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Context of query
o0202001.175d 1429 maggio 12 Authorization to the wardens to cede a column for the Mercato Vecchio. Text: sunt dictorum offitialium et conduci facere ad
o0202001.175d 1429 maggio 12 Authorization to the wardens to cede a column for the Mercato Vecchio. Text: prout eis videbitur et placebit, et hoc
o0202001.175d 1429 maggio 12 Authorization to the wardens to cede a column for the Mercato Vecchio. Text: videbitur et placebit, et hoc pro ornamento
o0202001.175e 1429 maggio 12 Authorization to sell houses to the Armorers' Guild. Text: est coquina clericorum et que sunt penes
o0202001.175e 1429 maggio 12 Authorization to sell houses to the Armorers' Guild. Text: coquinam secundum mensuras et pretia alias per
o0202001.175e 1429 maggio 12 Authorization to sell houses to the Armorers' Guild. Text: alias per caputmagistrum et provisorem Opere factos
o0202001.175e 1429 maggio 12 Authorization to sell houses to the Armorers' Guild. Text: provisorem Opere factos et statuere illum terminum
o0202001.175e 1429 maggio 12 Authorization to sell houses to the Armorers' Guild. Text: solvendum ut videbitur et eisdem operariis et
o0202001.175e 1429 maggio 12 Authorization to sell houses to the Armorers' Guild. Text: et eisdem operariis et duabus partibus ipsorum
o0202001.175e 1429 maggio 12 Authorization to sell houses to the Armorers' Guild. Text: partibus ipsorum videbitur et placebit.
o0202001.175f 1429 luglio 21 Confirmation of the supervisors of the cupola. Title: Filippi ser Brunelleschi et Laurentii Bartoli
o0202001.175f 1429 luglio 21 Confirmation of the supervisors of the cupola. Text: existentes collegialiter congregati et cohadunati pro factis
o0202001.175f 1429 luglio 21 Confirmation of the supervisors of the cupola. Text: Filippi ser Brunelleschi et Laurentii Bartoli provisores
o0202001.175f 1429 luglio 21 Confirmation of the supervisors of the cupola. Text: anni Domini MCCCCXXVIIII et quod impossibile esset
o0202001.175f 1429 luglio 21 Confirmation of the supervisors of the cupola. Text: sine eorum provisione et ingenio dictam cupolam
o0202001.175f 1429 luglio 21 Confirmation of the supervisors of the cupola. Text: idcirco pro utilitate et bono dicte Opere
o0202001.175f 1429 luglio 21 Confirmation of the supervisors of the cupola. Text: dicte Opere refirmaverunt et reconduxerunt prefatum Filippum
o0202001.175f 1429 luglio 21 Confirmation of the supervisors of the cupola. Text: centum pro anno et Laurentium Bartoli cum
o0202001.175f 1429 luglio 21 Confirmation of the supervisors of the cupola. Text: mense, pro tempore et termino unius anni
o0202001.175f 1429 luglio 21 Confirmation of the supervisors of the cupola. Text: cum dictis salariis et cum oneribus in
o0202001.175f 1429 luglio 21 Confirmation of the supervisors of the cupola. Text: in aliis electionibus et refirmis contentis et
o0202001.175f 1429 luglio 21 Confirmation of the supervisors of the cupola. Text: et refirmis contentis et insertis.
