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A1-150  A151-300  A301-450  A451-600  A601-750  A751-900  A901-1050  A1051-1200  A1201-1350  A1351-1500  A1501-1650  A1651-1800  A1801-1950  A1951-2100  A2101-2250  A2251-2400  A2401-2550  A2551-2700  A2701-2850  A2851-3000  A3001-3150  A3151-3300  A3301-3450  A3451-3600  A3601-3750  A3751-3900  A3901-4050  A4051-4200  A4201-4350  A4351-4500  A4501-4650  A4651-4800  A4801-4950  A4951-5100  A5101-5250  A5251-5400  A5401-5550  A5551-5700  A5701-5850  A5851-6000  A6001-6150  A6151-6300  A6301-6450  A6451-6600  A6601-6750  A6751-6900  A6901-7050  A7051-7200  A7201-7350  A7351-7500  A7501-7650  A7651-7800  A7801-7950  A7951-8100  A8101-8250  A8251-8400  A8401-8550  A8551-8700  A8701-8850  A8851-9000  A9001-9150  A9151-9300  A9301-9450  A9451-9600  A9601-9750  A9751-9900  A9901-10050  A10051-10200  A10201-10350  A10351-10500  A10501-10650  A10651-10800  A10801-10950  A10951-11100  A11101-11250  A11251-11400  A11401-11550  A11551-11700  A11701-11850  A11851-12000  A12001-12150  A12151-12300  A12301-12450  A12451-12600  A12601-12750  A12751-12900  A12901-13050  A13051-13200  A13201-13350  A13351-13500  A13501-13650  A13651-13800  A13801-13950  A13951-14100  A14101-14250  A14251-14400  A14401-14550  A14551-14700  A14701-14850  A14851-15000  A15001-15150  A15151-15300  A15301-15450  A15451-15600  A15601-15750  A15751-15900  A15901-16050  A16051-16200  A16201-16350  A16351-16500  A16501-16650  A16651-16800  A16801-16950  A16951-17100  A17101-17250  A17251-17400  A17401-17550  A17551-17700  A17701-17850  A17851-18000  A18001-18150  A18151-18300  A18301-18450  A18451-18600  A18601-18750  A18751-18900  A18901-19050  A19051-19200  A19201-19350  A19351-19500  A19501-19650  A19651-19800  A19801-19950  A19951-20100  A20101-20250  A20251-20400  A20401-20550  A20551-20700  A20701-20850  A20851-21000  A21001-21150  A21151-21300  A21301-21450  A21451-21600  A21601-21750  A21751-21900  A21901-22050  A22051-22200  A22201-22350  A22351-22500  A22501-22650  A22651-22800  A22801-22950  A22951-23100  A23101-23250  A23251-23400  A23401-23550  A23551-23700  A23701-23850  A23851-24000  A24001-24150  A24151-24300  A24301-24450  A24451-24600  A24601-24750  A24751-24900  A24901-25050  A25051-25200  A25201-25350  A25351-25500  A25501-25650  A25651-25800  A25801-25950  A25951-26100  A26101-26250  A26251-26400  A26401-26550  A26551-26700  A26701-26850  A26851-27000  A27001-27150  A27151-27300  A27301-27450  A27451-27600  A27601-27750  A27751-27900  A27901-28050  A28051-28200  A28201-28350  A28351-28500  A28501-28650  A28651-28800  A28801-28950  A28951-29100  A29101-29250  A29251-29400  A29401-29550  A29551-29700  A29701-29850  A29851-30000  A30001-30150  A30151-30300  A30301-30450  A30451-30600  A30601-30750  A30751-30900  A30901-31050  A31051-31200  A31201-31350  A31351-31500  A31501-31650  A31651-31800  A31801-31950  A31951-32100  A32101-32250  A32251-32400  A32401-32550  A32551-32700  A32701-32850  A32851-33000  A33001-33150  A33151-33300  A33301-33450  A33451-33600  A33601-33750  A33751-33900  A33901-34050  A34051-34200  A34201-34350  A34351-34500  A34501-34650  A34651-34800  A34801-34950  A34951-35100  A35101-35250  A35251-35400  A35401-35550  A35551-35700  A35701-35850  A35851-36000  A36001-36150  36151-36300 A36301-36450  A36451-36600  A36601-36750  A36751-36900  A36901-37050  A37051-37200  A37201-37350  A37351-37500  A37501-37650  A37651-37800  A37801-37950  A37951-38100  A38101-38250  A38251-38400  A38401-38550  A38551-38700  A38701-38850  A38851-39000  A39001-39150  A39151-39300  A39301-39450  A39451-39600  A39601-39750  A39751-39900  A39901-40050  A40051-40200  A40201-40350  A40351-40500  A40501-40650  A40651-40800  A40801-40950  A40951-41100  A41101-41250  A41251-41400  A41401-41550  A41551-41700  A41701-41850  A41851-42000  A42001-42150  A42151-42300  A42301-42450  A42451-42600  A42601-42750  A42751-42900  A42901-43050  A43051-43200  A43201-43350  A43351-43500  A43501-43650  A43651-43800  A43801-43950  A43951-44100  A44101-44250  A44251-44400  A44401-44550  A44551-44700  A44701-44850  A44851-45000  A45001-45150  A45151-45300  A45301-45450  A45451-45506 





Context of query
