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Context of query
o0201085.003vb 1424 novembre 22 Letter of summons to the administrator of Pisa for audit of accounts. Text: prefato quedam computa et alia expedientia circa
o0202001.109b 1429 luglio 6 Letter of summons to the (guard of the forest) for the cutting of two poles. Text: Paulo de Oricellariis et Agustino de Capponibus
o0202001.109b 1429 luglio 6 Letter of summons to the (guard of the forest) for the cutting of two poles. Text: visis presentibus venire et comparere teneatur et
o0202001.109b 1429 luglio 6 Letter of summons to the (guard of the forest) for the cutting of two poles. Text: et comparere teneatur et debeat coram eorum
o0202001.109b 1429 luglio 6 Letter of summons to the (guard of the forest) for the cutting of two poles. Text: verum nec ne, et si et in
o0202001.109b 1429 luglio 6 Letter of summons to the (guard of the forest) for the cutting of two poles. Text: ne, et si et in quantum offitium
o0202001.109b 1429 luglio 6 Letter of summons to the (guard of the forest) for the cutting of two poles. Text: de predictis omnibus et de aliis offitio
o0202001.238vi 1435 agosto 8 Letter of summons to the prior of San Sisto of Pisa for a contract for a glass oculus of the Duomo. Text: offitio alias etc., et hoc pro locatione
o0202001.206d 1433 ottobre 9 Letter of summons with notification of appointment to convey and raft lumber. Text: pecunia pro conducendo et foderando certum lignamen.
o0202001.038e 1426 agosto 8 Letter of thanks for favors received. Text: transmissis prefate Opere et regratietur de gestis
o0202001.038e 1426 agosto 8 Letter of thanks for favors received. Text: utilitatem dicte Opere et quod per presentes
o0202001.038e 1426 agosto 8 Letter of thanks for favors received. Text: cum omnibus necessariis et opportunis, prout per
o0202001.215vg 1434 aprile 30 Letter of thanks for services favoring the delivery of marble. Text: favorem eorum offitii; et quod placeat advisare
o0202001.215vg 1434 aprile 30 Letter of thanks for services favoring the delivery of marble. Text: ad civitatem Pisarum; et quod habita informatione
o0202001.225vg 1434 dicembre 29 Letter of thanks to the Elders of Lucca for marble. Text: de cavando marmorem et conducendo ad Operam.
o0201074.026g 1418 ottobre 27 Letter prohibiting whoever receives marble of the Opera at Pisa from selling it with a penalty if the prohibition not be respected. Text: venderet condempnaverunt etc. et quod non scribunt
o0201072.026i 1417/8 marzo 12 Letter regarding an imprisoned person. Text: in carceribus Rabattam et eum non relapsent
o0201074.024b 1418 ottobre 19 Letter to a citizen of Pisa to excuse the absence of a master called by the Opera. Text: rogitu dictorum operariorum et quod propterea habeat
o0201086.014vc 1425 aprile 28 Letter to a debt collector enabling him to demand payment in countryside. Text: deliberaverunt simili modo et forma quod Antonius
o0201086.014vc 1425 aprile 28 Letter to a debt collector enabling him to demand payment in countryside. Text: notario dicte Opere et quod notarius dicte
o0201086.014vc 1425 aprile 28 Letter to a debt collector enabling him to demand payment in countryside. Text: eidem teneatur facere et dare eo modo
o0201086.014vc 1425 aprile 28 Letter to a debt collector enabling him to demand payment in countryside. Text: dare eo modo et forma ut alias
o0201086.014vc 1425 aprile 28 Letter to a debt collector enabling him to demand payment in countryside. Text: precepta cives florentinos et ecclesias et bona
o0201086.014vc 1425 aprile 28 Letter to a debt collector enabling him to demand payment in countryside. Text: florentinos et ecclesias et bona ipsarum, que
o0201086.014vc 1425 aprile 28 Letter to a debt collector enabling him to demand payment in countryside. Text: facto possit realiter et personaliter gravari, et
o0201086.014vc 1425 aprile 28 Letter to a debt collector enabling him to demand payment in countryside. Text: et personaliter gravari, et circa predicta quod
o0201086.014vc 1425 aprile 28 Letter to a debt collector enabling him to demand payment in countryside. Text: prestare eidem auxilium et favorem et sic
o0201086.014vc 1425 aprile 28 Letter to a debt collector enabling him to demand payment in countryside. Text: auxilium et favorem et sic scribatur eis,
o0201086.014vc 1425 aprile 28 Letter to a debt collector enabling him to demand payment in countryside. Text: sic scribatur eis, et quod alii comitatini
o0201086.014vc 1425 aprile 28 Letter to a debt collector enabling him to demand payment in countryside. Text: factis dictis preceptis; et quod rectores pro