o0202001.175g 1429 luglio 21 Authorization for sale of two houses to the Armorers' Guild. Text: erat coquina capituli et in alia habitat
o0202001.175g 1429 luglio 21 Authorization for sale of two houses to the Armorers' Guild. Text: duabus partibus ipsorum et cum aliis alio
o0202001.175va 1429 settembre 22 Order to send away women of all ranks living in the cloister except in the case of illness of clerics. Text: Benvenuti eorum collegha et prefati operarii Opere
o0202001.175va 1429 settembre 22 Order to send away women of all ranks living in the cloister except in the case of illness of clerics. Text: Niccolai de Giugnis et Iohanne de Riccialbanis
o0202001.175va 1429 settembre 22 Order to send away women of all ranks living in the cloister except in the case of illness of clerics. Text: prefatum claustrum teneantur et debeant disgombrasse per
o0202001.175va 1429 settembre 22 Order to send away women of all ranks living in the cloister except in the case of illness of clerics. Text: seu canonicam prefatam et quod deinceps de
o0202001.175va 1429 settembre 22 Order to send away women of all ranks living in the cloister except in the case of illness of clerics. Text: in eo stare et habitare nisi in
o0202001.175va 1429 settembre 22 Order to send away women of all ranks living in the cloister except in the case of illness of clerics. Text: ad fabas nigras et albas, existentibus ad
o0202001.175va 1429 settembre 22 Order to send away women of all ranks living in the cloister except in the case of illness of clerics. Text: deliberaverunt quod, si et in quantum prefati
o0202001.175va 1429 settembre 22 Order to send away women of all ranks living in the cloister except in the case of illness of clerics. Text: de facto teneantur et debeant, elapso dicto
o0202001.175va 1429 settembre 22 Order to send away women of all ranks living in the cloister except in the case of illness of clerics. Text: prefatis non disgombrasse et contra fecisse prefate
o0202001.175va 1429 settembre 22 Order to send away women of all ranks living in the cloister except in the case of illness of clerics. Text: de omnibus masseritiis et rebus in dicta
o0202001.175va 1429 settembre 22 Order to send away women of all ranks living in the cloister except in the case of illness of clerics. Text: dicta domo existentibus et precipi faciant dicto
o0202001.175vb 1429 settembre 22 Prohibition to (sculptor) to begin the marble figure commissioned to him. Text: informata de utilitate et bono et honore
o0202001.175vb 1429 settembre 22 Prohibition to (sculptor) to begin the marble figure commissioned to him. Text: utilitate et bono et honore prefate Opere
o0202001.175vb 1429 settembre 22 Prohibition to (sculptor) to begin the marble figure commissioned to him. Text: eisdem modis, pactis et aliis in quadam
o0202001.175vb 1429 settembre 22 Prohibition to (sculptor) to begin the marble figure commissioned to him. Text: prefato Bernardo facta, et considerantes prefatam Operam
o0202001.175vb 1429 settembre 22 Prohibition to (sculptor) to begin the marble figure commissioned to him. Text: que steterunt iamdiu et stant ad presens
o0202001.175vb 1429 settembre 22 Prohibition to (sculptor) to begin the marble figure commissioned to him. Text: licentia prefatorum consulum et operariorum cum eorum
o0202001.175vb 1429 settembre 22 Prohibition to (sculptor) to begin the marble figure commissioned to him. Text: partito ad fabas, et quod alia figura
o0202001.175vb 1429 settembre 22 Prohibition to (sculptor) to begin the marble figure commissioned to him. Text: dictis duabus concessa et locata ad faciendum
o0202001.175vb 1429 settembre 22 Prohibition to (sculptor) to begin the marble figure commissioned to him. Text: locata ad faciendum et nondum eius marmor
o0202001.175vb 1429 settembre 22 Prohibition to (sculptor) to begin the marble figure commissioned to him. Text: expresso partito consulum et operariorum existentium in
o0202001.175vb 1429 settembre 22 Prohibition to (sculptor) to begin the marble figure commissioned to him. Text: non servanti aufferenda et prefate Opere applicanda.
