrus Mattei
o0201078.031b 1421 maggio 24 Authorization to the administrator to contract out supply of broad bricks. Text: Mattei de Campi et cum illis pactis
o0201078.031b 1421 maggio 24 Authorization to the administrator to contract out supply of broad bricks. Text: cum illis pactis et modis de quibus
o0201078.031c 1421 maggio 24 Approval of guarantors for contract for broad bricks. Text: conduxit ad faciendum et conducendum ad ipsam
o0201078.031c 1421 maggio 24 Approval of guarantors for contract for broad bricks. Text: certo pretio, pactis et modis et aliis
o0201078.031c 1421 maggio 24 Approval of guarantors for contract for broad bricks. Text: pactis et modis et aliis in locatione
o0201078.031c 1421 maggio 24 Approval of guarantors for contract for broad bricks. Text: in locatione insertis et satisdare debent de
o0201078.031c 1421 maggio 24 Approval of guarantors for contract for broad bricks. Text: debent de observando et offerunt infrascriptos, deliberaverunt
o0201078.031c 1421 maggio 24 Approval of guarantors for contract for broad bricks. Text: deliberaverunt quod, si et in quantum Mannus
o0201078.031c 1421 maggio 24 Approval of guarantors for contract for broad bricks. Text: Mannus Benucci banderarius et Matteus Nutini fornaciarius
o0201078.031c 1421 maggio 24 Approval of guarantors for contract for broad bricks. Text: Nutini fornaciarius promictant et satisdent, acceptentur et
o0201078.031c 1421 maggio 24 Approval of guarantors for contract for broad bricks. Text: et satisdent, acceptentur et ipsos approbaverunt per
o0201078.031d 1421 maggio 24 Authorization to the treasurer to lend up to to 10 florins on indication of the administrator. Text: camerariatus possit, teneatur et debeat solvere et
o0201078.031d 1421 maggio 24 Authorization to the treasurer to lend up to to 10 florins on indication of the administrator. Text: et debeat solvere et mutuare usque in
o0201078.031d 1421 maggio 24 Authorization to the treasurer to lend up to to 10 florins on indication of the administrator. Text: auri solvendos sibi et alii pro eo
o0201078.031d 1421 maggio 24 Authorization to the treasurer to lend up to to 10 florins on indication of the administrator. Text: pro eo cui et quibus et prout
o0201078.031d 1421 maggio 24 Authorization to the treasurer to lend up to to 10 florins on indication of the administrator. Text: cui et quibus et prout et quando
o0201078.031d 1421 maggio 24 Authorization to the treasurer to lend up to to 10 florins on indication of the administrator. Text: quibus et prout et quando dicet et
o0201078.031d 1421 maggio 24 Authorization to the treasurer to lend up to to 10 florins on indication of the administrator. Text: et quando dicet et asseret provisor dicti
o0201078.031e 1421 maggio 24 Release of guarantor arrested for debt for herd livestock gabelle and new term of payment. Text: presens facienda, si et in quantum Ciutinus
o0201078.031e 1421 maggio 24 Release of guarantor arrested for debt for herd livestock gabelle and new term of payment. Text: pro eo promictat et caveat de solvendo
o0201078.031e 1421 maggio 24 Release of guarantor arrested for debt for herd livestock gabelle and new term of payment. Text: totum presentem mensem et aliquam medietatem hinc
o0201078.031e 1421 maggio 24 Release of guarantor arrested for debt for herd livestock gabelle and new term of payment. Text: iunii proxime futuri, et sic ad solvendum
o0201078.031va 1421 maggio 24 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: infrascriptos magistros habere et recipere debere ab
o0201078.031va 1421 maggio 24 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: estate durante pretia et quantitates ad pedem
o0201078.031va 1421 maggio 24 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: futurus possit, teneatur et debeat de pecunia
o0201078.031va 1421 maggio 24 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: sui camerariatus licite et inpune dare et
o0201078.031va 1421 maggio 24 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: et inpune dare et solvere cuilibet ex
o0201078.031vb 1421 maggio 24 Authorization to the administrator and treasurer to contract out supplies of stones from the quarry of the Opera. Text: Item quod provisor et caputmagister dicte Opere
o0201078.031vb 1421 maggio 24 Authorization to the administrator and treasurer to contract out supplies of stones from the quarry of the Opera. Text: eisque liceat locare et quamcumque locationem facere
o0201078.031vd 1421 maggio 24 Rulings for release of arrested persons with at least 4 favorable votes. Text: petitionem dictorum operariorum et Opere pro quocumque
o0201078.031ve 1421 maggio 24 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: Alamanni de Medicis et fratri debitoribus prestantiarum
o0201078.031ve 1421 maggio 24 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: in florenis quinque et soldis ... ad
o0201078.031ve 1421 maggio 24 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: proxime futuri, satisdando et non aliter.