o0201086.014vc 1425 aprile 28 Letter to a debt collector enabling him to demand payment in countryside. Text: opportuna consilia Populi et Communis Florentie facta
o0201086.014vc 1425 aprile 28 Letter to a debt collector enabling him to demand payment in countryside. Text: Communis Florentie facta et per quinque reformatores
o0201073.010vg 1418 maggio 20 Letter to a kilnman instructing him to present himself at the Opera and do what he has promised. Text: ad dictos operarios et ad dictum Opus
o0201073.010vg 1418 maggio 20 Letter to a kilnman instructing him to present himself at the Opera and do what he has promised. Text: Opus ad faciendum et attinendum id quod
o0201073.010vg 1418 maggio 20 Letter to a kilnman instructing him to present himself at the Opera and do what he has promised. Text: id quod promisit et facere tenetur Operi
o0201074.027vb 1418 novembre 15 Letter to a kilnman with summons for ratification of contract for broad bricks and his guarantee of indemnity to the Opera for the rent of the kiln. Text: de quadronibus etc. et quod veniat etc.
o0201074.027vb 1418 novembre 15 Letter to a kilnman with summons for ratification of contract for broad bricks and his guarantee of indemnity to the Opera for the rent of the kiln. Text: quod veniat etc. et quod in casu
o0201074.027vb 1418 novembre 15 Letter to a kilnman with summons for ratification of contract for broad bricks and his guarantee of indemnity to the Opera for the rent of the kiln. Text: Septimo ad requisitionem et pro dicto Pardo
o0202001.203a 1433 luglio 13 Letter to a lumber supplier and term for consignment. Text: quod ipsi condempnaverunt et de facto multaverunt
o0202001.203a 1433 luglio 13 Letter to a lumber supplier and term for consignment. Text: quinquaginta fp. dandis et solvendis Opere per
o0202001.203a 1433 luglio 13 Letter to a lumber supplier and term for consignment. Text: proxime futuri, tunc et eo casu a
o0202001.203a 1433 luglio 13 Letter to a lumber supplier and term for consignment. Text: multa sit liber et absolutus; et ubi
o0202001.203a 1433 luglio 13 Letter to a lumber supplier and term for consignment. Text: liber et absolutus; et ubi predicta non
o0202001.203a 1433 luglio 13 Letter to a lumber supplier and term for consignment. Text: quantitatem librarum quinquaginta et postea realiter et
o0202001.203a 1433 luglio 13 Letter to a lumber supplier and term for consignment. Text: et postea realiter et personaliter erit gravatus
o0201081.011va 1422 agosto 14 Letter to a notary Florentine living in Pisa instructing him to summarize, transcribe and send copy of the Pisan testaments with appropriate payment. Text: civitatis dominium acquisivit et transcribere in quodam
o0201081.011va 1422 agosto 14 Letter to a notary Florentine living in Pisa instructing him to summarize, transcribe and send copy of the Pisan testaments with appropriate payment. Text: in quodam quaterno et copiam mictere dictis
o0201081.011va 1422 agosto 14 Letter to a notary Florentine living in Pisa instructing him to summarize, transcribe and send copy of the Pisan testaments with appropriate payment. Text: mictere dictis operariis et ei de suo
o0202001.204vi 1433 settembre 1 Letter to a stonecutter to solicit his return and his successive trip to the forest. Text: Item prefati Laurentius et Bernardus una cum
o0202001.204vi 1433 settembre 1 Letter to a stonecutter to solicit his return and his successive trip to the forest. Text: Andree de Giugnis et Guidone Soletti Pere
o0202001.204vi 1433 settembre 1 Letter to a stonecutter to solicit his return and his successive trip to the forest. Text: quod eorum parte et dicti offitii scribatur
o0202001.222vg 1434 ottobre 22 Letter to a supplier instructing him to convey lumber and threat to write to the Podestà. Title: pro lignamine Opere et una alia littera
o0202001.222vg 1434 ottobre 22 Letter to a supplier instructing him to convey lumber and threat to write to the Podestà. Text: ad Sevem conductori et foderatori lignaminis Opere
o0202001.222vg 1434 ottobre 22 Letter to a supplier instructing him to convey lumber and threat to write to the Podestà. Text: punietur gravi pena et nulla excusatio sibi
o0202001.222vg 1434 ottobre 22 Letter to a supplier instructing him to convey lumber and threat to write to the Podestà. Text: excusatio sibi admictetur; et si hec non
o0202001.222vg 1434 ottobre 22 Letter to a supplier instructing him to convey lumber and threat to write to the Podestà. Text: ad sic faciendum et observandum.
