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Context of query
o0202001.177vb 1431 ottobre 10 Prohibition to give distributions to the chaplains who have been forbidden to say mass and stay in the cloister. Text: Lane civitatis Florentie et nobiles viri Nuccius
o0202001.177vb 1431 ottobre 10 Prohibition to give distributions to the chaplains who have been forbidden to say mass and stay in the cloister. Text: Iacobi de Salviatis et Antonius Bartolomei de
o0202001.177vb 1431 ottobre 10 Prohibition to give distributions to the chaplains who have been forbidden to say mass and stay in the cloister. Text: omnes collegialiter congregati et cohadunati in loco
o0202001.177vb 1431 ottobre 10 Prohibition to give distributions to the chaplains who have been forbidden to say mass and stay in the cloister. Text: ecclesie maioris florentine et distributor capituli florentini
o0202001.177vb 1431 ottobre 10 Prohibition to give distributions to the chaplains who have been forbidden to say mass and stay in the cloister. Text: distributor capituli florentini et quilibet eorum non
o0202001.177vb 1431 ottobre 10 Prohibition to give distributions to the chaplains who have been forbidden to say mass and stay in the cloister. Text: viam indirectam dare et exhibere cappellanis, quibus
o0202001.177vb 1431 ottobre 10 Prohibition to give distributions to the chaplains who have been forbidden to say mass and stay in the cloister. Text: de distributionibus capituli et ecclesie maioris et
o0202001.177vb 1431 ottobre 10 Prohibition to give distributions to the chaplains who have been forbidden to say mass and stay in the cloister. Text: et ecclesie maioris et eius sacristie tam
o0202001.177vb 1431 ottobre 10 Prohibition to give distributions to the chaplains who have been forbidden to say mass and stay in the cloister. Text: perveniendis sine deliberatione et partito ipsorum offitiorum,
o0202001.177vb 1431 ottobre 10 Prohibition to give distributions to the chaplains who have been forbidden to say mass and stay in the cloister. Text: partito ipsorum offitiorum, et non aliter et
o0202001.177vb 1431 ottobre 10 Prohibition to give distributions to the chaplains who have been forbidden to say mass and stay in the cloister. Text: et non aliter et secundum formam statutorum
o0202001.177vc 1431 ottobre 10 Prohibition to lend things of the sacristy without permit of the wardens, consuls and sacristans appointed by the consuls, with some exceptions. Text: prefate sine deliberatione et partito dominorum consulum
o0202001.177vc 1431 ottobre 10 Prohibition to lend things of the sacristy without permit of the wardens, consuls and sacristans appointed by the consuls, with some exceptions. Text: Lane civitatis Florentie et offitii ipsorum operariorum
o0202001.177vc 1431 ottobre 10 Prohibition to lend things of the sacristy without permit of the wardens, consuls and sacristans appointed by the consuls, with some exceptions. Text: offitii ipsorum operariorum et sacristarum sacristie prefate
o0202001.177vc 1431 ottobre 10 Prohibition to lend things of the sacristy without permit of the wardens, consuls and sacristans appointed by the consuls, with some exceptions. Text: aliis etiam absentibus et inrequisitis seu mortuis
o0202001.177vc 1431 ottobre 10 Prohibition to lend things of the sacristy without permit of the wardens, consuls and sacristans appointed by the consuls, with some exceptions. Text: mortuis vel contradicentibus; et quicquid contrafieret sit
o0202001.177vc 1431 ottobre 10 Prohibition to lend things of the sacristy without permit of the wardens, consuls and sacristans appointed by the consuls, with some exceptions. Text: contrafieret sit irritum et inane, et ille
o0202001.177vc 1431 ottobre 10 Prohibition to lend things of the sacristy without permit of the wardens, consuls and sacristans appointed by the consuls, with some exceptions. Text: irritum et inane, et ille que contrafecerit
o0202001.177vc 1431 ottobre 10 Prohibition to lend things of the sacristy without permit of the wardens, consuls and sacristans appointed by the consuls, with some exceptions. Text: ipso facto intelligatur et sit remotus a
o0202001.177vc 1431 ottobre 10 Prohibition to lend things of the sacristy without permit of the wardens, consuls and sacristans appointed by the consuls, with some exceptions. Text: a suo offitio et eius exercitio; cum