o0201078.032a 1421 maggio 24 Term of payment for debt to the Commune of Pisa. Text: medietatem dicte quantitatis et residuum hinc ad
o0201078.032c 1421 maggio 24 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: Bucello Francisci Bucelli et fratri debitori dicte
o0201078.032c 1421 maggio 24 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: ad solvendum, si et in quantum de
o0201078.032d 1421 maggio 24 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: ut supra Remisio et Ricco fratribus et
o0201078.032d 1421 maggio 24 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: et Ricco fratribus et filiis olim ...
o0201078.032e 1421 maggio 24 Deposit for debt for pardons of forced loans with the same deposit conditions applied previously for other debtor. Text: Item quod filii et heredes Cini domini
o0201078.032e 1421 maggio 24 Deposit for debt for pardons of forced loans with the same deposit conditions applied previously for other debtor. Text: dicta Opera recipientis, et quod postea ipsa
o0201078.032e 1421 maggio 24 Deposit for debt for pardons of forced loans with the same deposit conditions applied previously for other debtor. Text: Opere in totum et pro parte prout
o0201078.032e 1421 maggio 24 Deposit for debt for pardons of forced loans with the same deposit conditions applied previously for other debtor. Text: parte prout quando et quomodo deliberatum fuit
o0201078.032f 1421 maggio 24 Authorization to the administrator to make collections and payments in place of the deceased treasurer. Text: locum extractus fuit, et nisi provideretur nullus
o0201078.032f 1421 maggio 24 Authorization to the administrator to make collections and payments in place of the deceased treasurer. Text: Opere possit, teneatur et debeat a quibuscumque
o0201078.032f 1421 maggio 24 Authorization to the administrator to make collections and payments in place of the deceased treasurer. Text: solvere debentibus recipere et omnes solvere debentes
o0201078.032f 1421 maggio 24 Authorization to the administrator to make collections and payments in place of the deceased treasurer. Text: manibus solvere licite et inpune.
