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A1-150  A151-300  A301-450  A451-600  A601-750  A751-900  A901-1050  A1051-1200  A1201-1350  A1351-1500  A1501-1650  A1651-1800  A1801-1950  A1951-2100  A2101-2250  A2251-2400  A2401-2550  A2551-2700  A2701-2850  A2851-3000  A3001-3150  A3151-3300  A3301-3450  A3451-3600  A3601-3750  A3751-3900  A3901-4050  A4051-4200  A4201-4350  A4351-4500  A4501-4650  A4651-4800  A4801-4950  A4951-5100  A5101-5250  A5251-5400  A5401-5550  A5551-5700  A5701-5850  A5851-6000  A6001-6150  A6151-6300  A6301-6450  A6451-6600  A6601-6750  A6751-6900  A6901-7050  A7051-7200  A7201-7350  A7351-7500  A7501-7650  A7651-7800  A7801-7950  A7951-8100  A8101-8250  A8251-8400  A8401-8550  A8551-8700  A8701-8850  A8851-9000  A9001-9150  A9151-9300  A9301-9450  A9451-9600  A9601-9750  A9751-9900  A9901-10050  A10051-10200  A10201-10350  A10351-10500  A10501-10650  A10651-10800  A10801-10950  A10951-11100  A11101-11250  A11251-11400  A11401-11550  A11551-11700  A11701-11850  A11851-12000  A12001-12150  A12151-12300  A12301-12450  A12451-12600  A12601-12750  A12751-12900  A12901-13050  A13051-13200  A13201-13350  A13351-13500  A13501-13650  A13651-13800  A13801-13950  A13951-14100  A14101-14250  A14251-14400  A14401-14550  A14551-14700  A14701-14850  A14851-15000  A15001-15150  A15151-15300  A15301-15450  A15451-15600  A15601-15750  A15751-15900  A15901-16050  A16051-16200  A16201-16350  A16351-16500  A16501-16650  A16651-16800  A16801-16950  A16951-17100  A17101-17250  A17251-17400  A17401-17550  A17551-17700  A17701-17850  A17851-18000  A18001-18150  A18151-18300  A18301-18450  A18451-18600  A18601-18750  A18751-18900  A18901-19050  A19051-19200  A19201-19350  A19351-19500  A19501-19650  A19651-19800  A19801-19950  A19951-20100  A20101-20250  A20251-20400  A20401-20550  A20551-20700  A20701-20850  A20851-21000  A21001-21150  A21151-21300  A21301-21450  A21451-21600  A21601-21750  A21751-21900  A21901-22050  A22051-22200  A22201-22350  A22351-22500  A22501-22650  A22651-22800  A22801-22950  A22951-23100  A23101-23250  A23251-23400  A23401-23550  A23551-23700  A23701-23850  A23851-24000  A24001-24150  A24151-24300  A24301-24450  A24451-24600  A24601-24750  A24751-24900  A24901-25050  A25051-25200  A25201-25350  A25351-25500  A25501-25650  A25651-25800  A25801-25950  A25951-26100  A26101-26250  A26251-26400  A26401-26550  A26551-26700  A26701-26850  A26851-27000  A27001-27150  A27151-27300  A27301-27450  A27451-27600  A27601-27750  A27751-27900  A27901-28050  A28051-28200  A28201-28350  A28351-28500  A28501-28650  A28651-28800  A28801-28950  A28951-29100  A29101-29250  A29251-29400  A29401-29550  A29551-29700  A29701-29850  A29851-30000  A30001-30150  A30151-30300  A30301-30450  A30451-30600  A30601-30750  A30751-30900  A30901-31050  A31051-31200  A31201-31350  A31351-31500  A31501-31650  A31651-31800  A31801-31950  A31951-32100  A32101-32250  A32251-32400  A32401-32550  A32551-32700  A32701-32850  A32851-33000  A33001-33150  A33151-33300  A33301-33450  A33451-33600  A33601-33750  A33751-33900  A33901-34050  A34051-34200  A34201-34350  A34351-34500  A34501-34650  A34651-34800  A34801-34950  A34951-35100  A35101-35250  A35251-35400  A35401-35550  A35551-35700  A35701-35850  A35851-36000  A36001-36150  A36151-36300  A36301-36450  A36451-36600  A36601-36750  A36751-36900  A36901-37050  A37051-37200  A37201-37350  A37351-37500  A37501-37650  A37651-37800  A37801-37950  A37951-38100  A38101-38250  A38251-38400  A38401-38550  A38551-38700  A38701-38850  A38851-39000  A39001-39150  A39151-39300  A39301-39450  A39451-39600  A39601-39750  A39751-39900  A39901-40050  A40051-40200  A40201-40350  A40351-40500  A40501-40650  A40651-40800  A40801-40950  A40951-41100  A41101-41250  A41251-41400  A41401-41550  A41551-41700  A41701-41850  A41851-42000  A42001-42150  A42151-42300  A42301-42450  A42451-42600  A42601-42750  A42751-42900  42901-43050 A43051-43200  A43201-43350  A43351-43500  A43501-43650  A43651-43800  A43801-43950  A43951-44100  A44101-44250  A44251-44400  A44401-44550  A44551-44700  A44701-44850  A44851-45000  A45001-45150  A45151-45300  A45301-45450  A45451-45506 