o0201079.025vd 1421 settembre 15 Ruling to place in church a drum for denunciations to be opened every fifteen days. Text: quibuslibet XV diebus, et contra in eo
o0201079.025vd 1421 settembre 15 Ruling to place in church a drum for denunciations to be opened every fifteen days. Text: tamburatum procedi possit et debeat per ipsos
o0201079.008ve 1421 luglio 24 Ruling to send debt collectors into countryside to demand payment of debtors and letter to the rectors of the countryside instructing them to assist said debt collectors. Text: cives in comitatu et etiam quandoque in
o0201079.008ve 1421 luglio 24 Ruling to send debt collectors into countryside to demand payment of debtors and letter to the rectors of the countryside instructing them to assist said debt collectors. Text: in civitate residentiam et facientes et etiam
o0201079.008ve 1421 luglio 24 Ruling to send debt collectors into countryside to demand payment of debtors and letter to the rectors of the countryside instructing them to assist said debt collectors. Text: residentiam et facientes et etiam quamplura benefitia
o0201079.008ve 1421 luglio 24 Ruling to send debt collectors into countryside to demand payment of debtors and letter to the rectors of the countryside instructing them to assist said debt collectors. Text: etiam quamplura benefitia et loca ecclesiastica debitores
o0201079.008ve 1421 luglio 24 Ruling to send debt collectors into countryside to demand payment of debtors and letter to the rectors of the countryside instructing them to assist said debt collectors. Text: Opere pro prestantiis et gabellis et aliis
o0201079.008ve 1421 luglio 24 Ruling to send debt collectors into countryside to demand payment of debtors and letter to the rectors of the countryside instructing them to assist said debt collectors. Text: prestantiis et gabellis et aliis causis in
o0201079.008ve 1421 luglio 24 Ruling to send debt collectors into countryside to demand payment of debtors and letter to the rectors of the countryside instructing them to assist said debt collectors. Text: in quampluribus quantitatibus et summis et solvere
o0201079.008ve 1421 luglio 24 Ruling to send debt collectors into countryside to demand payment of debtors and letter to the rectors of the countryside instructing them to assist said debt collectors. Text: quantitatibus et summis et solvere non curant,
o0201079.008ve 1421 luglio 24 Ruling to send debt collectors into countryside to demand payment of debtors and letter to the rectors of the countryside instructing them to assist said debt collectors. Text: solvere non curant, et intellecta necessitate dicte
o0201079.008ve 1421 luglio 24 Ruling to send debt collectors into countryside to demand payment of debtors and letter to the rectors of the countryside instructing them to assist said debt collectors. Text: debitores, videlicet cives et loca ecclesiastica vel
o0201079.008ve 1421 luglio 24 Ruling to send debt collectors into countryside to demand payment of debtors and letter to the rectors of the countryside instructing them to assist said debt collectors. Text: vel eorum laboratores et bona pro debitis
o0201079.008ve 1421 luglio 24 Ruling to send debt collectors into countryside to demand payment of debtors and letter to the rectors of the countryside instructing them to assist said debt collectors. Text: tantum ipsorum civium et benefitiorum et non
o0201079.008ve 1421 luglio 24 Ruling to send debt collectors into countryside to demand payment of debtors and letter to the rectors of the countryside instructing them to assist said debt collectors. Text: civium et benefitiorum et non alios vel
o0201079.008ve 1421 luglio 24 Ruling to send debt collectors into countryside to demand payment of debtors and letter to the rectors of the countryside instructing them to assist said debt collectors. Text: pro alia causa; et ut dicte gravationes
o0201079.008ve 1421 luglio 24 Ruling to send debt collectors into countryside to demand payment of debtors and letter to the rectors of the countryside instructing them to assist said debt collectors. Text: scribatur lictera semel et plures et quotiens
o0201079.008ve 1421 luglio 24 Ruling to send debt collectors into countryside to demand payment of debtors and letter to the rectors of the countryside instructing them to assist said debt collectors. Text: semel et plures et quotiens fuerit opportunum