o0201078.032va 1421 maggio 24 Rulings regarding the collection of debts of the countryside and district with summons for one or two inhabitants of the debtor places. Text: quamplura communia, populi et loca comitatus et
o0201078.032va 1421 maggio 24 Rulings regarding the collection of debts of the countryside and district with summons for one or two inhabitants of the debtor places. Text: et loca comitatus et districtus florentinorum debitores
o0201078.032va 1421 maggio 24 Rulings regarding the collection of debts of the countryside and district with summons for one or two inhabitants of the debtor places. Text: in quampluribus quantitatibus et summis et in
o0201078.032va 1421 maggio 24 Rulings regarding the collection of debts of the countryside and district with summons for one or two inhabitants of the debtor places. Text: quantitatibus et summis et in solutione differunt
o0201078.032va 1421 maggio 24 Rulings regarding the collection of debts of the countryside and district with summons for one or two inhabitants of the debtor places. Text: differunt ultra modum, et quod secundum ordinamenta
o0201078.032va 1421 maggio 24 Rulings regarding the collection of debts of the countryside and district with summons for one or two inhabitants of the debtor places. Text: exactorem predicta possit et debeat pro parte
o0201078.032va 1421 maggio 24 Rulings regarding the collection of debts of the countryside and district with summons for one or two inhabitants of the debtor places. Text: dicti officii scribi et mandari quibuscumque rectoribus
o0201078.032va 1421 maggio 24 Rulings regarding the collection of debts of the countryside and district with summons for one or two inhabitants of the debtor places. Text: mandari quibuscumque rectoribus et officialibus comitatus et
o0201078.032va 1421 maggio 24 Rulings regarding the collection of debts of the countryside and district with summons for one or two inhabitants of the debtor places. Text: et officialibus comitatus et districtus Florentie, illis
o0201078.032va 1421 maggio 24 Rulings regarding the collection of debts of the countryside and district with summons for one or two inhabitants of the debtor places. Text: ad illos terminos et sub illis penis
o0201078.032va 1421 maggio 24 Rulings regarding the collection of debts of the countryside and district with summons for one or two inhabitants of the debtor places. Text: sub illis penis et totiens quotiens fuerit
o0201078.032va 1421 maggio 24 Rulings regarding the collection of debts of the countryside and district with summons for one or two inhabitants of the debtor places. Text: notarium infrascriptum licite et inpune.
o0201078.032vb 1421 maggio 24 Letter to the associates of the Canigiani in Pisa to pay freight costs to the marble contractors. Text: penes (ipsos) existentes et seu deponendam de
o0201078.032vb 1421 maggio 24 Letter to the associates of the Canigiani in Pisa to pay freight costs to the marble contractors. Text: dicte Opere solvant et tradant pro ipsa
o0201078.032vb 1421 maggio 24 Letter to the associates of the Canigiani in Pisa to pay freight costs to the marble contractors. Text: pro nolo tantum et non in aliam
o0201078.032vc 1421 maggio 29 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: secundum ordinamenta deliberaverunt et terminum fecerunt heredibus
o0201078.032vc 1421 maggio 29 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: ad integram solutionem; et in quocumque termino
o0201078.032vc 1421 maggio 29 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: pro quantitate restante; et hoc si et
o0201078.032vc 1421 maggio 29 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: et hoc si et in quantum satisdet
o0201078.032vd 1421 maggio 29 Term of payment for debt for balance of forced loans. Text: in libris IIII et soldis ... solvendi
o0201078.032vd 1421 maggio 29 Term of payment for debt for balance of forced loans. Text: totum mensem iunii et reliquam per totum
o0201078.032vd 1421 maggio 29 Term of payment for debt for balance of forced loans. Text: proxime futuri, satisdando et cum condictione ut
o0201078.032ve 1421 maggio 29 Release of arrested person for debt of the monastery of San Piero Martire. Text: Opere captus stetit et est pro debito
o0201078.033a 1421 maggio 29 Release of arrested guarantor of the Commune of Ponsacco. Text: deliberaverunt quod, si et in quantum pro
o0201078.033a 1421 maggio 29 Release of arrested guarantor of the Commune of Ponsacco. Text: dicte Opere debite et reliquam quantitatem per
o0201078.033a 1421 maggio 29 Release of arrested guarantor of the Commune of Ponsacco. Text: dicta promissio recipiatur, et relapsetur Guiglielmus Pieri
o0201078.033b 1421 maggio 29 Letter in response to the Ten of Pisa, who interceded for a debtor, in the which the request is denied. Text: debet secundum ordinamenta et aliter fieri non
o0201078.033c 1421 maggio 29 Deduction for error of double registration of the same debt for property gabelle and of forced loans. Text: Dominicus Iohannis signator et in prestantiis est
o0201078.033c 1421 maggio 29 Deduction for error of double registration of the same debt for property gabelle and of forced loans. Text: a ' contracti, et ob differentiam predictam
o0201078.033c 1421 maggio 29 Deduction for error of double registration of the same debt for property gabelle and of forced loans. Text: quidem iniquum est et errore asseritur processisse,
o0201078.033c 1421 maggio 29 Deduction for error of double registration of the same debt for property gabelle and of forced loans. Text: idem corpus fuisse et excomputari et actari
o0201078.033c 1421 maggio 29 Deduction for error of double registration of the same debt for property gabelle and of forced loans. Text: fuisse et excomputari et actari posse et
o0201078.033c 1421 maggio 29 Deduction for error of double registration of the same debt for property gabelle and of forced loans. Text: et actari posse et debere in registris
o0201078.033c 1421 maggio 29 Deduction for error of double registration of the same debt for property gabelle and of forced loans. Text: notarium infrascriptum licite et inpune.