Context of query
o0202001.211h 1433/4 febbraio 19 Commission to contract out lumber. Text: lignaminis pro pretiis et pactis factis cum
o0202001.211i 1433/4 marzo 1 Revocation of demand of payment and restitution of a pawn to a nobleman of the countryside. Text: certis quantitatibus pecunie et tamquam uni ex
o0202001.211i 1433/4 marzo 1 Revocation of demand of payment and restitution of a pawn to a nobleman of the countryside. Text: pro dicto debito, et visa quadam fide
o0202001.211i 1433/4 marzo 1 Revocation of demand of payment and restitution of a pawn to a nobleman of the countryside. Text: consilia oportuna Populi et Communis Florentie de
o0202001.211i 1433/4 marzo 1 Revocation of demand of payment and restitution of a pawn to a nobleman of the countryside. Text: MCCCCXV indictione octava et die XXVIIII mensis
o0202001.211i 1433/4 marzo 1 Revocation of demand of payment and restitution of a pawn to a nobleman of the countryside. Text: quod nobiles comitatus et qui sub nobilium
o0202001.211i 1433/4 marzo 1 Revocation of demand of payment and restitution of a pawn to a nobleman of the countryside. Text: essent nisi solum et dumtaxat quantitates et
o0202001.211i 1433/4 marzo 1 Revocation of demand of payment and restitution of a pawn to a nobleman of the countryside. Text: et dumtaxat quantitates et summas in quibus
o0202001.211i 1433/4 marzo 1 Revocation of demand of payment and restitution of a pawn to a nobleman of the countryside. Text: quibus essent taxati et non aliam quantitatem
o0202001.211i 1433/4 marzo 1 Revocation of demand of payment and restitution of a pawn to a nobleman of the countryside. Text: non aliam quantitatem et summam; et viso
o0202001.211i 1433/4 marzo 1 Revocation of demand of payment and restitution of a pawn to a nobleman of the countryside. Text: quantitatem et summam; et viso quod vigore
o0202001.211i 1433/4 marzo 1 Revocation of demand of payment and restitution of a pawn to a nobleman of the countryside. Text: communibus unde sunt; et viso quod dictus
o0202001.211i 1433/4 marzo 1 Revocation of demand of payment and restitution of a pawn to a nobleman of the countryside. Text: dictum gravamentum revocetur et restituatur dicto Andree
o0202001.211i 1433/4 marzo 1 Revocation of demand of payment and restitution of a pawn to a nobleman of the countryside. Text: pro dicto Communi; et quod deinceps non
o0202001.211i 1433/4 marzo 1 Revocation of demand of payment and restitution of a pawn to a nobleman of the countryside. Text: pecunie seu re, et quicquid contrafieret sit
o0202001.211i 1433/4 marzo 1 Revocation of demand of payment and restitution of a pawn to a nobleman of the countryside. Text: ipso iure irritum et inane et nullius
o0202001.211i 1433/4 marzo 1 Revocation of demand of payment and restitution of a pawn to a nobleman of the countryside. Text: irritum et inane et nullius valoris et
o0202001.211i 1433/4 marzo 1 Revocation of demand of payment and restitution of a pawn to a nobleman of the countryside. Text: et nullius valoris et effectus, mandantes predicta
o0202001.211l 1433/4 marzo 1 Permission to a master to work with a private person. Text: eumdem dominum Raynaldum et quod possit post
o0202001.211m 1433/4 marzo 1 Registration of the days worked by the masters in a house. Title: Nanne da Prato et sociis
o0202001.211m 1433/4 marzo 1 Registration of the days worked by the masters in a house. Text: Andree de Prato et sociorum qui laboraverunt
o0202001.211m 1433/4 marzo 1 Registration of the days worked by the masters in a house. Text: Roberti de Cavalcantibus et ser Laurentii de
o0202001.211n 1433/4 marzo 5 Restitution of two animals. Title: Pro Dominico Struffe et Donato Ugholini Bonsi
o0202001.211n 1433/4 marzo 5 Restitution of two animals. Text: restituatur Dominico Struffe et Donato Ugholini Bonsi
o0202001.211n 1433/4 marzo 5 Restitution of two animals. Text: pro Communi Montislupi et pro Communi Ghanghalandi,
o0202001.211va 1433/4 marzo 17 Contract for stones for the closing of the cupola and the base of the lantern. Title: Quod Vannes Stefani et socii faciant sedecim