o0202001.177vc 1431 ottobre 10 Prohibition to lend things of the sacristy without permit of the wardens, consuls and sacristans appointed by the consuls, with some exceptions. Text: habere illa paramenta et alia que sunt
o0202001.177vc 1431 ottobre 10 Prohibition to lend things of the sacristy without permit of the wardens, consuls and sacristans appointed by the consuls, with some exceptions. Text: ante prefatum capitulum et ad illa loca
o0202001.177vc 1431 ottobre 10 Prohibition to lend things of the sacristy without permit of the wardens, consuls and sacristans appointed by the consuls, with some exceptions. Text: quo vadit capitulum, et non aliter, exceptis
o0202001.177vd 1431 ottobre 10 Reinstatement of a chaplain. Text: possit habere distributiones et alia comoda ecclesie
o0202001.177vd 1431 ottobre 10 Reinstatement of a chaplain. Text: alia comoda ecclesie et sacristie, quamadmodum habebat
o0202001.177vd 1431 ottobre 10 Reinstatement of a chaplain. Text: contra eumdem Santem, et cum illis oneribus
o0202001.177vd 1431 ottobre 10 Reinstatement of a chaplain. Text: illis oneribus deputatis et solitis.
o0202001.177ve 1431 dicembre 23 Partition of a house in order to make lodgings for two canons and assignment of one part. Text: Bartoli de Bischaris et Simon Francisci consules
o0202001.177ve 1431 dicembre 23 Partition of a house in order to make lodgings for two canons and assignment of one part. Text: Gini de Capponibus et Bernardus domini Iacobi
o0202001.177ve 1431 dicembre 23 Partition of a house in order to make lodgings for two canons and assignment of one part. Text: omnes collegialiter congregati et cohadunati in audientiam
o0202001.177ve 1431 dicembre 23 Partition of a house in order to make lodgings for two canons and assignment of one part. Text: de Eugubio dividatur, et fiant due domus
o0202001.177ve 1431 dicembre 23 Partition of a house in order to make lodgings for two canons and assignment of one part. Text: una assignata sit et ex nunc intelligatur
o0202001.177ve 1431 dicembre 23 Partition of a house in order to make lodgings for two canons and assignment of one part. Text: nunc intelligatur esse et sit assignata domino
o0202001.177ve 1431 dicembre 23 Partition of a house in order to make lodgings for two canons and assignment of one part. Text: placuerit offitio operariorum et non aliter, cum
o0202001.177ve 1431 dicembre 23 Partition of a house in order to make lodgings for two canons and assignment of one part. Text: dominum Niccolaum schomputetur et schomputari debeat in
o0202001.177ve 1431 dicembre 23 Partition of a house in order to make lodgings for two canons and assignment of one part. Text: novo eidem assignate; et si presens tassa
o0202001.178b 1432 agosto 22 Reconfirmation of the supervisors of the main cupola for a year. Title: Filippi ser Bruneleschi et Laurentii Bartoli
o0202001.178b 1432 agosto 22 Reconfirmation of the supervisors of the main cupola for a year. Text: existentes collegialiter congregati et cohadunati in loco
o0202001.178b 1432 agosto 22 Reconfirmation of the supervisors of the main cupola for a year. Text: solempnitatibus opportunis refirmaverunt et reconduxerunt Filippum ser
o0202001.178b 1432 agosto 22 Reconfirmation of the supervisors of the main cupola for a year. Text: Filippum ser Brunelleschi et Laurentium Bartali in
o0202001.178b 1432 agosto 22 Reconfirmation of the supervisors of the main cupola for a year. Text: MCCCCXXXII, cum salario et aliis consuetis et
o0202001.178b 1432 agosto 22 Reconfirmation of the supervisors of the main cupola for a year. Text: et aliis consuetis et factis in electione
o0202001.178d 1432/3 gennaio 28 Authorization to make alterations to several houses. Text: florenorum auri decem; et in acconcimine domus
o0202001.178d 1432/3 gennaio 28 Authorization to make alterations to several houses. Text: in florenos duos; et in acconcimine cuiusdam
o0202001.178va 1433 maggio 13 Permit to the Sea Consuls to cut lumber. Text: Lane civitatis Florentie et Matteus Nuccii de
o0202001.178va 1433 maggio 13 Permit to the Sea Consuls to cut lumber. Text: Carocci de Strozis et Niccolus de Corsinis
o0202001.178va 1433 maggio 13 Permit to the Sea Consuls to cut lumber. Text: existentes collegialiter congregarii et cohadunati in loco
o0202001.178va 1433 maggio 13 Permit to the Sea Consuls to cut lumber. Text: videbitur prefatis operariis et duabus partibus eorum.