o0201079.008ve 1421 luglio 24 Ruling to send debt collectors into countryside to demand payment of debtors and letter to the rectors of the countryside instructing them to assist said debt collectors. Text: opportunum quibuscumque rectoribus et officialibus comitatus Florentie
o0201079.008ve 1421 luglio 24 Ruling to send debt collectors into countryside to demand payment of debtors and letter to the rectors of the countryside instructing them to assist said debt collectors. Text: deputatis pro favore et auxilio prestando exactoribus
o0201079.008vd 1421 luglio 24 Ruling with notification for full payment of debt. Text: deliberaverunt quod omnes et singuli obligati pro
o0201079.008vd 1421 luglio 24 Ruling with notification for full payment of debt. Text: pro partita gratie et debiti Francisci Tanaglia
o0201079.008vd 1421 luglio 24 Ruling with notification for full payment of debt. Text: debiti Francisci Tanaglia et Filippo eius fratre
o0201078.009vb 1420/1 febbraio 17 Rulings about mode of payment to the debt collectors of 10 soldi for every pawn beyond the ordinary rights. Text: pignore ultra dirictum, et de ipsa quantitate
o0201078.009vb 1420/1 febbraio 17 Rulings about mode of payment to the debt collectors of 10 soldi for every pawn beyond the ordinary rights. Text: debitores ipsos exactores et differtur in saldando
o0201078.009vb 1420/1 febbraio 17 Rulings about mode of payment to the debt collectors of 10 soldi for every pawn beyond the ordinary rights. Text: saldando ipsas rationes, et potius est talis
o0201078.009vb 1420/1 febbraio 17 Rulings about mode of payment to the debt collectors of 10 soldi for every pawn beyond the ordinary rights. Text: dicti officii det et mutuet ipsi custodi
o0201078.009vb 1420/1 febbraio 17 Rulings about mode of payment to the debt collectors of 10 soldi for every pawn beyond the ordinary rights. Text: pro pignoribus conducendis et quando conducentur quantitates
o0201078.009vb 1420/1 febbraio 17 Rulings about mode of payment to the debt collectors of 10 soldi for every pawn beyond the ordinary rights. Text: prout supra dicitur, et ponere pro debitore
o0201078.009vb 1420/1 febbraio 17 Rulings about mode of payment to the debt collectors of 10 soldi for every pawn beyond the ordinary rights. Text: ipsum custodem tantum et non exactores ullo
o0201078.009vb 1420/1 febbraio 17 Rulings about mode of payment to the debt collectors of 10 soldi for every pawn beyond the ordinary rights. Text: exactores ullo modo; et sic ad restitutionem
o0201078.009vb 1420/1 febbraio 17 Rulings about mode of payment to the debt collectors of 10 soldi for every pawn beyond the ordinary rights. Text: Opere effectualiter teneatur et ipsas restituat paulatim
o0201078.009vb 1420/1 febbraio 17 Rulings about mode of payment to the debt collectors of 10 soldi for every pawn beyond the ordinary rights. Text: reluentur vel vendentur, et sic possit et
o0201078.009vb 1420/1 febbraio 17 Rulings about mode of payment to the debt collectors of 10 soldi for every pawn beyond the ordinary rights. Text: et sic possit et debeat observari omni
o0201074.010va 1418 agosto 23 Rulings about the design or closing of the residence of the canons and for the building of two walls closing off two streets. Text: hactenus quomodolibet quandocumque et per quoscumque facte
o0201074.010va 1418 agosto 23 Rulings about the design or closing of the residence of the canons and for the building of two walls closing off two streets. Text: clausura habitationis canonicorum et cappellanorum nisi de
o0201074.010va 1418 agosto 23 Rulings about the design or closing of the residence of the canons and for the building of two walls closing off two streets. Text: deliberetur per consules et operarios dicti Operis,
o0201074.010va 1418 agosto 23 Rulings about the design or closing of the residence of the canons and for the building of two walls closing off two streets. Text: operarios dicti Operis, et quod id quod
o0201074.010va 1418 agosto 23 Rulings about the design or closing of the residence of the canons and for the building of two walls closing off two streets. Text: consules Artis Lane et operarios dicti Operis