o0202001.237g 1435 luglio 5 Letter to Antonio Malespini to solicit the collaboration of the inhabitants of Nicola for the construction of that castle. Text: de prestando auxilium et favorem magistris Opere
o0201079.048a 1421 dicembre 5 Letter to bankers in Pisa to pay suppliers of marble. Text: Verani de Peruziis et sociis campsoribus in
o0201079.048a 1421 dicembre 5 Letter to bankers in Pisa to pay suppliers of marble. Text: marmoris, solum videlicet et dumtaxat conducentibus pro
o0201079.048a 1421 dicembre 5 Letter to bankers in Pisa to pay suppliers of marble. Text: conducentibus pro nolo et non aliis vel
o0201075.023vc 1419 aprile 28 Letter to debt collector for podestàs and rectors of the countryside instructing them to compel the debtors to pay. Text: continens quod Potestates et rectores comitatus florentini
o0201075.023vc 1419 aprile 28 Letter to debt collector for podestàs and rectors of the countryside instructing them to compel the debtors to pay. Text: ad solvendum cives et clericos debitores Operis;
o0201075.023vc 1419 aprile 28 Letter to debt collector for podestàs and rectors of the countryside instructing them to compel the debtors to pay. Text: clericos debitores Operis; et precipiant uni vel
o0202001.233vg 1435 maggio 10 Letter to have a master glazier come from Lubecca. Text: Florentiam eo modo et forma prout dicet
o0201078.044vc 1421 giugno 26 Letter to iron masters for conferral of contract for supply of iron bars to tie together the sandstone blocks of the main cupola. Text: ferrum conducatur provideri et ut melius et
o0201078.044vc 1421 giugno 26 Letter to iron masters for conferral of contract for supply of iron bars to tie together the sandstone blocks of the main cupola. Text: et ut melius et utilius haberi possit,
o0201078.044vc 1421 giugno 26 Letter to iron masters for conferral of contract for supply of iron bars to tie together the sandstone blocks of the main cupola. Text: haberi possit, premisso et facto inter eos
o0201078.044vc 1421 giugno 26 Letter to iron masters for conferral of contract for supply of iron bars to tie together the sandstone blocks of the main cupola. Text: inter eos solepni et secreto scruptinio ad
o0201078.044vc 1421 giugno 26 Letter to iron masters for conferral of contract for supply of iron bars to tie together the sandstone blocks of the main cupola. Text: ad fabas nigras et albas et obtento
o0201078.044vc 1421 giugno 26 Letter to iron masters for conferral of contract for supply of iron bars to tie together the sandstone blocks of the main cupola. Text: nigras et albas et obtento partito secundum
o0201078.044vc 1421 giugno 26 Letter to iron masters for conferral of contract for supply of iron bars to tie together the sandstone blocks of the main cupola. Text: ad se intelligendum et componendum cum eis
o0202001.118g 1429 dicembre 2 Letter to lumber supplier for summons. Text: dicto offitio videbitur et placebit.