o0202001.178vb 1434 aprile 12 Construction of three houses for chaplains in the cloister of the chapter. Text: Lane civitatis Florentie et operarii Opere Sancte
o0202001.178vb 1434 aprile 12 Construction of three houses for chaplains in the cloister of the chapter. Text: quindecim collegialiter congregati et cohadunati in loco
o0202001.178vc 1434 aprile 12 Construction of a house and assignment of the same to a canon. Text: Item simili modo et forma deliberaverunt quod
o0202001.178vc 1434 aprile 12 Construction of a house and assignment of the same to a canon. Text: Roberti de Cortigianis, et de quadam domuncula
o0202001.178vc 1434 aprile 12 Construction of a house and assignment of the same to a canon. Text: Gherardi de Cortigianis et in qua ad
o0202001.178vc 1434 aprile 12 Construction of a house and assignment of the same to a canon. Text: in dicta ecclesia et sacrista dicte ecclesie,
o0202001.178vc 1434 aprile 12 Construction of a house and assignment of the same to a canon. Text: prout ex tunc et ex tunc prout
o0202001.178vd 1434 aprile 12 Work on the houses of a chorister and a chaplain. Title: ecclesie maioris florentine et cappellani Antonii Ghezi
o0202001.178vd 1434 aprile 12 Work on the houses of a chorister and a chaplain. Text: Item simili modo et forma deliberaverunt quod
o0202001.178vd 1434 aprile 12 Work on the houses of a chorister and a chaplain. Text: caputmagister possit, teneatur et debeat expendere de
o0202001.178vd 1434 aprile 12 Work on the houses of a chorister and a chaplain. Text: coriste dicte ecclesie et domus deputate et
o0202001.178vd 1434 aprile 12 Work on the houses of a chorister and a chaplain. Text: et domus deputate et assignate cappellano Antonii
o0202001.178vd 1434 aprile 12 Work on the houses of a chorister and a chaplain. Text: Ghezi della Casa; et non possit excedi
o0202001.178ve 1434 aprile 12 Construction of a sink in the house of a chaplain. Text: Item simili modo et forma deliberaverunt quod
o0202001.178vf 1434 aprile 12 Rental of a house. Text: provisor opere presens et futurus conducet ad
o0202001.178vf 1434 aprile 12 Rental of a house. Text: pro anno quolibet, et pro eo tempore
o0202001.178vg 1434 aprile 12 Dismissal of the guard of the forest and election of a new guard. Title: Capsatio Francisci Comuccii et conductio Iacobi Pieri
o0202001.178vg 1434 aprile 12 Dismissal of the guard of the forest and election of a new guard. Text: custodem silve Opere et loco sui conduxerunt
o0202001.179a 1434 aprile 22 Construction of two, rather than three, houses for chaplains in the cloister of the chapter. Text: dicta offitia provisori et caputmagistro dicte Opere
o0202001.179a 1434 aprile 22 Construction of two, rather than three, houses for chaplains in the cloister of the chapter. Text: loco ubi fuit et erat lodia familie
o0202001.179a 1434 aprile 22 Construction of two, rather than three, houses for chaplains in the cloister of the chapter. Text: auri centum quindecim, et considerantes dictum locum
o0202001.179a 1434 aprile 22 Construction of two, rather than three, houses for chaplains in the cloister of the chapter. Text: de novo mensuratum et ipsum locum non
o0202001.179a 1434 aprile 22 Construction of two, rather than three, houses for chaplains in the cloister of the chapter. Text: non fore sufficiens et tam longum ut
o0202001.179a 1434 aprile 22 Construction of two, rather than three, houses for chaplains in the cloister of the chapter. Text: terrenum quod arripitur et tollitur habitationi dicti
o0202001.179a 1434 aprile 22 Construction of two, rather than three, houses for chaplains in the cloister of the chapter. Text: dicti domini Bernardi, et quod comode in
o0202001.179a 1434 aprile 22 Construction of two, rather than three, houses for chaplains in the cloister of the chapter. Text: due bone domus et non plures, idcirco
o0202001.179a 1434 aprile 22 Construction of two, rather than three, houses for chaplains in the cloister of the chapter. Text: reducantur ad duas et per dictos provisorem
o0202001.179a 1434 aprile 22 Construction of two, rather than three, houses for chaplains in the cloister of the chapter. Text: per dictos provisorem et caputmagistrum fieri debeant
o0202001.179a 1434 aprile 22 Construction of two, rather than three, houses for chaplains in the cloister of the chapter. Text: fieri debeant due et non plures, cum