o0201074.010va 1418 agosto 23 Rulings about the design or closing of the residence of the canons and for the building of two walls closing off two streets. Text: circa dictum disegnum et clausuram deliberabitur de
o0201074.010va 1418 agosto 23 Rulings about the design or closing of the residence of the canons and for the building of two walls closing off two streets. Text: id sequi possit et debeat etc.; et
o0201074.010va 1418 agosto 23 Rulings about the design or closing of the residence of the canons and for the building of two walls closing off two streets. Text: et debeat etc.; et quod sumptibus Operis
o0201074.010va 1418 agosto 23 Rulings about the design or closing of the residence of the canons and for the building of two walls closing off two streets. Text: Uguicciozi de Ricciis et (domum) heredum Christofori
o0201074.010va 1418 agosto 23 Rulings about the design or closing of the residence of the canons and for the building of two walls closing off two streets. Text: dictum murum fiendum et domos dicte vie
o0201074.010va 1418 agosto 23 Rulings about the design or closing of the residence of the canons and for the building of two walls closing off two streets. Text: ad minus etc.; et quod fiat alius
o0201074.010va 1418 agosto 23 Rulings about the design or closing of the residence of the canons and for the building of two walls closing off two streets. Text: domini Iohannis Tedaldini et turrim Bartoli de
o0201074.010va 1418 agosto 23 Rulings about the design or closing of the residence of the canons and for the building of two walls closing off two streets. Text: Petri Celorum etc.; et dicti muri possint
o0201074.010va 1418 agosto 23 Rulings about the design or closing of the residence of the canons and for the building of two walls closing off two streets. Text: dicti muri possint et debeant incastrari cum
o0201078.012b 1420/1 marzo 10 Rulings about the modes of hiring of unskilled workers. Text: Opera manovales mictuntur et destinantur ad preces
o0201078.012b 1420/1 marzo 10 Rulings about the modes of hiring of unskilled workers. Text: qui quandoque ydoney et quandoque non reperuntur
o0201078.012b 1420/1 marzo 10 Rulings about the modes of hiring of unskilled workers. Text: non reperuntur esse, et etiam aliquando operarii
o0201078.012b 1420/1 marzo 10 Rulings about the modes of hiring of unskilled workers. Text: partitum quod micti et deputari possit per
o0201078.012b 1420/1 marzo 10 Rulings about the modes of hiring of unskilled workers. Text: quattuor fabas nigras; et si aliter mictetur
o0201078.012b 1420/1 marzo 10 Rulings about the modes of hiring of unskilled workers. Text: de eius salario et mercede per camerarium
o0201080.033a 1422 giugno 3 Rulings against large animals that enter in the forest, except oxen for towing lumber, and letter to the Podestà of Portico and Dicomano ordering them to proclaim the decree. Text: de Comuni Cornioli et aliunde cum eorum
o0201080.033a 1422 giugno 3 Rulings against large animals that enter in the forest, except oxen for towing lumber, and letter to the Podestà of Portico and Dicomano ordering them to proclaim the decree. Text: Opere dapnum cedit et redundat, volentes iuxta
o0201080.033a 1422 giugno 3 Rulings against large animals that enter in the forest, except oxen for towing lumber, and letter to the Podestà of Portico and Dicomano ordering them to proclaim the decree. Text: in Alpibus Cornioli et que vulgariter dicitur
o0201080.033a 1422 giugno 3 Rulings against large animals that enter in the forest, except oxen for towing lumber, and letter to the Podestà of Portico and Dicomano ordering them to proclaim the decree. Text: qualibet bestia grossa et vice qualibet, et
o0201080.033a 1422 giugno 3 Rulings against large animals that enter in the forest, except oxen for towing lumber, and letter to the Podestà of Portico and Dicomano ordering them to proclaim the decree. Text: et vice qualibet, et pro qualibet in
o0201080.033a 1422 giugno 3 Rulings against large animals that enter in the forest, except oxen for towing lumber, and letter to the Podestà of Portico and Dicomano ordering them to proclaim the decree. Text: f.p. pro qualibet et vice qualibet; et
o0201080.033a 1422 giugno 3 Rulings against large animals that enter in the forest, except oxen for towing lumber, and letter to the Podestà of Portico and Dicomano ordering them to proclaim the decree. Text: et vice qualibet; et pro qualibet turma