o0201077.030vb 1420 aprile 1 Letter to lumber suppliers to solicit consignment. Text: sollicitando quod incidant et conducant secundum formam
o0202001.253vd 1436 maggio 18 Letter to master builder elect informing him that, in view of the reasons presented by him, provision will be made to elect another person. Text: Canacciis quod, rationibus et causis per eum
o0202001.218va 1434 luglio 13 Letter to one of the Five of Pisa about the transport of marble and the payment of the boatmen. Text: ad civitatem Pisarum; et quod etiam placeat
o0202001.218va 1434 luglio 13 Letter to one of the Five of Pisa about the transport of marble and the payment of the boatmen. Text: conduxerunt dictum marmorem et reddat de solutione
o0202001.218va 1434 luglio 13 Letter to one of the Five of Pisa about the transport of marble and the payment of the boatmen. Text: eorum offitium advisatum, et ipsi statim providebunt
o0202001.218va 1434 luglio 13 Letter to one of the Five of Pisa about the transport of marble and the payment of the boatmen. Text: pecunias quas solvet et quantitatem propriam ut
o0202001.218va 1434 luglio 13 Letter to one of the Five of Pisa about the transport of marble and the payment of the boatmen. Text: eidem destinare tenentur; et hoc propter infamiam,
o0202001.218va 1434 luglio 13 Letter to one of the Five of Pisa about the transport of marble and the payment of the boatmen. Text: actento quod ipse et Fraschetta sic eis
o0202001.042va 1426 ottobre 17 Letter to Pisa to communicate the election of the new notary of testaments. Text: libra quantitatis exigende, et quod placeat ipsum
o0202001.042va 1426 ottobre 17 Letter to Pisa to communicate the election of the new notary of testaments. Text: ad bene faciendum et dictum offitium exercendum
o0202001.042va 1426 ottobre 17 Letter to Pisa to communicate the election of the new notary of testaments. Text: dictum offitium exercendum et dare eidem librum,
o0202001.241f 1435 settembre 20 Letter to Pisan firm to have it pay to the Opera the sums of money collected as determined by the administrator of Pisa. Text: eorum manus perventis et perveniendis facere solutionem
o0202001.241f 1435 settembre 20 Letter to Pisan firm to have it pay to the Opera the sums of money collected as determined by the administrator of Pisa. Text: prout fuerit expediens et prout eis imponetur
o0201079.047e 1421 dicembre 4 Letter to Podestà, rectors and bankers of Pisa in favor of master for supply of marble. Text: de Settignano universis et singulis potestatibus et
o0201079.047e 1421 dicembre 4 Letter to Podestà, rectors and bankers of Pisa in favor of master for supply of marble. Text: et singulis potestatibus et rectoribus continens pro
o0201079.047e 1421 dicembre 4 Letter to Podestà, rectors and bankers of Pisa in favor of master for supply of marble. Text: ipso marmore conducendo, et etiam Bartholomeo Verani
o0201079.047e 1421 dicembre 4 Letter to Podestà, rectors and bankers of Pisa in favor of master for supply of marble. Text: Verani de Peruzis et sociis campsoribus Pisis
o0201070b.018ve 1417 aprile 28 Letter to Podestà, rectors and officials of the countryside and district to demand payment of all those indicated by the administrator. Text: Filippo de Ceffinis et Ugolino de Mazinghis
o0201070b.018ve 1417 aprile 28 Letter to Podestà, rectors and officials of the countryside and district to demand payment of all those indicated by the administrator. Text: quod scribatur potestatibus et rectoribus et officialibus
o0201070b.018ve 1417 aprile 28 Letter to Podestà, rectors and officials of the countryside and district to demand payment of all those indicated by the administrator. Text: potestatibus et rectoribus et officialibus comitatus et
o0201070b.018ve 1417 aprile 28 Letter to Podestà, rectors and officials of the countryside and district to demand payment of all those indicated by the administrator. Text: et officialibus comitatus et districtus Florentie quod
o0201070b.018ve 1417 aprile 28 Letter to Podestà, rectors and officials of the countryside and district to demand payment of all those indicated by the administrator. Text: quod gravent omnes et singulos qui scribentur
o0202001.046f 1426 novembre 29 Letter to preaching friar ordering him to come to give explanations. Text: de Sancte Crucis et predicatori quatenus placeat
o0202001.046f 1426 novembre 29 Letter to preaching friar ordering him to come to give explanations. Text: offitium de quibusdam, et mictatur unus expensis
o0202001.242va 1435 ottobre 14 Letter to the administrator for the Opera in Pisa instructing him to put aside the action against the properties of a (debtor) and term of payment to the latter. Text: Item simili modo et forma deliberaverunt quod
o0202001.242va 1435 ottobre 14 Letter to the administrator for the Opera in Pisa instructing him to put aside the action against the properties of a (debtor) and term of payment to the latter. Text: non scribatur sibi; et statuerunt terminum dicto