o0202001.179b 1434 aprile 22 Revocation of demand of payment for marble utilized for arms installed at La Verna. Title: favorem Mattei Nuccii et sociorum olim offitialium
o0202001.179b 1434 aprile 22 Revocation of demand of payment for marble utilized for arms installed at La Verna. Text: Item prefati comsules et operarii, intellecto quod
o0202001.179b 1434 aprile 22 Revocation of demand of payment for marble utilized for arms installed at La Verna. Text: Nuccii de Solosmeis et certi sui consocii
o0202001.179b 1434 aprile 22 Revocation of demand of payment for marble utilized for arms installed at La Verna. Text: Populi, Partis Guelfe et Artis Lane, et
o0202001.179b 1434 aprile 22 Revocation of demand of payment for marble utilized for arms installed at La Verna. Text: et Artis Lane, et positis in facie
o0202001.179b 1434 aprile 22 Revocation of demand of payment for marble utilized for arms installed at La Verna. Text: a Populo florentino, et quod predicta fuerunt
o0202001.179b 1434 aprile 22 Revocation of demand of payment for marble utilized for arms installed at La Verna. Text: honorem Communis Florentie et prefate Artis, idcirco
o0202001.179b 1434 aprile 22 Revocation of demand of payment for marble utilized for arms installed at La Verna. Text: quod dicti Matteus et socii ullo umquam
o0202001.179b 1434 aprile 22 Revocation of demand of payment for marble utilized for arms installed at La Verna. Text: Florentie ubi, si et in quantum aliqua
o0202001.179b 1434 aprile 22 Revocation of demand of payment for marble utilized for arms installed at La Verna. Text: sine expresso partito et deliberatione dictorum offitiorum.
o0202001.179c 1434 aprile 27 Prohibition to return some pawns without the authorization of the consuls and of the wardens. Title: Contra Tedaldum et Bartolum de Tedaldis
o0202001.179c 1434 aprile 27 Prohibition to return some pawns without the authorization of the consuls and of the wardens. Text: ipsorum operariorum Bartolo et Tedaldo de Tedaldis
o0202001.179c 1434 aprile 27 Prohibition to return some pawns without the authorization of the consuls and of the wardens. Text: restitui dictis Bartolo et Tedaldo nec alii
o0202001.179c 1434 aprile 27 Prohibition to return some pawns without the authorization of the consuls and of the wardens. Text: existat sine deliberatione et partito dictorum duorum
o0202001.179d 1434 aprile 27 Destruction of a stable for the residence of the confraternity of Saint Zenobius. Title: sotietatis Sancti Zenobii et domini Bernardi prioris
o0202001.179d 1434 aprile 27 Destruction of a stable for the residence of the confraternity of Saint Zenobius. Text: Sancti Petri Maioris et canonici florentini; et
o0202001.179d 1434 aprile 27 Destruction of a stable for the residence of the confraternity of Saint Zenobius. Text: et canonici florentini; et pro compensatione dicti
o0202001.179d 1434 aprile 27 Destruction of a stable for the residence of the confraternity of Saint Zenobius. Text: florenorum auri quinque; et non possit dicta
o0202001.179e 1434 giugno 17 Commission to return some pawns. Title: gravamento facto Tedaldo et Bartolo de Tedaldis
o0202001.179e 1434 giugno 17 Commission to return some pawns. Text: in Arte Lane et loco eorum solite
o0202001.179e 1434 giugno 17 Commission to return some pawns. Text: offitia contra Tedaldum et Bartolum fratres et
o0202001.179e 1434 giugno 17 Commission to return some pawns. Text: et Bartolum fratres et filios olim Bartoli
o0202001.179e 1434 giugno 17 Commission to return some pawns. Text: Opere quoddam casolare et ortum super quibus
o0202001.179e 1434 giugno 17 Commission to return some pawns. Text: trecentos quadraginta quinque et quamdam aliam deliberationem
o0202001.179e 1434 giugno 17 Commission to return some pawns. Text: restituendo dictis Tedaldo et Bartolo certa pignora
o0202001.179e 1434 giugno 17 Commission to return some pawns. Text: ablata sine partito et deliberatione offitii dictorum
o0202001.179e 1434 giugno 17 Commission to return some pawns. Text: offitii dictorum consulum et operariorum propter eorum
o0202001.179e 1434 giugno 17 Commission to return some pawns. Text: operarii dicte Opere et due partes ipsorum
o0202001.179e 1434 giugno 17 Commission to return some pawns. Text: illam eamdem auctoritatem et baliam quam habunt
o0202001.179e 1434 giugno 17 Commission to return some pawns. Text: pignorum eo modo et forma prout eis
o0202001.179e 1434 giugno 17 Commission to return some pawns. Text: videbitur fore utilius et melius tam pro