o0201080.033a 1422 giugno 3 Rulings against large animals that enter in the forest, except oxen for towing lumber, and letter to the Podestà of Portico and Dicomano ordering them to proclaim the decree. Text: pena librarum decem et pro qualibet turma
o0201080.033a 1422 giugno 3 Rulings against large animals that enter in the forest, except oxen for towing lumber, and letter to the Podestà of Portico and Dicomano ordering them to proclaim the decree. Text: vice qualibet aufferenda et dicte Opere applicanda;
o0201080.033a 1422 giugno 3 Rulings against large animals that enter in the forest, except oxen for towing lumber, and letter to the Podestà of Portico and Dicomano ordering them to proclaim the decree. Text: turma bestiarum grossarum et etiam minutarum intelligatur
o0201080.033a 1422 giugno 3 Rulings against large animals that enter in the forest, except oxen for towing lumber, and letter to the Podestà of Portico and Dicomano ordering them to proclaim the decree. Text: etiam minutarum intelligatur et sit bestiarum XXV
o0201080.033a 1422 giugno 3 Rulings against large animals that enter in the forest, except oxen for towing lumber, and letter to the Podestà of Portico and Dicomano ordering them to proclaim the decree. Text: sit bestiarum XXV et ab inde supra;
o0201080.033a 1422 giugno 3 Rulings against large animals that enter in the forest, except oxen for towing lumber, and letter to the Podestà of Portico and Dicomano ordering them to proclaim the decree. Text: ab inde supra; et quod quilibet possit
o0201080.033a 1422 giugno 3 Rulings against large animals that enter in the forest, except oxen for towing lumber, and letter to the Podestà of Portico and Dicomano ordering them to proclaim the decree. Text: quod quilibet possit et sibi liceat contrafacientes
o0201080.033a 1422 giugno 3 Rulings against large animals that enter in the forest, except oxen for towing lumber, and letter to the Podestà of Portico and Dicomano ordering them to proclaim the decree. Text: liceat contrafacientes accusare et notificare et habeat
o0201080.033a 1422 giugno 3 Rulings against large animals that enter in the forest, except oxen for towing lumber, and letter to the Podestà of Portico and Dicomano ordering them to proclaim the decree. Text: accusare et notificare et habeat et habere
o0201080.033a 1422 giugno 3 Rulings against large animals that enter in the forest, except oxen for towing lumber, and letter to the Podestà of Portico and Dicomano ordering them to proclaim the decree. Text: notificare et habeat et habere possit et
o0201080.033a 1422 giugno 3 Rulings against large animals that enter in the forest, except oxen for towing lumber, and letter to the Podestà of Portico and Dicomano ordering them to proclaim the decree. Text: et habere possit et debeat quartam partem
o0201080.033a 1422 giugno 3 Rulings against large animals that enter in the forest, except oxen for towing lumber, and letter to the Podestà of Portico and Dicomano ordering them to proclaim the decree. Text: inmictentur, sed intelligantur et sint domini ipsorum
o0201080.033a 1422 giugno 3 Rulings against large animals that enter in the forest, except oxen for towing lumber, and letter to the Podestà of Portico and Dicomano ordering them to proclaim the decree. Text: tali pena exclusi et in presenti ordinamento
o0201080.033a 1422 giugno 3 Rulings against large animals that enter in the forest, except oxen for towing lumber, and letter to the Podestà of Portico and Dicomano ordering them to proclaim the decree. Text: lictera Potestati Portici et Decomani quod predicta
o0201080.033a 1422 giugno 3 Rulings against large animals that enter in the forest, except oxen for towing lumber, and letter to the Podestà of Portico and Dicomano ordering them to proclaim the decree. Text: faciant publice bapniri et notificari in locis
o0201080.033a 1422 giugno 3 Rulings against large animals that enter in the forest, except oxen for towing lumber, and letter to the Podestà of Portico and Dicomano ordering them to proclaim the decree. Text: in locis publicis et consuetis dictarum potestariarum