o0202001.175vc 1429 novembre 15 Order to the canons to come back to live in the cloister, under penalty of the revocation of the assignment of the houses. Text: deliberaverunt quod omnes et singuli canonici catthedralis
o0202001.175vc 1429 novembre 15 Order to the canons to come back to live in the cloister, under penalty of the revocation of the assignment of the houses. Text: florentine quibus data et consignata fuit aliqua
o0202001.175vc 1429 novembre 15 Order to the canons to come back to live in the cloister, under penalty of the revocation of the assignment of the houses. Text: capituli florentini teneantur et debeant redisse et
o0202001.175vc 1429 novembre 15 Order to the canons to come back to live in the cloister, under penalty of the revocation of the assignment of the houses. Text: et debeant redisse et fore reversos in
o0202001.175vc 1429 novembre 15 Order to the canons to come back to live in the cloister, under penalty of the revocation of the assignment of the houses. Text: presentem mensem novembris; et in casu quo,
o0202001.175vc 1429 novembre 15 Order to the canons to come back to live in the cloister, under penalty of the revocation of the assignment of the houses. Text: scriptum est, intelligantur et sint ipso facto
o0202001.175vc 1429 novembre 15 Order to the canons to come back to live in the cloister, under penalty of the revocation of the assignment of the houses. Text: Sancti Michaelis Berteldi et domino Bernardo priore
o0202001.175vc 1429 novembre 15 Order to the canons to come back to live in the cloister, under penalty of the revocation of the assignment of the houses. Text: per eorum offitia, et tunc a die
o0202001.175vc 1429 novembre 15 Order to the canons to come back to live in the cloister, under penalty of the revocation of the assignment of the houses. Text: debeant ad standum et continuam habitationem faciendum
o0202001.175vc 1429 novembre 15 Order to the canons to come back to live in the cloister, under penalty of the revocation of the assignment of the houses. Text: alias eorum prebendis et prefatis domibus intelligantur
o0202001.175vc 1429 novembre 15 Order to the canons to come back to live in the cloister, under penalty of the revocation of the assignment of the houses. Text: prefatis domibus intelligantur et sint privati pro
o0202001.175vc 1429 novembre 15 Order to the canons to come back to live in the cloister, under penalty of the revocation of the assignment of the houses. Text: redierint ad standum et habitandum in prefatis
o0202001.175vd 1429 novembre 15 Notification to the canons of deadline for returning to their residences. Text: Opere quatenus vadat et ex parte et
o0202001.175vd 1429 novembre 15 Notification to the canons of deadline for returning to their residences. Text: et ex parte et mandato consulum et
o0202001.175vd 1429 novembre 15 Notification to the canons of deadline for returning to their residences. Text: et mandato consulum et operariorum prefatorum notificet
o0202001.175vd 1429 novembre 15 Notification to the canons of deadline for returning to their residences. Text: futuros debeant redisse et omnia faciat, prout
o0202001.175ve 1429 novembre 16 Confirmation of consignment of notification. Text: notificasse prefatam deliberationem et omnia in eis
o0202001.176a 1429 dicembre 2 Order to canons to elect a chaplain who must live in the cloister. Text: deliberaverunt quod omnes et singuli canonici infrascripti
o0202001.176a 1429 dicembre 2 Order to canons to elect a chaplain who must live in the cloister. Text: canonici infrascripti teneantur et debeant quilibet ipsorum
o0202001.176a 1429 dicembre 2 Order to canons to elect a chaplain who must live in the cloister. Text: cappellanis ad standum et habitandum continue in
o0202001.176a 1429 dicembre 2 Order to canons to elect a chaplain who must live in the cloister. Text: domibus eorum assignatis et assignasse eidem cappellano
o0202001.176a 1429 dicembre 2 Order to canons to elect a chaplain who must live in the cloister. Text: talis cappellanus stare et habitare teneatur et