o0202001.179e 1434 giugno 17 Commission to return some pawns. Text: conservatione dictorum Tedaldi et Bartoli et ut
o0202001.179e 1434 giugno 17 Commission to return some pawns. Text: Tedaldi et Bartoli et ut predicta omnia
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: Landi de Fortinis et Raynaldus Veri de
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: Lane civitatis Florentie et nobiles viri Niccolaus
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: Niccolai de Baldovinettis et Laurentius Lapi de
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: existentes collegialiter congregati et congregati in domo
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: domus pro factis et negotiis predicte Opere
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: finem sue clausure; et considerantes quod post
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: sua perfectione careret; et considerantes ad hoc
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: copertura alterius maneriei; et considerantes Filippum ser
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: prefatis offitiis consulum et operariorum quod erit
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: operariorum quod erit et est necesse quam
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: veteris non cadat et minetur ruynam, qu(onia)m
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: aliquibus partibus aperte et pelate et cotidie
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: aperte et pelate et cotidie aperiunt, et
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: et cotidie aperiunt, et quod est magna
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: de novo positarum et apponendarum in tertia
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: prefate erit pulcrius et magis ornatum fieri
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: magis ornatum fieri et de novo edificari
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: ecclesie eo modo et forma prout stant
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: catene totius ecclesie, et quod ecclesia erit
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: ecclesia erit pulcrior et ornatior; ac etiam
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: habitandum totum templum; et considerantes multa e
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: ad presens fieri et dari expeditionem postquam
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: cupola est clausa, et quod maior pars
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: ad presens supersedere et similiter coperturas tribunarum
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: similiter coperturas tribunarum et tantummodo vacare principio
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: tantummodo vacare principio et perfectioni lanterne, ac
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: novum edifitium aperiatur et in eo divina
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: divina offitia celebrentur et aliis de novo
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: ymo quampluries consideratis et diligenter examinatis et
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: et diligenter examinatis et ponderatis, facto, misso
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: ponderatis, facto, misso et celebrato inter eos
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: inter eos solempni et secreto scruptineo ad
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: ad fabas nigras et albas et obtento
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: nigras et albas et obtento partito unanimiter
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: obtento partito unanimiter et concorditer, deliberaverunt atque
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: quod prefati operarii et due partes ipsorum,
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: absentibus seu presentibus et contradicentibus, mortuis seu
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: seu quomodolibet impeditis, et due partes eorum
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: eorum possint, teneantur et debeant laborari facere
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: laborari facere inferius et superius tali forma
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