o0201080.033a 1422 giugno 3 Rulings against large animals that enter in the forest, except oxen for towing lumber, and letter to the Podestà of Portico and Dicomano ordering them to proclaim the decree. Text: predictis penis afficiatur et rescribant. Die XX
o0202001.144ve 1431 giugno 28 Rulings against the debtors. Text: provisor prefate Opere et alii ministri Opere
o0202001.144ve 1431 giugno 28 Rulings against the debtors. Text: Opere ex parte et mandato offitii ipsorum
o0202001.144ve 1431 giugno 28 Rulings against the debtors. Text: notificari faciant omnibus et singulis debitoribus prefate
o0202001.144ve 1431 giugno 28 Rulings against the debtors. Text: futuri solvere teneantur et debeant omnem quantitatem
o0202001.144ve 1431 giugno 28 Rulings against the debtors. Text: qui debitores sunt et apparent scricti in
o0202001.144ve 1431 giugno 28 Rulings against the debtors. Text: per eorum nuntios et exactores realiter et
o0202001.144ve 1431 giugno 28 Rulings against the debtors. Text: et exactores realiter et personaliter ad faciendum
o0201074.008vd 1418 agosto 18 Rulings concerning demands of payment for forced loans. Text: collega, insimul ut et ubi supra congregati
o0201074.008vd 1418 agosto 18 Rulings concerning demands of payment for forced loans. Text: congregati causa, modo et forma suprascriptis deliberaverunt
o0201074.008vd 1418 agosto 18 Rulings concerning demands of payment for forced loans. Text: etc. quod omnes et singuli illi qui
o0201074.008vd 1418 agosto 18 Rulings concerning demands of payment for forced loans. Text: illi qui fuerint et seu sunt prestantiati
o0201074.008vd 1418 agosto 18 Rulings concerning demands of payment for forced loans. Text: quas solvere restant; et si sic satisdederint
o0201074.008vd 1418 agosto 18 Rulings concerning demands of payment for forced loans. Text: si sic satisdederint et postea solverint, non
o0201078.013a 1420/1 marzo 11 Rulings for build a small house in Trassinaia as refuge and place of work of workers and equipment in case of rain. Text: intellecto qualiter utile et necessarium est quamdam
o0201078.013a 1420/1 marzo 11 Rulings for build a small house in Trassinaia as refuge and place of work of workers and equipment in case of rain. Text: in eadem stare et recuperare possint manovales
o0201078.013a 1420/1 marzo 11 Rulings for build a small house in Trassinaia as refuge and place of work of workers and equipment in case of rain. Text: recuperare possint manovales et magistri qui in
o0201078.013a 1420/1 marzo 11 Rulings for build a small house in Trassinaia as refuge and place of work of workers and equipment in case of rain. Text: dicta Opera cavant et fodiunt macignos pro
o0201078.013a 1420/1 marzo 11 Rulings for build a small house in Trassinaia as refuge and place of work of workers and equipment in case of rain. Text: ligamine cupole maioris et pro aliis causis
o0201078.013a 1420/1 marzo 11 Rulings for build a small house in Trassinaia as refuge and place of work of workers and equipment in case of rain. Text: contingetur aquam pluere, et etiam pro ibidem
o0201078.013a 1420/1 marzo 11 Rulings for build a small house in Trassinaia as refuge and place of work of workers and equipment in case of rain. Text: ut supra deliberaverunt et providerunt quod in
o0201078.013a 1420/1 marzo 11 Rulings for build a small house in Trassinaia as refuge and place of work of workers and equipment in case of rain. Text: loco magis comodo et utile fiat quedam
o0201078.013a 1420/1 marzo 11 Rulings for build a small house in Trassinaia as refuge and place of work of workers and equipment in case of rain. Text: dictis temporibus pluvie et etiam tenendo mantacos
o0201078.013a 1420/1 marzo 11 Rulings for build a small house in Trassinaia as refuge and place of work of workers and equipment in case of rain. Text: etiam tenendo mantacos et sottiliando ferros et
o0201078.013a 1420/1 marzo 11 Rulings for build a small house in Trassinaia as refuge and place of work of workers and equipment in case of rain. Text: et sottiliando ferros et alia faciendo opportuna
o0201078.013a 1420/1 marzo 11 Rulings for build a small house in Trassinaia as refuge and place of work of workers and equipment in case of rain. Text: Opere secundum formam et modum de quo