o0202001.176a 1429 dicembre 2 Order to canons to elect a chaplain who must live in the cloister. Text: et habitare teneatur et debeat continue pro
o0202001.176a 1429 dicembre 2 Order to canons to elect a chaplain who must live in the cloister. Text: pro sua habitatione et mora per totam
o0202001.176a 1429 dicembre 2 Order to canons to elect a chaplain who must live in the cloister. Text: presentis mensis decembris, et qui contrafecerit ipso
o0202001.176a 1429 dicembre 2 Order to canons to elect a chaplain who must live in the cloister. Text: ipso facto intelligatur et sit privatus sua
o0202001.176a 1429 dicembre 2 Order to canons to elect a chaplain who must live in the cloister. Text: eorum assignatum. Nomina et prenomina canonicorum de
o0202001.176a 1429 dicembre 2 Order to canons to elect a chaplain who must live in the cloister. Text: Andreas de Empulo et ser Antonius vocatus
o0202001.176b 1429 dicembre 2 Authorization to (canon) to live outside the cloister. Text: sine suo preiudicio et dampno possit stare
o0202001.176c 1429 dicembre 3 Order to notify the canons about their obligation to live in the houses assigned to them. Text: Opere commisit, imposuit et mandavit Nanni Franchi
o0202001.176c 1429 dicembre 3 Order to notify the canons about their obligation to live in the houses assigned to them. Text: ex parte consulum et operariorum predictorum notificet
o0202001.176c 1429 dicembre 3 Order to notify the canons about their obligation to live in the houses assigned to them. Text: canonicis prefatum partitum et omnia in eo
o0202001.176d 1429 dicembre 3 Confirmation of notification to canons about the obligation to live in the houses assigned to them. Text: notario infrascripto ivisse et notificasse personaliter prefatis
o0202001.176d 1429 dicembre 3 Confirmation of notification to canons about the obligation to live in the houses assigned to them. Text: die dictam deliberationem et partitum et omnia
o0202001.176d 1429 dicembre 3 Confirmation of notification to canons about the obligation to live in the houses assigned to them. Text: deliberationem et partitum et omnia in eis
o0202001.176va 1429/30 gennaio 9 Authorization to cut firs, previously measured by the guard of the forest of Campigna, for the Sapienza. Text: sino suo preiudicio et dampno possit incidi
o0202001.176va 1429/30 gennaio 9 Authorization to cut firs, previously measured by the guard of the forest of Campigna, for the Sapienza. Text: prout eidem videbitur et placebit pro edifitio
o0202001.176va 1429/30 gennaio 9 Authorization to cut firs, previously measured by the guard of the forest of Campigna, for the Sapienza. Text: Sancte Marie Servorum et ecclesiam Sancti Marci
o0202001.176vb 1430 dicembre 14 Reconfirmation of the supervisor of the cupola. Text: Tini della Casa et Bartolus Nofrii de
o0202001.176vb 1430 dicembre 14 Reconfirmation of the supervisor of the cupola. Text: Lane civitatis Florentie, et nobiles viri Bernardus
o0202001.176vb 1430 dicembre 14 Reconfirmation of the supervisor of the cupola. Text: Bartolomeus Angeli Ciai et Pierus Simonis Mariotti
o0202001.176vb 1430 dicembre 14 Reconfirmation of the supervisor of the cupola. Text: insimul collegialiter congregata et cohadunata in solita
o0202001.176vb 1430 dicembre 14 Reconfirmation of the supervisor of the cupola. Text: martii proxime preteriti et propter pestem ipsi
o0202001.176vb 1430 dicembre 14 Reconfirmation of the supervisor of the cupola. Text: de novo eligerunt et refirmaverunt pro uno
o0202001.176vb 1430 dicembre 14 Reconfirmation of the supervisor of the cupola. Text: florenorum auri centum et cum aliis pactis,
o0202001.176vb 1430 dicembre 14 Reconfirmation of the supervisor of the cupola. Text: aliis pactis, modis et condictionibus et aliis
o0202001.176vb 1430 dicembre 14 Reconfirmation of the supervisor of the cupola. Text: modis et condictionibus et aliis in ultima
o0202001.176vb 1430 dicembre 14 Reconfirmation of the supervisor of the cupola. Text: proxime preterita contentis et adnotatis.