o0202001.211va 1433/4 marzo 17 Contract for stones for the closing of the cupola and the base of the lantern. Text: per Vannem Stefani et socios suos pro
o0202001.211va 1433/4 marzo 17 Contract for stones for the closing of the cupola and the base of the lantern. Text: pro clausura cupole et plano lanterne, pro
o0202001.211va 1433/4 marzo 17 Contract for stones for the closing of the cupola and the base of the lantern. Text: per eorum offitium et mensuris eis dandis
o0202001.211vb 1433/4 marzo 17 Order for the manufacture of an iron brake for the chains and of small arches over the chains. Title: Filippus ser Brunelleschi et caputmagister fieri faciant
o0202001.211vb 1433/4 marzo 17 Order for the manufacture of an iron brake for the chains and of small arches over the chains. Title: quoddam frenum catenis et fiant super eis
o0202001.211vb 1433/4 marzo 17 Order for the manufacture of an iron brake for the chains and of small arches over the chains. Text: Filippus ser Brunelleschi et caputmagister Opere fieri
o0202001.211vb 1433/4 marzo 17 Order for the manufacture of an iron brake for the chains and of small arches over the chains. Text: fortificatione ecclesie maioris; et fiant certi archetti
o0202001.211vd 1433/4 marzo 17 Remaking of a collapsed wall in the garden of a shed. Text: in orto casolaris; et solvatur manifactura et
o0202001.211vd 1433/4 marzo 17 Remaking of a collapsed wall in the garden of a shed. Text: et solvatur manifactura et expense que fient
o0202001.211ve 1433/4 marzo 18 Term of payment to a debtor and threat of sale of pawns. Text: operarii simili modo et forma quod assignetur
o0202001.211ve 1433/4 marzo 18 Term of payment to a debtor and threat of sale of pawns. Text: eius pignora ablata et consignata provisori Opere
o0202001.211ve 1433/4 marzo 18 Term of payment to a debtor and threat of sale of pawns. Text: consignata provisori Opere et pretium ipsorum pignorum
o0202001.211ve 1433/4 marzo 18 Term of payment to a debtor and threat of sale of pawns. Text: debitam dicte Opere; et quod provisor Opere
o0202001.211ve 1433/4 marzo 18 Term of payment to a debtor and threat of sale of pawns. Text: partito vendere teneatur et debeat dicta pignora;
o0202001.211ve 1433/4 marzo 18 Term of payment to a debtor and threat of sale of pawns. Text: debeat dicta pignora; et notificetur eidem. Dicta
o0202001.211vf 1433/4 marzo 18 Term of payment to a guarantor. Text: Venture delle Falli et socio Bernardi Vieri
o0202001.211vf 1433/4 marzo 18 Term of payment to a guarantor. Text: dicto debito realiter et personaliter. Dicta die
o0202001.211vh 1433/4 marzo 18 Payment determined for the hoisting of loads up to the cupola by means of oxen. Title: favorem Bartoli Cagnani et Nannis Gori
o0202001.211vh 1433/4 marzo 18 Payment determined for the hoisting of loads up to the cupola by means of oxen. Text: teneatur Nanni Gori et Bartolino Cagnani, pro
o0202001.211vh 1433/4 marzo 18 Payment determined for the hoisting of loads up to the cupola by means of oxen. Text: super cupola laborare et tirabunt in futurum
o0202001.211vh 1433/4 marzo 18 Payment determined for the hoisting of loads up to the cupola by means of oxen. Text: cum subbio subtili et ad rationem denariorum
o0202001.211vh 1433/4 marzo 18 Payment determined for the hoisting of loads up to the cupola by means of oxen. Text: cum subbio grosso; et ubi non tirarent
o0202001.211vh 1433/4 marzo 18 Payment determined for the hoisting of loads up to the cupola by means of oxen. Text: soldos triginta otto et ad dictam rationem
o0202001.211vh 1433/4 marzo 18 Payment determined for the hoisting of loads up to the cupola by means of oxen. Text: eis solvere teneatur; et si lucrarentur maiorem
o0202001.211vh 1433/4 marzo 18 Payment determined for the hoisting of loads up to the cupola by means of oxen. Text: ad rationem predictam; et hoc sit ad
o0202001.211vh 1433/4 marzo 18 Payment determined for the hoisting of loads up to the cupola by means of oxen. Text: operariorum dicte Opere et non aliter.