o0201078.013a 1420/1 marzo 11 Rulings for build a small house in Trassinaia as refuge and place of work of workers and equipment in case of rain. Text: modum de quo et quibus videbitur Batiste
o0201070.010a 1416/7 marzo 2 Rulings for collection of rights owed by the treasurers of the salt and wine gabelles. Text: Prudentes et discreti viri Angelus
o0201070.010a 1416/7 marzo 2 Rulings for collection of rights owed by the treasurers of the salt and wine gabelles. Text: Donati de Barbadoris et Iohannes Dominici de
o0201070.010a 1416/7 marzo 2 Rulings for collection of rights owed by the treasurers of the salt and wine gabelles. Text: domo dicti Operis et loco solito audientie
o0201070.010a 1416/7 marzo 2 Rulings for collection of rights owed by the treasurers of the salt and wine gabelles. Text: adunati servatis primo et ante omnia omnibus
o0201070.010a 1416/7 marzo 2 Rulings for collection of rights owed by the treasurers of the salt and wine gabelles. Text: ante omnia omnibus et singulis solempnitatibus servari
o0201070.010a 1416/7 marzo 2 Rulings for collection of rights owed by the treasurers of the salt and wine gabelles. Text: solempnitatibus servari debitis et requisitis providerunt, deliberaverunt
o0201070.010a 1416/7 marzo 2 Rulings for collection of rights owed by the treasurers of the salt and wine gabelles. Text: requisitis providerunt, deliberaverunt et ordinaverunt omnia et
o0201070.010a 1416/7 marzo 2 Rulings for collection of rights owed by the treasurers of the salt and wine gabelles. Text: et ordinaverunt omnia et singula infrascripta, in
o0201070.010a 1416/7 marzo 2 Rulings for collection of rights owed by the treasurers of the salt and wine gabelles. Text: dominorum Priorum artium et Vexilliferi iustitie Populi
o0201070.010a 1416/7 marzo 2 Rulings for collection of rights owed by the treasurers of the salt and wine gabelles. Text: Vexilliferi iustitie Populi et Communis Florentie camerarius
o0201070.010a 1416/7 marzo 2 Rulings for collection of rights owed by the treasurers of the salt and wine gabelles. Text: Florentie camerarius salis et saline civitatis Florentie
o0201070.010a 1416/7 marzo 2 Rulings for collection of rights owed by the treasurers of the salt and wine gabelles. Text: saline civitatis Florentie et camerarius taxarum et
o0201070.010a 1416/7 marzo 2 Rulings for collection of rights owed by the treasurers of the salt and wine gabelles. Text: et camerarius taxarum et vini dicte civitatis
o0201070.010a 1416/7 marzo 2 Rulings for collection of rights owed by the treasurers of the salt and wine gabelles. Text: dicte civitatis Florentie et uterque eorum substinent
o0201070.010a 1416/7 marzo 2 Rulings for collection of rights owed by the treasurers of the salt and wine gabelles. Text: eorum substinent diem et sic non possunt
o0201070.010a 1416/7 marzo 2 Rulings for collection of rights owed by the treasurers of the salt and wine gabelles. Text: Operis possint, teneantur et debeant vigore presentis
o0201070.010a 1416/7 marzo 2 Rulings for collection of rights owed by the treasurers of the salt and wine gabelles. Text: diem dictis camerariis et utrique eorum tantum
o0201070.010a 1416/7 marzo 2 Rulings for collection of rights owed by the treasurers of the salt and wine gabelles. Text: dummodo dicti camerarii et uterque ipsorum ponant
o0201078.008c 1420/1 gennaio 31 Rulings for collection of the rights due for the gabelle on retail wine up to the end of its treasurer's term. Text: pro Communi Florentie et absque dapno dicte
o0201078.008c 1420/1 gennaio 31 Rulings for collection of the rights due for the gabelle on retail wine up to the end of its treasurer's term. Text: partem introytus possit et debeat micti quantitas
o0201078.008c 1420/1 gennaio 31 Rulings for collection of the rights due for the gabelle on retail wine up to the end of its treasurer's term. Text: ad Operam pertinens et pervenienda trium denariorum
o0201078.008c 1420/1 gennaio 31 Rulings for collection of the rights due for the gabelle on retail wine up to the end of its treasurer's term. Text: notarium infrascriptum licite et inpune, usque quo
o0201078.008c 1420/1 gennaio 31 Rulings for collection of the rights due for the gabelle on retail wine up to the end of its treasurer's term. Text: per ipsum camerarium et non ulterius.