o0202001.176vc 1430 dicembre 19 Authorization to build a new kitchen for the chapter. Text: Prefati comsules et operarii collegialiter congregati
o0202001.176vc 1430 dicembre 19 Authorization to build a new kitchen for the chapter. Text: operarii collegialiter congregati et cohadunati in dicto
o0202001.176vc 1430 dicembre 19 Authorization to build a new kitchen for the chapter. Text: una domo canonicorum et actam ad unum
o0202001.176vc 1430 dicembre 19 Authorization to build a new kitchen for the chapter. Text: unum canonicum destrui et devastari, quod quidem
o0202001.176vc 1430 dicembre 19 Authorization to build a new kitchen for the chapter. Text: dampnum prefate Opere, et considerantes quoddam casolare
o0202001.176vc 1430 dicembre 19 Authorization to build a new kitchen for the chapter. Text: qua expendi possint et debeant illud quod
o0202001.176vc 1430 dicembre 19 Authorization to build a new kitchen for the chapter. Text: videbitur eorum discretioni et prudentie, faciendo fieri
o0202001.176vc 1430 dicembre 19 Authorization to build a new kitchen for the chapter. Text: furnum, camminum, acquarium et cameram pro chuocho
o0202001.176vc 1430 dicembre 19 Authorization to build a new kitchen for the chapter. Text: pro chuocho coquine; et hoc fecerunt et
o0202001.176vc 1430 dicembre 19 Authorization to build a new kitchen for the chapter. Text: et hoc fecerunt et obtinuerunt per quattuordecim
o0202001.177a 1430/1 gennaio 23 Destruction of the model of the church except for the armature of the cupola. Text: fore propre conclusionem et perfectionem ac etiam
o0202001.177a 1430/1 gennaio 23 Destruction of the model of the church except for the armature of the cupola. Text: murati penes campanile et auditis et intellectis
o0202001.177a 1430/1 gennaio 23 Destruction of the model of the church except for the armature of the cupola. Text: campanile et auditis et intellectis quampluribus personis
o0202001.177a 1430/1 gennaio 23 Destruction of the model of the church except for the armature of the cupola. Text: utilitate predicte Opere et honore pulcritudinis campanilis
o0202001.177a 1430/1 gennaio 23 Destruction of the model of the church except for the armature of the cupola. Text: honore pulcritudinis campanilis et ut talia obbrobria
o0202001.177a 1430/1 gennaio 23 Destruction of the model of the church except for the armature of the cupola. Text: sine alio partito et deliberatione illico destrui
o0202001.177a 1430/1 gennaio 23 Destruction of the model of the church except for the armature of the cupola. Text: modelli integra elevetur et ponatur in loco
o0202001.177b 1431 giugno 23 Reconfirmation of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti as supervisors of the cupola. Title: Refirma et electio Filippi ser
o0202001.177b 1431 giugno 23 Reconfirmation of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti as supervisors of the cupola. Title: Filippi ser Brunelleschi et Laurentii Bartoli
o0202001.177b 1431 giugno 23 Reconfirmation of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti as supervisors of the cupola. Text: Tomasii de Popoleschis et Niccolaus Bartolomei de
o0202001.177b 1431 giugno 23 Reconfirmation of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti as supervisors of the cupola. Text: existentes collegialiter congregati et congregati in domo
o0202001.177b 1431 giugno 23 Reconfirmation of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti as supervisors of the cupola. Text: terrena dicte Artis et in solita residentia
o0202001.177b 1431 giugno 23 Reconfirmation of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti as supervisors of the cupola. Text: Thomaxio de Minerbettis et Vannozio de Serraglis
o0202001.177b 1431 giugno 23 Reconfirmation of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti as supervisors of the cupola. Text: Blaxii de Guaschonibus et Andreas Michaelis de
o0202001.177b 1431 giugno 23 Reconfirmation of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti as supervisors of the cupola. Text: Francisci de Filicaria et Michaele Benedicti ser
o0202001.177b 1431 giugno 23 Reconfirmation of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti as supervisors of the cupola. Text: maioris vacat provisoribus et quod pro complemento
o0202001.177b 1431 giugno 23 Reconfirmation of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti as supervisors of the cupola. Text: de dicto edifitio et sine eorum industria
o0202001.177b 1431 giugno 23 Reconfirmation of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti as supervisors of the cupola. Text: finem optatum habere, et considerantes utilitatem maximam
o0202001.177b 1431 giugno 23 Reconfirmation of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti as supervisors of the cupola. Text: attulerunt Opere prefate et similiter summum honorem