o0202001.211vi 1433/4 marzo 22 Revocation of demand of payment on a house. Text: Sancti Benedicti restituatur et ipsum annullaverunt, actento
o0202001.211vi 1433/4 marzo 22 Revocation of demand of payment on a house. Text: Lottini de Quarantensibus et uxor olim dicti
o0202001.211vi 1433/4 marzo 22 Revocation of demand of payment on a house. Text: domo accepit tenutam et corporalem possessionem et
o0202001.211vi 1433/4 marzo 22 Revocation of demand of payment on a house. Text: et corporalem possessionem et eam tenet et
o0202001.211vi 1433/4 marzo 22 Revocation of demand of payment on a house. Text: et eam tenet et possidet auctoritate curie
o0202001.211vi 1433/4 marzo 22 Revocation of demand of payment on a house. Text: curie Communis Florentie et vigore pacti dotalis,
o0202001.211vi 1433/4 marzo 22 Revocation of demand of payment on a house. Text: indictione quinta decima et de mense iunii,
o0202001.211vi 1433/4 marzo 22 Revocation of demand of payment on a house. Text: de mense iunii, et hec pro prestantiis
o0202001.211vi 1433/4 marzo 22 Revocation of demand of payment on a house. Text: domina habet priora et potiora iura in
o0202001.211vi 1433/4 marzo 22 Revocation of demand of payment on a house. Text: quam dicta Opera; et hoc fecerunt si
o0202001.211vi 1433/4 marzo 22 Revocation of demand of payment on a house. Text: hoc fecerunt si et in quantum ipsa
o0202001.211vi 1433/4 marzo 22 Revocation of demand of payment on a house. Text: partita immarginetur ita et taliter quod dicta
o0202001.211vi 1433/4 marzo 22 Revocation of demand of payment on a house. Text: prestantiarum novarum gabellarum, et omne gravamentum quod
o0202001.211vi 1433/4 marzo 22 Revocation of demand of payment on a house. Text: irritetur ipso facto et sit nullius valoris.
o0202001.212a 1433/4 marzo 24 Order for a trip to the quarry of Campiglia in order to evaluate marble. Text: existentes collegialiter congregati et cohadunati in loco
o0202001.212a 1433/4 marzo 24 Order for a trip to the quarry of Campiglia in order to evaluate marble. Text: Campigliam ad videndum et procurandum de quodam
o0202001.212a 1433/4 marzo 24 Order for a trip to the quarry of Campiglia in order to evaluate marble. Text: est bonum, recipiens et acceptabile pro laborerio
o0202001.212a 1433/4 marzo 24 Order for a trip to the quarry of Campiglia in order to evaluate marble. Text: laborerio dicte Opere; et pro expensis itineris
o0202001.212b 1433/4 marzo 24 Authorization to commission sandstone oculi for the cupola. Title: Filippus ser Brunelleschi et caputmagister Opere teneantur
o0202001.212b 1433/4 marzo 24 Authorization to commission sandstone oculi for the cupola. Text: quod caputmagister Opere et Filippus ser Brunelleschi
o0202001.212b 1433/4 marzo 24 Authorization to commission sandstone oculi for the cupola. Text: ser Brunelleschi teneantur et debeant locare cuicumque
o0202001.212b 1433/4 marzo 24 Authorization to commission sandstone oculi for the cupola. Text: pro quolibet macigno; et quicquid circa predicta
o0202001.212b 1433/4 marzo 24 Authorization to commission sandstone oculi for the cupola. Text: fecerint intelligatur factum et sit per eorum
o0202001.212c 1433/4 marzo 24 Authorization to rent a house. Text: deliberaverunt quod provisor et notarius Opere teneantur
o0202001.212c 1433/4 marzo 24 Authorization to rent a house. Text: notarius Opere teneantur et debeant conducere a
o0202001.212c 1433/4 marzo 24 Authorization to rent a house. Text: pro dicto tempore et pro dicto pretio,
o0202001.212c 1433/4 marzo 24 Authorization to rent a house. Text: Filippozo ser Brunelleschi et ser Iuliano de
o0202001.212d 1433/4 marzo 24 Term of payment to a debtor. Text: Item simili modo et forma statuerunt termimum
o0202001.212d 1433/4 marzo 24 Term of payment to a debtor. Text: observando; alias gratia et terminus sit nullus
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: operarii simili modo et forma, actendentes ad
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: pro prestantiis secundi et tertii anni novarum
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: per Commune Florentie et per habentes baliam
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: anno Domini MCCCCXIII, et audita quadam postulatione
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: opportuna consilia Populi et Communis Florentie de
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: octavo indictione duodecima et die decimo nono
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: predictorum, hospitale predictum et eius bona quecumque
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: eius bona quecumque et seu hereditates vel
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: aliqua ultima voluntate et seu vigore cuiuscumque
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: seu fuerit hereditas et seu bona, si
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: seu bona, si et in quantum ipsa
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: seu bona adprehendantur et seu adeatur vel
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: adeatur vel acceptetur et seu adita hactenus
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: prestantiis residuis, extimis et accattis hactenus impositis
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: accattis hactenus impositis et bannitis postquam pro