o0201070.021d 1417 maggio 19 Rulings for collection of the three gabelles (wholesale wine, retail wine and butchering). Text: vini ad minutum et macelli, nisi solum
o0201070.021d 1417 maggio 19 Rulings for collection of the three gabelles (wholesale wine, retail wine and butchering). Text: macelli, nisi solum et dumtaxat pro primo
o0201070.021d 1417 maggio 19 Rulings for collection of the three gabelles (wholesale wine, retail wine and butchering). Text: pro anno 1416; et quod pro annis
o0201070.021d 1417 maggio 19 Rulings for collection of the three gabelles (wholesale wine, retail wine and butchering). Text: exigatur ab eisdem et gravari possint ad
o0201070.021d 1417 maggio 19 Rulings for collection of the three gabelles (wholesale wine, retail wine and butchering). Text: vino ad minutum et macello, pro eorum
o0201076.029va 1419 novembre 10 Rulings for debt for pardons of forced loans with reference to two different fiscal distributions. Text: suprascripti insimul ut et ubi supra congregati,
o0201076.029va 1419 novembre 10 Rulings for debt for pardons of forced loans with reference to two different fiscal distributions. Text: collega, causa, modo et forma suprascriptis deliberaverunt
o0201076.029va 1419 novembre 10 Rulings for debt for pardons of forced loans with reference to two different fiscal distributions. Text: simul tamen positis et in una reductis,
o0201076.029va 1419 novembre 10 Rulings for debt for pardons of forced loans with reference to two different fiscal distributions. Text: fuerunt dicti Papini et que bona fuerunt
o0201076.029va 1419 novembre 10 Rulings for debt for pardons of forced loans with reference to two different fiscal distributions. Text: fuerunt postea alienata et alteri adiudicata ante
o0201076.029va 1419 novembre 10 Rulings for debt for pardons of forced loans with reference to two different fiscal distributions. Text: presentis distributionis ventine; et sic sunt obligata
o0201076.029va 1419 novembre 10 Rulings for debt for pardons of forced loans with reference to two different fiscal distributions. Text: sic sunt obligata et voluerunt dicti operarii
o0201076.029va 1419 novembre 10 Rulings for debt for pardons of forced loans with reference to two different fiscal distributions. Text: presenti distributione ventine et quod non graventur
o0201080.017va 1421/2 marzo 13 Rulings for reduction of the weight of the cupola through narrowing of the corner piers and change to brick construction. Text: del Fiore predicte et quattuor officialibus cupole
o0201080.017va 1421/2 marzo 13 Rulings for reduction of the weight of the cupola through narrowing of the corner piers and change to brick construction. Text: palatio dicte Artis et in audientia superiori
o0201080.017va 1421/2 marzo 13 Rulings for reduction of the weight of the cupola through narrowing of the corner piers and change to brick construction. Text: congregati considerantes provisionem et deliberationem ultimo factam
o0201080.017va 1421/2 marzo 13 Rulings for reduction of the weight of the cupola through narrowing of the corner piers and change to brick construction. Text: dicte cupole fiendo et partibus et effectibus
o0201080.017va 1421/2 marzo 13 Rulings for reduction of the weight of the cupola through narrowing of the corner piers and change to brick construction. Text: fiendo et partibus et effectibus in ipsa
o0201080.017va 1421/2 marzo 13 Rulings for reduction of the weight of the cupola through narrowing of the corner piers and change to brick construction. Text: ipsa provisione descriptis, et considerantes consilia habita
o0201080.017va 1421/2 marzo 13 Rulings for reduction of the weight of the cupola through narrowing of the corner piers and change to brick construction. Text: asseruerunt super predictis et qualiter utilius est
o0201080.017va 1421/2 marzo 13 Rulings for reduction of the weight of the cupola through narrowing of the corner piers and change to brick construction. Text: super infrascripta aliter et de novo provideri
o0201080.017va 1421/2 marzo 13 Rulings for reduction of the weight of the cupola through narrowing of the corner piers and change to brick construction. Text: pratica retenta premisso et facto inter eos
o0201080.017va 1421/2 marzo 13 Rulings for reduction of the weight of the cupola through narrowing of the corner piers and change to brick construction. Text: eos omnes solepni et secreto scruptinio et
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