o0201078.033d 1421 maggio 29 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans to the convent of San Marco. Text: fecerunt terminum fratribus et conventui Sancti Marci
o0201078.033d 1421 maggio 29 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans to the convent of San Marco. Text: proxime futuri, si et in quantum primam
o0201078.033d 1421 maggio 29 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans to the convent of San Marco. Text: solvat ad presens et de solvendo satisdet,
o0201078.033d 1421 maggio 29 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans to the convent of San Marco. Text: de solvendo satisdet, et non aliter ullo
o0201078.033e 1421 maggio 29 Ruling to clarify who has the right to a deposit paid in 1418 and recorded as income in one name instead of another. Text: XXXV libris XVII et postea ipsa quantitas,
o0201078.033e 1421 maggio 29 Ruling to clarify who has the right to a deposit paid in 1418 and recorded as income in one name instead of another. Text: dicte Opere posita et descripta die XXVIIII
o0201078.033e 1421 maggio 29 Ruling to clarify who has the right to a deposit paid in 1418 and recorded as income in one name instead of another. Text: ottobris anni MCCCCXX, et intellecto prout asseruerunt
o0201078.033e 1421 maggio 29 Ruling to clarify who has the right to a deposit paid in 1418 and recorded as income in one name instead of another. Text: domini Iohannis, ita et taliter quod tam
o0201078.033e 1421 maggio 29 Ruling to clarify who has the right to a deposit paid in 1418 and recorded as income in one name instead of another. Text: quam dicto Corrado et domini Iohanni iustitia
o0201078.033e 1421 maggio 29 Ruling to clarify who has the right to a deposit paid in 1418 and recorded as income in one name instead of another. Text: Opera florenos XXXV et libras XVII, ut
o0201078.033e 1421 maggio 29 Ruling to clarify who has the right to a deposit paid in 1418 and recorded as income in one name instead of another. Text: de florenis MCC et libris mille, et
o0201078.033e 1421 maggio 29 Ruling to clarify who has the right to a deposit paid in 1418 and recorded as income in one name instead of another. Text: et libris mille, et non pro alia
o0201078.033va 1421 maggio 29 Detention of a unskilled worker at the Wool Guild. Text: petitionem dictorum operariorum et Opere capiatur et
o0201078.033va 1421 maggio 29 Detention of a unskilled worker at the Wool Guild. Text: et Opere capiatur et penes officium Artis
o0201078.033va 1421 maggio 29 Detention of a unskilled worker at the Wool Guild. Text: Artis Lane recomendetur et detineatur quousquealiud deliberetur,
o0201078.033vb 1421 maggio 30 Commission to the administrator to check the account of defaulting suppliers of lumber and restitution of what has been paid to them. Text: tenebantur secundum pacta et conventiones eorum conductarum,
o0201078.033vb 1421 maggio 30 Commission to the administrator to check the account of defaulting suppliers of lumber and restitution of what has been paid to them. Text: non parvum redundavit, et volentes yndepnitati dicte
o0201078.033vb 1421 maggio 30 Commission to the administrator to check the account of defaulting suppliers of lumber and restitution of what has been paid to them. Text: computum dictorum conductorum et in quo defecerunt
o0201078.033vb 1421 maggio 30 Commission to the administrator to check the account of defaulting suppliers of lumber and restitution of what has been paid to them. Text: in quo defecerunt et sumptus dicte Opere