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: onerum fuisset finita et ordinata. Et similiter
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: Et similiter intelligatur et sit pro prestantiis
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: prestantiis residuis, extimis et accattis de cetero
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: in civitate indicendis et banniendis postquam hereditas
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: dictam apprehensionem, adictionem et seu acceptationem factam
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: seu acceptationem factam et seu faciendam ut
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: dictum est impositorum et seu que imponi
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: contra dictum hospitale et eius bona et
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: et eius bona et contra bona sibi
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: bona sibi delata et percepta et etiam
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: delata et percepta et etiam deferenda ex
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: hereditatibus vel bonis et seu ultima voluntate
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: talis defuncti hactenus et similiter in futurum
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: similiter in futurum et quo ad ipsum
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: ad ipsum hospitale et dicta bona et
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: et dicta bona et hereditas predicta exactio
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: ad non soluta; et similiter cesset et
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: et similiter cesset et cessare debeat quelibet
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: profertur indicendis insurgens et resultans. Et quicquid
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: contrafieret sit irritum et inane et de
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: irritum et inane et de facto per
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: per quemlibet offitialem et seu offitiales possit
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: seu offitiales possit et debeat revocari et
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: et debeat revocari et effectus secundum veram
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: 6 soldi 1", et in margine est
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: dicte prestantie bannirentur et per reformationem Communis
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: 26 ianuarii 1413"; et ad pedes dicte
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: de Eugubio civem et advocatum florentinum cuius
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: "Christi nomine invocato et matris eius Virginis
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: in controversiam veniat et perans. presens exhytatio
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: exhytatio altiori stilo et longiori disputatione pro
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: longiori disputatione pro et contra examinanda occurretur,
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: sine dubitatione procedere et de minima quantitate
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: sed immune sit et exemptio ut in
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: in dicta privilegii et immunitatis concessione expresse
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: C. de annonis et tributis, lib. X,
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: tributis, lib. X, et in l. Vacuatis,
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: decurionibus, eodem libro, et notare in l.
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: de iure immunitatis, et in l. Vacuatis,
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: decurionibus, eodem libro, et in. l. III,
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: de iure immu., et utrobique per Bartolus,
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: De sacrosanctis ecclesiis, et in l. Incola
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: iam, Ad municipalem, et in l. I,
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: no. cen. vel. et eli., et in
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: vel. et eli., et in l. I,
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: que in prestantiis et similibus oneribus consistat,
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: non ut prestantia et sic cessant verba,
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: cessant verba, ergo et eius dispositio, l.
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: offitiales qui baliam et auctoritatem habuer(un)t augendi
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: habuer(un)t augendi introytus et redditus Communis Florentie
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: indicendo novas gabellas et alia faciendo nullam
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: respectu gabelle indicte et imposite fuerunt, cum
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: sed solum prestantias et sub nomine prestantiarum
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: solvitur ad perdendum et nichilominus sub vocabulo
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