o0201084.001vc 1423/4 gennaio 4 Letter to the administrator in Pisa for a rope large. Text: magnum secundum modum et mensuram, prout est
o0201086.001ve 1424/5 gennaio 12 Letter to the administrator of Lastra with temporary prohibition to build. Text: littera provisori Lastre et Malmantilis quod precipiat
o0201086.001ve 1424/5 gennaio 12 Letter to the administrator of Lastra with temporary prohibition to build. Text: precipiat omnibus magistris et aliis qui laborant
o0201086.001ve 1424/5 gennaio 12 Letter to the administrator of Lastra with temporary prohibition to build. Text: faciant pro edificio et laborerio murorum et
o0201086.001ve 1424/5 gennaio 12 Letter to the administrator of Lastra with temporary prohibition to build. Text: et laborerio murorum et portarum dictorum castrorum
o0202001.069l 1427 ottobre 16 Letter to the administrator of Malmantile and the Podestà of Lastra and Signa to have the holes in the walls of the castle walled up at the expense of the masters. Text: littera provisori Malmantilis et una littera Potestati
o0202001.069l 1427 ottobre 16 Letter to the administrator of Malmantile and the Podestà of Lastra and Signa to have the holes in the walls of the castle walled up at the expense of the masters. Text: littera Potestati Lastre et Signe quod remurari
o0202001.069l 1427 ottobre 16 Letter to the administrator of Malmantile and the Podestà of Lastra and Signa to have the holes in the walls of the castle walled up at the expense of the masters. Text: fecerunt dictos muros et ipsos cogi facia(n)t
o0202001.069l 1427 ottobre 16 Letter to the administrator of Malmantile and the Podestà of Lastra and Signa to have the holes in the walls of the castle walled up at the expense of the masters. Text: cogi facia(n)t realiter et personaliter ad remurandum
o0202001.021vc 1425/6 febbraio 6 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for a rope. Text: Gentilis de Albiziis et Georgius Pieri de
o0202001.021vc 1425/6 febbraio 6 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for a rope. Text: existentes collegialiter congregati et coadunati in loco
o0202001.021vc 1425/6 febbraio 6 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for a rope. Text: dato, misso, facto et celebrato inter eos
o0202001.021vc 1425/6 febbraio 6 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for a rope. Text: inter eos solempni et secreto scruptineo ad
o0202001.021vc 1425/6 febbraio 6 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for a rope. Text: ad fabas nigras et albas et obtento
o0202001.021vc 1425/6 febbraio 6 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for a rope. Text: nigras et albas et obtento partito deliberaverunt,
o0202001.021vc 1425/6 febbraio 6 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for a rope. Text: canapem mensure longitudinis et grossitudinis, prout dicet
o0202001.021vc 1425/6 febbraio 6 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for a rope. Text: grossitudinis, prout dicet et dabit caputmagister prefate
o0202001.021vc 1425/6 febbraio 6 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for a rope. Text: caputmagister prefate Opere et prout dicet Iulianus
o0202001.021vc 1425/6 febbraio 6 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for a rope. Text: Iulianus Tomaxii Ghuccii, et pro eo pretio
o0201086.010c 1425 aprile 12 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for copy of writings concerning a testamentary bequest. Text: Silvestri magistri Benvenuti et Francischus Benedicti Caroccii
o0201086.010c 1425 aprile 12 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for copy of writings concerning a testamentary bequest. Text: dato, misso, facto et cellebrato inter ipsos
o0201086.010c 1425 aprile 12 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for copy of writings concerning a testamentary bequest. Text: ipsos omnes solempni et secreto scruptineo ad
o0201086.010c 1425 aprile 12 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for copy of writings concerning a testamentary bequest. Text: ad fabas nigras et albas et obtento
o0201086.010c 1425 aprile 12 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for copy of writings concerning a testamentary bequest. Text: nigras et albas et obtento partito deliberaverunt,
o0201086.010c 1425 aprile 12 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for copy of writings concerning a testamentary bequest. Text: in quadam causa et questione que vertebatur
o0201086.010c 1425 aprile 12 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for copy of writings concerning a testamentary bequest. Text: questione que vertebatur et erat inter quemdam
o0201086.010c 1425 aprile 12 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for copy of writings concerning a testamentary bequest. Text: ex parte una et fratres cartusienses de