o0201078.033vb 1421 maggio 30 Commission to the administrator to check the account of defaulting suppliers of lumber and restitution of what has been paid to them. Text: defectum ipsorum conductorum et cuiuslibet vel alterius
o0201078.033vb 1421 maggio 30 Commission to the administrator to check the account of defaulting suppliers of lumber and restitution of what has been paid to them. Text: cuiuslibet vel alterius et providere ita et
o0201078.033vb 1421 maggio 30 Commission to the administrator to check the account of defaulting suppliers of lumber and restitution of what has been paid to them. Text: et providere ita et taliter quod dicte
o0201078.033vc 1421 maggio 30 Order to a stonecutter for a trip to the Alps for transport of lumber. Text: lignaminibus Opere trahendis et conducendis Decumanum Papius
o0201078.033vc 1421 maggio 30 Order to a stonecutter for a trip to the Alps for transport of lumber. Text: lignamina faciendum trahi et conduci et propterea
o0201078.033vc 1421 maggio 30 Order to a stonecutter for a trip to the Alps for transport of lumber. Text: trahi et conduci et propterea ferat libras
o0201078.033vc 1421 maggio 30 Order to a stonecutter for a trip to the Alps for transport of lumber. Text: sessaginta pro solvendo et dando conductoribus, quam
o0201078.033vc 1421 maggio 30 Order to a stonecutter for a trip to the Alps for transport of lumber. Text: dicte Opere tradat et solvat in manibus
o0201078.033vc 1421 maggio 30 Order to a stonecutter for a trip to the Alps for transport of lumber. Text: sine sui periculo, et ipsum Papium pro
o0201078.033vd 1421 maggio 30 Release of arrested person and demand of payment to the debtor. Text: Bartholomei Ciuriani relapsetur, et gravetur dictus Paulus
o0201078.034a 1421 maggio 30 Ruling for trimming and future supply of fallen fir lumber in order to avoid its loss. Text: dicta lignamina dolentur et gubernentur pro dicta
o0201078.034a 1421 maggio 30 Ruling for trimming and future supply of fallen fir lumber in order to avoid its loss. Text: dicta Opera ita et taliter quod tempore
o0201078.034a 1421 maggio 30 Ruling for trimming and future supply of fallen fir lumber in order to avoid its loss. Text: Operam possint trahi et conduci.
o0201078.034b 1421 maggio 30 Authorization to register as income a deposit made as guarantee of the debt of the abbot of Montescalari. Text: provisorem dicte Opere et pro eadem quantitate
o0201078.034b 1421 maggio 30 Authorization to register as income a deposit made as guarantee of the debt of the abbot of Montescalari. Text: quantitas deposita mictatur et ponatur ad introytum
o0201078.034b 1421 maggio 30 Authorization to register as income a deposit made as guarantee of the debt of the abbot of Montescalari. Text: ponatur ad introytum et registretur debitum prout
o0201078.034c 1421 maggio 30 Suspension of appointment to the accountants. Text: Pierus de Biffolis et Matteus magistri Falconis
o0201078.034d 1421 maggio 30 Term of payment for debt. Text: ad integram solutionem; et in quocumque termino
o0201078.034e 1421 maggio 30 Detraction from the debt of a second-hand dealer for the purchase of pawns from the Opera in the amount due him for the appraisal of the same. Text: pignorum sibi debita et sic actetur per
o0201078.034e 1421 maggio 30 Detraction from the debt of a second-hand dealer for the purchase of pawns from the Opera in the amount due him for the appraisal of the same. Text: dicte Opere licite et inpune.
o0201078.034f 1421 maggio 30 Order to the administrator to write in the account of a debtor an amount to be discounted for work done by him. Text: hactenus per eum, et qualiter secundum informationem
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