o0202001.177b 1431 giugno 23 Reconfirmation of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti as supervisors of the cupola. Text: dicte Opere, dictis et aliis iustis causis
o0202001.177b 1431 giugno 23 Reconfirmation of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti as supervisors of the cupola. Text: servatis servandis conduxerunt et de novo eligerunt
o0202001.177b 1431 giugno 23 Reconfirmation of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti as supervisors of the cupola. Text: cum infrascriptis salariis et pro infrascripto tempore
o0202001.177b 1431 giugno 23 Reconfirmation of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti as supervisors of the cupola. Text: iulii proxime futuri; et de eo tempore
o0202001.177b 1431 giugno 23 Reconfirmation of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti as supervisors of the cupola. Text: tempore quo servivit et serviet usque ad
o0202001.177b 1431 giugno 23 Reconfirmation of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti as supervisors of the cupola. Text: Opere prefate teneatur et debeat solvere eidem
o0202001.177b 1431 giugno 23 Reconfirmation of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti as supervisors of the cupola. Text: pro anno singulo et non aliter; et
o0202001.177b 1431 giugno 23 Reconfirmation of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti as supervisors of the cupola. Text: et non aliter; et Laurentium Bartoli aurificem
o0202001.177b 1431 giugno 23 Reconfirmation of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti as supervisors of the cupola. Text: quolibet die laborativo et quo in Opera
o0202001.177b 1431 giugno 23 Reconfirmation of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti as supervisors of the cupola. Text: cupole laborabitur teneatur et debeat venire ad
o0202001.177b 1431 giugno 23 Reconfirmation of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti as supervisors of the cupola. Text: Operam ad providendum et in ea stare
o0202001.177b 1431 giugno 23 Reconfirmation of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti as supervisors of the cupola. Text: per unam horam et se Filippozio scribano
o0202001.177b 1431 giugno 23 Reconfirmation of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti as supervisors of the cupola. Text: alteri scribano Opere, et de dicta presentatione
o0202001.177c 1431 giugno 23 Allocation of funds for gloves for wardens and other officials for the feast of Saint John. Title: factum consulibus, operariis et aliis offitialibus pro
o0202001.177c 1431 giugno 23 Allocation of funds for gloves for wardens and other officials for the feast of Saint John. Text: mense venturo detur et dari debeat expensis
o0202001.177c 1431 giugno 23 Allocation of funds for gloves for wardens and other officials for the feast of Saint John. Text: unicuique prefatorum consulum et operariorum dicte Opere
o0202001.177c 1431 giugno 23 Allocation of funds for gloves for wardens and other officials for the feast of Saint John. Text: cilotecarum de camusio, et unicuique offitialium tinte
o0202001.177c 1431 giugno 23 Allocation of funds for gloves for wardens and other officials for the feast of Saint John. Text: unicuique offitialium tinte et possessionum et sacristarum
o0202001.177c 1431 giugno 23 Allocation of funds for gloves for wardens and other officials for the feast of Saint John. Text: tinte et possessionum et sacristarum unum par
o0202001.177c 1431 giugno 23 Allocation of funds for gloves for wardens and other officials for the feast of Saint John. Text: de corio edino, et unicuique offitialium Artis
o0202001.177c 1431 giugno 23 Allocation of funds for gloves for wardens and other officials for the feast of Saint John. Text: unicuique offitialium Artis et Opere ut anno
o0202001.177c 1431 giugno 23 Allocation of funds for gloves for wardens and other officials for the feast of Saint John. Text: exibite fuerunt eis et non aliter; et
o0202001.177c 1431 giugno 23 Allocation of funds for gloves for wardens and other officials for the feast of Saint John. Text: et non aliter; et quod camerarius Opere
o0202001.177c 1431 giugno 23 Allocation of funds for gloves for wardens and other officials for the feast of Saint John. Text: sine suo preiudicio et dampno de pecunia
o0202001.177c 1431 giugno 23 Allocation of funds for gloves for wardens and other officials for the feast of Saint John. Text: Opere solvere teneatur et debeat pretium prefatorum
o0202001.177va 1431 luglio 8 Confirmation of the rehiring of a master. Text: existentes collegialiter congregati et cohadunati in domo
o0202001.177vb 1431 ottobre 10 Prohibition to give distributions to the chaplains who have been forbidden to say mass and stay in the cloister. Text: Bartoli de Bischaris et Simon Francisci de
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