o0201086.010c 1425 aprile 12 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for copy of writings concerning a testamentary bequest. Text: pro Piero, Saragone et Tempo fratribus et
o0201086.010c 1425 aprile 12 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for copy of writings concerning a testamentary bequest. Text: et Tempo fratribus et filiis quondam Giani
o0201086.010c 1425 aprile 12 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for copy of writings concerning a testamentary bequest. Text: bonis ipsorum fratrum, et hoc vigore cuiusdam
o0201086.010c 1425 aprile 12 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for copy of writings concerning a testamentary bequest. Text: bonis prefatorum fratrum et domo predicta; et
o0201086.010c 1425 aprile 12 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for copy of writings concerning a testamentary bequest. Text: et domo predicta; et quod placeat eidem
o0201086.010c 1425 aprile 12 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for copy of writings concerning a testamentary bequest. Text: in causa predicta et advisare eos de
o0201086.010c 1425 aprile 12 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for copy of writings concerning a testamentary bequest. Text: pro dictis scripturis et eidem illico transmictetur.
o0201086.016vc 1425 maggio 16 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for information on testamentary bequest of house. Text: Item simili modo et forma deliberaverunt quod
o0201086.016vc 1425 maggio 16 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for information on testamentary bequest of house. Text: causa que vertebatur et erat inter ser
o0201086.016vc 1425 maggio 16 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for information on testamentary bequest of house. Text: ex parte una et fratres cartusienses de
o0201086.016vc 1425 maggio 16 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for information on testamentary bequest of house. Text: citius poterit copiari et summi faciat et
o0201086.016vc 1425 maggio 16 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for information on testamentary bequest of house. Text: et summi faciat et ipsas mictat eis
o0201086.016vc 1425 maggio 16 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for information on testamentary bequest of house. Text: ipsas mictat eis et ipsos reddat advisatos
o0201086.016vc 1425 maggio 16 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for information on testamentary bequest of house. Text: advisatos de pretio et quo velit dictum
o0202001.049b 1426/7 gennaio 10 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for proclamation about the testamentary legacies with term of payment. Text: persona de civitate et comitatu Pisarum, que
o0202001.049b 1426/7 gennaio 10 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for proclamation about the testamentary legacies with term of payment. Text: Pisarum, que teneretur et deberet solvere dicte
o0202001.049b 1426/7 gennaio 10 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for proclamation about the testamentary legacies with term of payment. Text: pro Communi Florentie et pro dicta Opera
o0202001.049b 1426/7 gennaio 10 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for proclamation about the testamentary legacies with term of payment. Text: ultimarum voluntatum, teneantur et debeant illi de
o0202001.049b 1426/7 gennaio 10 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for proclamation about the testamentary legacies with term of payment. Text: die dicti bampni et illi de comitatu
o0202001.049b 1426/7 gennaio 10 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for proclamation about the testamentary legacies with term of payment. Text: sine aliqua pena, et non solvendo dicto
o0202001.049b 1426/7 gennaio 10 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for proclamation about the testamentary legacies with term of payment. Text: debeant gravari realiter et personaliter ad solvendum
o0201086.008a 1425 marzo 26 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for the purchase of a rope for the hoist. Text: Prefati operarii modo et forma predictis deliberaverunt
o0201086.008a 1425 marzo 26 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for the purchase of a rope for the hoist. Text: colla eo modo et forma quo per
o0201086.008a 1425 marzo 26 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for the purchase of a rope for the hoist. Text: Filippum ser Brunelleschi et Batistam Antonii caputmagistrum
o0201086.008a 1425 marzo 26 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for the purchase of a rope for the hoist. Text: dicte Opere designabitur et ostendetur et pro
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